Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1931, p. 1

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•' zt iT-t 4 ^ •- • ^_ _ * . ~> i Vw.^saw m-v* , '>-*. - * , • 1.••"*?; ,./•*!- jKJtf?. ^ -'*T;J;,f ii "**!".t"' '^^i^",F*Tf5?-^ r^i -- 'L'5-^^3'^'^ " %*,* .1 'T~~ '.^Ci 'it --:£• ',v vvjf-?"^ *"*J ?V, ^ ,* \\ *#; Vi VJ*<"V^~ *KA'~Y ~ r-"! ' -% ' • • • • • " ' v ? - , . ; ? -- •"'%»« .* «.}•«?> ' ::"""'/ ' ^ :/v **Vk - 3 ' ' " - 7 - ' 5'^ 1 ".-/ - " "•'> •, ~ V : : •*- . *, >•-•- 1 " 7*«\ j , •r' • ' «f... ;.- ^ IVolume 57" M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1931 No. 14 LOCAL BUSINESS y CONDITIONS F PARTIES AND REUNIONS CELEBRATE SILVER ^gERGHANTS DISPLAY AN v OPTIMISTIC SPIRlS ^ yj^nembers of -thff immediate family r^. • »* j"**"* promises to ^ ~, ,> .^basy »M (or McHenry and.sur-: ni* ditmer ^„s servedf Those ^ &grounding territory as Labor, Day 6u.t « vl G .' DURING PAST WE ";r%S. Family Reunion ..Tf:-- /.J;.. '- The third annual family reunion of the Sutton family was held nt WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 0[ ;'» The Labor Day Parade I 3D REGNER RAUEN NUPTIALS SATURDAY Mr. and Mrs. Math N. Schmitt celebrated their "silver wedding anniver-* sary at their home at Johnsburg on Lake Defiance, Sunday, with aH Wednesday of last week The day members of-thff immediate ft^iiy ComBvenceti w.Oi a mas, at St Johns T~ • Vesent, with the exception of one' °» \I*l Zi ^ ; % si• s.te r w*h. o. c•o uld no*t vb. e .\tuhe rei.; Aa "dae-- ' fo.r mer s brother, Rev. Nick Schmitt XT w n.a„ f.y• ••..-.•••« . _ ,• ,. . ., eni were: Mr. and Mrs. Gearp"? r9l,s arOUtld fnd.martethe^-j,- ,• h and son, Kobert/of -Wheat- R /s«f• ' the - ss•' jr.a,i X•M-: T .seasoB 'for the sttniM. . - oi^l , iJV.1 . •"--r resprjt region. 1 of Newkirk, Okla„ assisted Jjy Father A'ollman of Johnsburg. * ; , Dinner and supper were .servfed to about 125 relatives and friends at uu, .^ and Mrs. Edward Latkin andi S^mitt ^ome,; which,was b«autl: daughters, Eleanor, Marioft an^ L^| » *"?*** tor t^e ^ccasiw in ..." - --. . • . .. *•. % 1 silver and tinsel -and bouquets of The jruests enjoyed the day.; th their host an'cl 'hi>ste?s 'and' l^fpthoujrli Jhe< pUks^| wished them many firore ha^y ^ ' ; jvn.l ,ee many of them; r^mg to, . Qe^rud^ and Mr. a^nd Mr?: ^ the <tey All of t^ehto, s,.-fthe country for the-w^ek-enrfs, 7; a„A «f brothers and sisters of» the, h^ppy couple' were present to makt; the day peyfeij't one while M,f. .Schriiitt's •m.;-.;%••>•• , ,, 1 ^ , , , • i err ana ijertruae^ ana iw i . ana .'ir ; ; -the the,^ek-end^ . , F^k ^ kman ancl> gon • Francis, of ' :* f T constitutes both Ife «nd< 'Chic^aj' Mr. and Mr^ E. R- Sutton '^°r the !un?^ r?ca^s • an4 ^erand ^ilv: M A. Sutton. Will Stft" moth^r and Mrs. Schmitt'iS-', •father V >iV rT^ ; f^a' r r and family, M. A- «uOdr»,:.Wili „• close ot the'double^ hohday . of the! , ,K . . .. ••• •/vweek-ena and people i» general usual.] R|irkp , R KeltAr w -antf Mrs E i<Were als0 ******&• . ly desu-e to make .0* most of this R ' d daughters./Genevieve and1 . They received many beautiful gifts * v | Dorothy of McHehry, Mrs. Thomas! ,n of the;°ccaS ,0,K . As the end of fte basy season „ * r," „nH Mat N. Schmitt, son of Mr. and <drawc- near business people and resi- . dents will take tinje to make a summary of the season's business and ^compare it with previous years, just how will it compare with last year arid how much worse off are we this ] Kueny of Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. William- Lester of Elgin*" Mrs. Jacob Schmitt, and . Eleanova Schapfcr. dadehter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat J. Schaefer, were married tw'en- Entertain For Fftrrida Ctmple ' ty-five years ago at St. John's churcjj>, Mr. and Mrs. William E. . Heaney _ j0hnsbUrg/ bV .the groom's uncle, now: _/4>f Jacksonville, Fla;, - were .hon^eAf m^ .SchtMitr-of-'AoroTar dnnng the •year "than we have been in the past t at a party given by Mr. and "rs. pastorate of Father Mehririg. They This question has been asked of a J°hn Aylward at their home east of aiway8 lived in this | vjcinity « few of the business men in McHenry, ^he . river, last Thursday afternoon. wjjere they are well known and liked representing the various lines 0f ^'ve hundred furnished entertain- a host of friends. work and it is indeed with an increas- ment. for the guests, during the after- j^ey have eight childfen who are ing spirit of hopefulness that we Iloon- -.Those present w*?