Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Feb 1932, p. 4

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b::f: 'Z? h j£~ ' , .4 -* p&t&r THE M*HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charles F. Renich. - Entered as second-class matter at the ier the act of May 8, 1879. . at McHmf. m, to. One Year ... fix Months ¥• v A. R. MQSHER, Editor and Maaaccr W&nt Ads :&• tSc-&kH. fJus{' City Council Proceedings y Council Room, Feb. 1, 1932. *s*V HM city aldermen met in regular V, *» monthly meeting Monday evening. ' ""Mayor Knox presiding. Aldermen • , • Jpresent, Barbian, Doherty, Kreutzer, ^ ^ FOR SALB--First mortgage $550.00. jwatttes, thot the mftratM o« the pre- Good security. Inquire " Warn- -,vious meeting be approved as read. • 68 er' ^ . '/ - jkotion carried; . , ' FOR SALE--Baled timothy hay, five Motion by Overton, (seconded by corTlf 100 bu. barley, brooder "* t 'fjchaefer, that the treasurers reP°^'ihousq 12x14. George E. Adams, Ring- . ;V;ri)e approved as read, showing a bal-iwood/ S3 ~ :: - since of $5,107.08. Motion carried. , , •--: -- Motion oy Doherty, seconded by! FOR SALE--About 60 large White ^arbian, that, the collector's report be j Rock pullets now laying. Will sell " I Accepted ay read. Motion carried. j part; or all. Phone 619-R-2 potion by Schaefer, seconded by Overton, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Schaefer, seconded by ^llPattles, that the following bills be ' paid as read and OK'd by the finance Committee. Motion carried. 7ohn Walsh, Jan. salary. $13500 W. €. Feltz, Janr salary FOR SALE--5-drawer Singer electric or foot power sewing machine. Like new. Bargain at $27.50. Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop, West McHenry. , v ' 36-tf 110.00 60.00 24.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 75.00 FOR SALE--P&ir of misses' ^kates. Miriam Sayler. *36 44.50 >•+ K <• ' r'-.; n a*-* ,;- f;, 6.92 450 18.98 'It M. Niesen, Jan. salary John R Knox, 3 mos. salary .... Albert Barbian, 3 mos. salary .. t»eter Doherty, 3 mos. salary.. Herman Kreutzer, 3 mos. sal. JL I. Overton, 3 mos- salary.... Jacob Schaefer, 3 mos. salary F H. Wattles, 3| mos. salary .. |>eter A. Neiss, 3 mos. salary Jpeter A. Neiss, vehicle tax commissions Iffayme Buss, commissions, water rents ...... J... John R. Knox, tel. calls.^^... jKcHenry Lumber Co., coaL«..«w John Stillinpr'a Tire Shop, storage, etc. 1. Bell Tel. Co., service E. Buch, labor on sewer...... i. - James B- Clow & Sons, hydrant . 29-tf • " supplies •••••• 7.92: SlcHenry Flaindea^ler, notice and I FOR - \-r- envelopes ...J...... -- .* * Jllinois Priming Co„ election* , r supplies 20.66 iNiblic Service Co., city fcaU lights 4.55 Public Service Co., street - - lights 124.71 . Puhl ic Service Co., street lights 146.S0 ^Public Service Co.,. power, pumping water -Public Service Co., sewer lift.... FOR SALE--5 or 6 tons ear corn; 8 to 10 tons hay; also shock corn. Tel. 620-W-l. 36 FARMS FOR SALE AND RENT-- 117%,.. 13.0, 160, 178-acre farms. Ca&h rent only. Easy terms for sales. Stoffel & Reihansperger. 35-2 FOR SALE--A Buick-8 model, 1931, very jheap. Time payments can be arranged. Inquire Hunter Boat Company. 35-tf FOR SALE--Apples. Why buy apples for 6c per lb. when you can buy them by the bushel at 3c per lb. ? 13.52 j We have extra fancy Roman Beauties, .501 also have a full line of onions and 7.201 potatoes. Dave Segel. Tel. 92-J. SALE--New Colonial residence 6.2&<on Waukegan St. Bargain jfor quick cash deal. F. El Covalt. 26-tf LOST LOST--Boston Bull, brown, and white, one side of face white. Lost last [Wednesday; $25 reward. William ! Mertes. Phone Pistakee 176. *36 MISCELLANEOUS [NOTICE--We file, saws and sharpen 36.201 a"i| kinds of tools. Tel. McHenry 19.12 58-M. H. W. Ahrens, West McHe»ry. Motion by Overton, seconded by Do- 36-2* herty, that the action of the city treasurer in calling the bonds as listed in this call be approved by the city council. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by . Kreutzer, that the city council acceut the plat of Matt. Baur's addition to the City of McHenry. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Barbian, to adiourn. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. . RAGS WANTED The Plaindealer office will pay 5c a pound for good, clean wiping rags. Improved on Concrete Modern concrete is estimated to be from four to seven times stronger than • the concrete nf the anoionfs. Surgical Ant*"'. Ants were observed in Europe recently to set broken legs of injured companions In a kind of phister. BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street* Phone 162. 88-tf UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture „ reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called tor and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West^ McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf ILLE1 TH. "VEOOADJTOTCHR, E, Si' Woodstock's Beautiful Play House SATURDAY Matinee and Night "Blonde Crazy" with James Cagney A Corking Comedy Comedy and News SUNDAY-MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 "Over the Bill" « with James Dunn Sally Eilers Mae Marsh Comedy --- News . Screen Song TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Special Mat Tuesday 2:30 "Sooky" with Jackie Cooper Robert Coogan A picture for the whole family • ..J • • v- • THURSDAY ONLY On the Stage "J. B." Rotnour Players On the Screen r , "Homicide with Mbah Beery apd Mary Brian " ;% SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order All Work Guaranteed B. P»PP - Phone 162 Main St. McHenry GERMANS PUN TO DRAIN NORTH SEA FOR NEW LAND Gigantic Scheme Is Being Evolved . , JEftflineeri, Says Unoeffrfirmed Report. . ; ' ] ' - London.--A gigantic scheme to drain a large part of the North sea, formerly sometimes called the German ocean, !s being evolved by German engineers, according to unconfirmed reports received here. If the plan becomes a reality eastern England would lose miles of Its seacoast. But with a great part of the Norfh sea drained, a vast new land would come Into being with rich,mineral wealth to keep a population of over 20,000,000. The German experts, according to the reports, are considering building two ginnt dams.^ One would stretch from Hunstanton! Norfolk, near Sandrin^ ham, the king's country residence, to the upper coast of Denmark, and the other around Kent, across the English channel and along the Belgian and Dutch coasts to the neighborhood of Scheveningen, the Dutch seaside resort next to The Hague. Dover and Calais would be connected by giant bridges, thus making a channel tunnel unnecessary. Norfolk and Essex would lose their seaboards. Between the dams would be a new land--more than 100,000 square miles in area--possessing amazing mineral wealth and possibly rich oil fields. British experts almost unanimously view the scheme, as impracticable. One described it as "a wildcat scheme," Tidal conditions appear to be the chief obstacle. Change Provided by NatBrt The ermine, the ptarmigan, the Arctic fox and'the polar hare change th(yr fAir or plumage j;o \y|iite ty the . inter time. World** Oldest^VtTuirjs? • - The world's oldest book Is said to he a volume discovered In China reeently. It consists of 78 wooden leaves fixed together with string, and dates 1. -- Mrs. George Jrye fai visiting at Milwauke. - * Mrs. John Miller spent Saturday in Elgin. v Mrs. J. E. Wheeler 'wis a Chicago visitor Saturday. Miss Dorothy Knox was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Harvey Gascon of Chicago was a local caller Sunday. Ben. Wagner of Chicago spent. Subday at his home here. Richard Overton-attended the auto show in Chicago Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. C. W- Klontz were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. E. R. Sutton and son, William,: were Elgin visitors Friday. Miss Rosina Karls spent the weekend with relatives in Chicago- »« Miss Theresa Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. John PetSrs of Chicago was a Sundav guest in the Albert Vales home- Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent, the week-end at her home here. Richard Young of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage on Fox river. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page and Mr3. Martha Page were Elgin, visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frett and George Frett were Sunday visitors at Glen Ell'yn. Mat Glosson, sons, George and Bill, and Ed Tonyan were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mrs. Joe Guth and son, George, of Woodstock called on friends here last Thursday. Dick Wegener of Northwestern University spent the week-end at his home here. ; Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Clara, were Chicago visitors the last of the week. Mrs. Letah Davis and son, Eugene, spent Sunday in the George Shepard home at Ringwood. Mr. arid Mrs. C. Clement of Chicago visited freinds'in this vicinity last Thursday afternoon. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Etrward Dowlirig of Chicago were week-end guests of her mother, Mrs. F. O. Gans. Miss Rosalind Nye has returned home from St. Louis, where she has been employed as a secretary. M. A. Conway and John Fay have returned home from Chicago, where they served on federal jury. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett, son, Lisle, and Mr- and Mrs. Henry Vogel visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son, Bobby, of Oak Park were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Walter Warner and daughters, Jean, Audrey and Mary Lou," of Elgin spent the week-end with relatives here. , Mr. and Mrs- Thos. McCabe and children of Ohio were visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin, over the week-end. Mrs. Robert; Thompson attended a luncheon given by her sister, Mrs Harry Alexander, of Hebron at the Delavan hotel, Friday. J. J. Vasey has closed his home here and left last Sunday night for Chicago where he will visit in the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F- Weiss. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walsh and children of Lake Villa and Mrs. John Walsh of Fox Lake visited the latter's mother, Mrs. B. Frisby, Tuesday- Mr. and Mrs. J. C- Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkinson and daughter, Marilyn, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel- Mrs. Henry Vogel is enjoying a few weeks' vacation from her work at the West McHenry postoffice. Her place is .being taken by her brother, Lisle Bassett. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood wm one of the voting delegates who attended the annual Illinois agricultural association meeting held at Rockfoid last week. Mrs. E. E. Bassett and son, Lisle, visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. They were joined on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs- Henry Vogel and E. E. Bassett. The out-of-town relatives and friends who attended the funeral of Mrs. J. J. Vasey Sunday were: Mr., and Mrs. J. F. Weiss and daughters, Rosemary and June, Frank Weiss, Mary Jensen, Mrs. Jos. Weiss, Mr, and Mrs. V. Bottlson, Mr. and Mrs. William Bolzien Mrs. Ray Larsen and children of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Waite, Lake Geneva, Wis.; Mrs. R. O. Bliss, Pittsburg, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Merle E. Vasey, Edwin Vasey, Lorraine Vasey, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller, Miss Louise LaJenness and friend of Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Palmer, Mr- and Mrs. Harold Bishop of Berwyn; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Poyle of Villa Park; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wightman and Miss Marjory Wightman of Maywood. Among those from out of town who attended tie funeral of Mrs. William Voeltz on Tuesday were Mrs. Herni Kamholz and children of Glen Eliyn; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duensing, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fanter, Miss Lena Geske of Algonquin; Walter and Frank Geske, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bending, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaulke, Mr. and Mr3. Will Foote of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krenz, Mrs. Fred Keyes, Mrs. Gus Hansen, Mrs. A. Buhrnian, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kamholz of Cary; William and Herm Eickstaedt, Mr. gnd Mrs. George Eickstaedt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickstaedt, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Eickstaedt, Albert Eickstaedt, Wm. Eickstaedt, Jr., William ©cock, Mrs. Lena Laembke, Miss Martha Trebes, Mr. and Mrs. O. Sowa'P lisch, Mrs. E. Andreas and children, and Frank Block, of Marengo; Mr, and Mrs. Herm Schmidt, Mrs. Fredt Selcho, Fred Selcho, Jr,; Miss Emm.