PAGE FOUR »JtV " W A ~" f y K."'-r^ '• , *• r • y*-v ' *" •». ." -v' •am** *5 w T <" v» v7i 5"^ v. - yi^sv^ ^\jt *4 ;,y" -' ; *v "t t THE BOARD OF StTERVISOftS, McHENRY COtNTf, ILLINOIS June, 1931-- Office expense .. Diaper salat^r ,. Hess salary .... < -••;•<• Desmond. July, 19S1-2- Office expenfe ' ..... Draper salary _-r: Lwsmond salary' Augwpt, 198ir-- • Office Expense •Draper salary .....-,...i„ Desmond salary!- 1 (*O.OI> 8762.03 $ 2V.F5 S00.(i 90.CO 4.411.53 53.-6 » . Sflft-Of' si),o(i ^ • ,'j. 'f." rw •%. - • : ^ . • ' • - . • . ; $ 4 4 5 . 6 ^ Recapltulatio* >.' 'Septembers;. 19,30 :> October, ,030 , v , ----- -.-- **?> •Sj « ^November, • l-®8<) December 1,930 - T^n £ ' Jnnuarv,": 19»1- V ; r Starch. ; April ••; M .,. :• Jufii' ' Jitlv ;; AU&iisti.'.;. ' '.-.. Total Total i930 An of t}je ; at tlife, Jn«'usir^.;me»n.nig-:•.•«-• JBoJird. T.he •-expondtHiYys >P;- this time for Sept. I.'st,- tp. /an;'*.w«re paid out of appropriations .frjjm -the previous tax levy leaving-' a 'balance i« said fund as of Sept, 1st. T93.1 of *.<44:0+1 .Your Committee would further re-prut, and recommend that there be appr<>pi'iated the sum • of. f out ; of. tp." tax levy or so much thereof!8*. sary to continue the work- of "erad-icu tion of tuberculosis in cattle froiu .Sept. 1, 1931, to Sept. IV 193?. . • , i • Tour Committee wou-14- further .recommend that this County continue und> estimated cost of the necessary right ItYre 'corrections as made by the Board of way for said highway, along said of Review and making the necessarv proposed route, is- so pi eat that, the-Abstract. T,he roll being called Suprs. purchase thereof by--McIIenry 0"6tiri<jri\\ right, .Palmer, • O'-Briwi, '..^lawson, ie .Impossible; • ' 11 fSiighesi, Ku'^Vkef,-1 Aekiban, Conley, A"Nd WHEREAS, it appears that If J'Bro.wn, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, MM highway, is constructed on the lo- Mas'. J^ieund, Hale arid Haeger and ccttcm -as now proposed by the Stfite lAfest.-. Supr. • Rosenthal voted aye. Nky Highway Department, that the great I nqm? ami ;notiort declared carried, majority of the people w;ho Veslde iii | The Chairman of the Committee on the t<*rritory, which this particular i Pees .nnd 'Salaries addressed the Board highway was intended to serve, will be ] and stated that there were two items listed fh their report that they were at t jerve, denied the resulting: benefits thercftoih which they f^houltip receive; AND WHEniiVS, Jt appenj's that Jt is possible to locate said highway over a toijte that rnore practical;.^h-at w4'l fee, more direct": that Will permit the Use a 'loss to know wh;it to do ivith and they, W0.ti\<3 i+comme'nd to lay said items oyrf untif the next ' nuH'titig: Of this Reard,' ".Oji-e. of the . iterhs in question IVinp a Mil In the amount, of ?6Q,S0 preof much of the present hijzli.way ; tlra't | dented by Jester' -K-dinirfr,- Bheriff, " for will not require the purchase o^ r xpeft'- ./V.rjnginS* bac^ :av pti'soner from St. . Jusive. rijrht of'way', and '•^^ich'::»fll-'i!^f,-;j-l?rphv >iR,iiit,"ih, .and other, small ijfemsi quately serv.e ttae local, 'neetls , of • the j.Sji ph llale further-stated that t fit; Ci.rnpcople , 'resi-djafr -in that . porriori" vt. 31-c-';"1 nil ttf e was -^t a ItifWs .as-- -to' how; far the. ;Henruy,'ChuRtv thrPifgJj. which it; runs.; 4.^h'f,r4iiC.-.sho'jil<lappr^lteng.. <-'rim* r TMT-:r|5P|^I^,-R-k;.•!T-. l'!l5SVK\*-.-4ta!«4-sr:,-9A' 4-he allovftiviii:© . mitde-,, :'by . th> i%p..b.v. the •.•Board of;\^.iu;<e-i"v.isors, t life ,rcivu.u,ty ..'for '.usii. of hiH'.t;a:K-' "Sheriff Ctrtihty-^f' Sflclferir.y.-;.^iliHoii';ff,; fri .r^g-ular. I K<fins^r; bei'ni? pres'enr /.addrp'^sed •? the -nreeting ..<nj*ny«ned; aiid' •.st^te'tV that he'.had always > A . ' t h i r t - . t i r e , - D e p . a F i - ' i - i i ^ ^ v o f % t l t « : . ( > i > i f U p i v V t h a t . * . ' . t J i « ' ' ' a l t p ' w i t n e o meat *^'Tybli?>:.'^"r»rJ[«s*ftn{l--IJiiilfl.itig«. of, .on. ii'if.'c.Ar" cov'er^:-tO; the •'l.iJnits. o'f,' -11^. fhf'i &tat? ..(v%S'lHiUii,««i:v.4;<^vi-M^?i-1 &8hr;'ptenvv. • - A --'ft^r«il -disicifr^ton by Instructed to extend' said amount Turner, McConnell, Arty~ •the present area' plan of "handling th< f.aTf,>.iil' n •>! Tilb.n-villosis ill cattle? ' wJu^h-is resnect ftilly submit.ted, A. H. HAT.E; shairman,. , r. ••' C. M. PAl^MKR .. ' . "" ' V. E. BROWN' .. The County Treasurer's TepoTt dated Sept. 1. 1931 Was* .iireseht^d and fead to the Board and upon motion of Supr. Hale duly seconded by. Supr. Brown..said, report was unanimously adopted, to wit' K. T. Petelt, Conlity Treasurer's Beport September 1. 1931 . General Fund Highway Fund : .......... Highway Snow Fund 1929 Personal Property tax collected after abatement Deposit order of court Unclaimed Witness Fees V Institute Fund j.. Dog Tax Duplicate taxes Non High School Tax... Unknown Residence ana M4n;or» . Heir Fund 2.R2.04 Inheritance Tax; --™ A*9 .^,9ni.-0G, .30.27 K'l . 3. S-14 . 90 'tl're., CJ'erk,'of 'tftis lioard fo'fwjtt'rd*a certi- •ficA.cot>y;0f* this' resolution, to' the department • of Publie Works;, nnd Buiidini^ s, Division of Higways, Kprins fie 1 d, Uli-nois. ' , The Clerk presented and applieation for refund,; with ,-af- _fijavits'received from the-North Crystal I.ake Park _P>each Assoofat ion showing t'hat r^al property owned by said ,Association was assessed .double for "the years* 1928 and 1929 the amount of saidassessment covering the iHi'tc and cmni- ' 'ty::tax totalling"fl5..19: in excess--of the tax.that, should have been,e-xtended and'llecte.d. It was thereupon ;-esiilarly Woved by Supr, ITaeqer and dn-ly •seconded by Supr. Ackmnn tftat the J?tate and County Tax be refunded rata by the State and County and the "City and incorporated Town .*r Village taxes, bv said Citv-.-Iown or Village;" On roll call Paid riiotioip'-' Vras •" ui&'nlmously; aoeipted. • /--L • • The Clerk presented lists of claims acainst the Cotihtv and upon motion of" •Supr.