®"-. ^Mrs. Ed; a^ at home'with-the exception"o'f one , V*fin^ conditions- are not half bad and^Ma lone, ifttr. and Mrs. John Aylward, daUfrhter, who is working in this * that fnerchants and business people] Minnie - and Jean Conway, Mayme^ yicjnjty. The children are: Louis, ; ; in general are optimistic and looking: Aylward, Mr- ^nd Mrs. Westerman, EdWarci, Isabel, Alvina, Joe, Herman, forward to better times. Mr. an^ Mrs, Frank ^Cleary and; ^pat^a and Florian. In answer to the query about busi- J daughter, Charmayne, of Elgin, Mrs. / jjr Schmitt was one of a family ness conditions the writer failed to^Jack Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Mjr J.j 0{ ^en children' and Mrs. Schmitt was elicit cne complaint about the times t Walrfi, Miss Kate McLaughlin, Mrs.: one a famjiy of eight children., although several said business had not^ Mary McCabe, Miss Ellen Doherty,J jn a<jdition to relattves and friends been as good-as last year, yet there'Mrs. Ray Conway and daughters, M.sw},0 were present from McHenry, always ah Optimitic remark!-^- Conway and daughtei% Florence; Spring Grove and Jflhnsburg, the foK M0T^,THE fcNP IS HOT IH ilijHT VIT »TvV-7 O* Saturday, August 2d, tbe large, beautiful church of St. John's, at Johnsburg, was the scene 1 of a.»very impressive ceremony," when Miss Leona Regnef, daughter of Mr. and Mrs; John Regner of Pistakee Bay, and Mr. Arnold J- Rauen-, son of MfT" and. Mrs. Mathias J. Rauen' bf Spring (irove, were united \ in marriage oy the Right Reverend Ignatius Esser, 0., S. B., Abbot of St. Meinrad Abby, St- Meinrad, Jnd. ^:V" v'.'" At tSi o'clock tl\e ptdcessioh entered the church from the^rear, led by the acolytes an$ cross*bi;ar^r and .'foT» lowed by the "ejer'gy' his tLordship', Immediately aftfr the: clergy WLEKLYEXCHANGE ' ITEMS ONNIEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS j Of OUR EXCHANGES 1 • m ' The abandoned Corona pen factory ^ ^ buildirig at; Anticjch* was recently Wot-' ' pd ami a large part ol the equipment , I " and -4ock »as taken. Motor#,^lathesf \l ,-I * ether machineij and tools, pens, pen-., , v cils and other stoclc were repotted a* " A >* 1 *' jmissiftg,.. ^Na;-^uertfe;Uie ;:Tpbttery ;been found. " • • \ \ . * >'••'-• 'Thfc-;<?a|ihing;:;fiMctw'y; :at-• ttaMpshirfc;/ ara» the usliers, and best man.and has started on the annual patk ol"" ^ grootn. Then aS the tsrgah. pealed r late corn and it is expected the yknt / flhvn cfv>0 a#' t-V> /> fno>.i«M i tLrll] Vifl Kl 14\' hio •raovf'. ai^.- jp'. v . brideismaids and maid of honpr. Upon entering the sanctuary the Abbot immediately proceeded to tfie throne' where he was ve,sted in his robes with miter and crozier. Then 800 acres of Evergreen, and 400 of Country Gentlemen ccrn- to be canned. Ninety-three federal agents swooped down upon Burlington Und Walworth cotinty one Sunday evening re- ENROLLMENT JT SCHOOLS HElVlfl ST. MARY'S COURT f ELECTS OFPICURS OVER 200 WILL BB HIGH SCHOOL IN which .gave impression, that better business conditions could be sighted in the near future. During an observation' of conditions in McHenry and elsewhere*it is evident that the hand of depression has dealt lightly wi^h people in this Mrs daughters, < School bells, denoting the beginning of the 1931-32 school year, will ring throughout Illinois duriitgr-the next two weeks,, as the ^sanguard of an army of close to, .two million boys and girls will troop to grade and high schools to open the year. According to the registration at the Community high school, which has