wm. ' "#>» -a; :•. >3*r .4 . r 5 m-,\ > •**>» „ '*sSr- •>** ^ ,-i H ' :,J1,?** .*"£' ,4r*rtr> „ "V J.***- V^By ( • -v THE M'HXNRY PLAINDSJJJ5R, THUMDAY, DBCFLKMBRR 5,1981 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEAJLER ^Published every «^ur*d«y at McHenry, IH., by Charlaa P. Renich. $;: i PW.?': i\ Entered u s^fond-clasa Mr the act of May 8, 1879. .-r MRttW ttf ; Hw at McHeniy, HL, One fix Year .. Months ....$2.00 ,...$1.00 A. HL MOSHKR, Editor and Hiaifir ALL MODERN HOME fcfe* . LILY LAKE Miss Florence Etten spent Wednes- Av with her brother, Edwin Etten, 'ne*r Round Lake. :•' -™ ' .'Clarence Seifert motored.|k» Wal- «rart,h Saturday evei\i»^ 7 , . Fred Holly spent Tuesday and V*dnesday in Chicago. Want Ads FOR SALS FOR SALE--Fifty White Wyandotte Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shelton of North P^ets^ I^wiS McDonald, R;l WeSt .. Chicago spent Thanksgiving day At|^Henry Phone McHenry 613-J-2. the Peter Weber home. j '• . Mrs. Louise Gannon and Mr. antijpQjj SALE--Dressed hogs, whole of Mrs - Frank Harder of Chicago spent ^a]f Butchering every Tuesday. Al- T?httrsday at their home here. go brood sows for sale. George Witi. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson have closed Phone 608-W-l. •27-2 So large has been attendance at the All-Modern Home on display at Barrington that it will remain open to the public until December 6, instead of closing a week earlier as originally planned, according to the home's exhibitors, the Jewel Tea Co., Inc., and the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. The All-Modern Home, located near the Northwestern Highway at Elm and Willow streets in Jewel Park, beautiful Barringtoiv residential district^ was placed on exhibition November 14 to demonstrate the application OPEN VNTlLJj>EC. 6 of Northern Illinois. Particular emphasis has been placed upon electric wiring in the construction of the home- Plentiful convenience outlets have been provided, and there are switch controls which allow electrical appliances to be turned on from various points in the house; a switch in the master bedroom will start the morning coffee "perking" in the kitchen, and there is a porch light which may be turned on as guests are leaving but will glow until the £ue§£s are,se&te4 in, their ROBOT CAN ASSORT * MILLIONS OF CARDS Ingenious Device Solves Disagreeable Problem. u their home here and returned to Chi >«ago for the winter months.- FOR SALE--Yearling Whit» Leghorn •Guests in the-home of'Mr., and-Mrs. liens.- Edwin J, Freand, Spring John Wagner Sunday were Mr. and ; Grove, Ill Tel, Richmond 723. *27 Mrs Michael Wagner of Volb, Mr. - ~ : e and Mrs. Earl Paddock ofRound j-J^R SALE--Severn! pieces of hodse- Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brown | ^ fmntore. Seasonable. Elola <sf .Crystal Lake. • ;BoyI&> . - ' 27 , llr, and Mrs. J. Bo^ko entertained por SALE--Brf»y carriage, like new; party of friends at their.home here, kss thfln half cost> Also lady's Silver Muskrat fur coat; cost $275; will seUl for $50. Lyons Dry Goods ft Variety Store. 27 POTATOES FOR SALE-- Homegrown Rural New Yorkers, 86c cent* per bu. delivered. Phone 622-J-2. C. R- Draper. 27 FOR SALE--New Colonial residence on Waukegan St. Bargain for quick cash deal. F. E. Covjtlt. 25-tf Wednesday evening- Cards and dancing were enjoyed as well as delicious refreshments which were served. Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends here. Stanley Hlavacek spent Thursday .at his cottage here. Mr. and Mrs- Peter Weber and son, George Shelton, spent Sunday at the home of A. W. Bickler in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Fted Dosch and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage here. Miss Caroline Wagner attended the; McHenry wedding of Miss Helen Oeffling and; : , >- Charles Miller Wednesday. ! SPECIALS--One duster free with Visitors in the home of Mr. and; each dustless mop. One cookie pan Mrs. Math Brown Thanksgiving were free with each 11-oz. bottle of Cham- Mrs. John Brovfrn of. Volo and Mrs.; pion Brand Vanilla. One 22x44 Tur- John Dowe of McHenry. j kish towel free with each 5-lb. pack- Miss Eleanor Wegener spent the'age Washing Powder- Also have a week-end in Chicago, where she was complete line of . Spices, Extracts, a