Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1932, p. 9

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Hgwwv-i * " -- ,IV" * /-r ,. *;" •* Vh>* \r .• , .,. • 'V " 1 'VW ^ ^ ' , t-r THE > - r- ' * ' " J j J ' ^ su MCHENRY COUNTY, I L L I N O I S Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year Ending April 1, 1932. SUPPLEMENT T0- -*--s- McHENRY PLAINDEALER, McHenry, 111. Special April Meetings $160 to $150 per month; the motor pa- I The Committee on Claims Labor Fee8 Coral-- trol operators from $5.00 to $4.50 per ! and Supplies made the following i'eport Geo. Schroeder, md(ie. Tornow ........ ».15 <3av: the price of gravel .hauling and which was .on motion of Supr. Wright W. F. Koch, mdse. Tornow and ' • goading for the first mile from 15 cents 1 and seconded by Supr. Turner und the . _ Raddat* 41.8* . ..-tii'fi-.fmts; ppr.cii, yard; the truck Oroll; being called uhanlrriously adopted, H, J. Miller, mdse. Tornow and "t> •ilriMrs friim stjft noV tk iin to-Wit: ' Raddat* . i.1. W. C. N'ulle. mdse Roth........C. .. ^ ^ -- Thursday, April 28, 1932 names to-wit: emb>: handle and pay said orders ih the same manner as above provided in the 16081.99'fund. °* wftT Costa---McHenry County satisfactory explanation or make Wm« fore the Board and di-scu*«cd fcy the compromise to aid us in securing sai.1 members. , It was thereupon moved by tight of way, and we would recommend Supr. Wright and duly seconded by If this report is approved by this Supr. Brown that, the matter of the , &""®1 Y---lohiv • -^laViii'fr, bein ^<-< b-od:;that, the 1 Frafik Tho.rtBte)vft'..*'G&i:. stopi"\V;..." resolution' tor mototf fuel tax, roads !tt : Co. Jpff/; Suprs. D. 11 Wright, John u^r£ri, Htock. of' Mtv' Chairman and gM>tl«m«|»7J#^ the The Shurtlelt Co., Coal Roth i.... .Board of supervisors: -- ; . O. H. Schuette, rent Rath" (" Cowap-iittee on Labor'-Feieir A . ..months)' ,-ould beg leave to report & Shaw, coal-Raddata., .ve examined all - claims and Tornow theth, and recommend the Chas. H. Ackman, electric bill ie following, and that the Sarba-uarh, gas bifi; Koth, #erit t*«a to lss'we • orctprs oh: the .SarbBiigh and/; Penelot* -fis desired tb "be used, bv McilenrV Coun-- eas-mrer to the Claimants f<*r -Drtyer ,6t.4$ ty, Illinois. to pav damages -.incurred- 1.1 . amounts.' flowed, a& m-/ ^e!H"ca^ . ; , - •••.•;•?'Hh widening the riKhtr<>f-Avav on Stat* IriWS tu-ffit" ~ ... VLet-?z Xi "SitiM la/'hnal It QQ .Al.4 r i »v. ^ . .1 >. ^ JOHN COM.EY JOHX T. O'lHU-SJN' I 'm 15', OLAWSOK • ;-:,yha.tlWo .. .. ... •• >." ^.$4^.32 nell -artd A U i.'.mon .ariu. j^Mnsoucg jiaa »«en appi oveu Kirtns -a.m • l>eat.mra s.„^H the State .tMVfStofcv^f .Miphtrxys, H McHenry Co, T. B S»ni sal •:.-. N. fi. Clawson; K.: nurse-wed care^; ^atfeiit's Brown, H. M. Stephen II. Freund, and Assistant Sui>t •Newly elected me B. Rosenthal, cons Chairman Charl the members for th tion and consiilera Chairman during the assistance, rend tion of the Cou»1ty'(' Chairmanship. Arid order of business to come before Rllev-- R. W. M^tcalf. . : Marengro--Sidney Sears, Chas. KeUey: , / .• ' , • ' Punbam--R. M. Brickl'ey, <' Ctiem Aide Ha^rtlaiid' Seneca-- Coral- H. J nung---Fred I'.oslei1, .R. t): Colli^t; • 'U n-^-W. 'E. I^isbi ow.- '.x'/f y>vv ;land---Tom Sohulti, " ' "-v"'. ' ca--R. J. Leitrch " " ' \ , J ' -S 1 Miller order of business to come before this | t.X|„.,u|itUI e.s for roads for which tho^Louis Thaver' bailiff . --r-r-.--< ;• 5iteVh/ V artlwn '° a a,™ia" I County is responsible for the. ensuing Louis Thayer, deputv 5.00 tor me ensuing >edr. _ vpar! . * t^v,« ca aa Supr. D. M. Wright of Marengo, stated that in conformity with the. custom observed by the Board of electing a Chairman from those not leaving had that honor in accordance with the length of service .on the Board that there were two members namely, L. A. Stockwell of Riley and E. C. ^ Hughes of Hartland who both were in line 'tor this honor, and by a gentleman's agreement Supr. Wright stated that he desired to place In nomination L. A. Stockwell. Supr. .from the Town of l'iiley for chairman for the ensuing year. The Domination of Supr. Stockwell was dulV seconded and there 'being no further nomination a motion was njade and carried that nominations be closed and the Supn. from Riley was dfei laied to be tfie unanimous choice -of this Board for Chairman for the ensuing year. The result of the election being an^ nounced Supr. Stockwell assumed the chair,* thanked the members for th Jhonor conferred upon him- and stated 'that he would tend every eiioit to be. an efficient chairman. The records of the -last preceding meeting of this Board were t-ead antl on motion approved. -• The following report of the Right ot' •Way Committee was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: . • • year: • John Sullivan, bailiff $0.00 . At meeting Of this Board of Super- Richard Farrell, deputy shf. .......... 