U'UlpiM" «t the UMOB |*T« DOM Of derivation. ISO-VIS OIL It's * soothing, smoothing fluid that bars oat friction beautifully. Try it once and jpM will «n it tlwmjs. Justen's Gas Station Slate 20 andSl and C. S. 12 McHenry, IIL Phone 186 24 HOUR SERVICE la so far Ml diet Is concerned the ftr* Into three classes--the camlvora, the herblvora, and the fruglvora. The frogivOra, to which group man belongs, exhibit their superiority by their cleverness In obtaining food in concentrated forms; consequently the digestive ap« paratus la too small to digest sufficient grass to sustain life and is not fitted -Wassimilate it. • United States' "Lartt***?* English is the official language of the United States. It has been suggested by some philologists that the speech of the Americans be termed the American language, but no definite action has ever been taken In this respect Words and phrases that are peculiar to the United States are termed if.i-hWi" vfTr- TJf c,. Wi° Ce Optometrist WALSH 'S DRUG STOKB Riverside Drive every Saturday afternoon, 1 to T»p. m Eyes examined and glasses order only Aba all repairs PifiPH'fPfP 5WW Told Americanisms. •THIecT end "Plated" Gold filled Jewelry is more care folly prepared than is gold plated, and is supposed to last longer. Filled gold Is a substitute for solid gold, consisting of a base metal, usually brass, mechanically covered with a layer of hard gold of appreciable thickness and calculated to w®V than plated ware. •. ; > ^ 1' UwVenitPiint*|« •t the universities of Oxford and ^Cambridge, England, none of the colleges confers a degree or conducts examinations. These functions are exercised by the university. Carnal Trafic Boosted The Cape Cod canal was purchased by the United States March 31, 1928, and has since become a free waterway. Since the United States took over this canal the traffic has doubled. a I i; Wet Wash, Rough Dry 4 * ! - :: or Finished Work We are fully prepared to take ewe of your work in a prompt manner, regardless of; which kind yon want Let us do it and save the labor and worry. »»>»•»««ll#0u Phone McHenry 189 and our driver will roll The McHenry Laundry ^ c The Modern Laundry > •ry Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeteg v ff Highly Satisfactory in FORD ass* ®^J*G0WMt ileports A,A.A, Results of Indianapolis Speedway Tests certified by American Automobile Assn. 1 Hew Iso-Vis did not thin om from dilution. 9 During entire9,000mile tests, • • ell parts of engine and chassis wwe lubricated effectively. M Less than 1 quart of oil-- Iso-Vis 50 (Heavy)--was used ^ in 1,000 miles at 30 m. p. hi 4 Carbon formed was only 6.7S < grains per cylinder at 30m.p.h. using lew-Vis 50 (Heavy). + ; A The cylinder wear was | ^ your oil this week and too little to measure. Al/i/tsS change to New Iso-Vls. These certified facts tell a ce* - •narkable story of the outstanding lubrication New Iso-Vis delivers. And the fine condition «f the engine of this Ford after 4he severe tests it went through Is further positive proof. Bo other motor oil has ere* given such a public demonstra* tion of its lubricating ability, Hew Iso-Vis is the only motor oil that will not out front dilution. Give your car this constant protection. Change jsew ISO "Vis SPMOTOR OI£ Washington J' * Letter -By- National Editorial Association Great significance is being attached to the globetrotting of President Hoover's official family and advisers on the threshold of another Presidential campaign. The information collected by those travellers on international affairs will form the nucleus for endless debates during the next session of Congress. Great differences in political opinion are expected even from those who have travelled the same paths. There are not enough hours in a day or a session of Congress for all its members to air their pet views, and, therefore, much of this prised material will no doubt be doomed to be printed on the last pages of the Congressional Record under "Extension of Remarks." The announcement that Secretary of State Stimson will spend the summer' abroad is considered a piece of international