Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Apr 1932, p. 1

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i ^ V ' - - " -X * " - ' *> " 1 « " " --a-*' '> .•; , *- ^ «*<- • f ** "r t *t- * * ~ »., *•_,. ' - Ht -r fii;? "'<k: .V.i.'.- . . .-»••%. No. 45 C4»> "'Volume 57 M'HEKRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1932 •4t£-' '•LS'tLf. CONG. ROD NOW REGAINING HEALTH UNABLE TO MAKE TOUR , , -OF DISTRICT f}. ;•< • • .'XV-1, ^-liUte*. an illness of' more than six weeks' duration, Congressman Frank R. Reid ;» again able to be at his office in Aurora for a few hours each day or make a brief trip tQ a neighb o r i n g c i t y . " . - . He is- stall in a weakened condition, following a serious illness, and v/iil be unable to return to his duties at Washington for another week or more Mr. Reid became ill about PRIMARY ELECTION •NEXT TUESDAY CITY COUCIL IN s APRIL (•"• - JUDGMENTS ARE BEIN# PAID OFT Before another edition of our paper goes to press there will be another election date passed into history, being the day of the big primary on Tuesday, April 12. The many names on the ballot this year are confusing and many of the voters have not yet ^ , sdecided just how they will mark their The rftjr council held a stated meetballot when this important date ar- ing Monday night, April 4, with it fuB rives. [board answering to roll call. « Sample ballots are being distributed j The first order of business of ths and various county newspapers are ] evening was the reading and 'appro?-* printing the names of candidates so j ing of the minutes which Was followed it's up to the voters to get busy and;by the re&diu# acjd apprcyi»g of fcfci# pick their choice before next Tuesday.' treasurer's* collector's, and Perhaps the greatest competition *n| reports.,; ' ' ; McHenry County is for. the office oil The trtMitferV*"tei|jo#t'"" Showed' eight j coroner, with the names of E. 'H. ['balance' on hand at beginning of meet! weeks ago at Washington. After a!Cook and c- Pierce appearing on ing of $4,302.15. The amount of the few days of confinement at his hotel jthe Republican ballot and Charles La j collector's report was $439.39 and the there, he came home to Aurora, and I P,ant> Lotus Warner and Val Mc-j clerk had collected $134.25. The re<j- Carthy on the Democratic list. j ular bills were read and approved and Ray Paddock and Charles H. Fran- j ordered paid as O. K'd by the finance cis. are both candidates on the Re-! committee to the amount of $1,018.1.& publican ballot for state senator and! Auditor North went over the spe- ; Richard Lyons and William Carroll j cial assessment list and the board, have opposition in Fred Kraft, Joseph! after digesting his statements, unaH^ TOPNOTCHERS SCHOOL ELECTION, SATURDAY, APRIL 9 aoji Mtrtf: ! James and Clarence Johnson for representative in the General Assembly for the Eighth district. On the Democratic ticket JJlwmas A. Bolger is meeting opposition from Charles A. Stanton and Harold Bertran as candidates for representative in the general assembly from the Eighth district. Precinct committeemen will also be voted on at this election and, of course, the many state offices to be filled make the ballot a long one. 'BUTCH" FREUND WINS ROAD JOB imously decided to pay $300 on the judgment held by ^he West McHency,, State Bank, $150 on the judgmeitfr of the Brown estate and $250 on the judgment held by Ovexchain Boyer A Co. » Mr. Rosing, manager of the Empire theater, stat^l to this board that he was trying hard to give the people of McHenry a good show and that if business picked up he had planned many improvements to the show house, and that in order to do these Election day dawned bright and things he needed the patronage and j clear on Tuesday, April 5, and the fine JUNIORS WILL SPONSOR DANt*fi 'support of the McHenry public. He j weather, together with the efforts of The Junior class of the McHenry: desired the city council to give him, the workers for the various candidates high school will sponsor a public i as much co-operation as possible- The j brought out a large vote for the towndance at the high school gym on Fri-jboard could give him valuable as-'ship election. With a total of 1,533 day