V ' ?' *?i*K fTPS,! THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, 10, 1931 Simbi at Eiir«m« H**t fhjperheafed steam Is steam at a ttmpefalure higher th«n the condfenfc- Ins point corresponding to its actu&l rolunie and density, so that it will exp& ad and do xsoik without .hPlrtf gpP, Senseft • ' W!S ' W.- • •K | Engluh Court ProceJur* In the English courts a prisoner at issltes or quarter sessions may call vpdn any Junior barrister ^present in court and not appearing for the prosecution to defend him at a fee of $5. Saving Citrus Crop California citrus jrrowers barn a|>- i>roximatPly 260.000 barrels of oil annually is smtrdftnc 68,500 acres o# orchard* I Alps' New Attractioa The Alps have produced their first Cold wafer geyser. It came into being during the course of sounding operations near the bath resort of Schuls- Tarasp. The geyser erupts regularly every 15 minutes, the #»t attaining a height of more" than 30 feet. c Rosa Raisa Returns to Civic Opera ill The Jewess; Martha Scheduled Dec. 15 Parsifal Will Be Sung Sun- A |lay, Dec. 20, at Popu-§ far Price Scale. • i*;. ' Bosa Jlaisa. beloved .dramatic sopra- ^:TK> of. tire Olvicapo Civic Opera C<?ih- ^ ' pany, wi,U ha\e her first appearance of * r * ' the «oa-on a4: one of the outstanding' ' •'>&*>/, features t»f tile eiplith week at opera Madam#' , \ 5 Jtai«a is tor $i»£ the role of Rachel In •®^evy"feV'Thf -;?evress, Tuesday; ereninf, December'22. „ v 'The5? seventh wfeek' o£- opiiwra: '.'w®* open Monday, December 14, with "a. third performance of Smetana's delightful and rollicking comedy, The Bartered Bride. Martha, tuneful comedy 'by Friedrich von Flotow"will reappear in the repertoire of the Civic Opera Company for tfie first time in four years on Tuesday, the 13th of December, with Leola Turner, Coe Glade, Tito- Schipa. Virgilio Lazzari and Salvatore .Baccaloni in . the principal roles, and with Frank St. Leger at. the colTduc--] tor's desk. The first performance of Parsifal Ifi ten years' is scheduled for a special Sunday matinee at popular prices on December 20. The performance will mark the return of Hans nermann Nissen to the company as Amfortas. Frida Leider is the Kundry, Rene Maison the Parsifal, Alexander Kipnis the Gornemanz and Chase Barbmeo -the Titarel, with Egon Pollak conducting. A complete'schedule for the seventh week is as follows: MONDAY. Dec. 14--at 8--THE BARTERED BRIDE (Ih German), Opera hi three acts by Smetana. With Maria Rajdl, Maria Olszewska, So'nja Sliarnova, Paolo Marion, Eduard Iftihk'h, Robert Ringling, Alexander Kipnis, Chase Baromeo, Octave Dua and others. Circus and Ballet. Conductor. Egon Pollak. TUESDAY, Dec. l.V-at 8--MARTHA (In Italian). Opera in four acts and five scenes by von Flotow. > With Leola Turner; Coe Glade, Tito Schipa, Virgilio Lazzari, Salvatore Baccfilonl and, others. Conductor, Frank „ St. Leger; WEDNESDAY- Dec. 16--at 8-- Samson and Delilah (In French). Opera In three acts and four scenes by Camille Saint-Saens. With Cyrena Van Gordon, Charles Marshall, Cesare Formichi, Chase Baromeo," Sergio SEROSA RAISA in The Jewess (Photo de Gueldre) Benonl. Ballet. "Conductor, Emil Cooper. THURSDAY, Dec. 17--at 8--IL TROVATORE (In Italian). (Last performance this season.) Opera in four acts and eight scenes by Verdi. With Iva Pacetti, Cyrena Van Gordon, Antonio Cortfs, Cesdre Formichi, Virgilio Lazzari and others. Ballet. Conductor, Roberto Moranzoni. SATURDAY, Dec. 19--at 2--LA' TRAVIATA (In Italian). Opera in four acts by Verdi. With- Claudia Muzio, Charles Hackett, Vittorio Damiani (debut)» Ballet. Conductor, Roberto Moranzoni. SATURDAY, Dec. 19--at 8--(popular prices) HKRQPIAPE (In French). Opera in five acts by Jules Massenet. With Mary McCormic, Maria Olszewska, Charles Marshall, John Charles Thomas, Chase Baromeo aDd others. -Biallet. Conductor, Emil Cooper. . • . SUNDAY, Dec. 20--at 2--(popular prices) PARSIFAL <Tn German). Consecrational Festival Play, in three acts by Richard Wagner. With Frida Leider, Rene Maisrtn, Hans Hermann Nissen, Alexander Kipnis, Chase ; Romford • Baromeo and others. " " " 1 Pollak, ntrol Greatest AdSuevemeaf Sincf the Self'Starter- -NEW AUTOMATIC CLUTCH * plus NEW FREE WHEELING phis NEW SILENT-SECOND SYNCRO-MESH the^\Yl/ARD Control TkeNEW DRIVING THRILL Shift *11 gears--Erst, iccood, J1,a*e , tnunntaneomi chance from Free v'lK-tJing io (Convention*! Drive at will. Enjoy m truly silent second speed with accelerttipo up to 40 miles an hour and more. r • fr- *•. t: ! fx**." - Only a few more days*-- BUICK-'S ^50,000 Contest ends Dec. 14th First Prize, #25,000. Second Prize, #10,000. Third Prize, #5,000. Forty-six other prizes ranging from #1500 to #100. Time is flying. Be sure to mail your letter before the coate*t ends, Midnight, Monday, Dec. 14th You have the same good chance aa anyone to win one of the big caah award*. The requirements We simple. All you need do is write your answer to the question: 'Why does the new Buick Eight at its new low prices 4€*in confirm Buick's pledge: When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them/ You may use ten, twenty or any number of words up to 200. of reasons alone will count--Writing skill and experience are unnecessary. See, phone or write your Buick dealer for further information if desired. And be sure to mail your letter to the Buick Motor Co., Flis^t, Mich., before Midaigbt, Monday, Dec. 14tlu See and drive the new Buick-today, There are 26 models low price"! $935 to $2055, f.o. b. Flint, Michi#* 18 rlODVCT gsnbral OVERTON & COWEN UcHENRY, ILl^INOIS State Fire Marshal, S. L. Legreid has launched farther investigation of arson cases in the state, spnae involving burnings thought to have b^jsn connected with the milk war. Governor Louis L. Emmrersoft, Statd Treasurer Edward J. Barrett, and State Auditor Oscar Nelson, who comprise the tax levy board, will meet in December to fix the 1931 tax rate. Last year there was an increase of 25 per cent-in the number of Illinois farmers who obtained electric Service from power lines for the first time. Although farmers are showing continued and increased interest, only about Qne out of ten farmers in the State now has electric service. Men outnumber the women in Illinois approximately 116,000. Besides the white and black races in, Illinoi the following races are represented: Indian, Chinese. Japan^, Filipino, Hindu, Korean, -Hawaii,I„• Malay, Siamese]... The Library Extension Division nti Springfield helps the people of thg state to keep abreast of the times by, buying many of the latest books on new economic thought, discussions of; experiments in politics, science, philosophy, religion, and art. When not available in local public libraries, they may be secured free from the Division . Some of the latest additions are: Reason and Nature--Cohen; The Enduring1 QiSest-^-Overstreet; World Revolution and Religion--Matthews; Philosophy and Production-- Fred- •erick; The Science of Life--Wells; America Looks Abroad--Mazu; Hard Times--Ely; Try your public library Tor these books first, and then apply to the Library Extension Division, Springfield. The Supposed letter of Abraham Lincoln which was found some time ago at Rome, Italy, has been declared a forgery by Henry Nelson Gay, secretary of the Italo-American society. Mr. Gay is an authority on the life of Lincoln, having written a life of the great man in Italian. During the week of November 15-21, a sharp increase was noted in the pre-1 valence of smallpox and chickenpox throughout the state. There were 306 new cases of scarlet fever and 285 of wfiooping cough during the same period. Organization of a state-wide program or unemployment relief with emergency employment committee and bureaus in more than 600 communities in Illinois has b^en launched by the American Legion. Instead of limiting'its' assistance to war veterans, the Legion, working with the federal and state department of labor, will endeavor, wherever possible, to act as the employment contact point for all resident job seekers, regardless of age color or sex. Ivan Elliott, state commander, has appointed a special commission to direct this important undertaking. The members are Frederick J. Ashley,, LaGrange; E. KSmith, Chicago; Arvid E. Anderson, , Emil Schlipf, Peoria; An- Conductor, EgoD | drew j, perejv«l( Decatur; Edward A. Wilier, Centralia. There are fewer cases of appendicitis among inmates in state hospitals for the mentally afflicted than are encountered in the general medical practice among normal people. Dr. JJW. McKelvey, state surgeon in the department of public welfare, attributes the comparative immunity of mental patients to attacks of appendicitis and duodenal and gastric ulcers to the regularity of institution meals -and to the care given the selection of the inmates diet. Attorney General Oscar E. Carlatrom has ruled that a farmhand who delivers the products of his employer to market by truck is not required to have a