Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1931, p. 8

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...V- 1 w " *» ' * W9X* ' *-S;^.i-! • ,*• -.y > 4~. ,^~?rw y ^ ,,,,;, »IJt», .gy. THE M'HENRY PLAIJfDEALlR, , SEPT. 24,1931 ». ^,«r. ?*%}>*.?!$**%' Imaginative Nafta** Among unusual names of horses oiT M «ld program 6f racing eyents founi recently In Glasgow, Scotland, were "Jack's My Favorite," "Britons, Strike HoraV "Fe%r Not, Victorious," "Kiss In a Corner" and "First Time o* Att- / ~ -- r -- - i * o . HEATED ARGUMENTS IN WELCH'S COURT McHenry, III Sound Real Pictures Last Time Tonight , Maurice Chevalier K . • •" . in '••• '•• "SMILING LIEUTENANT* g-;./:;' also-' " C'i-'V'i- | Our Gang' Comedy ,' • #RI. SAT. SEPT. 25,26 y iinii with Jackie Coogan. Mitzie Green and. Jackie Searl A picture for young kids and old kids . . . SUN.-MON.. SEPT. 27-28 "The Nan Who Came Back" jj^iet Gaynor, Chas. FapreM Also Short Subjects- This Theatre now on standard time, shows starting- at 7 p. m. WED.-THURS., SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1 "Sporting Blood" with Clarke Gable Also Short Subjects Prices at all time--10c-35c An exciting trial with hfeated arguments on both sides was held Monday forenoon at the city hall in Judge Welch's court, with Joseph Huemann as the defendant and Walter A. Young, representing a finance company of /Ciberty^ijle as the plaintiff, Huemann was represented bj!" Attorney Russell Allen of^VlcIIenry county and \ oung had as hisSUwyyer Attorney Scheeley of Lake county. The suit was brought over payment for a radio for a car which Huemann had obtained from a company, in Elgin wit*i the understanding that if he sold five others he would receive a radio free. When Huemann went t<J Elgin to make settlements he found that the company had disappeared, evidently going out of business. Allen's argument, being generally accepted as the real facts of the case, was that Young was really one-of the firm that sold the radio and that the whole thing was a skin game. After much 'argument on both sides a jury was called and after some deliberation decided in favor of the defendant. who was put under $1,200 bonds with Yoytig'under $600 bonds. Although Young1 threatened to appeal the case it is expected that a satis^ factory settlement will be madeout* side of court. FORMER SCHOOL HEAD VISITS IN M'HENRY ' BIRTHS ' Mr. and Mrs. Norbert kiichehmeister "of Alniena, Wis'., arinowce the birth of a son, Norbert Lee, Sept. 19 Mrs Kuchenmeister was formerly Carolyn M. Steffes of McHenry; Born to <Mr. and Mrs. Carlysle Wulff of Chicago this (Thursday) morning, a 9-pound s*>n, named Carlysle,, Jr. Mrs. Wulff was formerly •/Hiss Ethel Whiting of this vicinity. Mr. and „Mr?; Paul Garisch welcomed a son to their home on Pearl street. Thursday. -- . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox are parents of a daughter, bom Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs! Clinton ^lartin are parents of a daughter, born at the Woodstock hospital, Monday, Sept. 2L 'M# The Loudest The poorest wheel on the wagon "Is ihe one that makes the moSt noise.-- Florida Tinios-I'nlon. Bead the ads and save your dollars. E. C. Pisher, superintendent of the schools of Peoria, 111., and his charming wife spent the week-end with friends in McHenry, here Mr. Fisher spent several yeaf-s as superintendent of the McHenry schools twenty-five years ago, and is favorably remembered by many of his former pupils and friends here. Supt- Fisher, who has made great advancement in the educational world, now supervises the largest school sj<#- tem of the state outside ,pr Chicago and has signed up for a term of three years in his present position- after nine years of successful administration, during which new school" buildings have been built and