. * 18 , * : . S ' ' • .~t_- •mm > ~w!- <:tV V,*/.-: THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THTOSDAY.DECEMBER 17, 1931 ••,.4 "fmWsPmFa - j • • . •* y- * ; *%' -i VOLO sMMn Eddy RdiMiteli«r •aul son spent Tuesday afternoon in Chicago with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Urs. Sylvester Wagner attended the ftaneral of Charles Nordmeyer at Fre- Monday afternoon. », Frank Hironimus was a Libertyville Jliasmess caller Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser drove '•;ljo Waukegan on business Tuesday. Mrs- RichaTd Dowell and son, "4^taes, and Mrs. Esse Fisher attended 'tfee funeral of Mrs William Tonyan at "pTauconda" Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and Irs. Arthur Kai&r visited Miss ladys Vasey at the hospital in Wau- 'fcegran Wednesday. J o Many home folks will be sorry to ;,'^arn that Miss Gladys VrJey urder- ®ent an op<?ration for appsndicitis at is hospital in Waukejfan Tuesday. Miss, 'Gladys is the oldest daughter of Mr. •fttul Mrs. George yasey. Mrs. Vltsey ^tas formerly Miss Clara Wagner :"Volo. . ». > •» .. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fijsher and fainspen*. Wednesday afternoon at the Mr. and-; Mire. William Loh- ;5br»an at Libertyville. tfSi Mrs. E Bacon and daughter, yin- T&ie, called at the home of Mr. aed . Mrs. Ed Bacon at Round Lake^ Wed- •.he?day afternoon- , 'kl-- L. V.; Ltisk of Grayslake was ia-bus- '^feess caller in this locality Wednesday; Mys. Pete Stadfield and Mrs; Joe Ifcenzen attended the American Auxliary „ meeting at Grayslake Monday irening where they are members, r' Art Wackerow mptored to Woodstock on Wednesday. • William Frost of Round Lake cal'ed ,^|n friends here Wednesday. Mr- and Mrs. Rcy Passfield Waukegan shoppers Tuesday. / Lloyd Fisher and, family were Cray?lake business callers Thursday. ; Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family "4i"ove to Grayslake Saturday. * Mr. Robert Oaks and family of Chicago spent the week-end here with relstives. • * . ' -. •j Douglas Wait was a Grayslake caliper Saturday. X. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family a'rove to Libertyville Saturday. - Joa Lenzen and mother motjrtd to Grayslake Saturday. • Mr. and Mi s. Joe Passfield and s vh Were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Capaller and family of Chicago spent the week-end here with home folks. Mrs. John Mplidor and Mrs, Joe Wagne. attended the BonBo;> club at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Many friends and close relatives will be grieved to Team that Mrs. Joe Lenzen met with a serious accident on • Wednesday morning when she slipped on ?cme ice in her yard breaking her right leg. A physician is caring for Mrs. Lenzen. who will be confined to lier home for six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser motored to Libertyville Tuesday evening. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan has spent the past two weeks here with her parents, Mr. and Mfs, John Oeffling;. .'*•* ^ Mrs. Katheline Frost has spent the past week at Round Lake with: relatives. * ; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield and son called on their daughter, Mrs. Llovd Eddy at Grayslake Saturday- Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. Ben Rosing and Mrs. John Oeffling were Waukegan callers Thursday. \ M~s. C. Rossduestcher is on the sick list at the present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid.Jr., at Wauconda. - . Mr. and fctrs. John Rossduestcher spent Fridaylevening at Ridgefteld. Mr and Mr§. Joe Lenzen, Mr. and Mrs. John Rissduestcher, Orville Bird, Herman Ro^sdu&stchcr, Miss Msrihs Lekampe, Miss Adeline Rossduestcher and Paul O'Larry attended a biithday party at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Capaller in Chicago Tuesday evening. ' . ! , v . - Herman Dunker and sons were McHenry business callers Saturday. Mh and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and dau.ghter^ Elleeii -sp^nt Sunday ^terr> oon and evening at Fremont with relatives^ ^W'-." - . Miss feayrn* - Baton v; of Grisiaroid lake spent the week-fend • A& the JB&con home . . V-'.'