evening, April 15. Music will bejsistance in refusing to allow loud j votes cast in the three districts of since has been confined to the house (furnished by the high school jazz speaking advertising cars ballyhooing i McHenry township, out of a possible uiltil a few days ago. iband and a feood time is assured. Re-'around the town advertising other 1.665. th« votn stands as a recordtownship during the medicine show permits as the show' past several years. HUSKED /A minuted With the first election of the month oyer and the smoke of battle clearing away we turn our attention to the next election date which promises to be a more peaceful one. This will be the school election, which takes place on Saturday, April 9, and at this time the election will be held for the members of both the grade school and the Community high school. This election promises to be a quiet one, with ro mm TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES -K Miss Mary Daley of Wauconda ing* B cently received a check for $200 for a letter of twenty-five words pertaining to "Evening In Paris" facejj^wder#: opposition being furnishedtoaay of • >n teply for her entrance in a radio the candidates..'. j contest. „• s Two new members will be found ! Chicken theives Wednesday looted .on' the Community high school board ! the coops of the Sclieurmann farm of education this year with Dr. A. I. west of Prairie View, taking 40 fouls ' ' ' Froehlich and Ben Justert htying-filed! of more than ordinary value, and an- V r '.v. for election. ' - • j unknown number cf birds running * '* The two members whose terms eX-|froni $15 to $25 each, in value. An „ •?, pire at this time are E. R. Sutton and j inventory is being taken of the price '11 BEE AHTUMSCKTINEGD M320M)cf oO. ooo to GSUAIDY CtNWl, IOWA ^ laying pullets to determine the number lost. J. Frank Barbank, Hartland toM«- ship farmer, is heir to the $4,000 estate left by his cousin, M. G. Tripp, nol i band i^ood assured- Re- around 1,665, the vote i We learn that he will be tlhable | e'eipts will be used to replenish the '-^eaters, also refusing carnival and1 breaker for this township duri this year to make hi^ usual pre-;cjas4 treasury. election tour of the district he represents in Congress, but Instead he will i ttt-mtap x»T AV TTnir^Mntt rest his candidacy entirely with the JUWAOK rLAY TlUmg voters, by whoee decision 1m must abide. We believe Congressman Reid need1 ARE RESERVED TODAY wagons attract a certain amount if! • Jos. J- (Butch) Freund carried all business from the town and as the [three precincts and won over his near, public has very little to spend in tiie est opponent, Louis Schroeder, by 412 way of amusement it is a direct blow to his attendance and the carnivals and medicine shows take fully 85 per and ablest men in Washington. Only a few months ago he was being urged to enter the race for Governor Kenneth Andrews- is working his have no fear of the result of the pri-jway through college, but, rather than cent of their receipts out of the commary election on April 12. His record tell the only girl in the world that he j munity, which harmB not only the is such that he has won the confi-1 is "digging up the dirt" in search^f I show house but the business men in dence and goodwill of the people. He Indian relics, he pretends to be on a j general. rThe iboard prvymised Mr. is recognized as one of the strongest secret mission in Europe. Instead of j Rosing that they would attempt to relics, he and his rfiend, Bill, find a j stop any public nuisance such as the skunk and suffer accordingly. j noise 1>f the cars, but that there was Jose, Mexican villain, discovers the | nothing that could^be done about the of Illinois and for Several weeks he I treasure--and the skunk's cave. The advertising car if it was quiet. gave serious consideration to that j sheriff has the easy and slow motion' j. J. Marshall of the McHenry Bakproposal. j of the southwest, but he is out to get'ery approached the board and strenu- Following his decision not to run his man. Aunt Miriam works deter- j ously objected to the advertising cars for Governor, his friends jcirculated j minedly to revive the attentions of of outside bakeries traveling through