Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1932, p. 10

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PAGE TWO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS this 'County, sitlil amount representing imbui senients to McHenry County Aid tpii f o - ' . . ' - : .'^Jhhe Chairman, I,. A, Ptookwell, «ftfess»d tln> Boaid and stated tA.U .. ...... ... ........... . I*««ofore the Ties and. salaries cfflhi- Mothers and children for the period mittee o 1 this Itoard constituted so^cn July 1, J929 tu-Junto 30, 1930. It tnemherc; anil that Uiropirh so'v.e .error was theieupon regularly 'movwl- an«l ,vc p appoints d <n tljJ.s font- -•'w-eonded that communications' and remittee. for the ensuing year,,. ,-VKI that r< i t be placed on file. Motion declared n« wished at this -time to aftpu-Vt .'two tarried., ' • y .'. » " . • moie^membei s on said. Committee, riame- Asst. FupivTTonoyan addressed the *£•.•--tephen H Freund and E' :e^-k- ,poard and made a brief statement show- . ® • Jt *as thereupon moved ;..ij .!«"% the amount of moivev received and onfledI that, -the .-appe>intment;i • made . by -..-un-gunt of money disbursed for ihe last Chairman *e confirmed. ^ /ftta-..,*' -IT nmifstated that the. County al- "Tirtnirnousl;- adapted. /"V tl.ough not in a serious financial situa- Tne special Committee on -.jtion, were spending a small amount tno following report, t'vwt : Over and- above . their-' income.. And he Tini the I.oavd of ' Supervisors i*rf?h<d at ; this time to move thatthe Henry C ounty, Illinois: . . -•,.= . - . -(. 1.airman of this Board call a • special , Gentlemen: • • ; • '*err.- the- .sole: -pttfrposa; *rf dis- The undersigned mtenber* .s'tajt,:. .m{ and the. running Riverside Market, mdse. Roy Smith 3.48 L. E. Haw ley, mdse. W. H. K«U«y 24. VI .. MaiVngo--- ' , ' *D. H. Wright, -pension Hensell » and Hoth 00.00 Shurtleff Co.,'coal Gluth and. Ward 4A.00 . 1 , M . - P a t t e r s o n . C o . f c o a l G l o t h 5 . 0 0 Max .McKee. board, etc., John Am* berg -4-2 days 42.26 Ilifhland Hospital, services Wm. .Wright . 8,2,00 John Dumproff. rent Gluth & Wolf 28.00 Western I'nited Gas Co., gas bill Ward T...; Triangle Grocery, miise.„i>Y*olf ..... Central Gr.ocgry, mdse. Ward fr ciuth ; c, M.' Palmer, pension Jones and . Hograth A... 95.00 C. E. Ambler, mdse. Dew«v ..." ^ >28,11 «4v5:S ss.04 M?S"„rrT. wr:i..'; '"f "7 '. • ,'-C5!00,.Xd M'KAWS •U}" •""" ««*. on hand July 14, 1931 *2,086.04 Committee estimktes that there • necessary for the care of the ; y nF?^nty I'atrol System of ntil the August meeting of this . , . • » „• un aPP£,°Priation from the Coun- • d electric line. Tt wjas ty Jilghway Tax fund, levied in Seo-'- thereupon moved by Supr. OBrian and tember .1930, in the sum of $5000 00 seconded by Supr. Freuad that said All-^rf which is respectfully submitted K. C. HL'GHES out of Gas Tax "Refunds.) ; All of which i s respectfuljy.«ul)iiiitte^ti It. K. Ha KCKIt V. R. UROWS ' ; C. M. TAT.MEn ' E. F. KT KCKEn S. H. FKEUNr> CHAS. H. ACKMAJf Resolution previously piesented to this Board be adopted when amended fc-y the Ftate's. Attorney to include clauses.- as I- ' ftorrmittee' to •v-hom /wasi r« 'expensed.:,(>Y- llvi^' Coiinij", 'Paid motion, j'Ip^cohd A Douglas, cooJ Ahianda .* . • cons-tfo-MJjitf \a n^iS-»«,>' jt<»condii:<fe--.tty;-* Tufii^r , an^t j . Hawley ;VSi"f •'-,3K ^ v . r - f t h e - i n H ' e . ; T ? r i ; ' j ; ' - f t' : ' t ; n a n 1 > r v ( ' ^ i ^ i v " l a d o p ^ e ^ V ' . ' . ' • " " • I ^ . H t b r o n - H'i' n«1C V -betwt nh g,eo>l:V..>/.lS,i;;;"' West, 'j'r'p'Sl^Pn-'t. of. t'h» Me- K «?• t W,n • •A'l^n-i»y^i'i4;\OtJ>W%\ju^(!i!^3i.-}-tt<'nt:j-. vCi*'i'>},ty J^.ati'itoriUm ;Rwa-r-d; ..bell** pe|r iea\a to '••'hrnit tho f " \t • a ir- prt,coiit -was called upon t>\ the Chair- ."O Hif "rn'jiupis £»:%'•>-. r.'jiiil»'n:."aiifl huvdt! ?the. following, report, to- That tho Vidjsre- -.i'.v, fall '"».ith the', wxcep'tioh^-^f" tYwrfJiifi'ajt.lnfip;' •ije.ftt'H:-"o& ysati^ortuni. Of the steel Tf»>: k U'11! <oit "ti i v. jWrd, ,1 »• rr«. J, to Jurte 1, 1331. • y*#ttoer. was too nalntirg-in rti'ijjer Iiia;n4ii>^. -"~v '" r>,'*lrt > riv'k)'Vi» .;'v)i.rp, .fconiract" jiritc for; v.,.„ ,„ • ; w e new. !-< port..i..)-.ait t.'i,- fepn tfeereffir e rerorrufiena' ' tliit.l, Clejk. ; dra^v".a.T\A Wn^r 39,b0 -.^•sld' Jti%bs.\;p(r!rn:t^, tni-rise,;sal-;; >per' vmmvvt:. p; V V" 'J I i me 'J '"'i -It S 0 ;,.t.<^ Julie', >v 'T - ' f if > 1, ,'t'j , $2,100,00 ! • ; . i ^ l d i f j ^ r j d g » , , S f f i j r . i t ^ i r ; ! -- r-- g i»f the lv.i1gi' - "» to Jiim * 1 1!< <1 39,400 >"<S' now. i-* p<")!'t.;t,h^,t t.te • a'nd ,^M^,c^oh, ,.eaK^arae';!':-^ •'•'•jr. n .sat i ft a ;•'*( > ;*il v' r^r* p 1^15% •' l\«.S<r,*t<v:.Turt(» .,1,14)5 f;5„. 63; r- foi i e< omitn nd that, the bounty. - e lt.<In • . 9.40 "'.ahr^sjstif^r iri' t^AX'r-s. >'> 'Jifttt'on • pt«t;iv.ei-s- of .Hivlrtif-.