been in progress during the past three days, the enrollment will break • |Okla.,:^tsgr."Pr. Schm! I * Mr""and a" 1this^year as the capacity Mrs. Nick Heins," Mr. and Mrs- Nick i?f high school budding ;Will be • MiUer^ Mrs. E. Knox^ndjowjng out-of-town guests were presgchtera, GeneTieye and Dorothy. ent. ' Rev Nick Schmitt, Newkirk, The regular meeting of St. Mary'3 Court, No. 594, Catholic Order of Foresters, was held' Tuesday evening* with election o£ officers beinpf the order of the%evening. Nearly all of tho s„ame officers were, re-elected; which goes to show that they have-managed a successful year for this large and ever-growing society and that the members are pleased with their work. An interesting ipeetlng was' held and the evening was. concluded with the serving of lunch. he proceeded to the^altar where he bent}y in one 0f the'most extensive performed the weeding ceremony, and j ever conducted m Wisconsin. W£°V^C°niP,Ieti?n St8^ th« Pon" i Striking simultaneously in a dozen tifical Nuptial SUss.T The officers placeSj th^y raided thirty saioons, arof the mass were; His Lordship, rested fortv-three men and ordered celebrant; Rev. A. Vollmann, deacon of honor; Rev. N. Schmitt, sub-deacon of honor; Rev.TChafIes S.. Nix, arch priest; Rev. W. A. O'Rourke, deacon six wonien to appear m" court. Arvid Nelson, 34, of Clinton, Wis-'., . died at a Beloit hospital, on Tuesday ' " 0 Rev. F. Matthaw, 0; S« B.. assistant master oT c'eremonies. . 4 g>The bride was Very „ attractively ouessed in an ivory satin gown and wore a veil-of"tulle, trimmed in lac iif Mass; Rev. .A. Weitecamp, sub-j°f last week from injuries received ill ' deacon of Mass? Rev- F. Ildephonse, la. silo-fillihfe aeeident on a farm south* r " S. B., master of cerenijOnies; and west of Clinton, the day before. Nel- L " son, who \vas married, suffered the loss of his left foot above the ankle,, was severely cut about the body and was injured internally. No one saw • the accident occur but is believed Installation ceremonies will take. and orange blossoms.^ She caxned | was attempting to kick seve Family Reunion ^ A family reunion was held, at the' Bertrang, Aurora; Mr. and Mrs Joe tfx®d_i by »the presence of oVer 200 home of Mr. and Mr?-James Perkins S. Schmitt, Beloit, Wis., Mr. and Mrs.' studfnts, A large freshman class, 'Sunday, where thirty-two rela-! William Lowe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank j-coM"1"1* of sixty-se>en members,^art. vicinity and there are very fewwho tives were .gathered t0 spend the day, Schaefer, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. ! , s.^aF' . year *s on* 0 , . e are suffering from its effects as may j thjs being the first time they had all George Rosing, Wooster Lake and c'asses ever to enter hign be observed in other localities. I been together for twenty-five years. Mr. and Mrs. John Ei Schaefer 6f •*chooI» while the seniors surpass all Sevefar or the business men ^^ivg!"A Tiicmc dinner -waa-awved-e»-v-4h», Arlington Heightn, " ' • '•.- meht of forty-eight FRANK MILLER DIES AT a clas< pupils. enrollnew names, were* added to the senior JOH.\ S. RBil . RRGr . ww EFDnNv itSsDnAivY j ro11 this year and three new m6m: wj|j be" welcomed ipto the junior cheerfully acknowledged that their jlawn and a pleasant day was spent ^in business this season has feeen better ^isiting and games. than it was last year while others] Those present were: 'Mr. and Mrs. have estimated that their business has James Perkins and family, Mr. and , . nt. . . . . . fallen off 25 per cent this year It is, Mrs. Clayton Loomis and family, of , . rank M,1'er> »3 years old, died at. class. The largest senior class generally agreed that the trade has Beloit, Mrs. Nora Hitchcoc* and Mr.!hls home at Johnston* Wednesday the previous- records of the high changed since the depression andvand Mrs. Ferris Hitchcock and little' e^enmS of this week, after an illness school has been composed of thirty, -WW P«P»e « ---"lie. Wis., Mr. .