."I • m ^ ji j ^ ^ - \ V* |»wi' "" ^.r^ 7^«ppe^;T^;,^ v.^, - , ^ ^ Z*i i *^•3$ ,* ^ 3^ >7^ r **<•• <*r ,^-?_ , • v *>; THt BOARD OF SfffcRVtSORS, McHENRT COtWif, ttilKOlt tAfii mw Giles. Blazer. Fay. Hasse, Dedina. Sehultz childien McHenry-- ..•-..._.. •_- S. H. l*r«und, care Kuns children#. and D. Beck with '...; .1 Alexander LbiV Go., coal Chas. B. i Harmsen .. :........ Chemung--- . » , ' J^hn T. O'Brien. rent, light and /'water, Mrs. Wise Haydorn, Pen,-.. \ nlngton, Krethmer Utesch, Keel# er,' Torgeson, Ostriam to the pun base of Right of Way for dressed the Board and stated that al- . December meeting there will not- be i the itrprovt :p<-nt of Stute Aid I toads t'inui-h this question was of sunn- stand sOrtici. nt nfon«*y in the County V'und of 4 WaM^-Pfe--nted^fcnd read, to yitl ---ring there were parts of the repot t that' I Mt.-H.enry C.-unty to meet an<! -Kimy th 1 * he was not familiar with. He further | ?'binary expenses of the County, J i v R- O. W. Purchase stated that he was not in favor of cut- •'] • • • ••Mlutttii . ": tin jr. salaries for the reason that during A . 7.96 wHkREAS, theie is now available . the time of . depression cutting salaries j suing and disposing of anticipation. war f t > r t l i t i u s e o f M e " " . . . tC.0.1 and Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- Lush & Vermilya. mdse Wagner 5.1" was presented andffeftStb flKi km! ty. Illinois: F. M. Hies, mdse. Crandall 1 i.Sft t.'-wit: ... j.: The underpinned members of the D. Hereley & Sons, tndse. Tafrpley. j - ~ Road and Bridge Committee for said rent K. Einhorn _ Woodstock. 111^ Oct. 22,1# is IS iucessaiy at« this time tu pio\|ilj County, would beg leave to submit the F. W. Barlow, coal Heydorn, 'Oi- \ fiHidsj 'to"meet all~suth expenses by is- .following report on the matters before trum. Chappel. Kretchmer, tht t 28.61. 17.89 ±.90 15-00 Consolidated Indemnity ft Ins. C4* By A. B. Cope. Attjr. in _Fa«(rf :I - Wfe, the undersigned reaffirm and rai ' i( 4; ify the concrete called 21 and 21A MF| •-- ».-- VU.VW..B j --~ - , -- .-- -- MarRie 41.zs | j at^ied Sei>t 12 1'991 with the cHenry County, llll- i curtailed the buying power of the pub- 4-rants to be diawti against the Coumy That we met on the 22nd day of Oc- W. l>. Hall, coal S'Srgcant, Hoch- 1 scale element eliniinBted nols, put of the Motor Fuel Tax of lie and naturally would not be of any tax levied in the year of 1931 in the tob^V A. r>. 1931 at the C«urt House.at* rath, Tarpely ; 29.42 1&29; the sum of $1,839.00 and, i.relief to the presertt condition. He way and manner provided by, the Sta}.- W< odstock, Illinois, at the .call of the I^ake Harris, cosfl Wise, Reestadt, "V*T -i.WHEREAS, it is permissible under Bald would therefore move an amendment to I ute of this" state for issuing and dis- Chairman,- and disposed of the matter Daley •«<••.... 111.14 •'Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved Marili the motion to the effec.t that the quea- i posing of warrants. of the wage scale element in the Coun- ! Coral--r Mrs. N. Dunham, care Mrs. B. 25, 1929, to purchase Right ' of Way tion before the meeting to be voted onA! BE IT TtK^OT VEtV by tile Board of ty's contract on M, F. T. Section .1 road Wm. C., Nulle, mdSe. Roth ........... Kretchmer S8".00 j fos the Improvement - of State Aid be continued tp the next Special meeting\SuperVisors of the County of McHenry