% Gerhke of Union; Mr. and Mrs. The® Bethke, Mrs. Chas. Block, Miss Marie Slock of Dusdm. crrf or Hc&RAMR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BOND CAUL FOR PAYMENT Notice is hereby given that the Treasurer of the City of McHenry has selected by lot seven (7) bonds of Special Assessment No. six (6), in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State of Illinois, and the numbers and series of said bonds are as follows, to-wit: Series No. Denom. Date Due H . 4 $600.00 Aug. 1, 1982 H ^ t 600.00 Aug. 1, 1932 H 6 500.00 Aug. 1, 1932 H j T 500.00 Aug. 1, 1932 H '8 500.00 Aug. 1, 1932 H s 9 600.00 < Aug. 1, 1932 H 10 600-00 AU* 1,1932 ' Total .,.-...*3500.00 All 6f said bonds will be paid ion the 7th day of March, 19ST2, at the West McHenry 'State Bank in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State of Illinois, and after said date of payment, no further interest shall accrue on said bonds ao selected. Dated this 1st day of February, A. D. 1932. GERALD CAREY, .Treasurer of the City of McHenry. Notice is hereby given that the Treasurer qf the City of McHenry has selected by lot four (4) bonds of Special Assessment No. 17, in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State cf Illinois, and the numbers and series of said bonds are as follows, to-wit: Series. No- D 1 : E B t . • F . ' 1 Total Denom. $500,00 500.00 100.00 500.00 XDate Due Aug. 1, 1932 Aug. 1, 1933 Aug. 1, 1933 Aug. 1, 1934 All of said bonds will be paid on the 7th day of March, 1932, at the West McHenry State Bank in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State of Illinois, and after said date of payment, no further interest shall accrue on said bonds so selected. Dated this 1st, day of February, A. D. 1932. GERALD CAREY, Treasurer of the City of McHenry. RBLFFA£T41I9R Bridle Balks at Altar* Had Been Jilted Twice Rochefort, France.--The daughter of a doctor of this city went before the mayor with her fiance, a doctor in the French army, to be tiaarrled. When the mayor asked the man If he accepted the girl for his wife, *he replied "yes." Asked if she accepted her fiance for her husband, the girl ciied out aicuu "no" and fled from the city hall. The girl later explained that she had deliberately planned her action because her fiance had delayed the marriage for years and had twice broken the engagement. She refused to say "yes" because she wanted to embarrass him before the whole world. -£l ,^5 .¥ -7 ^^7^: - - -*/<•" \ n ^ Common Canine Stages Queer Rescue Stunt Macon, Ga.--Three baby bengal ti g^rs ai% being mothered by a "common hound dog" at the winter quarters of Spark's circus here. * The tigers were born last week and were deserted by their ferocious young mother. Animal trainers said tigers always-desert their first born Utter* Times Are Changing ; > - C* Boy Asks Farm Job Freesoll, Neb.--"The times ere changing," according to. former Rep resehtative David Leedy. "The other day a young man approached me and asked if I would hire him on m\ farm. < "It's been ten years since they hive done that," Leedy states. Commercial Chamois Chamois Is a soft, pliant leather prepared originally from the skin of the chamois, a small goat-like antelope of the Alpine region of Europe, but now also made from the skin of the sheep, goat, calf and other animals. Notice is hereby given that the Treasurer of the City of McHenry has selected by lot five (5) bonds of Special Assessment number twenty-four (24) in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State of Illinois, and the numbers and series of «aj|d bonds are as follows, to-wit: Denom. $500.00 100.00 100.00 100,00 100.00 Series No. 1 2 3 jr- T-8WDate Due Aug. 1, 1932 Aug. 1, 1932 Aug. 1, 1932 Aug. 1, 1933 Aug. 1, 1934^ Total . $900.00 All of said bonds will he paid on the 7th day of March, 1932, at the West McHenry State Bank in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, State of Illinois, and after said date "of payment no further interest shall accrue on said bonds so selected. Dated this 1st day of February, A. D. 1932. GERALD CAREY, Treasurer of the City of McHenry. Max's Reputation Uncle Ab says'many i- man's repudiation has been made--&ood or bad -- on what he thought other folks thought about him; > Plenty of T <ie V-flteican't subscribe to the belief that everybody Is crazy, notwithstanding the opportunities for <* ^*fng that way; - Toledo Blade. •- .•.