-" • 'V •' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield and son motored to Wauqonda^Sunday. Mr. and" Mrs. P^tymarf Dunker and family and George Fallon were Sunday visitors at th^ home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker, Sr., at Crystal Lake. , LeRoy Pratt of Grayslaker spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the Bacon home. Mrs. Beatrice Dowell and son, Robert, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Clark Nidholas at Wauconda. Miss Vinnie Bacon arid Miss -Myrna Bacon motored to Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family were Crystal Lake callers Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Leslie Davis at Sloeum Lake. ... * Mr. and Mrs. William Dowell and daughter of Eljjin called at the Roy Passfield home Saturday. Arthur Vasey and Clarence Hironimus attended the basketball game at Franklin Park between Wauconda and Franklin Park. The latter was the winner. Howard Converse, Clifford Benwell and Frank Hironimus were Waukegan callers Friday. -o Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield, Mrs- Roy Passfield, Mrs. Charles Dalvin and Miss Roberta Dowell were Waukegan shoppers Wednesday. Pete S trad field1 has attended the supervisor meeting at Waukegan the past week: Mr. and Mr#. Roy Passfield and family were Saturday callers at the home of Mj. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, of Wauconda were Sunday callers at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann will entertain the five hundred club on Tuesday evening. James Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and family attended the basketball game at Franklin Park Friday evening. G. A. Vasey <fe*ove to McHenry Saturday. ' Archie Rosing of Round Lake called in this locality on business Sunday. FYank Gould and friend of Libertyville spent Thursday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mx. and Mrs. John Blomgren of Slocum Lake spent Sati^day after noon at the home, of Mr. ana Mrf. Raymond Lusk. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher' and family motored^ fo Grayslake Saturday./ Mr. and Mr*. Herbert Waldmann and family spent the/week-end in Chi'* cago with relatives. Frank Kiropimus And soi^ ClareneeV were LiWrtyville callers Friday^ : . Mr. aiid Mrs,. 'Charles Dunilell ,of Waukegan were Thursday supper guests at the home of Mrs.-, Rose DunneH: : •:v:" . .-'V;: '-v.,' -Leonard Haas "of "iPo* Lake «pe«t Friday with Clarence Hironimus, " Mr. and Mrs. George Dryer and family of Chicago spent Saturday at the home of Matt Rossduestcher. r Arthur Wackerow and Ellwood Dowell attended the show at Crystal Lake Sunday night. Dr. and Mrs. Kochens of/Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hfronimus. - Marital Skoals • Swedish statistician reports that ttie first year of married life Is not »o critical as popnlar tradition would have it, but that the time when marriages are likely to go on the rocks is during the fifth to the tenth years of wedded life. > „ .•_» . Mi •'Fifwr^lwair* or Orntmul • H the image on the front of a shlp Is a figure projecting from the stem of the vessel, it is called,a figurehead. If it Is an ornament in the form of an embossed shield that does not project in,, any way. It is called a bow ornament • @\w& Try our classified bring results. Ytur Public Service Sfrt it Mu' open 'tixninfii.- mmti! 9 o'chtk. For any orm ; who has a WEAKNESS W A F F L E S ...an electric waffle iron Don't you know some one who - can't resist crisp, creamy, gold* en-brown waffles (served witk • , sausage)? You'll make him (o|a;^,s." hfr) happy this Christinas with?