improvement at - Vnion. Illinois, and filed Hebron;-*-- V . ' ' F. M. Ties, mdse. Dr. and tent ! Rinds, and. , t Gf this Board to be held-on the tenth 'that the Couhty Treasurer of'this Coun- the minutes of the meeting with the; Wells Milk Co., milk • Crandall €5.S6 \\'H!:iiiCAS, the Road and ;»Br.idge , day of November, 19S.1. Sa'id amend- ! ty be and he is hereby '.authorized and County Cleik, together with instructions I'earl Trow, rent Hatel Spencer ... Dr J. (1. Maxon, serv. H. .Lash- ' ^ - ^,Ci Ji tnii'tt-e ol[ the. Bo^rd of Supervisors jP^ent to the motion was duly seconded ! directed to issue and, ..sell *ls needed, to transmit two copies thereof to the' Grafton . and J. CrAisivis CiAinty, .Illinois, have se- - by Stipr. Palmer. . » " • J anticipation warrants -to -an amount not ^jate <>f Illinois Dept. of Public. Works .Walter J.' Farley, mdsfc; C. Bruek. Robb & Riley, mdse. ,C. .CfiAppcl ' • , / ui»d 'th^^igiiatyres • t v, tbe f->ll6wirig. , Supr. MeConnell then addressed thcri tcf exeeed , the ..futn; of ^30,000,-00 ,4S«inst i»nd Buildings at ' tjpringfietd, Illinois, . Dpnliam 12.55 Frtkhk D. Haves Cb . by Frank D. Hay* E. C. HUGHES. Ohm. R. B. colt . D*. M. WRIGHT. R. B. com. C. M. PALMER . V. E. BROWN '• Oct. 22, 1931, approved C. Ix Tryoi^ . ' Cciuflty Supt. of Highways of: IdcHewli . County. IlHnoi .Hli|h$j»'y- 'i>«'*d»cati..»as for the .liiiptb^-v B^aid' and Mrs. McMahan and Stated that h;? was , ,not in; i thie -^wtiqt jv tax levied* th th 1'9SKR. K. Iveeley, mdse^ Mrs recommend .thaj the^Coyrtty: Clerk" X.ush Vermilya fii«Ae,'.I-W. •'.-C^Sntlr' Bo^K^fES^rvUoSr <o? Hasklns .a...-...,., . .HenVy t'o'unty, Illinbts. »•*..' i'v" Com.,Hospital, care*4^.!-'/- Woodstock. Illinois., Oct 22, lf^f r-Peters "-V" ; The Road and Bridge committee tar',, ichmOo»«n«ao --n • Vfy; »'•«• fmi. . -I. MncUehii y- tCo-unt.y,,' I;llin,oisj i-., m.e.t. at' Speaker, maaws. TsorM t.&z ^ourt H*>u -- " s and . Mrs. ;Haydp*-a- Putnam, tnilk' ~rt. '. "Hom* Mrs. J I). Here! f.ley and re se ftt »Woodstock, Illinois!, ait 10:00 M. October 22, A. D. 1931 #. ,. "iffO'.-OO 7sfderation. !: L1- :v„ fi\i • the. of cr«s«l»^' ft t^hd' fron* bcir -and- ma"t»fiai for Couri'ty tool h^usvs1 Pr. Hyde West, " c^ire.\MjtfiV-Bd. - R. 'RvnaifMf«le,-,. .-jmru'ts!- 't*./. ^-lrS."' ii->Vd<'>rji".k-,i'-"i : '";'rSupr^,.|^^ri:iS(in: addre.s?^';. the Board v which. 'pa^"tVi(?nt,\;f ^.tjdin^ry jlfld; 'to -a-' total' 6f-...i". ^:.;fS>98f48. . Davisf": '• Lu.'h Vernulja Co, mtlse tvnull» • ^ ^(1, Miller ^0 ^ Cororriit'tpe and "also Supervisor L. AHa Szabo Marengo-- D. M. Wright, rent tVolf, Glut Badke, ga« Pa\n>er . .. Patrick Bros., mdse. W^olt V< est. Uri. Uns & EleC. Co.: i^aJ Dr. ..\V. S. Eshbaugh', care Law- -- - - ...i, . ..-• • .- . . ~ j- ,... - pStbckWeH. Frflttk- d!' -Haves, Presldept- BillR ch.crgesle tq.the ,yariouK . patrol * Dr. W/H. Mewton. care Mrs. ©avis !df Prank D. Hayes. Cpmpany,-contractor , r»Wns of the Cflccnty patr :i .svsternvvf . David 'Marvlo: ^ .T|^ :'OR> f,ve rnloli Road job known as Stafc* J " ' orgeson. nidse. Ed^payiS ., ».4« | Ajd Routes gr and 21 A, M F. T. See- ; k Hospital, care. Mrs. ti«n 1, McHenry .Courtty, Illinois, and C»r •Vx*" VV-; 7u Tryon, County Superintendent fljjt Store, mdse. Mrs. . Highways for'McHenry County. Illlnoijfc, . ............... ..^...."v. 4.17 . ,-j>he chairman ap|M>ihted said C. I*; . , BaccuS, care MrA. Jforrow 18.00 xryon to act as clerk of said meetitiy. 