* ' v* '- -V'.- . rt'V^Cl «•••.!. / f. IBS. Bntoim MAYWASD Mr*. Birgitte Maynard, 77 years ' i'X : N:£'ir'Vjjgf. . l.,- ;'V-as».'I Mr. «ft! Mrs. W. Jdfcemwfc tUM old, dM suddenly at the home of her his sister at Richmond Sunday Wt- •MY. .0- nrn daughter; Nn, F. M. Ensign, about 6:80 o'clock Thursday evening:, June 4 Mrs. Maynard had teemed to be in her «m) good health during the day bat wa» stricken with a heart spell whlleyat her work assisting in preparing the evening meal and was ill only about an hour. Despite the efforts of physicians and the care of loving hands she passed away peace* fully, hrr death coming as a shock to her relatives and friends. Birgitte Jacobean was bom in Denmark, May 26, 1864. She came to America in 1885 and was united in marriage to Oscar Maynard of Barrington, 111., on February 7, 1887. After the death of her husband in 1910 she moved to Crystal Lake where she made her home with Mrs. Julia Piatt until the death of Mrs Piatt eighteen months ago, when she came to live with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Ensign of McHenry. She passed away at the age of 77 years and 8 days. | She leaves to mourn, four children, Theo., of Pontiac, Mich., Glenn of Ra. «ine, Wis., Mrs. Mary Ensign of McHenry. and Miss Christine Maynard of Chicago and two stepsons, Burtie of Crystal Lake and Charles of Racine, Wis., also twenty-three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. One daughter. Mm. Fred Sherburne of Crystal Lake preceded her mother in death in March 1917. Funeral services were held Sunday * afternoon, June 7, at two o'clock from the home of her daughter, Mrs- F. Ensign, with Rev, H. P. Dick of Hebron assisted by Rev. W. Bonham, ^ pastor of the M. E. church of McHenry officiating. Interment was at - Evergreen cemetery, Barrington, where the services were in charge of the Woman's Relief Corps of which ahe was a member for many years Cand of Thanks . We desire to express our appre- . eiatiBn and sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the beautiful floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts of assistance during - oar recent bereavement THE CHILDREN METHODIST CHURCH If- Ton are invited to attend services : Ht the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. •ti if; V, i'" ATTENTION R. N. *Phe officers and member# of f*ox liver Valley Camp, R. N. A., are requested to attend the next regular meeting on .Tuesday night of next Week. The officers are requested to be present for practice. Following the meeting there will be a social hour and cards will furnish entertain- Bernard Freund spent Sunday Notre Dame- Ray McGee was * business visitor in Chicago Thursday. N. H. Peteach of Oak Pfcrk spent Friday in McHenry. Mrs. Arthur Groom of Geneva visited friends here Monday. Miss Floribell Bassett visited tt^punnj over the week-end. Miss Mildred Minnich of Oak Park visited friends here Tuesday. Lyle Bassett and Elmer Freund were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Fred Kamhols, Jr., of Chicago called at his home here Monday! Miss Ethel Jones spent Tuesday evening at Woodstock. Mrs. Albert Krause was an Elgin visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey wen Chicago visitors Tuesday night, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs- Louis McDonald werd Woodstocks visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington visited relatives at Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brainard and son of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs- J. D. Beatty. Mrs. A. ZL*Herrold and daughters of Crystal Lake visited friends here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smalley of Woodstock were guests of Mrs. J. D. Beatty Wednesday. J. G. Stevens and children of Richmond were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane. Mrs. F. E. Boger and daughter, Harriett, spent last Wednesday in Chicago. Ernest Kamholz of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Maxwell of Evanston visited relatives nere the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. William Doran of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs- B. R. Meyers. Miss Bernice Weber visited Miss May Justen at St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, Sunday. Miss