the school system of the city of Peoria advanced kv many ways. The position which Supt. Pisher fills so ably, calls for riot only a thorough knowledge of educational work, but also requires an executive of business ability as more than $2,000,000 of, -school money are handled through the superintendent's office every year, where" a large .office force, including more than a dozen stenographers, is employed. With ' a staff of , more than 500 tcschers, whom he kndws' personally, Supt,, Fisher has the following schools under his supervision Kitchen Sliwwer Mrs. Henry . Nell and Mrs. Frank Nell entertained a party of friends at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Vera Reinboldt, a bnae of this week, at their home in Johnsburg, Thursday afternoon. Five hundred and bunco were played and prizes in bunco were won by Mrs. Frank Mathieu, Mrs- Jos. Huemann, Mrs. Anna Lunk~ CnllCI««lSr owjJ ^ iirVfiTo ill five hundred prizes went to Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. Joe Adams,, Mrs. George Michels and Mrs, Steve King. The guests Were: Mrs. Jos.% Huemann, Mrs. Anna Lunkenhelmer, "Mrs- Joe King, Mrs. Joe Adams, Mrs. Steve King, M&s. George Michels, Mrs. Leo Freund, Mrs. Ray Horick of Woddstock, Marie Mertes, Bernice and Minnie Ferwerda, Mrs. Celia, Fox, Mrs. Peter H. Smith, Marie Miller, Amelia Weber, Mrs. Frank Mathieu, Isabelle Schmitt and "Vera Reinboldt. r Honored Guests . Mis^s Hilda May and Leslie Bungard "ere honored guests at a party Sunday evening at the home of Mr. arid M¥s. William H. Atthoff. Five hundred was played and prizes v were Three high i>w»rded to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adamfc J , , Q U A L I T Y U not always high priced. Here are a few items t*i... 7- prove jj )»• •mA- • > ' • o «> mn i iVrug Friday, Saturday and Monday g September 25, 26 and 28 INCLUDING DOLLAR DAYS HONEST - MERCHANDISE schools comprised of 4,000 students, ! an<* Mrs.; Leo: Blake and Jacob Stoffei twenty'-three grade schools with 14,-j T'l1? honored guests were presented 000 pupils enrolled, one school for i a The guests were Messrs*, crippled children, one? opportunity ! Mesdames Peter J. Schaefer, Leo 'School, one school for the deaf, one Blake, Jacob Stoffei,. Nick Adams, Joe school for delinquent • children, one May of Fox Lake, and Wesley Guffey, -school at the tuberculosis Sanitarium, Miss Hilda May and Leslie Bungard. one night school and one V<k»tloiial ; » school. . .' ' ; • Birthday Party . ;' ? • -- 1 Sbirl»y Cojby celebratid her LOCAL MAN'S MOTHER " eleventh birthday anniversary Satur- DI]|S AT CRYSTAL LAKE da^ afternoon by inviting several of Mrs. F. W. Covalt, - mother of ^er friends and schoolmates to enjoy Floyd E. Covalt of this city, died at a Par^y with her. Gaines were played her home at Crystal Lake on- Wed- ?n<* Pr'zes were won by Louise Stillnesday evening of this week. Funeral Lois Robins and Norma Oeffling, arrangements were not completed at a^ter which a birthday supper was served; The guests were Lorraine Engeln, Ardelle Voeltz, Mary Ericjtson, Louise Stilling, Norma "Oeffling, Lily Brda, Lois Robins. the time of going to press. Fisk new fall hats, Saturday, Mrs. Pich's, $1.95. 17 METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E- church every Sunday. • Morning worship, 11 o'clock. ; Sunday school, 10 o'clock. " . REV. W. BONHAM, Pasl^ Emerald Bridge Club / ^ TfjgjjjEmerald Bridge club met at. the1 home of Mrs. Ben Dietz Tuesday afternoon. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Ben Dietz, Mrs. • N. J. Nye,' and Mrs. Albert Krause- Refreshments were served. " , • NATIONAL TEA CO. Food Stores We take pleasure in joining with other merchants in this community event. Notonlv these items but all items sold. in our stores are priced on a money-saving basis so that your dollar has more purchasing power. Dollar Day Sale Sugar Milk Coffee Peaches Silver Crystal FinMf frrannltlM] In 10-lb. Cloth National Brand Evaporated ^ ^ 9A ib,. $1,00 S $1.00 Our Breakfast Protected by the Green American Home California Yellow Cling Halves or Sliced 18 6 s1.00 6N^«1.00 Corn or Tomatoes Oiialim lz si.oo Quality Navy Beans juna^^&gan Blue Rose Rice ^ P&G Soap • cans za si.oo 10 ">»• (bulk) ' Cbuik) $1*00 32 $1.00 OFFICIALS URGE CAUTION Local utility officials have «gailt urged that gas and electric customers insist on company workmen identifying themselves before admitting them to their homes. In spite of all the precautions the company may take, laxity on the part of the householders may permit imposters to gain entrance into their homes. "We have taken every step possible t(^safeguard our customers from "this danger,stated District Manager C. E. Collins of the Western United Gas and Electric Company today. "Every workman from this company is supplied with an identification card. As an additional precaution to prevent the possible misuse of these cards, each bears a photograph of its rightful owner. While we do not wish to alarm anyone unduly, at the sarfte time we feel* that we would be negligent if we did not counsel constant vigilance. "If every customer will bear hi mind that this precaution Is taken fo£ his protection and admit no workman to the premises until the proper credentials are shoym, it will be to the mutual benefit of the customer and the compapy" ,, Budget CLOSING NOTICE We, the undersigned business nrtn of McHenry, 111., agree to«close our places of business ev< -y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday an i " riday evenings at six o'clock, sta. oing October 1st, 1931, until June 1st, 1932- (Except the evenings of the week including Christmas.) A- E. Nye, John StofFel, Peter J. Schaefer, Jos. W. Freund, N. J. Justen A Son, Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe Louis A. Erickson, H. C. Kamholz, Carey Electric Shop, Smith Bros., Jacob Justen & Sons, Anna Howard, John R. Freund, John J. Vycital, John F. Brda, A. & P. Store, R. G. Meads; J. J. Beavis, Ethel Jones, George J. Schreiner, National Tea Co., Ray Mo- Gee, Joseph M- Regner, Nobby Style Shop, B. Popp, Barbian Bros., John Fisher, M. Engeln & Son, A. Gritfimacher, Mort Ritt. Uv- '%i; "J. % •i' THAT'S the modern and business-like way torun a household. And the greatest aid t0^ feudget^^ Astern..jaraiP venience to systematic spending and £ Checking Account! It's a simplified form of Book-keeping in itself. ^ • •'* an Account with either of these Banks Save on your purchases by trading in McHenry next Saturday and Mondayju; ;"Every article advertis- £» "«d on this page is stan- > tlard and exactly as 'Represented. No "sec-' iV t jonds"--no dSsapp^nt- " Remember, we ; guarantee , satisfaction , each transaction. -,':It is safe to trade here. AMONG THE SICK Linus Newman is nursing a severly burned hand this week, the injuries being received last Friday while he was laying a roof near Terra Cotta- The hot tar burned his left hand severely. i William Bolger, 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Woodstock hospital last week. William Powers, son of Mr. $nd Mrs. David Powers, returned home from the Elkhorn hospital last week and is recovering from cuts and bruises sustained in an automobile accident near Delavan, Wis. Mrs. Earl Brown underwent an operation at St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, Wednesday, • West McHenry State Bank McHenry Keep Rug Flat Persian and other lightweight rugs can be made to lie flat In the following way: Buy two stripB of sheet lead, each about one inch wide and as long as the width of the rug. Fasten these to the underside of the rug, one at each end, by sewing two lengths of upholsterer's braid over thena to keep them in position. With this simple addition the life of a rug will be prolonged, as ttaE&JKUi then be no crea»-' ing. ' ' • '. War Nattons flcfet and kin tfeetr men. Then the older men get together and discuss the sweet peacefulnes* and fellowship of helping thp various nations out of the holes they dog. Isn't war absurd?