27.00 |.of way above mentioned, and, - J the question as amended l y :the. full I it was thereupon regularlv moved by Section 4 .... 110 30 j. j. Stafford & Son, funeri.1 .: • • The chairman stated the meeting wft« BE. IT njRTHEK RESOLVED, that iloard. - The,amendment to the motion | ^sst supr. Donoxan dulv. seconded by Sections i,'f .i... L J10 (V.i Mrs. Morrow ., 50.00 called for the purpose pf conslderliirf that the Resolution be' ^ctf on^ 7 -.t.,,,; J44.00 Mrs. John M. Peterson, care ! what to'do on-the matter of completi"1* , ixr# i '1 If'Sfe-i! r<mte J44.I Si: m' Mrs. Walker - . w . • . is.oo i the I'nion job M. F. T. Section 1: thi 40 Old People's •Itbme. carfe,Mrs. Losoe 25 00 , one of the eIelI,ent8 of tj,e contr • 1,1 91.10 160.C.0 W3.no . |14.53 1 .140.2 173.7', 235.29 -i, .a .t -i k-i^wn as th« wft^e scale law had beSfc .it a . t . ",i' „ li t,. j declared (Invalid by "the State of Illinoli • All which is fenpectfully submitted, gUpremie (>ourt; that the road was part» . J! NNELL j^, eonstriicted and all tore up and tM 39.20 ! directed to cettifv a copy of.this reso- the' Chairman I,. A. Stockweil for roll -"'adopted- "an'd the roll being called Suprs. !f5^lc 12.45 ;lution to the Department of' Public :.'alt The clerk th('n called the roll-on- Wright, Palmer, O'Btieii, Clawson, Section ?S............ 3.17 -Works and Buildings, Diyision of High- the amendjnent which was,, as '„followii: 1 Hughes'. Ai kman. Cohl^v, Brown. Har- Section lfl , ways, Spi insfield, Illinois,- for Its • ap- ;.^UPrs. Palmer. O'Brien, Clawsfm, Kueck- I , Turner, McC?>nneli, Fft-und. Hale Section llrence Ward, 40.00 ; pi.ov'al for \oticher. and- _ i-^aJlrewn, Harrison, Freund. and* Asst; ! ahd Asst. Su'pr. • Donovan voted aye Section 11 .... Central Oroc.., mdse. Jessie Ward • . ! BK IT PI'RTHRR RE^OJ^VED, that Pupr. Rosenthal voted aye. And Suprs. Xave n<im and said motion declared Section 1} and Glut hi- 'the County Clerk a'tig, .fmitity Treasurer .'Wright, Hughes,. Ackman, Turner, lie- 1 corWed. and the Resolution declared* -Section 15 Alexander J, Strotn.. .mdse, and". •'- are h< reby ordci ed to Tnake payment Connelll Hale and Asst. Supr. Donovnn adopted. Sections 1(5, IS . . . gas Mrs. Geo. Feffer 22.96 1 the above amounts to the persons whose \i ted nav. And the amendment declar-, ipe County Treasurer's report for Section 17 ; , O •'traveling public and residents along thf GreenWood-r- ,t. ,.--y? rames appear -...opposite thereto, on: the ed carried by. ,u \ ote of eishl ayes and ^ poriod ending Nftvemer 9,- 1931 was pre- --; ! H.'FREl'ND • .': road would be caused unless the roftf J. E. Harrrison,' .ma#&' JWW"':*A1§i»«79 'j.'above list as' soon as state?: "voucher ysfcven nay, whereupon the question of a ' sen ted and read and • upon motion of ^-Total ...'.....i..'.,.,. ..»5,§54; iz • • ' . > I «v : ^improvement was carried forward. •••Coral-- i jahoVe mentioned is received by said fv" te on the orginal motion to accept or ' svpt. Turner and duly seconded by \Vour Co«iirltt«» WonM "report that jt thereupon regularly gt^.'bfi The matter was dlicussed. and t|ft -Chas,_JL!^A£kman, gas Roth; .. ... -3.j><i rt:ounty Treasurer. _ . rejW-t the report of the said Committee i'ACkn;an said" report was ordered. placed .work on M. F. T. action 1 at I n'on, gupr. Turner duly secondetf by StiT>T. • qoestion raised a* to whether the Wnfi W. C. Nullier tndse. 