^- •th# fiij,nf of.. Sapn'fwi'idTvt.' Jufie' 3, 'J933 said " -Which said paymear w-'ll. cH^Y-itpleto MeKenty Covnty's -obligation: in the jjvtfior of said improvement; v . . All of whieh is ,resT)ectCul)y 'submitted^ |;This pat lent was sent to'Speed "*• f"'p V V ' j ; wn y Hiisiitai. '••;'"• L. A. STOCICWELL ;," 'Mrs. IJuby Hartun?, Ottawa San- : .VP \XK. MAY J ,v atoriym,. Fe^. 7, to March" I, - I,*C L.-Tryon, County Sirpprinteridprt ( 9.T() <3 weeks) ; J"jf Highways for McH>nrjv. CoUftty,v It- ^"liis patient left sam^oriurri to .. Jlnols. .hrrt^y-. aPproye fhe pb^-e e""*nwi e to another state. fttia payment dufe on the cost of said E. C .Krctchnjer, Ottawa Paha- ?,- ." , tnrium, June 1. 1930 to March P. Sehaefer ifi: $ons, ,mdse; fepe'n-- ' - • cef • f a Ml i l.y '.•;,•?; ^ W. ;E, Wright, •'p'iciwto^'. • spencer family Hal t liknil--- . " ;.-f. '> J-V>^ E. O. Hiiphes, pension <Juinian g^st jKfcOft. Chemung--• •• Jehxi, T. O'Brien: pea'sion'.'•j^iHKfe^5^r""-'v. . loff KMilsf pjirtels, <Holl)iirn( .'"• > Hollister, Paschke and ' -son,.; rent. Wis-3,, 1V*» V ' /hington, ,Collie!r. K: etiiimei', ' ' t't>esch. tjoui-s, .and "Juhnson, e'as-" '• • Wise, HiyjoMj'aml Krvtchm«c •' li-rii-t" WjseV Itrctchmer rind ,• Vier-eh - jr: Fi:e(j W Hai'Jow, ooal ,Kl'^te! The Committee on Elections .made following report whiph was hn adopted, to-wit: \ . «ut - Tour. Committee . on Kleetlons -would beg leave to;'8ult»ni't, 'i'he- .fwl.l^'fnjf.llSt; i,if Judges of Elei'tipn a?> selectesd Ijy-tlieV T® The Special Committee appointed h} sented I>. M. WRIGHT . C. M. PALMER V. E; BROWN " CHAS. H. ACKMAN. Mr.1 Chair,nan and ^GeKtlem^" ^ ^ ">'hich' waV li.mid of Sup. rvisors:' - ^ ant? to^wit. __ Supr. Harrison- seconded by SuDr ... n,Um• -T* •m?yed that; the report of th» fered for the apprehension and ccmvlC- adopted ^y 9thi?°Board ^nd^f ^ rt "on of former State's Attorney A ford file^a^d the ^il B^[ne ^aiie^^Sf,, on f »«i)-^ Politieal i'artitis .^preient^d^biv the ..the.,unjjprsi.gned' cbihmmitte,e. ap-.'. the reward bo \yit,hdrawn. The,; moti'o'j Hoard t./cetlivr with the polliny p^ee ;.potnt'od hy, tli*- Chairman of the Hoard of Siipr,. Brown'- was duly seconded b' !i;f,' e;ich district s. ' j <».f. ^H»'i"'vfs6rf-:i at " the j^pril meeting rto ' Supr. Weight, and unh.nin»ously aUb'ptpo '.Hiiey^jjoUiuis •i3j*)a<&?-;-r^|awiir"-ifklJ": • <""h-f«;r" with .the State's Attorn"v and ^ .Supr. JCuecker addressed the Boat-i >y and Rosenthal voted aj>e. Nay none awdi-«rr i. - o motlon was 'declared • carded. " Juii^e.^,. ili. A'. St.pckwell'.';&faht t*.y"..&C;hn.rl. %h(i ,C.ur.til< jCra.eU'e.v'.- v. '•••' i,*')aims X\ ,Mai;,eni{o :' iHt-- •I'oln.n'g,' .,plV^e,-.%-T'ltj',".ir;l ifel'l^Jinlff.\s,: i-yfpiry;>•Johtt, tion which to K'tWh^. and-; -IS:-; ; Ki>bh.";7^'::»"a' ;,v • .. * :^-^t|xWjg•'the;yeg asrainxt the county* to that on and after July 1. 1331 ,'.the' bp'un- Reward •v^-i's6 then'^'discuss^ b^^evfral" ' ($2,000) dollars. Mr. ty on .Ground UogA. Crows and Crow's . monibers of Ae Bonrrt y sev«ral .,' ndrod ($800) dollars Rg'ffs would bo discontinued in this ' € n>r«?h ^nTt, Coll ior., i> tii,. Do^e «V'I Heyd. >rn. Gis.ter, Tarpl^y It was thereupon regularly moved by 84.46 C. L. TRYON; Co. Supt. of rjl^liways, 2«,; 1931 ( 1 -0 months) J. G. Maxon care Henry Ush and J. (,t. Maxon M. D., care Geo I>ewejr32^00 J. Q. Max on. .care Elmer Kreteh-. ~ f'/.i mer family in regard to hlsupersonal claim, will . " L^/STOCKWEm .Chairman ",^eon^tir abo'twilv Mrs. Geo!' Vounr, Ottawa Sana- S«fir. ti'<riumv..1une 8 to .Nov. 22, 1930 - (21 w eks) v...:..,,..... 657.06 1,179.65 G. A. Mcl^ane M. D., care A. Hottlvmy. Hartland -- Pulling "Place, Cboney's. stand in its present condition awaltnff Attest: R. IX WOODS, Cierk .... 6 . Store: Judges, E. C. Hughe's, D. H.- the report of the Board of Supervisors j: . - ,._.r 48,00 j Uosnnmd and Chas. Mtirray,. " ; on this, his proposition. Seneca.--Polling Place, Town Hall: Your committee would further report, Peter .Rasmussen {deceased);-0|¥ iawa "Sanatoriuiri, June I XiV, 22, 19"n (5 months) Also $15.00 allowed for XrRay .: 669-60 16.-00 Tt was thereupon, moved"^y Wright duly, seconded bw Su-pr. IC'ie'ckef . t*-«t ;«aid- 1 «p.->rt h" adopt?d, hy ..thi8 :; This pat.ient is at hOfne and doing Poard. And the roll heing_ckll?d Suprs , Q-?ite well tVright, Palnv*r„ O'Brien-. Cl'-w'ion, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman. Conley, Brown, Harrison. Turner. McConnell, May, Fit und, Hnpeer " and Assi.^tint S'upr. Donovan vo.t..,i nie. Xays nope. Motion declared carried. The Committee en R.-atJ^ and Bridgos . Mrs. -Rosemary. carey. ^ace ^aha made the fallowing report to-wit:- . I tori'-m, June 1, 1930 to June . ..J- - ;:;i. 193V «12 'months) .:;..,.....i.:..:.l^f68;56 Mr. Chairman and Oen'i^ni^ri . of the,iT'ii« r>n' ient is still in the sana- 'Botrii of Supervisors, Mciienrv Couh-: ;- torium ' ^ - tv. Illinois: ' " ; Mrs. Jofphine Fruend. Xace ?an-- I'he undersigned iriemh^rs of, * atf -rHini, J^ec. 1, 1930, to-Jun© Poad and Bridge Committee tot said 1* . 