„d; ^ ' " ' /> • ' .1 Ahn'fl fy hll w>h i nhnc Kn on> f lUi uries has decreased considerably.: [ an« granddaughters, Alice and Dons Buyers More Careful j Hitchcock, of Syracuse, N. Y., Mr. *v -One merchant said,he found' that and Mrs. A. D. Loomis of. Woodstock, „ the sale of dry goods had decreased Mrs- A. Landwer and aoh,^ Keith, «f BONES WINS HAMBl RGhR -po^ -Jufiior-Conductor--Etiw^rd^-Then ne a. place at the first meeting in October. The officers elected for the year were as follows: Chief Ranger--Jacob Freund. Vice-Chief Ranger---E. R. Sutton. Past Chief Hanger--Nick Weingartr Financial Secretary--George Freund Recording Secretary---Alford Wein- > Treasurer--Franit Weingart. Inside Sentinel--Robert Frisby. Outside Sentinel---John R. Smith. Senior ConduF^for--Leo Blake- Trustee Niesen. for Three Years--Mat a bouquet of .\yhite roses and lilies the valley. \ The maid of honor, Miss. Ameli^ Regner, wore a green satin dres with yellow hat and slippers and car- -t ied a bouquet of-yellow tea roses. bundles of corn loose on tfce belt conveyor, when his foot became entangled and carried him into tne knives ef- ~ the n^achine. I " j ;1 ames Miller, 35, of Rock Island, IU. who on July 4 strode nonchalantly o#| • The bridesmaids, the Misses -Elsier- 5f-the Joliet penitentiary wearing the Carolyn and Louise Regner. wore j golf togs of WaHen Henry C. Hil^ satn^ dresses yin pastel shades, and waited through the prison gate# carried tea rdses to match. I again Wednesday of last week bat . The ushers, Clarence Regner and| this time he went in instead of out* William Bilstem, and the best man, The freedom 0f the former trusty -- Leo Lay, and^^ the gmom were^^ at-. and personal barber to the warden dress- y J kame to an end when the stolen car lie , Immediately Tonowing ^e cere- ; was giving" crashed' into Bother mony, dinner was served to about nMr Rfichelle. He was taken to the Trustee for One Year---Edward *26 guests at Justen's dining room jaii atv Dixon where he tried to im- ^ ;n Snrithr will be in next week's {ssue. ' --^--,--;--"' ; •while grocery sales remained about Harrington, the same and that he found people were buying more carefully, not spending foolishly and considering the cost before, they spent unwisely. In All Set» For Opening tat McHenry, after which a reception j press bis fellow prisoners that he was _ J *as held at the bride'^-hom& where | nough» and bragged that he ha4 BARGAINS QN GREEN* ST. •' ^®PPy' wedded couple were the been an ,omat€ 0f Jpliet. His jailer, 1 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ; leclP,ei\H of "any t>eautiful and , h^ard, him and communiipated US? tS' • . * i Wardeili Hilt." The latter ordered hijri In the evening the couple left for t d ten daJ.s in ' solitafy coo, <•* tW®- Weeks honeymoon .n norths! fineAient( after which Miller will b* assigned to the rock pile. Attention is called to the advertisements appearing in this issue, featur-^ R The high school students have all; inK * f s®1« -of. merchandise on Fri- ern -Wisconsin and expect to be at secured their books and lockers for , day and Saturday by the Gree,n Street home to their many friends on or fiM a iLii>i/\xr eu-rrnM^TO the year and have been assigned their j merchants. It is Rjionsored by the about Sept. 15. CHAMI JON -SWfcfcl STAKES j seats sfl_that when they, convene for I Green .Street Business Men's Associ- . * Ben 'Bones" Smith of McHenry the opening of school on next Tuesday alion and is in, the nature of a sum-1 ^ was proclaimed the champion ham-1 everything will be in readiness and-, mer season's wtndup sale. Be sure to '&L&|1Ua>M rAlK UFJcjJNS% burger eater Tuesday night * and the work of the semester will begin , rpad the ads--you will fiijd real har- HOW MANY LABOR DAY! LABOR DAY. SEPT. A number of Indian skeletons, M\' imperfect state of preservation, claim- : ed by an unknown authority to U# over 500* years old, were unearthed 71 Friday, when workmen on Route ITS " turned up the bones *on Channel Laid Wisconsin's) best^kept fairgrounds i