6.00 visors, the Road and Bridge committee Geo. Grant, deputy shf B.00- shall make an estimate-of. .the- amount Ethel C- Coe, exp. Supt. of Schs! 16.95 of funds, within the tax levy for that Richmond Gazette, prtg. sup of i purpose, needed t<-> carry on the build- . schs^ . . ... '.56 irig and maintaining of the roads lor Hebron Times, prtg. sup of schs"* • 1.80 Which the County is responsible,-from Woodstock Journal, prtg. sup of .80 • Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, of McHenry County, Illinois:, The undersigned memberstof .the .McHenry County Right ol' way conTiiiittce would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before .them. That damages have been agreed upon and dedication papers signed for necessary right of way for Mate of Illinois Bond Issue Route 60 between the Village of Richmond and the McHenry- Lake County line. . • . . • Amelia Thomas --r$570.00 Ruben R. Turner, 4 tracts' ............ 30O.OU Adam Jackson V 40.00 C G. Hardy . 500.00 James Jackson, 2 tracts 400.00 Sutton Estate, per Mary /Better .. 800.00 Mary Pester : ~100.00 Grace Jackson 1,600.'JO Catherine Nimsgern 250.00 Wm. Fround, 2 tracts 350.00 Arthur Hergott J.30.00 Stephen Huff 100.00 James Ox toby ', S5.00 Philip Hoffman 350.00 We. therefore recommend that" "the above list of amounts be appro-ved for payment to the persons whose names appear opposite thereto after1 the contract for the construction of the road has beten signed and on further cerlilieate of the right-of-way committee to the County Clerk ordering payment. ' All of WMch is respectfully submitted, ; , FRAXl^B-McCONXijl^: time to time. If -said estimate Is approved by this • Board; it shall be conbidered as a-^limit on the :authorized expenditures of the County, Road and Bridge Committee, , over, which limit said Committee shall not step. From said funds so appropriated, the said read and bridge committee may issu<b orders' op tlie County Treasurer, signed by not less than three members of said committee to pay for the general road 'bills, including salaries for prttrolmen and road workers, gravel, gravel hauling lul or. dumber, posts, snow removal, repairs. & supplies for county owned--machineryyUfiachinery rental, small tools, .cemenjf culverts and bridges, paint, in- e. C. Hughes, spl com work jjifiiHW on County road workers, ma- h. Hale, spl com wk chinery and buildings, printing, road Chas. H. Ackman, spl cdm wk .... si ens. fuel, grease, oil, gasoline and in- R. F. Kuecker, spl com wk -- : cidentals , » s. h. Freund. spl com wk That the Committee be authorized to Frank B. McConnell, spl com wk meet monthly to pay bills and transact j. E. Harrison, spl com wk .... business of office-. That a trip of inspection of County roads be- takim by the Committee and jj* B- Clawson. spl'com wk tliat so far as possible the nearest member of the Committee handle emergency matters. * . . That the County . SmpoPiwtendent of. Woodstock News, prtg. co. clerk Highways act as general m-erseer <?f Hoesley's Bakery, bread, cakes, the work and as Clerk of the road and pies, prisoner^ 74,42 bridge committee. - . Eckert & Bending, fruits, veg. That said Committee shaU^te>p mi-n- • cream &c pris ......105.32 utes of all .meetings' and* J^n^'ord of J. L. Allen, mdse. shf. 2.50 'each, and every expenditures in a sub- nacy Lbr. Co., lbr. & sup 98. S9 stantial record book, said minutt s-.-tt) be, Herbert H. Freund, labor, shfs. when approved by said1 cumniiUee, sinn- house ..1 a ...............106.00 ed by the Chairman thereof and by the c. L Trvon,. sal. Si exp. sup. Hys. 515.1C clerk qf sajd committee. • jif. Bell Tel. Co., serv. & tolls 103.60 That said. Committee be authorized to Herald Pub. Co., prtg. sup schs .... .90 .secure necessary forms', and books for j, y. Kiltz, labor and mat. Co. Clk. 12.10 handling- the motor fuel tax funds, and chgo. Legal News Co . mdse. Treas. .81 to work out a tpethod of handling said Lol,is Thaver, labor shfs res 48.€0 funds and administering the laws in An 0f which is respectfully submitted, schs McHenry Pl;F|ndealerf prtg sup of schs. ; ' -80 TJep-News Co., prtg sup of schs :... .90 Woodstock News, prtg sup of schs 14.25 World Book-Co., mdse. sup of schs 16.00 Lester Edinger, Bates, hauling ashes, Mar., Dixie Motor Service, cartage Geo. Hennick, fare 'to Chi., B'armers New Era Tel. • Co., directory; taking Giles chll- ' " dren to St. Charles," Postal Dept. Map, Giles and Koplin to Vandalia, Thorbus, knives for. kitchen <4.12 E. F. Meyer, water softener, shf. 1.25 - - 27.50 27.40 11.60 30.90 64.80 28.60 11.40 D. M. Wright, spl com wk ....: 52.80 L. A. Stockwell, spl com wk ; 10.00 _ Z ; .. 19.60 John T. O'Brien, spl gpm wk 18:60 Volney E. Brown, spl Tom wk ........ 46.20 Div. of Hwvs., Patrol 16-1. Sec. G 29.56 26.25 | Earl K. Townsend 8.30 Ella Stark, Nellie M. Bevan and 12:10 1 Grace N. Humphrey ' Emmfet -Covell 39.42 Charles Eldredge -' .. :.;' E. F. KUECKER A, H. HALE ft .E. HAEGER; FRANK MAY L. A. STOCKWELL. JOHN CONLEY JOHN T. O'BRIEN N. B. CLAWSON It was thereupon moved l)y Supr. Wright and seconded by Supr. McConnell that said report be adopted by this Board and the roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale, Haeger, and Ass t. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nays none, and motion declared carried. . • • • .