19S1 month?) Special July Meeting, 1931 .;ytth, 1931 • said reward not to be paid to any state or county officer of the law, and reward to be paid subject to the approval. o£ the County Board of i this County. The roll being called jfN'pi's. ^Palmer. O'Brien, Clawson, . j Hrtghes, Kuecker, Ackman. Conley. (Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, ~ -»• - • . •• -fienpta--loiJiiiK j im tf, juwii . xia.ii, * vu» v. uiiimi i«t-c- wuuiu. i „.%lUTrC,, . - - v'-<•"-- -M.00 .judges, Ed. F. Kuecker,; I)ah ICanaley that they simply are conveying hy thid •«'. »». Hajl, c'ial Gister, Reese « . ! a,n<l H. M. Bean. di-j ument the proposition -which wait Tarpley, Tarpley^.K.n'ull, Her- ... . Coral--Polling- Placed Village Hall; submitted to them and it is not offered manson. Sargent --. 38-75 Judges, Chas. H. Ackman, j. T. Srill aiid by this committee as a proposition of Harvard Comm. Hospital, care .'H. J. Miller. • settlement made by them in regard to I,emhky & DPwey .515.00 |- g ~ to fPefial S«t8s"ioh pursuant; to « call sign- aye Nray rione and the motion was ^ 1 ed by more than one-third of its mem- clared carried ' ' b#rfv at^ Vl6.i,CoUr4 H-TS? }? \h,°>,C}ty Supr. Brown of Dorr Twp. addressed nf niK- Si0tn' • 1 t A A«y thP Board and stated that he had con- ™ -tP' ' m 0<"^. v suited Asst. State's Attv. -Wm. Carroll ^??eItlnBTWaf }o order by atl(, the clerk of this Board as to the _ .„ . „ ... Grafton---Polling Plafte, Village Hall;; the claims herein mentioned. Gus. Hanson, milk and oil; v-- 'judges, John Conley, Hr"~I|r. Helneman i We. therefore, present this matter Gister family ... ,i and I.ouis Baumgai'tner..this Board for its consideration. O. -h; Putnam, casket and bufiaJ " .| l)orr 1st--Polling Place-. Room under ! .Respectfollv submitted. Maynard Doege . ........ 50.00 County Clerk's Oirice~Tn Court House; ; VDIAET E. PRPWN Judges, V. E. .Brown, John Higgins and j Otto Sahs. j J ' Dorr 2nd--Polling place, Police Magis- , , trate's Office in.-City' Hall: Judges, .Ed. I Jk-ne I Gerry, Lester (Jriffing and Harry Jwib'os. | 48.95 [ i>orr 3rd--Polling Place, Room under ,T5r»?nr^racle ?°ardnvf Supervisors . Freund, Hale, and Haeger, and Asst.' o ^ Co.unty, Illinois met , in Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted $584.50 p. Hereley & Sons, mdse. Tarpley. . • and Vierck .:....: Robb & Riley, mdse.' Collier and Chappie ..v>,.. Jacob Raeder, pidae, Johnson, Deline and Ostrum ... 1I< ge & Bourder, mdse. Hcydorn ' ' and Ptesch . 631.41 Lush, Vermilya 8,t». i; CHAS. H, ACKMAN A. H. TTAT.E J N. B. CLAWSON R. E. HAEGER, Committee. Jtockwell, and the proper procedure in the paying of roll beinj, called the following members Mothers' Pensions; and that it was his _ w responded to their names, to-witi Suprs. Opinion and the oninion of these nffi- Supr. Brown. Chairman of the above D. A. fetockwell, C. M. I'alrner, J. T. opinion and the opinion of these officers that the procedure no,w used for .. . . , .. & Co., f*rn>nty. would beg leave to submit, the This-i)*tient "Is still in the sana- . . and Chapman following report on tke "matters before t"rium. Esmond & Douglass, n thc~i. •• ••'."•'..Hj's,• ,Dpr.Q<hx_Claj'Js. at . . i ffarry That we met or. the 6th day of-Xfav . -Nov. 1, 1930 to June 1, Mil ,.... - at the' Court House at- l^'^o^ TI"- <1 months) --280.-00 ncls. A. D. 1931, and audited and paid X:Ray 4.50 -bills chargeabl? to the .McHenry Cotin- • ; ty. Illinois patrol system ' cf roads as. Total ...$284.50 follows : - . j Thin, patri nt is alloweed $40.00 "Bills of a general nature Lchar'gfeable* a month for care at home. j v ~rr ^^ ^-- • *--- - . • - - • - ,, " Mjv'irm, ^«.viu uiucis u*s countersigned ttJii . Committee together with the report meeting were read and on motion ap- v,y the Countv Treasurer. It was therew Ial': oiade by the Chairman of said Commit- proved. • \ upon moved bv Sunr. Brown duly sec- M. Turner, E. A. Mead and ,^Pe v. E. Brown be placed on file. Said ' The Committee on Dance Halls made j,y gUpf. Ackman that the payto the McHeniy County Patrol t-y.stem Alexander Ban inlet-, Ottawa Satt- **f 'Reads ns a vbote in^ludin'-: 'insur- . t lunn, Jan. 11 to June 1, 1031 :':S. ance, repairs and labor on County ma- 1 ,'21 we-k«) .......' 406.00 chinery, supplies and labor- ami niaterl-i This patient is still in'the saha- #ls for County Tool House," to a - i torjum. , , total Bf ?1,035.74 Mrs. Krna-ft^kWfH, Ottawrv--- Bills chargeable to tb» vat T IPS sec.--..L__Sanato,rium, ^lay 3 to May Si); tions of the Coonty Patrol sy'stem of 1931. <"-3 week.?, 6 days) ............ , 77.6"2 roads for materials and labor at rates Hyde -West,, long distance toll heretofore approved 1-v this board were" calls'to Ottawa ,^12.40 clanton & Schoof, mdse. Richatdi Algonquin-- . R. E. Haeger, pension 1#ol,6V,,i . son. Hone, rent Jurs & Rorman 127.00 Qhn Harwood. \\'.