Mabel Griggs and brother, Will, of Waukegan spent Saturday evening in McHenry. Dr. R. G. Chambertin, H. C. Hughes and Glen Wattles were Marengo visitors Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox attended the graduation of their son, Vernon, at Notre Dame, Sunday. F. E. Boger returned to Chicago Saturday after spending his two weeks' vacation at his home here. Mrs. Ralph Walkup and children of Ridgefield visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Reihansperger and daughter, Mary, of West Chicago visited in the home of their son, Monday. Leo WSnkel and Earl Walsh have over "jf* i *' I^EDDING DANCE A WtiJding dance will be held at Nell's Columbia Park, Johnsburg, Wednesday evening, June 24. Music by Fox River Skylarks. Admission I consin. $1.00 per couple. Everybody invited. | Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer 2-2 and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wegener and : daughter, Marion, visjjted at Holy Hill, Shower Far Mis* Barbian Miss Clara Barbian, a Juno bride, was guest of honor at a shower given by Misses Dorothy and Mary Walsh at their home on Monday evening. Four tables of bridge were played and prizes were awarded to Miss Clara Barbian, Miss Rosalie Stilling and Mrs. PSvfi Bonslett. Many delightful and appropriate gifts were received by Miss Barbian. The guests were: Rosalie Stilling, Lillian Stilling, Mrs. Viola Jurgens of Chicago, Clara Barbian, Lillian Freund, Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake, Mrs. Floyd Foss, Gwendolyn Overton, Kathrine Walsh, Pender Walsh, Mrs. Herman Nye, Mrs. Louis Young, Mrs. Arthur Groom of Geneva and Mrs A1 Woll of Chicago. V1^- -. Five HnriM Partf^ ^ On Wednesday evening of last week a party of friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. P. H. Weber with cards furnishing the entertainment for the evening. Five hundred was played and high honors were won by Mrs. N. J. Justen, while the consolation Went to Mrs. Simon Stof fel. Those present were: Mrs. Caroline Schiescle, Mrs. N. J. Josten, Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Mrs- Emma jPmiad and Mrs. Elisabeth Laures. Miscellaneous Shower .. Oil Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. Richard Stenger. of Wankegan entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honor of her friend, Miss Clan Barbian, who became a bride this week. Bridge was played and high honors were awarded to Mrs. Viola Jurgens of Chicago. Those present were: Clara Barbian, Dorothy Walsh, Rosalie Stilling, LiHian Stilling, Mrs. Viola Jurgens, Mary Walsh, Bernice Weber, Lillian Freund, Mrs. Paul Bonslett, Entertains Card Gab On Wednesday afternoon of last week Mrs. Joe Frett entertained the ladies of her card club at her home in Johnsburg. Two tables of five hundred were played and high honors were awarded to Mrs. D. A. Whiting, while the consolation went to Mrs. Thomas Kane. Refreshments we served. " Mi* visited at • Mr. Ml Urs. Jet Sanbr with nhtiiN at AT* MB ..WRi VVR§V flMHVpVIW children of Ringwood spent 0aalqr evening in the J. F. Claxton home. Mr. and Mrs. George xoong of Ringwood visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Matthews of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the Louis McDonald home. . Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson visited Sunday in the H. M. Stephenson home at Ringwood. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones called on friends at Ringwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P- H. Weber, son, Robert, and Pender Walsh saw the Cubs game in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin and Children were- Elgin visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited at River Grove Tuesday. Their grandson, Raymond Newman, returned home with them for a visit Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. Ray Howard, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. F. Thurlwell and Miss Lena Stoffel attended Friends' Night at the Royal Neighbor camp in Algonquin, Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. William Mereness and daughter, Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols and family and M#. and Mrs. Laurence Mereness of Walworth, Wis; visited intbe George Sunday. j> ' / ' - Pithy Expression lbs saying, "Defend me froa my friends; X can defend myself from my enemies" Is ascribed by the French to Msrechal Vlllars He Is said to have ased this aphorism when taking taev* of Louis XIV. * c-'r*' *?