guest in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. I Toflet Articles and Brushes. McNess FOR SALE--Baled hay and straw. • Also pressing reasonably done. Tel. 606-J-l. 12-tf of a building finance plan which includes all major gas and electric appliances in the first, or contract, price of construction. On display at the home are electric washers, ironers, food mixers, a refrigerator, heaters and many of the most modern labor-saving and timesaving devices which lighten the burden of home chores.. Daily, with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays, demonstrations in cooking and home management are being conducted by women from the home service department of the Public Service Company The house is of -Early American design, and its six rooms are & model of comfort and efficiency. There are a living room, dining room, and kitcheft on the first floor, while the secpnd contains the three bedroms and a.j>ath The Early American theme has been carried out in the interior decoration, furniture and lighting fixtures. The All-Modern home is heated by a gas-fired, forced air heating system which circulates air in the house even in summer. , A gas incinerator in the basement disposes of all rubbish. Harry Millar and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch... . ILLE THEATRE Woodstock's Beautiful Play House | NEW PJUCJ3 AT ALL SHOWS Man, Jos. Tel. 283. Fries, West McHenry, 111. *27-2 25c Rotnour Players Every Thursday FRIDAY-SATURDAY "Bad Girl" with JAMES DUNN SALLY EILERS SUNDAY-MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 "Merely fary Ann" with JANET GAYNOfc CHARLES FARRELL PLYMOUTH AND DODGE CARS H- Sixes and Eights . DODGE TRUCKS DEPENDABLE USED CARS 1 „ Here are a few good buys. Come in and look them over "at prices that! are right-" 1029 Chevrolet 6 Coupe. 1923jChrysler 65 Sedan. ; 1928"^il(Cj,- Master "Sedan. 1928 Dodge (Sid, 6 Sedan. 1929 Dodge Victory 3 §port Sedan. Ifr30 Ford A Conv, Coupe, ___ 4929 Ford A Tudor. 1928 Chevrolet Coach. ' ' 1927 Chrysler 60 Coupe. 1928 Dcdge % Panel Truck. 1929 Ford A Hyd. Dump Truck. Several other good buys which will be listed later. Watch our ad every week. These cars are reconditioned" and sold with a guarantee. DOWE & HAWLEY Howard Cairns, Sales Manager.. / Junction U. S. 12-111. 20-61 Phone 327 _ McHenry PRE CHRISTMAS S>A«L4E Starting next Saturday we are making some very special prices on Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, Overshoes, Hose and House Slippers. v Now is an opportune time to get the family shod up for Christmas at prices that mean a real saving. Oyer 25 new styles of house slippers just unpacked, anil every pair .are offered'at special prices starting Saturday. Be on hand! You are going to buy some shoes between now and Christmas, and you migljit as well save some money on them, and at the same time receive footwear that is guaranteed to give satisfactory service. . - ', ' • *••• • •- . r:. -•• •-• /'• Bowman Bros. Shoe Store • •."The Home o f Qood » o e t " / ' { • - Woodstock, Illinois FOR SALE--Big type, black Poland; China Boars and Jilts, with grand champion blood lines. Prices right. James Hunter, McHenry. Tel 6J7-J-2. >• ' 18-tfl I TUESDAY V; WEDNESDAY J WILL ROGERS v • in "Young As YOB Feel" FOR RENT : THURSDAY, On the Stage 'J. B." Rotnour Players FOR RENT--220-acre farm, 2% mi. west of McHenry, known as Frank Hutson farm- Cash rent. Possession j March 1, 1932. Chas. Bischoff, 728 Calhoun St., Woodstock, I1L TeL' Woodstock 440. • *27-3! WANTED WANTED--Competent girl, between j 20 and 35 years old; good cook and baker; some housework; small family; no laundry; lovely kitchen; all conveniences; private room. $18 per week; reference required- Write 302 ; Judd St., Woodstock, 111., or telephone | Woodstock 30. 