Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1931, p. 4

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Published "V. JfSBS F^Tr7T.v j,. \ ' T .: _'/•* • '"f - v <-.y ;* '»-- --. 1. _'; .»£,f '-'it i .1>{" TBS M'HIKEY PLAIRDSALKK TBUS8DAT, SKPTIKBKIt 3,1931 VJ. ^ ^ T'H^d« *#%Y • r? 4v-i,:U - •'; -r.- t- THE M'HENKY PLAINDEALER every Thursday »t McHenry, 111,, by Charles F. Reafch. g»t«fed as second-class matter fttthe postofflce at McHenrr. EL, mothe net of May 8, 1879. _ Want Ads ~FOR SALE Year ............. Months' Jk. A. H. MOSHER, Editor mud Hu*f« ...$2.oe ,.u.oo| • • <K 1 FOR SALE--Tomatoes.: ' Freund, McHenry. Route 1. 614-R-l. Peter ATelephone 14-tf ODD GADGETS SENT PATENT OFFICE Devices Range From Hen's Nest to Sea Wall. FOR SALE--Bartlett j*ars, $1.25 per bu. Phone McHenry 142-M. 14 WONDER LAKE VICTOR IN WEIRD CONTEST -./'.y^^Wver'hontfr ami glory there was connected with the Wonder Lake .in the,lead again but his mates could! DAIRY COWS--Will have for sale at not keep thing's going- This called! my place at Gary, Saturday, Sept- 5, for a general upheaval of all the- -de- j 40 head of mixed cows, mostly Guerofensive factions of the home club. ] seys, and Reds. These cows are ac- Gus Freund struck, out but Fay per- j credited and abortion tested and are mitted the third strike to escape and i priced to sell. Joe Kvidera, Cary, 111. and McHenry baseball ^ame Sunday i Gug was safe-at fir§l Moss tapped; Phone Cary 37-Js * 14 goes to the U"?c* ^{one that LaBahn mussed up and then pOR SALE_16 choice feeding sh6ats, in front at the end> of one, or ine, threw away, Freund going to third -- weirdest baseball games ever seen on an£j jfoss to second. Schroeder sinthe home lot. And -I hope there ..isi gje(j 0ff pela*s grlpve and both runners, w . ' a-o -it Everything! -- ....J- _t Wenrj, weighing 50 lbs., priced to sell. Inquire at the Clay Baird farm, Mcrievei; artatfter liHe;- Everything j scored but Schroeder was caught be-' that possibly could happen was in- j tween first and second and was out, j FOR SALE--Qne^SShn Refrigerator, eluded in the session, errors, . mis-( ga^on tG Fay to Schumacher. Ben- porcelain lined, white enamel. Good plays, dropped flies -and flies lost in batted for Graham and singled: condition. Will trade. What have you ? tl^e si>n>/a^d even a few gpt>d plays-^ keejS things rolling. Rodman fan-.J Phone -327*...• 14 *^1 tied; -:Petry', tripled to deep left.cen-J -- tW^eri.' All, in all the game was of a ^ir an(j then scored on a balk after FOR McHenry, IJJ. SALE -- Potatoes. ^libte far below the usu^l stan^®r^; :;grtii^ iad walked. Snsitji scored, on i bushel-. Martin Stoffei, |^Baiiri^ Kaplan's double to the suj>field but' w*n** feVen iri their.].- '*&iolind ;• ...j*j#o£mancf%-; trying'."'to stretch it. to a though it is hard to, rate either of trip]e> 0 ^ tjijem, "as their w01'^ little to. do | Four Jruns behind With the outcome $1.25 Pearl per St., 13-2 FOR SALE--One Liscoin tfini, age. 3 Reasonable- Ed. Bauef, R~3, w i ^ ^T^r^i MeHeriry. Tel. Richmond 488. *13-2 Perry, newOomerH pgysp seem^d bopeless, but the L^kprs j with the Lakers, was-thp batting star ) nia(je j^.: a ball game by giving them FOR SALE--Three-quarter ton truck, with four safeties that he banged to j^ree runs without a hit and the A.'s j panel body. Good condition. Marall corners of the field, one of them mjpht haye had more had not Harold being a-triple to left center. I Freund injured his ankle going into Wonder Lake loaded the bases third and was tagged out as he lay •with tw,o out in the first and then i writhing on the ground. There would Gus Freund came through with a sin-1 have been runners on second and gle'o„yer second to put them ahead.'