Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1931, p. 5

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af f*e f*«ie to out an Wsfsspw rf ffcj 'fMr t WMB ..• ^jw ? •K*'"- »-•,-»:>»'•:'!' v }Y- f« "< •' "+*% %ik The bicycle team of Smith and Brawn, or it might as wall be them as a*r Mmt ^ttriirtt 'oft a neat hibitiSi or**?*®* atftar the ball gam* tartar, aMy^oiiisled on none other than BmVapdenlfM# The Winder nnta bit bw as a rider, bat ha a--Ms*! slide though the ban tike his " partjjtfr. <itwaa an act vertfe fog mm minutes ^ off theai holding fee on two eceaaleo* last 'aseseii, the A'f had k«pM^( trtauniag ttwntthis year, but tm: not to- ba so. Bfcwwar,, takes * dsftot to Uia >ttt "' spots that go «B visitors are roUing i* ued feel tfaat> altar!®* good than harm derived And* luck Sand^^whenjbe hj^t fwnJft the m«il tqhK 1o cover' allow* ten but then M wtti has bean lonAing in tough stralt^D season, so 1m is used form, tha lecols sgt» aftha hopes they may Im had In catching Frank Peters and Ids boy* Cox hnrled peat ball for the win* ners and had his slow, teasing working to perfection. His was~afatte«t perfect^ he walkta* bat ana batsman. LaBahn waa Mthard waaregoeutiy In the Ma to Hia ped such had bis support *58-* sat tot the local H, tad MM. atrH .iMtl^ a mwpitkiit whfceh they now TVa'Gtattti lad off with hits to fee first «ad Second famines, hot were ttnsMe to. ««fi Has mr lav * * ^ ' served to fi McHenry gained a ili|.|K| thbd,Qktfr first and last, .ftp* bits and a two-base error by . pitched WmAir I aha Oauday against the Ownuine, hot was sta&- edhyeld mtn jftac tad lost is W Mpbit,, Andy struck as walks* tkree and itflowed^tMr ldts, two of them bargains. Three errors, aO 4C UMHa costly, taB the story. ftWus Was no dM(h on the mound .jFoftho ViBicfs, his left-handed slants being nfched fdr but five safeties. He also waftad three but struck out six. Algonquin got their first nm in the than Smith and Schroeder in andleft fields got mixed up on iimhe fly bafls and each drew Wonder Lake came bade in Oka eighth witt an* earned ran whatt Wjahl waDced,stole second and scored aii Smith's double. Kaslausky Ann* one te deep center which Low# cased back and pcAfed in with a neat prior to oue-fc»nded stab, robbing him of a * ' Wt. In their haH of tha inning the Wflqoin buneh gof SMh' oo first aad on tftviflM* riswiem t* Jptea-Sfr W&r m,It «**o% ***yrth« one down tie^Jfe fieW ®^ inchev whkh.weatftoa desptio aad scored tisf hst twotuto* of t&eg Hawleyhad his -elNMfe to bid fot flam* wbta he came up In the ninth with the Qiag nms on saeoad and thferd, bot >e IfUled to ^qB his oipt |i|t KcHanry Jmmi UA PH ~ ' m&iS* tm «a» in this dK|gMJHil,4hs4t«ore wqnld i«Wf been l-r« % wWptgrs' favj*.. Jloe has bas4 W^M msdnd * long ttane, but he MaM tuitad (Mm Mtkt tor m good ibmot npst hava aWgwr dpaaca sfitft ttttggfr tlia fslfcon fts there is to ha » gsme booked. and his pidka^a^acate into camp in an intthe eoan^r-saat IQfti This mnhjte ftor tike locals over the Woodstock bdll players. Aboat the only iepsstssat tiiiug wvrih mem tng dait dils rgame is Fete Millar's Hack cj« iflMtt m the result trf being rtradt by Hn 'ball. This explanat is made so lint no alibis will ha en Hiis'psrt. diamond then loft- % and Ste* t. ftsakie IFeters iMver vA gna aid. He has been playing baseball with his ^ t > dad's team, the Union Giants, for a P»d aani Tears, hot he can still, pick tham oot of the dirt aaywl ^ "• bctwesn aactwid and third. Htl of SdMsawtimr's grotrnder past tfit third htseman with the bases fall was a IwatttiwHer for the locals and ' had a lot to "Bo with their folding op; It was swell support as this that the job easy for Cox, who was far from being "teas?" himself. Two headline attractions hn*t baa* booked by Hia" A's for .Hie fans this « waek. Thursday -night the Algonquin Own nine, conqaarors of Wonder Lake last 9aaAa$, will provide " the twilight oppndRlon at 6:i5. Sunday ^ the Stanzak BStwthers nine, champions x .