27 P R I C I S EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NATIONAL TEA CO. FOOD STORES ; WANTED TO RENT--Dairy farm, with base, 80-160 acres, beginning : March, 1932. D. Dammann, 3737 Kilpatrick Ave., Chicago, 111. *25-3 Lijsten in every morning at 10 « clock--WJJD--to the Gabrieleen Permanent Wave Program. We are an authorized? shop. Foil x>ia« of Nationally Advertised Permanent Waves S7.50 TklU QQ fo 0 r v*11" *8.00 value. $iao0 NOV. AM) 1>K . SPECIALS » IOI R CHOICE OF THREE FOR Haircut, Shampoo, * ^ Tingrer Wave, MarceU, JS J ^Qfl racial, Manicure, or 50c each Eyebrow Arch. SCHOOL CKILBREN SPECIAL (7roan 5 to 14 years of age) p /% K a l r e n t and Wave, a l l e t y l e s QyQ TERY SPECIAL EVERY M0\„ TI ES. AND WEO. COMPLETE PERMANENT WAVE Including Shampoo gf* 0% •»« HI. H J^O.OO All itylM. and lip For iMr Beawty Try ARNOIL STK4M TREATMENTS Retards--Orey and Falling Hair, eliminates--Dandruff, prevent s--Dry Bcalp, reconditions--Permanent Wave Jricf, $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 Shainjioo 50c extra . m t r a V i o J e t Ray T r e a t m e n t K . . $ 1 . 0 0 Xrivate Bootlts % x>adies and CNa(a At your »»«'rVtj-«-.. 3 BwWi 6 Beaaty artists STOMPANATO'S.. Two Ultra Modern Exclusive Shops For tlie Whole Family jj*l. Woodstork, 11!.. 22« Mali SL Open Evenings until 9 P M. Clean Soft Water Used | BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our i bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert | shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called lor and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, III. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order / All Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry Dead Animals Dead and Crippled Cows, Horses, Hogs, and old Plogt Prompt Service iil >$1.00 to $10 a head ^Telephone Barrington 256 _. Reverse Charges Women at Head Gardeners * More women in England are entering the ranks of gardeners than In any previous year. Those who have had {special training are holding responsible and remunerative positions as gardeners at Srlioolfi public iastltutlonj, ijg&m private tates. " • MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee Vacuum Our Breakfast Coffee green bag 19c Protected by the double lined moisture proof bag Foods of the Timet Quaker Oats w." ' X17c Pillsbury's WI^BM « ft. 15c WheatSes Wiihbvm wd Oodby'i 2 ^ 23c Rolled Oats Finest Quality' • • -a* 56c Corn Meal S 12c Ovaltinc . 37c Peaches or Hazel 2 ^ 29c Pineapple Sliced or Crashed « 17c Household Needs Fresh Frvits *nd Vegetables CHIPSO 2X.35c - Flakes or Gmmki Am.Family 10 54c Laandry Soap Oxydol . . Si. 19c Ivory Soap 12 a«Mt ban 45e Pine Grove . TotM TbMN *1&T21c 4 25c 3 19c Grapefruit fancy med. 64s Florida, 4- ~...25c Grapefruit, am. 80s . fancy Flerida, 5 _...25<? Cabbage, finest Wis. 2 lbs. 5e Spinach, fancy qaallty lb. 10c Apples, extra fancy delicious, 3 4be ...» 26c Oranges, California Navels 252s per do*. ..-.26c • Sign of Wisdom • The most manifest sign of wisdom Is amtinued cheerful n^^--Montaigne. National co! Food Stores iHh! QUALITY OROCERS OF THI MIDDll WEST SINCK 1S99 ••P -- 1 R. FARMER! We pay cash for your egg Chicago.--The .Middle West is soon to see a one-eyed robot that can read and assort millions of ordinary printed cards at a high rate of speed. The latest"^scientific tool for use In accounting departments of electric light companies, banks, railroads, hotels, telephone offices and other large organizations for classification of bills, checks, tickets and other records, was o announced by F. T. Whiting, north' west district manager of the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing company. Developed and designed by Douglas A. Young, an engineer of the Westinghouse organisation, this ingenious machine reads and places cards in any of the 100 compartments of the machine where, they belong, without hu- ! man hand touching them. The machine operated by a single "electric eye" or plioto-electric tube, reminds one of a man playing solitaire, and resembles In appearance a miniature railroad switching terminal wi'lh the card being routed over Its proper track. Disagreeable Problem 8olved. This mechanical device wag developed upon the request W a large corporation to solve a difficult problem. This firm like many others, bill customers monthly, and stubs are returned with remittances. Thousands of these stubs returned each day upset the organization as it is almost impossible to keep help on the tedious and monotonous grind of sorting and filing remittance stubs. The one-eyed electrical machine was developed. Operation of the newest robot is so simple that It requires the' services of only one person. When the names and addresses are stenciled on the bills, a number is printed