--Toledo Blade. f 71rsS'. • - V «! •' Back to pre-war prices! Make iioie of the things, >you nee^ and want mud; buy them now while these big savings are in effect. Compare these values, you'll have to agree that it pays to buy your neeus here! Every sayjjg for reductmn$ piete. com- TOILET GOODS r SPECIAL . , SERVICES Besides special pric thait save you monevy we offer many extr^^i ^ seriices that , ordinary . drug stores cjfn't fea^;?i< -• ture. Your f rieads, wil|» v , tejl you that it is wisf/ * to make this y< shopping headqus today and every day. vV T • * !. •••'• B Patent " AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS y 25c Woodbury's Soap . 25c Gardenglo Talc .. 50c Hind's Cream . 00c Pompeian Powder $1 Gillette Blades $1 April Showers Powier 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 25c Zinc Stearate 50c Brilliantine for the Hair 25c Morosan Tooth Brush 60c Woodbury's Creams ... ^HieataicaJ Cold Cream, lb.-.. 45c Colgate's Shaving Creatm i 11 1 . 50c Woodbury's Shampoo ...„..„:i^l36c ALL STANDARD BRANDS "^c Jad ..59o 79c 23d ..69p, .4' ^ ' f'$1.|25 Konjola ^ 40c Castoria $1 Lysol : •; ; 25c Carter's Pills • i60c California Syrup of Figs 44<t 50c Baby's Cough Syrup 3 $1 Upjohn's Citrocarbonatft 79o $1 Mile's Nervine ^ ^$1.20 Sal Hepatica -vv , ; f t V ' ' "^v 10c Palmolive Soap Prophylastic Tooth Brush 50c I<isterine Tooth - Paste 25e Both 47$ $1 Ooty'f Face Powder 69^ 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 for 25^ Mead's Dextri-Maltose 3 bars for 20c ' 60c Pond's Creana I;::....:.....;.. 75c Household Rubber Gloves $1.25 Absorbine, Jr. $2 S. S. S. Blood Tonic . .12: 25c Iodine or Mercurochrome $1.50 Hawkeye Box Camera . 15S Rit $1 Russian Mineral OH, piiit 50c McKesson's Milk Magnesia 100 Aspirin Tablets, pure grata 75c Rubbing Alcohol, pint 30c Phetujlix Wafers, laxative ..69c 93c 69c 33o 69o> ..39c 37^ 39^ 89^ .59 17tf 89^ for 23^ l'/a-lb. Bar ^0^Castil6!"Sd^»- 29^ 75c Johnson Liq. Floor Wax 53<£ 15c Greasolvent g for 19^ 85c Mellin's Food-..,. : 63# $1.50 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound --.......^^..„98# 50c Mennen's Skin Balm • 30# $3^00 Nujol 69^ 30c liquid fe. H. A. .„...l^c lib. Hosp. Cotton 39c 60c Rem 89c $1 Danderine 79c 50c Molle 39c 75c Julpo JMc 25c Pound Talcum 15c 30c Peroxide 21c 35c Gem Blades .........27c 50c Tum-Out .......S3c 25c Jiffy Corn Pads ....19c 50c N. R. Tablets ......37c 50c Jergwn's Lotion ...,33c 35c Bay Rum „...19c 35c Energine 27c $1 Adlorika Tonic 69c 30c Olive Tablets ...19c 25c B & B Baby Tak. 17c 70c Sloan's Liniment ..&3c 50c Orchard White 37c 50c Unguentine 37c $1 Nurito ...» 79c $2 Ourine ..-..-.„....$1.39 60c Zonite 44c 75c Bath Salts ......... 49c 15c Luxe Flakes.,2 for 23c $1 Box Stationery 69c $1.50 Vac. Battle, pt. 89c $1.25 Pinaud's Lilac ....89c 50c Iodent T. P ...,33c : $1.50, , " Padref*ilv Wine Elixir 98# f $1.50 Jfetrolaeajr. Your prescriptions will be accurate]|r filled here, just as your physician would have them taken care of. -•A Registered Always In Charge -Linen Finish Playing Cards Finest Qualgp ^ 29# • $1.25 Banker's Hand Made Cigail Box of 25 89# All Viosterols $1 value 75# Three Flowers introductory «• j!|UB Paint and Duco 50% off 45c Kotex 29# / • Post This Phono Number-McHenry 40 Thomas P. Bolger - 5 Quality Drug Items at Bargain Prices * j * "jtfii 1 friday; Saturdayxmd Monday• •: ' ""its ' • i ' •• - •fr * -

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