political news of the first magnitude. Speculation is natur ally running rife, both here and Europe as to the real motive and purpose of Colonel Stimson's travels. That he will not confine himself to meteorological pleasantries in Italy, France, Germany and Great Britain may be taken for granted. Mr. Stimson is too much immersed in his job, too conscious of the peculiarly heavy responsibilities it nowadays involves to eschew shop talk when he sits at the same table with representatives of foreign powers- There is no single question perplexing European statesmanship with which the United States is not directly or indirectly concerned. The mere _ . . fact that President Hoover on recur- da™ in, *"oxnver, about twp miles ring occasions has termed America's, so"^!1 _ ^Henry. economic situation a phase of "world ! Miss Julia A. Story, after successdepression" makes it almost inevit- ' conducing a drug store in Mc able that the Republican party will( Henry for the Past twenty years' ha* take a categorical stand on that all- ^That's our specialty--whether it's a plate lunch, "a short order or ice cream Items of Interest Taken Frwa -o f t™he Plai™nd esle""rA ..|V • M Years Aff ;j t FORTY YfeARS AGO The Sunday train from Lake Geneva to Chicago made its first trip on Sunday afternoon last. It will probably be put on regular in a' short time. . - Henry Smith caught a pkkeref in the creek below the dam on Monday night that weighed fifteen pounds. The beys are catching some very fine fish in the river there just now. The census shows that Illinois hat' 778,369 scholars in the public schools, 75,000 in parochial schools and 28.164 in private schools. The store in the Riverside block, t# be a general merchandise store oper* |n 1 ated by John Story, is fast appr«Ach- 1 in# completion.' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The many friends of Emery Kim* ball and Miss Mabel Sayler 'will be surprised to learn of their marriage which took place at Elgin on Wednesday. George C. Thomas passed away at his home west of- town last Friday morning, June 8, after an illness covering a period of nearly one year. A meeting will be held At the Nippersink plub next Sunday afternoon at two o'clock for the purpose o€ discussing the question of building a predominating issue in 1932. It may be that Colonel Stimson is charged with one of those fact-finding missions of which the Chief Executive is so fond, with a view to ascertain just what, if anything, Uncle Sam can do to grapple with the crisis now holding the world in its grip. Although Vice President Curtis left Washington for Kansas last week still insisting that he had not made P*111*®*8* up his mind whether to seek re-election, it has been stated emphatically in political quarters close to the White House that Curtis will not be sold her store building and stock to G- E. Clark of Minnesota, who ex-*; pects to take possession of the sam% sometime next week A ten-pound girl arrived at the, heme of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thurlwell* Jr., Tuesday morning. The T. J. Walsh house on Elm street is being treated to a new coat of paint. The Fred Schnorr block on Main street is also in the hands of th4 TWENTY YEARS AGO Another of our summer resorters took a plunge into the matrimonial President Hoover's ^n'ning"mat7next »ea ^t Saturday morning when Miss year. It has been generally understood that Curtis could have the nomination if he wanted it. The political prognisticators are emphasizing Mr, Curtis' age, and saying that a younger man will be selected. Among those who have been mentioned prominently for the Vice Presidency are Secretary of War Patrick J. Hurley, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., and Senator Dwight W. Morrow. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is young enough to do vig- Amelia Frett, oldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jos. J. Frett of Chicago, was united in marriage to Mr. Aarou Samuel son at the Immaculate Con? ception church in Chicago. The High School Alumni association held its eighth annual reunion and banquet at the Riverside House on Saturday evening, June 10. James Doherty, one of McHenry'* oldest and most highly respected citizens, passed away at his home on orous campaign work, but an appar-'G™en Sat"rda.y, even.in? epnnftilwy sound rumor says he will ^b e ap-'i after a short illness. Burial services pointed-- G'o"o v• ve.r "nVo*r ov*f t*huev PJL hiiiulliiippiiunce m i Islands- Senator Morrow from the ? a j. standpoint of loquaciousness would not make an ideal campaigner. During the time he has been in the Senate he, has not taken the floor on any occasion. The phrase "making the dirt fly" literally applies to Washington these days. Dirt has been flying in volumes ^ vocation all their lives took place at St. Patrick's church on According to the Elgin Courier, Miss Margaret Conway of that city is to become the bride pf John Aylward of Mount Vernon, 111., on June 28. Both have-many friends in this vicinity. • McHenry county farmers who have qONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Honrs--Every evening, 7 to 8:30 All day Saturdays Prisa Bldg. Cor, Great and Elm Sts. TeL McHenry 2SI McHenry* 111. Quality \W¥; 4-J l^^l^fThat's our objective, always. Only the best the market affords goes to our trade. -- PJume Bichwoad If > ' Dr. JOHN DUCET VETERINARIAN^ " ^ ' f and Blood Testing* " ;< RICHMOND, ' ILLINOIS McHEIfRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on Bequest Pigh-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry ; HENRY V. 50UPEL f-'_ General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Goal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Ro$4 Work Done By Contract - of,Every Description or By Day X-'&A'-* McHctary 649-<-l| ' McHenry, HL 7, ^ P. 0. Address, Boute 3 1 WM. H. CAKROSL v- Lawyer OSes with West McHenry State Bank Every Friday Afternoon Phone 4 McHenry, I - • ' IfcHENRY 12S-W Seasonable Rates A. V. SCHASFER Draying .. . ILLINOIS Telei^ione Net. 106-R Stoffel ft Reihansperger bmrance agents for all classes si property in the beat $jj|pani»a. WEST McHENRY - • ILLINOIS as old structures have been razed to make room for the new housing for > the Federal service units of the Ad- t ministration. Several sites have been cleared, but only two buildings have yet been completed, the Commerce Department and the International Revenue Bureau. The decision to complete the demolition work, regardless of the urgency of the construction program, is no doubt prompted by a desire to get the unsightly relics of the old Washington out of view for the Bicentennial year, when it is expected a great throng from all say they have never, until this year, been able to cutivate corn, and in Some cases twice, before the first day of June. This early work shoukhhelp to produce a good corn crop. TEN YEARS AGO - v . Jacob Freund, whose farm it fa* cated on the McHenry-Ringwood road; a short distance north of this village, has the foundation in for a new home to be erected some time this summer. Ai^on Schneider and family, who have made this village their home for many years past, expect to leave Issue-k Sorej-Iasorana --*»WITH . Wm.G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE •S-R McHenry, IlHiwds If You X; - - ' " f i ;$:V, tayas--that's all JOHN KARLS mr Wj. ,Wl Riverside Drive : '• V!' , • :V^ •' ' 'tpome in please--Go out pleased" m Ypuring our great NEW CUSTOMER' • SALE - June 15th to 20th m m- To win new customers to Allen-A Hosiery (and to reward- ^ old as well) we now offer this famous full-fashioned hosiery at 20%-off regular prices daring our annual . "New Customer'"' Sale--June 15th to 20th. Only newest Summer styles and shades from our reguiar stock--in5 ^ Chiffon, Servioe Sheer arid Service w^^ts. Shop eariy ^ . forfaDselectioii^ ; w<7*0 Discount on all Allen-A Hosiery for Men, Wnmaw miH f!ViilHrftn 50^ Style, 40^ :;r $1 Styles ROW 80^ Styles Now $1.20 Erickson's Deril, Store Phone 154 Main St McHenry parts of the country will visit the | atJout J^y 1 for Eagle River,^ Wis., Capital. Jt will not be possible to complete the entire program by this time, but it is the hope