ft8fcrhx;& '• i •a«~--^idSpr-'T'-'^r" , TV* <.r Ma . njr. rm tjt > -- ^ **i j^-zr*r*~ fgt~'T • r : ^ " ••-Sft-v: THX MHxni hahtokal**, Unburn**, atult, township TmfiiiiBrs r IrV, •JPj*aKL:, *ijf'.c'%t: v;- • 'IT- * •? > r#.n> *-^5 * - • * ' . - iKj .. • b «>'"* *\ - & V: **; •>? STATE OF County of McH<--ry, Town of McBeoiy. «fc" The f oflowinc i* * statement Stephen H. Fretrnd, Supervisor of the Town of McHenry, in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the 29th day of March, X932, showing the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of said fiscal year; the amount of public funds received, and from what sources received; th§ amount -of public funds expended, and for what purposes expended, during fiscal year ending as aforesaid. The said Stephen H. Freund, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following statement by him suljscribed is a correct statement of the Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year afawe stated, the amount of public funds received, and the sources from which received, and the amount *xpended, and purposes for which expended, as set forth in said statement- STEPHEN H. FREUND. Subscribed and sworn to before ma, this 4th day of April, 1S82. ; ,, WILLIAM J. WELCH, Justice of Peace, Received and From Wfcat Sources Received . Amount ef public funds onflt fend at the commence-j^^^ " Sent of the fiscal year/* ' commencing the 31st day^y'".J" of March, 1931 $ %(8fc.05 April 27--Received from Coasty Collector ...... 2,670.04 May 2flth • Received from County Collector 3,888.30 July 1--Received fro* County Collector 2,002.98 Sept. 1--Received ffoM County Collector 2,002-ttS Not. 20--Received from County Collector .............. 2,826.08 ^ ijotal Receipts ...$18,847.03 V rnndb Expended and Far Purposes April 8, 1998 Lwia Schroeder, road evading f 101.00 Jacob H. Adams, road grading ...:.-- *•,;ao.oo Peter Oeffling, road grading^*; SO.OO George Hiller, laying gravel culvert 7.50 BL J. Stilling, road grading* JjO.OO Math Glosson, road grading jo.oo Earl Boyle, road grading .. 20.00 Apffl 22 Jacob H. Adams, road grad-> ing ..... ....... -- Peter Oeffling, road grading Peter Freund, road grading' hy^ Jacob P. Miller, road grafting Diedrich Bros., road co»> struction ...J Lewis Schroeder, road cod^ struction >. ! A. P. Freund, road constmft- May 13 Ben H. Stilling, road cam*" struction H. V. Sompel, road struction Diedrich Bros., road COinstruction ....... --«*» Fred Diedrich, road cod* struction Peter Freund, Jr., road can* struction I....L..... ££* Lewis Schroeder, road catt*, struction Jacob H. Adams, road grading J. Peter Oeffling, road grading Alexander Lumber Co., ed« verta ......... Ewd, Reeding, road .grading Math Glosson, road cq»* structiou ............. Earl Boyle, road construction Wm. Buchert, road coik struction -fa?' L. C. Benwell, road cA> struction John Regner, road construct* turn 16.00 16.00 20.00 12.00 114.00 120.00 ffl V 48.00 > 168.00 May 27 Lewis Schroeder, road c<fc% struction and grading H, J. ^tilling, road dragging L. C. Benwell, road construction Peter Freufnd, Jr., road grading ..... Jacob P. Miller, road grafting ... Math Glosson, road grading Earl Boyle, road grading June 10 Kenneth C. Peterson, rtito! construction Alexander Lumber Co., oti» verts H. C. Kamhols, supplies ..