- Wright, seconded by Supr. Turner' the same were referred to the proper committees 'for- report' artd the Ronrd adjourned to 1:30- o'clock 1\ :M;. f®r Committee work. : . . .: 1:30 Pi Ifc.' " 'Board met pursuant to adj. urnmeht'. Present same members. . .: >; . The aCoriflmittee on , Claims. Coiihty Poor made the f olio wing report to-wit;: d'iftieS" flVat 'raVry -said .'Sherfif ' ci-r ' l?if ii< pulies-; beyond the- limits of'* Mi-Henry County,, said Sheriff shall be dllowed .a FfVson'able fee. Un -rpfl- call suid motion was unanimously adopted. Hu r>r. MeConnell again' addresse-d the B'< ai d -a.ild moved that the Sheriff be req'. joJKd to fufnish -.Itemized -statements <if all accounts presented to. this Board ,1'or payment. , Said 'motion "-was duly seconded by Supr. Turner and uriani- ;rt«>nsly itdiipted. ;- . 1 .. ', -•' The Committee on Claims, L,abor Fees and-; S'u'pplies made the following repctrt which- was, on' motion of Supr. Turner duly seconded by .Supr;. F^eu.iult find, the roll called, unaniiViolla»TSi' adopted, Td-'wit:. - 1.638.?1 1,894.«U 49.9 5 392.1 7' 6,812.4 , . 143.5! Mr. Chairman and , Centlemett pf fli 8159 Board of Supervisor ; Tour Committet;; on.,- Coun.ty .'Poior Claims - would beg teaye to. report that ',\V]en's Dept. Store, towels shf. they have examine^ all ^ihiiins pfesent- | Aurora-,SpeeiaUiv>s, "chamois: shf: Mr.. Chairman- 'and f«entlcmen q£ the Board ;0f Supervisors:.' . , . ' • Your Committ'-e on I,abor Fees and. Sup. Claims • would beg leave to -report that, they-^iave examined all claims present^ y t-'V-therfl, and rec<>mmend-the payn'i'ent of the following, and that the Clerk-be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer lb the. Claimants f<ii' the several amounts allowed, as fol"- l.-.wr. to-wit: '; Frank Thornber & Co., mdse. " •;•<>, 'Oftioer-s j:....v^:v;$l-39.53 Lawyers Co, Op. Pub. Co. law oks. 7.-50 k..-'k<-rtBending,, fruits, veg. and mdse. prisoners J'55.90 Woodstock' Dairy; ^iilk and cream ^ • prisoners .... .-..-.-.t 18.55 IT<Lesley's Bakery, bread,-Xookies, -.•..crtkes, pies, , pris.' We'st. TTn. Gas and Kl. Co., gifts' Sheriff's' res."and C. House 98.85 Fo* River Conservancy District :14.11 fed to them, and recommend tlie.-payment, ;'F' Meyer, water softener, shf- T R Sanitorium Kund 2,884-.6s 1 j of the f olio w i ncr. an (I ;tb:it t h>' C.l •' i kj "pjov (^la ik, balli ff T'o. Court . .'•r;>;si» . 1 ube- directed,1 *t o .;i l-s <s-.u«»ev\ o/-.-r•drl ce**r«s6 or.rn*, t<hne» C4 Vokullr rIVT- • J,' (^] -- 9.96 v6.96 '•6.08 : 5.00 25.00 Motor Fuel Tax . F-3d^atio« of T. J?;, in' cattle State's Attorney account 1-.2-4S.4 0 S'ty. Treasurer ,t<». .{he- Claimants l'or ,tft. •74 1.0 I several amounts alJoWcJ, as?, fo'.lowsi to- 592.86 " Illimois^ond"Vksue" Account .... 1.991.9rrTt'hi. Thd.. Home for Chlldrfn, -WWiiddoowwss" FPeeunsskiomnss• • 1 3so,s,! - « . ' : ' I6C.C19.90 To the ftonorable Bt^rk 6f In nine years, the Treasurer's office has earned $270,774,69 for Mell*nr. County. Every time the matter conies up that the Treasurer's office is crowded and needs more rous?, same is arop. P6I would therefore like to bring this matter. to the attention of the honorable Board of Supervisors for disfiussio^ at tliis time and the Chairman in turr refer it to the proper committee -for action. - s ^ F pETt:TT, Co. Treas Mrit.=-istl»el' C. Coe, bounty Superin' tendent of -Schools presented the distributive fund report and .report _ ,ot Institute Fund for the year ending 30, 1931. which, reports were on , itil call unanimously adopted, . to-wit. Beport of Pistributlve Fund Tear Endfeigr Jnne 30, 1931 To the Chairman of the County Board . of Supervisors, Mc-Henry County, II- "linois: ' „ . . , I Ethel C. Coe, County Supermtende'y Of Schools of McHenry County, respectfully present the following report or all monevs received and .distribution made of the Distributive School i-und I , tills ofrice: Receipts Balance on hand July 1, 1930 $ 8.71;3t: Rec'd from Harry Peteit, Co. Treas. Tax of 1929 5'ii^fi Tax of 1929 Tax of 1930 -2,».28..,n ! Total Receitns :.i5....1..$40,705.»8 Sistrihutioii Grant Anthony, Twp. Treas;, , 4SB., 6Eh (1929) M#.35 Grant Anthony, 43,: S -%• i'L c c- N. V. Wolehen, 44, 5 C. A. Phillips, 45. 5 p R Phelps, 46, 5-.:....-^.... H J. Miller, 43, 6 Frank Silliman, 44i-6 „--- D. H. Desmond, 45,-"t; »V»-- F. S. Smith, 46, 6 D. D. Fyfe, 43. 7 Walter F. Conway, 44, 1 Nellie Baldwin, 4a., 7 •: J W. Smith, 46. 7 7....:.^. I>. E. Mentch, 43, * F. W. Covalt, 44, ft- .....r.i. 8. W. Brown. 4 5, 8 ' F. B. McConnell, 46, 8- F. L. Waterman, 13; 9 ... Jos. S. Haas, 44, 9 ;.... A. H. Franzen, 4"., 9 Victor Siegler, .46, 9 care Oiles, Blazer^ Fay, Haspe,r-, Dedina, M. Kchultz'and D; . S'chultz , ^270 00 Xunda-1- . :' • ' " A.'H. Hale rent Brooke, lackman taking girl to 5.00 5.90 -Geneva. _ (?.: IT. Dike. serv. !Bd.- of Rev.--:.*..,;-;- McHenrj^JiT^TTl?: Sanitorium,,;,. . • , sal. nhrs.e and care patients v...lA 19.-79 . Y 4 T ^ 4 1 - e i ^ K e w ^ - > . C o . - , ; P u t ? , ; ^ P.i; kl' v -Tea Room, meals tat Dr.. H- W- Sand een,' serv. Co. pris. 18.00 on all taxable property in the County, in accordance with the report for the following purposes, to-Wlt: Salary and Traveling Kxpehses County Supt. of Hj^hMfays 98,500.00 'Salary of County Judge 3,600,00 County Services, Co. Clk., Cir»- ; cuit Clk., Shf. and Treas 7,000.00 Additional compensation and office expenditures, Co. Supt. of Schools 2,000.00 Supplies, stationery, postage, express, Co. Officers 3-,000.00 Per diem, Board of Review ...... 2,50QpOO Clerk, Hire, witness fees, etc., Bciard of Review 500.00 Mileage and per diem, jurors .... 5,000.00 Co;. Judge Stenographer li200.00 Coroner's and .Coroner's '"jury fees at Inquests'.( 600.00 Ft eVfor birth and death reports 300.00 Salary Probation Off. Co. Court 1,200.00 Salary Probatfop Off^.-, Cir. Ct...... 900.00 Co: Home,, farjn, asyluina, et^..". 14,000-00 l"ue,l, lfgftt, water, etc. Ct. hoUse 2.3Tifl i)0 Fitel,- light,- water, etc.,- j^'il- w 300.00 Relief .of'Blind 2,500.00 I^ejiair rit'Court Hjot^stev,.-1-0,000,00 Repairs .Jail 500.00 Repairs ' 1 'oor Farm .1,000.00 ^eryl<ie„ 1,500:00 uftt"' Hdutffr' 1.500.oo - '• , . ; ' 5,00.0.00 >king. for " prisj . 