^ third with but one out an^1 the situar Buhrow walked and went to third on ti0n might have ended entirely diftwoT wild pitches, scoring on an infield', ferent. Johnston was safe when out to count McHenry V first tally. | Schroeder joined the Test of th» out- LaBahn was supreme in tne second, dropping a liner right into a double play helping matters after his hands. M. Whiting walked. Ba- Harold Freund had throwP one over Pela'sf head. TheR- McHenry put on • ty,en stole second- ' Fay walked to fill I street, a big splurge with three runs on two the bases. H. Freund also walked, hits. .LaBahn Was disposed of but;Jolinson SCOring. Graham mussed up Johnspn was safe on Grahdm's^^ error.,-Buhrow's grounder and two moie M. W hiting scratched a hit down the runs tallied but when H. Freund werrt third base line- Bacon walked to fill ;nto the bag at, third he injured his the bases, Joe Freund singled to j rjght an^]e and w'as. tagged out when pght on the ground but was out try- he fell off the bag. Schumacher ing to make two bases on it... Bacon gtrutfi out with the tying run on secscored on Graham's misplay of Har-: on{j. old Freund's grounder. j shall's Bakery, McHenry. 13-2 Washington,--Hard times tor no, hopeful inventors are offering the world a constant stream of ponderous achievements aflfi^ frivolous gadgets. ltecont invention! registered at the United State# patent/office range from a snowplow to i^new kind of hen's nest-, replacing the conventional straw varj£ty so lon>? in use, and to an Improved typ«!.&f sea wall. Aq Inventor in the sheep walks of Australia baf received a patent for a "deburring machine" designed to remove foreign matter from wool. The description accompanying the patent "tells in some "detail how the sheepskin is put through a mechanical combing process, to remove burrs, emerging, "*• th^ ^ inventor no doubt ifoiies, as clhwi" as when it first clot lied a new-boru iamb. ; Edward ^rtliur Forbes 0f ' .West Palm Beach? Fla., obtained the patent for a sea wall. Whf,rein this particular sea wall llii ofi iiijprovettteotupon other sea walls Is not Immev diately apparent frbm the description in the Patent Office Gazette, but rit might be considered significant that a Floridan should invent a sea : wall,' Freak Inventions Predominat®'. Minor and freak inventions dominate the patent office lists. Only rarely does one appear so revolution- FOR SALE--Lot on paved street, as-1 ary as to cause a sensation, except. <00*0 *»»»#»#»»< LIGHTS > nUMCULL of NEW YORK Practically anyone can go to bed. but not everyone can 'go to sleep. For this there are various remedies. All depends upon the form of wakefulness from which a person suffers. I know a mail who is kept awake by any lighu He happened to get a room in a hotel where a street light shone through the window. Knowing that his wife sometimes slept with a stocking over her. eyes, he tried the sc heme with a sock. Apparently, he didn't Isnow the trick of adjusting It, astt constantly slipped down oyer his nose and mouth, threatening to smother him. Finally,'he remade the bed s« that he lay with his head away from the wiudovf. This was a pretty good idea, except for the fact that- he had a stiff neck in the morning "from twisting about ,to see.-'whether- the* light was still there. Prolific A«thor Horatio Alger was a graduate Ot Harvard, and also o'f Harvard Divinity school. He became a pastor of the Unitarian church at Brewster. Mass., in 1804*; but two years later he w^pnt to New York, wher% he labored for "the Improvement of the condition of Street boys. He wrote much for newspapers and periodicals and published Served Him Right" A St. Louis woman wants a divorce because her hush.