Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1931, p. 4

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sisassa v*/ v"-\i'- r„«':S::>..v;,' !»"J Iffk. \r ' , _K V>'» 4: WS&'i iy at M wf . •atsred as secon4Kclass d^ the act of May d, 1S7S. uaattsr' dk the peatodfeo at Mfe&eaiy, BL, m» Vrar .... V,' MM m lfeathe , f lM A. BL R, Bditer aad Ipi v/t UKmi TUa 5t*P W<*rrrl*tl «e memory showing signs of wear, yJl badly In need of retreading. a Fhlladelphian writes to the Honghtoa Une for a practical memory test. "If yen reftllY want to tort your memory," KpilM the editor, "txf to remember the thing* that wonted you yestert" vS, *tw t % i"** cead» William Nelson Cromwell, a T«% lawyer wtto was engaged by the f»anama Canal company of France te •ell the canal to America some 35 •MI ; It mid to have aaade $1,000.- the deal. Yellowstone National park la almost gettrelr la the atate of Wyoming. with I mall area In Montana and Idaho. Politically, however, It 1» a United States government reservation and Sem W( «MN under state eiatni ILLE THEATRE, ^MditMfiBeMlMFkgiHoiw ' Sat- Mat. 2:0® p. m. 5c-SSe ETCl 7 40-9 .-«• lfe-dte Standard Time SATxjbday Guest Night 2 for 56c Call for Guest Ticket "Want Ads nt SALS FOB SAUt-S-TMB and 2«caar garage, in city of XcHenry, centrally located, being across the street ftree Gnd« aid C--wnnity High Mwib. Itan. K Cleary. . - * *2-4 WfcbCift ofOraftpry .... , be brosf**t» dt pmtm Mt worn** as yet dt> a thing te to fti, statu they <*n--by Improving the jpaplpb. How rare la th# ffeatas Of ttWehttor?; rarer far than that of pact; sculptor or painter, F. EL OolUer in the St Louis Olobe-Dwoctut America hat Mw ted tat ea* Daniel Webster. It hau'peideced a acote to enchant us to XsMMlc with their voices, othecs to r**d the lines of drama with tHU^t effect, hot the orator who sweep* b^a audleact along with himself la eaChastater* eae ta tee Million. Most of dM |Hfll VlM H| thing Stlrrtac. do It wtth the snsily from the *1 object" and coea has anything to <!*•#» have--a - gsatraily comes the assaey la the and Implores him t deep and dark, the bride sad the FOR SALE--Early Mardock Seed Corn, also some Yellow Early, gersamatioa 96 par «Mt J ana Hunter, McHenry, W, Mrltny 6l7-J-2> 47-tf FOR SALE--7-room INOM and garage, located in Spring Grows. Very reasonable. Inquire ed Frank L. Adams, Rinfrwood, IIL S7tf BEFORE TOU HUT SWOBS see our bargain counter. B. POpp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. S8-tf Da* H Woi orawfcy la Its oeaes; thevOratory^ef Mark Hi H i •llilliA, mt Ward Batchar, of FMiltpa Brooks. la Mm 'MiMk, eToqaaBce has bt coaae maMafMBce; whereas «OktlT* dWBtka, MTlai the eassttsM tad ttaialntaa parmaefletty as a tee sti anta^e af rtMterical valve Is always rasfralaed; auefc as Ltmato's at Mtj«b<i|i «| with - Btm • FOR SALE--Well seevsi 7% First Vsrtmci sai McS«ary Bssifcnrt Property. Ispin at Flaiwlealer office. 19-tf POR ESHT l&chard Arlen la "fin Smoke1 Also Comedy and News SUND A YMOKDAt m I I Continuous 2:30 to U Standard Time Prices Sunday Only Mat to 5:00 p. m. 35c-10c Evening. 10c-50c On the Screen lack Oakie in •*Dndc RmA" l: ' with Mitzi Green Stuart Erwin Western Comedy Romance On the Stage Sunday Direct from WLS Havloft RUBE TRONSON And His Texas Cowboys 7 People in Person with 1K)C HOPKINS fhe Crooning Mountaineer '• From Wl^Q Chicago TfWPAT C i WXDN1SSOAT ] THTJMDAT Sw. 7:00-9:00 l6c-«ls " Guest Kite Tuesday 2 for 50% " " Call for Guest TickH ^ FOR RENT--Two farmshed rooms for lifrht hoasekeeptef. Phone Mc- Henry 14S-M, 51-tf FY>R RENT--Six-room house, modern, and garag«. Located on Main street, lie Henry. Inquire of Win. J. Welch. Phone 100-J. WANTED HELP WAN i kT>--W oman, 44MSO, to nssrst lipht housework, Dowers, mending; 3 adults, modern farm home; permanent. State age, experience, nationality, wages expected. Jala Foster, Spring Grove, 111. 2 * ANTED--Painting, paperhanging, decorating. Depression .prices. Estimates furnished. Geo. F, Lindsay, Tel 51-R. »j{-8 FARM LOANS--Fint mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now taking applications for 1981 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd FL, Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, IIL Phone 147. 