Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1931, p. 4

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t> V" • i* "Tfji THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, Hi., by Charles Y. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHeniy, El., under the act of May 8, 1879. v;;v'.^7^'"HT~' Year, .. Months ......$2.00 ._*1.00 A. Hi MGSHJER, Editor and Manager •' Want Adv 1'7; ' : £ i ys " v,t ^ ~ WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney EXECUTOR S NOTICE Instate of Frank Miller. Deceased."^ *iPhe undersigned, having been ap pointed^Executor of the" last Will ai i Testament of Frank Miller, deceased, laite of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County| FOR sAI^^Finerlar^EhSelsiand Court gf McHemy counts «t^. the. ^ ^ £ «» « Court House m Woodstock, at the Do- Mc|rg . • 17# cemher Term, on the first Monday in | ; - December next, at which time all per-j FOR SALE CHEAP--One medium tons haying claims against said Es- arid one large size Alaskan ice boxes. PERSONAL^ ild visistock FOR SALE , - v - r u « a . u a * - i « * > a * , n 'tat^^TSP hotjfted;"ati«l'feqaesied'tp at'-j-Cail McHehiy ^123-J. . V.\ tend for the purpose,of having. th<? same adjusted. 17 • ^ '• ? - same adjusted. All persons .indebted»-FOR-.SALE CHSsAP--•r|Jig Twin John,. '*• >,.. to s*ud Estate ^re requested t6 make} soft and hydroplane in, A-l condition. " .%' immediate payrisent : to the1 under-™ P>f J>4&heehjfen, ,R-2, Misers signed; . .. ' Park. McHenrv. ' -v" .'-/A, Dated.thiS iTthday of,September P&fER F. Park, McHenry. Mineral Springs 16-2 A; D. 1931. *V '/*, . 1 *, -V IflLLfcR. Etfecutot' Fisk new .fall hats, Saturday, Mrs. Pich's. $1.95. Polish for Duralumin • "Duralumin can be given a glossy finish with *a solution consisting of equal parts of firife emery flour and machine oili mixed to a heavy paste. Apply the paste with a circular rubbing mo|ion and remove it with a soft cloth soaked in lard oil, after which the. rubbed surface should be allowed to dry.--Popular jSechanics Magazine. . , *. NOTICE EFFECTIVE OCT. 1ST FOR SALE---Cabbage at 1 cent a pound. Peter,. May, Solon Mills, 111; v' , /" • 16-3* FOR SALE--6ne-half hp. motor; 2 hp. gas engine,; friiit press; grindstone; 60-gal- gas tank; 50-gal. oil tank; Kraut cutter; pipe vise, opening '6-in.; ,2 Ford tires and tubes. Heary W. Ahrens, West McHenry. Tel. 58-M. *17 FOR SALE--All-year-round home on the west shore-of Fox River, just 200 feet north of corporation limits; weHconstructed home, all furnished; concrete basement; sea wall; boathouse; on a lot 50x225, river frontage. Edw. Trostrud, 4008 North Ave., Chicago. Phone Bel. 7642. 15-tf FOR SALE--Registered Hoi stein Bulls, ready for service, from Dams .with high C- T. A. records. Prices very reasonable. Overton & Behrents. Phon$ Richmond 392. * *15-3 To my many patrons, I'wish to j FOR SALfc-Tomatoes, Peter A. announce my new winter policy j Freujid, McHenry Route 1. Telephone of Beauty Culture (Specials).! 614-R-l. 14-tf f/1u _1T1 nn t^Aoxt TWo BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our to be run on Tuesday, Thurs- bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert day and Friday appointments. shoemaker and repair shop. Main Rosebud Beauty Shop$e Phone Shop 104-J . Residence 139-M McHenry, street. Phone 162. 38-tef •, J. J. Marshall was a Sp itor Monday. ; Miss Elola, Boyle was a visitor Friday. William H. Althoff w«Ui a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss spent Sunday at Ringwood. Miss Dorothy Knox spent Saturday evening at Grayslake. , v r . Miss Charlotte day last week at Elgin. C. W. Stenger of Waukegan was a McHenry visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel visited at Burlington, Wis., Monday. Mr- and Mrs. Joe Weber and children spent Sunday af Ringwood; Billy Bolger returned home from the Woodstock hospital Tuesday. Gwendolyn Overton of DeKalb spent the week-end at her home. Emery Wheeler of Freeport was a McHenry visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and Inez Bacon were Chicago visitors Tuesday. - Felicie Unti left last week for California where he will attend school. Miss Beatrice Lane of Joliet was a week-end guest