f • •J A N l I P w y n ' s l j ' , I I P * » ^ p W J ^ i f l | S ^ v *>~'t *-o : r* 'tf. <;'• l**.T •' <***-*•: *» *?Wt M'HENKY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 23,1931 SIXTEEN PAGES Ko.f ^*lu*tiona of EMI EaUtft In MeBtary gTTATE OP ILLINOIS, . f^SSfc *vl jKeHENRY COUNTY. s£ - PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY t($IVEN, ThdT the following is a fall rand complete List ©f the AssesatMt of Lands in Township McHenry County of McHenry, Staffc of Illinois, Itr the year A. IX 1981, |is appears from the Assessment Books of said "Teat. H. F. PETEIT, Supervisor of * Assessments, ^ Section 1, Town 46, Range 8 'fflchotas and Fnudi May, e&Oa nH neH 89k ••- $2765 m a n d , w 3 0 a «£ ii Wonder take 8ynd, sH neH 80a 2620 Aw Walkington, wlOa wH wmU. 10a • 8«0 WVmder Lake Synd, (ex wlOa) wH nwH 70a ...... 2000 Wonder Lake Synd, neH nv% 40a 1100 Wonder Lake Synd, seKi n*14 600 MiHer, eH 1410 1860 1400 1860 J|no Hiller, seH nw>4 40a t3l W Smith wH wH SwVt 40a 1 ""alary K Schmitt, eH wH swH • « and wH eH swH 79a .... 4050 jlfohn P Lay, eH eH swH 41a 1420 ilath N Schmitt, eSOa eH seH jAi JQjj 9gQ §V FreundTw50aetiTiieK'60ii 8190 acob P Miller, s50i wH seH j 50a 3190 -dgno. Hiller, n30a wH seH 30a 1085 Section 2, Town 45, Range 8 •*||no W Pfannenstill, n63a eH b neH 53a fen Freund, nw!4 neH 40a .... W Smith, swH1 neH and wl4a of «27a eH neH 54a .... *-A. W Smith, elSa of s27a eH 5€ neH 13a 450 .p» M and Mary K May, * eSOa #eli nwH 20a .... 765 ^Catherine Freund, s20a eH nv^ 20a - - . 705 n Freund, n40a eH nwH 40a 1350 no J Stilling, wH nwH 80a 4610 no Freund, wH gw% 80a 428£ .therine Freund, eH swH 80a 2756 W Smith, w% eH seH and e% wH seH 80a .. 4560 therine Freund, wH «H seH 40a 3580 W Smith, eH eH seH 40a 3230 _ Section 3, tWn 45, Rai*e8 JjFied Meyer, nH nwH and nwH *'s neH 120a 5275 ick M Justen, ne^4 neVi, 40a .... 1485 no J Stilling:, e of rd ne% 57.50a 1985 eter Miller, •W at rd s% ne^4 22.50a 2145 eter Miller, *% nw>4 80a 2760 acoh F Justen, neH aw^4 40a 1480 ^Chas Peet, seH sw% and nw% * . ' sw^4 80a 2760 , iClark G Huson, sw^4 sw% 40a 1345 / «-^Bernard Justen, (ex nlOa w of ijf rd) se% se% and ail nVi se% 110a 4...^ 6250 ^sJacob F Justen, sw% ae^4 and , 'SM nlOa w of rd seH se^4 5te ...... 4240 if Section 4, Town 45, Run 8 :3^1>r Wm Hepburn, e% ne% 80a 4010 :• .jEdw Peet, tex rr) nwK ne% * 37a 2585 -^"'••liWni Dodgre, (ex rr) sw% ne% r ^ 37a (. 1135 SEdw Peet, ne% nwhi 40a 1245 Wm MeCanmm, ne^4 se% 40a 1485 Mary Grace McCannon, se^4 . ««% 40a 1485 Wm Dodge, county clerk's plat lot 1 seM 45.04a 1345 Wm Dodge, county cleric's plat lot 2 nw% 67.88a 1580 •Jco B Biggers, oounty clerk's plat lot 3 bw»4 20.07a 685 J C Ladd, county clerk's plat lot 4 aw % 57.12a 8240 -Jos B Biggers, county cleric's plat lot 5 nwK 9.98a 285 Wm Dodge, county clerk's plat lot 6 swli 83.36a 8060 C Ladd, county clerk's plat lot 7 se*! 28.11a 765 C Ladd, county cleric's plat lot 8 nw'i 2318a ... 680 ' Jos B Biggers, county clerk's *- plat lot 9 nw^4 19^7a 705 Sectkai 5, Town 45, Ranft I. Chas Harrison, sw^4 ne^4 and ne^4 ne>4 60a 5140 Luella A Stephenson, sw^4 neVi and nw^4 ne^4 60a 2140 S H Beatty, seVt1 ne% 40a 1305 Luell? A Stephenson, el5a sMt nw% 15a 430 !<%as H Carr, w65a sH nw^4 65a 1495 I Chas H Carr, ne^4 nwU 40a .... 905 ~E C Barnard, nw^4 nwK 40a .... 845 Chas H Carr, e% eH tw^ 40a 3115 Geo. H Harrison, w% eH swV4 40a 2705 ? J. Gardner A Knapp, wH swli 80a 2960 ^ v, S H Beatty, eH seH 80a 2360 c <%as H Hanison, eH wH seH <?V?M 40a 1410 Luella A Stephensoh, wH wH ^ seH 40a -- 8555 fitrtiia 6, Town 45, Range 8 y 1 C Barnard, e25.68a nH neH > 1 . 