Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1931, p. 4

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* > - if : %'c*. • '*, ( > ' ( " "«, . *"% * •'<: *„ • « «-v- v, • .*..% •?'•'• - •» • «n'i*Sg; * -" v - • w-* •*'•*• -- '* .*> . **»__ THX M'HEHRT PL^HDXAUX, THUB8DAY, DECEMBER 17,1931 - _ M'HENRY PLAINDEALER v. " Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Reaich. Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice at McUeBiy, EL, un- ,j|©r the act of May 8, 1879. ,:4 --- . 1 - . :--» #ne Year ~*~ %ix Months $2.00 ,......$1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager " w Gifts for Her --ri- COTY MANICURE SET V LUTRETIA VANDERRILT SOT FAIREST SET'. . •' ••,.//. -v-V EVENING IN PARIjB SET '• DUPONT SET ' » ' COn' PERFUME SEtfi ; OVERNIGHT BAGS. . > V STATIONERY *r FLASHLIGHT s" 'V-; '* CANDLELIGHT .* *- v ^ de vilriss AtdMJzER *'J'i CUTFX M VNICURE SET-|^|V ' \ GLAZO ,M ANICT RE SET i*'< p MANICURE ROLLLPS - "vV* DUSTING POWDER NO^ELTIE$ BATH SALTS ANSCO cameras DIARIES AMITY LEATHER PURSES WEEK END BAGS BEVERAGE SET AUTOMATIC TOASTBSt V WALLITE ^ * ; . GAME SETS PEN AND PENCIL SfiT DESK SET ."J.,.. ,. . . COMPACTS AND yANrTI»M PAGE & SHAW CANDIES . PERFUMES t PLAYING CARDS NOVELTY LAMPS PHOTO ALBUMS ' , WAFFLE IRON ; BRIDGE SETS . GOLF LUGGA(il - 1 LAZELL SET , SNUGGLER DOG CIGARETTE CASE AND . LIGHTER SETS r1% CHRISTMAS TIME Atv BOLGER'S Want Ads FOR SALE FINAL CLEANUP Our prices, on used Fordcar^ have been reduced to help us reduce our stock for inventoryi The saving you can make on them row will be a Real Christmas gift to yourself. Only a few day's, left this year and at our new low prices these cars, wont last long. Phone. 30 and well have a salesman call, or better yet, drop in and loo& them over. " Easy terms. BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES FOR SALE--Pressed poultry to your order. Phon£"613-J-2. Lewis McDonald.. 29 FOR SALE--Apples. Why buy apples for 6c per lb. when you can buy them by the bushel at 3c per lb.? We have extra fancy Roman Beauties, also have a full line,of onions and potatoes. DaveySegel. Tel, 92-J. 29-tf ILLE THEATRE | Woodstock's Beautif ul Play House FRIDAY-SATURDAY George Bancroft in RICH MAN'S FOLLY FOR SALE--^Several pieces of household furniture. Reasonable. Elola Boyle, West McHenry. 29 ' i - Twice T o l d Tales Items tf Interest Takstt From r|Kl Files of the Plaindealer of Years Ago FljFTY YEARS-AGO Jac. Hetzel's Barber Shop will be closed on Saturday evening next, at 7-o'clock sharp on account of necessary absence at that time, but will be opened on Sunday morning at the' usual time. Those interested take hotice. '• J. 3, Gilles is building1 quite aft: extensive addition to his building in which tumor says he is to put a first class barber shop, a Kllliard hall and wholesale iiquoi* store. . v The quarterly review of the Methodist Sundays school, of this village, will take place at the church on Sunday evening next, at which time there will be exercises, consisting of singing recitation and some other exercises of which the ladies are loth to tell us of, but as that day happens to be Christmas we are led to believe' they will be . of the most interesting character, ' • Wit M. CARROLL, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of William Koeppe, deceased. The undersigned^ having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and' Testament of William Koeppe deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House ir» 7»W,- stock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February next, at which tiime all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of paving the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 14th day cf December, A. D. 1931. BMZABETH KOEPPE, Executrix. ,:v .29-3 •-W, : g fied ad. '? 