hiU an the s0uthwest side of the lake, ; is- receiving tne--flnishing touches in' A8 many of the bones crumbled ; A count of the cars going south on preparation for Walworth county's ' dust> exact number of skeleton# ; ' Ringwood road (U. S.J2) Sunday af- 82 nd exposition. ' ~ ] CQ»ld not be determine^, but the** Eastern Star McHenry chapter, O. E. Si wiU ob-, serve Advanced Officers* hight on'awarded ten dollars when his oppo- like clockwork with no confusion "or gains listed. other words, people are beginning to Oct°ber 12. Mrs. Jennie Eddy wiy be|nent failed to appear in the contest Ins* Qf time." atop and think and use a greater J worthy matron for the evening. ! scheduled to take plac^ at the Nick] Supt. C. H. Duker has been on the amount of discretion in their pur- •The worthy matron of McHenry Heeler restaurant in Waukegan Tues-j job at the high school for sometime chases. | chapter, Mrs. Calla Perkins, will fill day night. • i perfecting the system of the school's w Another merchant said that he had -tJ»e station of Esther at Harvard ^'Bones" was feeling his best and all routine anji he deserves much com-! ternoon by a resident on the highway,' The ticket office^ agricultural hall i were thought to be twelve or fourteen . practically as much although, j W°,f y + patrons j set _ to eat twenty hamburgers or mendation for his unceasing efforts^ fr0m-rto,6. o'clock, showed that there cattle and swine barn^ are-being dolled Because of the at which the®., prices Were lower and, not mu^ S^-j4- and will act as secre-; bust, but when his opponent failed to put forth in behalf of our public were 1,539" in the two hours., Traffic up with new roofing. A very atti'ac- iwer® found, • and the fact that rt? money was'handled. He said that, at, N"nda chapter, - Crystal Lake, appear U wa^ not aeces&a^y to go the schools and for his aorlity to bring js alwavs much heavier when a holi- uive rest room has been erected in the ' ""etal coffins were In evidence, the • ciMtoiriers were beginning to i>ay up; . . "... . ., | amit* , * V J them to the high standard of scholar-1 day comes in with the week-end and prove by the Christian Science Asso- i possibility that the site may hav» ' their Accounts which denoted a turn-j f'c®fL ,7' i f°^i* doU£h" j ' shiP the>' have »"ained. tgome' are wondering how many will nation. Its hospitable doors will be ' been a forgotten cemetery has bee*;; ' ing poirt towards prosperity which he; * * V 1 A \ 1 - O ^ - s R E C E I V E S H O N O R A B L E M E N T I O|N T h e n e w t e a c h e r s h a v e b e e n i n M c - ' b e c o m i n g d o w n i t h i s t > u s y h i g h w a y o p e n e d t o a l l . A n a d d i t i o n a l w i n d o w ! d i s c a r d e d J w i m p r o b a b l e . A s t h e , - I6lt sure was not far off. uers may ™ nnnn^t »•* orfvon/*o mi t>^*. -- .... . » »* -- ^ ^ At. . <v, .r Several merchants said unreserved- L218"R- <-« ly that their business has been better thif year than last year and their sales greater. ^ phoned iti, advance to Bob Peterson was one of eighteen! Henry securing their rooms for the Monday afternoon. contestants who took part in the At- year and in less than a week vacawater Kent vocal contest at Marengo tions will be over, people will return^, last Thursday evening, receiving! home from visits and trips and life honorable mention in the contest. The, in general will settle down for the Celebrate Silver Anniversary : 0 a"d Mrs. Peter Engeln el ... The sale of lumber Tias decreased! Woodstock were guests of honor at winner of the contests was an older school year. from 10 to 15 per cent this year, due dinner given at the hrfme of land more experienced man from! More than 16,000 buildingrs will to the fact that there is very littla lveir ^au8^tej"and husband, Mr- and Rockford. Bob received many com-j house IJlinois^ grade arid high school building.being done, which also affects' s' ". Sunday^ in; pliments oh his fine voice from the students this year, according the carpenters and has made the