29-tf Fesii Set EdFbv* Euff Fraadi 'Tte adsaee of oookiery dld adt always Bo«Hah t n France. It laagBtthed in a very Inferior Mate under the early monarch* "Qngory of Toura has pvswirved the aeco--t of a repast «f French wariKi, at the anrcHeired Mleaesa of which we are astounded," Anthony Clyne In the Boston Transcript. Charlemagne lived poorly and ate but little Philippe le Bel waa hardly half an hour at the table, and ftaadi 1 thought mensamorooa dalliance than of eating" and Mddag. Nevertheless, it waa under 4kia last king that the science of cookery took Its riae In France. Few hare heard the name of Gonthier d'Andernach. What Bacon was to philosophy. Dante or Petrarch to poetry, Copernicus or Galileo to astronomy, Gonthier waa In France to gastronomy. Before him, their culinary code was a collection of scraps picked up here and there, the names of dishes were as barbarous and uncouth as the dishes themselves.' Gonthier is the father of tfcsokery. as Descartes of French philosophy. It Is «aid that he Invented, in less than ten years, nine ragouts, aaaeas aad twenty-one soap*, s.: * LOST tWPi* : • ir f*. ii LOST--Bag of "Save-a-ton" feed from truck, between McHenry and Inpleside, Tuesday morning. Finder please return to Fanners Oil Assn., West McHenry. Phone McHenry 806. *Z MISCELLANEOUS DISTRIBUTOR--Man with light truck for evenings, Saturdays and Sundays. Call 3-7 p. so., or write Mr. Edwards, 4209 Elston Av»-, Chteags, 111. 2 * DR. W. A. LABRON, O. D. Complete Optical Servico Private Examining Room at Shuler's Crystal Pharmacy Pfcsae 860 Crystal Lake, Xfi. SEWING MACHINBB REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order All Work Guaranteed I. P«PP '-T ' 192 Main St. «tS«# "The Secret Six" with Wallace Beery Lewis Stone ^K>hn Mack Brown Jean Harlow An amazing picture of gang rule, from the inside, and America's answer to this problem! A thousand thrills! A swell romance. JOE KVg)ERA. CARY, ILL, Livestock TVealer Dairy Cows a Specialty , Satisfaction Guarantpd . Fhone Guy S7-J 114f •i • ---- Teaapttac Dog's Appetite Nursing a sick dog, especially It Is In the convalescent stage, is not an easy task, as any dog owner who has been through It knows. One owner was having great difficulty in getting his dog to eat. He mentioned the matter to another dog owner, an oldtimer who has been through much of it. Said he: "I got this from an old lady when I was a kid and I'm no Spring chicken. You might think it's an old-fashioned notion, but I've tried It and never knew It to fall. Try the dog on a little smoked herring, just enough to get him started. It's great as an appetiser." The owner followed the suggestion, and sure enough the dog ate the smoked herring, with relish, and then turned to a few other things. After a few days, with an occasional taste of smoked herring, the dog'a appetite Came back. Old-fashioned or not, the treatment w«l wrffiful, ilrmklaa EnterpikM. JWNtaf/M Of cour*|,'j^\eth the man and the girl are esdCint of their respective rectitude, NMNI M* get a east, but ea the wM% the Bulletin says, there Is a doese^J^hg in th* baslnes*. • Ufa a mis I «f New Bnglktt lish, wboeo aual aaaw was Merrowaconast B» Ink XrtanOy to One eolaalata cad vas used as a gnUe for scouting parttoa. While banting he was surprised by hcotiie IaiMaas aad re* treated, Ids fmsmrrt fallowing Mm. small mountain, a thousand was # Jiarp h^Bivad that Joe ftigWsh, but as to capture him he precipice and dlsapi natuially thought but In rsaBty bo bad to a lades where be m until his pursaeis left At nigbl be returned to the English fort af4lt J>uBstable. 33»J»cid «Bt aeevrMl in Tenaasd. . • kaockiug •eem to bs Transcript Finally ha feet high. iuor aim BXRTOS rra WOOSSTOOE, BL are saNT ttr boas burial graaarios or refuge places, or Jnet castles of days of vioisaes long ago. They are cavelike lnslds and unlit by windows, aad today oaly a sterm-beset ahepberd wtD out, for they are abandoaed to Wkm II County Wfcklow la fi«Uad the tourist may ^sad opa eg Wsb KM p jtbe Mom, m Tyrol vSOage ea tta steep budoii of the Avwamsre. the Tale of Aftes, tbe Devil's jm*. Glenea?y, Aitlsv, and even Shfllsiagh, where fit the famous lilsidthini wood wbfitft gave its name to the short, nobby aHdu urbftcb until recwd years, were We rauysuisas of Irfdh etbses. The Wood wfs ldHC but tradttisa auys that ds 1dm of Taflnater asuT vood froua here to WBt&to Rufas for the roof of Wistnslnifiii m remained about but oertalnly-we mailing list--Boston Mary Jane's an* noticed the picture of a little girl ea the |i--jsln i ds*. It as happened flat Jitty Jut lad Quarreled with the ttQe gM a dhort time