Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Sep 1931, p. 6

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kdeifcit'i <*»% 1 'r- PiCiS; J ' 1 !,-Tr.r: |Vy >-_* V; .pV' THTOfcSDAY, * ASf 4 -*•' - "* , '-V •>*v .1-".tH «- •aF^T9iBW!;«ss'"nc' vwjr -w ,n^wri^*TT^!wl| " . V,t, iL » . „..„.. ri.* •^•yr jC-* • --ryu:r: jf Tickliik Experiment i To remove a crust of silicate j£pos llto from a rare antique vase, sin'expert Hat* th«fliBof»ton Museum of Fine Art# iaked firing the vase at. 450 degr*M •at, Almost the nwlting point of the gta*e, but this removed the deposit, • 'revealing the design. , . •*' • DR. C. KELLER .v,-v.-JOjwomerrijitJ'artd e Optician WALSH'S DRUG STORE Riverside Ijrive :>rr^?" avery'&aturday afternoon, 2 ito TJR. W. examined arid, glasses .to • v , order only F Ajfeo all repairs. ' .; "WHAT DID HE SEE IN HER?" By FANNIE HURST Telephone No, 108-R ^ , : " . . . S t o f f e l & R e i h a n s p e r g e r v-x ..Insurance agents for all class®* . . i property Ln the best companies. FROM the day of her graduation, To years before, -from the high school of a large middle western city, Ada Gilbert hud been baffled by the question which had first assailed her when her old sweetheart, Tom . Cass, suddenly up and married her classmate, Evelyn "i>ay. ' ' • Whatever of pigue nnd chagrin ibtla might have felt, were really beside the question, because i&se had elopjhl with the eldest son of the town's largest' banker the week, before^ tf*e an- »scsT M, a^v; ;»%• "-wis, -r8™'™'of *•» *nd Kv" ••i»^wLxam ht7DMnTTi' for years; afterward, long after $QIN .McOli'RiVlOl T'l t\\£ Tom- ,Casses;hB(l. moved' Kast^that ••ATTQRNEY-AT-LAW..-^ : ' 'Jfiwr:s~-Every evening, 7 to 8 :fc© : All day Saturdays v , iVies BWg.. Cor. Greeti and • "* Tel. McHenry 258 McHenry, III fact she had not even aged. The mothgray quality lo her was apparently a dust cover to the years. Qiiit*tr unobtrusive, completefy lusterless, she was (he same qu^et enigma who bad startled her community by capturing (lie brilliant Tom Cass. > When Tom refurne8t from what had been the flying business trip to London his delight upon r.e-meeting Ada was all that Evelyn had promised tier it would he. Here was recreation, a new toy, a new delight, a new face. The years had dealt lightly with him, as life had in general. He .was a personality among personalities, sured, tremendously joVial, magnetic etiMi beyond what he had. been. Success had Italicized him. Curious, the bantering f^x-cohscious, excited relationship that was Immediately (re-established .Jb.etween him and histoid colleague, it was as it the . Intervening" yesirs had: been merely., hiatus, and here they were again,' tiptoe as they had been in fheir youth, filled wjtli awareness of. each; othef, tantalizing to each; other and strangely exciting, ' : During these ^nQiiths th<r%eirflTy,. of: Ada seemed to talce on IT-iiifew sheen. Her dolly blue eyes became brighten--, her hairmoreJonquil yellow." the hatquestion' ha^ ilashed stcross the: btisjV I ural pitik i«i Ijer cheeKi? trroye' surpi'i^- vartegated days of AdA'^!*. iog. She was taking th£' particular Phone Richmond-16 , Dr. JOHN DUCEY VETERINARIAN TB and Blood Testing , ' RICHAIOXD, ~ * ILLINOIS . What had Tom Cass seerr 'lti Ef^lyfl Fl X' (.• 'Pay,;'.