-j. .. ' ^ York Lwi-: >• New York state had the most men In the World war, approximately 489,608. Prill Xitne or nationally Advertised Permanent Waves or50Vala* *5.00 10 values fg QQ IS value* or All Waves from $5.00 and up include one special hair cut, shampoo and finger wave. Service until grown out. * Shampoo and Set..... ...........50c •$10.00 FEB. AND MARCH SPECIALS YOUR CHOICE OF THREE FOR Haircut, Shampoo, Finger Wave, Karoell, Facial, Manicure, or 50c each Eyebrow Arch. SCHOOL CHILDREN SPECIAL (From 5 to 14 years of age) BCairout and Wave, all atylea Qy Q VERY SPECIAL EVERY MOJU TUE8. AND WED. COMPLETE PERMANENT WAVE Including' Shampoo * £AA and set. •' 3v«UU All rtylee. and up E^TRA SPECIALS Mar-O-Oil Treatment ( 1AA Shampoo and Wave. For Hair Beaaty Try ARNOIL STEAM TREATMENTS Retards--Orey and Falling Hair, eliminates--Dandruff, prevents--Dry •oalp, reconditions--Permanent Wave Jrice, $1.00 or 6 for $5.00 Shampoo 50c extra Ultra Violet Ray Treatments ....91.00 Private Booth* for ladles and dents At your service. 3 Barbers 5 Beaaty Artists STOMPANATO'S Ultra Modern Exclusive Barber and Beauty Salon. Tel. 641, Woodstock, 111., 226 Main St. O p e n E v e n i n g s u n t i l 9 P M . Clean Soft Water Used Dance and Card Party Tuesday, February 9 at Round Lake, Illinois Given for the Benefit of St. Joseph's Parish * by the following families Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Phannenrtfll Mr. and Mrs. F. DolpfcM? Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Renehan Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Myer Mr. and Mrs. F. Vomley Mr and Mrs. G. Wicks EVERYBODY WELCOME Mrs. Fincutter Erney Rosing COME AND HAVE A GOOD TIME HER RAW MAlFRIAl WHO I N B U S I N E S S To help you in the important process of knitting together far-flung activities in your business so thot you have an efficient organization/ the telephone offers Quick and Clear communication service throughout the State and Nation. Twenty-four hours a day you<- telephone awaits your r ~ imarsds. clearly, quickly • Jt is our aim to helpr oa |< rihtrt.anylimt ; 1end inexpensively to any It new costs lest t6 add entension tel«• phones toe your comfort and convenience •* What ajbout * . If there is the least bit of doubt about your Battery come to us at once and we'll advise you expertly as to repairs' or recharging. We test with accurate machines. ^; DON'T NEGLECT YOUR BATTERY ifc especially needs attention during the cold, winter * " . ' weather ; rj - - BATTERIES FOR ALL CARS V tr Blake's Battery and Ignition Service Phone 156 Pearl St. McHenry Boti't pay high prices for your grass seed this ymty ttie producer was paid the lowest price in thirty years this saving should be passed on to you. We quote prices on a few items. Other seeds just as MONTANA GROWN ALFALFA, U. S. Verified, per bushel r --.$11.65 MONTANA GRIMM ALFALFA, U. S. Verified, per bushel $13.65 These prices are for our finest seed. No better can be bought. Money cheerfully refunded if you are not satisfied. Drop a card to our Fieldman, J. A. KILLEY, ROUND LAKE, ILL. He will call, show you samples and make you a wholesale price on your seed requirements. •. • .> ;:VDEPT. B 43rd and Robey Streets, . " CHICAGO, ILL? Plumbing and heating (o. Peter A. Freund, Jr., Master Plumber ,, All kinds of Plumbing and Heating Contracting Estimates oheerfully given without obligation. Satisfaction Assured V TEL. 77-W McHENRY, XlL ores EIGHT O'CLOCK RED ORCLC • . ** BOKAR • . , * 27c Navy Beans . . Blue Rose Rice * Seedless Raisins ^ Quaker Oats REGULAR Nutley Oleo Lake Shore Honey 6I-BS.19C 5lbs19C 4-LB. 9Q, BAG i LARGE OCa ' PKGS. 1PKG! 10C 23c r Friday and Saturday Special Awfevrized CREAMERY Silverbrook Butter ORTSB ^ Z5C * WtOmCE SPECIALS FANCY WINESAP EATING APPLES 5 lbs. 25<? r TOMATOES-- No. 2Yi Can > 1Q^> FANCY PUMPKIN-- .3 No. 2Vi Cans 20^ BISQUICK--(Ready Mixed Biscuit Flour) pkg. 32^ SODA OR GRAHAM CRACKERS-- 2 lhs -19^ CALUMET BAKING POWDERr-- 1 lb. can _ 29^ (FREE-- with every purchase of a 1-lb. can of Calumet Baking Powder you will receive Free one bar of Baker's Premium Chocolate and one cake tin*) THE GREAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA CO. • Middle Western Division USE COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS .* - ; ,>» . -••y

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