• The Comittee on Roads and Bridges made te following report to-wit: Mr. Cairman ahd Gentlemen the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: . • : The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge. Committee , for said Coifntv, would beg leave to submit tin* following report on the matters before them. ., That we met on the 6th day of April at the Court House at Woodstt>k, liiinois, A. IX 1931, and audited and paid bills chargeable tp the McHenry County, Illinois Patrol System of Roads as follows: - ... Bills of a general nature chargeable to the JklcHonry County Patrol system -of roads as a whole including insurance, repairs and labor on County machinery, supplies, and labor and materials lor County Tool House, to a total of Snow~Fund Reg. Fund - $15.00 Bills Chargeable to the various sections of the County Patrol System ot roads for. materials arid labor at .rate? heretofore approved by this Board were audited and paid as follows: --. -- --T Snow- tfund sa^l ins^Ufir. That We "have" authorized the Chairman of the Road and Bridge Committee and the County Superintendent of Highways to sectire necessary office .sup,plies, filing cases, table,, desk, chairs and drafting table for furnishing the The Committee on Claims, County room under the County Clerk's office, poor made the following report which for general administration of the Ooun- waa on motion of Supr. Brown and secty Highway work. ..j, onded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll The financial statu? of the McHenry being called said report was unanimous- Ike Miller, mdse. King and Giles 49.82 Henry Gauger Hoge & Bauder, mdse. Haydora ? I Flora J. Wray and Utesch 65.27 | W. J. Stenzel" F. C. Smith, milk, Ostrum ^ and Garihee Gus Hanson, mdse. Glater ......... Wm. Bombard, milk Wise, Rushbolt and Haydorn C. E. Hill, rent Keeler 6.65 | J. s. Randall . ... The Fair Store, mdse. Wise 3,98 ] Harling & Rogers ..'..I.. Marie Carbenettl, nursing Doegefamfty 11 days ..110.00 W. 1. Richardson, mdse. Haydorn and Wise - 5.75 Baird Bros., drugs, Wise Tarpley and Doege ;•. 50.00 Dr. Geo. A. MpLane, services, Knull and Lentdke 67.20 H; J. Schmid, M. L>,. serv. Doege .. 61.00 triant E. Royce, M. D., services . Tarpley, Chappel an4, Oister ; 55.50 Harvard Community Hospital, serv. Lasch, Dewey and Lembke 666.00 John T. O'Brien, pension, Delthlcff. Krause. Battels, Colburn, Hollister, Rasc^ike, Hermanson, rent. Wise, Haydorn Penning-"""*"* • ton, Collier, Kretchmer, l>eline, lights,- Wise and Ostrum, gas \\ ise, Heydorn, Kretchmer, *&•" ter, Wise and Ostrum 317.53 Richmond-- Frank B. McConnell, rent Works 30.00 W. L. Speaker, mdse. Works 26.87 Barker Lumber Co., coal Klabunde 6.72 T. C. Schroeder, mdse. Works 17.85 Burton's, mdse. Gus Klabunde .17. McHenry-- S. H. Freund, rent Beckwith, cars ---- of McCarthy family, cash advanced for Floater B8.00 Arthur Smith, mdse. Simons and Johnson 41.03 270.00 150.00 200.00 igtit. hospitals was brought before the Board 35.00 Lands and Lots---Volney Brown, Frank by Supr. O'Brien of Chemung. State's A nn May, C'nasHM. Palmer, J. D. Donovan, Attorney Lumley stated that he did not John Harrison. r think that the Board of Health would FinT>a ncfe --J. D. DoXnT ovtaJ n,r «Hl.. M. Tuor neur, app.r ove such a.c ti/o-• n. 2{VOO.OO ... 476.00 ... 126.00 L 100.00 _ ... 285.00 C. A. Dunachey 175.00 T. C. Schroeder -fgrta: No. 200.00 Joseph E. Miller 265.00 R. 1. Overton and Ruth Overton Cowen ....; 240.00 Alda Jennings :...r.......... 200.00 M. Rr Cole „.^... ......... 100.00 Csrt-ey Estate (James E. Carey et al Trustees) 400.00 Ivy A. Richardson and Ada - Str.eng (2 tracts) 105.00 Winn School per Homer P. Clark •tial directors 100.00 16,815.00 Preliminary resolution was passed April 28th, 1931. C. L. TRYOON, County Supt. of Highways. Road Funds follows: /Ttu>ul:ir Fund . Balance on nand Mar. 10, i931 f 4'22.13 Amount appropriated Mar. 17, 1931 .........10,000.00 Received from gas tax refund ; claim No. 76851 160.92 viid from gas tax ret und ly adopted, to-wit: claim No. 80465 Received from gas tax refund claim No, 74948-.-- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on County Poor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented_ to them, and recommend the payment 12.00 of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County 4.77 Treasurer to the Claimants - for the ------ several amounts allowed, as follows, - $10,59_9.i>2 to-wit: Less eJtpenditureti Apr. 6, 1931 4,761.29 chl. Ind. Home for Children, care. --7^ r gchultz. Fay, Blazer ft Dedina $5,839.53- * children $915.70 'Apr. 22. 18il -1.806:00 Nunda-- ^ - -'.A.- .-H., Hale, petfSion. Boyle, rent Bal. on hand April 28th. 1931 .-...$4,032.53 LockWood & £)el Koss -Snow Fund H. W. Gieseke, mdse. Rosell A B/tl* h^nd March 10, 1931 --:.$2,352.32 gmil.ey Sections 1, 14, 2.0 Section 2 Section 3 ..., Section 4 Sections 5; Section 7... Section 8 .„ Section 9 Section 10,. Section llv-^iU'i-iii--- Section 12' Section 13 Section 15 Sections 16, -1$ Section 17 .> <»•" Totals .rr'80.83 $2,355. 22.50 42.10 1-4.00 "85.00 Too" 0.00 0.00 . .. 41.30 36.40 28 j>0 42.00 j'2.32 52.25 "69.25 158.65 v 35.70 ' 10.5" J 91.0'i 133.25. 14S.15 50.00 51.00 7.03 49.55 31.50 133.2". 74.86 32.31 iJ.$541.75 $4,761.29 It was deci4M ^ purchase *2 Ford gravel trucks for McHenry County. Your Committee again met. at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 22nd day of April A. D. 1931, ;»nd accepted and paid for Model AA rr>rd trucks with hydraulic dump gravel boxes, cabs and dual rear wheels at $900 00 each or a total expenditure of $1800.00, and $6.00 additional for licenses. Contracts for coming season were approved, hiring the following road patrolmen: Section 1*14-30 Edw. F: WinkoJman, Union; 2. Earl Davis, Woodstock; 3; Oscar Anderson. Huntley; 4, W. S. Moffa+t, Crystal I-ake; 5-6, •l-:arl H Less expenditures April 6. 