1,? 0 0;00 Shf:, livery for " . ' :. ...t.: 2,500.00 . ..._ iVui'ding bridges 3,-OOD.OO , Court:House' and' "#ail:-. 600-00, Contingept'-Expenses, labor, law " . - hooks etc., . ; a 3,000.00 Per diem mileage and spl. "com-! . . . mittee Work, members of , : Board'of Supervisors *,600.09 County Highway. Tax maintenance State and State .1. Aid Roads 57,0(n5.00 County Highway Tax, removing snow 3,000.00 Kradication "of T. B. in. cattle .... 6,000.00 County's proportion for maintaining roads now built 500.00 Bogardis Fund, relief ex-soldiers, sailors", etc. ' 3,000.00 Mother's --pensions ....,.,,....,.....,...14,000.00 1 'ayment of Rights' of Way ---- 4,400.00 General Fund 5,600.00 Freund, Hale There being no further business to come before this meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Haeger to adjourn. Thereupon the Board adjourned. L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Special October Meeting, 1931 . and Haeger and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye. Supr. Wright voted nay. Supr. O'Brien not voting-, motion declared carried. , The clerk presented the following resolution, which was on motion of Supr. Kueeker duly seconded by Supr. Wright and the. roll being called, unanimously adopted, to-wit: Resolution of County Board for the Maintenance of State Aid Gravel and Macadam Boads WHEREAS, The law required "That when a gTavel or macadam road is constructed, the county shall pay one-half of fbe cost of its maintenance," and WHEREAS, The law that the wiairt'ten'ance of all "State aid roads is under the jurisdiction of the State Superintendent of Highway!?;' and WHEREAS, Tt/'is necessary t» pay promptly all maintenance biUS tp secure sStisfactof-y and. economical results; therefore, be it • RESOI^yED', By the County Board-of McHenlry County that there is .heFeb.v gppropriated from; 'funds in1 the hands of the Cpvinty Treasurer, the siim of, Fotir( Hupdred Dollars (i400-.00')V or as much thereof as js necessary to defray' the county's portiyn of the cost of maintenafic'e of Stjjte-.Ald rOad"' known as "Section , (?, for the period Ending December 31st, 3931,;' and be *it further RESOIjVED,' That the County Clerk "is. .hereby. authorised -to draw orders on the'County Treasurer in the payment of the maintenance cost of said .road ^upon receipt of itemized. bills properly approved by the State Division of Highways. The Clerk presented and t-ead several communications from the different departments of the state government which were ordered placed on file. The Public Service Company of Northern "Illinois presented a fully ^executed ,,, ... ... cceptance of a Resolution adopted by j jeave submit the following report" on The Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County met In Special Session pursuant, to a call signed by niore than \one-third of iy* members at the Court House "in the City of Woodstock on Tuesday, the thirteenth day of October, A. D. 1931, at ten o'clock A. ST., ; The' meeting was jcalled to order by th<v Chairman. L. A. Stoikwell, and the roll being called the follow+ffg me in hers responded to their names, - to-wit;., L, A. Stockwell, D,. M." Wright. Charles M. Palmer, Jdhn Tr O'Brien, N. B. Clawsoh, E. C, Hughes, . E. F. Ruecker, Chas. H. Ackman, "V. E. Brown,. John Harrison, H., M. Turner, Frank ,B.' McCohnell, S. H. f>e.Und< A. ./H".. Hale, and Assistant Suprs. J. P. , Donovan and- Paul Rosenthal, cdnstituting a Quorum. , - .. . The records of- the .last .- preceding meeting were read "and on motion approved.. '; The Committee on Dance I^alls ;.made the' following'report which wa-s on-.inp-*' tioii Of SUpr. AckmAn duly, seconded l»§r Supr. Wright and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of "Supervisors: , You "Committee on Dance Halls "to whom was referred the application of Ernest and Hilda Oberg for a license to conduct a barn dance in the township of Dunham in said County would beg 842.00 150.00 736.88 757.28 164.00 338.98 218.38 177.T5 492.3*9 Freeze, Ross. Right Stoddard,jiiir. H.-.W.. Sanrt'-en sery.-of CEd' forenoon," (.-are-Airs. Chas. Gctle .36.,6»J. H. C.» Mei'-r, nidse. Schvoi der and Kelley .....i, « 17;61 J. F. Mugge. rent Wm. •GrvWo# .,.. 25.00 H. W. Gipseke, mdse. Brodd, Hen-. ning. Corob-y liosell & COss 57.41' We-Rt, -Un. Gas & El., gas Carl • Brodd 5.03 F,. W. kruger, rnd>e.:-;afld rent Stoddard. ...... <•'• 6&0.1- Chas. JohQson, board and care , F. Goelstrom 56.81 Dorr-- . .. - ' V . ' . ' , ' M. Geo. Freeman, rent Mrs. Morrow 8.0-0 Pingel $ Koch, mdse.. Mrs. Hohenstein ...; 24.01 Old Peo. Refet Home", board Mrs. . Dosee .. . . . . . £ 0 .00 2,518.6.") .. 1,388.10 1,1 => 2. > . 1,618.8" ... 3,328.31'. V.'noi •> • 0 . . 2,228.2t. ... .5,717.27 ....l,151.3r. • 1 ,(a"9.7'.< 2,437.0.:'. . C,252.7'i ...iTX S" 1.r,8l.s» .1,141.91 ... 1-52.84 ; :. 2'87;22 ..." 342.49 Total disbursements ' , ,,,.:; u.'|40,JoS.158 Respectfully submittea, ... ETTT'ET, C" POR, County ' jtoljiBrintendent of School)*. Beport of Institute Tund Tear Ending June 30, 1931 To the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, ill I Ethel C. Coe, Superintendent or Schools of McHenry County, respectfully present the foMowing report >o a moneys received and expe-nditurns .*"ade from'the Institute Fund of this office. / Receipt* . . Balance :on hand ,Julst. i,. .1930 % 651.00 Bec'd for year ending June 30, 1931 -- Total-Receipts :~.$t,l 58.00 Disbursements "a 5 ffis :. Co- SnPV^der $ ^ Rev. Jos. Burrows, Order No. 116 . 6.00 Rews Jos. Burrows, Order No, 116 1.0.03 l.oi« Waechter. Order No. 118 . ,251.' ' Vestie Muldoon, Order No. 114 Anderson, A-. Musf.ynitsk.i, E. ' ' Hayd.'a-n,, N*. Chinh,. .'lime Hhs- '-"'v.- •'don, G» Hemmi'ngsfn. J, Engberg,-- A. ci'firien and' J. Zimmerman .... 45.00 Dr. 0.. F. Bfn'cus,, serriee .Insanity . of :C*, Anderson, A,. Muszy.nuski, ;* ' X. C'hiVVn,•.-'•Hudson, • Ct. ' .f-ilemmingsen;, A. jO'Brieh EWjd, " '?•/ J.- Zimmerman ......4.. . 36.00 i.M- W. H N", wton. serv.. Insanity of "sj<.hn i'n::l."-'.