sea- cornP'lment of tneir silver wedding judges and others who heard him.' figures at the office-of the State son a slow one for them- While the an'?IV 1^rsar^ • P Sunday evening Mr. | He was accompanied on the piano by Superintendent of Public Instruction, general hardware business has felt no an ^n^e'n were honored at a his teacher, Mrs. Diehl. Mrs. E. G.; which revealed that (the state owns great change from the depressioh, the ^ ^ members of the Peterson and Florence Austin went to 14,064 buildings and rents 175 others sale of building hardware, plumbing r " Bridge club at the H. .M.; Marengo with him. -> | to house public school children. In . fixtures, etc., has been lessened by the ^®nsen home at Woodstock. Mr. and .' . j addition to this there are 2,000 apparent building depression. 1 Mrs. Engeln are former McHehry One f grocery store, whose business ! : has decreased about 25 per cent this] --~~~*s' year, finds that the Sunday morning' w- House Party trade is up to the standard which Mlss Rita'Bacon entertained a shows that many city people come gTOUp f frien,d« at a house PartV' The*'Rov^l Neiehbor'denutv" mP .»« onlyjor the d.y or w^k-end «»« pre.ent PUBLIC CARD PARTY A public cardyttarty, sponsored by PREPARE FOR CONVENThJN j paroci^al or private schooj. buildings • The next meeting of Riverview T,ie ^tendance figures represent an j^amp, R. N. A., will take place Taes-' inc*«ase over preyioiis records and is day evening, Sept. 8. Alfdues must j--c^'ted to the present business conbe paid to the recorder by this date, ditions. - Work ScarCe, More Schooling School officials say that parents are r the week-end. 7 " wpiv Mi««M Marion p„on vm*\. v"rw*^ .»«•«»yu, w ex- iscnooi omciats tnat paren > week at • time ' ^ re'?«1°e'1 <<lr, Vogei and Martha Maloney if Rich- Frili">' for practice and to . sending children to smool who, Thisis also evident by th. report,'1 Flora Freund, Loi,: from hotels and restaurants whose Bacon and Gwendolyn Overton of proprietors all agree that business has McHenry. n been less this year and that many people come out for the day but do* not remain for a longer period. Buying Necessities It is evident that people are doing Entertains Cand Club . Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained'the ladies of her card club at her home has been added to the east side of'! skdetons were not well enough pres. each ticket office, making it possible '< served to be of value to museums, the .. to put night reserve^ seat tickets on! skuUs were ^ept-by several of tl*t kale at 9 a. m. The upper half of the workmen, while the bones were hW the Christian Mothers, will be held at'reserve<1 seat section, will be placed e<* into trucks and dumped mto the Str Mary's .church hall at 2 p. m. Fri-jon sale 8^5:30 p. m. This arrange-, n«w road- ' . • J day, Sept. 4. Admission 25 cents. ment should accommodate both early | A terrific explosion early Tuesday ••' >; i* 1 14-fp ar|d late arrivals, and should avoid morning of last week caused several | some of the congestion that has been hundred dollars worth of damage eV_ vATifp*" "W1 •» | had at the ticket offices. j "Woodchuck" lodge, summer home <it \ ' " j Entries are now pouring in at a. Burton R. Herring, wealthy Chi* Due to Labor Day coming on the ^ rate that- promises unusually large cagoan, located in the Log Cabto regular meeting night, the C. D. of A.'entries in all. departments. j Colony on Oak Spring road cme mite will meet on Monday evening, Sept.j g w-. Brundage Shows will occupy, east of Libertyville. Mr. Herring 14, at 8 o clock, K. of C. hall- All midway." These people hold the i alone in the buildirffc* and 'asleep in * ' members are asked to be present. reputation of being®-, the-wall bunk, was uninjured by the .. -- < -- cleanest-show on the road. In ad ii- crash which is'believed to have bee® BOYS AND GIRLS ATTENTION ti,:n to this, the fair will have the caused by a gas furnace jn a pit. A real power-driven airplane that usual dance hall,, and a