1931 541.7a jj c. Meier, mdse. Reiner," Heine,' - Schroeder, Walsh &• Lockwood Balance on hand April 28, 1931 $1,810.57 Erickson Dept. Store, mdse. L: •' . : Your Committee estimates that there - Harvel .... ... •Will be "nect'ssary for the -care of the Alexander Lbr. Co., coal O. B. - ^McHenry "Couhty. l'airol , System Of Schutt & Lockwood ........... Roads.-until.', the' next, meeting of this Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel Co., coal Br-afi d- an appropriation from the Coun- ,„„axead, Walsh & Brooks ................ ty Highway Tax Fund -levied in Sep- jjch.. Co. Farm. Co. Op. Osn., coal ttmlier, T930. in.the sum ofrTTO^W.OO. Brooks & Nelson All of.-which is resiiectfully submitten, of-o Keisey, rent Brooks . S..H. FREi'ND f: - W. Kruger, rent Stoddard & D. M. WRIGHT , | mdse. Wyke E. C. Hl 'flHISS Sam Salverson, mdse. Raven ^ V.. Ei RKOWjSf. 1 , j and Harvel A. H. HALE : West. I'n. Ga# &'• El. Co., gas ^ • „ • Lofkwood & Nelson It was thereupon moved by Supr. Roy J. Warner, funeral Herbert - Acktpan and .seconded by Supr, Ilaeger Brinks that the report of the Committee oil Barl-arian Bros., mdse. A. B. Roads and 'Bridges be adopted by this Schuett Board and the rollilheinCr called Supr*. Wright, Palmer. I O'Brien, Claws'.n. 1 i iif.iies, Kuecker, Ackman,. Conley, Brown. Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Frejind, Hal_e and Haeger and -Asst.- Su pis. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nays non'e and motion detl: vr-f-d--"-Mrrir-fl. • :. .: - The oilicer's of t"he McHeWry County Home ItuVeati appeared before the Board and' . presented their oiivi ^ statement of- the receipts and .okpf-ndi- Jones Food Shop, food for Mrs.. ,, " tnr.-'K of.-.said Jiureau Jarjn^: lUf ^I' M^rr,>vl. :,•'*«>/> yi-nr:-"Stated that in order to effectively qpo Freeman, rent Mrs. Morrow... 1.00 continue th'e work- it was neoe^sarV that & Koch, mdse. Anderson 77..i91 they lie assisted financially as in the AValter Torgeson,, mdse. Scriber .... 26.07 I ,Tst Tfnii asked that there be appropri- ];okert & Bending. .mdse. Foss, ated und j>a~Ul to the Treasurer <•»' their - Louis Erickson, mdse. Smith 35.66 Alexander Lumber Co., coal Johnson - 2-79 A. W. Smith, coal Hall 16.14 E. C. Hawley, mdse. Kelley, Hall - and Laurance ..111.3J Algonquin-- R. E. Haeger, pension Nuhn, Pearson, Hone, rent, Rogman, Jurs ..X24.00 West. Untted Gas A Elec. Co., gas' Rogman, Jurs and Haase 18.14 Dr. A. V. Llndberg, services, Jones (Mrs. John) 86.00 J. E. McKay, mdse. I. 9h JKWfcs.76 •Geo. R. Janak, gas 1. M. James 1.48 Werrveke & Wahlen, mdse. Rogman -Kelahan and Petrie 68.24 White Bros., mdse. White, Peterson and Ketchem . 46.06 Kerns & Dianis, mdse. Wylie 10.00 H. F. Diercks. coal, Rogmatt 16.38 H. C. Meier, mdse. Simons -v. 15.00 Public Service Co., lights, Rogman 8,86 Marengo-- D. M. Wright, pension Rath, Hensell, rent, Feiffer, Wolf, gas ' Ward, iklrs. Roy Shearer, Mrs. . Feiffer 168.92 Triangle Grocery, mdse. Lewis, Wolf .: -•••- 98.02 Max Ma gee, services and tobftcCO-.54.25 Central Grocery, mdse. Ward and Gluth : 15.69 Dunham- Harvard Com. Hospital, care., Elzo Dewey 60.00 F. W. Barlow, coal Spencer 18.02 Chas. M. Palmer, pension Haxel • Jones 25.00 $6,521 73 All of which is respectfully submitted, D. M. WRIGlfT, H. M Tl'RNER, CHAS. H. ACKMAN 8. H. FREUND JOHN T. O'BRIEN " *.23 A. H. Hale, lights i^k*6od and Stoddard Creen wood-- J. E. Harrison, R. R." ticket Frances Smith ............. Dorr-- -• - ' Volney E. Brown, pension Stedma.n, Nichols, Wilson, Graham, Carlson. Rahn, Hansen and Buckley, Raycrafti iYeund, Rasmussen . and Foss ..815.00 75.00 44.14 •2.71* 6.83 Th« folllowing Resolution was pre- 24.40 I sented and read to the Board together I with a copy of a letter from the Chief $7.11 j Highway Engineer to the Treasurer of McHenry County allowing that Warrant 17.00 I So. 322519 In the amount of Six Thou- 26.00 sand Eighty-one Dollars and Ninety-nine cents was issued to said County, to-wit: 68.33 S4.17 «.*« 60.00 15.26 5.90 It was thereupon moved by 8upr. McConnell and seconded by Asst. Supr Donovan that said Resolution be Adopted by this Board. And the Roll being called said motion . was unanimously adopted. The Clerk presented a Resolution with respect to the damaging of land for securing necessary Right of Way for the construction of State Bond issue Road laid out, in McHenry County, Illinois. State's Attorney Lumley being present stated to the Board that he thought this Resolution was In error for the reason that it is not worded to protect the County's interest. It was thereupon moved l v Supr. Turner and seconded by Supr. Hale that said Resolution be referred to the State's Attorney for his consideration and alteration satisfactory to the County's interests. Motion Was unanimously adopted. The following Resolution with respect to the purchasing of cement for certain road construction from Cement Companies having contracts with the State of Illinois, Rfpartment of Public Works & Buildings at the prices contained in such contracts was presented and read to the Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, It is possible for ile- Henry County, Illirfois, to purchase cement for certain road construction from cement companies having contracts with the_JState of Illinois. Department of Public" JVo'rks and Buildings at the prices contained in such contracts, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County Board of McHenry County, Illinois, that cement for sections of road to be constructed under the provisions of either the Motor Fuel Tax Laws, the State Aid Laws. Section tl of the General Powers of the County Board of the State Highway Act, where such cement is to be furnished by the county, be purchased as outlined above. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works and Buildings of the State of Illinois is requested to issue authorizations, upon request of the county superintendent of highways to McHenry County for the. .purchase'of-cement for the above mentioned construction during the present calendar year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer of McHenry "County, Illinois, arc hereby directed to make payments fo cement so.purchased»promptly upon tl approval of the invoice by the count superintendent of. highways; R. E. Haeger, N. B. Clawson, S. H. Fround. » Railroads--John Harrison, John Conley, . Earl Hughes, A. H. Hale, Frank May. Roads and Bridges---Earl,,Hughes, Chas. Ackman, D. M. Wright, Volney Brown, . Chas. M. Palmer. Fees and Salaries--A. H. Hale, R. E. Hanger, J. Conley, Chas. Ackman, N. B. Clawson. Attorney M. A. Carmack appeared before the Board and stated that he had a bill in the amount of $73.75 of Dr. Bailey of the Village of Hebron showing damage done to Dr. Bailey's car in a collision Wiith former Sheriff Cyrus Sanford on the Woodstock-Hebron road. Atty. Carmack stated that he thought that this trill should be paid by this County. It was thereupon moved by Claims. Labor, Fees and Supplies^--A. Supr. McConnell and duly seconded by H. Hale, R. E. Haeger, E. F. Kuecker, gfcpr. Turner that this Bill be allowed Volney Brown, Chas. M. Palmer. and that the Clerk be directed to draw Public Buildings--John T. O'Brien. Paul an order on the County Treasurer for Rosenthal, H. M. Turner, S. H. Freund the same. The roll being called Suprs. E. F. Kuecker. Palmer, .O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, Claims, County Poor--F. B. McConnell, Ackman, Conley, Turner, McConnell, Chas. Ackman, S. H. Freund, D. M. and May voted aye. Suprs. Hughes, Wright. John T. O'Brien. To Settle With Treasurer--F. B. McCon- Brown, Harrison, Freund, Hale, Haeger, Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal nell, N. B. Clawson, J. D. Donovan, voted nay. And said motion was de- John Harrison, John Conley. McHenry County Home--S. H. Freund, clared carried. The question of the support of the fi. F. Kuecker, F. B. McConnell, A. H. Spencer family, legal charges of this Hale, N. B. Clawson. County, residing in Winnebago Conntjr Burma, Limbaugh and Groin .... 95.64 Podenschatz •& Sahs, mdse. Scliults, Brewer, Lutheral, Gerke, Rosenthai. Kane, Jones, Smith & Hill llt.96 janization the sum of One Thousand ($1.000.00) Dollars the same' amouht that, has' been pajd during past years. _ _ Mrs. Cash. -Mrs Walkup ' and Miss j|a], ^ Eckert, coal' Hohenstein, Greaves- explained the nature of ttie . Schwake, Foss Luterall, Rosen- '-H Club work being done in the Coun- tflaj and Limbaugh .-. 89.00 tv and also stated that this org^niza- j->r p Baccus, serv. Limbaugh, . t ion: had. won a trophy in running-water and Simonson ..^... 84.40 the same being a Two Hundred Dollar • ol,j people's Rest Home, board drinking , fountain and that ttiey- were Mrs. Losee 85.00 piinp to donate this to the County pro> jj'ra- John M. Peterson, care Mrs. vuled that a suitable place .on the Coun- Walker .." SR.f t0 ty Ground could be -foutjd"'for the same, p t. Oliver, rent Otto Relsner 120.00 It was thereupon moved by Supr. Harrt- Dr. G. E. Wright, care Foss and •' son and seconded by Supr. Turner that Mrs Morrofcy ..... 41.20 ^ 4a,$4 WHEREAS there is in the hands of the Treasurer of McHenry County Illinois, the sum of $6081.99 from a refund from the State of Illinois for value of State Aid Roads Incorporated in State of Illinois Bond Issue Routes 20 and 173 in McHenry County. Illinois, and WHEREAS McHenry County, Illinois, is about to improve State Aid Routf 5 thru the Towns of Richmond and Bur- It was thereupon moved try Supr. Freund and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted and the 'roll being called said motion wasvunanimously adopted. The following report of the Right of Way Committee was presented and read to the Board. It was thereupon moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and seconded by Su4»r. Turner that said report be adopted and the roll .being called said report was unanimously adopted, towit: Iherb be approprinted* and paid to the -j splin/f-r, mdse. Relsner Treasurer of the McHenry County Homo ivo." Si:prl/ Co., coalt Limbaugh •Bureau "the . sttm ••«.•*' One Tnousand • and • Kafie .1....;..; , < *1.000.00) Dollars,' and the roll being v. S. Lumley, rent Simonson ealb'd Saprs., Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, ,w ijc}u>-, rent Tralnor Olaws-on, Hnphes.. Kunker, Ackman, Grafton-- Cr,nlev. .