-i; ....; • 6.00 111 Bell Tt>)" '"P-- serv. jCo,,- Officer,s and trll ">20 and 2 . . " 43.67 Ethel C. Cne,' e.xp. of offiee 13.60 Woodstock Daily. Ser.tiliM, stp, ; , eu-v.' and blks. Cjr. & Co. Clksj 5.3.50 Woodstock Eve Journal, bal. due ; . -on Assessment list . . . 298.5-8 ^ t -c- U\'<..i(!^tof,'kE';-o. Joiirn;U . .I.H.l h. d Mrs. John M. .Peterson,; btfard Mrs.V i,r(.nent li«r !• . :.990.*0 Walker ...'...-- .„_~-2p--0O j.R0'/-ij*Bg(>h'at7. '& Sahs^ mds-e. shf. ... 62.07 Jones Food .Shop,, pidge. Mrs. • „«Jicfster Ed'ingcr, shf, operating Morrow --6,021 . aX1;t0 AU^- 100.00 Gertrude Carlson,, care M|^j . , .M'arion >:dmger, cooking, /or i>ris; ' :•.* . Morrow - J2.00 Amr 100.00 Algonquin^-- . PhH ip TI. litei deman. sal clei k "for R. E. Haeger, .rent Elsie Rodman -22.00--) ^; HherjfT.: Aug/' - .-•••--• ,-100:00 Yes-tie. M-ulfloon; sal. Jnnitor',Tt)g... .120;00 1M:> sell' Atlen: pAI. ast.' st^:ratty. .. . .. ..."V-iir;' . . , , 3 30.00 Trene "Crrsb'tf'ee; sal." Co. ct; stenog- 100.00 Daisy V. M-core. sal, Ast. Sup.. Sch. and attend, officer :.,.,.,.125.00 City of W»>odstbek.» elec. lights, s'bf. house and C. H. • 68.00 C„ h.. TrvVh. State Aid Route 2jt, ' S« c. 2 M: 1. T". ; ,.....-... .,.'200.00 G': T/. Trviin, statf" aid route 2V, ••'••--S;l. . A ; . > 1 - *"• T. ,200.00 Werneke & Wahlen, mdse, I'etrie, Kela'nan, Rogman 35.81 H. Cr- MeieF, ffidsMrr. fMinop'SO^O'l Public Service, 'lights . Elsie Rog- J '., man •. 1.28 West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas Elsie Rogman- 2-61 H. W. Gieseke, hidsie.'-Gie.o>: vIie«al 5.00 'Chemung-- . .. John T. O'Brien, rent. Wise, Haydorn, Pennington,. Krefchmen Utesch, Keeler, Torgeson; lights, , Ostrum, Viercdt: :,^a.3-,:.1 06,43 ^pl emn wk R. «T; Poesr^ ^ W ise • r>i' e.v»i n^m wtr Dr. II. J. Schmid. ^erv. Il, Warner, G. Ostruin ^ 22.80 Wm. Bombard, milk Haydofn, Rush bold t, Wise 26,38 D.'-Herelv & Sons, mdse. Mrs. G. ' . Vlerek," I 'ail v & Tarpley, . j.- 86.02 Hoge & Bauder, mdsfe Haydorp • / and I'teseh ----- 42.65 Mrs. J. Raeder-. mdse. Mrs. Ostrum and Ru shboldt;« - « ,8 ?i4 5 Rf'bb &" Riley, mdse. C. Chappie .. 3:08 Harvard Com., Hospital, care. Jtenry 93,00 5.00 571,00 587.00 Total Dlsursenjents ' .Balance on hand, June :30> 1931 Totm i--- Respectfully Superintendent of Schools. I.embky Chemung-- -- • - . .. '- Strain Bros., mdse. Sargefint, Doege & Wise !±.A:L>.: 26.01 F. M. Ties. mdse. Crandall fatpil)j in Wisconsin ...: 8.01, John T O'Brien, moving bills,,;" ; Stanock and Doege families .... 17.50 C ' V . r a l -- ; , . • ; . • " . ' Highland Hospital, Ber«. Maflett ; . Rattfield - 52.50 W. C, Nulle,; mdse. W. Roth 28- 04 Chas. H./Ackman, gas Roth -6'16 Ma,rengo!-- '. - , D. M. Wright, gas B. Ward find - rent Wolf and Gluth . ........ 24.92 Patrick Bros;, mdse. Albert Wolfe 9,65 Central Groc.. mdse. Bessie Ward. , and Mrs. Gluth ' ' ••",:. ' ' . '•• ' . - $1,330.36 All ol-which is respectfully submitted, ' FRANK B -WcCONNEDL . ' ^ M. WRTGHT , jir^snr^Ar-KMAN. h. frevnd John t. cvbrien -~ II. C. Hughes, spl com wk A. H.' Ii;Ytv\ s;ril Com wk ..'.• ('has. H. Ackman. spl-coni wk !•»:' M. WriRht,'': com wk E. P. "Ruecker, spl com Wk .fchrt .T,'O'Brien; spl com wk .. S', 11 riawso.n. spl coin wk T. .Tl'Brt'Wn. srl .com :i!vk ; «T; If; FreUTid, spl corn" Wk ,1.. E.• Harrison,- spl com.wk Piiul Tiosr-nthal, spl com wk ... l"rank May, spl com Wk p,• M. Paltrier, spl com wk" i.Tohn roniey; spl com wk C; :D..Tr.yon, ,s!il & exp Snpt: Hys. 308.80 Division ol' Highways; patrel 16-1 „ „ Sec G. .:•-•• 68.22 Rofct. Milligr'n A A. Horehled repairs or boiler - ;...,...,...'..:-125.00 Ij. V. KiUzi repairs typewriter Cir.. «'lk; |00 Pfeiffer'.s Pharmacy, mdse. CO, of. 6 oa Geo!"'Grant'.' dep., shf. . , . 5-00. I>. B; Nichols,, labor and nia«ev : - shf : • '. .......... 21.80 Amerlcnri -Prtg,; Co;,: blanks, tt^ivs. 9.00 1.. A. . storkwell, serv Bd. or Iwy.,., ' and anto . ' • 621.00 R. M. B't i.-kley, serv. Bd. of *Rev. and' auto ... Theo. Hamer, sem Btf- of Rev.- . a nnd auto |l...^.^.-.- 561.00 Wm. Ix-stnond, s<>i v. P.t of Rev;, 511.00 Irene I >eitr, serv, Bd; of Rev. 2KT.00 E. C: Kunda, s»rv, Bd.' of Rev. ... 215.00 .The Mcllenr'y -44a-indea 1 er, bal. due _ x .t'M>. A v'1-ialK -- 2»6.84 Total ;... |l 77,000.00 All of which is respectfully submitted, J. D. DONOVAN ' H. ,M. TURNER . N. B. CRAW SON ; " B.S5E. HAEGER „ y 1 ' S.. H. FREUND It was thereupon moved by Supr. Kueeker duly seconded by Supr. Wright that said approved. The roll being called Suprs. AVright, Palmer, O'Brien, " Clawson, Hughes, Kueeker, Ackman,- Conley, Brown, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hal and Haeger and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye. Nay--none and motion declared carried, and the report was unanimously approved. ; The Cl.erk presented* and read Bogardus' Fund application presented by the several American Legion Tosts of said County which were ordered placed on file. The Clerk then presented the report of the William Chandler Peterson Post No. 171 showing disbursements made under the Bogardus Act of funds received from McHenry Countv, and upon motion duly made and carried -said report was ordered placed on file. . It appearing to thew"Board that the ... . jury list as "heretofore" selected has i«,755v5v-!