/^; : onjsof these chrome-plated waft 3 fie irons. An automatic temr, >•, . •; ,/ pereture signal tells when gridbr , - at^ hot enough for the ba.ttasy. The Irbri pictured is only $6.75 " " */cash----•$! down. And thent"'- • are many others to sielect fron%^:>'ir ' You'll find 100 other desirakW s gifts that "work foU* a living" atV your Public Service Store or your neighborhood electrical dealer's. Come In. ' PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS j-'.:" " • E. J. LARK.IX, Dist. >1gr. . Wt Williams St., Crystal l^ake Crystal Lake Phone 289 DR. C. KELLER Optometrist and Optician Duriti« the winter months I will examine at my home in Lasch Subdivision, on Riverside Drive, one block North of city limit* of McHenry, on West side of river, on Sundays and Mondays only. Plume MuIIcmy 211-R TIMELY TIPS For Carefree Winter Driving Follb# these simple suggestions to insure ma^nmfn freedom from 4 4 trouble" when the first real cold snap strikes • • n • ' -» " • Have gears (transmission and differential) flushclean-- and re-filled with Mobiloll '10W'• the Quality* Winter €kar Oil. " ,"eranfe^ls6:..' grained ^.amd refilled with/Mobil-. , - ' 'double " " winter bil, when . the lirst advance warning of cold weather arrives. Check igriition system.;. ;v CJieick and chargei>atter^|| Clean and adjust carbu- < retor. ' Clean gas tank ahd filtefe^ Inspect radiator hose. Inspect fan belt. / Adjust ^ener^torehargiiig! rate. ^ ' * Replace oil filter^artridge Mobiloil Arctic--the double^ range Winter Oil flows freely at zero temperatures. Lubricates perfectly at high engine temperatures. Central Garage, Johnsburg FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Coffee m Watties • O'CLOCK coffee RED CIRCLE CoflW BOKAR Coffee HILLS BROS. Coflfa Each of the famous blends in the A&P Coffee Trio has its own outstanding characteristic. But ine coiiee you like best is the best, no ma tter what it costs* . LB. 38c w 1 FREE! GOLD MEDAL Youll be surprised and delighted with die results of Gold Medal Cake Flour. OneBettyCrocker'sChromTu (•» Plated CAKE SERVER with each purchase of two packages of Gold Medal Cake Hour. •for Better Christmas Baking * a Cake Flour 2P44-KOZG. S.^^ Del Monie Raisins Sparkle DESSERT FlAVOtS • • C r i s c o . . . . . . N. B. C. Excell Crackers Northern Tissue . • * ^ KGS. no 5c ON ' P & G n^htha Soap 19C 4 roils 25c Is »AKS 25c Super Suds • • . . 3 20c FANCY ROME BEAUTY APPLES 6 lbs- FRESH RUTABAGAS ^s. ^ LARGE SIZE COCOANUTS, eac 5^ Roberts & Oake U. S. Government Inspected PURE PORK SAUSAGE, in parchment wrapped One pound Cartons •• 1(^ "OAilY fGG" Special Friday and Saturday Laying Mash *2.15 "DAR V EGG* Scratch Feed *££ <1.45 Ulvt,?6RC<HC Fartmffiaarf OKAMtfT Butter . ite KAOONOKTIM Pacitk: Tea Wohnt DfvWoo A TREASURE HOUSE A Small -T" Deposit Will Reserve Any Article and It Will Be Delivered Any Time Desired f i m\t*wri*inigK QuaJitf You Are ALWAYS WELCOME to Visit Our Store and See Our Complete Line of Gifts and Home r- Furnishings H# G«eat Ahantk- A gift for the entire family is a welcome gift. 2 piece Living Room Suites SSO.CO and up Gift Suggestions STUDIO COUCH $15.00 Day Beds with coil springs and spring mattress $14 and $16.50 CARD TABLES AND CHAIRS $9.00 and $13.50 BREAKFAST SUITES-- SEWING CABINETS--" Gift Suggestions IjAMPS END TABLES $3.00to $1-I.o0 $1.25 to $12.00 PIER CABINETS $7.50 to $10.00 PULL UP CHAIRS $6.50 to S2,» SMOKERS 98C to $9.00 COFFEE TABLES $7.50 to 12.00 OCC. TABLES $9.00 to $18.00 MIRRORS _ to $ 12.00 CARD TABLES 1.00 to $^.75 PICTURES BOUDOIR CHAIRS 50C to $3.00 WALNUT CEDAR CHESTS Extra largtf-- 45 and 48 inch $15.50, $16.50 and $18,00 Z^txnrious Easy Chair ami Ottoman-- 2 piecat _ $ 19.50 op All Walnut Commodes $7.50 to $12.00 |§HE IDEAL GIFT FOR HER Gov. Winthorp Desk-- Gov. Winthorp Secretary Desk- Bedroom Desks-- ~ $13,00 to $32.59 i ^ .. J'i . . '^Tr';'" • ^ , , / 'M,, -4 ' 0 > ^ v /i , v?1; •' Ms ' '• t «*' ^ m•* < ^ » $ f ** ^*5 ' * V * ^ . '• J •' :.vs Phone 63-W --(C hriHttttaa Serial See Window display for $6.50 Pull Up J Justcn & Son West McHenry, Illinois Phone ; m. J/ ' ^ 'ii • . J. '4 * »' It* • f •i " t " M 5 4i- -> :'r '•.< r L': » : / ' v! , ' y-* 'jtiuAlijtd