-ineke & Wahien, mdse. Kela- . I ' Hebron--I'i han, Petrle, Rogman ...:: 45.42 I Judges. H. WminLandGJuSr* E1' C°" *** R°S' 18 91 I Va£H1 n,,'tinn was unanimously adopted. ,, : the following report, which was on mo- monroif"'Mothen8;'Pensions'^be madrSiman ana Jurs J* »i | Richmond--I oiling Place, Memorial . Notice given by the Liberty Trucking tion of Supr. Haeger and duly second- rACt from tf,„ County Clerk's office and m* .w audited and paid . as- follows: Sections 1, 14, 20 Section 2 ...r.i......... Section 3 Scctlon 4 Fecttcns 5, •$ Section 7 Fection 8 Section 9 .... 10 Section 11 hti't 'OH. 12 ............ Fect'on 13 fSeictlon 15 Feet'on s 16* 18 Section 17 Totals .....$4.8S.31 I Dr. West further stated that is was Walter L. Farley,^^mdse. Cleland ... 162.70 necessary * that two rnen'bers be ap- . .. 149.4<» pointed iy the Board at this time, one ... VRA.n'n for a period of three years.and one for ... 346.32 a period of two years. It was there- ... . 170-4O upr n .moved "t y. Ackman duly sec- .,.171.70 i nr^ed by Pupr Turner that the report ... 1R3.S6 as presented by Dr. West .he placed on ... "150 9V file ami that Chairman L. A. Stoelt- ... 160.51 w< 11 make appointments as outlined In .... TtiS ^n said repot t.- Said motion was unani- ... . B52 131 212 v.. 525 •McHenry • 2nd,-»-I^4ltrtfir- -Pfaee, • -S.vp>'. Hughes _that notice be placed on would beg leave to submit the follow- Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman. Conley! ,|;52 liall; Judges, Wm. Simcs, Wm. J. Welch, fj)e." Said motion 'was unanimously" ap- ing Report on the matters before them: -Krownr' HarHsonV TurneP"McConndn! * , and Peter M. Justen. •--. .. proved. * - i That we have examined the applica- Er<,llnd': Hale and Haeeer and A«?st "i6 iK6.9<5 LwfHTy ^ '. A communication from the State As- tions and the stipulations required ^by ,sriprs. 'Donovan" and Rosenthal voted ah Af'toKinh in McHenry, Judges, p*. Ii. sociation of Suprs. County Commission- this Board and. f|nd them to moot the * ^-e. Nav none and the motion was de- TB U Tm M' A' Conwa>' and »enry J- frs, etc., was presented and read and necessary requirements, and that we cln-ed adopted ° W ' "Vr1?-. i Miller, . •_ . orrterpa nlaced on file. have journeyed to the several places. The Clerk presented Itsts of Claims CHAS. H ACKMAN tula tst--Polling Place, Andersons Mr. O. E. McPhail representative of where Dance Halls are locatel and ex- against the County, and on motion of D. M WRIGHT JOHN T. O'BRIEN Garage, Barreville; Judges, Wm. Han- the service Laboratories of St. Joseph, amined the premises and find that they p, Haeeer duly seconded bv Supr, 6" T; EA Knox and l.^W. Ames. Mo., being present at the meeting was comply with all the_.necessary require- .h;1jp tj,e same were referred "to the Mr. Mc- mpnts. _ . -- _ proper committees for report and the , „ , ,,, ^ xt„u Nunda 2nd.--I oiling Place, Town called upon by the Chairman. The Committee on Claims ; Labor at Crystal Lake; Judges, F. W. Covalt, ..^5,360 0 V • CoTnmitte<» made -inspeciion. yin adopted, The Cleik presented lage Hall; Judges, S. W. Bond, Arnold p r\° Crmptv ^ay 7. 13 and"l8. found the roads tr wepe referred-to the_proper commitfffaerally in good condition, but there tees f are the ed ln( Fm tween roadw wid On payment fr,.m tlie f as tax fnnq.s J .aa... t)C,jng called wianHnA»a.sly tulop for engineering costs on the prTifosed Hit: intorox-e'ent at T'nion heretofore ap- ^ - Mr. Chairman ar.d Gentlemen of the i Duensing and Frank Dvorak.' ^-Teck- Board of Supervisors: .' .-Al^nuuin 2nd^P0lling VU> 1h^ EP.,rJ .Srsea '""l"'"" fW- »«»M »'? l«v. if <*• WOIW, A. Erte.t Schroed.r. and Wm. «.lerlnj & m.iohTndi™ Phail addressed the Board and stated We, therefore recommend aPProval °f Board adjourned to 1:30 o'clock P. M. that it was the desire of his Company the granting of licenses to the several jor committee work. thr.ough him that some settlement be applicants as aPove set forth, with the ; • . „ _ __ made with respect to the Claim of said exception of the application of Clar- f~ uvii»v» r. » Company in-the amount of $682.25 rep- ence Nlesen, whom we find at this time Board met pursuant to adjournment, resenting purchases made by former is in no position to receive a license, Present same members includinjg Supr. Sheriff Cvrus Sanford covering a period due /t'o the Dance Hall being destroyed D. ,M. Wright of Marengo Twpf> nm A»i-ii 2(1. 1928 to .Tan: 1 4, 1930. by fire. The Committee on Claims County FOOT hooks Callaghan & Co., law books .. ?.fli McCollum. Zion Inst. & Ind , mdse Cir. Clk... '2.28 | All of which is respectfully Submitted,-; jn<r the Right-of'-Wav over the AJgon Heiald Pub. Co., let. h- Treas. 20.75 ; J. E.- H'ABRTPON-. • " ^' ftuln bridge. He further stated tha li D. Woods, CO. .Cite ,... ..-es -Peo. .• -i.^-uir^riVwT r5r duo to. recent-action taken by the Vil caaes_ • . ' •• !a«e of Algonquin saW territory waproved by this Board. We recommend Mr. Chalrmaff and Gentlemen of the that the County Clerk be empowf red to . Hoard of Supervisors: draw orders on the County Treasurer ..your Committee" on County Poor for payment fer fr.eleht," ex.preK? a>id claims would beg leave to report that H'aVry "banlels!