r 1«--i , »• 1 •J? r-'- m- - • •«/v . -VP; ,',Wt --jr--/y>; [f -s&: •f^ * 41 v :#*. Y"4. ^ ' . • ,,- * '**' I ' -' » ;'*•* 'I*'- , * * "• " ^.'•VTsit v^7t' SiiSjk * *?. ?S • - • k - •'.*- T • r*. • TV THE M'HENRY PLAlNDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, DL, by dutrtei f. Reaich. Entered as second-class dtr the act of May 8, 1879. matter at the postoflka at McHenry, BL, un. |?:- & B ir . Bf. One Year 1 ft* Months • m m i Mi ...$2.00 >M$1.0() A. H. M06HER, Editor and Hantffer ewwa&AT, *$**. Want Ads FOR RENT V Find Ancient City '^'#«diafW of a-* '^it'y, apparently ©f splendor am! importance were discovered by scientists near Gesi on the Kenya colony coast They Include a ' fortress-like wall six' miles long, a ["" gorgeous palace containing ornate ?. » baths, beautiful mosques, rare metal work and othSer evidences of ancient . culture. It was not known whether 'the city w*s of Persian or Arab ' origin.. &•? \ V' rr-: I CLE THEATRE^ WocdstocM'sBeautifidPlayHouse FRIDAY SATURDAY E. Brown k - in 'Local Boy Makes Good' SUNDAY -- MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:S0 to 11 "Working Girb" with ; Buddy Rogers « Paul Lucas ' Frances Dee • Stu*rt Erwin . TUESDAY ONLY 'V On the Stage "ir. B,,ri Rotnour Players present "Painted Lady" On the Screen "" "Compromised" with Ben Lyon WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY-FRIDAY Walace Beery Cl&rk Gable in "Hell Divers" . • THE f, KITCHEN CABINET w . "It Is scarcely an exaggeration to say that many matters which agitata the public mind are not .'worth a thought, in comparison "With dietary, questions to Which • thought l»* seldom given." • ; VARIOUS- GOOD THINGS . Here is a cottage cheese pte that everybody kvIIJ lifie, because It la different: T, CottageChsese Pie.-- Bear three eggs, add one cupful of cottage cheese, nine tabiespoonfuls of sugar, one cupful of freshly grated coconut, one teaspoonful of nutmeg, a cupful of coconut milk and a cupful of rich milk, or nse as much of the milk as the nut contains and add enough cow's milk to make two cupful s of liquid. Add a pinch of salt and more sugar if it is not sweet enough. A grating of lemon peel may be used instead of the nutmeg if that is not liked. Poor into a deep pastry lined pie plate and bake as for custard pie. Crisp Molacaes Cookies.--Take two and one-half cupfuls of pastry flour, one-fourth cupful of bread flour, one teaspoonful each of baking powder and salt, two teaspoonfuls of ginger, then sift all again. Heat one cupful of molasses, add one-half cupful of butter and two teaspoonfuls of soda. Add the tiour gradually and when well mixed, chill. Roll very thin and cut with a cooky cutter. Bake ten minutes. Orange Sponge Cake.--Beat two egg yolks with four tabiespoonfuls' of orange Juice and one-half tablespoonful of lemon Juice until thick; mix three-fotirths of a cupful of sugar with ope-half teaspoonful of grated orange rind and add gradually to the egg yolks; add the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs and cut and fold in one cupful of flour, sifted four times with ene-fourth of a teaspoonful of soda. Pour into a buttered cake pan and bake id a moderate oven. ... Lemon Pie.--Take one f^rid one-half cupfuls of bread crumbs, cover with one cupful of boiling \\;ater and let stand until soft. Mix one cupful of sugar and one and one-hrilf teaspoonful of cornstarch, add two egg yolks weJl beaten and the juice and grated rjnd of a lemon. Combine the mixtures and make in onecrust. ""HtXO-c VrdtfL F()k RENT--Modern flat, heated, furnished or unfurnished. Rent reasonable. Inquire at Plaindealer Office. « 39 DESIRABLE FARM FOR RENT OR SALE--George Stevens farm of 130 acr^s, borders villag-e limits of Ringwood, 111., Very reasonable rent or terms arranged if purchasers desired. Write to Chas. N. Stevens, care of Milwaukee Boiler Mfg. Co., 1101 So. 41st St., Milwaulree, Wis*. *39-3 'x-y FOR SALE HOUSES' FOR SALE--Inquire of £d Knox, 1 mile south of McHenry. 