8fc.68a 4. £45 J X C Barnard,'^wMJ&'nH neH j 54^2a 940 1 K C Barnard, nH swH neH 20a 710 1 Chas Olson, se* neH 40a 875 ^ Floyd E Howe, (ex 23.09a) s of rd eH nwH 28.91a 8270 £ J Hopper (ex w2a) a of rd nH_n«LH 68a 3825 Wonder Lake Synd, nH neH swH 20a -- Wonder Lake Synd, swH swH 42.63a 1100 Wonder Lake Synd, sH neH swH and seH' swH 60a 1*70 Wonder Lake Synd, nwH swH 40a 2250 Wonder Lake Synd, nH nwH seH and n30a neH seH 50a 1680 Wonder Lake Synd, awH seH and iHwH »H 60a 8790 ,Wfii4Tyrn 41, Range 8 Jos B Mlicers, county ckark's plat lot 1 neH 1.50a 70 S H Bmttr. bounty cleric's plat lot 2 neH 78a 5340 Chas W Harrison, eH wH neH 40a 1410 lOSOtLnellp A Stephenseo, wH wH 1440 F«eH 40a .... .. 43eo H Harrison, wH eH ntrH k to* - * 1410 Chaa.H Carr, eH eH nwH 40a 1410 Lake Synd, s20a wH 705 ' A Knapp, ti60a wH 1960 ison, swH 160a 7860 W Harrison eH nSOa WH 15a 540 A Stephenson, wH nSOa M% 15a 540 _ y, eH seH 80a 2635 F Krohn, s50a vH seH 8610 County Clerk's Plat* Section 9, Town 45, Range 8 Mary G Green, assessor's plat lot 17 25a 2156 Section 10, Town 45, Range 8 C D Bacon, (ex state rd) tots 51 and 52 and sub lot 1 of lot 53 14.50a 1605 E T Chase, lot 45 and (ex #160 ft df s 850 ft) pt sub lot 1 let 44, 85.17a 1&20 Fred Brockmaa, pt lot 44 3.88a 770 Gustav Pearson, as per doc no. 80161 pt sub lot 1 lot 44 .50a 100 J V Buekland, e8rd of slOrd of w496 ft, pt lot 1, lot 44 1195 S H Beatty, wlOOrd of s250 ft pt lot 1, lot 44 .50a. 2080 Section 9, Tewn 45, Range 8 Mary Grace McCannon, (ex 9.54a > *pt lot 58 28.26a 2895 C D Bacon, (ex state rd) e of rr se cor lot 1 lot 58 3.54a 150 Mary G Green, w of IT SW COT lot 1 lot 58 5a 250 H W Allen, lots 59 and 60 103a 6300 A J Walter, lot 61 100a 8815 A J Walter, lot 62 10a 2455 Mildred Munshaw and. FVank Law son, lot 63 120a 6025 Joseph B Biggers, lot 64 120a 5660 Jno V Buekland, lots 65-68 and 69, section 9 and 10, 22.26a .... 2080 Jno Carey, Jr., lot 66 20a 705 G A Stevens, lot 67 and sub lot ~ ^ 1 and lot 80 64 06a 3325 Section 10, Town 45, Rarifefc 8 Amos W Smith, nH pc 7x33H rd' w side lot 55 .63a 1550 Clark G Huson, (ex nH pc 7x33 H rd) pt w side lot 55 75.04a 2800 Wm Hepburn, as per d r 188 p 475 pt lot 55 .50a ... 100 Chas Peet, pt lot 56 16.25a 1840 Clark G Huson, se cor pt lot 56 3.21a 160 Clark G Huson, lot 57 39.84a 2020 G A Stevens, lot 70 23.79a 2620 Edw C Bell, lot 72 23.63a 745 Frank Fay, lot 73 23.43a 745 Bernard Justen, neH^^&eH 40a 1450 Jacob F Justen, wH neH 80a 2820 Peter Miller, w of rd seH neH 31a 980 Michael M Justen, e of rd seH neH 9a 2710 Bernard Tonyan, Jr., pt seH 121a 8645 Rupert M Hopp, 40 rd s x 20 rd w ne cor seH 5a 240 Joseph Tonyan, pt seH 84a 1105 Section 11, Town 45, Range 8 Ben H Stilling, seH neH and se eor n«H neH 40.06a A W Smith, (ex se cor) neH neH 89 92a John Freund, nH swH neH 20a S W Smith, eH nwH neH 20a Michael M Justen, sH swH neH 20a .»»... ........ Katherine Freund, «H »»H neH and neH n«H 60a ........ Jno Freund, nwH nwH and nH seH nwH 60.25a Michael M Justen, swH nwH and sH seH nwH 59.75a Michael M Justen, n34 rds swH 34a Henry J Stilling, s24 rds swH 126a Martin Jung, s24a seH seH 24a Jno M Schmidt, n^ rd eH seH 1 56a - 950 415 845 E J Hopper. w2a nwH nwH 2a Floyd E Howe, «H swH nwH 20a ...:. :. ;.... 500 Floyd E Howe, nlOa eH'wH swH 10a 270 Wonder Lake Synd, s30a eH wH swH and eH swH 110a 1800 Edson L Howe, wH swH nwH and WH WH b«H 60a 1380 Wonder Lake Synd, nwH seH 40a - 940 Wonder Lake Synd, swH seH 40a 940* Chas Olson, eH seH 80a 2780 Section 7, Town 45, Range 8 Lora W Klintworth, e20a nwH neH and neH neH 60a 4305 Wonder Lake Synd, w20a ftwH 20a 8560 Jno M Schmidt, s66 rds of n88 rds of wH seH 30^8a Nick M Justen, n22 rds nwH seH 18.02a Henry J Stiffing, (ex n8 rds) swH seH 86a 8ectl-- ISLtWn 45, Range 8 J V Freund, nSDa neH neH 30a 970 Jacob P Miller, slOa neH neH 10a 360 Jacob P Miller, nwH neH 40a 1310 Peter and Eva Weber, (ex si rd) swH neH 39.50a 2055 Jno Frett, si rd swH neH .50a 30 Jno Frett, seH neH 40a 1845 Jno P Lay, n58.29a nH nwH 58.29a 8275 Ben H Stilling, n7.35a of sl0.85a nwH nwH and s50.86a eH nwH 58 21a 3475 Mary K Schmitt, s43.50a*wH nwH 43,50a 1155 Jno M Schmidt, eH swH 80a 4215 Martin Jong, wH swH 80a .... 