Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1931, p. 6

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ttl Wft- lifei:- '! ' t 1 < n T > * , I- J._ii1 . HI It (ft-f ft !-fy .H : "• u-: '/V;j -sis" M!«'i V ;* liLu-ji T<*-< THE MCHENRY PUUNPEALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, lfi®0 -fc l;* 'S :" «•*" I i, jij ipi^vw^y^p^ SUJS^sbpjbp" lip iM "rtf I i'•.• <-•, Letter National Editorial Aasociatiow S: I 4«* * ' ' .-• > - v* rn " ? .iVK •- ' <•£ ; •- V- " ' v *- «f •.!r:i^,,> AV i/' *; ,V*\. kfcV^. l" ft* w > . * ( • - , :• ' Moses of ^(ew Hampshire recently conceded Massachusetts /atjd Rhode Island to the Democrats next year, but Republicans here in high command ifvere not willing1 to be so generous. ,The bid of Atlantic city for the Republican convention wasj formally tendered last week to Chairman Fess. Atlantic city is said to be in the running and there is abundant Rossip that "the play-ground of the . :r nation" has virtually landed it. How- Mid-summer in the nation s capfraT ever»- ^ decision will be made on this is the season for preuivuuns. Political unt,j the national committee assemand business leaders gathering here ^les jn Decemberthese days in clubs and hotels freely From present indications the greatforecast on every conceivable subject est controversy in the next Congress from "the <fate of the Federal Farm wilL revolve around the veterans, ^oard, possibility of an extra session Tlreseomen are organized as they have of congress, to ratification of the jjeve'r been Before, an<| are expected moratorium. Unemployment/Hid the a more Aggressive showing "dole," hbwever, seem-to ocdupy first bef?re the rjyct congress. The big place in all discussions. , battle, 6110 that will split party lines! Many suggestions, and solutions for ^n(j py0|}afo]y end up by leaving Presiunemplcjyment have been advanced at xjeiit Hoover holding the bag, will be theser unofficial • meetings, but some owir the bonus--payment of .jthQ. 'reare, oWiousb', fi^re in the nature of the veteran's compensaan inquiry,, Seeking to determine Jf j tioh. Significant ertough is the untHe aclniihistration ,really believes U*1- ^ n^ual activity that is now going in 'emploj^rnent will be as.bad as predict-J veteran's ranks, a decidedly i*i-i aeA-^/<vhethFr "scarel!^c|ij^^re_ber 1 crease^ aet^vity -ever the.-Interest •fpr/'elftplPSM' ;to "bol&t^1" up r^ief. or" ] s'Hbwn by the rank and 'AW heretofore: ;ganizatH)ns to; collect contributions, 1 The veterans are, already being •/•"be-.. : jl<>#ei*e,r, 1 sought , to write and' see iheir men}- !sanmfd'flP.. &* •••& tW•/. berscongress,, On the" oth!er ftahd, ^sen^f • ... .... ... sus of opinion imong: Democrats' and VOLO Republicans that if >y--^4oleM is. meant .the handing out of,, sums of people .Who do nH ..then, a corporal's : "guard could' not .be marshalled for it in congress, but if it is meant hand-' ing out food and '-clothing, just as was done last winter through organized relief agencies', • then, everyone wantsit continued no matter by what na.mev -it is called.- • • .Senator Borah of Idaho has again succeeded hi attracting attention in the press on domestic and foreign affairs. - 4Tnfortunately, he has had to compete for public, attention Governor, Pinchot' of ' Pennsylvania, iher&^s T^'orcl going out froiii ailmin^. IsfratSftiT sources ;fhat the lipiit has been :l"6acheH. that veterans are -nov?- costingr tbe government more; thaft on0 billion.dollars a year and that a halt mo*8rti.^et^alled. / LILY LAKE Mr." Stanley Havacek spejnt tjie week-end with: his family. Misses Caroline and Dorothy Wagner attended the show at Round Lake Tuesdaj evening - , ^ Wnu Nicho;las, last week, after batttf „ •s S,I--'*"|?