4prit«> a Mg SdiBdiBfc i Mr. and 1Cm. Fred Smith, William IkW sad Mt. «pd J. Hwyf wd iihlHian vMM Mr- Mrs. Joe King and fhtogy Itawtoy. Mr. and Mrs. WJPgai J. Meyers Sbd family ware IfcHwry callers ^hursdey. Misses Betty Kempfer and Helen Kegprs of Chicago visited Miss Helen flehaefcr Sunday. • Mrs. J. Chamberlin and 'niece, Miss Mildred Schaefer, vfaited Mrs. Elmer Schroeder in Cttefcgo Thursday. , Mr. 'and Mrs. George Obenattf and Aflitrrn of Graystake visited Mr. John #ftxen Smnjr. _^ Mrs.'E^w*t, Mrs. Jacob Schumaker *mi. dangler, and Mis. Ban ]UMb«d[ motored to Winfield Wedm Jay where they risited Mrs. Peter VfttnfcT Who is stflTift, file sanitarium. Milt 01hr« Bsttattnan spent Sunvilli Mz. and lbs* Kick JBertmm •** f»»ity, Ff*isy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowe returned to (Ml Chicago home Sunday night. Mr. (pd Mr*. Frank Fltxen and •M% Bernisce Chamberlin, visited Hi lafctui*s wnntt. Kr. and John P= Schsrfer Friday. - By virtae at aa execution issued oat of the CliiU OBoe of the Cireuit Court ef MeHenfy County and Bfcateof IWnoia, and to me directed, wW^fejjj I ®» ssssnnnded to make ths aawmi af a ocrtain judgment of Wo over the wi. e|t said, Miss Begina Ibeia spent Sunday Jith hsr parents* "Mr. and Mrs* Joe - -- Miss Mario Oertel of Chic*.go spent |h<» latter part ofthis-we«k with her pster, Mrs. George Michels. ; j Mr. and Mrs- Ben Mtoyera of Ba- Une visited Mr. and Mrs. William J \clieyewaBd fainay Fridkjp. Misses Helen Schaefer and Sie|ya lleyers were Twin- Lake callers Thursday afternoon.' :<:J. Miss Mabel King spent Setuixlay Jjjvening with her parents, Mr. and iffrs. Joe King. , : Mrs. John Pitsen is still on the sick . •"! Mr and Mrs. Fred 8chaefer of Chi- "' wgo visited the former's parents, Mr. Snd Mrs. Beter Schaefer -Sunday. ^; Miss Mildred Schaefer was a Cry*-' "^\ - |al Lake caller Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowe and Mrs. . Jacob JSchmitt vjsited Mr. and Mrs. \ jfath N. Schmitt Saturday. s Mr. and Mrs. John Dehn and chil- 4f - dren, Mrs. Elizabeth Oertel and chilfren of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. > ^ Keorge Michels Sunday evephlg. j Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith visited - ' Jfr. and Mrs. George Lay Sunday. * ' ^ Mrs. Joe Michels Jr. of Crystal ke and Mrs, Joe Michels Sr. vis- Mrs- John Pitzen Sunday. Mrs. teen is still in bed -after being ill or three weeks. Mrs. Joe B. Hettemrafm stayed ith Mrs. John Pitzen Monday. A fish fry was held at the home of rthur Thelen Tuesday evening, ose present were: Mr. and Mrs. ussel Mazer of LaGrange, Mr, and rs. Charles Wagner, James SkiHn, Charles Skillman of Indianapo- 1 is, Helen Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred " ikilliiian, Mr. at^ui Mrs. Jacob F- Mii- •; er and daughter, Roselyn, Mr. Mid ' ; Ifrs. Arthur Thelen and daughters) i Juliette and Delina, and son, Harold. if§ Miss Frances Michels is on the sick at the present writing. Nick Miller who attended school in Chicago is spending his vacation with his father, Mr. Math Miller. John Pacek is now at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs* Anthony Pacek. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pntek were Chicago vistiors a few days this week. Johnsburg's baseball team motored t» Vahmtk Snndny tftwuas pfcere they phfed n game of baaeball. The former tcrtnwou by % scorrqf 8 to 4. Ilr. and Mrs. Wil^aia Qpffiiag and &*, aadtJ^JM MfrT Joe y at tiM &sie of Mr. and on**. fM writing Mn, Otto mry 31, is now some- Miss Josephine Freund is now at heme with her pnrents, Mr. and Mr*. •Jika, V. Frdnsd, after having com- 'fflllni llulvlHWfliji1imri lie in Elgin.. tWi ilrdnglwu school children^Mid. theferptcnie on the achool grounds >0 obtained against Chris Bartelt ftp flavor ef Howard Ballard out of