8980 Canity Clerk's Plat SE'4 Sertion 12, Town 45, Range 8 Chas E Peterson, lot 1 6a ....... 750 Martin F Schmitt, (£X .50a) lot - 2 72.10a 3365 Wm Adams, pt lot 2 .50a .......... 20 Stephen May, lot 3 47.61a 2470 Jno P Schaefer, lot 4 24.10a 895 Mathias Jungen, lot 5 10a 1685 Section 13, Town 45, Range 8 Jno P Schaefer, sub lot, lot 1 6.75a 185 Jno P Schaefer, pt sub lot 1 lot 2 9f 2075 Wm Oeffling sub lot 2 lot 2 JSOa 750 Mathias J Miller, pt sub lot 8 lot 2 .50a -- ... 1050 Jno P Schaefer, pt sub lot 3 lot 2 11.45a 630 Jno V Freund, pt sob lot 8 lot 2 la 1100 Jacob H Adams, pt sub let 3 lot 2 50a 50 Jos J Freund, pt sub lot 1 let S SOuMa^ f 1015 Frank Mathieti, pt sab lot S Ben J%a^er,'lot"4"io^ 1420 Karl CkrisTnib lot 1 lot 5 .96a 780 Jno Pittoen, snh:lot 2 lot 5 and pt sub lot 2 lot 40 la ,. 1120 Henry V Sam pel, sub let 2 lot 40 4.96a 270 Jno Degen, lot 6 .30a 500 Wm J Meyer, lot 7 la 725 Wm Altfcoff, lot 8 .80a ... 1060 Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz, sub lot 1 lot 9 .90a 90 Katarsyna Marcinkiewicm, lot 10 and sub lot 2 lot 9 .26a .... - 50 Emma Williams, pt sub lot 8 lot 9 .88a 1080 Katarzyna Marcinkiewicz, sab lot 3 lot 9 2.76a 280 Jos M Schaefer, pt sob let 2 lot 3 6a 350 A Stefflns, pt sub lot 1 lot 2 50a 150 Adam Bildner, lot 11 7.21a 1020 Frieda Roesch, lots 12 and 13, •80a * 1615 Antoney Pacek, pt sab lot 1 lot < 30 1.20a ..-a\ 180 C*M D Adams, sub lot 6 lot 14 . and pt sub lot 1 lot 30 .68a .... 1820 Peter Schaefer,- sub lot 1 lot 14 ' 49$ Fred J Smith, sab lot 2 iot 14 50a 640 Henry Stilling, sub lot 3 lot 14 .25a 0QQ Ben Schaefer, Jr., s pt 140x140 Iks lot 4 lot 14 .32a 1170 Jno Debrecht, (ex s pt 140x140 Iks sub lot 4 lot 14 la ...... 1580 Matt B. Schaefer, (ex s 418 ft. of n 522 ft. and ex n 104 ft. sub lot 1 lot 15 ,90a 1250 Henry Thelen, s 418 ft. of n 522 ft. and sub lot 1 lot 15 1.75a 1360 Mary K- Schmitt, n 104 ft. sub lot 1 lot 15 .73a 1310 Jacob Thiel, sub lot 2 lot 15 .86a 640 Katarine Schmitt, pt sub lot 1 lot 16 l3fa 1880 Katherine Klein, a pt snh lot 1 lot 16 .56a Martin H Freund, sub lot 2 lot 16 1.69a 140 Martin H Freund, (ex n 13 rd of e 73 Iks) lot 17 and pt sub lot 2 lot 18 1.14a 1190 Otto Adams, n 202 ft. w pt lot 17 .60a 1070 Geo. Frett, e 66 ft. of a 880 ft. sub lot 2 lot 18 .50a .>.. 1320 Jacob Huemann, nlS ids of e73 Iks lot 17 and nlS rds sub lot 2 lot 18 .49a 820 Jos J Michels, (ex drl88 n 562) eH lot 18 and w%a JOa 160 Jno J Pitzen, as per drl88 p 562 pt lots 18 and 19 .85a 90 Jos J Michels, eH« lot 19 and wHa lot 20 1 75a - 170 Katherine Thelen, lot 21 and el Ha lot 20 3.50a 300 J B Schumacher, lot 22 2a 1005 Martin May Est., nH lot 23 la 90 Jos H Huemann, sH lot 23 la .... 1190 Katherine Miller, lot 24 .54a 1340 Wm Tonyan, n pt lots 25 and 26. 1.25a 765 Jno Mertes, pt lots 25 and 26 2.62a 1840 Mary Thelen, sub lot 1 lot 26 and sub lot 2 lot 26 .78a 240 Mary Thelen, sub lot 3 lot 26 .10a 210 Rose Mueller, lot 27 la 895 Jos Thelan, wH sub lot 1 lot 28 .75a W0 Josephine Frett, eH sub lot 1 lot 28 .75a 590 Jno Hiller, pt sub lot 2 lot 28 la 1140 Gilbert A Karcher, pt sub lot 2 lot 28 1.65a 1150 Emma Michels, pt sut> lot 2 lot - 28 50a-.. 90 Jno M Pitzen, e%a sub lot 2 lot 28 75a 880 Emma Michels, lot 3 lot 28 .50a 940 Catherine Tonyan, (ex e42 ft) lot 29 .90a 1880 Fred J Schmitt, (ex s257 ft) e42 ft lot 29 .10a 790 Catherine Tonyan, s257 ft e42 ft lot 29 .15a Antoney Pacek, w8 ft of n70 ft sub lot 1 ana all sub lot 2 lot 30 2.61a 1890 Castor M Adams, as per drl44 p 133 pt lot 30 and all lots 31 and 32 2.03a 1760 Jno Nett, eH lot 33 .50a 640 Jno H Freund, wH lot 88 1.60a 1080 nauk Miller, lot 34 la 680 JoeMkhels, lots 35 and 41 .50a' 500 Hubert Michels, sub lot 1 lot 36 la , 740 Jos J Freund, sub lot 2 lot 86 and sub lot 1 lot 37 22a ........ 