t>f Miss Helen Stevens. Misses Elola Boyle and Anna Frisby visited in Fox Lake, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fay of Elgin visited in the John Fay home Tuesday. Miss Anna Frisby and Mrs. George H. Johnson, were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Powers and daughter, Jean, ,spent /the weelc-end at Long Lake. / Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell and Vera Reinboldt werc^Chfcago visitors Tuesday- \ r M. A. Conway an|lson( Rev. Walter Conway visited agS&mtslalce Friday. _ ' ^ ' Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox were Mundelefn visitors Sunday?. Miss Laura Karls. of Chicago spent last week at the home of her parents here. Mrs. F. O. Gans and daughter, Mildred, spent the last of the week in Chicago. Mr- and Mrs. Gus Boltz of Dundee were Sunday guests in the Louis Althoff home. Mrs. Benton of Chicago, Royal Neighbor deputy, spent the past week in McHenry. Mir. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake visited Mrs. B. Frisby, Friday evening. - , Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling are enjoying a vacation trip to Canada and FOR SALE--Well secured 7% Fjh-st/Po ints enroute. Mortgages on McHenry ResidSfeeF Henry Krist and daughter of Bur- Property. Inquire at Flaindealer of- ,ington> Wis., were guests of Mr. and •flee.- 13-tf' " Jioon. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Cottage, Elnr,:--"Bear Green St. Phone 634-11-2. 17 WANTED ' Mrs. Wm, II. AlthofF Sunday after Miss Julia Weintart of , Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Jacob Weingart. h Mrs. Helena Degen, son, Mike, and Mr. and Mrs. John Kjieny were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fisher of Peoria, 111., visited Mrs. Ella Wheeler over the week-end. Mrs. Albert Wagner ajtid Mrs. Edward Wagner of Chicago spent last week at Lake Defiance. I i M--i * --ovw -*J* M«k> A%«vuaiu utciigex 5nru.»u! | little son of Waukegan spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Henry Nell, Mrs. Celia Fox, Mfs. Frank Nell and Vera Reinbolt were Elgin visitors Monday. Miss -Elola Boyle and brother, Earl, visited their father at Alexian Bros, hospital, Chicago, Wednesday. Mrs. Gus Sattem and Mrs. Raymond Colby and daughter, Beryl, visited at Woodstock Tuesday. Misses Marjory Phaliri and Anto- •nette Huetch Q'f Chicago spent Sunday at the forme's home here. > > Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent the first of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. John Kueny ana song of Kenosha visited her mother* Mrs. Henry Degen, last Wednesday. « Mr. and Mrs. Almy Wiswall. son, Austin, and John Buss of Chicago •spent Saturday, here with relatives. Willie Green is in charge of the National store at Crystal Lake this week. Last week he was* at Elgin. Rev. and Mrs. W. Bonham of Chicago were dinner guests of Mrs. Ellen Ensign and Mrs. Annie Frisby, Sunday. - Mrs. William Thomas and daughter, Mrs. William Belcher, df Woodstock called on Mrs. Ella Wheeler Friday afternoon; Mrs. Walter Warner and daughter, Mary Lou, of Elgin are spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. B.^ Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chicago are enjoying a two weeks' vacation at the Stephen H. Smith home at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and son, James, of Chicago moved last week to the R. F. Conway house on Riverside Drive. They are former McHenry residents. - Mri and Mrs. C. E. Jecks nwent to Elkhorn Saturday, where they attended the golden wedding anniversary of an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Woodford. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quimby, who spent the last seven years as missionaries in China, and her sister, Erma Henise, of Gle'ndale, Calif., were guests in the Edmund Knox home, Tuesday. The Henise family were residents of this vicinity several years d»o. Week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Karls and daughter, Kathrine Marie, and Theresa Karls, all bf Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fred FerWerda, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reeves, who have & summer hom6 here, are enjoying a several weeks' trip through Canada and points of in-, terest enroute. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stone and family, of 2726 Argyle street, Chicago who, with Miss Betty Mayo, have been occupying Howell's Villa for the summer, returned to their city home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schtaitt and children of Chicago spent Saturday i^i the Fred Kamhdlz home. Little B/I - •tha Lou Schmitt, who had sperjjt-^everal weeks with her grandparents, returned home with them. Mrs. James Perkins, Frances Vycital^ Mrs. J. E, Wheeler, Mrs. James Beavis, Mrs. Andrew Eddy and Mrs. John Fay attended an Eastern Star meeting at Harrington, Monday night. Mrs. Eddy filled the office of warder for the evening. - Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Smith, who reside ;rt the Pich house In th6^ north •end of the city, had as their guests Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. George Michels and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nell, Miss Vera Reinboldt and Joseph Huemann of Johnsburg, Misses Gladys and Pamela Rietesel of Chicago speiit Sunday In the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charl'es Rietesel. Othei- guests in the Rietesel home Sunday „were Walter and Herbert Fenske, Miss Anita Tron, Joe Riva and Miss Loretta Riva of Chicago. _ , „ . ^ ^ " ' . { Plaindealers at Bolger's. •* Fit In" A certain amount of Independence Is good for a man, but he should also be able to co-operate. It fs wisdom to get along with the other fellow. So throw away your hammer and pat the other fellow on the back.---Grit, Spitting Fish A ft# frequenting India* ~*siter feedr iipob bisects from the air which it secures by ejecting a drop of water from Its mouth, directing it with unerring accuracy. It has an effective range of from ^0 to 50 Inches, but sometimes shoots farther, bat with less accuracy. . Fisk new faf| hats, Mrs. Pich's, $1.95. FARMe BUREAU SERVICES We have a.uto, life, employers' liability fire, lightning and windstorm (where it does nqt conflict with local mutqals) and hail and crop insurance. See the Special Agent in your territory or call our office, Wo.odstocik 442, and secure your sh^re of these benefits. . V ' S; SPECIAL AGENTS / K. E. Cristy, Ringwood;' Lloyd • Ben* well, "West MclHenry; Charles J. Schroeder, Crystal Lake; Aimer Aavang, Woodstock; R. T. Burroughs, Harvard; Stanley Church, Huntley; F. Carroll Curtis, Harvard; Art Garlieb, Huntley; Earl Hughes, Woodstock; Geo. A. Hunt, Woodstock; Eldred Johnson, Spring Grove; Geo. Kosatka, Fox River Grove; Chas. Nichols, Hebron; Walter Schuett, Woodstock; Earl Swenson, Spring Grove; J. R. Wells, Harvard; Ford Hanford, McHenry; Ben Winn, Richmond. McHenry County Farm Bureau WOODSTOCK Greatest Values At Unusually Low Prices In Beauty Service (Good Until Oct. SI, 1931) YOUR CHOICE OF THREE FO!? Haircut. Shampooi, AA Finger Wave, Marcel, yl'UU Facial, Mankfure, - "or 50c each Evebrtow Arch. SCHOOL CHILDREN SPECIAL (From 5 to 14 years of age) Haircut and Wave C A« Roil-a-Bob, Bo-Pee*, *c *>UC any styles. COMPLETE PERMANENT WAVE Including Shampoo All aa and set. ^U.UU All styles. . :• .luid'up ' For Hair Beauty Try - ARNOIL STEAM TREATMENTS Retards---Falling Hair, eliminates^ Dandruff, prevents--Dry Scaip, reconditions-- Permanent Wave. , Price $1.00 or for $5.00 Shampoo 50c, extra ^ ". " • * ' i ' l v : ' S - r " ' - : ' • - Clean Soft Water "Used W' STOMPANATO'S ----- Recognized Barber and Beauty Artists of America and Abroad Five Beauty Artists, Three Barbers Tel. 641 Woodstock - Main St. Open Evenings until 10 p. m. D. S. T. Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY-SATURDAY Guest Nite Saturday 2 for 50c "An American Tragedy1' • ^ •• -with' • •' Phillip Holmes Sylvia Sidney Also Comedy and Hews SUNDAY-MONDAY • Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 Prices for this Sunday Mat. 35c to 5-fvA £ lyr^x - P- nu Children 10c "Sporting Blood" with """" Clark Gal^e . • Ernest Torrence -Madge Evans Bobby Jones • : -- p I n " ' • "Complete Round of Golf" • Comedy and News Song Cartoon Extra Special'on t|i$ / Stage Sunday . " Marian and Jim That Lovable Pair v;v.':r In Person with UNCLE LUKE From WMAQ, Chicago WANTED^--About 40-acre farm with ! some improvements, in Exchange for "| first class Waukegan residence. Address "B," care McHenry Plaindealer- *15-3 MISCELLANEOUS DR. W. A. LABRON, O. D _ Complete Optical Service Private Examining' Room at Shuler's Crystal Pharmacy Phone 860 Crystal Lake, 111. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED I Rag Rugs Made to Order - ^ All Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry I P BOLSTERING-->A11 kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. called for and delivered. Chas, Rasmuseeni S. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. ; •I'» < >* •*»•»•» »»» »» »»»» 'I" L O OK SATURDAY, SEPT. 20, AND MONDAY, SEPT. 28 Complete Greasing-- n-tf JOE KVIDERA, CART, ILL. Livestock Dealer Dairy Cows a Specialty •Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 37-J v Dead^Animals Dead and Crippled Cows, Horses, Hogs, and Plugs . Prompt Service ;! $1.00 to $10 a head Telephone Barrington 256 Reverse Charges Clock Had to Be Heard Clocks with faces did not come into use for a long time* after cathedrals and monasteries installed great timepieces. The reason is that not one person in a hundred in those days could read even figures, and the only useful clock was one which struck. Repairing, Battery Charging, Oils, Greases and Storage Phalln's Garage Phone 324 . Fearl Street, McHenry - Saturday • September 26 and 28 If you are thrifty you will takf^ advantage of such a buying oppov* tunity. It's time to fill up your pantryL --do it during A & P's great Dollar Pay Sale! Pure Cane Sugar Aged American Cheese Great Northern Beans Campbell's Soups,all varieties 12 cans\j>l.()0 20lbs. SI.00 l-2Hb5.Sl.()0 20 Ibs/S1.00 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Onest Nite Tuesday 2 for 50c. 'Daughter of the Dragon' with Warner Oland Anna May Wong COMEDY AND NEWS THURSDAY, FRIDAY ^ John Gilbert; m in • "The Phantom of Paris" COMEDY AND NEWS 8«ariu VigQ Three thousand people Who kept vigil all night at Stonehenge, England, recently were rewarded at dawn by seeing the sun ejactly behind the friar's heel of Jhe great sun temple and to touth with its first rays the center of the altar stone. This beautiful sight can be seen only one day in the year. Just as the sun's rays made the altar stone glow, a bird pefthed. M and trilled its soag of dawn. - Relationship Two men who marry sisters are commonly called brothers-in-law, though Webster's dictionary defines a brother-in-law as "the brother of one's husband or wife" or "the husband of one's sister;" ^the dictionary states that the term is sometimes inaccurately applied to "the husband of one's wife's or husband's sister,". and that the relationship between brothers^ln- ! lawiUf^lled'^affinity" The Most foolish Erroif The most foolish of all errors Is that- Clever young h'eads think that they lose their originality when they recognise the truth which has already been recognlzed^ by others.--Goethe SERVICE COURTEST END TABLES Walnut Finish Best yjilne ever offered % N.J. JUSTEN & 6*W West McHenry A & P Grape Juice Lux Flakes , Bab-o Lux Toilet Soap Encore Prepared Spaghetti 16 No. 2 cans Van Camp's Tomato Soup 20 cans 20 15 H oz. cans 4 No. 21-2 cans 12 No. 2 cans 12 No. 2 Cans 4 No. 1 cans 10 3 <4 12 No. Sultana Red Beans Del Mante Apricots Iona Tomatoes . Golden Corn « . Asparagus Tips . . Blue Peter Sardines Iona Cut Beets . . Santa Clara Prunes, size 40- Sunnyfield Tapioca Try-Sum .Mustard A & P Table Salt . Diced Carrots Fancy Seedless Grapes, ctn, _ Valencia Oranges 7 pint bottles $1.00 5 large pkgs. $1.00 . 10 cans $1.00 _ 14 cakes $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 oz tins $1.00 2 cans $1.00 10 lbs. $1.00 10 1 lb. pkgs. $1.00 10 IS H' oz. jars $1.00 10 4 lb. bags $ 1.00 10 No. 2 cans $1.00 Illinois Jonathan Apples Silverbrook Creamery Butter, ^rick or tub. Ib. Pillsbury's or Gold Medal Flour, 24l/z-lb. bag 5-lb bag Stmnyfield Floor 24^-lb. bag '5-lb, bag; Many Other Fine Values A&P Food Stores ---------------------- MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION I h<* (.rcat \t Ian lie and Pacific Ira ('ompam v.-4 . , 11! ! ,11111-ilBH^pii.

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