new* feature . in one end of the structure. The etreally flies. Special with one pound in the form of a roller skating rink, "plosion blew open trap doors leading of Ferndell O. B. G. Coffee for 69c': Five high class acts have been from the first floor to the pit wher« at Erickson's store. ' 14 . booked, with Shorty Flemm, ^the the furnace is located, broke window® -- J world's greatest comedian, the mas- and dishes in the building and turnadL j'ter of ceremonies. The other acts- 'furnishings topsy turvy. A sheet if . j being Fugi and Yuki, the Atwoods, flame which e.riveloped the building • . | the Six Clover and the Lomas Troupe, the time of the explosion, scorched^ Mrs. Nick Adams of Ringwood , The Lomas Troupe js decidedly differ- and singed curtains, drapes and other. ^reconvention on Sept- 23. It is Texpect- Another factor, it is said, is the ever ed that-the supreme oracle, Mrs. Mary, increasing demand for education. E- Arnholt, will be here for the con-i When all of the Illinois grade and _ . VentiMi. r V ; high schools are functioning, students Lcalled on McHenry friends Tuesday ent than anything ever presented at : furnishings. The firemen arrived aoon will find at their disposal approxi- evening. £ ." . . _ ^ | Elkhorn before. They are the origi-' after and saved the building. AMONG THE SK?K - mately 12,000 school libraries .„ afternoon. ^ *£52?*i?£\"Z/. ^ life, for the purchase of gifts and ac- honors were awarded to Mrs. A1 ably remain at the hospital this week, schools this year. In 1929-30 there cessories has decreased nearly one- brand, while, the consolation went to third this year, the main purchases'- Mrs;;-^ W^ting. • .The club will' meet along this line being in radio supplied, again in two weeks. In comparing the statements of thel - '•"= - business people who were interviewed' Altar and Rotary Party ,(itis found that the scales nearly bal- i Sixteen tables were in» play at the j Green street" a nee in weighing -the reports of 'd«-"lcapd P'arty. spoftSflced by the Attar | 1 Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler, who has were 50,000 more boys than there been confined to her bed for the past were girls. ' • • ' ' ^ three week?, is feeling no improve-; The largest attendance, at grade ment from her illness. j and high schools in Illinois will, of Peter Doherty is ill at his home on course-/ be in Chicago and Cook county, where public school attendance in 1929-30 was placed at 633,000. This year the figure is expected to be much higher. THANK YOU! 'The ladies of the Park Improvepression and those of increased busi-! and Rosary sodality of St. Patrick's ness and much * of this* fluctuation' cburch at the church hall, Friday af- *°u,d take-plaoe durihg apy year «£ • tefnoon. The silk quilt, which, was j ^ a^^ desire* to" every educational ^tudy creased about 8- per cent during the ^ tw fk V v COMPETES AT SPRINGFIELD have cut down on their E1,ep Smith" member of„ the Sun-i their, evening games and turned over many of them not coming to the ?hi™* Gir,|8 4"H ciu^ at Ringwood, f lt-1 wl^t was left m their treasury at the country at all this year, and it is > JeB.ded *he ,8tate £»lr at Springfield j end of the season. v . this condition that' has affected Mc-i J t-w< • , T "I sbe ~ ; Henry rather than the condition cf' Staie^rls u club ^ show- ! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBI S its permanent residents. ' * ri^ t to compete in the state! The next regular meeting of Mc- , j ®how at the county contest held at ( Henry Council will be held Thursday, Woodstock, July 29, by modeling Playground league will . be available to students at for the money turned over to the tending high school. Nearly all associ ^ion, totaling $9.25. The, ball, foreign languages will be( taught .is players have been using the park for well -as sciences, trade, firming and music- Mrs. Clay Rager and son, Cecil,nators of the manikin stilt parade, an j Efforts to have John OzimkiewiCS, Ringwood were McHenry ^ visitorsj outstanding