^ho.: was :r>rie•• (if; those;^^colort^ss^ m f nic^TKfugh girls of dust-gfay^person- Ality ;,and no achiev^iients: A girl, as, Ada Used to describe it, with no face in particular, and no graces of mind oj manner that in any way.matoln^d up to the sparkling distinction1 of Tom,' who had been a distinguished student at high school, had caj)tured hoij- | ors at college, and from the starf had' seemed pjre-destinetl for a career of * itonor. and Importance, , , Not that Ada had any right to a I sense of rfnlstratiort. -She became, -- --~--~ '•'iTf upon her marriage, the town?s weaTthi- McHENRY GRAVED ^ pst a,id mpst °»tstariding matron,. But - " the samev one could not help I asking, whenever she picked • op a I newspaper and read the name of Tom I Cass: what did he see in her? • What did"he,j who wai" once in love •with me, see In hfr? • : : v i It Is certain that in the subssnuont lsnnnd. EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop, q Eoad Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on » Request -High-grade Gravel, Peliveredj the conscious thought of Tom could At any time--large or small !™ve ylayfd 1'ttle p/irt . , 3 . . . . . • been farther from tier mind than to orders given prompt attention d)Hrui,t the snug bed she had made' divorce between Ada and her bus Phone 204-M McHenry HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gfavel and Goal for Sale Grading, .Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract of Every Description : or "By Day » Phone McHenry 649-R^) ~--~ MeHemy, HI. - P. 0. Address, Ronte 3 • ^ WM. M. CARROLL *" .'-i Lawyer Office with West McHenry State Rink Every Friday A/tetnoon Phone 4 . r McHenry, Illinois K 3 -Pfcenc 126-W " Reasonable Rate* . / • A. fln^ SCHAEFER . '. .. Drayinf ~ lisHENRY i ^ -- ILLINOIS Insure--In Sure-Insurance • WITH Wra. G. Schreiaer ; Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-RMcHenry, Illinoia S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS ~ AND BUILDERS Phone 12,7-R r McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants - • V-" ' " for herself as the wife as one of the most important, as wejl as the wealthiest, men in town.."But Ada had reckoned without her host. , , Practically out of a clea'r sky,"the husband of Ada underwent t^e Indignity of establishing residence in a state where divorce laws were notoriously lenient,"ln order to win' hls free, dom from her on grounds of mental cruelty. * , t> It was the most devastating catas trophe of her l^fe. - A famous beauty in her social world/a power, woman" of widest influences, the action came •->»~a-:bewttd*iH»g-bfrw-to her prlrle.1^ With all her cleverness, her nimble wit, her ability to lay her trump cards with outstanding diplomacy, she had had the supreme bldnder of misjudging her husband's psychology. To her he had been the plodding; rather stu-. pid man, who concentrates brilliantly In . business, and bores h'8 neck to the yolk-outside. Most galling of all was the fact that his act had noj been precipitated by a flare of passion for another woman:' Nothing of that sort had entered Into his life; His /act was the deliberate cutting loose of a > man who finds , his marriage ties intolerable. " At thirty-flve,' still beautiful, well provided for, free, Ada found herself curiously cut a%ay from the security and importance that had been hers as the wife of her husband. Life in the same town was- no longer tolerable. Divested of/the prestige, position and#local iirfportance, she became - merely a divorcee, living on a generous alimony. ., • - . It was then she decided to move t'</ one of the large eastern cities wherfe the social horizon was wider, the lrfe more varied. _ Once more it was the subconscious that must have settled her "choice on the ^town |n which dwelt the Tom i | In all the years which Intervened be I tween her graduation';'";frpm~"--(ilgfV' ;-achool, she had not clapped eyes either ui>ftO ToffTor Evelyn. In the. interim | Tom had .become one of the most • talked of magnates in the country. An ! entire township, devoted to his steel j Industries, lay just".outside the city ! where he had built the famous C»ss I castle. His industrial innovations,, his i revolutionizing sociological , schemes j were beginning to havje their effect .i the country, if not the world, over. Special (^fiort Time Only) Permanent Waves $15 values for $19 SLO values for $8*00 ll RY SPECIAL L e w i s M e t h o d $ 8 . 