-*"! F?"k U patient for several we6ka' at thi with | K0",< at lhc hom' [take county hospital. r" r x- - , Lloyd.Dowell called meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Vefrnon Baseley and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and children called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer jGott~ schalk at Lake Zurich Tuesday even? ing. . \ •' . ,r, - • .. • James Dovfcell was taken to Sherman hospVal at BHgin Monday, where he was ^operated upon for appendicitis. \fe is recovering as well as can be expected,; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vase^ and fan* ilj^ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield and family, Mr. and Mrs. 1Ioe Passfield, Robert Fuller, Lloyd Doweil, ftjtr- and Mrs. Alvin Case and family, Mt\ and Mrs. F. E. Wilson and fairtr ily, Mrs., Vernon Baseley, Mrs. William Dillron and ^family, Mr. and Mr?. I loyd Fisher ahd family, Esse Fisher, Thortias Dowell and Milton and Adi Dowell attended the annual farr[i picnic at the Model farm, at Mundeleiii. Wednesday-. \ Jiliss Vera Vasey spent a few 4a}^* vith Mrs. Dorothy Walker at'^DetrbiC rMich,^-- ^Vera^ reports tfeat-«fee'^tad^ 'wonderful .trip.]#;. ; ; ^ Mi-s. ; Bacon •; '"ilfld; •Mrs,"' ..Fi'sjier >pBpt .'a" few,-. ;-c|ays"s ttiict "'past week at the home ;'S^:\.Mcs..VBIary:? Ame« in Waukeganl ^ ' . Mrs. Arthur Kais^d'spent iV-eiine?-: .'day at Wjaukegan. L ;";' •' = .;•! ; J; . Mr- and'Mrs. Richard Dowell and -Milton, Dowell called on J&mes Doafell'; •^t. Sherman hospital on ^Tuesday. ? } • j Leslie Druce of Graiyslake -was taster here Tuesday. * ife- • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher /anil family and Esse Fisher were Grays-1 lake callers Tuesday. 7 v : - . |; Arthur Nicholas returned to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Libertyville were Volo day. ; Moiidor of callers Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family were Wauconda businej^s visitors Saturday, evening.- v - Another Record on Firestone Tires gll. McHennr" Laundry 1^'. • 'S •' ' "tfM Phone McHenry 189 li and our driver will call - The Modern Laundry- ^ ^ K ' Dry Cleaning. Pressing 7 When Russell Boardman, thown at tfee conbdl^ and John Polan^fe - 'pcciompUshed one of the greatest featsf in aviation 'histbry by pSlo^ng tlwlr ; Vi 'big Bellanca plane, straight from New York to Constantinople tor ' ;^'orld dUtaiicc mark ol 5,000 miles, their shjp was equipped v/itb Fia Gttm-Dipped Jirem i equippi-d v/itb Firestoofa :JH~r ELGIN ^ Phalin9s Phone 324 Repairing, Oil, Greasing Pearl Street, McHenry . -:' ^aB; ^SE TH^ GLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS^; f Fred Scharf. The first monthly wh® hadTiiothing ^inore to suggest' ^ily Lake ImpTovement* Association than a federal dole^r the unemploy- ( ,;as },ey. at the Jewel Tower Sunday ed. It appears that the Propressnes ^ evenjng. with about 75 members la have so many ideas for curing the de- j attendaftce. After the meeting a de-« pression that they have to encroach jjcjous cafeteria lunch was served by upon each other to get th^m before the public. The Idaho senator claims . / .'i that the Soviet is not responsible for the depression and is again visualising the unlimited possibilities of trade with Soviet Russia. He lays the whole blame for existing conditions at the door of- capitalism,.' fc&on&nic ex- * perts here who do not see eye to eye with Mr. Borah-insist thpt ?fre^. exchange of goods between the^United States and Russia would only result in bringing forced labor into sharp competition' with ' free American /' labor. "'••• The latest bid for -the Republican National convention is from Boston. New England Republicans are anxi- ©us to have the Covention in the Bay state, but at present the two n§eessary elements are not in sight-suffU cient funds and consent of the Republican Natioal committee. Senator the ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Vandergill~©f~Chicago were week-end guests at the Fred Scharf home. ' . - . Mr. Clem Pregler and daughter were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Frank Steindoerfer. Mr- and Mrs. Leroy Lancy of Chicago and baby daughter, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holly. Mr, and Mrs. Peterson of Sheridan Road were pleasantly surprised last Thursday when twenty friends and relatives came to spend the day to remind them of their thirteenth wed- .ding anniversary., •.'