-sei^" t'. - -:-Judge'"-^.ii^<^^-.'?-'-^stjbtl.S* T. O BRiEN fffn rS pr^yiausly aopro\ ed bv tb(;y have examined all claims present- Harvard Herald, bar .dockets CIr. "--EJ. C. HPGHES •h+f. Board psyable from the. gas tax (d to them, and recommend the pay- cik ' ' The .Coin r! fit ,T,-nt °{ the following, and that the Harvard Herald, blanks Co. Clk 4.75 | made the fr hrldee committee of this Count j,, to take ,ciel.fe be directed to ls-sue oiders on the Harvard Herald, blanks Sup. Schs. 1.85 (.motion of c a r e o f f m - - - - - - meeting of gas tax road improvements. _ t'o-wit: All of which Is respectfully submitted, made the following report, to-wit: E. C. HUGHES, .Chairman r IferF. KXTECKER . 1 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the NLr.Y. . . I Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Couftty Poor 's report for th« Claims would beg leave to report that presented and reacl they have examined a;ll claims p*eseittrnotion of Supr. cd to them, and recommend the payment Supr. Palmer was ment'of the following, and that the wit: t j Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to th#- Claimants Treasurer , for Junn for the several amounts allowed, as „ _.i it tf . «y.v!».s '•»u.. VLMinzai »%..v i.amnce jm v jv, igjl -.830.881.77 JcHoWS. to-wit: .. u ,;*?*•• *11' stated that lie wished that some action deceived during Ju«® 27,709.67. -1 Coral-- . r' ' could l c tak'm by the County tn securT , w, . ; -r- Chas. H. Ackman, gas Roth, - i .... , " ; ' $58,591.34 I liehts Sarbaugh, pension, that Paid out in June - 26,292-21 I Dreyer, rent Toinow Sarbaug^.... 87,#0 O. H. Schuette, rent Roth ... 30.0O 2.78 T^o>?rr . - Cleik issue m^rs 1 3", j.< f !li. r l lili, County Treasuier to the Claimants for -\Yest. Un, Gas & El. Co., gas «hf:.~ 21.5.7 by Supr. f this Board, in the matters the several amount allowed, as follows, E( kei t & Eending, fruits, vegeta- to-wit; to-wit • • ' • - - Y^ur Committee again met on the 6th Chicago Ind. Home-for Child. day of June at the Court" House at. , lrl b.nuitz Giles, Bla Woodstock. .Illinois. A. D, 193J • and ' ],P,-i;r.a mf'tM and paid bills charg al'le to.the ; Xunda Coim.»y._Illinois-patrol system . A.*u. Hale, pension Boyle, rent of roads as follcws: gas Jaiiman, S-'toddaid and Bills of a general nature bles etc.. shf ......144:63 •Ryan's Market, meats shf. 120.-63 Marengo Co. Op, Can Co., 1 doz. cans tomatoes shf 3.61 Von Lcngerke & Antoine mdse, shf 93.43 Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf 58.4.2 . . <*"*. Balance .....iv..j...,..;,....:...-.-$32,299-13 H. J. Miller, mdse. Tornow disconnected from the Village and that , Ui>ed •it0.000.0€> ,«ut of $178,000.0*> Dr. S. W. Sukumlyn, servlclv';. I Marlet Ratfield 90.00 Treas. W. C. Nulie, mdse. Roth 42.67 Bridges ^rVm. F. Koch. mdse. Tornow . .. ... 5.67 t: Geo. F Rchroeder. mdse. Tornow ... 15.15 Fred Wendt, milk, Wm. Raddatz.. 9.60 further In the securing- of RIsht-of- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Chemung-- 4 " , - " Way without first putting it before the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun John T. O'Brien, pension; Deithlotf, Yciir Committe.. on Fees and Salaries ' people in the form of a Bond Issue. It ' " ty. Illinois: | Krause, Bartels, Corburn, Holto whom was referred the Semi-ahntral was thereupon moved by Supr. Haeger I The undersigned members of the 1 lister. Raschke and'Hermanson reports of the County Clerk, Circuit and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison Hoad and Bridge Committee for said rent Wise. Haydom. Penning- Clerk and Sheriff for the.half year end- that this matter he referred to the County would beg leave to submit the I' ton, Kretchmer. Vtesoli, Keeler, Han rh ar'.'eahl' ing-June 1st, 1931, would beg, leave to Pight-of-Way Committee of this Board 'following report on the matters before f & Torgeson. light, Wise, Kretch- • a* «i Woodstock Imp. Co.. mdse shf 5 97 rfport that tin y have atulite l the books Paid motion was unanimously adopted. them. j mer A Vierck, gas Wise, Kretchto ihe McH»-nrv Con'ntv "nitveT rHr'-yc;V^V«iY'cVh«iB""-"'-"">-~v-'-.^!,"r^rsal,^Co" ,1, <>r "alii officers together with said re- State's 'Attorney Lumley appointed a| That we met at W*oodstoc£, Illinois, mer & TIaydorn, water, Wise, Os- - Aie^anU' r i.di . coai ^ nue-i^ J-. l<. Alien Co., mdse. shf. 1.87.. p<>rts and submit th« .following report Claims I.ahor Fees and Supplies to in- on the 16th day of June, 1931. at the I , trum & Rushboldt 8S7-.-C0 an i , /Qoiara ' Kirkman Ice Co. ice shf. ly-"" ion the matters and things before them: member together with the Committee on call of the Chairman, in the matter of a P. Raffe, shoes. Miss Knull 2.98 a* a whole, including repairs, labor ,and al ho?P>ilfd f0ma?er'ials "tSr ^Count '•"'tooI j H Rni'and^I^^1^5' 'Rp" K7 47 L>a£y o°" md,9^' Su* ftlnn 1 T^<* {»emi-annual report of the Co.un-.' veVtigate'"and report their findings on !pTtltlon"by lot owners on the '.River Fernholz & Shleids, iwdse. Gister I j|. .