tS* landa,v tenements, goods and chattel* ef the said Chris ^artelt, I have teriei^ on the following property, to-wit: A certain leased tam and lease a«l 4 right* and privil* ge* and eatate acquired by Chrk Bazteh in or under the al*$ Imw oeewing ltf feei on mmeneing at J|i tin "Walnut Tree" on tike Waucoqda and . Uk» I# and Ink dO feet Hcpim tfl nM, located m mc- |n' lt». t^MMh^^ Yasge 9, Mcfienry C<Mnty« qHnoi*; said lease dkted MasA 11, 1MB, expiring ?.5 yoan theihafter by thereof said leaaa having lied la the Recorder's office Illinois, and Recorded U Bock 15, miaoelpage 42S in ) with garage attadMd and a oaeHtory frame ImOfllt *bovt feet mnare. said MUtap b^K leeated oa the above WtMfU leased jmnisei, aftpatjd in ttt'Coiifty of McHenry and 9tate pt IHinois. Therefwe, aceordlng to said eom- Abswt ni l--I# H*n itiptirah id friend* of Loanla Bi«bop gathered at V«4ar Lake flndajr and enjoyed a l^cnic dinner. This was a day long to be remembered by all as a moat enjoyable time was spent. The Ladies' Aid eociety will hold a at the M. W. A. hall Wednes. d»; June 24. Mr. and Mr*. Nick Adam* spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adam*, at Johnsburg. Edward Thompsoi of Chicago spent Monday night and Tuesday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rahn at Elgin and Charie* Stevens of Milwaukee were visHm* in the Mrs. Lillian Steven* tome Saturday. Claris Smith of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Blrs. George Yonngl| r*. Lewis McDonald of McHenry wan calling on friends here Friday. Mr. aad Mra. Andrew Hawley of Elgin and FSAnk Hawiey of Chicago in the E. C. Hawtey )fr. and Mrs. Joe MOler and baby tim latter** paitnts in Spring a&brn Sunday. | Mine* Mildred and Susan Frett and John Freund of Chicago visited rein* tive* and Mend* Sunday. I Visitors at the home of Mrs. Rose man(], I shah e^oee for sale, at Pub Mueller Friday night were Mr. and nc Auction, aU the right, title and Mrs. Enail Simon, Mrs. Maywald of interest of the above named Chris Chicago and Mr- and Mrs. Frank Bartelt in and to the above described Mathieu were visitors in the home of property, en Tuesday the 23rd day of Mrs. Rose Mueller after the gradua- june, 1931, *t 10 o'clock, standard tion exercises in which Miss Emily time, A. M., at the east door of the Simon was a graduate. The evening was spent together in honor of Emily. Mr- and Mrs. Joe S. Hettermann and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Edward Freund in McHenry Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, Mr*. John Hiller and daughter,Marie, were Elgin caller* Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermah and family were Woodstock caller* Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freund and daughter, -Diane, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund Jr., Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Joe Michels Jr. and family of Crystal Lake vis&xl the former's parents, Mr. and 1m. Joe Michels? Mrs. Joe Thelen "visited Mrs. Jonn riMVU MVUlumy. Mr. and Mrs. F. Condell and son, Frank, and Mrs. Elmer Bay and son, Norman, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and family. !. Continues all this week a| Oraag* Frwit 8^ • " nfMlll Many exceptional bargains axe still awaiting thrifty shoppers. - The prices remain the same all this week. You will also find numerous new bargains which were not advertised last' week. You can do a lot with a dollar or less ::r Court House in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 28th day of May, 1931. LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff ef McHefiry County, Illinois. 