before. "What a pretty ante glrir m> dtahaod the aunt Tasr Uttle MMI Is ve^r prttty." :: "Oh, dhe luo*t irufiSy pretty," eer- Taaa. **That picturu has Juetbsen retouched r .BhipWitti IRIT OF WILHiOTv -4MDNrrt FLYER * - Sates Eauoiuld* id Kate* For mB Loiii^ " A • f'r C "MV_ • Wilmbt 451 Richmond IS 5* *~'i * ^;.f^>Arnold Anderson. > Clarence M. Freund* PM^S. PHrlty Ice Co. . PHHMI7 UrHFMPV CQ.U •, ';- <r>. FHONE McHENRY 59-M 'Our Pure Artificial hx in your xeiricreraior keeps v^g^tablee and meats awist and flavorable. We' deliver regularly and prompfl^r. A phone oell is all that is necessary. . Sadtli & Bntler UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry. nL Tel. 107-M. 11-tf - „ Robert Bam' Marriage Boras legally married Jean Amour In 1786, about two years after he bad contracted a secret and irregular marriage with her, w^icb was acknowledged in writing. Her father tvas ln- 4Uguant at the secret marriage, com- |>elieo his daughter to give up Burns and also forced her to destroy the ^document which vouched the marriage In April 1788 the poet privately acknowledged her as his wife. On August 3 of that year a legal ceremony waa performed at Gavin Hamilton's house, and two days later-they acknowledged their --la ths Mauchline church. Shrewd Aaaoyaaee "A contented man," aaid Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "will sometimes pretend to be Irritated by small annoyances in the hope that envy will not seek to afflict him with greater I ones."--Washington Star. ^wY«r yg9 *\o*WUT«| Beaatifal Flaadara enticements of the Middle linger on everywhere in Bruges and Ghent where some of the finest examples of the Flemish builders' art are found and whose deep but sweettoned bells have rung out alarms of war and paens of victory In the past and remain to delight the modern visitor with their music. Carillon concerts are held In both cities during the summer and also In Mallnea, Touraal and other places. The belfries of Bruges and Ghent are world shrines and the flower and bulb fields of the latter are equaled only in Holland. f^.for Spring Menus f law, too. TMAy houmwfcm «• edvemtege of thfe opportunity to»»- pantry ahekas for decidedly Ian stenay.Worm weflNier damondi lighter •ittwir AlPoWow Hwwl.en Hi SUNICAL (SUCED OR HALVB» U0.2H CANS. 49° 2W27c \setvice if our Hudd le tunnel Oui traikieu men will give your car the best Mmcation job in town. Quickly, cheerfully Mid competently. At the right prices, too. Our attendants use the latest greasing equip^ ment and Rotary lift which aids them to reach accurately all the working iparts of your car. Try us on thenextjob especiaHy if you happen to be in a hurry. e Motor Sales '"We Serve After We Bdl,> llcHemy !5£X3ll:'. SfaapUaity Four-year-old Blllie had spent a happy afternoon with a little neighborhood visitor. When his mother asked the child's name, he replied be did not know. "Will you please tell me bow you could play together so long without knowing each other's names'?" insisted his mother. "O, that was easy," said the resourceful Blllie, "I just called her 'Hey' and she called me 'Say.'" Dead Animals Head and Crippiea QW, Horses. Hogs, and old Flags Prompt Service $1.00 to $10 a head IWaphone Barrington Sid Reverse Charges RATIONAL aisourr COMPAIIWI Snowpeak Cookies ifjnslerwood DeviW Hcrti Apple BafUr Maid Beans J& far 25c Ribbgn Matt Syrup FLAV^BD ^ 39c BRAM9 SOAPS Mineral 'jKHchen Kienxer i/:- 3 ou» 17c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables imperial Valley Cantaloupe large siae, 2 ^er 15^ Valencia Oranges, sweet and juicy, 2 doz 27^ Sot House Cucumbers, Isnpe ,2 3L5(^ i ancy Bananas, per lb. ... \ & I» l oot! Stores W; -.U* f * r- 15'.^ 1 • ^ ^ A^' fU* '-i-v-df- .^ r -iJ". ¥::m=m- it-.' r: >4vw' •-H * x >* FIFTEEN DOLLAR VALUES d" - ^Women's and Misses' sizes v. •THESE unusually colorful aad attrac-. ^ tive patterned chiffons are so cool and dainty that you will want a few to weir on: * cummer mnings. We h»ve a laxfe setoc- , of dark, pastel, and whtte backgrounds, in French flower prints that are dtetincfcim Mmjliltamtmdmmt off-a-kind aar^. NATURE'S RIVAL > TVmnnrtfarion and Fitdii)| a| Foundation Garmentt ; Here Friday, June 12A ag4«g Nell O'Connel, an expert Corsetierre fxx>m Nature Rival Company, will hold a special demonstration and sale at this store Friday, June 12. ^ 'Itae In for an expert fitting ' •• ; '-."-A

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