also. This number guides Jhe sorters in classifying the stub when returned. With the new sorting machine, this same principle is carried out, except a simple printed code is substituted for the numbers. By this system of code, It is possible to get more than 100,000,000 combinations of numbers on a card 1 y2 inches wide by 3% inches long, and still- have enough roon^ for customer's name and address. Electric Eye Used. Cards are placed fnthe feeding receptacle and a weight is placed on top of the cards exerting pressure on the bottom card. This lower card is then picked up by a device covered by live rubber, which operates effectively even with badly mutilated cards, and pushes It forward under the gaze of the "electric eye" which i& focused on a spot over which the card must pass and thus the coded" number Is read before routing the card to Its proper place. T&e "electric eye" instantly reads the card and immediately operates relays which cause a mechanical hand to respond, ready to take the classified card to its proper place in any of the 100 compartments in the machine. Woman Runs 2 Homes; < Hubbies Unsuspicious Worcester, Mass.--For more than two months Mrs. Elsie Lavigne, forty, managed two homes without arousing the suspicions^ of either of her "husbands." ' After twenty years as the wife of Henry Lavigne the woman, mother of a nineteen-year-old daughter, secretly married James L. Tully, cable repairman, last June. She then told her two mates that she was taking up practical nursing, and thus was able to divide'her time between her two homes. One day her real husband lost his job as a carpenter and, for the first time, became curious over his wife's work as a nurse. His Investigation revealed Mrs. Lavigne's double life and resulted in her arrest on a bigamy charge. Pennsylvania Towns. Put Curfew on Radio Sfaamokin, Pa.--Councllmanic ordinance set 11 p. m. as the curfew hour for all radio sets within Shamokln I borough. r At that hour all sets must be turned down so that they cannot be heard outside the house and all windows'" must be closed when the radio ls~ playing. Shamokln was not alone in seeking to place restrictions on radios playing late at night. - ^ At Wilkes-Barre police announced^ that they would respond promptly to any complaint against excessively loud radios and would direct set owners to, cut . down the volume immediately. Connecticut'* Nickname Connecticut Is called the land oft steady habits from the supposedly puritanical character of its people. Polynesia* Wanderer# ' In prehistoric times, Polynesian natives mide bamboo sailing charts and sailed their canoei over long distances at sea. *'< Really Rodents Prairie dogs are not dogs, and they -';"^ do not live on trie prairies; they ar^ * rodents of the plains and Rocky mountain foothills. . ™ v . ? tONA BRAND tOMA Full Standard Qualify si yy -; Early Jane Peas 3ican« Sultana Peanut Butter Campbell's Soup assorted Kitchen Klenzer . J * Fels-Naptha Soap " „ 20 Mule Team Bomit .2-4.1. > JAR 19C 3^cans25C . can 5C 10>AR$49c "r-SSMSc FaJicy4 Stayman Winesap Applif 3 lbs- 20d Sweet Juicy California Navel Oranges, dozen 21^ tabby's Bartlett Pears, No. 2Vi can.. Special Friday and Saturday Only! lona Brand Peaches s'£Sef* 2 •£*25® THE GREAT ATLANTIC a PACIFIC TEA CO. Middle Western Division McHenry Floral Company Main Street, McHenry Where quality is best and prices are lowest Funeral Work a Specialty ;« Flowers for Weddings and all occasions - - I* mm*:: Add this to your Christmas shopping A Junior "DUST SNOOPER n *1352 cash lg£ down This midget vacuum cleaner weighs only a few pounds and will go snooping down into upholstered furniture or out-cf-the- ^ way comers, removing all dust and dirt. Also fine for cleaning automobile interiors. Complete ; with long extension cord, it is " $13.50 cash--or $1.35 down. (Only $10 if purchased with a "Federal electric cleaner priced at $34.50 or over.) You'll find 100 other desirable gifts that "work for a living" on display at your Public Service Store or your neighborhood elecr* p§fcal denied / PUBLIC SERVICE COMPAM¥ ' ^ OF NOP™ERN ILLINOIS ^ K j Dist. Mgr. 101 Williams SU Crystal Laki i>ystal Lake Phone 280 The most personal of all gifts • OP£N SUNDAYS FROM 9 TO 4 A- WORWICK The Nielsen Studio ~ W iv -Iftv