-iRd tried to boss her. It does show a bit of mental Incompetence.-- American Lumberman. TW Changing Time* Things have changed. Womea at* more important than they were 80 years ago. There was then the cl sic story of the man who gave wife a birthday present of half a do: en bars of laundry soap and a wringer. Recently a woman gave her husband, who is an indolent author, one thousand sheets of copy paper and a new * lEver See * Sopran®T When television compg we shall know whether the announcer is exaggerating when he «rps ecstatic over the sopnann's henn**'--Toledo Blade. Another noises: <at esssment paid for. Bargain if taken at once. Ben Stilling & Son. *13-2 FOR SALE--500 bushels rye. Frank Hironimus, P. O., Round Lake, I1L ,Tel. McHenry 628-W-l. *12-3 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert con forced M. Whiting at second and shoeir^ker and repair shop. . Main Phone 162. 38-tf FOR SALE--Well secured ?First Mortgages on McHtnry/Kesidence Property. Inquire at Flaindealer office. * / 19-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--One car garage with cement driveway on Green street, . J , ti_. , E-rviii'went into pitch the ninth li near business section Tel. 143^M. "14 The game remained at this -status tbe A^s an(j LaBaht)_went to short, I'-- 5 ^„ until the fifth when Graham walked to where he managed to muss up S FOR RENT--House at Green and stArt another run home. Rodman grounded, allowing another run to Elm streets, McHenry. Albert Vales, flied to BuhroW. Peiry" was safe on score, but turned his next play-iri^; Phone 634-R-2. 14 Harold Freund's error on an"easy dou- a double out and retired the side. V"^' ble play ball. Both runners advanced LaBahn and Johnson both singled on a .passed ball and Graham scdrfed jn the ninth but/M- Whiting fanned on Smiths fly : to_ Buhrow. Kaplan Jniith threw out Bacon to end also flied to Buhrow, making the, fiasco.' fourth straight putout for Nig-P - i • 'ATHLETICS ' #tep.ped up a hctch in the wFrPimd, a 0 f> 0 sixth by regaining the lost "ground. Bu'hrow, If .. -3 2 .1* 4 .0 LaBahn's triple to deep center and Sc humacher, lb 5 0 0 8 1 Johnson's single did the Work. Buh- Winkel cf '5 0 1 1 1 row then started things off for the l^&ahn, p-s? S 1 2";0 3 • 3b, 5 2 2 2 1 vf :• .1' After rolling it around in'his arms fbr.. M. Whiting,' zfe--• 4" 1 •several steps. Rodman walked and J'.acon rf 4 2 Perry scored Graham wnth his third j I'Veand, c .H".. 2 0 llit, ^..Rodman-' stopping at second. Fay. c ...L; 1 51 Smith rolled to" Pcfa for the first "out. McCleeSi c^ io..O: 0) Both runners afrivan^ed on a passed Ervin, p 0 ball, Redman crossing the plate. "Kap-*; -l'; •" ' lan fanned and Manuses rolled to La- ' 38 Bahn leaving the score-tied at five all. ' WY>\TT>FT^ f-AlTF FOR RENT--Five-room modern house with garage on.Riverside Drive. Reasonable. R. F. Conway. Phone M c H e n r y 1 6 7 . , , - 1 3 - t f FOR RENT--Furnished cottage for rent Sept. 1; three rooms; and sunporch, near park. Mrs. Andrew Miller. v - ' *14 ' '•*' ^ LOST Buhrow attempted to make up for Rodman, If . - his error by tripling to right and Perry 3b-rf «eoring on a "wild pitch to put the A's Smith', 2b ... Kaplan,, c ... ; Manuses, p . 11 Freund, lb . Butler, 3b ... THEATRE Moss, ss 3 Schroeder, cf 5 Graham, ss-3b 1 Woodstock's Beautiful Play House rf 2 0 LOST--Scotch Terrier, black, clipped, 0 Aurora license, Sunday, Aug - 30, at 0 corner of Rts. 12, 61 and 20. Answers 1. to name of "Spotty." Reward. Phone 0 2-2002 Aurora. W. A. Buell- *11 0 7^ V.