1-3. ' JOSEPH P. HECTOR, Solicitor State of Illinois, McHenry Coonty. s*. In the Circuit Cofcrt of MfeHenry County. •*' , ^ Gen. No. 24664. V . U John Becker, Complainant, 4 ; , va. , » • 1 " " Eleanor Sphaif ianl-Mix Spear, Da* fendants* PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled CAU8V ti i-|-r .uLi o vni:s vuib wiu« vw* Uwv. Henry County, Illinois, on the 26th day of May A. D. 1931, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Thursday, the 25th day of June A. D. 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day (Central Standard Time) on the steps at the front door of the court house in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wihe Lot 19 in Orchard ^Beach, being A. L. Howe's Subdivision-©# part of the couth half of section twentyfour and the northwest quarter of section twenty-five in township forty-five north range eight east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat recorded April 14, 1894 in book 1 of plats page 60, in McHenry County, Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at which time a Master's certificate of purchase will be issued in accordance with said decree and the Statute. Dated tibia 3rd day of June A.- D- 1931. FRED a BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 1-3 „ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and daughter spent dttnday at Belvidere. Mr- and Mn. "James Conway Lihertyvilte *nd*Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Thennaaon of Burton'* Bridge were caller* hear* Sttnday. Thomas Dempeey of Chicago ipent the' week-end as the guest of Miss NiKe McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson* find daughters and George Bigger* were visitors at Ivanhee Sunday. Mrs. Frank Dfar and children* and Mrs. Roy Neal and children were visitors at Crystal Lake Sunday. * Ray Welter of Chieag* ia . visiting in the home of Us uncle, M. L. Welter. Eugene Thomas and Mae Wiedrich were guests in the Warren Thomas home at W oodstock Yhuraday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W- O. Fisher spent the week-end at Plymouth, Ind. Fred Wiedrich was a business caller at Richmond Friday. Gerald and Mary Jepson of Wau conda are visiting in the home of their uncle, C. J. Jepson and family. Mr. and Mr*. Howard Fisher of Huntley, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Porter and family of Hebron, Leslie, Douglass, Myrtle, Loretta, Opal and Silas Fisher were Sunday guests of Mr- and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family, Marie Young and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday at Twin Lakes. Mr. and TSrs. Henry Sweet of Spring Grove spent Monday in the S. W. Smith home. Mr- and Mrs. Roland McCannon left for Urbana Tuesday morning, where Mr. McCannon will attend summer school. On Wednesday they attended the dedication of Lincoln's monument at Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr wqpe Woodstock visitors Saturday. * " Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wainright and «V i Wet Wash, Rough Dry or Finished Work i I ,1 . if!'!! -1,9- ;UfL. • If'V sr .W * We an fti^pnpiriito Ufce care of yowr work in a prompt manner, regardless of which kind you want Lot ua do it and save the labor and wort. ^•;< : • £;>y- • • and our driver will.call yA': The Modern Laundry Bry XBeaning, PreMinf and Dyetef WllMIIIMIIMMMMIIMMIIM'MMMimilllUlMM1* . Te Sfanil* "He's false, Marie, as false as tune's beard In a beauty pageant." "Oh, I don't know, I think he'* clean--like a head waiter'* sbirtfront-'* ..j- "And a* tight aa a rubber band around a bootlegger's bankroll." "No! Tou know if he would take you out, you would be a* happy aa a red ant on a picnic plat*--" "Bored aa an aviator on a tricyd* you mean." - **w "Well, he'* prominent--" "Yes --like knee* in Scotland." / "Klderly--perhaps--" "I know--but he wear* hi* age a* gracefully a* a last week'* newspaper. Ha! Ha!" "Oh! You're as tmpoeelbie as a blind beauty doctor!"