'fc class i FOR SALE--Milk-fed spring chickens, guineas, and home-grown popcorn. Vinnie Bacon, R-l, McHenry Phone 612-M-2. , *28-2 FOR SALE--Dressed pigs, weighing between 100 and 125 lbs. Per^pound 7 cents. Phone 646-M-l. *28-2 FOR SALE--THE NEW SPEED QUEEN ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. On sale and specially priced at $49.50. Porcelain tub, submerged agitator, balloon ^vringer rolls, steelcut gears, double wall construction. Your inspection is invited- Johnson Electric, 223 Benton St., Woodstock, or phone 72 for details. 28-3 FORTY YEARS AGO The Christmas tree and entertainment at the Universalist church, on Christmas eve, promises to be a very pleasant and entertaining affair. Adam Leitner is reported as quite sick at his residence, in this village wifh "La Grippe". ^ The annual meeting of the McHenry County Agricultural Board was held at the Court House in Woodstock on Monday, December 7,1891. President Hatch in the chair- Yourself and ladies are cordially invited to atteifd a New Years Party at Myer's Hall, Johnsburgh, 111., Monday evening Jan. 4, 1892. . Music. Johnsburgh band. Tickets, fifty cents. FOR SALE--New on Waukegan St. cash deal. F. E. Colonial residence Bargain for quick Covalt. 25-tf SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 Prices, Mat. to 5, 10-25c Evenings 10-40c Eddy Cantor in "PALMY DAYS" WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, Charles Farrell . in "HEARTBREAK" FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Dec. 25-26 On the Stage Friday; Christmas Day Mat & Nite "J. B." Rotnour Players in "WHEN EAST MEETS WEST ' .On the Screen "SPYING HIGH" with .^Charlotte Greenwood Bert Lahr Don't miss this laugh" of-a lifetime. It's a panic. Some fun--some fun FOR SALE--Baled hayf and straw. Also pressing'reasonably done. Tel. McHenry 606-J-l. 12-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--220-acre farm, 2% mi. west of McHenry. known as Frank Hutson farm- Cash rent. Possession March 1, 1932. Chas. Bischoff, 728 Calhoun St., Woodstock, 111. Tel. Woodstock 440. *27-3 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The price of butter on the Elgin board of trade Monday was 31% cents. A new cottage is being erected at Howell's Villa. Fishermen are reporting some good catches of perch in the river. An elegant new organ has _ been placed in St. Mary's Catholic church and will peal forth its music for the first time on Christmas day. John R. Knox has purchased the! paper route of Kamholz Bros., and will take possession of the business the first of the year. While John is not a man of boasts, he has already signified his intention of giving the people of McHenry the best service. So let it be. WANTED W ANTED--Child's high chair in good condition. Inquire Plaindealer. RELIABLE DEALER wanted to succeed H. A. Conerty in McHenry county to handle Heberling Products. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Many make $50 to $60 weekly profits. Write quickly for free catalogue. G. C. Heberling Company, Deplt. 345, ! Bloomington, 111. 28-2 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. 