-Brown. Harrison, Turrit-r. Ale- pnos Conley. coal Clelland, Ber- Connell. May, Freund. Hale, and Haeger n(,0k, Russell Richardson and Asst. £upr.-. Rosenthal voted aye. cianton & Schooff. mdse. Brewick Asst. Supr. Donovan votud Nay and mo- and , Richardson .... tjon wa.« det lar< d carried. W. T.. Farley, mdse. Cleland and The.sClerk presented lists of Claims Pearson ilA7 gainst the Coanty and it was thereupon o. w. Hart, mdse. Brewick ».$5 f7.00 10.00 70.00 86.78 89.85 I/Ouisun 1 » » u\ •'> *. •• • . • V ~ son Greenwood: 9, Chas. Livczey, Aldirn; 10, Edw. F. Fisher, Harvard: 11," Edw. Leonard, Harvard: 12, Fred Conley, Chemung: 13, Frank Anderson. Marengo; 15, John Leonard. Woodstock: 16-18, Alfred- Ackerson, Crystal Lake„ 17, Fred Kuni, McHenry. The drop in valuations of taxable property reduced the year's road funds some $4000 and your committee has attempted to balance the budset fay 19.00 46-00 .»o ton in said County by widening the right-of-way thereof preparatory to their, being constructed thereon a durable hard surfaced road; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above sum of $6081.99 Is hereby appropriated toward the cost of said widening of the rightsof- way of said State Aid Route 5, from then present easterly enfl of the pave'i portion of State Boiyd Issue Route 1 <3. approximately one mile west of the Village of Richmond, Illinois, easterly to the McHenrv-Lake County line; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the attached list of the names of the lpnd owners affpct6d by the said widen* ing of said right-of-way together with the amount heretofore agreed upon as damages with said land owners, and heretofore approved bv this Hoard, be transmitted herewith by the County Clerk of McHenry County. Illinois to Geo. N. Lamb, District Engineer at Elftin, Illinois: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when said improvement is approved by the St^te of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, the County Clerk of McHenry County. Illinois, shall issue orders on the County Treasurer of said County payable from said, sum of $6081.99 refund to each of said land owners in the amount shown opposite the name of each of said land owners on the above mentioned list so far a* said monev wi1' go according to said list, and that the County Treasurer of said McHenry County shall hold said orders subject to the signing of the contract for the construction of said portion of State of Illinois Bond Issue Route 173 upon State Aid Route 5. a.nd when said contract is signed he shall then transmit said orders to the proper parties: and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated from the right-of-way fund contained in the levy of September, 1930, the Supr. County tax . JJ9 /sum of $733.01 to complete "the payment* I of said damages for right-of-way on I pynlanation to the people w hy old es- 6.52 isai*! 1 tablished ore Conley and seconded by Supr. Palmer that an appropriation of I30Q.00 be mad« to the State's Attorney's office to cover expenses of said office until the nevt meeting of this Board and.the clerk be dirr'-ted to draw an order on the Coun,- tv Treasurer for the same. And th«i ^ roll being called said motion was unani- t s Harm, Spring Orove; 7, Chas. E. J moved by Supr. Ackman and "seconded Hartland-- Daughertv, Hebronj 8, Burton ^nder- by Supr- Haesper tliaj all standing eom- Willis Disbrow, rent Adallhe - ruittees of this B"oaid take charge of t-hA . QUinlan ......r..--..- business before this meeting; Tha<""'the /e. C. Hughes, pension; Adeline chair,.be instru-'.-tetl to appoint the same Quinlan standing Committees and the same num- Hebron-^ her on each committee as constituted jj M Turner, tel. for Van Kuren: the working force ui" this - Board for j> NVrighfT coal Vart Kuren the past year and that the .Board iirt- r" p Rurhte merchandise Van - ....... . . . . - . , „ ioUrn to 1-30 o'clock P. M. for commit* Kuren ' - •.62 leai-i State Bond Issue Route 173 in ac- 'tablished lines of communication sr<* roll being called saia motion .t S-*-'i-snual re^rts of the CounAjT tee Woik. nark &- iimishoider mdse Van cc-rdance with the said list of land . jgnored and almost entirely new roads rr->'isly adopted. , ^ Ork, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff w« I:!S> O'CZiOOK •». XC. Kuren ' - 14.81 'owners and an ount due each land ownr | iai<3 out, leaving us-with the old roa(ls The question of the care of the Soma presented and read and on motion I Baa^d met. pursuant to a33ouram*nt. EmU Steinke^'^mdsel^^'Van'^^kiiren 7.68 er, and County-^lerk^and tj^o _maitiWunv _ . , . fanvily consisting of father jind mother ferred to_ the Committee oh Fees Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the .Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Right of Way Committee,, would report that there is a large program of building of State Bond Issue mads mapped out in this cotinty. Ro.ute 173 Richmond to Lake County line. Route 60 from Route 61 to Lake County line, Route -47 Wood stock- - to Hmvt-1 ey, Itoutyv--67 from Marengo toJRoute 47. All of the above roads except Route 60 are advertised for lettine May 12th, 1931. Your Committee lias, met with mi^ch discouragement due to ejections to, the location of the roads as at present surveyed. Considerale work wars done on Route 60 by the Committee, but objections to the location were so strong that Mr. Frank T. Sheets, State Highway Engineer has prnmieted to give same further consideration, so the work of securing the right of way is at a stand still. - Your Committee has gone over Route 47 and finds much dissatisfaction with the location survey. The people at Huntley want a change at the south end. The Mayor-of Woodstock informs us that the city officials are dissatisfied with the location through Woodstock. Several farms are cut badly and the owners are objecting to the purvey location. The survey calls for all but three quarters of a mile of new location, about one half mile away from the existing roads. \ ' Your Committee has not yet-l received right of way papers for Route 67, hut •bjeetions are strong as to the. location Rules--J. D. Donovan, E, F. Kuecker, ma brought before the Board and dis- A.. H. Hale, H. M. Turner,j John T. cussed by its members. It was there- O'Brien. = upon moved by Supr. Haeger and sec- Elections--John Harrison, R. E. Haeger. onded by Supr. Brown that the Chair John Conley, John T. O'Brien, Earl appoint a committee of two Suprs. to Hughes. meet with Suprs. of Winnebago County Purchasing---Volney Brown, A. H. Hale, to work out sortie satisfactory arrange- L>. M. Wright. m«nt for the care of said family. MO- K * Relief of Blind--H. M. Turner, R. E. tlon was unanimously adopted. . Haeger, John HarMsOh, T*rank May, The Chairman appointed J. E. Harrl- N. B, Clawson. • son and H. M. Turner to act on said Dance Halls--Earl Hughes, John Cohley, Committee. E. F. Kuecker. State's Attorney Lumley stated to the Eradication Tuberculosis In Cattle--A. Board that an Appeal had been taken H. Hale, Volney Brown, C. M. Palmer, by Mr. Hadley with respect to his Right of Way--E. F. Kuecker, John claim disallowed by this Board tp the Conley, Chfes. Ackman, ' John T. Circuit Court of this Covnty and^tnat he O'Brien, N. B. Clawson. would ljke to be advised by this Resolutions--C. M. Palmer, F. B. Mc- Board as to what action they wish to • Connell, 8. H. Freund, Paul Rosen- take in this regard. Mr. Lumley stated thai, J. D. Donovan. 'that there was a balance now due Mr. • Hadley as he understood it of $2697.80. x,£upr. Harrison addressed the Board it was thereupon moved by Asst. Supr. atid stated that he thought it was neces- Donovan and seconded by Supr. Turner sary, that something he done to curtail that the balance now due Mr. Hadley the running expenses of this County on his claim amounting to 82697.80 be and that he thought it would be a good allowed by this Board and the Clerk dir plan for a Committee to be appointed reeled to draw an order on the County *r>? to try to work out some plan of cut- Treasurer for the same. The roll being ting down expenses. And it was there- called Suprs. Palmer, Conley, Turner, upon moved by Supr. Harrison and sec- McConnell, and Asst. Supr. Donovan onded by Asst. Supr. Donovan that the voted aye. Suprs. O'Brien, Clawson, Chair appoint a Committee of five to in- Hughes. Kuecker, Ackman, Brown, Har- investigate and report anything that thev rison, May, Freund, Hale. Haeger and might find in this regard. Said motion ABSt. Supr. Rosenthal voted nay. Said was unanimously adopted. | motion declared not carried. The Chairman, L. A. Stockwell. ap- ! it wa» thereupon moved by Supf pointed on said Committee Suprs. J. E. Brown and seconded by Supr. Harrison Harrison, R. E. Haeger, N. B. Clawson, that the Chairman of this Board ap- E. F. Kuecker, and H. M. Turner. point «a committee of five to consult The following Resolution from the with State's Attorney Lumley in defence Vlllape of* Union, Illinois, was present- 0f (he .above mentioned claim. Said ed It was thereupon moved by Supr.. motion was unanimously adopted. The - Kuecker and seconded by Supr. Haeger Chairman appointed V. E. Brown; R. E. _ and the roll being called said Resolu- Haeger. C. K. Aokman, A. H. Hale ana tion was unanimously adopted, to-wit: jf. B. Clawson to act as such committee. • State's Attorney Lumley stated to the WHEREAS, McHenry .County, Illi- Board that due to the County having nois, is about to improve with concrete, no suitable rooms in the County Jail pavement 18 feet wide State Aid Routes f0r female offenders that it has been 21 and 21-A. and, ' necessary for him to banish them from WHEREAS, the la^-s of this State the County or State. It'was thereupon provide, that a County may extend such regularly moved and seconded that improvement within a City or Village this matter be referred to the building of less than 7500 inhabitants; committee of this Board for their rec- THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED, ommendation. that the Village Board of Union, Illi- Supr. Hale seconded by Supr. Conley nois, hereby requests such extension of moved that the Special meeting In May said improvement within said Village, be dispensed with and that this Board and tha officials'of said Village hereby adjourn until the Regular June meeting, apree to cooperate with the officials of And the roll being called Suprs. Palsaid County and *rant them necessary rner, O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kueckjuiisdiction for the completion ol said er> Ackman. Conley, Brown, Turner. Mcimprov. epient, as