2170 Fred P Freund, sub lot 2 let 37 la 880 Jos J Freund, sub lot 8 lot 3T 1775 "1.62a - 90 Carl Volz, sub lot 1 lot 88 2.14a 660 Peter and Emma Meersman, sob lot 2 lot 38 2 67a 790 Kate, Mike B, and Gertrude Schaefer, (ex 8a) sub lot 8 lot 38 .814 880 Nicholas M Schaefer, 8a Mb lot ^ lot 38 3a 1840 Jos Schaefer, sub lot 4 lot 38 la 840 Henry V D and Eliza Sompel, lot 39 10.08a 1156 Jos King, pt sub let 1 lot 40 1.92a 110 Katherine Miller, pt e end sub lot 1 lot 40 .10a 40 Michael 8chaefer, lot 42 27.88a 895 EH M Downs, lot 43.10a 740 Mathias Jungen, lot 44 17a 270 Geo Hiller, .90a 800 Joe King, lot 44 13a 360 tnton M Schmitt, lot 47 18.25a 655 nton M Schmitt, pt lot 48 18.03a 606 Stephen and Mamie King, pt lot 48 .27a 820 Cath. Bishop of Rockford, lot 50 and w2-3 lot 49 1110a 1995 Jos King, lot 51 22a 655 Will Smith, lot 52 4a 150 Hubert Karls, lot 53 7a 710 Michael Schaefer, lot 64 7a .' 285 Martin Jung, nl2a nwH nwH 12a !< *• 465 Michael Schaefer, eHa swH nwH 20a --.. 680 Michael Schaefer, s28a nwH nwH and wH swH n«£ 48a 8040 Jno Smith, wH ewH swH and seH swH swH 30a ....---- 800 Castor M Adams, lifH awH " 600 705 \ 750 609 886 720 710 96 715 275 990 706 400 845 1180 1185 595 595 595 1700 1700 1700 1020 6110 625 swH 10ft Jos King, n of creek seH swH 2748a «55 Jos King, (ex Fairvtew sub) w of creek w friH seH 62.17a 3320 H L Hansen, pt swH seH -25a 930 Jos King, pt swH seH 2.70a .... 90 Jos King, pt swH seH .27a 120 Area Btamanthal, .70a 1000 {UcMm 14, Town 45, Range 8 Peter Smith, (ex wl rd) sH swH neH 19.75a 460 Martin Jong, nl2a neH neH 12* 860 Henry J Soiling, wl id sH nw.H neH and Wl rd wH swH n#H and nH nwH neH 20.75a Peter Smith. s28a neH neH 28a Jno Smith, (ex wl rd) wH swH heH 19 JOa Peter Smitlr, *e% sH neH 60a 2690 Joe Tonyan, nw*H swH 40a 2120 Ann* Justeiv swH swH 40a 3150 Jos Tonyan, CO. clerk's plat s of hy lots 1 and 4 11-75a Wm B TWpytn, co. clerk's plat n of rd pt lots 1, 2 and 4 5.09a 1870 Henry J Stilling, co. clerk's plat n of rd pt lots 1, 2 and 4 v 78a 1995 Jno Freund, co. clerk's plat lot 3. 62.16a a 3030 Joe Tonyan, co. clerk'* plat lot 5 12.96a ....r 290 Nicholas, Phillip and Katherine Schaefer, co. clerk's plat lot 6 42.47a 2066 Joe Blake, co. clerk's plat lot 7 22.91a Nicholas, Phillip and Katherine Schaefer, co. cleric's pla< lot 8 20.25a Jno Hoff, co. clerk's plat lot § 107.89a 1... 4235 Fred and Eliz. Smith, co. clerk's plat lot 10 2a Morgan Jensen, co cleric's plat and n pt lots 12 and 13" 20.06a Jno Smith, s pt lots 12 and 18 8.52a <*• Section 15, Town 45, Range 8 Joe Tonyan, pt nH n«H 16a .... 400 Bernard Tonyan, Jr., pt nH neH 64a .;. ,16*0 Anna Justen, (ex nlOa) swH neH 30a Jno Freund, nlOa swH neH 10a Jno Freund, seH neH 40a Magdalena K Bohn, swH »wH 40a - Frank Fay, co. cleric's plat lot 1 wH 11.60a Edw C Bell, co, clerk's plat, lot 2 wH 28.87a °sA Jno Carey, Jr., co. clerk's plat lot 4 wH 126.38a 2786 Jos H Justen, co. clerk's plat lots 5 and 6 wH 66.87a 1625 Jos H Justen, (ex rr) wH aeH 80a 4000 Anna JuSteh, eH seH 80a 1900 Section. 16, Town 45, Range 8 Edmund Keefe, sH neH 80a ... 4240 Jno Carey, Jr., nH neH 80a .... 5470 Jno Carey, Jr., neH nwH 40a 1465 Jno Carey, Jr., wH nwH 80a 3740 Edmund Keefe, seH nwH 40a 1456 Delbert A Whiting, nw cor nH seH and nH swH and (ex nw cor) sH seH 160a 6425 J. D Smith, (ex nw cor) nH seH and nw cor sH seH and' (ex ne cor) sH swH 160a .... 6426 Section 17, Town 45. Range 8 Jno Carey, Jr., eH eH neH 40a 1080 J W Cristy, (ex w20a) wl20a neH 100a -- 5065 Ladusky Harsh, w20a of wH neH and eH nwH 100a 5065 Geo H Harrison, wH nwH • 80a 2685 Jno Gritsuk, sH 320a 12215 Section 18, Town 45, Range 8 Flora Sherburn Harrison, eH neH 80a 8960 Lynn D Hall, eH nwH neH 20a 440 Lynn D Hall, wH nwH neH 20a 465 Eliza J Merchant, swH neH 40a 2195 Wonder Lake Synd, 21a n of rd nwH 21a #05 Wonder Lake Synd, (ex slOa eH nwH) and (ex plat) s of rd nwH 119a 8955 Wonder Lake Synd, sH s.H seH nwH 10a 285 Wonder Lake Synd, (ex 46.4a) nH swH 33.60a 1260 Wonder Lake Synd, nH swH swH 20a ... Anna W Wickline, sH swH swH 20a Anna W Wickline, nH nH swH 20a Wonder Lake Synd, 'sH seH swH 20a Rolls W Churchill, eH seH 80a 1805 Eliza J Merchant, nwH seH 40a ... - 965 Anna W Wickline, swH seH 40a --.. 