*«* Lpuis Althoff, machinery £•» ..... pairs A. P. Freund, road caft» struction Jack Carlson, road construction : McHenry Lumber Co., cut verts moo 152.80 / 88.00 228.00 30.00 30.00 41. W 1 8,75 107.74 ttoo 102.75 209.55 48.00 ft.00 10.00 86.00 12.00 1200 24.00 £4.00 28.00 87.40 2.90 470 10.00 12.00 84.00 l '* and B?ven f-; of Its •ne-thlrd S • - from r" ' •ated ([Reprint jrom the Chicago Tribune) CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB INSURANCE DIVISION SETS RECORD IN 1931 An Indication of tbe situation In the automobile Insurance business is seen in the annual statement of the Inter- Insurance exchange of tbe Chicago Motor club, according to EL R. Seely, president of W. C. Kirby A Co„ certified public account, who completed the audit yesterday. "In the face of wfcaf"looked like depression in 1931," 1M said, "the exchange sold 7t,0SS contracts, an all time record, compared with 7&.1SS in 1930. The exchange, a reciprocal company, returned in cash to contract holders IS16.473 during 1931, against 1789,030 in 1930. The savings return Was greater in 1931 than in any other i year of its history,, *t|Che flgu«- ir 5a Lk New ^ the Bat 1931, proxim 800.000 preside mleast show# 7S9 a In 1» "s J***?* * M 0 ' ' witli Shall I Place My Automobile s Insurance? Before placing your insurance, you will investigate the financial standing of the concern with which you contemplate placing insurance. The clipping from die Chicago Tribune indicates the stability of the Inter-Insurance Exchange of the Chicago Motor Club. In addition to financial stability the "exchange'* offers you special features, such as the valued form contract, cash savihgs, and quick settlement of claims. Insurance i£ one of the services of the club. Other services are free emergency road service, bail bond, home district, touring service, safety work in the schools and on streets and highways, and work in behalf of more roads and wider reads* It costs only Jlf to join. Mail die coupon for further information. CHI CAGO: MOTOR« Charles m. Hayes, Pre*. & Gen. Mgr. 5 WAUKEGAN BRANCH ^ M"HENRY COUNTY BRANCH Ha*tr*jr E. Hardin, Mgr. Attorney for tbe Club 109 Dean St., Woodstock Joalyn A JoSlyn, Woodstock Phone Woodstock 58 MECHANICAL SERVICE STATIONS Overton Garage, Route No. 61 awl U. S. IS CHICAGO MOTOR CLUBf 109 Dean SL, Woodstock Tim 1 * ••••« • • • • »• • mS Gentlemen: Without any obligation on my part, please let me ^ >• \ , have further information cerning the many money savinf ceryices of the club. • MIIIII9IIIIMMMH tlimtMMIHUlfH t s?*«. -T| * . f ., .' ^ - vr"' f jj4»V J ar.r. •i? E. H. Merrick, struction Lewis Schroeder, road eon* struction ..... Math Glosson, road construction -- Earl Boyle, road grading..,.. t)iedrich Bros., road grading J. D. Adams A Co., machinery repairs .... June 24 • Michael Justen, road struction Jacob H. Adams, road grid- Alexander Lumber Co., planks and culverts ..... Jacob P. Miller, road C4MIstruction .> Kenneth Peterson, road construction - _... Peter Freund, Jr., road grading Lewis Schroeder, road grad- ; ing .*. - -- A. P. Freond, ro»Ml eon- ; struction ; ^ Math Glosson, road grading- 1 Fi»ri Boyle, road gracing.... Diedrich Bros., road construction . v July 5 ' • Math:' Glosson, road ; str«ction Geo. Glosson, road construction ...... Peter Oeffling, r<»d COdstruction Buss-Page Motor Sales, * miscellaneous Geo. Adams, miscellaneous.. H. J. Stilling, road grading F. O. Hitchens, miscellaneous ....i. C. F. S ted man, road con- : ^ruction " Huemann Motor Sales, machine repairs Lewife Schroeder, road grading Earl Boyle, road gadir^f. July 22 v Alexander Lumber Co., «al« verts Frett Bros. A Freund, bridge construction .Lii....; A. P. Freund, road construction Lewis Schroeder, road construction Earl Boyle, road construction Aog. 12 Ed Whiting, road dragging Raymond Hall, road construction 1.... J. T. Thrope, road construction Peter Oeffling, road grading Geo. Glosson, miscellaneous Lewis Schroeder, road grading Louis Althoff, machinery repairs F. H. Wattles, road oath .. struction „..r Sept. 9 Math Glosson, road gracing F. H. Wattles, road construction Peter Freund, Jr., road grading Jacob H. Adams, road grading ..