-- \ ; .: /LOST-- English Setter, female, white 9 8*27 14 6' ear anc^ black spot on tail; ' Sunday at Chapell Hill. Tel. 631-M-l. & - 1 .5 0 , 2 i t ) 21 1 0 do perhaps, among technicians especially interested. Most of the names appearing as Inventors are either large corporations or their employees. 1 In the latter class is Olaf Bjdrk of Taft, B. C. The world may live to see delegations of motorists making pilgrimages to Bjork, for he has invented a backstop for automobiles. It is *a simple device of rubber and coil springs, taking the place of the familiar rear bumper, and Is designed to cause a recoil when one automobile sneiks up, and bumps another in the rear. I Another recent Invention Is a combination fountain pen and ihkstffnd, in which a device in the inkstand operates the filling device in the pen,j thus saving lalmr for the pen's owner.„ Prune Fitter Designed. From California came a design for a prune pitter. This machine* has a gadget for gripping the prune firmly, a rubber tube to be applied to the end. of.^bii_ji£une, and a device for 1 ex- Ar;ictihg Th^\ pit. The pit ,tlTen Is sucked through tlie tuhe and deposited wherever they deposit prime pits in Californra. ^ A few other recent' patent's, as listed. in the Gazette, are: Handbag and concealed muff (this combines the old-'fasliioned hand warmer with the modern oversize purse), cigarette cork tipper, hatband fastener,-^anie . 'boardhair-cut ting _hiaclilii^/Jden^ nian I know can't stand least, city noises are a source of irritation to him. Wheii he lies 4ftwn to sleep he finds himself counting'tru(k.e ahd automobiles Which toll by. Somebody told hi no about "Some, wax things which you put in your and l.e thought the problem was soh^ck The next time he came In from the country lie prepared for a peaceful night in town by getting some of the wax plugs and Inserting them. The rest of the nlghj he lay awake, straining,his ears to discover whetlierwax. he could hear through th£ There Is a friend #f mhfe who lives next to an armory. In the regiment to which tlje armory belonged was a man who evidently had ambitions to become a bugler. After everything was over op drill nights and the others had gone home, he would remain and practice bugle calls. Perhaps at eleven ^o'clock, he would blow tattoo for a while, which was fair enough, but aroutad midnight he would start In on reveille, or boots and saddles. Later still, he might bWw the mess call. Now the listener to whom I refer is a man who retires and rises early, but he had no desire to boot and saddle at 1 a>-jh. And as for. the mess call: his doctor refuses to permit him to eat at night. The result is that^a good, hard-Working fellow with music In his soul may never become an expert bugler, merely through lack of practice. * ,V , ';" • • '* * Some persons'arfe* like that. Th y have no appreciation of honest effort. A ,side street in New York was being .excavated, aV all streets are^ Some time in the early hours a workm.ui with a lantern climbed down Into the trench and began to beat cheerily wltli a hammer mi a piece of meaal. Henrv W. Longfellow would havef appreciated such Industry, fie migh^have been Iri^red to ^rtt^ Tiomettiln 7 o1 se atom; tifier for toothbrushes and the. like the line <of "The Village Blacksmith." (being an initialled qeeklace ,for youi" I p,ut; the fellow who did hear the mil- EAT AT I [-j "J" ^ , toothbrush), maciiinos for wrappinj cigars and other, elongated bodies, fingnr rjng (this.htas a series