965 Section 19. Town 45, Range 8 Fred'k P Howe, neH neH 40a 1090 FredTt P Howe, wH neH 80a 2000 Wm. H and Hyle Thomas, seH *neH 40a 1040 Fred'k P Howe ne^H nwH 40a 1050 Raymond H Merriffeld et al wH nwH 80a. 1850 Fred'k P Howe seH wK 40a 830 Raymond H Merrifield et al (Ex El R'd) wH swH 78.64 4675 Raymond H Merrifield et al (Ex El R'd) wH swH 78.65 1875 Robt Richardson Est. eH »H . 80a - 4*1* Fred'k P Howe (Ex El R'd) wH seH 78.90a 8455 Section 20, Town 45, Range 8 Abbie L Martin wH neH 80a 2480 Clinton E and Loren O Martin eH neH 80a. 5180 Wm- H. and Hyle Thomas nwH 160a 6760 Jno and Wm Harris co. cleric's plat lot 1 swH 60a 8470 Fred R Eppel, co. clerk's plat lot 2 swH 49a 3805 C E Jecks, co. clerk's plat lot 3 swH 50a 2635 Abbie L Martin, nH neH 80a 8975 Jos W and Anna K Freund, seH seH 40^ 1875 Jno and Wm Harris, w80a sw H seH 30a 1**5 L C Benwell, elOa swH seH 10a 860 Comity Clerk's Plat NEH Section 21, Town 45, Range 8 Mary Noonan, lots 3 and 4 20.50a 505 Mary Noonan, lot 5 14.50a 370 Thos H Kane, lot 6 5a 480 Mary Noonan, lots 7 and 11 44.50a 2005 Mary Noonan, lot 8 10a ....... 275 Fred and Lydia Breyer, lots 10 and 12 10.50a 260 D A Whiting, eH neH nwH 20a 2060 Clinton E and Loren O. Martin, (ex eH neH nwH) nwV4 140a 4620 Clinton E and Losen O Martin, nwH swH 40a 1409 780 Ernest Schondorf, sl7a a28a neH swH 17a Mathias M Blak^ swH 13a .... Mathias M Blake, SlwH, 10a Clifford E Sherman, seH seH swH 10a 1285 Jos W and Anna K Freund, swH swH and wH seH swH 60a 2605 Frank Newcomh, nlOa neH swH 10a -- 1750 Otto Johnson, pt neH seH 58a 3185 Chas A King, as per drl63 p 339 . neH seH .80a ... 965 Ma this M Blake, (ex 12a n side) wH seH and a pt seH seH 88a ... 4845 Earl O and Margaret Long, doe no. 84558 pt lot 6 2820 Joseph May, (ex s44 ft) lot 6 4J>4a 220 Annie Arietta Matthews, s44 ft lot 6 la 90 Cath. Bishop of Rockford, lot 7 . la 1555 Roy Kent, pt lot 8 2.31a 580 Matthews Tonyan Co., tracts 1 and 2 Matthews-Tonyan addpt lot 8 la 2890 C S Owen, ex 6 lots 66 ft x 132 ft in rear of lots 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 Owen's est add. and pc 166 ft front and w7.72a) lot 9 3.50a 1700 Carrie E Covalt, pc 64 ft front as per drl48 p 91 pt lot 9 210 Otto Johnson, 12a n side wH Francis J Aicher, 50x132 ft pt seH 12a 295 lot 9 .15a 1620 Section 22, Town 45, Range 8 Fred A Cooley, w52 ft front as Jos H Justen, co. clerk's plat drl54 p 73 pt lot 9 .16a 1630 lot 1 19.04a 605 Matt Baur, w7.72a lot 9 7.72a 3025 Magdalena K Bohr, co. clerk's Louis Althoff, lot 10 .89a ........ 270 plat, lot 2 5346a 1895 Geo and. Jos Frett, 50 ft pt lot Caroline M Ffeterson, co. clerk's H «40a --••••• 790 plat lot 3 60a 1495 Anne Arietta Matthews, doc no. Magdalena K Bohr, co. clerk's 70773 lot 11 .16a 1195 plat lot 4 17a 455 Anne Arietta Matthews, doc no. Brand Ice Co., co. clerk's plat 70757, lot 11 -28a 1760 pt lot 6 27a 1370 McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op., Fred Talbott Colby, co. clerk's* as per drl57 p 599 lot 11 .30a 2800 plat (ex plat) pt lot 6 38 76a 1720 Nick N Freund, pt lot 11 .40a .... 250 Fred Talbott Colby, pc 20x20 rd Margaret and B J Brefeld, lot 12 and s of hy (horse lot) n of -89a v..... 1465 hy lot 7 39.48a 2650 Florence A Sayler, lot 13 .55a 1205 Caroline M Peterson, co. cleri^ Louis and Frances Althoff, lot 14 plat (ex pc 20x20 rd) (horse -80a 1830 lot) n of hy lot 7 22.50a 2605 Chas ,A Parks, lot 15 ...r. 1470 Geo V. Colby, co. clerk's plat lot Chas A Parka, (ex e60 ft) lot 16 8 3.26a ,50 l-35a 790 Caroline M Peterson, co. clerk's Nick J Justen, e50 ft lot 16 104 plat lot 9 17.96a 870 ft deep 1670 Jos H Justen, co. clerk's plat Simon Stoffel, (ex e4 rds) and lot 10 11.16a 315 (ex w4 rds) lot 17 .36a ..--.. 