petitins for his re-election to Con-1 her boyhood admirer, now an absent-jthe town but more especially stopping gjyss, which were signed by several! minded professor. in front of his bakery on the pavethousand voters of the district. A| We'll not spoil the story by telling j ment that he had paid for an through thousand signatures alone in Mc-|you too much; you must come to the > his taxes was attempting to maintain, Henry -county were sent to him. , high school auditorium Friday, to- His family is living in the town and As stated before, Mr. Reid will j morrow night, to learn what the boys jthe entire profits of his business are votes. / The results of the election are as follows; First Preclatt Schroeder ...„ Freund Merrick S£mhmmA Pr«i4tfl 1 vVHKIi Schroeder Freund Merrick Third Pretiact Schroeder Freund Merrick ........... 175 ... 289 ... 19 .... 187 ... 201 ... 73 119 413 83 CARLSTROM RALLY WOODSTOCK TONIGHT THREE CONFESS TO RINGWOOD ROBBERY BANK CASHIER IS ~ EXONERATED Republicans of McHenry county make no canvass of the district this,do when their clothes are drying and;reinvested in the conyminty and he! 'will have an opportunity tonight io hear two of ^ " 7 „ri r"^ year, but instead, when his strength j Sunning and guests arrive--women. | desires what support the council can speakers of the par^ when Slond returns sufficiently, he will go back to Washington to take up his usual duties in the present Congress. His enforced absence from Wash- The music will be furnished by.theiejve him. The board advised him as u & party wnen yoionei high school orchestra, the boys' gleeiin the picture show case that the loud wiTappear ^the^clv hllT ^Wood* Novel- arrangements of Beanvills ington has been very disappointing j choir and popular numbers will be to him, as he regards the present ses- i presented by the glee club and Synsion one of great importance, in which J copators. many serious problems are being [ And have you noticed . that the considered. j price of admission is lower? You In the meantime Mr. Reid's friends J see, you really can't afford to iniss and admirers throughout the district, these Juniors and their evening's enare not neglecting his cause. Although j tertainment. Adult tickets are only he will not personally take part in the j thirty-five cents! Reserved seats are campaign, they are asking the voters they could not stop the advertising; car Carlstrom for governor and the car quietly proceeding through " town. the Republican party in general. A special invitation is extended to the women to attend this meeting. Republicans, whether for Carlstrom , . .. | for governor or not. are urged to at- D- j e* * u i * n. •». the vote on the milk dealers' ordi-|tend and hear these two well known I R,ng^w . iri® nance of the last meeting. The reason orators discuss the issues at stake in! ff , $2,000 on Feb. 20, and for this movement was that the gro- this statewide primary which will1 ^hic f h, robbery was confessed to by Pass Milk Dealer^ Ordinance On motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Barbian, it was voted to reconsider Three,*,men confessed Thursday in Chicago to robbing the Ringwood' State bank on February 20 of $2,000. The men also confessed to stealing and extorting thousands of dollars in two years from banks in Illinois and Wisconsin. Three others, believed accomplices, are held and three more are sought. Among other bank robberies to which they confessed wefe" those of Mundelein and Delavan. The deputy chief of detectives asserted that a large part of the loot in the robberies which totaled more than $65,000, has been recovered. He displayed tin cans and wooden boxes stuffed with currency which were seized in the homes of the bandits. In many instances the bank robbery was accomplished through the use of the same methods. The bandits would appear late at night in the home of the bank cashier or president, hold him and his family prisoners until early morning and then take the banker to his institution and force him to open the vaults as soon as the time lock would work. In the homes of the bandits police found not only large sums of money, but also oriental rugs and other valuable furnishings taken from the