39-4 FOR SALE--Brooder house, 12x14, oil burner brooder stove; bargain. Mrs. P. McCabe, McHenry. 111. *39 FOR SALE^-Two good work horses, 2 sets harness, grain binder, gang plow, sulky plow, rotary hoe, 2 1-row cultivators, disk, lumber fragon and hay loader. George Steinsdoerfer, Ringwood, 111. One mile west, of Barnard's Mill. Phono 1012, Hebron. THE NEW SPEED QUEEN and One- Minute Electric Washing Machine, porcelain tub, balloon wringer rolls, steel cut gears $49.50 New Maytag Washers $79.50 Vosa Copper Tub Washer $20.00 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP 37tf NEW DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER-- --Now is the time to have your work done at wholesale prices. Also painting and other decorations. W. P. Brooks, Riverside Drive. Phone 167. 37-tf FOR SALE--5-drawer Singer electric or foot power sewing machine. Like new. Bargain at $27.50. Nye Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop, We$t McHenry. 86-tf WANTED RELIABLE DEALER WANTED-- to succeed H. A. Conerty in the north one-half McHenry county to handle Heberling products. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Many make $50 to $60 weekly profits. Write quickly for free catalogue. G. C. Heberling Company, Dept. 409, Bloomington, 111, 39-2 MISCELLANEOUS GET PAID WEEKLY--Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery. No delivering or collecting. Healthy work with good pay in a business of your own. Stock Northern grown, with liberal guarantee. Company established over 30 years. Write McKay Nursery Comr pany, Madison, Wis. 38-2 CORN BllT STATE Accredited Ba! y Chicks now as low as -6c on early bookings. Get details of our $.'>00 Cahs Prize Contest. Corn Belt Hatcheries, Woodstock, III. ~ 37-3 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Export shoemaker and repair shop. Main street Phone 162. ~~ ™ 88-tf UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Oood work guaranteed. Work called t >r and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., Wast McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order All Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry Specials FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26-27 SHOVELS REWRITE STORY OF FLOOD Excavation* Now Show It Was Local Affair. GREEN ENAMEL BIRD CAGE LARGE WILLOW CLOTHES BASKET DRIP-O-LATER COFFEE MAKER LARGE PYP.E2 BAKING DISI ,$1.00 OIL MOP with bottle polish, both $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 DEVOE FLAT WALL PAINT, per gallon $1.0O $1.00 $1.00 $1.0*> $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 NU WAY WALL CLEANER, regular $1.75 MEDICINE CABINETS with Mirror Door . CAST IRON CHICKEN FRYER, with cow f ELECTRIC HEATERS fine for spring LARGE SIZE COCOA DOOR MATS 2 CANS MALT ANIT1 lb. CAPS NEW STYLE SQUARE ENAMELED DISH PANS-- 14 quart ... . .. " . . .. Q() 25 lbs. COMMON NAILS $100 THIN PINK GLASS GOBLETS, per dozen" $1*00 12-qt. Heavy Tin DAIRY PAILS, Special 2 for $1.00 3-Burrier GAS STOVE, with Oven $10.Qn 1-quart THERMOS BOTTLES ... A B C P L A Y M A I D W A S H E R , $ 9 9 Dollar Day $8!) ABC SPINNEi WASHEfe, $dd v a l u e D o l l a r Day $8!J Green Enameled KITCHEN-RANGE, $125 value * Dollar Day / _ _ _ _ $80 1 CLARK JEWEL GAS RANGE, with regulator $1£» $1.00 Daufhter-itt-Law Seeks Guns of Jesse James Excelsior Springs, Mo.