130 Magdalena K Bohr, co. clerk's Lester Adams, e4 rds lot 17 36a 680 plat pt nwH 47a 8180 Ethel M Owen *nd J Gardner Fred and Lydia Breyer, Co. y4 rds lot 17 -37a, 130 clerk's pltot n of Sander's sub M Heimer, (ex sH wH) lot 18 sH swH nwH 6 83a ..." 445 .20a ................ 1000 The Brookfield Club, co. clerk's - Mat Baur, pt lot 18 ................. 20 plat s of Flander's sub sH Standard Oil Co., sH ^H lot 18 sw H nwH 7.92a 185 -24a 200 Richard Bishop Est., co. cleric's Emil Feltz, lot 19 .26a 740 plat swH 160a ...i 1065 Fred W Voeltz, lot 20 .40a ....... 1025 Section 23, Town 45, Ranige 8 i Fred Voeltz, lot 21 .40a ........... 1035 Jno Smith, eH neH 80a 8590 Amelia Feltz, wH lot 22 .40a «« 1195 Jno Blake, nwH neH 40a 1065; Fred C Schoewer, seH lot 22 Jos Blake, swH neH 4Ua ....... 18751 .20a 980 Jno Blake, nH nwH 80a 8435 s N J Justen, neH lot 22 ^0a .... 130 Caroline- M Peterson, swH nwH ! Margaret Bonslett, lot 23 .80a 2010 40a 1080! Fred'k Beller, lot 26 .50a 1395 Joseph Blidce, seH nwH 40a .... 1065! Georgia Meine, pt lot 27 .20a ... 1570 Jno Smith, co. clerk's plst lot |Nick N. Freund, pt lot 27, -20a .. 1730 1 se>4 9.42a 875 Peter J Freund, 100 ft x 182 ft Peter Blake, co. clerk's plat lot | pt lot 27 .24a 180 2 seH 102.38a 6320 Frederick Beller, lot 28 6.82a ... 420 Wm and Mary Blake, co cleric's plat lot 3 swH 79.62a 4300 Geo W Colby, (ex n20a) co. 2910 1446 TO" *' * "«•»< i * . , , ' - • > •^ [Julius Keg, lot 29 4.72a 1495 J W and Mattie Smith, lot 30 I .30a 2435 clerk's plat lot 4 swH 60.38a 2096! Everett Hunter, Jr., lot 31 .15a 2140 Caroline M Peterson, n20a co. Section 27, Town 45, Range 8 clerk's plat lot 4 swH 20a... 680,G W Colby, e of rr nH neH _ Anna Justen, co. clerk's pUt | 21.20a -- 286 lot 5 seH 6.18a 1190\ Ernest P Rich, w of rr ftH neH Peter Blake, co. clerk's plat lot v 58.80a -- 1780 6 seH 10.35a 440 Jacob Freund, (ex of rr) seH S H Freund, co. clerk's plat lot I neH 40a 695 726 860 485 466 450 80 7 seH 19.22a Eva Streets, co. clerk's plat lot 8 seH 16.36a 505 Section 24, Town 46, Range 6 Jno J Freund, co. clerk's plat pt Jot 1 18.49a Jacob Schaefer, co. clerk's plat (ex Sunset View plat) as per drl67 p 452 pt lot 1 1.63a ... Anton- M Smith, co. clerk's plat (ex plat) lot 2 20a Jno J Schmitt, co. clerk's plat pt lot 4 87.37a Chapel Hill Country Club, co. clerk's plat pt lot 4 5.25a Arthur Michels, co. clerk's plat (ex 12.63a rear of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 Orchard Beach) pt lot 5 sec. 5 24 and 25, 59.50a 4886 Eva Streets, co. clerk's plat lot 6, 46.45a 2055 Fred W Hueman, co. clerk's plat (ex plat) lots 7, 8, lOand 13 115a : 8720 Jno Smith, co. clerk's plat lots 9 and 12 66.70a. 1160 950 Myron H Detrkh, »H swH 80a 1706 Oounty Clerk's Plat Adolph Ibsch, as per drl52 p 21® pt lot 14 and Hanley's oyt lots 1 and 16 6.87a 2090 Louis Althoff, Hanley's out lots pt 16 .71a 1010 Leah and A M Brown, Hanley's out lots 2 and 15 7a 1660 Myron H Dietrick, Hanleys out 6201 lots 3 and 4 8.07a 580 886 20 470 171 Jno Huff, co. clerk's plat lot ll 18a Leslie Norger, co. clerk's plat doc no. 62681 fr swH -80a .... 100 Section 26, Town 45, Range 8 Jacob M. Diedrieh, nH neH 80a 3990 Nick Weber, (ex sH *H wH swH neH) &H neH 75a ... 8875 Louis A and Kate Wolf, sH *H *H swH neH 5a ............. 1040 Arthurs Michels, nw eor nwH friwH 28a 1395 Peter Diedrieh, nH (wl4.48a seH and e of id, eH swH) 47.07a 2890 H Kennebeck, sH (w!4.48a seH and e of road e H swH) 47.07a 1890 Jno S Freund, el45.52a seH 145.52a 4485 Ben M Kennebeck, .17a 985 Henry Kennebeck, Jr., ,17a ....... 985 Section 26, Town 45, Range 8 Stephen H. Freund pt eH neH 41.39a 2895 Emil Lasch, pt eH neH 2.20a 290 Stephen H Freund, n24.61a pt eH ne% 24.61a 900 G W Colby, nwH nwH and nw cor nwVi neH 40.06a 1305 Jacob Freund, (ex rr) pt swH nw H 38.53a 1360 Anna Justen, pt swH nwH -50a Cath. Bishop of Rockford, (ex rr) pt swH nwH la County Clerk's Plat NH Jno Mire, lot 1 and n pt lot 5 48.75a Jacob Freund, lot 2 78.38a '..:.. 