homes of the bankers, who were forced to open their cash drawers. One .of the bandits, in their expeditions, always dressed as a woman and drove the car. Buck Mast Stand Trail Walter F. Buck, cashier of the John A- Miller and they have decided not to run for re-election, having ju^t completed six years on the high school board. The time of filing for candidates for the Community high school board : Woodstock photographer, mho dropexpires ten days before the election ped dead from heart disease February date So that^these board members had 20, according to the terms of the will until the last day of March to get admitted to probate last Monday by their petitions filed. The other three Judge Charles T. Allen. The estate members of the high school board are includes $2,000 worth of real- estate J. W. Freund, E. E. Bassett and C. J. and personal property at $2,000. Reihansperger. The high school polls1 Faulty operation of a gas ovt*n are-located in the city hall and will burner nearly cost the life of Mrs. S.: be open frcim 12 o'clock noon to 7 Boyer Nelson late Tuesday afternoon P- m. * ^ ' | of last week at her home at Antioieh, The time for filing of petitions for where she was found unconscious by the grade school board expires twen-! her son, Harold, when he returned ty days beftwe the election, date so from school. A local physician was these candidates have been decided for called immediately administered oxysome time. R. I. Overton is out for gen and other restoratives, aijd Mrs. v J re-election as president of the board Nelson was soon revived from NOT anfl Freund has also filed effects of the fumes. i for re-electfbn. Edward H. Nickels! Peter Hinner, manager of the L. O. will be the new member on the grade Gould Nurseries, Inc., located west of school board this year ans! will be Woodstock," returned home jubilant elected to fill the vacancy caused by last Friday night from Chicago ais lie the death of Charles B. Harmsen. The brought word that many of his an*; grade school polls are located in the tries, products of the Rose Farm, regrade school building and will be open ceived first and second awards. Tea from 1 to 6 p. m. Other members of varieties of roses were entered by Mr. the grade school boar<T are George H. j Hinner and ten awards received in Johnson, H. E. Buch, Math $teffe< them. The first prizes were merited and Lester Sherman. by the roses, Ellen. Talisman, Premier Supreme, Herbert Hoover and Mrs. F. P. Pierson. For the second time in three months the Standard Oil station on Route IS rpi . , ^ _ I in Crystal Lake was held up last week nJLt * JT Sommenoe" < Sunday night. Two men in a Hudson Wh i the Community sedftn drove up to the station „d hiprh school on June 3 has been en- ofnnrw>d . gaged. Dr. Chester Milton Sanford !2r J? Uiem went in apd _r pu- . . owuora ordered Leonard Long acre, in charge h °< th« Pl««. "> hand over S13V.M. hfls been obtstned will jtti a* .. , . », . » speak on "Preparimr For Life's Work iu """ l? «l Choosing a Vocation.' """,««••• The man who held up Mr Lonjtr;.^ . , . " . . acre was descried as being about 4® ,1 r11'"1? u har" b«" years old. The same station was robthe **"«'•.«hoolibed on January 10 of thk year, is is ex- j £},e Sid Sears station across the street COMMENCEMENT PLANS MADE AT HIGH SCHOOL' during the past weekcerymen and markets thought the $40 to stand loyally by him at the pri maries on April 12- Mr. Reid deserves re-election. His record is one of tireless service to the people, both of his district and the entire nation. available now at Bolger s and Wat- jfee too high for them- The ordinance ties drug store#. ; » jvas passed as follows: First, mak- AUTO TRIFS TO < T IMR Rnp th® fi8C&l yeaF May 1 rather than AUTO TRIESJTO C^MB . • _Wanuary 1, the dealers will still have tLM rKIC LIGHT I OLE,j0 pay. a J40 license and $5 per deliv- An automoile that tried to climb come to a close next Tuesday. Col. Savage is a nationally known speaker. He is past state and national commander of the American Legion. -A few years ago, while national commander, he headed the second A. the three men in Chicago, is not cleared of the indictments returned against him by the grand, jury at Woodstock a