^iieen exhausted, the members from the ' various townships presented new lists of legaT "voters of their respective Twps. for prospective Jury service In the courts of McHenry County, which lists were read by the Clerk.. Upon motion of Supr. Kueeker and seconded by Supr. Ackman the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Be it resolved that the names as read to this Board, which names have been selected by the Supervisors of the respective townships of the legal voters of McHenry County and which names appear in Jury List No. 3 on file iri the ('ounty Clark's Office in McTtenry Ci.unty, be and hereby are declared the legal petit Jury list for the Courts of McHenry County. Said list being and s hereby made a part of this record. Supr. Turner presented the following •esolution and moved its adoption; "Be it resolved by the Board of Supf- rvisors of McHenry County, that th® chair appoint a committee of three and that said Committee be and hereby is authorized to select at such times as is required from the petit jury list^ Of McHenry County on file in the office of the Cnunjy Clerk a number of persons equal to one hundred for each trial term of the Circuit Court of said Countv to serve as petit jurors as provided hy Chapter Seventy-eight of Smithliurd Revised Statute of Illinois, 1929. The motion was duly seconded and the Resolution, unanimously adopted. Thereupon the chair appointed as such' Committee, Suprs. S. H. Freund, R. E.. Haeger and V. E. Brown. The "Committee so appointed to select a lis\ of person equal to one hundred for each trial term of the Circuit Court made\a report showing such selection whichVrepnrt was read by the Clerk and upon A.,tion of Supr. Wright seconded bv Sup\liale was-unanimoiisly adopted, and ordtVed attached to the aforementioned Jurv Eist No. 3 and hereby made a part of this record. 'm,„A The Committee on Relief of Blind made the following report which Was on roll call unanimously adopted,..-.tor-Wit: the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County at the Special Session of said Board held July 14, 1931, which was read by the Clerk'Snd upon motion duly made and carried ordered approved and placed on file. The annual report of T. B. Eradication work compiled by Dr. C. Draper' was presented and read by the Clerk and upon motion duly made "and carried was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Annual Beport on T. H. Eradication Work in McHenry County from Sept. 1, 1930 to September 1, 1931 Presented by Dr. C. Draper Betests Date . Herds Cattle Reactors Sept) 1930 97 Harrison "• Oct.. 1930 63 Harribon, Noy^ 193^ ,....„.....,76 Dec., 1930 -^...;.;... .61 Jan. 1931 294 Feb., 1931, 398 Mar., 1931- ..,.'.,......322 Apr., 198t ........ May, 1931 Jt'ne, 1931 ...... July, 193J Aug., 193il »Total 6.20 .... 16.00 .... 18.30 .... 83.60 . .. 26.4 0 73.00 .... 62.70 .. 68.80 ... 50.00 18.90 ... 11.40 ... " 5.911 ... 6 81 18.90 76.60 2743 15 2832 19 2204 - 40 1841 57 9629 . 149 11328 285 9469 135 .283 7951 103 232 6904 56 ...;.204 5443 60 ..... 122 8959 28 .......210 em 80 , . . 2 3 6 2 7 0 4 5 2 ' 1 0 2 7 Xnitial Teste Date Herds Cattle .Reactors Sept., 1930 2 50 27 Oct., 1930 ..2 78 ». 48 Dec., 1930 ....;;........B1 1140 658 Jan., 1931, 136 105 June, 1931 W..........8 . 180 82 , Total ~jt0~ 1528 921 Total for the year from Sept. !, 1930 to Sept. 1, 1931. - •' Herds Cattle -Reactors Retests 2362 70452 1027 initial 70 1529-- 921 total ...2432 71981 1948 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. .Palmer duly seconded- by ,'Sppr. Kueeker that the report of the Committee on County Poor be adopted by this Hoard and the County Olork directed to draw orders on the .County Treasurer to'the Claimants for the several amounts as. contained in said report_out of any County-funds that are not otherwise appropriated. Th<; roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O Brion. Kueeker, Ackman, Conley. l.rowp, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May and Freund and Asst. SuRr. ..Rosenthal voted aye; - Supr. Hughes voted pay. Suprs. - cr,rine Hale and Haeger and Asst. Supr. Don- A delegatus of tutizens from Spring ^ absent from the Chamber. ^e«t Cinr.d..C' 1 _ th0 th 561.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen ©f the Board of Supervisors: . . . . Tour Committee on relief of blind would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That the appropriation heretofore for relief of blind persons was exhausted on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1931. We would therefore recommend that the sum of Three Hundred Sixty Five ($365.00) Dollars payable quarterly commencing July 1, A. D. 1931 and payable October 1st, A. D. 1931, January 1st A. D. 1932, April 1st, A. D. 1932 and Julv 1st, A. D. 1932 be appropriated and paid, for the following persons, under the statute, to«wit: * No. .1-- Johanna .Ritt. -Ellen Boyle. : -Walter J. Freun4. -I.ynn H. Fillmore. -Henry Burner. •. Chris Sund-. - • 7--®Blsie Harmsen#;'--:V. ;• 8--William A. Sclii®#!^ ' lUbron Times', hala? ce due- on ". . Pub: Ass't Eists 37.58 Richmond Gazette, balance due on • rtib. -Ass't Eists IOO18O IfiiV.-ard Herald, lialance due on 4 , Pub. Ass't Eists v..--1 -J-i.44 The Crystal Eake Herald, balance . , due on Pub.; Ass't IJstn 553.1^ (Payments- on State Aid; Roads 'made out of G«s Tax Refunds.) , All of which is respectfully R.ubmltted, a h. hate R. E. HAEGER . - E. F. KCEPKER C. M. PAT.MEH . v. E, hhown • "" Grove appearea '-'7;"K r^'vhut Motion declared carried- • presented a reaolution requ s K Theodore Hamer, a member -<flf the Department ot l ublic W^orks ana Review being present-nt Buildings of the State of l n b urged to make a resurvev of l.nWte N-< U<0rK andlurgeTIhe County Wrd to adopt said Resolution. Assistant Supr. Dr>nthr hrsaw notM«g »at^^S5?!^na ^ & ms: tion of the ResoiUticm as read by the Clerk Sa'd motion was duly secondefl by Supr Hale and the Resolution vu Unanimously adopted, to-wlt. , * Resolution * u WHEREAS, The l)epartment. ^ -JPuo- Uc Works and Buildings of the State designated' "focLVio^fe^;tllf '-tfrrroXmn (tthiep TUaKkee Ctoouuin; tJy Line to itnhtee rpsoeicntts Board of Review being present -r ... . rj tnl, fh, meeting wfts 'called upon by the 1.»»» -'!reef,mrnend that the Cle^k of this l!'«rd n,an. Mr, Hamer then addressed tl.e instructed to- notify said Company Board and stated that the-work of the. . -have a represent at iV4» appear before Board of Review this year account J*, T^ard. a't ?,s p^xt Special Session oV it being the ..quadrennial yeaf for re- I '8 »' ^rQ cialrt1.