-- Lewis Schroeder, road grading : Huemann Motor Sales, machinery repairs Earl Boyle, road grading...: Sept. 23 Jacob P. Miller, road grading Math Glosson, road grading Jacob H; Adams, road grading Peter Oeffling, road grading Diedrich Bros., road grading L. C- Benwell, road grading Lewis Schroeder, road construction Earl Boyle, road grading^,. Oct. 14 ' Jacob Freund, road Oonstruction Lewis Schroeder, road grading Alexander Lumber Co., col* verta .... Peter Freund; Jr., road grading Jacob H. Adams, road grading L. C. Benwell, road construction Peter Oeffling, road grading Oct. 28 Huemann Motor Sales, machinery repairs Jacob P. Miller, road grading Peter Freund, Jr., road grading Diedrich Bros., road grading Lewis Schroeder, road cojBb struction .-... Now. U > Sibre Whiting1, road grartln# Earl Boyle, road grading.... Ed Boyle, road grading - Joe Nett, road construction J Joe L- Freund, road construction Diedrich Bros., road grading Peter Oeffling, road grading !Ed Redding* road cons truetion H. J. Stilling, road dragging .-- -- Kirk Schroeder, road gliding i ; Nov. 25 John P. Freund, road gifting Kenneth Merchant, bridge repairs -- Jacob P. Miller, road grad- ! ing Peter Freund, Jr., road grading W. C. Whiting, miscellaneous -4.... Math Glosson, road construction Geo. Glosson, road grading... Peter Oeffling, road grading •Jacob H Adams, road grading u... W. J. Miller, miscellaneous Ed Boyle, road gracing...... Kirk Schroeder, road construction John Schmitt, cvlmrt 'repairing Sibre Waiting, road grading E.n grading.^ 8700 moo 14.00 20.00 18S.75 90.12° 400 tt£0 MAO 18.00 18.00 ,.':;.iM)o 18050 7/>0 ' t/K) 16.00 ms 22.60 18X0 l.'^O 86.60 8,75 itoo W5 44.70 1440 lfcoo 2JL80 89.95 1WX0 .'"lipo • ' 475 fMO 8,596.60 14-00 i8.no W* •J65 591.00 88j00 6.60 «W0 82.00 120.00 46.45 47.50 80.00 15.00 81.50 164.12 29.40 129.00 80.00 tSJO 175.50 7.18 240.00 27.00 lt^G urn 24.00 150J0 198.60 15.00 21.00 16.00 63.00 20.00 42.00 18il0 2J0 12 J5 96.00 » 80.90 19.00 6.00 «550 198.S2 t"i4.00 f7.p0 T'l5.00 1 ,12.80 ; 2.50 '"•tM 8.90 42.60 % 81.00 ^-•/j2.50 14.80 ^'fis.50 ^;io.oo '^7.50 87.60 : >%T- ' ; 42.25 600 12.00 15.00 J--9.00 6.00 6.00 16.S0 18.00 10.60 ' |6.00 87-40 7.50 18.00 |2.00 ,7.80 *8.00 "|6X0 80.00 15.68 8.25 87.50 600 m*o 10.00 Pan! Walkington, miscellaneo^ Dec. 9 W. C, Whiting, miscellaneous Huemann Motor Sales, machinery repairs W. J. Miller, miscellaneous! Sibre Whiting, road grading Edw. Redding, road construction , .. .r...- Louis Althoff, machinery repairs ^ Geo. B. Kane, miscellaneous^ Alexander Lumber Co., cul-s verts i H. C. Kamhols, miscellaneous 2 Geo- Glosson, road grading Diedrich Bros., road grading Ben H. Stilling, miscellaneous IL V. Sompel, miscellaneous^;> Edward Sghnutt, misccll*- ? neojxs |> Walter Krohh, miscellaneous v'5- Frank Lock, road construct tion Gordon Lawson, tniscella^^ neous E. H. Merrick, ' road' drag4||r ging Earl Barnard road construct tioi! ..1.......;...;. 7• Dec. 28 Madi Glosson, road grading John P. Freund, road grad-" ing ; Peter Oeffling, road grading Jacob H. Adams, road grad* ing - Kenneth Merchant, miscellaneous W. J. Miller, miscellaneous W. C. Whiting, miscellaneous Ben H. Stilling, miscellar, neous Jacob P. Mjller, road grad* ing Earl Boyle, road grading.... Ed Boyle, road grading ...