-How* to a total of .. .V <344,64 UJ^ C 'n Tt ^ Lekwwd 89^f°h^ HrAt»Cp'i "wl" - t*5"' rlf>1"k being follows: the claim of Service Laboratories prevl- • feoad-, at McHenry, Illinois, a State Aid , R. J. Burroughs, potatoes. Coller. • ' Bills chargeable tcj" thF yario(is sTc:-'"~|^'_Pc"Av i>rrnn^ Tnnt T Y^ck^ Sanitary Pig-. A Htg. C6„ md»e. ;- I -Receipts-- ' Earned Rereived • laid over hy thl* Board, stated Road on the East bank of Fox River | Chapp»l. Dolgls, Kennull, King tlr^ of the Couiity^ patrol syi-'te'm of t Rot.fciician^, rent Lock- and lahor. shf. ..... 4.M For T'robate Eces ....$3,337.56 . $. 757.80 that they had met with the Company's bl,„t up with summer homes, complain- . and Worker ; *.f» T£&t1o7. ^ -- 8:| 733.00 ' ' """ _ ... - ^ - » « V u » 5 « • • , . B OW w e r . e i S t r o m -- : . . . . . 6 6 . 8 1 J ) r H w . g a n d e e n , s e r v . C o . p r l s . 4 1 . 0 0 . 1 r - o r C o u n t v S e r v i c e s ' 7 4 9 0 0 audited and pa.d as follows. - Rosenibal Lbr. Co., -coal Kelley; . Dr H. W. Sandeen. exam, blind 6.0'» IT6r Misc. services L.i. 3,9S5'65 : isi ira- anti Meade 22.55 c;tv rf Woodstock, light and I ,_i, Mire Kd- SW'-nson, ,bd. Mrs. Chas. Cole 26.00 water. 3 mos. 277.43 Hvt,1 Faralnps'of ' Cl. L. Toon, surveyor, motor fuel . half, year .. . ::-,.,.:.$Q,®04.2| . ..... 318.6" I 156.6:1 Fectlons 1, 14, 201 Section . 2 Fection 3 Rectlon 4 ... factions 5, 6 Fection 7 Section. '8. Section 9 Section 10 - Fection 11 Section 12.'..>j'I.'.'™.. Fection 13 Sections IfjJriili .^. iection 17 . . I.ockwood, -Schi oeder, Kelley, - . ; " . tax fund ,, Henne JJ : I-^ster Edinger, oper. car 3 mos. 300.00 Total .exeiendi ^Jlhe. flnanc^pl. sUj.tiia nf itH ffev-nty Road Fo^d^is as': folTows ., . 1 half year ..... RtceivetjL^cf earnihgs F. W- Kruger, rent mdse. Stod.datd 3 mos, J* .., ,: b.; ..., V.......30O.OO court Cost^T' «-?S r't. Dorr-- * - , Woodstock Dairy, milk and cream Miscellaneouk- Vo]ney Brown, pension Sted- 1. prlg , 85.65 Mi8C0.llant<»uS l^LxTr -mao. Nichols, Wilson, Graham, ! tpi-m, E. Bierdeman. clk. shf. ,'t uri.-oii, .Rah 11, HaiJwnT, Buck- | 3 mos. 300 00 -I lr y, Rijycraft, Freund, Rasmus-^ . Vestie Mulcloon, Janitor 3 mos. ..l.SOO.O.O r pen. Foss ••• 630.00; Irene Crabtiee. Co. Court stenog: Jones Food "^hop, mdse. Mrs. - 3 mos. • . 300.00 „ : : Mormw ..,.. ~A'S' • .Bodenfu-hat* & Sah.4, mdse. Garbr "M^nry-. >Kc- and .lohnson -13021 •Gi> 8,4 2 t V, Moore. Ast. Sun. Sch. ' 3 mos. Z.. ..7:. :.37hj00 JT-Rtt+W proh. '< ff. fir, it. Trial Receipts Evponditurcs-- Clerk Hire Mi seel l an "011s :..... Cleik's Salary,for $3(130.75 .11.83 t 'Geo. Freeman, rent Mrs. Mottow..... 8.00.-.nusseU Alien, ast. sts. attv. 2 mos 2-20.00 ae' PieifTef's Pharmacy, drugs Simon- _ Hans Hansen, haulintv coal ...... "42 it ! irtnnnrtft'- son ••••---- r.:..-- 8.«0 j. p, Harrison; spl com wk . 40:50 ...... .. .1.0,000,00 A Pratt, meat Antonson .......... 14 33 a; H. Halo, spl com wit .. 23.30 - . " 7 . 7 7 , " ~ r J . K . S p l i n t e r , m d s e . R e i s n e r 6 2 2 b c , h a s . A c k m a n , " s p i c o m w i t " . . : . ; ; . : . . . 6 2 . 0 1 \fo,. r 1 5 r" t! "' Stones Drug Store, mdse. Mrs. !•». M. Wright, foI com wk,"^V.'.V...;. ^S.^O JjM»Ke^^nd,ltWr«.s Mas • 6,-1 Jul . r.,360;01 j Morrow 10.5--. c; M. Painter, spl com wit;...,,:.,:., ... 43.50 *• , , t --r-- Mrs. V. S. -LfUm]ey,„ r<^nt. Simonspn'j0 00 p Hught's, Bpl com wk .... £3.30 t "trVri-fiii"liniirntTiVn'- -k'oT? 1* •'(*"'tvlJn Estate, rent Hohensteln. .... 20.&0 H. M. Turner, spl com wk 20 40. expenditures. June .6, ,1931- 5 ?i/.43 i oia Peo. Rest Home, board .Jlrs. , s. H. Freund, spl com wk . 38.00 : Losee ?O.O0 pran|{. n. McConnell. spl cqm. wk 13.80" ,R T. f^Jlive-r, rent Ite-isne.r 40-00 John'Conlev, spl com wit ..V .. 24.80 Mrs. John ,M, Peterson, board Jfr^. V. E. Brown, #'pl- com wk ... 69.3n Wa'ker *0.00 E. F, Kiv-cker, spl Com- jrtif.47.2.0 ^ eneca;-- •' - N. B. Clawson, spl com wk 49.2'.» W'.rtz, & Shaw, coal Fultz 9 *2 Hoesle\- i'.akety, tirtad, cakes, .. 19.00 > pies, shf , 63.2R C o r . r f . 1 ' -- . E F . M e v o r , m d s e . " s h / T 5 . 0 0 ct us ii Ackman, pension Emma ' Jr hn J. Sullivan Jr., bailiff cir. ct. 15 00 nry r, e is and tent Roth, Bar- John J. Sullivan Jr., bailiff co. ct. 50.00 baugh, Tarnow ..A-,-v>.y-4W..28 -'John J. Sullivan Jh, dept. gen.' Vv- i". N'tll*-, :mdse.51.03 service ...: J... '4,00 W* K.-ich, mdse..T«r®ow , . - 4|>-«t<.r Edin^r, attendiii? Circuit' • ?tayldatr. .. .v.,...;.. 27.62 | & Countv Court and receiving 4.3-4., Rnfj releasing prisoners ,186.40 H J. .Miller,.mdse; Jrsidd.itaf 17 80- i,ouis Thayer, bailiff, cir. ct. .......... 10 00 W m . M H i e r , m i r k * R o t h 7 - 5 5 . S i d n C v C o r s o n , l a l l i f f C i r . C t . ' - 5 . 0 0 - Greenwood-- . (Sidney Corson, bailiff Co. Ct. 5.-00 j Charles Williams, deputy ffen. sev. 15.00 . 