- assessments of real estate had bej-n j Tho (.OTrirn)ttee on Finance- made-the •'•'•S«pi:.'HaegerV a member wf the-Coiiirh'tteie en -I<abor, l^ees and Supplies Claims adrtfe'ssed the Board and stated that the Committee took no action on rptwmmcndlner the 'pftyment of P^ap bills, preswted by th* Urtiversa.1 i.ab but that the Committee would id CWk thif ,cted C' representative No. .2- No. 3- N.o. .4- No. 5- No. 6- N< N' No. 9--Paul Trow. "TsoT 10--John Albert Furney. No. 11--Robt. Isaac Furney. heavb Beard had just much be^vief^tftaT^^sual that^tb^ j report ' S o f ° 2 n i a t u r e ' r o m a S ? " * t o • be ^M^an' a n d . of t h e done and that it Will T>robat.)y tak« from a week to ten days to complete this work. Mr. Hamer suggested that this Board authorize the Clerk of the Board of Review to employ any necessary assistants to immediately complete and make the necessary _ Abttoar'd xSf Supervisors yotir Coirfrtifttee to •whom .'wa.s ref- erred^ihe matter'of County-Tax Revy for llieVi ar 1931, Would beg leave to submit ;the following report on the matter before them: That we hove ascertained the several We further report that we have examined -the applications of Jacob Terpstra. Frank W. Miller, and Adelbert H. Willoiighbv and find that they have been reguiarlv examined and that the examiner reports that they are blind, We further find their income to be less t'hnn , Four Hundred Sttxy-flve Dollars ($465.00) per annum and recommend that their applications be granted and that there be appropriated and paid the sum of Three Hundred Sixtv-Flve ($365.00) Dollars for each of said applicants making a total of ($5,110.00) Dollars, . _ . They would therefore recommend that an appropriation of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars for Relief of Blind be included in the Tax levy for the current ^ AH of which Is respectfully submitted, H. M. TT'RNER, chairman . #». F. ROSENTHAL. . " 2F. E. HARRISON , ; • ;1N. B.' CD A W SON *The County Clerk presented a report showing-the amount of $1,507.05 received from the State Department representing reimbursements to McHenry County Aid, Mothers nnd children, said amount being turned Into the funds of the -Connty Treasurer. On motion duly made and carried said report was approved and ordered placed on file. Supr Harrison addressed the Board and stated that the County Treasurer The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the September Term of the Circuit Court and on motion the list was approved and the Clerk directed to certify the same to the Clerk of the Circuit Court: Riley--Grant Anthofly ;'• • Marengo--C. J- CoarsOn, Charles Tanner . • Dunham--Fred Wies, Chemung--Guy JJVakley, Frank Beck Alden--J. L. Baldock Hart land--Thomas Welch •'.,'"•• Seneca--Eoron Pate . Coral--Edward Ham .' •- Grafton--Edward Hammer; Dorr---John J. Hayes, Herbert €tolta Greenwood--Roy Norton Hebron--Homer Woods Richmond--Harry Turner Burton--Math -Lay . ^ McHenry--Joe J. Freund, Carl Hoist rom. -' ' - Nunda--W. B. Rice, Charles S. Pingry Algonnt'tn--Frank Rohle, Joe Wahlen The question of a Hospital Ward at the County Farm was brought to the attention of the Board by Suprs. Freund and McConnell 'and discussed by the members. Supr. McConnell stated that he thought it a very good idea to make any improvements that are necessary in this regard as a matter of economy. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Wright that this matter be referred to the McHenry County Home Committee with full power to act to make any necessary repairs including the Installation of new equipment for a hospital ward to said Home to includ•? the services of a.practical, nurse to take care of County patients and upon roll call Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien. Clawson, Hughes, Kueeker, Ackman, Conley, Brown. Harrison* Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale and Haeger and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report which was on roll cajl unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 5th day of September, 1931, at the Court House, at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and paid bills chargeable to the McHenry Ccuntv, Illinois, patrol system of roads as follows: ., - Bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of roads as. a wlirde including repairs and labor on County machinery, supplies and labor and material for County Tool House to a total of, .,...,.$332.28 Bills chargeable to the various sections of the County Patrol system of roads for materials and labor at rates heretofore approved by this board were audited and paid as follows" the:--tvork and make tne necessai y j».u- u(etni, ()-f necessary expenditures for the fitoveu iK* ? roc"mni<jnu i nai Tfif nuiir ni by Supr. Palmer, that tne . v ; Hundred Seventy-Revert Thousand T>61- Board ot Review be iMid he ifl sr t y ;Urg ($]77 000) be as county Tax authorized an^ ,he cJmPie- on all taxable property of said County necesaaxy assistants , . arid . a.f«»r*»j£iaid fdr-thA vAtir . tv where said^ Route Number 60 intersects Sections 1, 14 2-0 Section 2 Section 8 - t-vHrr* Section "4> Sections 6,' 6 Section 7 . Section 8 ........... Section 9 ; Section 10 - Section 11. Section 12 ......^...1;;:: Section 13 « 365.10 ,..J. 158.80 . 198.65 .1 53,30 : 185.60 ' 152 :»(> .lk.... 276.63 .•11 88.1 1 •'i;i 74.99 (',75.38 186.40 60.25 the matters before them: That we visited the premises of the applicants and found that the conditions existing in- and around said location did not meet with the requirements and .stipulations entered into wiLh this Board. We further report that we did on this date give them time to make the necessary arrangements satisfactory to the agreement signed by them when making application for said license. Your committee would further report that they again journeyed to the premises of the above mentioned applicants on the 2nd day of October, 1931, and found that they had complied -with all the requirements necessary' to operate, a Dance. Hall or Barn Dance inr this county. ( We ther^f0re recommend that license be granted. • ,i All of which Is respectfully submitted, "' E. C. HUGHES, Chairman E. F. KUECKER . . - Section 8 Section ? Section 5 0 Section 11 Section 12 Section A3. Section 15. Sections 16,18 Section 17 Total $4,618.64 While the Committee was in session word came that owing to a Court decision . holding the wage scale law,'8 which had gone in force July I, 1981* unconstitutional and the state had notified all contractors on state work to proceed at their own peril, and the contractor on the Uhlon job M. F. >'f. Sec- ^ tion 1 had stopped work. - •!: The matter of purchase of an additional snow plow for McHenry CoUtt- * tj-'s 30 horse power tractor new last 'H Spring was discussed and it was d*K ;-J culed to, recommend that this commit- ? tee be empowered to purchase, a suitable. 