t. ' t , >s •: m3;0 »* ." - * JP ' 1* - X ft";[Zi'i Sunshine Girls Meet va .v "Hie Ring-wood 4-H club held their 1^- ..ilemonstration at the school house on • July 16. There were six demonstration teams. The team that won was jjnade up of Helen Harrison and Helen JjVhiting. The subject they talked on - *vas the making of a collar. The team ^ - fhat placed second was Marion Peet .,3|nd Darlene Merchant. Their demonl*.• titration was the shrinking and press- '•> *-ling of materials. After the demontitration our leader treated us. "/ , ' On July 21 the girls met at the r r' ttome of Alice Peet. The meeting (&•>• )ras opened by the roll call, each girl 4:„ Responding by naming her favorite fiobby. Games were played and songs ; tnjoyed. Most of the dresses were completed and the others will be fin- «| jlshed next Wednesday. Ellen Smith * And Darlene Merchant were selected |>y the leader as the judging team to v . .Represent Ringwood at Woodstock on : Jfruly 29. The girls will all enter in , j|he style show except one, and she |will enter in the outfit contest. The > . irirls hop* to come bajck with many • 1 ,§>rizes. I ~ X Darlene Merchant, Club Reporter. Bridge Party Hiss fforfbel Bassett was fcMtasB lit a bridge party at her home Monday evening. Eight tables of bridge v ^rere in play and prizes were awarded i %o Mrs. B. R. Meyers, Mrs. Nellie 5*oppen and Mrs- R. Borre. Refreshments were served at the close of the Evening. Out-of-town guests present I Jrere Mrs. Henry Vogel, daughter, V Evelyn, Mrs. Nellie Toppen and Mrs. £ It. Borre of Richmond and Mrs. John v of West Chicago. - - Picnic At F>irTfer^*^^ : ;• Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Freund, With their children and families an<| |>ther relatives, enjoyed a p!cni<j at Span-view subdivision near Johnshurg Sunday. A picnic dinner was served mnd games and fishing furnished amusement for the guests. A party of y<fco*g girls pleasantly •jM3P>ii»ii Hiss Aatta Twihy nlglfi, tin eoet eighteenth MHMa*. Tfce eTenb* was spent in playing bunce, ycian being won by Biw Eva Sc&mitt, Anita Scheafer, Margaret Stilling, Alma Schmitt, Helen Miller, Agnes Schmitt, while the booby went to Josephine Freund. Music and singing was also enjoyed. Refreshments were served at a late hour. Those present were Mrs. Frank Pitzen, Misses Regina, Clara and Mary Klein, Alma and Eva Schmitt, Rose and Margaret Stilling, Agnes Schmitt, Alvina Schumacher, Helen Miller, Anna Thelen, Josephine Freund and Florence Smith. Miss Scheafer received many beautiful gifts and when the young folks left they wished her many more happy birthdays. mom Ladies* AM Seefcty 4 • The members and friends of the Ladies' Aid society were delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. William Spencer Thursday afternoon. The next meeting will be held at the J. F. Claxton home next Thursday afternoon. A large attendance is hoped for. , AlWNl'lON, r The attuftion of readers of The Is «*1M this smsic to the mnmi Motion of the paper, which eontliDi the assessment roils far M<- Henry township. This is a quadrennial year for making the assessments on real estate. Taxpayers are asked to carefully look ovfer the rolls as published and if any of them consider their assessment too high, or that of their neighbor's too low, that they file a complaint with the Board of Review at Woodstock. x Unless complaints are filed the assessments will stand for four years. No change can be made except of certain causes. All cases of complaint will be personally investigated by the Board and proper adjustments made as the case may require. All complaints must be filed on or before August 10, 1931. The Board of Review is composed of L. A. Stockwell, R- H, Brickley and Theo. garner. J ; R. N. A. MEETING ' The next meeting of RtvwMew Camp, R- N. A., will be held Tuesday evening, August 11. All dues must be paid the recorder on or before that date. Are CANADA THISTLES Every field clean is our plan, you helping or hindering? The law is for law-breakers, not for you if you have cleaned out your Thistles. The fight is on until Nunda township is cleaned up . We intend to inspect every farm. Watch your step. n; W. J. KITTLE, .•[•>;% ;4ftiistie Commissioner, 'Nunda Township. jL- ~ Gram Griwtri' Friends' v* • • The small waspl\ke insects often seen swarming around grain are beneficial, as they are attacking and killing weevil* sad moths which rain t£t crop. METHODIST CHURCH There will be no church service at the M. E. church until August 23. The pastor, Rev. W. Bonham, and his wife are away on their vacation visiting relatives at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Their vacation was commenced earlier than expected owing to the death of Mra Bonham's uncle and they left Sunday night to attend 'the funeral. There will be Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock as. Usual and visitors and new members are always welcome. The ladies of the church are planning to sell ice cream and cake on the C. H. Duker lawn Saturday evening and they hope for a large attendance. NOTICE ^ Those who desire to ride to the