'Roth - 31TTB : . ^ ' . • • ' «s presented-ware--declartfd ---gpntln'ti^l f'ofl B1p,' to-wit: ~ - Illinois is now making satisfactory Hale that the report of the' Committee socle element of the contract beifjf It was-thereupon regularly moved by. to the next Special meeting of this _ . . progress pfter some thr<-o week* deliiy on bounty Poor be adopted by this valid, voided the rest of the contract. D. M. WRIGHT CHAS. H. ACKMAN JOHN T. O'BRIEN S. H. FREl'ND - construction season fast drawing to fc. close. That great inconvenience to tji® :$1.815.73 Supr. Freund duly, seconded' by-• Stipr. Board. All of which js respectf'ini' fctth"*itted, j Hale that the Resolution lie adopted pti l A plat showing the location of a pro- PRANK B. MqC'XNNEW*^ --- [ (/tdered placed on file, and the County ' posed- rail to»be constructed on Ann ^ ... ] >. M. WRIGHT • . (Cleik be directed to 'draw-nrder's. on"the Street in" the city of McHenry was P&e- i . P „t- . .JOHJf T. O'BRIEN '..WOninty. Treasurer" to the Cluima'nts for - sented by the ' Burmlnghatn' Boat and-. i.- CHAS. H. ACKMAN I the atnou ' . tion. And It was thereupon regularly moi'.ed^^ by J Wright. 'Palmer.- . 'O'Brien.' .Clawvon, laying of said rail. u.v | llU.n-nv Triind • ....... Z'KQil rrt asuror tin* Chu^Kints • wonted * aml^'-liia-hwiv Snow Fund ' 8 814 ints contained in said Resolu- Transit Co. Said Company asked tftat I • ^ jd after abawito'eht." ' 65 d the roll being called Suprs. a franchise be granted to them lor the , v f ro,,rt . ' • 18^4 It was thereupon ! |^\Vlfnwd Witnes Supr. Turner duly seconded bv 'Silpr 'Hughes. Kiueker. Acknvan; Brown, Har- - i < gularly moved by Asst. Supr. lHmovuu • institute Fund Ackman that the report of the Commit- Turner. McC.on.l»<-ll, Freund Hale. : (luly seconded by Supr. Turner th.it the " _ • ^ ^ r t ntf hit --»--v-- nr-r? . A'cut . Wlimi'ia" Hnnni'ih nr\.^ Pnuoll. I a t ha r»f.iiTTA<l tn (ho T? i»r m i n t* H n 111 i 4 ' ^ . * • tee Board orders . . ,. ....... Claimants for the severril amounts as report which wa Count? Tr«a*arer'« BfpSrt Ending Xtiyember K, 1931 • General Fvind • . il ,027.8(5 - 2').671.39 3.S14.99 46 04 Kees . . 49.95 tcKman tnat tne or tne v ommii- •••«•• j ».i • ** »....« „ m.._ i.v,nT| . . .. »ALLEY 25 .... YLK . and Asst. Suiua. l^onovan and Rosep- I plat be returned to the • RurnunghamJ . taxes ee on County -Poor be adopted, by this | thai, yoto^ *aye. Nay none. Motion de- Boat & Transit Co., until presented . In vnn nj^h school Tax/ Board and the Clerk direoted -to draw' ' clftred carried. proper form. Supr. Kuecker nnwy-ed an i-rwni)Wr) non-res'ldetrfs and irders on the Countv Treasurer to the ' . The t:lerk- presented, the following amendment to said motion refer! fng the. Af<nar hoir fund 1 ii.I I- # ^ T_ A A. _ „ _ fniinvt n:Ji i'ph n'Qu i>inn mmonttiionnn:. dduullvy . mmnaddue mmaattttnerr ttno tthhpe .RRnoaaidi annnrdt PBrriiHdigrne (CVoirmtl-_ - _ contained in said report out of anS' J*nd carried. approved and ordered ; n it (ee with power to act on the advice. . . . H Sanitorium 1:185.62 County funds that are not otherwise j placed on -file, ..to-wit: appropriated. And the roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer. O'Brien, son, Ackman, Brown, Harrison McConnell, Freund, Hale ar Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal aye, and Sunrs. Hughes and kuecKer 1 leave, to repor,.,,,,^ ..wv..v.v, . , • ... voted nay. Motion declared carried. ; liave been giilnted to the foil' winij _survey^t, The Committee on Claims, Labor ! named persons ,by . the Count 1 l'"'o\ liiver Conservancy District 337.1 7,223.41 143.M , - 77.47 2,827,04 14.11 Motor Fuel Tax 43.450 8 v Court of 'tion fop.the installation of a stoker Iri August Hi '-I^ connection -with the County Boilers at the Court House. It was. theieupoti Total Fees and Supplies made the fallowing K'ud McHenry County, since report which was on' motion-/of. Supr.. ! 1931: , , ^. . ... . , , Wright dulv' seconded f'y Supr. Ackman i Hebron Twp., Mrs. iHa.sel SpertCer,! legolarly moved by- Supr. Harrison du.y and the roll b^lng called was uuani-. • r,<T month. . . / ' . * -J.-frffeTtn'"Twp., Mrs. "Anna McCarthy ...$S6,685.27 H. F. t'ETEl'T; CpJ Tieas. di'e to trWuHe over the wage scale law That the plans and specifications for M F. T. section 2 road improvement *t .Irbnsbnrg are in the hands of the State of Illinois Pent, of PvMic Works and Buildings nt Springfield. Illinois, for approval. That they are due for r«tuin at anv-t'me. W" would recotnrr< nd the JohKSbPrg Job known as M. F. T. Section 2_^cllenry County, Illinois be advertised for bids In the name of the CO'nty by the County Superintendent or Highways „as soon as • the plans "are approved and the right of way secured and' that the Couirty rieht of way Committee be hereby emnowered to secure said necessary riuht of way and the Chairman of the County Board and the County Clerk for this County working In conjunction with the County Boad and Brid-e Committee be hereby «f,rne for sajd improvement in the authorised to let said oontrac* and sign name of McHenry County, Illinois in the manner provided .by law. with the bVt Bt.ard and the Cleik directed to draw , The State's Attorhey, V. S. LiutilWi oi ders on the County Treasurer to the 'was called into the meeting and his aMr Claimants, for the several amounts vice ort the legal matters involved w(W as contained in said report to be paid requested. He stated in substance that out of any County Funds that are not if-'jthe bid price was not inflate^ hr otheiwise appropriated. The roll being t,W6Ve than it would have been wlthoiit called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, i clause® covering the wage seal* Clawson, Ackman, conley. Brown. Har- law', he saw n<+ danger from a leg*l rison. Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, standpoint in continuing with thfr col»- Hale and Asst. Supr. Donovan voted tract if same was agreeable to all part't^i aye. Supra. Hughes jmd-Kuecker voted., tp t^e contract with express und^rnay and said motion declared carried. I standing the amount due from tlit The Committee on Claims, I^abor jOV.unty for the construction of the rou Fees and Supplies made the (following tn.no case exceeds the amount provld«f4 report, to-wlt: for in the contract, tract was declared That if the cdfc voi(l conslderatfW Mr Chairman and Gent»wn«n of the 1 delay in the work would be nece*saffr. Board of Supervisors: » -| Thfr bids might be higher due to tM Yotir Committee on Labor Fees and I lateness of-the season; that some othMP Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- contractor might l^e low bidder; tKftt poit that thev have examined all claims the present contractor would eventually presented to "them, and recommend the have to be paid for work done add cost# payment of the-following, and that the ( involved in placing machinery on ttt« Cleik he directed to Issue orders on ground and shipping same away, th^f rtiously adopted to-wlt: $i5 per month. * 1.111 <ron Twp., Mrs.. Ruby Morgan, |15' !p.cr mhnth. ,- : . . • .