•?. ;"v ' ,AA A A A A A JL A A < '•WW WWW WW U HtwtiUi Population There are 22,636 native Hawalians In the islands. There are 28,224 part- Hawalians. The remainder of the total population of Hawaii of 868,836 Is made np largely of Oaaeasisa whites ind Japanese Entertains At Bridge Mrs. M. D. Smalley of Woodstock entertained a party of McHenry friends Tuesday. Bridge was played and prises were won by Mrs. J. D. Beatty, Mrs. Ben Hiller, Miss Helen Smalley and the man's prise went to Ben Hiller. Merrymakers The Merrymakers met at the hom< of Mrs. Jacob F. Justen Wednesday afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. George Freund, Mrs. Ben Justen and Mrs. Frank Masquelet Delicious refreshments CmIm T«np«rat*res The normal temperature of dogs Ifl higher than tbat of people. It Is usually about 101 degrees. Young dogs and small ones have slightly higher temperatures than old and hugs animals. --instill in him the importance of thrift as it concerns his future welfare.- Explain to him what it means to his education THE??Tv Start an account at either of the'se McHenry ? banks in his own name and watch how.^-.*3 proud hell be.every time he can his own de Inrert^r, Paid., Gold Mines Worked Loag Age The gold mines of South Africa have apparently been worked from antiquity, and must In ancient times have supported a very large population And a much higher civilization than It has known up to our times. West McHenry State S; Peoples State Bank of Mcflemy. lA#MVWyWWWWSA/WWNAAAA/VS r-^ ThC were served. Mrs. George Freund been enjoying a vacation trip during!substituted fojr Mrs. lftfa» Heimer. the past week to Canada and Wis-) , t Card Club Meets » Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson enters tained the members of their card club at their home Sunday evening. Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Peter Weingart, Thomas Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Freund. Lunch was servsd at the close of the ganok ^-fns McHenry, in. Phone 291 FW. SAT., JUNE 12-13 A Musical Treat Victor Herbert's Mmir with "Kiss He Again" Presented by a Celebrated Stage Cast v Satire Production Ip^ V ^Natural Colors * Extra Added \ Laurel and Hardy in "Chickens Come Horns" and Clever Short Subjects 8UN.-M0N., JUNE 14-15 Special Matinee Sunday 2:30 Gary Cooper And Star Cast In "City Streets" A Thrilling Drama of Today also Comedy and Latest News Events . WJ5D.-THUBS. JUNE 17-18 The Hit of Hits Clara Bow - in "lid In" Her Latest Sensation also Comedy and Short Subjects FR2.-&AT., JUNE 21-22 Will Rogers in *k Cwmecticot Yafedtee* NUFF SAID 1 • n • Coming Soon ^TRADER HORN" Sunday. Miss Marjory Phalin and her friend Miss Antonette Huetch, of Chicago spent the week-end in the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. G- Kuhlman and Mrs. Leo Zimmer of Barrington were Sunday morning callers in the F. M. Ensign home. Rev. and Mrs. W. Bonham of Chicago spent the first of the week in McHenry, returning to Chicago Wednesday night. Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker entertained the former's brother and wife and son of Elkhart, Ind., a few days the last of the week. Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. E.' E. Bassett and Miss Lena Stoffel attended a Royal Neighbor meeting at Algonquin Tuesday evening. Miss Christine Maynard returned to Chicago Monday, after spending several days in the home of her sister, Mrs. F. M. Ensign. Mrs. Ray Howard, daughter, Haxel, Mrs. George H. Johnson, daughter, Marguerite and Misses Lelah, Fern, Lois and Arleen Bacon were Elgin visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barron and their son and his wife of Fremont, Ohio, are visiting in the home of Cloice Wagner and friends in this city. Lonnie Bishop of Medford, Ore., arrived this week for a short visit with relatives in Ringwood and McHenry. Mr. Bishop is a former resident of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin ^nd daughter, Patricia, Robert Knox and Miss Ruth Phalin left Monday morn ing for Cleveland, Ohio, where they will visit in the home of Mr. jmd Mrs. A. D. Foley. Mrs. Nellie Rigden of Oakland, Cal., who has been a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, visited relatives in Chicago the first of i the week. Mrs. Rigden was formerly Miss Nellie Clemens and a resident of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brandt and children of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page. Mrs. C. Going, who has been visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs, Page, returned to Chicago with them and left Tuesday night for Canada, where she will spend the summer. Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral of Mrs. B. Maynard Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Maynard and Mrs. Charles Maynard and daughter, Laura, of Racine; Theo. Maynard of Pontiac, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Scherf, Barringtbn; Mrs. Helen Morse, Mrs. Louise Johnson, Mrs. Henry Gum- Phrect, Mrs. Wm. Rice and Miss Caddie Morley of Crystal Lake; Miss Christine Maynard and Harry _ Carpenter of Chfcnco «nd Mi; Jteynolds of Harvard. Eastern Star Mrs. Calla Perkins, worthy matron of McHenry chapter, O. E. S., will act as secretary at Algonquin chapter on June 18 and warder nt Harvard chapter on June 22. Advice to Editors Tfce wise editor doesn't try to teB people what to think, bnt merely stirs them to thoughts of their own.--Country Home. * ' ji't'i ' afeji .A-ig The British Foreign Bible society has the largest Bible museum, while the American Bible society has the second in slse. ^ jyfcKJ. I .... Still a large and varied assortment of bedding and blooming plants for boxes, urns, etc. Bedding Geraniums* Ivy, Snaps, Asters, Argeratum, Pet unias, etc., in large and small plants, at prices to meet every one's purse Always a good assortment ol flowers and designs for Fnneralt.:./.";^:|^ \%!t«>rs always iieil Raff el Floral Gardens Greenhouse Phone 711 Mci|imy Highway, Dear Friends ft Patrons: You are cordially invited to attend our 25th Anniversary Celebration which starts Saturday morning 8:30 A. M. and continues for a period of seven days During the past 25 years you have watched our progress. You have contributed to our success through your patronage and interest. We are celebrating this great event, and we are celebrating it with Bargains The best way we know how to show our appreciation of the way people have helped us to success is to offer them a share of our profits. That is just what we are going to do during this great Anniversary Celebration. Yon will find on sale hundreds of new merchandise items at amazingly Low Prices. In fact, you will find our store One Big Bargain Center. Come in and visit lis during the Celebration. Bring your friends, and get here early. Again thanking you for your past favors and assuring yon of our earnest desire to merit your continued good will and friendship, we are sincerely f fOHH J. VYCITAL Come and hear the McHenry German Band on Opening Day from 10 to 11 and 3 to 4 i Below we quote just a few of the many exceptional BARGAINS OIL CLOTH SPECIAL Plain and fancy patterns 35c value--1 yd. 19^ TUMBLER BARGAIN Flated tumblers, smooth edges • 6 f < w l 0 t f CUPS AND SAUCERS Complete 10^ CLOTHES PIip 75 to 10«! TOILET PAPKK 3 rolls for 19^ Opening Day Specials Saturday, June 13 Hmmgh a large central market connection, Ipjgf* to offer--for our opening day only-- , * 10 Qt. Dairy Pails ^ 6 Cop Muffin Pans ' , 2 qt. Drinking Cap* 2 qt. Covered Buckets ^ 1 qt. Measures *u. , 7 in. Noodle Cutters < Grater & SWeer Extra Heavy ShredderC , Half Covered Dvrt Pagp* 13 in. Trays ^ J 10 qt. Rinsing PaM . Jelly Cake Pans "Easy Cot" Cake Pin# 2 Cap Fktcur Sifkar Biscuit Pans 4 qt. Pnddteg P»S» *4$$! 8ifters S;-} Bakers' Bread PaM 5 qt. Extra Deep Cake Pan .Strainer Funds v,' Fhrted Spent Funnels " 1 pt. "BritfMla" Dipg^l t qt. lMilnf Pnaa WE TltBadi THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES "GRASS KINO" LAWN MOWER 16 -in.baU bearing, 4-bJade wonderful bargain $6.95 "LINCOLN PARK" .. GRASS SEED 5 s* $1.00 OALVANIZED PAILS io q*-144 rooo CHOPPERS 89* • 0AKISTKK SETf 50omA-29# " $oU Stortp SATURDAY • y|un« X3tl|;. JOHN J. VYCITAL iXfcc Orange Front Hardware Stym:^ MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Sale EndK Saturday Nite ic Jbune 20tk < . .. .CjMaiiw.