high class act. I of Chicago, deported may"be takeo a> , . Wednesday! WalwortK county V historical pageant a result of his actions Sunday of last William (Sreen is acting' as man-( combined with an elaborate display of, week followtng his arrest on a traff'C ~" ager of the. National Tea store at fireworks will be the feature of the charge in Libertyville the same day. Barrington this week. « night show. This will be the largest He was"*arrested by. state policeman Mrs. Annie Lunkenhpin\er, Mrs.! production ever attempted by a Joe Earnshaw, when he was observed - Frank Mathieu and Miss Vera Rein-1 county fair- A mammoth production, • endangering'the*tiV"#s of other motorboldt motored to Waukegan Monday.' artistically presented, one having the ists by passing cars <m the poulder• elf i-il-. '-' Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Erickson and | unique combination of being both en- j the pavement.* He was taken to L5b- - , tertaining and educational, ertyville for arraignment where the The fair management is making charges were made against him. From • every effort to make this year's fair a the time he was arretted and»durin|t , real educational fair. Entertaining as his stay a^ Libertyville he cursed thfl^- .. a fireman's tournament and clean as , arresting 'officers and everyone ia---- ; !--- Mrs^G. J. Harding of Oak Park, cottbn print ensemble which she made] winter season will be formulated and Mrs. Evehne Larkin and children,' herself and which was entered in the * ' • - George, Margaret and. Florence, en- j school outfit Class. She was accomjoyed a two-day trip to the "Dells" - nanied to Springfield by the Kane, Mi to MadisttB, Wta^last weelt. j take and Boone county fontestantl* Annual cost to the state of ^educating each child is expected to be about the same as that of last year when the average figure -was f107.45 per student. 4. Investment by the state in schools is estimated at well over $1,000,000,- a Sunday school picnic. September 10, Plans for the fall and Winter i 000, with the annual cost of upkeep an interesting progrkm has been ar-1 at around $200,000,000. The largest ranged. Lunch will be served after j item of expense last year was that of the meetirig. j salaries for teachers, which amounted ELABOXlD T.,JtNOX, G. I. 4to 176,603,^7. ^ ^ daughter, Virginia, left Wednesday morning oa a motor trip through tha east. • . Mrs- John Mertes and daughter, Marie, Mrs. Joe H, Adams and Mrs. Walter Grube motored, to\ Waukegan Tuesday. * y Mrs.- B. Norton of Grayalake and Hnng-hter. 'Mrs. M. Klemans\o,f Ingleside were visitors in. the homfe of Mrs. Eveline Larkin one day last*wee,k. Miss Nellie Miller of Cleveland, Ohio, called on friends here Wednesday She is a former teacher in the. of McHenry on u. S. 12 local high school and is now teaching in a Cleveland high school. John Erickson and sister,, Jane, have accompanied their grandparents, si&ht. Finally-'growing tired of vus*- ing at the police and cburt officials CARS COLLIDE ON U. S. 12 turned his temper on the ^"er^ The car of E. J. Stillwell, Elginr "T1 '4.. H was c.o nsi.d er• abJlyi damag\e d„ whe"n it, ateq at the aJc t8io incse^ of t^he man ' t|i;n' ailiuf was strupk in the rear by. Cryatal ^ hi „,rrest,J fh,r8i„E hia disorderty conduct and W hin. cident occurred about two miles south JPUBLIC CARD PARTY The Ladv Forester^ wv|! hold a pub- Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Peters of^ lie card party at St. Mary's chureh Pistakee Bay on a trip to the east.j Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 9. Lunch They will visit their daughter, Mrs. and prizes. 35 cents" Everyone wel- Wifea*..; •: .. : -V taken to/the wurfty r*il. As a climax to the scene he created in Hos<» kin's court, Ozimkiewiez asked for rope that he might hang himself bui the justice, although willing to gran|.; his request, declared it wa* better-ao| - to do se- •- ,- •" " """r* : --Ju.lit lhrltB. Barvw^.'

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