««• Grafton Twp., M^s. Gertrdue' E, Hufd, $2'S per month. •The question of repairs at the Coun- J\1' that, this mat^^™.^f| bright to^^.^at^nUon;.;. Thp pinanclal .-tatu. of the McHenry y. ter be referred to tlve Public Buildings:^ ^ h', MoHenVy Countv Home and Highway Tax Funds are ft* fpl , Committee for report. Motion declared ^'rm;. Comm-ittW and thoroughly 4 manner provided ,nj jaw. wuri t . CountJ. Treasurer to the Cla.lma.nts making it probable that costs a*ain»t( ie and expectation that the hca.\ lei | several amounts allowed, a* iol-the job might include four shinmertlf « and bridges and culverts can to-wlt- 1 of machinery tn and from the job Hide this wi.n„it er and early spripg. ir>rtw-osti,b tott iwnrnn.h «r * fn.. m.ds «. Po. Utead of two . T* hn"ati lh,ee h_a?dU conferriJ V 'inTftd " rnini v."iiuunivt «•«« dUKls . BlfftlllT ' oi-. or w- KS ^sas&i'dss-- !,'",'5S tnRt 13, 1931:.... - Pul-lic Buildings Committee reported. ^rTv seconded I v Supr. Palme .that the Com mi t tee .had ad\ertised and 25r,w.0" 00 be aonr'opriited out . opened bids for repairs in the- County "l.,' .,. ^ an of anv County Funds not otherwise appropr(- ' credit of thi? nd upon roll Mr. Chairman and Opnt.ternterr Board of Supervisors: Your Committee "oii Labor Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to re? - . . . . port that they "have examined all clai-Ws j ,-Cfi nl Twp., Mrs. Anna TornoAv, $23 opened bids for repairs . - presented to 'them, and recommend the .! per month. , " ; T' easurer s office and that the bids were • ' d an(i ]aoe<j to the pavment of the followine, and that the i Ali-of-which is respectfully submitted, ; a higher than was estimat»d but ,.;,.n,v Home ' und. A Clerk be directed to issue orders on J " DV.'W.OODS, County Cl«ik. 1 'h.a-t the Comtji --- the County Treasurer to the CHirpants j • . ' . for the several amounts allowed, as fol- 1 The Special Committee appointed b> lows, to-wit: • I the Chairman at the Special April meet- ;• "f said Committee tnen anaressra me .f.onngjj Freund. Hale and Asst. SUpr Frank Thornber & CO;, -mdse, iIng, 1931, of the Board of Supervisors;• Board and explained different ways and ' Co. Officers :..|34T .fiS to investigate and report ways Eion Inst. & Tnd.. blks. shf.' .. . 4.23 nieans of curtailing the running Lawyers Co-Op. Pub.-Ch. 'aw 1-ks. .7.50 : th.-v-bs c.f the County presented Perfection Lejgal Blks, mdse. I lowing report, tow-wit: • .. ••---••--•• - - - , . ...; .... was ore ...... Sts. Atty -^8.8G I ' '• I L< Kh>n of Woodstock Illinois iequesttn» up< n motion duly r-.ade and carried Lsiwvers Co. On. Pub. Co. law -hits'. 5.00 ; TO the Chairman and Associate Mem- ; t>!at 50 per ceiit the amount le\ led by- t.^aJi- ©pji^d placed on file, to-wit: • : ? Harvard Herald, prtg. bar dockets \h ber.s of the Board of Supervisors: i said Tost 1 •--- • ' . and tax notice >M^211.40 j Yoiw Committee hoi etofore a-p]>ointod .. lelief committee of said Host •lllag'e of .AlflronguUi " 1 L A. Kiltz, repair typ. Co.