an, extension of said Conne.ll, May, Freund, Hale, and Haeger State Aid Routes to Main Street and an<j Asst. Supr. • Rosenthal voted aye. north on Main Street to a suitable • And Supr. Harrison and Asst. Supr. terminus in the north part of said Vil- Donovan voted nay. Motion declared I age. carried. ^ . Village Board of Union--Chas. E. it was thereupon- moved by Supr. Guse. trustee: William Clasen. trustee;" Haeger duly seconded by Supr. Ackman W F; Koch, trustee; Wm. Gahl, trustee; thgt this Board adjourn. Motion car- Ewald * Wlnkelman, trustee; Charles' ried. Thereupon the Board adjourned. Abraham, trustee; C. M. Stems, trustee. L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman. (Seal) Wayne C. Ackman, Clerk. Attest: R. D. Woods--^Cleck. An application to operate and njaih-1 tain a public dance hall was presented and read to the Board and upon motion j of Supr. Brown duly seconded by Sup£ j Wright and the roll being called said I application was referred to the commit- The n,)norabie Board of Supervisor* tee on Dance Halls. of McHenry County, met in regular sea- The report of E. H. Cook, Coroner or glbn at the House in the City fef McHenry County for the year ending Woodstock, on Monday, the eighth day Dec. 31, 1930,"wks presented and upon of June A p. 1931 at ten o'clock A. M, motion duly, made and seconded was ap- The meeting was called to oifltT by proved and placed on file. the Chaii-man, L. A. Stockwell and the The Clerk presented communications roll being, called the following member*. from the State Chief Highway Engineer responjed to th.eif names, to-wit.: and Engineer of Design whicn were L A. gtockwefi. D. M. Wright. C. M. oidered placed on file. ^ ^ Palmer^ J. T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawson^ ---8fate1 w At-t-orney Lumley addressed E C miphes.E. "Fr KueokeF. "Chas. • «.' the Board and stated that he had sev- Ackman. Jno. Conley, V. E. Brown. Jno. eral matters of importance that no Harrison, H. M. Turner, Frank McConwished to present to them. Ht> nell, Frank May. S. H- Freund. R. II that.he had compiled a report which ne jjneger and Assistant Supr. J. D. Doaowouid file with the County Clerk snow- v{m constituting a quorum. inar receipts and disbursements or. hi* | The records of the last precedingoffice. He also stated that there was met.ting were read by the Clerk and <tt k bill of J108 99 expense of bringing motion approved. back Otto Koplin from Texas who now pPmi.Annual Report of Harry F. was serving a year's sentence m Peteit, County Treasurer was presented r the theft of an automobile and r t,ad b>. tfl - • Regular June Meeting, 1931 dalia for the Clerk and upon motion that he had paid. Mr Lujnley S'*0 J of- Supr. McConnell and seconded by ed that he^had a bill of One Hundreu gupr Ackman said report was placed Fifty Dollars '($150.00) for services on file the report heing in the words rendered the right of way committee Rnj figures as follows, to-Wit and that he also would like to' liave an j appropriation of three hundred ( Oonaty Treasurer'* Semi-Ananal Bratrt' dollars to run his office untitl the next |?a|ance on hand Nov. it). 1930 $43.085.|T meeting of this Board. It was there- Rec>d nJonth of Dec. 19?0 . ..$;19,642.it1; upon moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and , Re{..d month pf Jan im .... 21.749.9* seconded by Supr. May and duly car- Rec d mont), of Feb. li»31 .... t| ried that the bill of $108.93 for ex- Re<.-d month of Mar. 1931 .... 12,2<>2.!«i. pwise of bringing back prisoner..from moI,th of Apr. J9S1 .... Texas be allowed by this board and the . Rec* month of May. 1931 .... <3.517.11 Clerk directed to draw an order .on the J _ - ihi County Treasurer for. the same. 163.7SSJJ* It was thereupon moved by Asst. j iiii.: Supr. lionovan and seconded by Supr. | ^n)0unt ree'd for 4 months. $ii2,S7Sitt May that the Bill in the amount ot pa. out month of Dec. 19«t> $t OfMr' liun:* art* imp? , f$ 150.00 be all-^o wed M- r. Lumley• and th,e Pi dtt., UoUuLt ,uniovniuthu ov*f »JPaAnII.. 1931 2S.«22.9* , of the purvey. There 'are only about Vleik te directed to draw an oriier on out month of Feb. 1*31 UVSTj&IJf three sets, of farm buildings on the east four miles, and the distance from Woodstock to Marengo is Increased some two miles and a mile of concrete read on the old established route to Marengo will not be utilized. Your Committee believes that there is strong sentiment that the right 7t>f way should not be secured on the present survey, until there is a satisfactory the County Treasurer for the same. rd out month of Mar. jyji And the roll being called $aid motioni j J>d out molUh of Apr "931 was unanimously adopted. It was thereupon moved l*y ru. uui muuut «•* rd., out month of May. 1931 70.?$4 01 1S1.993.I* $30.Sil.tT • Respectfully submitted thla Sth Of June. A. D 1931 *-/. v w H. F. PETEIT. County-Tbakant^pr oTthe teim pat^lmea trim Pr^t isam.'memblr^. Ema Steinke mdse. Van Kuren .... 7.68 er, and tbit t ie County Clerk ana tne ttfl maintain. farnUy consisting. ot ratner ana motnw to the„iumt Van's CU^ocery. mdse. Via Korea Cpuntjr ^Trea. W nhall lBsue «o4 . perhaps the State En*lne«r« can DMk* aod mne Kmall chlldrea was brvu«ht to*. Sauries for rejwrt. •>-: ::c;

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