• L. C. Benwell, road con* struction John N. Schmitt, road con* struction Peter Freund, Jr^ road eon*: struction Wm. P. Fisher, road construction i John V. Freund, miscella* neoas Sibre Whiting, road construction Frank Lock, road construct tion ...., Jan. 18, 1982 Floyd Carr, culvert cOn-: struction Alexander Lumber Co., culvert construction Math Freund, supplies H. C. Kamhols, supplies ...» Kenneth Merchant, miscellaneous Floyd Howe, road construction ;• Clark Biggers, road com struction ; McHenry Lumber Co., mis* cellaneous ..............V. i Jacob P. Miller, miscella« neous ..._ Charles Michels, miscella- " neous ^ : Ed Boyle, miscellaneous Jan. 27 . ,*>SKenneth Merchant, road^% grading Clark Biggers, road construction * * A. W. Smith A Co., miscellaneous , Geo. Harrison, road construction Sibre Whiting, jcoad grading Feb. 11 John P. Freund, road grading Earl Boyle, road grading.... Kenneth Merchant, road grading H. J. Stilling, road grading Clark Biggers, road construction Feb. 24 Peter Freund. Jr., xaad grading ........ Jacob Miller, road grading 42.90 i Jacob H. Adams, road grad- I ing u 17.00 Jos. Nett, road grading ...... - : j Earl Boyle, road grading .... John P. Freund, road grad- . ing .... Kenneth Merchant, road J grading Wonder Lake Syndicate, road construction Louis Althoff, machinery repairs Krause Hardware Co., supplies :.. Clark Biggers, road grading - Math Glosson, road grading Sibre Whiting, road grading March 9 Peter Oeffling, road grading r Diedrich Bros., road grading John Pint, grader repairs.... A1 Lawrence, road grading F. E. Howe, road construction Clark Biggers, road grading March 28 < Huemann Motor Sales, mis-» cellaneous ; Fred Hueraaikn, road maintenance .'. ; John P. Freund, road maintenance - • Earl Boyle, road maintenance 'V Jacob P. Miller, road;. maintenance \ Peter Freund, Jr., road maintenance Nick Jung, road maintenance > Jacob H. Adams, road grad- * • ing Peter Oeffling, road grading Arthur Diedrich, road grading Sibre Whiting, road grading Oliver Lawrence, road grading F. L. Walker, road grading =----# 00 Clayton Harrison, road grading H. J. Stilling, road grading W. O. Fisher, road construction E, » 9.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 ' H uo • 14.00 11.50 U.00 t.oc f.OO a.00 88.40 186.25 If. ;ii.r»o • Jl-"n •il," f.os ii 16 40.00 12.00 46.45 80.00 2L00 89.00 12.00 12.00 i6M 18.00 48.00 am -:4.;x . to f fl.oo 2l.no 10.50 4 ro ,m.bo t.10 >^*i.- ' • Clark ing Kenneth grading Treasurer's commission on money paid out Biggers, road grad- Merchant, road 8.00 167.00 Total Paid Out .....$13,856.81 RECAPITULATION Total Received ...,t $13,847,03 Total Padd Oat ^.»^w. .. 18^56.81 POTATOES RED RIVER EARLY OHIO SEED POTATOES, No. X Those potatoes are not cold storage, kept all winter at my home. We also have Irish Gobbler Seed and Satin# Potatoes at & reasonable price. DAVE SEGEL Phone 92-J WEST M'HENRY • ' CHARLES P. BARNES, Attorney NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of an order arid decree of the County Court of McHenry County, rimois, entered oh the 14th day of March, A. D. 1982, on the petition of the undersigned, John McDonald, Administrator die bonis non of the estate of Roatuma McDonald, deceased, for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, the 18th day of April, A. D. 1932, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the East door of the Court House in the City of Woodfctock, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Rosanna McDonald, deceased, to-wit: Sub lot No. Two (2) of Lot One (1) of the County Clerk*® plat of Block Twelve (12) of the original plat of the Village of West McHen- . ry, situated in the City of McHen ry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. * TERMS