Ladies' Aid society meeting next Thursday afternoon at tf»e J. F. Claxton home and also, those who have cars to take passengers, are asked to meet at the M. E. church at 2:15 o'clock. HES MAEY NGONAN MRS. Mary Noonan, 81 years old, died at her home near McHenry on Thursday, July 16, 1981, after a long illness. Mary Cashin was born in Ireland on March 14, 1850, and came to the United, States with her parents when a child. They settled in this vicinity, where she has since spent the many busy years of her lifetime. On February 6, 1868, she was united in marriage to Edmond Noonan and to this union nine children were born, Ave of whom sur- I,4 an^'jpw|pyi :|^f:Clarence Tattle, in and Amos No«|Mk» "* were held IttU' day moVBing, frljr 18, at 19 tfdodc at St. Patrick's church, with Father O'Rourke officiating. Burial was beside her husband in Ringwood cemetery, the pallbearera being George , Kane, Ray Conway, John R. Knox, Frank Harrison, Fred Immekus and Frank Immekus. : i Most Expraslre Drttk Aesop, son of Clodlus Aesopus, dissolved in vinegar a peaxl valued at $40,000 In order to have the satisfaction of consuming the most expensive drink ever known. .i» Finest New Potatoes, per pk. ; | Lemons, fancy California lemons, 300 size, large and juicy, per doi.-,-^,^:;j- •• 39^| I Tomatoes, per lb; $ • ^ ik ^ *' V W'T * . take home some today and see_ the snjiles y "Hie faces ot the family members. v : % ^ - "They all like ice creamr-but they will lika| % Chapell'g better, vfilny'! Because it is BETTER* Visit our lountaia for a oold^ refreshing dnnl|^ JOHN KARI.S-; : • • o n Ri verside Drive #tComc in please--Go out pleased'* ;; Sardines, Jitney brand, small cans, each ; l Cut Refugee Green Beans, No. 2 oans Qliyes, small bottles, each rxr -5* -12« > ' Mammoth Asparagus Tips, per can Y £2# o ; Chester Tissue Toilet Papdr Wing Cigarettes' 3 «>Us for 19^ T~^-2r-- &«•*--' 2:--5&• ; [ Kellogg's Whole Wheat Biscuits, per pkg. 9^ _ .'II • -An | Men 's Wool Golf Socks, values to $2.25, * ^ - ^ per <-pair y^L „„ ' \ „ r rf *^ - $1.00 '".'.•V., * .*?• .Mi'* Phone 154 \ Hain Street ; \ Our Want-Ads are business bringers Seven-Hour Film Service OUT . » < A ^ PHARMACKTi mCHARGE -i. A f 'fww •; yiwippfl'w'l ir-ni s Iteport of the condition of ^ Peoples State Bank oi McHenry Located at McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1931, as made to th$ Auditor of Public Accounts of( the State of Illinois, pusuant to law. ' ^ RESOURCES ...Uw • " Gash. Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks, Other Bonds and Spmintipa -y ,fl.J[ uy;^. - ^ Loans on Collateral fiflcnrity:.,..; Other Loans ' •' .i ' . '>.4: '"•m Loans on Real Estate Overdrafts j Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Other Resources Total Resouross tJapltB ofawt AKiA»- ;' Surplus W "7" 35,023.§3 17,314.25 . 8,323.00 » 47,327.51 . , ^,800.Q(r 8.14 / iD,281.92 %845.06 •aaijCifltte "iiii." LIABlLFTIES ..$138,923 60 1-1# ^ Mi- Undivided Profits. Demand Deposits Time Deposits Due to Bankk . 1,000.00- . 3,524.76 . 69,100.91 „ 37,297.83 . 3,000.00 Total Resources 1 !'W 1 ^138.923^ Directors Simon Stolftii M. L. WagMf '*1'"' Ht W attlef ^ Win. Bptneer T Sl ^L Bohlaader Richard B, Walsh r Frederick Beller James P. Nich»ls<if| fi -mi:... '1 'f' v > av'. • "X 'r ' I, Floyd M. Foss, Casliler of tlie Peoples §tate Sank of McHenry, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know- • ledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the dta*Jf'ftblie Aecepnte, Stat© of Jilinois, pursuant to law. . | " FLOYD M. FOSS, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS; COUNTY OF McHENBfcY. as. / v JJubscribed and swom to before me this 80th day 6r Ju»e> 1931. j:.-aW f"-- ' - .4 * • c'jt-.; •SUM "j; •' Beport of tlijB. conditib® Qx West McHenry Sta# v". %/ h • V J €j©eat«} at McHenry, (P. O. West McHenry) State of Illinois^ close of business on the 30th day of June, 1931, as made to the Auditor ,%e.Qqwtf 0£&» State of Illinois, ^ " • ; ;;resoitbces - Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due from Bankfe . , , $102r127_ftfl 'IT. S. Government Investments , "• . 11,026A7 Other Bonds and Securities ',648;47 Loans on Collateral Security . 81,649.72 Other Loans ' '• - x • 341,531.71 qqo/wv ; 1 i - r J VJ»"'tX , .• •• W*.'& , • Loans on Real Estate $ Overdrafts • v Other Real Estate Banking House, Furniture and fixtures Other Resources ; i 65,899.00 42.20 t :|2,789^ 91,971.62 ; 558.38 Total Resources ^ <-fT iniipiity il^f'®6ck x- • Surplus LIABILITIES • «.... ... „.$729,244.43 4 Undivided Profits Reserve Accounts Demand Deposits Time Deposits Dividends Unpaid 1.^*. it" J0 50,000,w _ 40,000.00 _ 13,412.43 . 10,000.00 „ 289,809.75 _ 323,522.25 _ 2,500.00 , . Total Inabilities ...$729^44.43 Wi, Gerald J. Carey, Qashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear tliat the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. ^ | .. \ GERALD j. " ^ ^ **, ^ j,7 .,L-v -h--. STATE' OF hiLINOISj. OOLT^TY OK MCHENET. 88. -- * Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of July, 19317 .AUGUSTINE M. FREUND, Notary Public. 'r*r if'