--Guns used by Jesse James, which have caused dissension ever since the outlaw's death, are creating trouble again. This time the police have been asked to folfce a hand in the argument oyer ownership. Dr. Ernest Lowrey, Excelsior Springs physician, now has the guns. He got them while he was attending Jesse E. James, the notorious, bandit's son, several years ago. Doctor Lowrey says he was given the guns, weapons of the long barreled, cap and ball type, as part payment on a bill for his professional services. He keeps them locked in a safe. M#s. Jesse E. James has asked police to see what they can do to return the guns to her. She now J^yea Jii Los Angeles. - - j j,. * 1 Spain Projects Tutme! to Connect With Africa Madrid.--A decree creating a governmental commission to study proposals for a tunnel to connect Spain with the African coast has been approved by the cabinet of Premier Manuel Azafia* The tunnel would be constructed under the Straits of Gibraltar, according to plans which have been discussed unofficially. Like the proposals for a railroad tunnel under the Eug- Ush channel, connecting the British Isles with the continent, the Gibraltar scheme has been studied by engineers for many years but never has been seriously contemplated by the government. Texas Cantaloupe Order Sent to German Fancier Midland, Texas.--Cantaloupes from the Texas Pecos river country may go international soon. BfeG. Smith, cantaloupe grower near here, recently filled an order for three crates of melons for Cologne, Germany. A German melon fancier wrote that he became attached to the Pecos product when visiting hero. Nurses Select Najme for Thirteenth Child Memphis, Tenn.--Nurses in Baptist hospital here were appealed to by Mrs. Arch R. Anderson, when she could not think of a name for the thirteenth child, a boy. v The baby was finally christened "Robert Clarence," the name of one of the nurseia "nice boy friends." --1 v " r f£ '*• V «•* p ^ 'V' • } ~ ^ \ * r* FOR DOLLAR DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26-27 ; " - ' J* STYLE SHOP MESDAMES BAEBIAN AND,FEEUND These Prices for Cash Only miiin. in. hi inn i f; SPECIAL # •"'ft"*" "* ' - Ladies' House Dresses, fast color prints, 2 for $1.00 Regular $2.00, a limited manbov each $1.00 ' '• ' •••fi-r SPECIAL Outstanding Values in Ladies' Pure Silk, Full F&shioned Hose at this low price will pay you to take advantage of this offer--2 pair $1.00 -$1,00 Children's beautifully designed in fast color prints^ a wonderful bargain, 2 for S1.00 KOTEX 4 for $1.00 Ladies' Plirin Color Hooverettes 2 for $1 rtleellb SILK HOSIERy Four choice of any $1. Sat Saturday $1.69 Sheets and Pillow Cases, set $1.00 Good quality sheets 80x99. 3-piece Zipp sets, $4.95 for $g. 501 Children's Sweaters, while they last, values as high as $2:00 now $1.00 SPECIAL Ladies and Children's Shoes, 100 pairs at per pair $1.00. Regular price $3.00 to $5.00. Another 150 pair at per $2.00 , :r SPECIAL Ladies' Wool Hos^w ^ $1.50, $1.00, 75d 65^ Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns, regular $1.25 - $1.00 grade >69^ Boy8' % Socks, regular 50c at 4 for $1.00 Children's Long Hose 50c seller 4 Pr- 1.00 25o seller 5 pr 1.00. Our best seller*,, > SPECIAL Bath Towels, Cannon Towels, extra large and heavy, double thread-- 5 for LADIES' SHOES, one lot, per pair LADIES' AND MISSES' OXFORDS-- . values to $4.00 per pair • LADIES' ALL-RUBBER GALOSHES-- $1 .95 value, per pair $1.00 £2.25 ™$1.19 MEN'S ALLEN-A GREY WOOL SHEETS AND DRAWERS, $1.50 vdue, per garment $1.00 MEN'S OVERALLS, regular 1.25 value, pair $1.00 LADIES* RAYON HOSE ...