89901 jaoa ' McHenry Lbr Co., Hanley's out , 4890 lots 5 .25a Joseph May, Hanley's out lots 6, 10 and 13 10.48a 1420 Frank Steinsdoerfer, Hanley's out lots 7, 8 and 9 la 1100 Jno. Masch, lots 11, 12 and 19 .95a 460 Jos May, (ex as per drl52 ~p 216) lot 14, 16.77a 690 A S Parks, as per dr 120 p 874 pt lot 17 .50a 806 Myron H Dietrick, (ex as per dr 120 p 374) pt lot 17, 23.69a .... 1790 Theodore Stock, doc no. 62692 pt Frank H Wattles, swH seH 40a U80 Jos. W. and Anna K. Freund, n «,;> *< ^ of sate hy, w of Ring, running J n and s nwH nwH la ^ H * Albert Wilbrandt, Jr., 8a 1600 ' Section 29, Tinm 45, Range 8 Clifford E Sherman, co. clerk's pUt lot 1 neH neH 25.63a ... 895 Clifford E Sherman, co. cleric's plat lot 2 neH 28.75a 91S F H Wattles, co. clerk's plat lot 3 neH 25.62* 60S Jos W and Anna K Freund, n40a of w70a ne»4 40a 1996 Fred R Eppel, w50a nwH 50a .. 2215 L C Benwell, w5 07a of n45.07a of wH neH and n34.03a of e60a nw% 40a .... C E Jecks, s25.07a of e60a nwH and s35 07a wH neH 60a C E Jecks, e50a of wlOOa nwH 50a 2366 Peart Bischoff, nH sH 160a 6035 Henry Degen, sH sH 160a 5410 Section 30, Town 45, Range 8 Fred R Eppel, eH eH neH 40a 1035 Rob't H Richardson, wH eH neH 40a 1035 Pteter W Freund, wH neH 80a 4840 C E Jecks, nH nwH 79n 2150 Fred R Eppel, sH nw^ 80a 4080 ( * g Henry Hobart, eH swH 80a .... 3645 *• . .$$1 Henry Hobart,* swH swH 40a .. .890 ^ Fred R Eppel, nwH sw»4 40a 860 ...i Warren Francisco, wH seH seH • --if1 20a 410 Fred R Eppel, wH neH seH "i 20a * m ^ m Peter W Freund, (ex s20a) wH seH 60a 1145 - Laura L Thompson, sH swH xl seH 20a M0 Fred R Eppel, eH eH seV* 40a 695 * Section 31, Town 45, Range 8 Warren Francisco, nH neH 80a 3490 Mary Dalziel, sH neH 80a 8686 > Frank Kaiser, lot 1 and nH lot ^ 2 nwH 119.42a 4815 Franklin Sexton, sH lot 2 nwH , fe 38.29a aK4 , - Franklin Sexton, nH lot 2 swH - 38.55a 915 S ^ Jos Harrer, sH lot 1 and 2 swH 79.43a 1645 Frank Kaiser, nH lot 1 and 2 . . swH 40a 960^ Ida R Townsend, (ex slOa) si28a seH 118a 4050' * Chas R Page, et al, slOa seH 10a aoot Chas W Gibbs, wlOa of n32a : «eH 10a 800^"^ . . Homer E Clemens, 14a next e of wlOa of n32a <seH 14a 860*KrflfS Jno E McBroon, e8a of n32a , seH 8a 20DC" Section 32, Town 45, Range 8 ::,w Frank Grasser, nlOOa nH 100a 3420' * vjfg Wte Sayler, 100a next s of nlOOa . nH 100a 3910 Edw J Baker, sl20a nH 120a .... 6035 « Edw J Baker, e20a of »32a ?wH t; «, 1 20a J Jno E McBroon, wl2a of n32a , '« swH 12a Ida R Townsend, sl28a swH . 128a 4615 Edw J Baker, wH seH 80a 2780 , rg ^ Edw J Baker, neH seH 40a 1183- ^v ^ Jno Grasser, seH seH 40a 1395 Section 33, Town 45, Range 8 '•%? Geo H Hanley, as per dr 150 p " <•?; 79 eH eH 40a 3115 Geo H Hanley, (ex as per dr 153 p 79) eH neH 40a Geo H Hanley, swH neH 40a .... F H Wattles, nwH neH 40a .... W E Whiting, co. clerk's plat --€1 lot 1 nwH 30.13a Bearl Bischoff, co. clerk's plat lot 2 nwH 60.22a im:t^ W E Whiting, co. clerk's plat ^ lot 3 nwH 30.12a W E Whiting, c« clerk's plat Vj ii h lot 17 .25a 140 W C Feltz. pt lot 17 .25a 140 Geo A Hanley, nw lot pt lot 17 .31a 140 Annie Arietta Matthews, dot no. 74324 pt lot 18, .76a 120 Wm Spencer, pt lot 18 la 6180 Floyd E Covalt, pt lot 18 .48a 260 McHenry Lumber Co., pc n of Main at and e of C Lake rd n pt lot 18 ,75a 1480 Annie Arietta Matthews, s of Main st and e of C Lake rd pt lot 18 2.02a 460 Annie Geier, lot 20 4-32a 580 Albert Lallinger, as per dr 135 p 535 lots 21 and 22 2.55a 1620 Martin S Freund, (ex per dr 135 p 535) lots 21 and 22 ,50a .... 50 Martin S Freund, lot 23 3.90a .... 1805 Newell F Colby, ex elOa lot 24 14.13a 635 R W Wright, elOa lot 24 10a 660 N F Colby, lot 25 and (ex dr 182 p 340) and (ex dr 141 p 379) pt lot 27 107.93a 4960 Ernest P Rich, as per dr 182 p 340 pt lot 27 17.34a 680 Ernest P Rich, as per dr 141 p 379 pt lot 27 5.94a 280 „ Robert Wright, lot 26 28.50a ... 