of those interested in the Bicentennial that snags and wrecks.will be tucked out of sight. Eyesight of Moles NeHfcer external eyes nor ears are ordinarily in evidence In the American mole. If not totally blind the common mole of the eastern United States can at best merely distinguish between light and darkness, as what remains of Its organs of sight lies wholly beneath tike skin. "Virginia PI**" # The Virginia delegates to the Constitutional convention had framed a form of government which was known as the Virginia plan. This had been drawn up by Madison after consulting With others and was presented to the Convention hy Governor Randolph, o . ywfit . 11 . /Feast Date# " Movable feasts are those church ^celebrations which, depending upon 'Easter, may vary as to date within fixed limits. Immovable feasts are those which fall always upon a cer tain calendar date, such as Christmas. In a general way. Thanksgiving day may be considered a movable feast where they will take charge of the <rRest Farm," owned by Chas. A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox baseball team. The high school commencement exercises, which will be the twenty-seventh for the McHenry school, but the first since the advent of the community high school will take place Friday evening, June 17. Fifteen seniors will receive their diplomas As near as can be ascertained at this time, $1000 was cleared at the picnic held at Volo last Sunday after noon and evening. Joseph Kohler, father of Mrs. Ferdinand Frett, passed away in Chicago June 8. Qt**s f^Jolarins -irritMM itf img ' whioh U mxe--did only kr N»w bo-Vti. Th* priom it tk 0 eww* STANDARD OIL COMPANY "®T- I Treating Stored Eft* "Mhell-treated" eggs are those which are dipped in a bath of mineral oil, to coat the sheU and fill the pores, preventing the evaporation of moisture from the egg. This is done to hold the quality of eggs In long shipments «r 4n storage. >: liallii Just S00 years ago the only foods known In England were bread, meat and fish. There were MMIf W vegetables and few traits. ~ ^ Mule* Aid Fire Fighters In the national forest reserves pack mules accompany the rangers over their patrol areas. Strapped across the backs of the sure-footed animals are boxes containing flre-flghtlng outfits. Many disastrous forest fires could be averted if aid were at hand during the first five minutes of a blase, v* . f-';:ilead to Po^eUrity ttoOa Will Is something that "tdHJWld be highly prized by everybody. It Is not difficult to acquire if you go about it in the right way. Remember this--it never comes to a "four-flusher." The surest way to acquire good will Is to do good work Whittle Not AU u . «De man wlf a big voice," said Untile ukin be mighty useful, same as a locomotive whistle. But it's a mistake to expect to git fur wlf de whistle ts de only reliable part of de machinery."-- Washington Star. Earaed Nkkua* v w.; The nickname "tar" for a sailor Is to have originated in the custom of sailors painting their trousers with tar to make them waterproot ... you need say is % we will know you want a It is absolutely impossible to purchase a better tire for the price you pay for a Kelly-Spnngfield. If they were not good tires we wouldn't be selling them. Herewith we quote prices on nearly every sise. Compare them, but remember when you get a Kelly you get full valuo. , 4.40-21 4.50 - 4.50 - 21 4.75 - Id 4.75-20 4.75 - 21. 5.00 -19 5.00-20 M.D. , Std. 4.95 --ii" 8.00 8.15 9.20 9.50 9.95 10.25 5.00 .21 -*10.60 5.00 5.25 ***. 10.55 5.25 -19 ^ 10.70 5.25 H ^0-85 5.25 .21 -i-. 1150 5.50 -18 ; 12.15 5.50 - 12.25 5.50 .20 12.40 6.00 -18_w 12.45 6.00 -19 , ..... 12.65 6.00 - 20 12.75 6.00 .21 12.95 6.50 1ft _ 13.90 6.50 -19 14.25 "6.50 .20 14.40 5.60 5.65 6.65 6.75 6.95 6.95 7.10 7.35 8.10 7.90 8.15 8.30 8.55 8.75 8.90 8.95 30x3 Vt CI. Reg. 30x3 Vi CL O. S. 31x4 39*4 32x4 Vi s - 33x4 Vi __ 34x4 Vz 30x5 Heavy Duty 33x5 Heavy Duty 32x6 Heavy Duty Jl 465 „ 4.75 . 8.10 _ 8.45 . 12.15 i 12.60 „ 13.70 . 19.95 . 2L90 _ 33.00 and Tube Vulcanising FREUND Battery Charging and Rtpairiqg 294 Work tjtaarairteed West MoHenry