--Kansaa City • _;X -V. ,v ^ Hamilton aad Bwrr The rivalry between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr began when they were studying law. Alexander Hamilton completed his study and passed the bar examination first- Later when the election of Burr and Jefferson was thrown Into the house of representatives, Hamilton, although disliking JefTerson, threw his Influence In faror of him and secured the defeat of Aaron "Burr. Still later when Burr ran for the office of governor of New York and was defeated, he blamed this defeat oa Hamilton, aad challenged him to a dueL m Adhraaee in Pfciiippless Before the United States bought the Philippines the little Filipino girl en- Joyed no outdoor life. This condition has, bowerer, ..changed. 8he now piays tennis, basketball, golf, croquet aad other games. , Twmi* mmd fvi--dem • trade differs from a profession in that- you do your practicing before you (if|in to charge for it.--Capper's W«*kly. ,• .. . " ' lAil•.- ' Woeotodc vm Bttaiay visitor* m tti F. A. Httdhonfc.hpme. Mr. and Mrs. Xdy Peters attended the high school graduation imthii at Belvidere Thursday evening. Mr. Peters' brother waa one at the graduates. Mr. and Mr*. C. J. Jepson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Baaoad Mc-Cannon spent Sunday in the George Jepaon home at Wauconda. Adrian Thomas of Chicago apent a few day* the past week with hi* parent*. Mra. Apnea Jencks and daughter, Mary, at Evanston spent the weekend with, Mrs. Lillian Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Lyje Hopper^of Chicago spent Thursday here with relatives. " Harold Jepeoa earns heaie from Urbana, Saturday, for the anmmer. Mk* Mildred Jepaon returned to her work at ^vnnston Thursday evening, after spending the past month here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Berniece, spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. Oa Friday they attended the Southi Shore Country club horse show, i Mrs- Will Cristy of JopUn, Mo*, vis. week. Oregon, J is visiting, relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mr*, George Bacon and Mr. and Mr*. Lester Nelson and daughter, Jane, of Antioch spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. aad Mrs. . A. Dodge. Mr- and Mrs.. James BeH of Richmond were guests in the George Shepard hom^s Sunday. * . Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington and son of McHenry, Kern Lester and Frank Walkington of Libertyville and Ruby Davis of Woodstoclc spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Locinda Francisco of Woodstock spent the week-end in the W. A. Dodge home. Mr. and Mrs- George Shepard and family spent Sunday evening nt McHenry. Wayne Fosa, in company with Francis Halisy of Hartland, left Sunday on a trip to Yellowstone Park, via Minneapolis, Fargo, Bismark and Billings, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey of McHenry were caller* here Thursday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Ralph ~&ftnpson spent Thursday evening at Crystal Lake. Mrs. C. J. Pearson and mother were Wbodstock visitors Friday. Mr. and Mf<. Max Beth and son, Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday in the Wm- Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hutson of Woodstock were caller* in the Wm. KMUv KnnriA Mr. and Mrs. w'm. Beth, Jr. of Chicago spent Thursday night and Friday in the Wm. Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetse of Monroe, Wi*., and Mr. and Mrs. •rank Block and daughter of Kenosha, Wisn spent Spnday In the Dr. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and • V I * iif ifgi 111 wyiiittrnit Mil 111HH1IIMHMIIIIIUII SUCCULENT, delidous Meat*~the IdnS dint acem almost too good to be era#: ^They're offered here daily at prices dui family of Elgin spent Sunday with A JLm Mr- and Mrs. Frank Wiedrich. | Mr. and Mr*. Nick Young were! P ^ g«**t» i® the A. Ia l*urwnce visitor* at Woodstock Saturday even-1 ing. Mr. and Mrs. JL D. Smith and son. Earl, of Urbana and Mrs". Frank Turner and daughter, Jane, of Lincoli% " 111., spent the week-end with Mra, Mary Hodge. Mrs- Viola Low, in company with Mrs. Roy Todd, Mrs. Ed Hamilton and Mrs. Williams of Richmond %tr tended a Legion Auxiliary convention at St. Charles Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Deerfield spent the weeki> end in the home of the letter's panents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty- Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters attended oa alumni banquet at Poplar .Grove Saturday evening. Elmer and Leslie Olson; Leonard Brown, Gu? Carlson and Neal Carl* son attended the ball game'in Chi* cago Sunday. Mr% and Mrs. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens Alice Mae Low is visiting in thfc home of her uncle and aunt at Deeffield this week. ' 1 foaai Paekkfii SUeed Baco m 19* Pure Lard sita. 25c Tneag Lean tlinllir C«ts Pork Roast _ * AC l>4lb. D»A] Finest 23lb. SPECIALLY PRICED mt tasse easnao BROILERS 33>V PUMK inr Pot Roast I5lb. Veal Roast I4». IRUB CUT Beef Stew 3 »•. 25c Wlseeesfai leeg Here American Cheese 14» £$ , T "0 < m:: M, Albert Pepping Jr. llf Williams It Crystal Lake, Ilfiaata m mw Tn DT.ASSIFTKD COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS Save and beautify Tour Hair with our foil line of Permanent $10 Valuee fer $8 *•' • $15 Valuee for $1S All Waves Include One Haircut, Shampoo, and Finger Wave Service On Our Permaneata Until Grown Out Shampoo and Set, Short Boh Ne Shampoo and Set, Long Bob 75c Daily Specials -- Finger Wave (Short Bob), Marcel, Facials, Shampoo, Manicure, etc. Each 50c FREE One Manicure, Eyebrow A**h or Tissue Builder Facial with Shampoo and Finger Wave or Shampoo and Marcel --41 (On Permanent Wave Service 25c Extra) Notice--Cut this "special oifer ad" >ut and save it and you will be en- ;itled to these specials anytime in ;he future regaidleaa of change of prices. We Use Genuine Supplies--Beware of Substitutes Clean Soft Water Used Ask For Fre^ Service Coupon Stompanato's Barber ft Beauty Salon Five Beauty Artiata, Three Barbers Tel. Ml Woodstock ' Main St. Open Evenings Until It p. nu, D. S. T. •tot ^ >£' -<v-n -1 r I "/ Hi t IH-Too UNoeli Stake Truck--Price, includlnc body $710. Dual wheetettS fttira-Wltb wiMslbMM. includlo^bo^ !«•» dual wbtrala Mandanl Yon for ton.... mile for mile Chevrolet six-cylinder trucks cost less to operate 'X© It is a matter of record, among more and morn large fleet operators, that Chevrolet sixcylinder trucks give a lower transportation east than any other track of equol copacity in the market These firm* are finding, through experience, that Chevrolet sedan deliveries ore capable of 20 miles or better, to the gallon of gasoline; that Chevrolet lH-ton trucks are making fuel records whkh are relatively just as high. That it costs very little to keep Chevrolet trucks in first-class order. That Chevrolet service charges on both parts and labor ore exceptionally low. That the active life ol Chevrolet trucks extends wett past Mm 50,000 mileage morit. To place your hauling on a minimum-cost basis--and keep it them--put Chevrolet six-cylinder trucks to work. A wide variety of Chevrolet-built bodies U now available. And delivered prices of Chevrolet trucks, complete and ready for work, are based on low chassis-cost and low body-cost, phis only reasonable charges for handling and financing. IVfc-to* eh oasis wHk 191 {Owl wheels •ptt*m*. $SS emHe| 4mm* wttfa 137' wtiiilt«»e, $Ste (Owel wh«*4s Ctomkird! trm*dMMto priom f.•. b. rttat. AM e. h.li <!•••>•% --tm. lew hlhirii pilm em4 --«y tar--. HARRY TOWNSENH and Bivenide Drive Chevrolet Sales and Service .Jit .t " \