chauffeur's license. The opin- |on pointed out that the truck is operated solely in furtherance of the farmhand's principal occupation and not used in transporting passengers or merchandiselfor hire. Blooded cattle of twenty-six different types, including Illinois' best purebred and prime market grades, were shown at the opening of the 1931 International Livestock expojsition at Chicago. Seven of Illinois' leading Shorthorn Seattle breeders exhibited -full show herds at the exposition. Mailing of the 1932 automobile license plates was begun on December 1, in the automobile department of the office of Secretary of State William J- Stratton. The plates will not be come official until January 1. Secretary of State Stratton believes that the new system of photostating appli cations will materially aid in carrying out the law compelling autoists to secure new plates by January 1. " Four bills passed by the legislature have been signed by Governor Louis L. Emmerson. Two bills authorise townships to levy money immediately for pauper aid; one\bill provides for closed season gp hen pheasants and a number ofj^ther game birds; one bill removesSr requirement from the grain storage act so that farmers will not have to file insurance policies with the director of agriculture. According to Harrison Fahrnkopf, director of grain marketing of the Illinois Agricultural association, the farmer is coming into a new era as a salesman in merchandising his products though co-operatives. At a conference of deputy fire marshals, comprising the field and office staff of State Fire Marshal S. L. Legreid, Governor Louis L. Emmerson complimented them on their "unsurpassed record in the number of ar rests and convictions in arson cases." Plans for a publication in Spring field of statewide Democratic organ known as the Illinois Jeffersonian*' have ' been announced following a meeting of Democratic leaders in eluding: Thomas Donovan, Joliet; Minority Leader Michael Jlgoe; State Treasurer Edward J. Barrett; Jolin H. Stelle, assistant state treasurer. It is planned to issue the first number December 15. with a monthly* issue thereafter. The lefcialators at the special session of the general assembly receive mileage and $50 for postage, stationery, and incidental expenses but no salary. Appropriations totalling $101,- 000 have been made for the expenses of the session. Hie Illinois commerce commission has authorized jsix telephone companies to reduce the rates for service ^connections and exchange charges. These companies are located in Jacksonville, Pleasant Plains, Bluffs, Pontiac, Streator, and Bushnell. These reductions, with those made by member companies of the Illinois Telephono association, will mean a saving to Illinois telephone users of more than $200,000 anntially. ? * American Sapphire Fields There are two notable sapphire fields In the United States. One, among the great corundum deposits of Macon county, N. C., has yielded some very good gems. The other is in the gold-bearing, sandy region near Helena, Mont.--Gas Logic. Florence Ray, D* C. Chiropractor atid Masseuriet Sandfly by Appointment , ^ } •; ? X-Ray Service . jj?' One-half BKil^ ftWDi; MeHenry > Route 20 " " ' Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihaospeffsr Insurance agents for all classes of property in the belt companies. WEST llcHENRY - - ILLINOIS CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hours--Every evening, 7 to 8:30 All day Saturdays Fries Btdg. Cor. Green and Elm Sts. Tel. McHenry 258 McHenry, I1L '"lour Invisible Christmas » ? * * Palm Tree* ia the North Palm trees, which now. grow only in warm regions, were a feature of the landscape In mo$t parts ' of North America in earlier times. Tk» Mu*M The expression, hot polio! It dOrtatf' ..M from the Greek words, oi poiiol, moaning the many, multitude, or the masses. . Phone Richmond 16 - Dr. JOHN DUCEY - . VETERINARIAN TB and Blood Testing RICHMOND, ILLINOIS ,McHENRY GRAVEL & * EXCAVATING C% A. P. Freund, Propw Road Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or sspa.ll orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M -- - McHenry HENEY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Goal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Rosd Work Done By Contract of Every Description or By Day .phone McHenry 649-R-l ^ McHenry, HI. P. O. Address, Route 3 WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Office with West McHenry State Baak Every Friday Afternoon