- of the world far brothers hasrha II teams, rene# fhsar rivalry tdth the, ' locals. They ajppimmU here twice < last season and yatentwo good batties. Game stiurts ^bliOO. And then .eoa« Johnsburg is flKh. H. E. Buch, oar 'WM known er, witnessed his fin* wajor league * baseball game a wade s«o today and received about as madh Mek out of it as he did from his first cimua. Ernie says he now realizes what «he game is all about. He was fortMataraaongh to see Kiki give a wondecftd exhibition of defensive work alw use his prowess as the thrower. Two sky-high flies sailed into the bleachers and gave him his first tafcte af homerunitis. Ton. bei, heU ba again. ia s'WlWIliiiJ nniform 's first hit wMr nged off Petals* atopping at then poked a grounder at Faltt tsMdad throagh into searing aad TiaRahn into third safely. Bacon Iliad to Qpwn awl Buhrow, who walked, read at second when Peters Sdmjtfacher's gronnder from Uriiind third on a marvelous play. • The Union Giants also got an on earned run in the to tie# the **". Byrd Stevanson Angled and went O^paoa's infield ad one behind fi^sT lost in ^ •• *at l^s glovss dreppsd it for an arror, vea^m to sctofe tiie tying '**%K ft>r ^ w** «f tha fOSi ^snkiswd of i single by Buhroar with a»ei«ft Jn the sixth and «<aiagie by Si^mnuvcher wlth one aft in tha ninth. Schuma^er went doa^i with Wlnkel in a dsftfcp play to end the game. In tin' meftatiaae the Giants were making merry with the bats at the. expense of LaBahn. A nanHa*1-* walk, and a siligle combined with sn ^ror by Sohrows on a CTOWbdn to left, accounted for two rue® in the sixth jp -give them, the _ 'Mfc*?; s - The big blowup in the eighth wrote lis across all the work of the A's for the day. Bjrrd was given a twobase hit when Johnson inadverdently allowed his glove to Mow the *"» into left field! StevensOT fanned. (Upson going to third. Sullivan then doubled and Cox and Palmer singled, accounting for three more trilies- Wfen Byrd then led off willi n over Bacon's head, V(i»ihhf re. placed by Irvin. StephSnlaon i^alked Gipson got his fourth Jhit to aseta Brown struck out. 1 V^&ert farced Stevenson at third o»- what should have been mi easy d«Mir |0ay. Sullivan then Singled to «qfer, ( but Gipjwn was out at the pdate trying to score from second. Joe Freund, former Johnsburg catcher, was, behind tha plate for tl A's as Fsy was out <rf the same Wit an injured ftger. Jda be wit 'h® :'m rest of tha aeason GIANTS--8 A B R H P A Palmer, 2b --.....4 0 2 t 1 Peters, ss -T ^.4 110 Byrd, lb 2 2 11 Stevenson, rf 4 2 ' 1 1 Gipson, If -- ,...5 1 4 5 Brown, 3b 5 0 0 1 Weathers, cf 5, 4 \ 2 Sullivan, c -1 f 4 Cay^.ii.^ar,--I -0 2 i y the Elgin Parksidesfc ratS onder Lake The mpiens of tbe Wa catching Ms first *W«u* rftie jire whe&ba kttmA?, " ed to Ana.* Next last yefcxV c ®3T». been boosting this nine an s<tasda an4 say thst ^iey will ba in the finlsh flgfct for the title of Northern Illinois. Wander Lake Is fortunate in securing this attraction. WONDER LAKE-- AB RH P A Wahl, lb .. L. Smith, If Xsudausky, sa H. Smith, 2b Sc^iroedeT, ct B^fley, rf BoUer, 8b ^ Hawkey, p _ i*ochi c . v.4 ,_4 „.4 •^4 0 IS 11 0 10 Al^CWQroRWN--. Ldjae, If --,4 1 '£ 2alesky, • cf ^..3 « lb J « Q. Uesky, 9b .--....,4 . 0 Wffi, rf 0 Jurs, 2b .