OF SALE One-half cash to be paid to said ad ministrator de bonis non upon the approval of his report of sale, the other one-half of saiid purchase money to he secured by the purchaser of said premises by giving a note for the balance of said purchase price upon the delivery to said purchaser of said administrator's deed and said note to become due one year from date with interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, and said note to be secured by a first mortgage or trust deed on the premises so sold, which said note, trust (feed or mortgage is to be ap proved of by the County Court of said McHenry County. Dated this 21st day of March, A. D. 1982. JOHN McDONALD, Adtnhtfstrator de bonis non of the Estate of Rosanna McDonald, deceased- 43-3 Strength of Habfl H the great majority of habit Is a greater plague than ever afflicted Egypt; in religious character ty^grand felicity.--John °'c0cf , pint Straat Ligfctfag ->* 1 In the year 1414, the city of London Introduced street lighting by ordering every house and shop owner on certain streets to hang out a lantern at •onset trr) AUCTION! i- V ' .•> .. v•ir« ' "t • fHAS. LEONARD AND THOS. RAFTER, Auctioneers? The under«igned will sell at Public Auction on the^ _ •*"'»» farm known .as the Richard-Thompson F&rm, located tnile igouth of McHenry, 8.'miles east of Woodstock, miles northeast of Crystal Lake* oalhe old CysW Lukew ) y? . * IfcHenrv road, on ' . , AprU« at 1 sharp, tl« following <^iihe& f ; 92 HEAD OF LIVESTOCK 92» Consisting of 'lK,i 25 head Milch Cows, mostly new milkers and springers;"' ^ 14 head 2-vear-old Heifers, bred to freshen this fall; ^ pure-bred Hoi stein Stock Bulls, one 1 year old, one % years old; 5 head Yearling Heifers; 6 Calves; 6 head of Horses, 4 to 6 years, good weight; 10 Ewes; 2 Goats; Pall Pigs, weight about 125 poundBj. 4 Brood Sows; 20tfe, White Leghorn Chickens. " * " * % ; HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY--15 tons Timothyr i W w Hay; 15 tons Straw in Barn; 300 bu. Barley; 200 bu. Oats* * , - - " 500 bu. Ear Corn in Crib; 200 shocks of Corn; quantity of Corn Fodder; 6-roll Corn Husker; McCormick* : Deering Tractor with Plows and Discs; Corn Binder;^ Gain Binder; Corn planter; 2 Corn Cultivators; 3 Truck^ . Wagons; 2 Rollers; Hay Loader; Hay Rake; 2 sets Working Harness; Ford 1-ton Truck; 2 sets Drags; Milk Cans^A Pails and Strainers; Forks and other articles to#^: - numerous to mention. * ^ TERMS--All sums of $25 and under, eash; over that amount a credit will be given of 6 months on good bank| able notes 'at 7 per cent interest. All accounts must b«f settled with clerk before removal of property. BERT DOWE1X * WEST M'HENRY BANK, 01«rk ? J Central Garage Fred J. Smith, Prof. Johnsbttrg Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble Expert Welding and Cylinder Reboriof v .: Day Phone 200-J Night Phone Free! Free! Inner Tube Wittt £ach Goodyear AWWeather Tread Tire- Sold at the Following Prices •M feyo-21 30x4.50--21 ^28x4.75--19 29x4.75--20 29x5.00--19 30x5.00--20 31x5.00--21 28x5.25-48 29x5.25--19 30x^.25--20 $ 6.35 4.70 105 1.70 too 1.25 8.45 1.75 «.70 10.05 31x5.25^--21 28x5.50^18. 29x5.50--19 3(k5.50--20 31x6.00--19 32x6.00--20 33x6.00^ 30x6.50--18 31x6.50--19 32x6.50--20 10.25 10.SS OM" laso 1125J 1L80 ifttf 1430 14.65 14.95 These tires are all fresh stock firsts and fully gtiaranteed* ^ WALTER J. FREUND Tfcpe and Tube Vnlcanking _ Batery Charging and u Car Washing, Simonizing Greasing, Draining. Etc. * First Class Job Guaranteed Tfene 294 West Jf^Hewy Xb'th* ~ •»* - .3- ^ k '^1 •il; ~£?fk - ' -k i-V,"1 Jf -j £Ll,2*.JZ , .1 .. iJrx..