of-liearts, alternately right :side up and »ipside down). MISCELLANEOUS Greater Movie Season Now Oal SATURDAY Gbiest Nite ,2 for 50c George Q 'Bxieii "A Holy Terrw M Comedy and News •iv 0 J Kathryne Diehl of Woodstock, 111., ®i will re-open her studio teaching piano 1 and voice at the McHenry high school, 0 Wednesday, Sept. 16. Please make ®, reservations, f'or lessons as spon as 1 possible. • 14-2 2 , ' H/ V, . • 1 -. --^ 0 BURGLAR ALARM -- Guaranteed - best o" market. Price $20 to $25. Nj V 37 11 10 27 8 6' upkeep. Money back if not satisfied. Wonder Lake ..200 010 251--11 10 6 Address ¥G," care McHenry Plain- Athletics 130 001 130-- 9 8 6 dealer. 13.2 Two-base -hits---Kaplan, Manuses^ . Three-base hits--Buhrow, LaBahn, ANNOUNCE THE OPENING of my Perry., Stolen bases--Perry, Benja- «f/lce over Mrs C. F. Pich's Millinery min, Bacon, Buhrow. Struck out by „tore' 0 Rl-v'erside. Drive, McHenry. Manures, 10; by UaBahn, 8. Bases jUrs 2 to 5.and 7 40 *> excePt Sunon balls, Manuses, 6^ LABahn, 5. ' day' appointment. Mrs. Florence Ray, Chiropractor. 13.2 DR. W. A. LABRON, O. D. Complete Optical Service Private Examining Room lit • . Shuler'g Crystal Pharmacy Phfiie 860 Crystal Lake, III. SUNDAY-MONDAY - TUESDAY . jPetttiniMW« Sunday, 2:39%to 11 50cl Family Mat. Sunday Maurice Chevaiiefin ' "The Smiling Lieutenant" ^ , Peaturettes • Bobby, Jones in . The Driver ' Movietone Ne*?i Screen WEDNESDAY', THU^SDAY^ FRIDAY Nite Wednesday 2 for 50c , Barbara Stanwyck m ' Miracle Woman" " ' Comedy and News ' 1 " ' r : - j BROADWAY BUMS TRIM ^ ELGIN MONARCHS--5-3 The * Broadway Bums put on" a fine performance at Johnsburg last Sunday when they defeated the Elgin Monarch* 5-3. Both sides played wonderful ball, McHenry making one error, while the colored lads committed two- T-he hits were kept-well pattered by both pitcKers, except fof the Bums yfhen they, bunched three hits with a walk to tally three score* UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of fur SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Ordetv * •« All Work Guaranteed | .• B. POPP - ?•' Phone 162 Main St. McHenry niture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed.' Work called 1 >r and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. --'Center .'Y^.^W^.lfeHemry, III. Tel, 107-M, 12-tf Spots Xhurlwell was in the limelight again by striking , out twelve and scoring his first three times at bat, which n a good day's work, for any pitchfer outride of Ferrell. Sunday, Sept. 6, the Buhges All- Stars from . Elgin will "visit McHenry to do battle. Earlier in the seasoii^s> McHenry traveled to Elgin only t-i Jose after a hard game. That gams was one of the three defeats registered agaihst the Bums this year. The Bums will undoubtedly seek revenge and extend their winning, j&reak U m ten straight. Don't forget the game DG2H1 AnlfTl^ll^ w i l l be p l a y e d at McHenry on t h e " i i i m a i a mill pond diamond- MONARCH^-- Corbett .7........^-.....4 Forgets Rented. Horte; , * Tied to Tree 3 ; . Pittsburgh--When Frank Sopollski hired a saddle horse and had not returned It two days later George Fas-, slnder, owner of the South Hills riding schoois, figured something was wrong. A 12-h'our search located Sof>oliski at his home. Then, Fasslnder told Humane society officials, Sopollski thought of the horse for the^ttrst time since he had gone swimming in a South park pool. He wasn't qviite certain where he had left the horse, Fassinder said, but they finally found it in a clump of woods a quarter of a mile from the pool. The horse," its owner said, had been tied to a tree so closely that it had not been able to reach food nor water during the 76 hours it was there. * At a hearing before Aid. Patrick Cawley, Sopollski was fined $10 for cruelty to animals and posted $1;000 bond for a hearing on the criminal charge of 'falling to rejtunv^;•«" rented horse, t j New Aluminum Metal Produced in Sweden Stockholm.