^4 1 n 1 smo s 0 1 1 0 3 0 12 0 0 Winder Late lit •* * f* ® 1 ..000 000 0i0-l 5 8 Algonquin 010 020^8 4 1 Stolen basts --~Wahl, J. ZaleAy. Two-base Wta--Butler, L. Smith, B. Zaleaky. Double Plsys--H. Smith to 'Wahl. Struck eat--Hawley, 10; Kohri- Bases an balls--Hawley, 5; Uffi- 3. ^ Umphas Oristy, Whiting. token from toe Sacramento, CaL, P*9*r of May 80, And will, no dauht, ba of interest to many McHenry people. Mrs. WindmueOer will be reas Miss Elisabeth Karis, of Mr. aad Mrs. Fred ferls, of this city. "Ifaa. Emil Windmaeller won the women's championship of the DelPaso Country club today, defeating Mrs. W. T. Everson in the finals on Che fifteenth green. The match was interesting throughout and was marked by excellent golf by both contestants, aad especially by the winner. "This was Mrs. Windmueller*s first In a title match, bat H apparent from the start as under no mental strain for that reason She reached the fint green in two with beautiful woods, «M chipped dead to the pin for a par t*» an iron and a gala I the pin. Her tee sbtft foond the trap aboaf and again she chipped de*d of golf, •i|Bt be expected, ttowww, she staged A winning the next two hem wMB fSurs. On the seventh Mrs, WUMtoller made another par when j#ybfcd a short approach over the saad tnto and deari'to the pin. Both N on ei^it and en ninr Mrs. **tm% par was good enottgfc toj wi» a»d reduce the Saargin against her to piro. MMm WindmoeHer parre<f ffCT for a win, but lost eleven wtth. a five. Sbb went three op on twelve. Both had fives on thirteen to put her dormy, and when they halved fifteen, congratulation were la orde* for Mrs. WindmoeBer." •treatasentj.- «Bi is getting along nicely and e^fltor MP? return home the laat of nexi .;Mslu> <<. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin, daughter, Rita, and Wm J. Welch attended the graduation of Miss Gpace Martin from St. Anthony's hospital school of nursing in Chicago, Saturday. Mr. ahd Mrs- Lao Blake, Mr. an<f Mrs. John R. Freond and children, Mrs. Joseph May and daughters, Ger trude afid Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and son visited at Richmond Sunday afternoon. Mr- and Mr*. Georga Eddy,* Mr. andT Mrs^H. 'Stots, Mr. aad Mrs. A1 Wick lond and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F Wells, Mr. and l&S. Salpr Wells, Mr. and Mrs- ilarry Wells, Mr.- and Mrs. Marvin Wdls and Maririiall Henry of \Zn JZL f®*gTin ,ennJjooyy*ed1 aa ppiieeani*le ,inn «th«e• PMk IBMHI am an ivam •«!<) 1 a lea Sunday and visited in the home ofMr. k •• _ -• ~* . p»' * and Mrs. L- P. Newman. ENJOY Sentoey-iour frftwib- and vejaiivei LABt aiTLE MATCH \ TO ssoros tltLS T*. i««olt o# the 300 jmrd mitch last Sfinday morn had quite a bit to do with tightening up the situation cunuuning the Small Bore Aggregate stoftflteg. The next match will be MM June 28th and will be the last and deciding match of the issue. There 'srfD be 40 shots st SO yards with 22" tffles in action. It should be a glorious spectacle and one that will cause nlipch excitement as the range is considered the eaeiest of them all- The situation at pveeent is so close that even tarer*! old soldiers ba^e a chance at toe title. N ' ! The Smith Brothers, without beards, tied for the title over the 800 yard range Sunday w!rt> 07 points dach. Ae morning was ideal for shooting with the light exceptionally good. ' Jase 14tkfO|M yard Matdb 10 shots slow fire, 5 sitting, 5 lm--Hny 10 shots rapid fire, both on a target Slow Rapid Total •apant^ Sbndey with him in a picnic Sanulrd's mill near Wonder Lake, fcesple came from all diieetfcms to meet the man who was born and failed in this vkinlty and whom they had not seen for twenty-one years, and there were visitors present from Wbodsteck, McHenry, Solon Mills, Ringwood, Ubertyvitle, Greenwood 4M| Dundee., Dinner was served at one long table and the afternoon was spent in visiting, reminascences, taking of pictures and the registering of the names of the guests present. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes Conway of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ehrke of Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. WiH Beck of Dundee, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gratton of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Smith and son, Bart, of Urbana, Mrs. Frank Turner and daughter, Jane, of Lincoln, 111. Ao&o I John Joorfetx and Clarence Kraus^ ^ of Woodstock High, were McHenry county's only representatives at the National Track and Field meet held »t Stagg field Friday and Saturday. foth qualified in their events in the reliminaries, but neither got into ,s -the point-getting classes In the finals. ^ i~;|[porfetx placed fourth in the 100 and Krause got sixth place in the low £3... JMrdles. Joorfetz's time in the quaiifying round in the 100 was less than * <fhe wixmer'8 **me ™ the finals, but S«3£'"'JSf w" due in P*1® to the skw coah % tuition of the dampened trade. a ? ^ ** 8 " 27 10 ATHLETICB-il;* A B R H P A Dahn, 8b ..*.^,......^.4 0 0 1 1 Bacon, cf „4 Buhrow, if Schumacher, lib Winkel, 2b ^...4 Johnson, aa S S. Whiting, rf J J. Freund, e | L*Bahn, p j ®nri^ p 0 x - F r e u n d , t h e n e w e s t a d d i t i o n t o McHenry A's catching staff, took I I,. place of the disabled Fay in the 4 ^i71110" Glf^f and turned in F- # neat exhibition for his inaugural •?^ffy- Joe. conducted himself in fine Shape behind the bat, got the first hit, ir*cored the only run for the A's and f _ «aught the only man who attempted *0 steal second. Joe is the ex-Johnsf *urg star who paired with Ed Tonyan | io win the county title two years ago. t; If Ed gets back into action this sum- Wer, and the fans are hoping he tWll, ^ Hie old battery of Tonyan and Freund' Will again swing into the victory •? - inarch, this time under the colors of *0cHanry. • "s-m-J AJflw Ur H^t-Heoi»dy"^-*-' • "It's better to use de longest words ^ :|^|ou knows when you gits excited," - ia!d Uncle Eben. **Makfn' sere ' P<* persack meanln* may gtre Hnw fob temper to cool down."--Wi r; SO 1 4 27 13 Giants _000 102 041-8 15 1 Athletics 001 000 000-1 4 Twp-base hits--Peters, BynL Sullivan and Cox. Double plays--Cox to Pointer Byrd. Struck out--LaBahn, 4; Ervin, Cox, 4. Umpires--Buhrows, to i; CHAMPIONSHIP ^ INDOOR GAMES H^^ntSiTfed teen have been thinking they are pretty good and inveigled themselves Into challenging the pick of the "kids" of tite high school gang. _ Well, the Yalvoline OilVaen of the school league are going to take a crack at the Huck's All-stars of the married men's league for about tBe best foyr out of seven games, the first game being Friday evening at McHenry Park at 7:00 sharp. Now there is going to be' some good ball playing in these games and may- , thfy will have to go to the high school for some games. And they claim they are the cream of the »nn»ir So the championship must W ifiTbml at the end. ~ ' aecmv BALL QAMES AT V. ^'>-f*SK - The maiued. --men'rs baseball at the city pork are drawing and mke isteoect as the season Win uliie nice thingv about it ia t|kt eaeh a^aber has paid Mm plttOBce whfak ^11 more than pay for AaUs and bits. Now right here is a good time to mention that if all those "lounger fellows who try to occupy the diamond--uaatg the ball and bats would donate a mite we believe at the end of the Season or before that some of the financial worries could be taken off the doaaters who keep the park looking aa spic and span as now. Last Thursday the Hucks beat the Dons by one run, in a good lively conteat, and again on Tuesday night the Hucks bested tha Buchs, about 11-4. J6hn Smith Ralph Smith Herb Freund .... Lester Bacon .... Wm. Caspers .... Bruce Nickels .. Wm. Kiapperich Bob Thompsop , 44 48 .-...41 --„,fy ......40 m4MMS4 Fred Caspers 82 {Hank Weber -- 8. Saundero 20 43 •i|4 40 38 85 a 39 8 88 87 80 87 87 81 76 76 «?4 72 71 71 j 7ft SO tetter Blnfbam, In hi# book on tha Monroe doctrine, says It was not ontll 18BQ, during the second admtnlsttatlon of Pwaide|it deretaad. that a secretory at state thought It expedient or iiwri--ly to restate the Monroe doctrine aad to briag ua to the verge ef a Dnopm war by backlag it ap with aa abaotateiy uncoaipromisins attitude. Venezuela had bad a lengbeoBdary dispute with British MMjr cared very such either way onto somebody discovered that la «be disputed territory were rich S«<d ne'ida. in the exdteownt that eoaoed the Tenssuelans appealed to the Oeftted States and Secretary Oloey, Imwklng the Monroe breosto aaattert to a cristSi c Wen Lost Hock SpedaU _5 0 Psrksiders . 2 2 Donavin Plumbers 2 J Buch Plumbers 0 ~ f Games tbe coming weak: Tonight, (Thursday) ParksiderS vs. Dons. Tuesday, Dons vs. Buchs. There is generally a good attendance at each game and the children are taking advantage of the park, •too, playing ball and other games-- it really being a fine place for them. ' ' "EvasaHjs Alam -Ban" Erasmus, noted scholar and reformer of the Sixteenth century, with his friend Dean Colet, founder of St Peal's school, visited gfc Nicholas' almshouse, in England, aad one of the brethren ordered a holy relic for them to kiss, as was the custom before Sprinkling guests with holy water, writes Lovinia Walsh In the Boston Transcript The relic in this case wss a part of a shoe once worn by St Thomas of Canterbury. The dean. It seems, was not kissing anybody's old "Shoes. He forthwith got hot under his Clerical collar and became rhetorically hectic. The scholarly Erssmus, 00 the contrary, was most courteous, and to make amends for tbe deen's misbehavior, he dropped a goodly sum into the alms box. Ever after, this box was known as "The Erasmus Atm« Box." Me Jaw Power of East Indian Unul Tha strength of Jaw at warmMooAOd animals cannot compare with that ef reptiles, sn article in Pearson's Weekly points out The bulldog and mastiff are famous for their strength of grip snd the hyena is said to able to bite through the thigfi bone of an or to extract the marrow, but they take back seats to the powenaafi tenacity of a lisard la tha Calcutta reptile houae. The lizard wss of the sort known as tha "go-samp" aad weighed •hoot 100 pounds. As it was being drawn out of tha cage which it shared with tbe pythons. It ssised a twelve foot snske by the neck. * Locked together, the two creaturee were drawn out Keepers made every effort to lever the jews of the lisard apart Bat it was useless, mid tha python's neck was flat as s pancake when at last tbe lizard let go. A record illustration of the muscular power of the turtle , was giveo by the late Frank Bullen. He and his mates captured an Immense turtle weighing 1,800 pounds and cut it open. They removed all the meat and left' only the bead attached to the shell. A young man began examining the head snd foolishly put his fingers lota the turtle's mouth. They were bitted, off ss cleanly as if they had 'ym Tbe "Fkww" Wltkil'l New Internattwal dictionary says 1 A young girl ot. about fifteen Se eighteen years of age, especially one who Is not yet. "out" officially ;* probably so called with a double allusion to "flapper," s yomig duck, and £0 the braid of hair worn hanging doom the beck of young girls. constantly about the possibility ef becomtag deaf. His complex took the form of announcing to his office mates that he was going to boy some sort of sn earphone, to see if that aided him. Consequently his colleagoee were ready for him when be appeared with It next day, and whispered evesy word they addriosed to htm or to Anyone inhir^preanice. Now he's telling his doctor that the good man doesn't know what he's talking about. Mean? Maybe--but have yon ever Itred with a htpn rhreadilacf --Cleveland Plain Dealer. Piepsily Southern States original Mason-Dixon line wss the boundary Une between Pennsylvania and Maryland; Jost before the CSvll war tha line waa accepted as the ^tvldtng fine between free snd slave state* The itotae generally regarded ss southern ato Virginia. North Ouete font* Carolina. Florida, Alabalgkc Tennessee. Mis^teippi, Ttoa« ArtuM**; LeuMaaa, OklahMM, Miaforms Jthe eastern betndarf of Mleamri, |a(W not change It* name The Mialuui river dlvldce the state, hut tha whole of Missouri is ceasi ss a southern or border stat* Mmkiag a Maiiwt - '• A Oufcet for any kind ef geedb is any ssssmblags ef buyers and sellers ef that eomsBodit? Thls'ssarket ^»es not heeessarily mean thM nltb buyers and sellers must be in dose contact ss on the New fork stock exchange, but there can be no actual aisilst unless the buyer end seUer are ia communtcatlSb with eech ether. Thus modern inventions like ttlsgraphy, tdsphene,. wir^ass sad ethy msans rf communlditlon have greasy enlarged tha poeefbliltles ef marfcen,- . .-- --- ;i<V Beavw Meat PaUiaWU The body meat of the beaver baa a samey flavor, but If properly cared for and cooked. If excellent, and was generally preferred by trappers to any other game, even in the early days, when buffalo, elk and deer were abundant The tali is fstty tlsene, very rich and palatable, and ^o"»i<frysi1 a great delicacy. . ^ •" 11 • - -- I l i i t t n t M B a r r e l . Massachusetts requires ltd votSra- W be able to read the ConstltnAon aad to write' their names. Delaware, Maine, North Care!r.!s arc other aUies. thai exclude illiterates from suffrage. miles west of Woodstock on 18, there win be held a weed waiW demonstration. The fourth week of June will bo Weed Control Week in Illinois. Tbe Illinois Farm Supply company bH arranged with the Chemical Engineering company to have a weed trodc tour the. state and hold spraying and dusting demonstrations in all interested counties. The truck will ho equipped with weed display, loud speaking apparatus, a power sprayer, and other types of sprayers sod dusters recommended by applying chlorates. Men of experience in weed control work will accompany the truck and be responsible for the onstration. Everyone interested in the °f Canada thistles, quack weeds, etc., are urged to be pr at this meeting. Remember the date, place and time. June 22nd at IZ-Jf* p. m. at the farm of H. J. Blackburn. kBNor DR. GRAHAM TO BE IN McBENRY COUNTY JUNK?* Farm Adviser Harvey, who. ba* ju*t spent a few days at tfee University of Illinois, in company with, tbe 4-H boys snd girls made a special visit to Dr. Robert. Graham's office and had quite a conversation with hiip on the contfigioua abortion situation in McHenry county. Dr Graham has kindly consented to talk to the fanners of MeM*ury county on this subject on Friday, June 26. Dr. Graham says that it pays to eliminate or control contagious abortion in dairy by testing and simple methods of management. Ho says he feels there is no more op< portune time than the present- -twdevelop clean herda. m tha dairy- see- - tion. Further notice and details ef tbn meeting will be sent out from tte Fsrm Bureau office later. Mm JUDGE" WELCH OFFICIAT** The month of June brinQ tbe. U^bl number of weddings with Justice ef the Peace, Wm. J. Welch, having two marriages within the last few daya. On Friday, June 12, Mr. EUery P. Gerber and Miss Alice P Oelkers of Evanston were married by Justice Welch and on Tuesday Mr. Jerry Martin of Waukegan and Miss Floraato L. PittB of Deerfield were married at tbe home of tbe justice of the pehee. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend at the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, Sunday school. 10 o'clock. W W EBALL .•AT WOKDER LAKX SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Paijcside Vs. Wond^JU?k« wmKmp terns* o'clock, standard time .ADMISSION 35 Cents •WSSSf.j" •: r; if" Watieaal Flawa* -She oottsnal flower emblem of Idth- ••iSSPi Tbe panda is an Asiatic animal, one of the rarest of mammals, with tbe face of a raccoon, feet like a cat and body similar to that of the bear. There are two specimens at the Field museum In Chicago. These were ceptured by Theodore and Kermlt Roosevelt near thebordgr of Tibet. SEf^t.y- --' •*'•• -- : n- '•A It ia mind, after all, which does the wort ef tbe world so the more there ia of atind the more work wil! be acoompMibcd. Mflward Channfng. 3^^ Symbol in "Song ot Nibelimfaf _ A itrange theory, according to whiclf fM famous "Song of the Nibelungs*^ Is partly s symbolic description off metallurgical processes, has been); published by the German historian,, Carl Ludwig Antz. While Herr Ante does not deny tiiat some of the per-, sonaiities and motives of the song; may have a historical bsckground, his: thesis is that the poet of the Nibelungs used old fairy tales and myths merely as s garment. The life of Siegfried. Herr Antz contends, Is full of such Indications. Iq his opinion, it is highly remarkable that metals have : been mined In the territory around the •city of Worms, the seat of the Nibe- 6 Iudrs, for • several thousand years. Siegfried's light against the dragon is explained as a symbolic interpretation of mining. Brunhilde, who lived in Brittany (not In Iceland), is described as the queen of tin, and Siegfried conquers ber for Gunther, tbe king of copper. Gunther (copper) .marries Brunhilde (tin) and the result is bronze. Aiber|ch, the dwarf^ is Is miner who reveals the aeeret of mining to Siegfried. • <r 'M REASONS WHY;- You Gt* Buy From Us COMPLETE CONFIDENCE l"_«Ccrtificd Material" All the building materials we sell are "Certified** M to th?ir grade, quality, weight tod mm m H I: ••• ft# ou bring mrita. ^ . 2lg>--<4,000 Bonded Guafantce ^ A $1,000 bond, backed by a |44,000,000 mmtf >compaQy is issued on each piece of lumber or Boad of material you buy--guaranteeing it to 1m Miftly aa ^peci6ad» .. - . '^3"®--"Certificate of On each new home or modernixing job, atbg i recertified Material", we issue a Certificate of : ^|^uality which will remain a permanent record of ~ the quality nfaterials used, litis record, a proof £|>f quality, will prove valuable should you ever ' decide to sell or make a loan. * 'it* • 34 *1 JnmB IS NO APDBO COSTIQ& 'CEHTtflip MATEWil,'! • :• % '? Quality aad Service First WEST McHKNRY, ILLINOIS 'M- y v;

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