38-tf TWENTY YEARS AGO Charles DoWell of Wauconda Host his right hand in a corn shredder Wednesday afternoon of last week. The milliilery parlors of Miss Elizabeth Thelen were converted into a mftst inviting and hospitable apartment on Wednesday evening of last week, when Misi Thelen entertained a company of friends at progressive cinch. The icemen are anxiously awaiting their call to work. If the present cold spell holds on long enough, the chances are that an army of men *vvill be given employment within the next week or two. M. J. Walsh, the wide-awake West Side merchant, has purchased the lot now occupied by the Weber and Gilbert grocery and intends to construct there on a modern store building. John R. Brints, janitor at the McHenry public school, is confined to his home thru illness. His place is being capably filled by Peter Schoewer. MISCELLANEOUS UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called lor and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, III. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order All Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry -Ciood u f ertilizer Some of the finest roses grown to America are fed on a fertilizer made of animal blood.--Collier's. ; Make CHRISTMAS Complete With the Holiday Blooms POINSETT AS, BEGONIAS, CYCLAMENS, CHERRIES Also Ferns and Many Others CUT FLOWERS ^ Carnations, Roses, Calendulas, Sweet Pesui anS Poinsettas N ORDER EARLY . Wreathe and Decorations » - Grave Blankets McHenry Floral Company Mnil anm in SCt+ r Myev et , McH_ enry w M&t,, TEN YEARS AGO . It doesn't look as if that sid«waflc on the east side of Green street, opposite the village hall, will -be laid this winter. The purchasing of the Herbes site for the new community high school building will undoubtedly mean the razing or moving away of three homes. MelLmry was a real live town between ^pe hours of one and five o'clock last Saturday afternoon. Not since last summer have we seen the town so busy. . , • " """ •< Pkono|rim-Grtmophn« The word' '"gramophone" is as )» vented one. When th£ new machine for recording and reproducing sound was invented, it was called a "phono gram," and later a phonograph. ThiF machine had a round cylinder instead of the flat disc, and of course the Inventor wanted to distinguish it from the phonogram or phonograph. "Hum!" he mused. "Now what can ! call It?" Then he had a bright i?lea>fie remem bered the bacbslang be used when a boy, and twisted the word "phono grafn" flroond until it was "graroo phone." Tv':<^^*iuima.Sontk American «««• Pan-American Union says thfh Panama was foriuerlyjLpart of the republic of Colombia, which is clearly in the South American zone. None of Its affiliations has been with Central America. . ' _ Giraffes Move Faat (BMffes are capable of a speetf o? 30 miles an boor. Dead Animals Dead and Crippled ~"~ Cows, Horses, Hogs, and old Plugs Prompt Service $1.00 to $10 a heal Telephone Barrington 266. Reverse Charges Ligt««i in every morning at 10 o'clock--WJJD--to the Gabrieleen Permanent Wave Program. We are an authorize*! shop. Fall X>ia« of RtionaUy AdvorUycd Permaiieiil Waves sovttM #5<O0 0 *8.00 5 Tklnes $10.00 DEC. and JAN. SPECIALS YOUR CHOICE OF THREE FOR Haircut, Shampoo, A ^ ring-er Wave, Maro*ll, j| aUU Facial, Kaaicnrc, or BOo each Eyebrow Arch. SCHOOL CHILDREN SPECIAL (From 5 to 14 years of aye) PA Haircut and Wave, all atylea yyQ YERY SPECIAL EVERY MOJT., TUES. A NO WEI). COMPLETE PERMANENT WAV* Including Sliampoe ^<9 Afl and nt. SO.UU All styles. and up EXTRA SPECIALS Mar-O-Oil Treatment . #1 AA Shampoo and Wave. V«Vv For Hair Beauty Try ARNOIL STEAM TREATMENTS Retards--Grey and Falling- Hair, eliminates--Dandruff, prevents--Dry Scalp, reconditions--Permanent Wave Jrice, $1.00 or .....6 for $S.OO Shampoo 50c extra Ultra Violet Ray Treatments ... $1.00 Private Booths for ladles and Gents At your service. 3 Barbers 6 Beauty Artists STOMPANATO'S Two Ultra Modern Exclusive Shops For the Whole Family Tel. 641, Woodstock, 111., 226 Main St Open Evenings until 9 P M. Clean Soft Water Used JPn Chrismas morning', bright and early, they'll be peering over bannisters and spattering up and down stairs--all frantic eagerness to get their . packages - Opened. Toys selected from the magnificent collection at VYCITAL'S wilf; t : Uause every kiddy's heart to burst with joy on Christmas morning* * } ^ f v +* •>. * «< * < i'tf ' For ©Irl# .vV; FVoarv 'BRAo'vyrmt i 'V' :' 3 Dolls •; * Doll Furnituri Doll Buggies Toy Dishes anil Utensils < Story Books (Writing Paper Electric Irons ' Skiis Sleds Coaster Wagons Trains ...;/v Games Ice Skates Toy Autos ' Books 45." For Mother GLASSWARE SETS OF DISHES ALUMINUM WARE ELECTRIC CLOCKS TABLE WARE CHINA WARE r. TOOLS ^ , ASHTRAYS „ J5LECTRIC CIGAR POCKET KNIVES ^ - flSHING TACKLE S . ; FLASH LIGHTS " •' ^ ^ ' > • assortment of Christmas Cards, Wrapping Material and Tree Trimmings^ Select your gifts at "The Orange Front*Store" on Green Street JOHN J. VYCITAL For Men and Boys Men's Wool Sweaters, coat style, some with heavy roll collars, values from $3.75 to $9.00, $2.95 Blanket-lined Work Coats, $2.25 Sheep-lined Coats, with fur collars, $4.50 Men's and Boys' Leather Coats at greatly reduced prices . M^p's Heavy Socks, all wool, 50^ Men's Slippers, 50^ to $2.50 Men's Pajamas, $1.50 Men's Neckties, new patterns and good quality, 25^. 50<^ and $1.00 Men's Coin Purses, 254 Warm Gloves and Mittens, 254 an(* up * Boy Scout Jack Knives, with all the handy blades, 504 HOSIERY Ladies' Pure Thread Silk, full-fashioned Allen-A Dancing Chiffon Hosiery, a full range of latest shades, $1.50 and $$»$> values, per Pftir $1.00 \ Ladies' Fuji-fashioned Ppre Silk Hosiery, regular $1.00 values, chiffon or service weight, per pair .' 79c ' ; . 4 Ladies' and Misses' Rayon Hosiery, 50c values, 354 Children's Stockings, per pair 194 v and 1244 V Men's Hosiery, the latest patterns, 254, 354, 504 For the Little Folks Books for Boys and Girls, 254 Children's Story Books, 104« 254 Real Slate Blackboards, each $2.25 . Sleds, any boy or III have, $1.0 16x22 be glad Baby Dolls, large size, $1.00 Rattles, the gift for the baby, 104, 254 : TREE ORNAMENTS-- v 2 for 54, 54 or 6 f°r 2J54. 104 ^ 3 254 CHRISTMAS CARD§^ ^ | Jt4 each up : t - " J • - * , . >y ORANGES, APPLES, PEAWW, POPCORN, CANDY, ipCED NXJTS AND FRUIT, a plentiful Supply for holid^1® ^ For the Ladles^ Ladies' Shoes, an acceptable gift, peat pair, $2.75 and up Ladies' Galoshes, all rubber, first quality, the famous Ball Band, per Pair $2.95 and $1.95 Ladies' Bedroom Slippers. 504 and $1.00 Ladies' Nightgowns, $1.00 Perfume, per bottle, 104 a^d up Handkerchief A, 54 104 154 254 or boxes 254 354 504 754 $1.00 GIFT SETS--Combinations of Garters, Powder Puffs, Shoe Trees, PerFtimes and Handkerchiefs, per set 254, 354, 504, 754, $1.00 Always Usefuf Writing Paper, per box 104, 254, 504, 754 f Tablets, Pencils, Note Books, School Bags and Fountain Pens make useful gifts .;: ' Bread Boards, 254, Rapid Cutting Bread Knives, 50c Electric Corn Poppers, $1.0O Dust and Oil Mops, 294, 504 and $1.00 Wine Glasses, per doz., 694 ^ ERICKSON'S Main Street McHENRY -'y ' -- *• : 'difi&xr: .= w . . • > . . • A?J..... . .. * * „ ^ • A'*! Z.,*~ i-.

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