--A new aluminum alloy jcjLjlpd "cromaj." whif-h combines great hardness and tensile strength with the light weight of aluminum, has been perfected in Sweden by a metallurgist, J. Haerden. By means of a speviui patented process the in^Hjj>>r has been able to unite, aluminum wi]h chromium. ^ JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. Livestock Dealer Dairy Cows a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone CJary 37-J 11-tf BFown Kiowa. W". Harding .. Smith .... Leachr Ritchey .1 Hall ; Rurpley 2- 12 * 0--0 Dead awl Crippled Cows, Horses, Hogs, and old Plugs Prompt Service . $1.00 to $10 a head Telephone Harrington 256. Reverse Charges BU Pfamift?fistill Stoffei W. Kreutzer Geierr-i...., Andergon Thurlwell Thors^ll Thennesr Wm. ;I(t«u.tMlr' .•'-t> Howatd :.r...2 0 0 Foundation of.Freedom There' are (i'i articres in the Magna Charta. It is j^aid. that the three ar-j tides of enduring value are: Justice shall not be sold or denied; no man shall be deprived of his liberty or property except upon Judgment (of his equals or , the law of the land; no taxes except the custotpary feudal taxes can be levied by any one without the consent of the national corni* Qwlt« Ivnoxviile. Tenn.--A tree-^ittins: cat spent a we -k In a- tree here without food or'water before it. was forcibly flowered to the ground. Oldest Office Holder <- on Job for 60 Years "Richmond, Va.--Sergt. Patrick Iloisseau of the Richmond police force claims to be Virginia's oldest offlceh#ider. He Is eighty-one and Is entering his sixty-first consecutive year of public service In Richmond He was sheriff at Danville during the race riot there in ths early '90s. Once, almost single-handed, he turned back a mob seeking to attack the Jail to secure a negro prisoner. notes was no poet, but only a retired for the night business mer. -Securing three electric light bulbs, h.* hurled them in quick succession from a seventh-story window, so that they struck what was left of the street In -the Immediate vicinity of the worker If you ever have dropped an electric light bulb on a hard surface from any height, you know what happened. The cheerful worker got out of that excavation in ohe Jump and made the first 100 yards in record time. To his dying day, he probably will believe that some one was shooting at him. Golfer's and bridge player's Insomnia are among the commonest forms of the malady. The golfer plays each shot over; the bridge • lnyer each hand. Be tween dark arc daylight, some most remarkable drlvi are made and everj finesse Is successful. About the onlj cure I'know for this form qf. wakeful ness is chloroform. v • •""•J* But there Is the old reliable method of inducing slumber. First you must relax all your muscles and your Jaw. Then you must close your eyes an*'- vision a great, green meadow, divided by a hedge; Now it Is Necessary to fill the meadow with sheep and start them Jumping over the hedge. As they go over, you count them, one by one. After you have counted a million, it may be well, for the sake of variety, to switch to goats. ; . <© 1*31. Bell Svndlcate.>--WNp SMTVki*.; Part of Noted Robinson Crusoe Island Vanishes Santiago, Chile.--Six persons were killed when a pni*t of^the "Island of Juan Fernandez, ?if>0 miles off Val paraso, suddenly glided Into the ocean. 