17.10i Richard Fartell'; denntv gen." serv. 6.00 nco cn A.pril -28 Amount approprla-ted Apt. '. iiMi ; flWll.ltee on hand June 8. '1931 -.-$3.4fi-5-.0^ Tour Committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of the WcHenry Co-mty Patrol systpm of road.; mt'l th» J"1y meeting-, of this Board Hlrhwaj Tax P.und. levied in 'JSyep"t?enntry- W F, Koch, mdse, Fultz ber. 1930. in ttie^sum of •B,ooa.o<i. All of which fs resne^tfully-'subniittc'd IB. C. HPGHKS •' V. E nnowN" ;iv. " C. M. P W.MFR CHAS: H. AI'KMAS. • - D. WPlGHf... ' . pnuTlty qierk The semi-anniial report of the Circuit flitches. Clerk being as follows: representative Mr. MePtuill and had jng of the almost intolerable coriditioh p. L. Putnam, burial Joseph. Gals-- 140.25agreed with him that they would recom- due to "the dust; caused by heavy traffic, ivis 50.00 mend that this bill be allowed for the and offering to raise the sum of il521.0o W'. Bombard, milk Wise, Rushboldt 3,980.00 amount - of $500.00. the difference rep- towai d the cost of improving said road and Haydorn .. ll.lf r e s e n t i n g the cost of the drums had tb"y with. asphalt, said sum being/considered Harvard Community Hosp., serv, ii>i=n returned to the Company. Mr. to be one half (Va) the cost of said im- . I.enibke and Castries 114.00. Lumley stated that he did not believe provement. Tour Committee then went H. J. Schmidt, M. D., serv. David that the County should stand this ex. to McHenry and viewed conditions and Lewis family and Doefie ....; 50.00 . pense It was thereupon moved hy As- then went to Wheaton, Illinois, whero Strain Bros., mdse. Wise, Dennltifi :.- 886.75 distant Supr. Donovan and seconded by many miles of asphalt road have been . Sergeant : 61.77 .' 27.10 sunr. McConnell that the amount of built on the StatesflMd Roads. We were Mrs. J. Raeder, mdse. Deline . :;1.00 $5in,00 be paid to the Service I.abora- favorably impressed with these roads and Ostrum : 46.87 r>--- tories of St. Joseph. Mo^.-in full settle. nn(j were struck with the idea of try- Rol.-b & Riley, mdse. Chapel -8.57 $3>24S<90'."vtn>.nt of any and all claims that they jpg out asphalt roads in this county.' D. Hereley &^S<vns, mdse Tarpley, , , p• ay have against said County to this where a good gravel base existed- Tli.e Vierck & Wagner ,,.; ;... 45.87 / ;dnte. and that the Clerk be directed to cost of three .<8). inch asphalt road, _1S C. E. Ambler, mdse Berry .74 draw an order on the CoifVity Treasurer , feet wide being about $f>,000 {4et mile. I.u^h, Vermilya & Co., mdse. Knull 5%20 for the saruc and receive utjon tho : your Committee decided to accr pt sttid Hoge & Bander, mdse. Haydofn K, - Phnil a receipt from him in full settle- If^'eyhaff'Ti^f mife of road with our own W. S. Beardsley. taxi serv. Lash. .. 15,00 Wright. Palmer. ' O'Prten. Claw'O". and roughness and as a demonstration Chicago Ind. Home for Children Kuecker, Ackman. Conley, rcad. " ' . ~ '} i care D'edlna. Fa ye, Schplta. Bla- Re'-elpt' -For recording For CI elk's Fees 30B,; Sui's in Court 153 days tn Court • at $10 per day • ...., For Misc. Services... Rrown. Harrrson. Turner, McConnell, j Your Committee again met at MC- | rer, H.aase and Giles children ....420.09 Tetn1 ••arnings of half yar ' ..'.-$7,498.5S Recel\-fd of earnings previously reported Earned Received jfav. Freund, Hale, Haeger, and Asst. Henrv, Illinois, on the 1st day of July ' Greenwood 18. 133.95 $3,133,95 Supr. 'Donovan, voted ave. Nays none and viewed the road in the various Dr. Hyde West, sefv. Francis ?ind motion declared carried. stages of its construction. Saul" road Smith 2,425.00 Fiior. Freund addressed th« Board and wa;s completed and turned over to traf^ J. E Harrison, pension Kreien, ; stated tliat there was an »aged couple ft- July 3rd, with the exception of fur?.: ; rent and supplies, Krezen ."%-lthin Ill's jurisdiction by the name of ther shouldering same and laying of tile. I Dorr-- 170.1*8 -Mr. and Mrs,. C. O. Harrison that would j Your Committee again met at Wood-,y. E. Brown, pension Stedman, . becotne County charges unless some a-C- stock on the 8th dav of July and audit-,, Nichols. Wilson. Graham, Carlitie^ was taken to secure for them the e(.j and paid htills and etc., 8,8 follows: | son, Rahn. Hansen, Buckley, 2,634.70 1,530 00 1911.93 . 10;00 .112.50 n'ce^fatv transrortatio*> to take t'-'em Sectie>ns 1, 14, 20 jl... K-„. .r'.\to their home state. Mr: Freund fur- Section 2 28,fS3.v .-ther stated that they were perfectly Section 3 .... -- ! -- ; willing to "o jn case that this arrange- Section 4 Total Receipts;,....$5,9S3 83-^r.^nt oo-ld be ma^e. • Jt was thTeupon _ Section 5, | Evpenditu-ef---' . moved by-Puiir. Tcrner duly seconded Section 7 Cierk I?'.re (Incl.„ • -.Ti.v' S'tipr.' Hariflson -that .T-Vmnd 1» Section 8 Miscel. Exp,. .... .;. .. .. ; 26.03^ : . igiven Hill power to act in incurring any section 9 Refund Doc, Fees ?R 00: : evn. r^c that be sees necessary in this Section 10 -- Clk's sal. 1-2 year . .. 1,000,00.