5 0 v a l u e Q Q All weaves iViclude, one haircut, shampoo and set. Service on pur permarents until grown out, shampoo and set-50c and 75c.* • For Hair Beauty Try-' ARXOIL STEAM TREATMENTS Retards--Falling Hair, eliminates-- Dandruff, prevents--Dry Scalp, reconditionsh-^ Perpianetit Wave. Price $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 Shampoo. r..f ,50c extra Ultra Violet Ray Treatments $1.06 HAIR CUT (all styles) .. !. 50c Hair Cut with Special Method »f Thinning $1.00 Cle^r, 'Soft Water Usfd STOMP AN ATO'S ,""i . i •• •'• Recognized Barber and lieauty Artists of America and Abroad Five Beauty Artiste, Three Barbers Tel- 641 Woodstock Main St. Open Evenings until id p. m, D. S. T. Tom Cass was a household'word. His success had never faltered. It was into his town, 'with 'magnificence of retinue, that Ada and her do mestic caravan arrived with fanfare. Of course, contacts with the Tom Casses were immediately resumed. Strangely, Evelyn seemed enthusiastically glad to see her and reeled hor with promises of what Tom's* exuber-' ance was sure to be upon his return from Europe. The Casses lived in a magnificence thaf seemed towering even to the accustomed/ eyes of Ada. The, sweeping lawns, the baronial halls, the superb art wing'and spacious nursery quarters were on a scale gargantuan. Evelyq'a- 4jQUUftster3, true to form, were ^lU'.er mentally nor physically remarkable. A nice,. gnough brace of children, a boy and a girl who had Inherited much-of their mother's dustiness and apparently little of their father's glamor. 1 ' , Evol:^n h(?r<i,'lf had not changed,. In social Set fri which she was finding place' for lierself/ chiefly^ .It .<4 true, through the Casses, by stormi Her (iiririersv; h'#r functions becanffe focal points '.only Tom, but the town /Was agog with her. ' ' " * What did he see in Evelyn? More and more this qtiestioiv began to torment Ada: Why, here within arms reach, ^ except for this drab w.omnn with no face in particular, was happiness beyond anything she had dreamed* Not the person to err twice, hVr second alliance would not only be crowned with success, bqt it now became evident to Ada Jhat all through the years of her marriage to another man. her one grand passion bad been for Tom Cass. And here he was, ready except for the intolerable impedimenta of a plain w4fe and- plain chjldren. ready to march himself back Into her heart. >. - Fool, fool, fool that she had been, ever to miscalculate In those years back there--to let slip for want of imagination, yes, it had been just that, the youth with n, future, for what seemed to her to be -the y^Qth with his future In his hand. "Fool. Fool. Fool. What does he see in her? Of course, the expected • happened. There came a time when Tom, as if to announce to the world he was no qpore than human, began to be se«n about more than j\as discreet in the company of the golden grass-widow. Inevitably there was talk. One or two of his friends even ventured to remonstrate. But Tom was Involved. Tom was smitten. Every one, with the exception of Evelyn, saw that. Plain as the nose--. ofl--. your-- face.--tongues-- wagged., •• • • „ . ' Tragic! Even with all his security, a scandal hurts a man like Cass. Has, always seemed devoted to Evelyn. Well,'serves her right, letting herself rema4n drab. Can't expect to hold a dynamo, like Tom Cass. Poor Evelyn. Wonderful w<>nian. Sti£h a sense of humor, but dumb! " Never a word out of Evelyn. Never a lapsfe in her canning on of the gigantic household, her duties to her children,, to her sogjal position, to her husband. •: Funny thing, said Ada, aloud to her mirror one night. Fve a;1fffetWg sfte laughing at me. Fool ! There came the crisis. Ada lost. A sickened, revolted Tom suddenly ierked to his senses, staggering from her presence with a sense of finality and< self-loathing. Strange, but Tom, too, Jtiad the. sense as he lay with his head in Eve-*'s lap and his arms flung about, her knees, that she was laughing at 'him. .