--f • • -- Unknown Bibliol Spot r The valley of Baca Is an unidentified place iv.entioned in the v Psalms. ' It meant the valley of weeping. Baca trees \Wre either mulberry or balsam. on hi$ sister, at Wauconda on The GREATEST VALUES in MANY YEARS A WEST SIDE GARAGE Otto Adams, Prop. T«L 185 General Automobile Repairing .. Ret. Pb^ie, 639-R-2 Mrs- George Scheid Wednesday evening. Vinnie Bacon di^ve .to Wauke^an Tuesday^ . Archie Rosing of Round Lake was a caller here Wednesday. Arthur Monahan is spending a few days, in Chicago. Arthur Wackerow was a Waaqond*^ .caller Wednesday evening. V Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Hallock and Mrs. Clough of Wauconda called in. this vicinity Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen .u Round Lake callers Tuesday. V; Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Passfield and family were Wauconda visitors Wecfnesday evening. \ Frank Rossdeutcher of Crystal Lake, was a Volo caller Tuesday. The $100 in, gold, given awiay by St. Peter's church at their festival on Sunday, was Awarded to Math Brown -of tmr villager ~; Lillian Scheid of Wauconda spent a few days last week with MissAda/ Dowell.) - : " ' Mr. and Mrs- Esse Fiaher and Mrs< Lloyd Fisher were Grayslake shoppers Saturday afternoon. Elmer MontgomAy of Round Lake was a caller here Friday. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and daughter are moving to Grayslake. Raympnd Lusk will run the-small farm which they are leaving. Willard Darrell of Slocum Lake was a Volo caller Saturday. Miss Edna Fisher and Nick Hycuri and Mr. and Mrs- Mike Perupzski of Waukegan vmgre Sunday evening visitors at the Fisher home. Clifford Wilson is driving a -ne*H" Plymouth coach. •<V ction WATER HEATER $ Family Size at Q Remarkable Fashion Values in Two Featured Groups at 49 50 w Materials $ New Details Rich Fur I Trimmings Lavishly Used WITH YOUR OLD HEATER y y "• •* • X" t - - M't. JEnjoy Continuous • Hot Water Service oat of the be« inve$tnyoB you an make. It give* your home the conifer? »nd convenience 1/t a modern hotel The luxury, comfort tod health benefit of the hot bath. Instant hot water, fcr the shave and shampoo Hot water in the idtchenaodlaendry,to do all cleaning jobs quickly, euily and well. The COM of this service now l* M small that pracucally every fimily^can enjoy it. XOUR oppor(unityi A new. modern automatic storage water heater ... a price astonishingly low ... an out- Standing value. Take advantage of it. your home with continuous hot water service. . * This heater will give to the family of average size an abundant always-ready supply of piping hot water. The cost of this service is very low, because this beater has dual insulation (air-cell asbestos arid dead air space) which holds the heat i» and keeps the gas cost down. There are larger and smaller ifaei a size for every home, at equally attractive prices. jjjSpme in today and see this heater. Learn about its advanced features. Or 'phone, or write, and we will tend you full |"'Tlfflllil|lfl 5 . - SEE YOUR PLUMBER Or STERN UNITEfV ELECTRIC COMPANY jL/ 0. X, Collins, Dist. Managit i : These two price groups represent the newest fashions, skillfully designed of the new Pebbly or Boucle surface woolens and Broadcloths--new fashion details are emphasized to best advantage--new shawl type ^Collars, interesting cuffs--straighter lines--wrap efr 4fects and higher waistlines--prominent Fall shades are Black, Brown and Green. T2 - -^Seeoikl Floor Rich Fur Trimmings show many new treatments--particularly note the long shawl collar, the standing shawl type, the lei effect and many others--choose from Cross Fox, Grey Wolf, Badger, Pointed Wolf, Caracul and French Beaver. In sizes 14 to 44.-See these new fashions --the greatest values we ever featured at $25 and $45. A Most Complete Selection of the Latest Fall and Winter Fashions-"$16,95 to $175 GAS New EKCOMOOR COATS Are Here! Fashionable Ail-Around Coat, for Smart All Occasion Wear , Ekcomoor styling is Bupieuic--Ekconiccr hszid tailoring is superb », / Ekcomoor 100% pure wool fabrics for this season afe^exchjsive, new /'-••.-^•bble and Boucle woolens, Tweeds and mixtures in rich Autumn ^ ^ - ' ' shades, fabrics that wrinkles, dust or moisture cannot conquer-- come > and see these stunning new EKCOMOOR fashions, exquisitely ^ burred or smart Uilored stylesr-- you'll be convinced they are the finest ^ values to be found at $25 to $89.50. - 4- • 'VI*1* ' Dollar Day In Elgin Aug. »>< '•; *i iftinir' iifc" / f •

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