few weeks ago by the confession of the bandits. State's Attorney V. S. Lumley said ery vehicle and the stores will pay E. F. to France where the American' !?st that Bu<* ™l\ an electoic light pole ended in disaster, j5 each for handling bottled milk. j Legion held its convention early Wednesday-morning when the The matter of the commercial men's Stringer in McHem-ycounty'ha^ng pole broke into three pieces and the night watchman was taken up wlS hm lS ,ar was badly damaged. (there was a petition on the desk sign- Watkins is past state commander Mat Blake was en his way homeled b twenty-two pf the business menLf the AmericarLeglon He^ know" .out 1 o'clock Wednesday morning| accompanied by a bond. Glen Peter. 'OI tne Amer,can ^Jon- ^now^ BUSS-PAGE DISPLAY NEW V-8 AND FORD NO. W4 Approximately 1,000 people visited the Bus^-Page Motor Sales Garage on, Wednesday to see the new Ford V-8+a first made the curve onjson about * V UIVI 1 I - I J t . I I. J I. -- . . I m Legion circles as one of the most , , . , . , , -rRoute 61 At th«» Tohn R Knn* sProi«l°v" was asked as to when he started i capable speakers in its ranks. He has l^^e^ show^^om.18 ^ ^ ^^fon when his^ car^left the ^hority he:made frequent visits to McHenry ' ! ^nt^and**struck the ^uv ^re^nd! v 85 reported that 'ne; county and is well known here. A little red roadster, which stood Servicr^ht noirLtween the! ^ Started W°rk immediat^y aft 'r Tho meeting will t>e open to the!T7 ^ ^vementTnd sidetaTk nea^Mrs V I** of the but ^at public and will be the first Republican ^d,tf had Secured and sidewalk nearjtfrs. W. he had no authority for making ar-!rally of thp Rrimarv to be held in fo,,owlnK mornm fnl new car within, for it is one of broke " iff ^ear ^ Vr^nd ^ P? v reRts- HVS request to be appointed Woodstock. Thnsp in cW,™ nf ih« an^ > held out $3,000. the first cars ever made by the Ford broke "ear the ground and also: ap^cial poHce was denied. outside the garage, attracted almost aa much attention as did .the beaut i- Pavement „ . the bandits as those who held up the * ! bank and took him for a ride that probably the indictment as to robbery would be quashed. However, Buck still has indictments against him in connection with the holding out of $3,000, which he claims he, did not turn over to the bandits when he 'was forced to open the safe in the bank. Buck first reported the $5,000. but on the following morning changed his story Following the robbery on Saturday appointed. Those charge of I he company and is one of the first of] off again about six feet from j ^'e anruaf meeting ^ set for Fri- j no^mafter^ow^thel^e Hned^r on mornin,r the insurance company was the second thousand cars put out by | T™L.™SS }. f. <• April 22. at 8 o'clock. Meeting candidates in the primary, will attend. a"d adjusters vis'ted the bank nl-iind Ktr tKa station across ine str .l e hav. m^.L f , Sr u ' from the "Standard has been held J f I McHenry during three time8 in the last tWQ month^ limine hereWfrZerK SeVer Robtrt Tobyne, 5-year-old Belvid# to^ut d(Mvn on^ivin^expenM" j hoy, narrowly a Brey ^ Sunt r H riniroJAn i. *r : recently when he was trapped in j Cracken athletic meeting I bla2in« c,otheS closet- The^ngs ftmsp Mrlv in , at Woodstock Wednesday ; arose early the morning before tile Among other plans dlscu^"™,"1;"1 °2 rheTrdTV^the h*h -^isi^hEt!:rZeth:f^:L-wjt™ck Tryouts for the s"7ior elass play '° ?me cl<"hi»«- Soon a u j ^ . . . . Mrs. Edna Keefe, living in the housfe* dul* Knn f ^ and ^ent to his reiue. The laS schnnl Mu-o iK iL. J)1? r'J?l>t hand and wrist were severely commenced Aa®p"ri-l, 1t®. yS ^ ' burned, and the right side of his fatee' blistered and most of his hair burned J. Fayram, "oadmaster for t|i. The Junior class win sponsor a pub-; off lie dance to be held at the high school { jj £• Jap"" A maai!~ u- u i i • afternoon of last week. Fayram wa* was "eS'lLrJe^^^pllt; T ' r\rpri"ry for P^ked up the money. Wben Fayra» 1LlM, o k when the weather per* observed it was gone, he'demanded it , | back and one of the men of the part^ -,r ,- .rlrt1 , ,•.'