'X. type snow , plow for Coutity's Bate* Lype t rr$or at hot to eirefeed & ?r^00,00 to be paid for out of County <- Highway tax'snow fund.' Th® financial status\of the McH^iiW- o County Road Pund is as follows. * * Balance-on battel Sept. 8; 1.931 $2,58^i " ' " * " Amount appropriated. Sept, ^ * Received from Village of Cary, 4 f Illinois; for rental'of County's grader outfit .'. Received -frottj Gary Country »• Club for rental of County's-f •' , heavy grader outfit on road , - woi^k ;...' ••- ' ; iii Received gas tax refund claim No, B-90507 ij.oO $1 786 26 Leslj expenditures Sept. f|, 1931 386.12 T . - * ' $7,350.14 Ress expenditures Ofet. T, 1931 4,618.64 • The" Purchasing Committee made' the following report which was" on motion of Supr. Turner duly seconded by SUpr. Palmer and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Purchasing Committee to whom was referred bids for coal and haulihg of coal for the ensuing year would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: « That we met at the Court House in the City of Woodstock oil' October 12, and opened' bids on coal. We further report that the lowest bid received was from the Dacy Lumber Company - of Woodstock, Illinois, for a price of- $4.35 per ton, Subject to any revision of freight rates. We therefore recommend that contract be awarded to Dacy Dumber Compahy of Woodstock, Illinois, subject to the provisions of said bid. We further report that we received bids on the hauling of said coal, the lowest bid being that of F. I). Russie, for the price of sixtyflve cents per ton to be delivered In the bin in the Court House in the City of Woodstock, We therefore recommend that contract bo awarded to F. D. Russie for tjie .hauling of coal for the ensuing year. All of which is respectfully submitted, V. E. BROWN, Chairman A. H. HALE D. M. WRIGHT Section IB 50.00 Sections 16, 18; r 154.93 , afI follows: The Committee on Roads and - Bridges made the following report, to-wit;.-- Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we:met on the 10th dajr of September, 1931. at the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, to receive bids for a concrete road Improvement in the vicinity of Union, Illinois, known »is State Aid Routes 21, 21-A, Sectiou 1 M. F" T. McHenry County, Illinois. That the bid of Frank D. Hayes Co. of Janesville, Wisconsin, in the sum of thirty-five thousand seven hundred flftVHwo dollars . forty three cents ($35,752.43) was the lowest bid received, and we awarded the contract to said Frank D. Hayes Co., and agreed^ that the Chairman of this Board of Supervisors was to sign the contract on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, upon satisfactory Surety Bond being furnished the County by the contractor. Your committee again met on the Zlst day of September 1931, at the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, and found that the contract for section 1 M. F. r. McHenry County, Illinois, had been executed, and had been approved by J^h® State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways and it was now necessary to make arrangements for the engineering work for the construction of the improvement. It was reported that the following engineering force w^s necessary. A resident engineer, a proportioning engineer, an instrument man, a plant inspector, a slab inspector and a part' time rodman. ' , T~he State Division of Highways agreed to furnish a proportioning engineer and bill the county for hts services at cost and rental for necessary equipment. Arnold Ewen of Woodstock, Illinois, was hired as plant inspector at $6.00 per day while needed.- G. L. Tryon, County Surveyor, was hired to furnish a resident engineer at $10.00 per day and an instrument man at $6 50 per ,day from his engineering force. The County Superintendent of Highways was empowered to secure a slab inspector at $5.00 per day when necessary, during the pouring of the concrete slab. It was decided to put on the final or carpet coat of asphalt and pea gravel on the half mile experimental asphalt road on the River road adjacent to State Rend Issue Route 20 at McHenry, Illinois, which work has been done.' A bill from the National fCreosoting and Lumber Co., of St. Louis, Mo for a carload of creosoting bridge plank, bought in conjunction with the Town of Riley was audited and the county s nortion of the lumber amounted to $886.12 which was paid and charged Section 17 236.27 Total $4,649.21 Your committee wovld report that bids Will be received September 10; 1931, for the construction of Union Road known as McHenrv County M. F. T. section -1. The financial status of the McHenry County Road Fund Is as follows: Balance on hand Aug. 11, 1931 $2,238.72 Am't appropriated Aug. 11, 1931 6,000.00 . $7,238 72 Less expenditures Sept. i, 1981 4,649.21 Bal. on hand Sept. 8, l»8t ----B1 Your Committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of tne McHenrv County Patrol System of - - Roads until the October meeting of this was sadlv in need of more room to er- board an appropriation from the X;ounficientlv manage the affairs of his office aad moved that the Public Building committee of this Board be authorized to make 5ari>; repairs necessary in this regard, said Committee to have full power to act. Said motion was seconded by Supr. Pftlmer and upon roll call Suprs. .Palmer, Clawson, Hughes, Kueck tv Highway Tax Fund, levied in September, 1930, in the sum of $5,000.00. All of which Js respectfully submitted, E. C. HUGHES V. E. BROWN . D. M WRIGHT CHAS. H. ACKMAN oAT.i-iay at gim US S .... C^M. PALMER » 50.00 . 25.00 . 80.0t> . 145.00 . 86.00 Patrol Section 9 Patrol Section 10 Patrol Section 12 Patrol Section 13 General '.'"