^8,067.38 he ha'f. ^nd on roll " call said motion Section 11 • > ' • • • r - r ' w a s u n a n i m o u s l y a d o p t e d . S e c t i o n 1 2 . . . . „ I . . . . : . ; . Balance due county ... 2,>185 83 Mr. T.arkin a renri•«entntlve of «he Section 13 HhC'itir-^" -' '" p.Vv.jif. Service Co. of Crystal Lake, 111". Section 15 •J f.e^ter Edinger, E. W. Bates, haul- *> Ing garbage, e-xn. to Chi. (P<d- . 33.5" 19 8' 22 88 For Misc. Serv. 1,185 50 Total Earnings of one-half year v..r..".,.$'S,68^.&5 Received of earnings , • previously reported" J tJ , Process Docket Executions ,.. . . "Tor the trans . ! M rs. SlmT>ionson ssion of Electric current - p.alance on hand Ji'ne" 8, 1921 $3,455.09 Mr® V. S. Lumley, rent Mrs. r ^ l t w a s t h e r e u p o n m o v e d . J a y : S n i f > r . Hatger and seconded b'v Supr, :*Palmer .that said report be adopted by thi^ v j, K. Ilarrifeon, care Krezen Board And the rouUnMng called Supra. | . family Wrir ht, •~f*ftlm«r; O'Brien, Cl^TKKOn, > Winnediago Co., Care Spencer Hughes, Kuecker; Ackman. : Conlev,, fatnilv •VU.WnV Turner,-• Met.Vvnoeii W. C. North, mdse.. Spehcer family 30.56 \ oyn>, exp, to Lake Co. boat hlrj» ,... , 1?*- ^r">1,nd. l ae-cr, and Assistant, Milton Meeker, moving .Spencer -- - \ RV.-exp. on canned goods, Rv." fn|>r. Donovan vot»d »ve. Kays none. , family , : :.... 20 00 , exD „n euns E W Bates haul.' ICot'lon declared carried. , ! V\'e«>dstoqk Hospital,"care Fi.a,nci4 ' i • in*' garbage' ' • iS 96 Three applications for Dan<»e -Ha'1. ! Smith'I*.*®-' C L Tryon ssJ & «n VSun Hvs 3S» 61 Licenses were presented iy the Clerk Dr c F. Baccuf, care Francis ' jln; phi Tel. Co.. service 140-R and oil motion w**e „r^fer,red to the . >mi'h . \ 50.00 141, 14^, 1 44, 1 56 197-R, 520 Cer"irilttee on . >anee TIalls, ^ | • .McllenTy"-"- 1 \ " - :/ . : •" < : 111. .p<>n Tel Co toll sheriff - Comunicntlons from ih? •.Tpnij* trpon*. j 8. .11. ' reuhd. car<'W>fr:j. "McC^rtby, \ Kihel c. Coe, ex.' sup", schs SLT'Ufrom^he^«?kge6f?r thi^h' Bofc^S • AVexamler' Lb?'"Am*r- '*&** Co.i nidse. • To,ai Recplptit^U...' ,42^42,03 he wished that the Board would take. Rectivcd from County Treaa- ( th f ». ccr oq iw»*.ri -- -•--^~r , ,BUP- schs ,, Bxpewd.1 tareW" - -- prtrpe action <n this• rettard. Stat.5 s At- • urer donation f.or River- .ahpwins; tfjat $1555.89 had been &imon ........ 4.12 W oodstock News, prtg sup: schs..^. «.« 1 Deputv salary - 7M 00 tornev I;umlov was - then called upon i jtaui Improvement f^T.' ***' nient an el .properly Art fcmith, mdse. Mtfry Simon and III. Off. Sup. Co.. mdse. sup. scha'.-CS.C? I Miscellaneous IBi50 " bv the Chriirman. Mr Lumley sta't^d - tamed OV*r to the County Tteasuier of D. Johnson «•«« Johnson-Randolph Ci, md^ V* isberlll's Sy 'f^C; ; . ttot^he had investigated tlie Resolution . Tho-semi-annual I • p->rt of ;the Sheriff being present at this meeting -wri-" called Sections 16, jf • .„ing to follows, to-wit: . - . npem by the Chairman. Mr. T.arhin nd- Scction 17 Receipts--- ' Earned Received rlrecsed the Poard and stated that at tli^ General Fi" fc»s In Suita 111 - Special February meetin? of this Board , Court ,his Com pan v 'presented a Resolution j -Total -Process Docket 0)^8.40 $l.P?8..4'i e-!ir>tio~ said Company permlssio-n to 488.75 353.7~i^ .erect, operate and maintairu-JFole lines, County Road Fund is a^ follows: $ 345.49 ! . .Rn'-craf4. Freund, Rasmussen 164;S«) 1 nnd Freund ...I15.W 263.29 Jor»s Food Shop, mdse. Mrs." 15S.71 Morrow «.t5 2?7.85 !e^'o Fieeman, rent Mrs. Morrow 8.W 158 70 We«t. V. Gas & Elec. Co. gas 207.38 Hchensfeln 11.01 171.60 Stone's Drug Store, medicine, Mra. 211.69 | Morrow • 1^6 164.7't WfHer Torgeson, groceries .- . 163.29 I Schrlher ........i.:.. t.08 436 91 Old PeoplA's Heme, hoard, care 177.20 . and meelicine. Lossee 80.00 211.19 Floyd E. Eckert", rent Hoheniitein.. 10.00 3,163.69 Mrs. John M. Peterson, board, 1,499.31 | room and care, Mrs. Walker 30.00. --r " [Pinsrel-,&' Koch, groceries Hohan- _ ?T.7S5 05 f ste;n ... .' 86:77. The. financial .stajtus; o# ttt»», iMeHenry I Dr C, F. Raccus, medicine, ete: in'Greenwood and Hartland Towishins. Amount aopropriated June and that as he understood the P^solu- , 8th, 1931 t'on was not acted upon by this Board l. h-.t was referred at that time to the! 1 , State's Attorney for report. Mr Larkin ReCAlved Oafc Tax Refund RT.'Sft jitnted that .his Company was very r-vl- Cla«m No. p.<,KW'- . 62.R-1. ous to secure the nec^srary franchise Received Gas Tax Pef.ind for the erection of l'n^s p-l tbat Claim No. p.91196- 5.000.00 $8,155.0? . ' ' S7'.78 . 1,347.50 8.W 10.00 8-9* «.60 S im mon son Di- Glenn E. Wright, service# Mrs,1 Morrow Dr IT. W. Sandeen, serv. Nelaon, ^r.,,;cnpr r.lodorn & Lossee ;N"nda-- Av.I" Hal».* biVl Coss. rent' ' '•"rcise; Seh'oen. Coss. pension - t'cvle A Sio'Mh. light BHL Lock- •wof.d Stoddard lM.|$ Jacob justen fr Sons, buri|Hlj^-T ---r Clyde Remington 50.00 $9,871.03 J. F. Mugge, rent Gruno 26.00 •aii& ?3•" v -tn,- M.e gi

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