^^04, pair $1.00 LADIES' ALLEN-A OHIFFON HOSE-- $1.50 value, per pair _ $1.0^ LADIES' FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE-- Regular 80c quality 3 pair for $2.00 KOTEX _ : 4 for $1.00 SANS SANIT^Y NAPKINS, 22c or 5 pkgs $1.00 PERCALES, our best quality, per yaitf 7 yards for $1.00 PhUiadelphra.--Picks and shovels of modern archeological • expeditions are rewriting the Biblical study of the flood on the banks of the ancient Euphrates, in Mesopotamia. A series of moving pictures, taken by the University of Pennsylvania mu seum expedition, under the leadership <>f Dr. C. Leoniyd Wooisey, were brought to the museum by Doctor Wooisey and exhibited to the public. These show that the Biblical recital of the risen waters, which eliminated the races of the Euphrates, is a leg end recounted by succeeding genera tlons of the Assyrians, long before the Jews Incorporated it Into their Old Testament, Doctor Wooisey suld. Excavations of the expedition also prove, he declared, that the flood occurred many years before the Hebrew tribes trod the soil of Mepntamia. Tunneling beneath the underpinnings of structures built by races who dwelt in the section after the waters of the Biblical flood had disappeared, the excavators found the silt left by the flood near Ur of the Chaldees, which must have occurred between 5000 and 4000 B. O., according to the calculations of the archeologists. The Biblical flood, according to Doctor Wooisey, was a purely local phe nomenon and c^n'sigfed mere!" of the overflowing 0f the Euphrates/ It* was not a world-wide flood, as the Bible relates,* and not all the peoples of the earth were drowned, he said. According to the Bifrlical account, the only family to survive vthe rising waters of the river was thatof Noah, > but the archeologist said that there wes® m Jews thereabouts at that time. FERNDELirRAGGEDY 35c grade, ....... 25c grade ........... -- G R O C E R I E S -- PEACHES, .. 4 No. 2 Vi cans for$1.00 .J» No. 2 cans for $1.00 FERNDELL ASSORTED FRUIT tX» Uf\1BV e0A A JTJ AATU%, 38c grade 3 cans for $1.00 FfRNDELL SLICED PINEAPPLE, 2Yz cans „..---- „...„_5 can* for $1.00. BABY STUART SLICED PINEAPPii>% No. 2Vi cans L.... 6 cans for $1.00 FERNDELL FANCY RED SALMON, Tall No. 1 cans, 40c value ... 3 cans for $1.00 NAVY BEANS, Michigan 6 lbs. for 25#J RICE, fancy grad* ,, . --6 lbs. for 25^ OATMEAL lbs- for 25^ KERBER'S LARD lb*, for 22# Canned Vegetable Ai^oirtiiieiit v 2" size cans Sweet Cora . . „ •<5 No. 2 size cans Peas 2 No. 2 size cans Diced Carrots 2 No. 2^ size cans Cut Beets 2 No. 2V2 size cans Femdell Hominy 2 No. 1 size cans Tomatoes OKI DOZEN CANS, $1.25 VALUE, ALL FOE $1 - Canned Fruit Assortment 2.8-oz. cans Baby Stuart Pears . -- . 2 8-oz. cans Baby Stuart White Cherries 2 8-oz. cans Baby Stuart Apples 2 8-oz. cans Baby Stuart Peaches 2 8-oz. cans Baby Stuart Apricots " 2 8-oz. cans Baby Stuart^Grape Fruii ... ONE DOZEN CANS, $1.25 VALUE, ALL FOR • ' • ' i ' - . iuv."'i •; i i 'n ;.i j CLOTH FACE STRAINER PADS. .2 boxes 89 MAIN McHenry ONE 24^-lb. sack PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR QNE 2 % -lb. pkg. PILLSBURY'S CAKE FLOUR ONE 3^-Ib. pkg. PILLSBURY'S PANCAKE FLOUR FLOUR DEAL 7 All for $1.00 Ide* Prom Frenchman? This country ^[ot the idea of ft tripartite government probably from Montesquieu, whose books were very "popular in the Colonies. He was the first to Introduce the tripartite idea and define the advantages of the separation of the executive, legislative and judicial functions.--Washington^ Star. ' T Erlckson'sDept.Store Main Street Phone 154 McHenry $1.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEBRUARY m 'Vi