1310 Martin S Freund, lots 28 and 31 _J 43.50a 865 501-August M Schillo, lot 29 28a ... 4086 Chas A Dalstrom, as per dr 151 •taiciI P 4iA93n Pt lIo,t. O30A 4A .1134a. 8186 Martin Boyle Est., (ex per dr 686 151 p 498) pt lot 30 47 87a 895 Mathias N Msy, wla s pt lot 6 | Myron H Detrick, lot 32 39a .... 1590 la llOo, Section 28, Town Wm Hay, ela s. pt Iot 5 la ... 1040 Gertrude Herbes, lot 6 .20a 90 Jno Freund, (ex sl2 ft) tyt 7 2.60a +••••«•:-- Christina Joos, lot 8 8.21a ... 1345 Albert M. Frett, s 12 ft. lot 7 , and all lot 9, .20a 440 Frank Ward, lot 10 .40a 540 Fred Karls, lot 11 ,40a 465 Gertrude Worm ley, lot 12 .60a 650 Ferdinand Frett, lot 13 .40a ..... 965 Mathias J Schaefer, lot 14 .80a 1305 County Clerk's Plat SH Wm Bonslett, pt lot 1 6 50a .... Jacob Brefeld pc 132 ft wide w of and adjc Owen out lots lot 1 .34ft Geo Kuhn, pc 66 ft wide w of lot 5 of Owen out lots lot 1 .17a - -- N H Petesch, lot 2 .24a ... Jno R Knox, lot 3 .79a ........... Katherine Wegener, lot 4 .19a Roy A Kent, trustee, (ex sub lot 2 of lot 5 and all lot 6 blk 23 McHenxy w of xiver) lot 5 58.18a 260 45, Range 8 Martin Boyle, co. clerk's plat nH lot 1 59.73a 1970 Clifford E Sherman,. CO. clerk's plat lot 2 54.80a 2665 Frank H Wattles, co. clerk's plat nH sw cor lot 3 7.30a 250 C E Sherman, co. clerk's plat I (ex sw cor) lot 8 59.95a 1635 C E Sherman, co. clerk's plat | lot 4 32a t 8190 Martin S Freund, co. clerk's plat j lot 5 14.83a - 890 Frank H Wattles, co. clerk's plat I lot 6 5.43a lot 4 nwH 40a A W Whiting, eH swVt 80a W E Whiting, wH swH 80a Chas R Page, eH »eH 80s ... A W Whiting, wH seH 80a Sectien 34, Town 45, Range I Annie Arietta Matthews, co. clerk's plat, lot 1 and pt lot 4 neH «eH 2a -ij** Myron H Detrick, co. clerk's pHik lot 3 pt lot 4 neH neH 28.42a Myron H Detrick, w 157.62 ft co. clerk's plat lot 2 neH neH .76a Geo A Hanley, co. clerk's plat « lot 2 neH neH .76* 128# Geo A Hanley, as dr 9ft'H': m 524 pt ne>4 20a 9®;< Myron H Detrick, seH neH and wH neH *16.9&n 664* Myron H Detrick, nwH and nH swH 240a -- 1236j|« Chas R Page, w ®f id swH w»H 1 24a 138* Martha IHge, e of rd swH swH j\ 16a 3211 Martha Page, seH sw^4 40a .. 149# Martha Page, sw\4 se% 40a ... 1£5# Myron H Detrick, (ex rr) nH ^ seH 76a 1«§ Edmond Knox, seH se)4 40a ... 881 Sannyaide Sahdiv. Section 35. Town 45. Range 8 Grace E Brainard, nw75 ft of se200 ft lot 1 .18a Grace E Brainard, (ex se200 ft) lot 1 30a t Jno J Motzer, as per dk 151 p 462 pt of s pt lot 1 -20k Jno J Motzer, as per dr 162 p 503 pt of s pt lot 1 .20* Walter G French, lot 2 i6a Mathias Tinnes, lot S .25a Mathias E Tinnes, et al, lot 4 .25a Ethel L Hemog, lot 5 .25* Nellie Pavelchik, lot 6 .25a ... Frank Schramm, lot 7, sections 35 and 36 .25a Loretto M Lescher, lot 8 .25a ... Michael L Sloey, lots 40 and 41 .6Ca - l«8f County Clerk's Plat NEH ^ Section 35, Town 45, Range 8 Chester Goodman, lot 2 5.45a .... 257% McHenry Country Club, pt lots 3 and 4 60.60a - 3978k Fred'k Beller, pt lot 3 13a •# Jos H Boss, ss per dr 156 p 361 pt lot 3 3.19a ... 122• Emma A King, as per dr 125 p 184 pt lot 3 3.19a Owen, Stenger and Allen, lot 4 4a 1S§ tii 815 I Clifford E. Sherman, co. clerk's 1M I plat lot 7 27.50a - I Martin S Freund, co. clerk's plat I ne of hy lot 8 and 9 34.58a .... Frank H Wattles, co. clerk's platj 100' 8W hy lots 8 and 9 l7.22a_.. 505 330 750 ....... 1806 FRANK EC'oiSi7^T7i£»RZ^.~ 7T# Frank H Wattles, co. clerk's plat ! sH swH 80a 4910 »Frank H Watties, co. clerk's plat nH swH 80a - 2210 frank fi Wattles, co. clerk's Pl®t 1488 (ax svH »H B* Jno Carey, lot 5 5a Fred'k Beller. lot 6 2.28a Edmond Knox, lot 7 1.37a Chester Howard, lot 8 .56a J W Schaefer. lot 9 .54a E M Owen and J O Gardner, lot 10 , Jno B Jung, eH swH 80a Jno B Jung, nwH s*H 40a Edw V Knox, pt swH »*H 25a j Otto Luedtke. pt swH swH 5a 3630[Jno C Schmidt, pt «*H *** 1065 15# 1878 72ft 72ft " -sl• V." "1'$ PlliPfiiPili ' - . " -'ur £ tii- jk*. C: