Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jul 1931, p. 8

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JSfV *" L. fAYLO* Ctifceto 8 aw«?.rm yMi^- <W: >,C ^ &&&*?.., ,;-.j fe ^' *! >?••' >'* ~ v\ ••*>,. ;??>-.\. •" ~ Opw Cottage r llr. and Mrs. John Aylwaivi of Elite entertained a party of friends at the grand opening of their cottage, east of Fox rivet, on July fourth. Horseshoes and cards furnished the entertainment for the guests during the day and cafeteria dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Aylward expect to spend much of their time this summer at their cottage in this vicinity. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Minnie Conway, Jean Conway, Mayme Aylward, Mr. •mi Mrs. Frank Cleary and Charmay ne, Marguerite Hineis, Dorothy Simmons, Esther Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aylward, son, Merlin, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wicklund, daughter, Marian, Marshall Henry, Grace Gahan, Tim Jackman, Irene Conway of Elgin: Margaret Aylward, Delia Cleary, Frank Ward, Jean Rasmussen of Chicago; Mr. andd Mrs. John Conway of Aurora; Wanda Moundy of Gibson City, 111., Mr. and Mrs. James Conway, Saga Olson of Libertyville; Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, Clarence Martin, Wm. J. Welch, Genevieve Knox, E. Knox, John Sutton, Ed Conway and son," Dick, M. A. Conway, Leroy Conway, Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and children of Mc- Henry; Mr: andj^Mrs. Ed Houlihan rat Park .Ridge. •if.:? !* * : Surprised Ow Birthdtf A party of friends and "relatives surprised Frank Blake at his home near Lily Lake on the Fourth of July, the event being planned in honor of his birthday anniversary. A picnic dinner was served on the lawn and during the afternoon the young folks enjoyed games, while their elders indulged in a few games of cards in which prizes were- won by Mrs. Lea 'Blake, Miss Anna Blake and Mrs. Peter Blake. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames John Blake, Joe Blake, Peter Blake, Anton Blake, Mat Blake, Frahk Blake, Anton Freund and their families and Miss Florence Freund and Mrs. Harvey Nye and children. Mr. Blake was presented with a smoking stand. f' •"••t - •< . Sunshine Girls Clnb . ,The Sunshine Girls 4-H club of Ring-wood met at the home of Miss Alice Peet on Tuesday, June 30. The meeting opened by the roll call, which was given by the secretary. Each girl answered by naming her favorite flower. The report of the last meeting was read. The girls then decided upon having a play for the pur- 3*888 of rsising money to send the girls to Urbana next year. After the business program the girls cut out their dresses, which must be finished by July 21. The undergarments that were finished were judged by,--the fMi. At the clraeQjyii^meeting Sey[Uroy^w4fr"wmchwere led by Mfl^wnxting. Darlene Merchant, Club Reporter. Robert L. Taylor, 74 year# old, brother of Mrs. John Fay of McHenry, died at the home of his daughter,! Mrs. Ruth Clemenson, at 5416 Cortez street, Chicago, Friday, July 3, 1931, at 1:30 a. m- He had made his home with his sister in McHenry for the past nine years and his kindly disposition made many friends for him here. In April, 1930, he suffered a stroke, from which he never fully recovered, and it was with untiring attention that his sister cared for him during this illness until he went to visit his daughter, where his condition grew worse and he passed away on July 3. Robert L. Taylor was born May 9, 1857, in Newcastle, Pa., the son of T. R. M., and Susannah Zigler Taylor. On December 13, 1920, he was unit- •wi in marriage to Mary Brown at Clinton, Iowa. He was an employee of the* Chicago & Northwestern- railroal for more than forty years, working his way up to be & conductor; and following an accident he was retired and pensioned by the company. He was a member of Union Park lodge, No. 610, Av F. & A. M., also a member of Wiley M. Egan chapter, No. 126, R. A. M.; Tyrian Council, No. 78, R., and S. M.; and John Murray division, No. 293, O. R. C., of which he was always a most interested member. He is survived by-his step-daughter, Mrs. Ruth Cletnenson, and three sisters, Mrs. E. J. Jones of Sterling, 111., Mrs. Harriette Whitley of Arlington, Wash., and Mrs. Emma Fay of McHenry. Funeral services were held Monday, July 6, at 2 o'clock at the funeral home at 5454 Chicago avenue, under the auspices of Union Park lodge, No- 610, A. F. & A. M. Rev. Windham Bonham, pastor of the M. E. church of McHenry, preach, ed the funeral sermon and many beautiful selections Wfere sung by the Masonic quartet. Interment was ilk Elm Lawn cemetery. J. J. PITZEN J, J. Pitxen, 73 years old, a lifelong resident of this vicinity, was found dead in bed Monday morning, July 6, 1931. He is survived by three sons, Nicholas, John and Louis, and three daughters, Mrs. VanGills of Aurora, Mrs. Louis Adams and Mrs. George Schreiner, of McHenry. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. John's church, Johnsburg, with burial at Johnsburg. I- ;; Get-together Club On Sunday evening the Get-Together club surprised one of its members, Mrs. Frank Mathieu, In her «osy little home on the hill at Johnsburg', in honor of her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in playing bunco and prizes were award ed to Mrs. John Mettes, Mrs. Buch- Ijtfr, Mrs. Rose Mueller and the consolation to Mrs. Maywald. Music and -songs were furnished by Mrs. Clara Adams. Refreshments were served, bat first a cake was presented to Mrs. Mathieu by Mrs. Anna Lunkenheimer. She also received many beautiful gifts from the members of .the club said on leaving, all wished her teany happy returns of the day. ° • . Lily Lake Piratee "Come on in, the waters nice and cool." Not many of our members became water ducks on Wednesday because of tbe.coot-atr. "During our sewing hour Mrs. George J. Wegener, local club leader, visited us and gave us a few directions and some advice which we all appreciated. Next week we hope to have our undergarments finished, and our dresses well under way. We will have to work fast because we have not very many weeks left before we will have to be entirely finished with the work. Margaret Flfeund, club reporter." it s. Hei^y urn, Intl, Mid-Week Card Club -The Mid-Week card club mot at the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller Wednesday afternoon with five tables of bridge in play. Prizes were won by Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and Mrs. George* H. Johnson. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H.U Ritter on July 22. > Firet Birthday , ,.\;llrs. George Miller entertained a " "JM&ty of friends in honor of the first birthday anniversary of her little son, Bobby, Tuesday afternoon. The guests were entertained on the lawn, where refreshments were served, including a birthday cake decorated with one candle. Invited guests were: Mrs. Joe Weber and children, Dan and Joyce, Mrs. Albert .Vales •nd daughter, Dolores; Mrs. Ray Conway and daughters, Marion Grace and Betty; Miss Charmayne Cleary of Elgin; Mrs- Davis Walk Ington and son, David Lee, and Miss JUte McLaughlin. W . Bridge Party " JEfe. *' Mrs. Ben T. Olsen of Riverdale gave a bridge party Wednesday, July 1, for the Eastern Star officers of Edgewater Chapter, where she . holds the chair of Esther and hei daughter, Bernice, is Xdah. After the game most of the guests went in for a swim and some for a motor boat ride, which Benny took care of. There were twenty-five ladies and Hhey all enjoyed the warm day because they were made comfortable by cool drinks and light refreshments The visitors left about 8 o'clock in evening. * Settem-Pereen r- Miss Gertrude Sattem, daughter Mr. and Mrs- Gus. Sattem, and Mr. •Charlie Peyeell were married at Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Jane 27. ^fhey will live at SanteFe. ' Ladies'Aid Socbty The Ladies' Aid' society met at the home of Mrs. C- H. Duker last Thursday afternoon. The July birthdays were celebrated and refreshments were served. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Wm. Spencer next Thursday afternoon, July 16. Mrs. W. Bonham was a guest at the wirtliy^. • * '•>;% '£ " • 1 Goldy-Pitmae Mr. Earl Pitman of Antioch and Miss Alice Goldy, better known here as Alice Beebe, were married at 11:30 o'clock on June 29, at the Grace Evangelical Lutheran parsonage it Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Garland were attendants. They will live at Antioch. C. Di A. Meeting . • Tie regular meeting of the Catholic Daughters of America was held at the K- of C. hall'on Monday evening. The business of the month was taken care of, after which the members present enjoyed refreshments at &uh\ ' tJ"- - t • Disraeli's Change of Faith When a boy of twelve or thirteen, Benjamin Disraeli,, with the other member*, of his family, was confirmed in the Church of England. His father had lost sympathy with the tenets of the synagogue and felt that the time had come for the family to embrace the Christian religion. Si|aificaml Word Spite Is a little word, but It represents as strange a jumble of feelings and compound of discords as any polysyllable In the language.--DIoKens. Francis Frett of Aurora spent the Fourth with relatives here. Miss Ethel Jones spent Friday In Chicago. William Martin of Chicago spent the week-end at his home here. Joe Smith and Edward Smith were Richmond visitors Monday evening. Miss Helen Welch of Chicago visited relatives here over the week-end Mr. arid *Mrs. Frank Meyer were Chicago visitors Monday. Mrs. Charles Pkh wa* a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. P. H. Weber and son, Robert, spent Wednesday in Chicago. _ ; Miss Clara Schiessle was 'S Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Mildred Minnich of Oak Park spent Tuesday in McHenry. • Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schreiner and sons spent Monday in Chicago. Miss Theresa Brefeld of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Fred Kamholz, Jr., of Chicago spent Monday at his home here. George Buss spent the Fourth of July in Chicago. Miss Mary Goodfellow of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs. Fred Kamholz spent Monday with her sister, who is very ill at her home in Crystal Lake. Mr- and Mrs. Hal Plumb of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the A. L. Purvey home. Mrs. Harry Morris of Chicago'spent the week-end with her husband at the Country club. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kearns and son, Gregory, visited in Cicago over the week-end- j Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke are spending a few days this week at Lake Defiance. A. E. Nye and children and Edwin Sherman were Lake county visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes attended a picnic at the Ed Whiting home near Ringwood on July Fourth. Leroy Conway, Arthur Krause and James Doherty saw the ball game in Chicago Tuesday. Ben Wegener Of Chicago is enjoying a two weeks' vacation at his home here. Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Forest Park is visiting her mother, Mrs Block. Edward Bonslett of Auburn, visited relatives here over thjs weekend. Francis Bonslet of Chicago spent the Fourth of July- with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chicago visited relatives here over the week-end. Herbert Ziegler of Chicago played golf at the McHenry Country club, Saturday. Mr. and Mts. Vaughn Jones of Chicago spent Sunday in the C. W. Goodell home. Miss Frances Murphy • of Chicago was a week-end guest in the N. E. Barbian home. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ensign attended the funeral of Robert Taylor in Chicago Mortday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin spent the week-end with relatives here. Dr. Walter Priest and his mother of Chicago spent the Fourth at the McHenry Country club. Leroy Conway of Chicago !s° enjoying a two weeks' vacation at his home here. Leonard Frett of Harrisburg, Pa., spent the week-end with relatives here. John Erickson and Mrs. Ritter of Chicago were week-end visitors In the L. A. Erickson home. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox, daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. arid Mrs. Ray Conway visited Miss Kathrine Keefe at Spring Grove Sunday. v Mrs. A1 Wagner and Mrs. Ed Wag^ ner have returned to Chicago, after spending three weeks at Lake De fiance. Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson of Solon Mills spent a few days this week in the home of theilr daughter Mrs. Earl Monear. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Long of CM cago were,Saturday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zoia and chil dren and Mrs. Margaret Gillis of Woodstock spent Saturday, evening in the Peter ^Doherty home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroeder and daughter, Evelyn, of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Jean Conway of Elgin are spending the summer at their cottage, east of the river. Mr. and Mrs. C. ' Dahlstrom and daughter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Peterson of Chicago spent the week-end at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and chil. dren and Mr) and Mrs. Bert Murray of Chicago spent the week-end at the Vastine *cotLage at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. Will Monear of Eight, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Widder of Bloomington, Ind., Frank Zosburg of Genoa City, Wis., and Mrs. Bernice Sherman of Harvard enjoyed a picnic in the McHenry park Sunday and visited i friends and relatives in this vicinity. Tuesday fo Woodstock. Mr. and lbs. P- M. Jus ten Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Janice Klonts is visiting her grandparents at Richmond this week Miss Lucile Speaker of Richmond spent the Fourth with friends here. Alma Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey at Ringwood. Mrs. Henry Heuser and children of Chicago are visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and children spent Sunday with relatives at Ringwood. Bud Rainey of Chicago is spending the summer in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Freund. Miss Charmayne Cleary of Elgin spent several days this Wfeek in tha M. A. Conway home. Mrs. Carrie Mansfield of Wood' stock spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and son, Alan, of Liberty ville spent the week-end with her parenta here. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay i returned home Tuesday night from Chicago, where they attended the funeral of her brother, Robert Taylor, MoncfiSj^ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartley of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. E. E. Bassett, son, Lyle, affd gu£st, Mrs. Ruth M. M. Brooks, were Woodstock visitors Saturday morning. Mrs. E. E. Bassett and daughter, Floribel, were Chicago visitors Tuesday. , Mrs. Porter and children of Milwaukee, Wis., spent last week with her Bister, Mrs. Lester Sherman and family. * Mr. and Mrs. Harry Niesen of Alabama are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen, and other relatives here. Mrs. Ritter ' of Chicago Bpeot the first of the week in the L. A- Erickson home. Mrs. Ruth Martin Brooks of Chicago was a week-end gliest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mrs. F. W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock and Mrs. May Sayler of Elgin visited relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Moulton and daughter, PhylHs, of Elmhurst were Fourth of July visitors in the Albert Krause home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Monroe and daughter, Betty, of Elgin spent the Fourth of July as guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Krause. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jensen, son, Mert, and wife and granddaughter, Rosentary, of Woodstock visited Mrs. Anna Frisby Sunday. Betty Monroe of Elgin and Phyllis Moulton of Elmhurst are spending the week in the J. W. Rothermel home on Riverside Drive. Mr. and Mrs. H- F. Goodell and son, Bennett, of Green Bay, Wis., visited last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frisby of Chicago, and Mrs. Walter Lee, formerly of McHenry, now of Aurora, visited Mrs. Anna Frisby. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughters, Clara and Lena, spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs* Stoffel remained for a few days visit with relatives. Miss Elsie Vycital returned home Monday from a few weeks' visit with friends in Iowa. She was accompanied on the trip by her aunt from Racine. Mr. and Mrs. John Haske and sons, James and John, and Mr. Collins and daughter of Chicago were Saturday guests in the Schiessle and Weber home. Mr. and Mrs. James Callahan and daughters, Mildred and Kathleen, and Miss Rosella Murray, of Chicago were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones, Miss Frances Vycital and Mrs. Anna Howard attended the meeting of the Business Women's club at Woodstock, Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mike LaVelle and children of Streator spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Buss. Ruth and Maurice LaVelle remained for a visit in the home of their grandmother. Mrs. H. C. Hughes and Miss Frances Hughes spent Wednesday in Chicago, where they met the latter's cousin, Miss Christine Tapp, of Covington, Ky^who will spend the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty, with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. James <fellahan and daughters and Miss Rosella Murray of Chicago, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zoia at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holly and two chcldren and Mrs. Drake of Genoa, 111., visited the former's mother, Mrs. Nizzie Holly, Wednesday. Mr. Holly is a former employee of the McHenry Plaindealer when C. D. Schoonmaker was editor several years ago. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald were: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Prinderville, Mr. and Mrs. John Rowe and children, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowe and Mr. and Mrs. William Senn of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and children and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb of McHenry. •«« " '* •' * Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Becker and and Miss Anna Becker of Chicago spent the Fourth at the latter's summer home on the Fox river with a party of friends. Their guests were Mrs. M. Lambe, Robert Lambe, Misa Norma Peterson, Mrs. Chitles Beck and Herbert Hufmeyer. BARN DANCE A barn dance will be held in Mrs- John Meyers' new barn, north of McHenry, on Richmond Road, Friday evening, July 10, between 9 and 1, D. S. T. Music by Tony Schneider and His Orchestra. Everybody welcome. Admission 60 cents. - 6 f 'METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services a.t the M. E. church every Sundjpy. glorning worship, 11 o'clock, /Sunday school, 10 o'clock. : : DO NOT FORGET Have you cut your Canada TMeHes? The state is very Insistent that all Canada Thistles must be cut. Also that all who fail to cut thistles before they go to seed be prosecuted. The law makes it very plain that the Thistle Commissioner must prosecute those who allow their Canada Thistles to go to seed. Clean out your grain fields. No thistle infested grain can be threshed. Clean out yout pastures and fence rows. Do not let Canada Thistles go to seed cat y$ir premises. Avoid prosecution; „ „ -* -U. W. J. KITTLE, .' -(Thistle Commissioner, x: vjs Nunda Township. Throne Worth Million* - Of"*all the costly wonders that the palace of the mogul emperors at Delhi contains, the most wonderful and costly is the peacock throne, constructed•. during the reign of Shah Jehan, and valued at more than $30,000,900. It is in the form of two peacocks awl wis inlaid with costly jewels. Town With Odd Mam . Medicine Hat Ira town oq the Canadian Pacific railroad in southeast Alberta, in the Dominion electoral district of Medicine Hat, 30 iqiles from the Saskatchewan border and 75'miles from the Montana border. JOLT lJouble Blankets, jail ootton, 2%n>., large sin, 64x76 each Part Wool Bed Blankets, 64x76, each $1.00 Ladies' and Men's Wool Bathing Suits, each .$1.50 " Quart Jam Qneen Olives, eaoh Gem Coffee, per lb. Si ill fcftrii 29* 1 -19* Qtet sixe Vacuum Bottles, each -$1.59 Razor Blades, fit Gilette new style razors, . -- 5 in paefcag*19^ Cheese, Yt-lb packages, American, Brick and Pimento' each Jello, per package Reina Sp"aghetti, l*lb. package it Erickson' ;; Phone 154 Main Street if •0w? ; r :-i - t- ' # ,,, No Will? oewrT ippoiiits aa a&ninistrator wlu> wiH make decisions in a purely legal manner, per taps oimitting those whom yon had planned to S9member< < > I • * MAKE A WILL a will without delay and if you name either of these banks as executor you are as sired that your wishes will be tarried through itactly as you planned* Ouf officers will be glad to discuss this inv poftant matter with you. West McHenry State Peoples Sta^i Bank of McHenry r KroSlite Golf Balls.-at BOILER'S The Old Ball ; sr"" Ball * $5.00 dozen " Sgf , '.4 -4 AC

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