• - ' I began arguing with him. Fayra* J CHARLks A. oTANTOn struck him. and in the melee whicfc I am a candidate for nomination to followed all of the gypsies ran front ., the General Assembly because I be- the building and escaped in thelfr the Ford company. This car is a 1907 | street at this point the broken pole; adjourne<i at io:30. model S and is now in the, possession I^our ^,ve wires attached to jt of Fred Huemann, being ' originally I GARVEY VISITS M'HENRT fe"1°Ier ^Wyement wned and driven by his brother. Nick | re^ai^on^!rdS ^Ttil davH^ht^o M- Garvey. candidate for w,°hmS ££ aS ;kfep passin,r ,rom «• 1" Republican national and the engine number Is 1074- Sine. mix,fd upJ\^e liveJir™' , , slonaI „mnct wac m Mc_ the time this car was turned out no snaP either as Mr. Douglas so.)n:„onai. 2!s\tnct' ® visitor in mc FnrH discovered for everv time he would Henr? FndaV of ,ast ^ek, meeting This was I n°mli?atingr convention, 11th congres- ' sional district, was a visitor in Mc- The meeting will start at 8 o'clock in the Woodstock city hall. Ford Motor company has built 20 4 000,000 automobiles. Another interesting feature in comparing the two cars is that the old car sold at a list price of $750, while the new De Luxe four-door eight cylinder sedan, fully equipped and in- V eluding shatter-proof glass sells for $645, f. o. b. The new car will he on display unt »l.Friday night. . •. every Wouldi hail a passing car in an endeavor to' warn them they would at once step on the gas, no doubt expecting a holdup. Public Service men set a new pole Wednesday and accomplished their worli without shutting off the current, by carefully moving one wire at a time. WALTONIANS MEET AT JOHNSBURG FRIDAY NIGHT The Izaak Walton League is staging a large meeting at .Tohnsburg Friday evening of this week, begi-^iig at 7:30 a large number of the voters. Mr.(o'clock. Over 700 tickets have al Garvey is a lawyer, located at Lock- ready been sold Dort. Ill, His name appears on the! Some of the very beat speakers on ballot at the head of the list of can-; conservation have been secured and C. D. OF A. =- The Catholic Daughters of America initiation of new members will take|(ir, 4 piace^Monday evening, April 11, 7:30j-/y ,ne Sally," for the benefit of St i oVfockJ sharp, at the K. C. hall. AI Parish. The time and place cafet^na supper will ue^erved free.: announced next Week. After the initiation and supper, cards TO THE PEOPLE OF R1NGW9QD AND RICHMOND I want to express my thanks to tl.e SPONSOR HOME-TALENT PLAY [people of»Rihgwo©d md Richmond for l?he Lady Foresters of St. Clara's the kind reception I and my son re- Court are making preparations to ceived from you. My personal visit Sponsor a home-talent play entitled! to you was intended to warn yor of the risk of getting your glasses from didates for delegate, to be'Votcd next Tuesday. WiD be played. Don't forget the date. ANNOUNCEMENT I desire to announce that I am a candidate for the office, of corqper of McHenry county, subject-to the will of the Republican voters at the primary on Tuesday, April 12, 1932. ; Your support will be appreciated- 38-8 J. C. PIERCE. CARD OF THANKS utadersigned desires to express his appreciation to. Hie voters who the peddling opticians. I have tested eyes for forty years and we make our ow-p. glasses and guarantee them. Eight hundred satisfied patients fn McHenry county are proof of our honesty and scientific work. some very interesting moving pictures of northern Canada will be shown by the Crystal Lake chapter. There will also be good music end a fish fry wih be served. The purpose rf the meeting is to get the Walton iai s of northern Uliin the afternoon and made an investigation and checkup of the loss. Buck was present at the time and it is claimed had the $3,000 on his person- He failed to notify the adjusters of the fact that day. He also refused to sign a statement of the loss suffered by the bank in the robbeiv. He also came to McHenry with other bank officials to borrow money to tide the. bank over the day. Mr. Lumley said the adjusters were suspicious of Buck when he refused to sign the statement covering the loss in the robbery. It is claimed Buck had the money in his pocket at the time. Buck said he did not notify the bank officials and adjusters on Saturday about the $3,000 for fear the nois united in one ;:rong organization | bandits would find out he held out on that will support plana for securing the41 federal fish hatchery for thi-s dis trict. The public is invited. The price of tickets has been placed at 25 cent?. * CARD OF THANKS I desire in this manner to express I am in my thanks and appreciation to my supported him at ft® tw>H. T.,^dn;/ M^enry in my summer ho_m e on^! hundreds of friends who made it pos Anrii - - "' Riverside Drive. My place is ticroas i for me to win the election on LOUIS SCHIlOEi^FR from Joe Frett's residence. My office! Tuesday, April 5. The best way I ^ ^ "VlUVVCiU&R. CI. _ __ i ir J * Hr _ . /can ranatr • kom f 4- Uai*• ajsmA Jamam April 5' 45-f* See the new V-8 Ford on display I meotf today and tomorrow at the Buss-Page Motor Sales, McHenry.* ^-fp^45-^> is open Sunday and Monday in Mc- Phone 211-R for appoint- Respectfully, DR. C. KELLER, can repay them for their confidence is by rendering the very best of service during my term as your road commis sioner of McHenry township. 45 JOS. J. (BUTCHj FREUND. r?. them and would return and kill him. The state's attorney is of the opinion that Buck got "cold feet" when the insurance adjusters questioned him so closely and feared; they knew he had the $3,000 and that was thu' reason he changed his tacticm. . The arrest and confession of the three men, in Chicago may c^ear tip the robbery of the bank of $2,000, but in the opinion of Mr. Lumley it does sembly lieve that the bad financial and busi- autos. ness conditions existing in our district, Axel Lundstrom, employee of are due partly to a lack of proper Alemit* Die Casting Company, dfcl legislation, ai?d I wish an opportunity last Monday miming at the Woodj*. to assist in remedying the situation. ' stock hospital, as g result of injuri^^f When you go to. the polls on April received while either Walking or rid!- • 12th and ask for a Democratic ballot, ing on Route 19 between Woodsto. tr /; place an X in front of the name of and Harvard. Lundstrom was founi Charles A. Stanton and he will giye along the highway near the Bro<-'. you the representation you are en- field bridge in an unconscious condi» titled to,« 45-fp-pd. tion- A Harvard couple discovered , i the injured man. picked him up. ant§ - CLOSE RESTAURANT j rushed him to the hospital. A sever# - " The McNamara restaurant,- loaited , skull fracture which the injured npi in Woodstock for many years and *1- sustained caused death in spite of the ways a popular eating place, discon- ,• efforts of physicians. It was i:ot tinued business last week. | known whether Lundstrum was ridifj - Mr- and Mrs. McNamara have not and was thrown out of a car or wheth» * - announced their future plans, but they er he was walking and was struck are, for the present, guests of rela- * passing auto. tives and friends at McHenry and Hampshire., Mrs. McNamara is the aieter <rf John Dreymiller of McHenry. OUT AGAIN! May True Story and Cosmopolitan at Bolger's, the very first with the'we would stay shy of-^a coroner*^ latest magazines. , 45-fp party. LONG BOY 8AYS THAT ? i A candidate for coroner sai-f-. .. , the other day that if elected he would, give * party. Well, now, in sjl of our aried experiences that is one part# .Hj ALMOND CREAMS THIS TIMK Julia King's Almond Creams is the candy special at Bolger's this week, at 35 cents for a pound box. 45-fp TAXES TW ewmty treasurer ha? authorized this bank Jte_JGecei®B.'.taxes... .We will appreciate your paying them Our Invitation la-visit the . McHenry -- -SvS~ #»- t invitee ae ita gu<ast-5 - „ t Jacob Diedrich, McHenry, ' osier , not explain why Buck held out $3,000 j b®'*' Peoples State Bank . -ot M<sip»H>st to witness the pre<en:j»!wn ^ 4 Henrjf. ' <l-fp-tf j '-DarH-e Team.** starring James Du«n •«. I and Sally Eilers, at the Empire The-' See the new V-8 Ford on display ater, McHenry, Saturday or Surdav* today and tomorrow at the Buss-Page evening Ptesent this cliping for a4- Motor Salesj McHenry. J?3ts?ioh- ' ^ on the day the bank was robbed and refused to tell the officials, county police or ad justers anything about it until the following day. Buck is out on ^onds at present ~\K< • • - -' , .• * Jam S'ii

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