1t,was announced by the war minis try. The 'disaster, which was attrib uted to effects of a strong stown and a tidal wave which It, affects Cumberland bay, the only harbor on thB'island, and surroundlitR hills. It was Juan Fernandez island which Inspired the book "ffobinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe. That story Is supposed to have been based on tales toh' by Alexander Selkirk, a sailor who was left on the Island following a mutiny on his ship in the Seventeenth century. After the Island became a pes session of Chile, following Chilean In dependence in the Nineteenth century. It was ifllfed for years as a state prison. JUindfop Start* Bank Alarm , l4'nn, Mass.--A solitary -raindrop called out the riot squad here. When half a dozen policeman arrived at the Sagamore Trust^bank'. In McDonough squat^* they discovered that one drop of rainwater IriW~ ^ortdrcuited the bwqghiir,4»liftrnfc . iJ > . 31 5- 8 27 11 . 'leV t?iek ^ by "••••• ""'---"'-'Pliaiijf • "r - • * . Certain types of headache, says a doctor, are proof of brains. If so, a number of poseurs have" been around lately asking the loan of an aspirlQ.- Detrolt News. - Confusion'Balka Multitude of Jealousies and lack pf some predominant desire that should marshal and put in order all the rest, muketh any. man's heart hard to find tit so^nd;--B^con. „ ^'Vf " " .Large Enjinetrlflf Lltira|i The Engineering Societies' libra*^ in New York city is" the largest strictly engineering library* in America, and probably in the would. It contains -150,(KK) volumes. ' ' ' . ./A- &' -w . , I old Nam# for Tmm "Scot and lot" is a municipal or county levy on all persons acccrdlng to their ahilily to pay. Scot is the old name of the tax and lot the allotment or portion levied. Therefore to pay •wot an<i lot liternlly means to pay the ord'nary tributes and taxes Imposed tgr th* ioeal authorities. Pirat in Hijh Offic* John J^y «as the first chief Justice of the United States Supreme court;. 5 - 4 . i ^•r Are you tired of eating at the game place day after day? •Then .try Karls. Even if yoU i^e tired eating home incessantly, try Karls. Here yon will find the best of foods, prepared in simple, wholesome ways andiel ner that is different and refreshing. in a man- JOHN on Riverside mve tCom£inplease--Go out- pleased^ r-v JOHN FISHER & CO. Week-end Specials 1***-- -- -^--2 lbs. 19f Small Spring Lamb Chops, lb; v . Small Boneless Hams,'lb* ; •, • ' 23^' Kelley Hams, lb. " •;" '• •• • » 1 6 ^ All Beef Hamburger* lb. 20C Liver, lb. ^ ;• 101 Bacon, whole or half slab, lb. 24 C Kerber's Bacon Squares . . 4 1 4 O Sweelheart Soap 16c Dromedary Datek, reg. di* p!|^d |)li. 19 C Lux Toilet Soap ^..,.3 ^?r 19c? Blue Front BailJett Peans, No. 2Vt..JBMUp, 23c Blue Front Fancy Red Salmon, No. 1 tall can 2 7 C For QUALITY and SERVICE Phone 49 FREE DELIV ERY Specials - Friday and Saturday - at Ringwood Ladies' house dresses Ladies' fancy boudoir slippelf Prints, fast colors, §6 in.. . Men's work shoes Men's dress shirts ....„ Men's new fall caps... ..... Golden Sun flour, 49-lb. bag J T 9 8 c 1 _39c -yd. 15c a- $1.75 and up ^-.l..$1.00 ,-SB9d up $1.05 Large pkg. No. l grade Ghinaware Oatl No. 1 can Columbia River Salmon: 1 No. 2 Vi Hi-grade Sauer Kraut Ko. 2 Bark River Mixed Vegetable HooDoo Attt Faper drives 'em on* - -r ;*. . '> E. Bokemeier Genial Merehandise Phone Richmond 882 Ringwood, Illinois Day Phone McHenry 256 Hight Phone McHenry 137-W Peterson^s Garage 1 TIRES--OlL--GAS Ixpert Repair Service One Block East of Fox River Bridgei, ,K\ooiu te 20 rr;

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