* ' " "No, darling, I am not laughing. It'a just that I am so much wiser than you are, sweetheart., tye been watching It happen, praying for how It would end--and somehow knowing my .bad boy to be just the youngest member of this family, feeling so sure • • • *> sure v. . I just had to see, the funny alie r . ». or go un- -der." ' (®, 14J1. McOliire N<>w*nan<>r Syii'dlCAt*.)' 7 - (WNU Service.) «' .' '• V>.--v " "" ,'*• ";V' Not Guilty A well-known barrister had successfully deffttft^l a man.charged with pickin^TJbcketsJ After the accused had been acquitted he expressed his gratitude to the barrister and oflfered to take, him to London in his car. an olTer the other was not anxious to accept. "" "No, thank you," he said politely, "I'm afraid I haven't the time." "But," persisted the man, "if we start now it won't take long. What time Is it-now?" - "I don't know. I tiaven't a watch." "Haven't a watch? You wait a -mlnuie and I'll slip out and . get you otte."*-London Tit-BlU. DAVID R. JOSLYNf, JR., Solicitor State of Illinois, n- ' ' , McHenry County. M. . In the -Circut Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1931. , ; Anton ,M. Schmitt, "Complainant, ' - " . VS, . Richard A. Koch, Ethel Koch, Straus National Bank and Trust Company, a corporation, A. Howard Langert,' . Trustee, Carl W. Kuehne, Successor ' in Trust and the McHenry Lumber Company, Defendants. In Chiancery--Bill to Foreclose. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now .pending iri said Court and that process for said defendants has beeii issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable t© the said Court at its Court Hoom in the City pf Woodstock,«Countjr of McHenry anfj State of Illinois^ pn Monday, the 28th day of September, A. I). 1931. In testimony whereof I have hereT Hrjto set my hand and affixed tha.seai of said Court,, at niy office, ift WoGd stock this I'Stli day of August1 A. D. 1931. '. :. .WILL .T. CpNN, Cl«H?. (Circuit Court Seal.) • ' ' 12-8 Grand Canyon a Marvel ' The Grand canyon of the Colorado river In Grand Can.vos. National park, Ariz., offers what has been described by many as nature's greatest sight. It la a marvel of natural processes, a deep abyss cut, through the ages, by the river, and its tremendous sides sculptured In a panorama of color find awe Inspiring fantai^ by centurlea of Wind and rain. v/"V " DircM' Flyltig Formation 1 £>ucks do not often.lly In V-fory»ation. Some have supposed that this formation niakes it (%si?r for a group of ten to twelve ducks to. follow a Teader, which is usually an. old gander. A small group of ducks frequently fly In a straight line orta slanting line. Enormous flocks bf,iftying ducks do not fly In formation., - . ? • * - HENRY L. COWLIN, "." - - Attorney, Crystal Mke EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Alice I. Knox, The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testamentjof Alice I. Knox, deceased^ late of the County of McHenry an<f State of Illinois, hereby gives^ notice that she-wil\ appear before the Coun-r ty Court of McHenry County, at the" Court House in Woodstock, .at the November Term, on the first Monday in November next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. -- Dated this _19th day A-ugust, A. D. 1931. \ ; MARY F/KNOX, 13-S ' Executrix. A Trie • KITCHEN CABINET <©. 1931. Western Newspaper Union.) One may fall, but he lalls by him.