•" $386.12" Your committee apln met on the 7th dav of October, l&l. at the Court House at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County, Illinois, patrol .system of roads as follows: Bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of roads as a whole including repairs and labor on County machinery, supplies" labor and materials for. County tcol house to a total of . ,$486.05 Bills chargeable to the varlbus sections of the County Patrol system of re ads for materials and labor at rates heretofore approved by this Board were audited and paid as follows: Sections 1, 14, *« 255.88 Section 8 Section 8 Section 4 sections 8, 8 JSectlbn T ic .'•'•'*J 162.70 169.90 159.90 159.00 lSI^Nt Balance on hand Oct. 18', 1931 $2,731.50 Your, committee estimates that there will be necessary for the care of the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads until the November meeting.- of. this Board, an appropriation from the County Highway Tax Fund, levied in September 1930, in the sum of $5,000.00 The standard form of contract on the Union, 111., road job" M. F. T. 1, provides that the contractor be paid 90 per cent .on completed work and material at intervals of two weeks. Some orders should be given the County officials to make such payments on said contract if due. All of which Is respectfully submitted. E. C. HUGHES " E. BROWN •; '"V D; M. WRIGHT . 'CHAS. H. ACKMAN C. M. PALM EH supr. supr. thei It was thereupon regularly moved by Assistant Supr. Donovan duly seconded by Supr. Hale, that the report .be adopted as read and the roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kueeker, Ackman, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, Freund, Hale and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal votted aj e. _Nay none. Motion- declared carried. The question of the Road and, Bridge Committee drawing orders weekly and spmi-monthly as payment for Road work under a contract entered into by this Board was brought before the meeting and thoroughly discussed by the members. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan duly seconded by Supr. Harrisoh that the Committee on Roads and Bridges be given full power to act in this regard giving them the right to pay within 90 per cent of amounts due when presented In proper form with the advice of the State's Attorney. And the roll being called said motion was unanimously adopted. The Clerk presented a contract entered into by the Road and Bridge com-. mittee of this Board showing the ap-' proval of the Board of Supervisors ot- McHenry County, Party of the First Part and Frank D. Hayes & Co., Party of the Second Part for the construction of a cement road commonly known as Sec. 1 MFT State Aid Route 21 and 21-A also showing the approval, of the State of Illinois Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highway?. It was thereupopn regularly moved by Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Turner that said Contract be approved arid ordered placed on file. Said motion was unanimously' adopted. A communication from the Illinois Association of Highway- Commissioners an\l Town Clerks was presented and read by the Clerk and on moton of I Wright duly seconded by Asst. 1 Donovan was ordered tabled. -Several communications from State Department of Public Works ana Buildings were presented and read by the Clerk and ordered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Wright moved that the regular monthly bills be referred to the Committee on Labor Fees and Supplies and that the County Poor Bills be referred to the Committee on County Poor Claims and that said poor bills be ordered paid out of any funds in the County Treasury not otherwise appropriated; ,and ,that the Board adjourn to 1:30 P. M. for Committee work. The roll being called Supr. Wright. Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Ackman, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, Freund, Hale and Asst. Suprs., Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye, and Suprs. Hughes and Kueeker voted nay. Motion declared carried, Whereupon the Board adjourned to 1:8® o'clock P. M. for Committee work., 1:30 O'CLOCK P. & Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members. The Committee on Claims,. Coonty Poor made the followinjr report to-wit! Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors': Your Committee on County Poor Claims Would beg leave to report -that they have examined all claims presented to«them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the Clefk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for "the several amounts allowed as folldWS, to-wit: . Nunda---v- • A H. Hale, gas Stoddard, Brodd and rent Schoen, Coss, Brooke, j ' Freeze .•• F. W. Kruger, mdse. and rent « " ' Stoddard ,.w:.101.38 H. W. Gieseke, mdse. Rosell and Coss - --ir-- 88.02 H C Meier, mdse. F. J. Schrpeder 14.0* " Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel Co., coal Mrs. Mead 11,0« Alexander Lbr. Co., coal Mrs,". -. , • F. Roselle . 11.45 Ed. Swanson, board Mrs. Chas. Gole - - J#-®® J. F. Mugee, rent Wm. Grunow .... 25.00 Dr. Geo. H. Pflueger, serv lone . Farley --"" .W"# « Dr. F. L. Alford, serv. Edith Brooks Overly 15.00 St. Joseph's Hospital, serv. RooWt LeVeque - - - 8-00 Algonquin-- . R. E Haeger, rent Rogrman & Jura 51.0» Werneke AKahlen, mdse. .Kelahan Petrle & Rogman 35.82 H. C. Meier, mdse. Mrs. SlmonS .... 10.18 Public Service, Its. Elsie Rogman 1.28 Detroit Art. Limb Works, brace "Mrs. Ruth Boardwell £5.00 Hebron-i-- ' Hebron Lbr. Co., coal K^xel Spencer 9 51 Richmond Milk Co., milk Hasel Spencer 8.00 Wells Milk Co. milk Vlrsyliis fatd. S-90 Dorr--- Jcnes Food Shop, mdse. Mrs. Morrow ...'.•. , : t.lf Geo. Freeman,, rent Mfs. MdtTOi# t.00 Mrs. E. C. Andruss, care Mrs. \ , < Morrow 88.50 Gertrude Carlson, care Mrs. . , - .Morrow 14.00 Old Peo. Rest Home, care Mrs..«•" - Lossee .: W- 86.00 Mrs. John 4l. Peterson, care Mra. Walker , 85.00 F. E. Eckert (for Gowlin) rent Hohenstein- ---.i,. 10.00 J. J. Stafford A 8on, burial Marvin baby .... 10.00 Chie*1^»d!"~iiome for 6hll<L, 6iUle /•** V