Phono 4 McHenry, Illinois ARK settles down on Christmas eve, and the tree has been appointed to Its place before the big window. Decorations are unwrapped and suspended among the green branches. Strands of colored globes are festooned over the tree and plugged into th e socket. Mysterious-looking packages are hung la, the tree and piled under it ' The light Is turned on, and little feet dance and little hands clap for joy ! ' A Christmas tree is a wonderful thing! • But at about this same time, oat over the country and perhaps even across the seas, another Christmas tree, invisible--but no less real, is be* Ibg set op in your House of Friend- "^lp- On a framework fabricated of good will, friends, relatives, loved ones, pais of o t h e r days, business associates, tradesmen, c o l l e g e c h u m s , c b o r c h , lodge and club members, fraternity brothers and sorority sisters-- e v e r y b o d y who knows you and your family is contributing to your invisible Christmas tree. There may be some who could not even expend a dime for a material gift who are thinking of you with gratitude for a service rendered or a helpful word spoken in time of discouragement. The gifts they place on your invisible Christmas tree may bo heartfelt wishes or fervent prayers for your happiness and prosperity. Some of /these invisible gifts may take the form of a desire to be with you and your family, to share In and Contribute to your enjoyment Others may be wondering if you, are In health and how your business or crops turned out during the past year. Still others may be thinking that youare entitled to advantage and privileges that you have not enjoyed, and speculating how they may aid you in reaching your aspirations. Or, having achieved under difficulties and handicaps, you may have ln- ,spired Orel's to give you a thought of appreciation and admiration.'0 Every kind thought of you, every conscious remembrance of yo'u, at Christmas time, whether in your own household, among'the Ice floes of the Arctic or the Jungles of the tropics, la a gift to you to grace your invisible Christmas tree. •The conventional Christmas tree is a Vonderful thing, but the invisible one is far more wonderful! t . »>" . : Plaindealers at Wattles*;' vv'_' € $fcHenry Floral Company i v Main Street, McHenry ; Where quality is best and prices are lowest ^ ;V:-7 Funeral Work a Specialty flowers for Weddings and all occasfOtej ^" .j.*** **.l. •••.»•».t. * it, «t « t « t tft I » t t I » 5 Phalin's Garage '"A Pfcone • Oil, Greasii| Pearl Street, McHenry ?#- & ays No Favorites | Few persons go through life without somesort of disater. Everyone is ft potential . victim--but, everyone can also be protects ed by insurance. How about you? Insure in a good reliable company and you are as-' sured of a satisfactory adjustment. Come IH and talk it over. KENT & COMPANY ^ .v PHONB 8 McHenry WEST SIDE GARAGE ' Otto Adams, Prop. Phone 12S-W Reasonable Rates JL H, SCHAEFER ' ' .r ... ®rayi®f • - njjNOia Insure-- In Sore --Insnrance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner ^ ^Auctioneering; OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone SS-R McHenry, Illinois S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDER® Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building > Your Wants Ed Vogel GENERAL •' AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY P. O. Solon Mills, IB. - Reference Past Sale® SATISFACTION GUARANTEED •v TeL m Res. Phone. 639-R-2 !^M:; mm EVERY woman wants a General Electric RefrTg* erator in her kitchen. She'll take pride iit the famous Monitor Top, instantly recognizedby friends and neighbors as the best in elec* trical refrigeration. A General Electric quickly Saves its cost. Eliminates waste by preserving loft-overs. Makes it possible to do all th« family's marketing on bargain days, in larg« Quantities. Never needs attention--not evert «iling. And a full guarantee protects ever? Ceneral Electric againstany service expense fo| fhree full years. A small down payment assure^ t^hristmas delivery.. choose your model todayjjt:: Join >h« G-E Cirrf*. A special program for woman •"toy at noon (except Saturday)., On Sunday at 5:30 P. M e program for the whole family. (Eattfn Standard Ttwji CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP c Green St., McHenry ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR <^^I>OMESTICt APARTMENT HOUSE AND COMMERCIAL RE^Rj^HR^ATOjRS^^L^ECTRlC^WATrER^COOLERS^ :X--;