-- Falls by hlm?elf ^tth hlms^lt to • . blame: One may attain and to him is the pelf, 1 : » " "toot of" the city in Rold or fame: * Plunder of earth £ball be hjs own Who travel® fast eat and travels ; .' alone. ' ' --Kiplirif. African Rainfall Afika varieg considerably in the different localities. On thfe Egyptian desert there are appreciable falls only oi^re in a number of years, while ih the Cameroons the average is 3(39 inches A year.. Qjv either, side of the equatof there is a, belt of hijavy rainfall ditninishing'riprl'li and. soiithv^ard. The oetiinated population, o f r | c a . ' t i l . *- - i * • • 0" 15he McHenry Laundry • Phone McHenry 189 l jl T ^gnd'our driver xiill call N 4 # • ; ^ k The Modern JLaundry and Dyeing SP* Phaiin^s Garage i V - • P h o n e 3 1 4 " : i - Storage, Repairing, Oil, Greasing V/ ' Street, McHenry Tt•\; XJSK THE CLASSIFIED GOIiUMNS FOR QUICK EESULtl THE TOWN If You Wish HONEY CONING HERE FIRST If-you have time tofeompare values "and prices all around town, go to it! You will be that better satisfied when jfou end up with us.. You will know where to come, and where to tell your friends to come, Ipr the best values, b6st servipe,; best ^prices. It's this combination which makes m:^cc98sfi^':4e^en^|<^ the world's leading tire--• . • Bazik on it for a fact: nowhere under any circumstances can you find better tire values than here. v- ' Shop and see. . > J. '-A>: . So-So -:- Vincent Astor. ba«'k from a^yachtin^; trip in .the Mediterranean, was talking about Spain. "The Spaniards eat strange flsh In the south," he said. "In Boliches, a Malaga village, 1 saw sftj old Spaniard one'day .carrying home a devil-fish. "Are^devil-flsb really worth eating?" I said to him. ... » : "Well," he Bald to me. and he £avf a little*--eltuckle* .and iBhrugged his shoulders, "well, -cahallero, devil-tisli are pretty much like wives. When they're ^bad they're awful, and vyheii they're good they're ouly so-so." 8EC&ET OF GOOD FR0STINQ8 The secret of good frost ings and fillings for cakes Is no secret at all-- just use good material, a little care," 't'v* " , and a good recipe; here are^a few: Boiled Frosting. --Boil together two cupfulS of ' sjigar, • two tablespoonfuls' of light corn sirup and one-half cupful of water until the sirup spins a thread. Pour it very slowly „over two stiffly beaten egg whites, ftaTor=-with one teaspoonful of flavoring and beat until thick enough to spread well. To vary the recipe, add .. chopped nuts, raisins, figs or dates. Also coconut of various colors" may be used to dust the top and sides. Fudge Frosting.--Cut /fine two squares of chocolate and combine with. t\\-o cupfuls of sugar, one-half cupful^ of milk and one-fourth cupful of dark: (torn sirup. Cook until it forms a Very soft ball when dropped Into cold water. Remove from the fire, set the pan In cold water and cool, then flavor and beat until thick enough to spread on the cake. For those who prefer maple flavoring use either maple sugar or the maple flavor Instead of the chocolate. Tropical Filling.-- Put one-fourth tup; of sugar, one ta-blespoonful of cornstarch and one-fourth teaspoonful of salt Into a double boiler; when well blended add a half cupful of sliced orange peel, one-half cupful of orange juice, two tablespoonfula^ ^ of butter and one e^ig yolk; cook untitsmooth and thick.! Remove from the heat, add a teaspoonful of lemofl juice and spread on the I layers of the cake. Spring Conserve.--Cook one ahd. one-half pounds of rhubarb, cut Into one-incif pieces with three cupfuls ol :- sugar, one package of dates, two ta* blespoonfuls of orange Juice and on^ tablespoonful of grated orange rlndf cook until thick, adding one-half cupful of broken nutmeats ten minutes .before taking off the flre^f Pour Into jelly glasses abttsaixfic^mh paraffin. Fattest American Ve»»*l The Flying Cloud was probably the fastest sailing "shiji that ever went to" San Francisco from New York, for she made four voyages there on an averate of -between: 97 and 98 days. i sr.; ...•*•fe. m * . Unprofitable Talk'..." . . ( tjncle Ab ' says, we could get more done' In the present If we did not have to spend so much time telling what we have xkme In the pWrt.--Mlchlgan I Farmer. .... j- ' Unci* Eben "Loafln'," saiilytJjicle El^en, "Is sumfin' to be dlsoourfged. But -wh\it if" you g'ineter do wjf de man dat Is so industrious datjne'd rather he In trouble dan doln' nuffln'?"--^Washington, Star.i "':r ' ... • ' ^ !• Mllini |in'.' I .1. . Ij.lWW ji' Relief (or Dettor jratorium is an em^rgehcy act authorizing a debtor or specie payment or other payment for at-glven period. * Jb-«wratoriu of leglWtion • bank to aeter "Iodine An article was published a tev years ago in the Journal of Industrial^ and Engineering Chem!.slry about the Iodine content of the soil in* South Carolina, in which it was stated thai: the soil was rich 1 in Iodine and thai vegetables grown In the soil were also rich In Iodine. Since this time Southt Carolina has featured this asset.-- Exchange. Taking^One'i Photograph.. Persons took photographs of themselves with indifferent results until recently. Now a.device has been-pep* fectaq which makes this feasit)le. A fetudio Is equipped with mirrtjrs In which the subject sees himself in photograph size. When he sees a reflec* tlon which pleases him, he presses a. button j wbiefc «oaU<4f Ji camera/ r-- , \ ~t * r Battery Charging and Repairing -N - Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Phone 294 Work Guaranteed West McHenry \ ' 50-horsppomer 6-ey Under • 77 10f#/y v ton capacity CHEVROLET TRIJCKS ^ivfced as tow as *44©* comptetff with 4^hi*vntl<i't-tpuiitr Illustrated at the right are some ttf the half-ton models included in Chevrolet's complete line of trucks--which coat* , •ists of Vi-ton and 1%-ton models in thr«l» wheelbase lengths. Take the question of first-KXMt--and y^ni learn that the Chevrolet Six is one of the lowest priced trucks you caij buy! Investigate economy---and you discover that the Chevrolet Six is more economical to operate tlm» any other truck, rmgurdleaa gf the number t(f cylinder*. As for speed and power, Chevrolet gives you a six-cylinder 50-ho^rsepower engine--25% mocv powerful than tfaJengins in My other truck in the lowest price field. And when you consider capacity, you find that Chevrolet's longer wheel base, sturdy frame and long springs permit the moHDtiaf of extra1- large Chevrolet-built bodies. Before you .buy a truck for any purpose, check Upon these facts about Chevrolet's complete line of •ix-cylinder haulage unit1' Your Chevrolet .dealer can supply full informat||^ ^ Balff-lon 109-Inch lV4-ton 131-i«5h 1 '/i-ton 157-ineh wheel base chaaaia *«rSSW^ ehii* wh--lbaao thiwil •355 •52^. »590 (IWiMi (Ikni aoWi uandirt) ii th« pritt* t*f tha op*" eab [4th-up. All truck rhatMa - *• ' Michigan. <I»B--rwt pHiema mm*' -.v', v" mmty C. A- C. 'Urpu. j t •- i' *. j y": : f-.y 'TS"/- 4.40 -ffl) 1„ _ _ 5.25 4.50-20 . 8.55.- . 5.95 4.50 - 21 i.. 8.75 6.05 4.4$ 9.70 7.05 4/75-20 V 7.15 5;00 -19 7.40 5.00 - 20 ! T • 'v 11.25 .7.50 5.00 - 21 • - 7.70 5.25 -18 8.30 5.25 ^.55 5.25,20 .v~.-- mo 8.75 5.25 - 21 --*. 12.95 r; 9.00 5.50-18 13.05 9.15 5.50 19 ^ 13.40 9^0/ 5.50-20 13.70 6.00 -18 ^ 14.60 6,00 -19 14.90 6.00 20 15.20 6.00-21 15.60 6.00 - 22 30x3 Vz CI. Reg. 30x3 Vi Ci 31x4 32x4 32x4'/ 33X4^-:l-;;L:^:_. 34x4'/2 30x5 Heavy Duty . 33x5 Heavyf Duty . 32x6 Heavy Dut]^. . •;« 1205 12.20 12.60 $4.65 . 4.75 , 8.45 12.15 .12.60 13.70 ^19.95 ^^190 ..:.33.(XD *• FUat, Wlcfci|«r». All truck bojy prlwi f. a. b. - HARRY TOWNSEND v "CoF. 19h and Riverside Drive Chevrolet Sales and Service Tlione 277 ^ L O W E S T T R A N S P O R T A t I O N C O S T '.^4; * <•

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