-tlk. . ;t<5 figure out a bud-get tor the ensuing use. A bond in the amount oi^18 < Q ;.••-^j^onquin. 111., Nov. 8rd, .1#81. j 19.00 year to defray the costs and expenses signed by <«eo>gre E. (.laat, Comi^nder ^ ^ Board of Supervisors of Mc-.J I If the Countv. would respectfully ,5ub- n;f said Post as ^principal and W. F. |- * * « Countv;. ^ | 32.18'[ mit the following. We have prepared Conwny and George K. Kulm an as i u* resoiVed by th^> Village Board i and it is herewith submitted' for your : sui eties was also presented for x -0f of Algonquin that the „ 7.00 ' consideration such budget for thevettVI *t was thereupon regularly moved b> [ ^oar^ cf Supervisors of McHenry i 12.0<M suing year. . --W.re quested to take some action • 5,000.1)0 Total "... $7,781.50 «.854.18 Frank Thornoer I Co.. nids«. Co. ^ "tilephoVe"'wHh";HarrV M.'cleaveiaJL 'r-on/»h«n"1a«^"tiinAlea , director of the State of Illinois Djs C i r A r o C o u r t s 20.00 Partment of Public Works and But 111: T n* Puh ; ,u uw tn<rs a„d with the. Attorney UeneraK# Law>ers Co. Op. Pub. Co., l**r T 60 | office at Springfield, Illinois, and thit bocks the State Pepartmetit was leaving tu ZbrnSnst0 &' I^.'.0md^k'sS' Ich. If.?? j^att* of the"contorts to the judgm^| Lf Boy Clark, ba'lifr Co. Court LeUoy Claik, dpty. sheriff ni ee was of the opinion r , ' n'v Honj.* .-una, Ana- 1>w «*pendituWs Nov. 6th ....*.**111 ! EKcc kkeeii' tt && BPeennddiinngg:,, mmad^see.. sshneerritfnf. . could be8 lowerwi wi"hin ?u«.fs Wrlfht'; rplrner, X) BHen ^ P on har<1 Xov_ 1« 1^1. tl.877,38 , Eykns Market meat sheriff pr<knn(a ft mf»*nhpr < liUKh.fJ*v Ku< cker, ACKnmu. S**oW Fond Klff kman Ice Co., ice Phertti ittee then addressM fhe Balance on hand as reported Hcesley'sB.kery, bread, c»kes 10.00 of ^he County authorities as to what SO 00 ' to do 131 17 : Frank D. Hayes representing the con- 81.8R ' tractor on the Improvement Involve® Ponovan voted aye Nay notje and moand shf American Prtg. Co., rubber stamps, Treas. ...... L. A. Stockwell, Bd.- of R6v. Tlieo^Hamer serv. Bd! '^Rev.^'"^2:]^ ii'oo | suing^vVar' " """" ,**" J Supr. Brown duly seconded by Supr, ^Vm. Desmond, serv. Bd Rev 42.00 First. \Ve have eliminated the , ap- i ^ right that the several amounts levied Irene Deitz. serv. Bd Rev......,....;...:. 85.00 . propriattcfti for the Home Rur'e Grace Abbott, serv. Bd Bev 27-.B.0 sociation as salatv for 'its a" Gladys Kiddfio, serv. Bd Rev ......... 27.50 l.sum of $1000.00 per year, Orviile Kerns, setv. Bd Rev .........27.50 | Second: We have eliriiinatefl E. C. Kunda, serv.-Bd -~Bev ...... 35.iUt ; t** opriat i^^n oi- ?iy o a April 28 1931 $1,810.57 No fuither expenditures. Your Committee estimates that there will be necessary for tbe care of the McHenrv Countv Psjrol System of Boads until the next meeting of this Board an appropriation from the C"un~ tj Highway Tax Fund levied in Sept. 1980' In the sum of $5,000.00^,. Ml of which is resnectfully «ubml.ttfed, E. C HTUBES CHAS. H ACKMAN I). M. AVBIGHT - V E. BBOWX , C. M. PALMER It was thereupon recul*rly pioved by 20 0(j ! stated that formef Wage scale "-#«4 | about what he would have to n«v anv- 68.10 way and in some caSes less than n« pays his men: that he was agreeable to 17.11 I Proceed with the contract. and wo\tl<t i'« rn. i vt Cn"V»7iiiif ll'lBtcall a representative of tbe bohdltlt s.'y'i'.b?-. s* sjes,r :««;! |szr^s.,^s.•,ssts,r,, •• -- I» k I « ' • A % :^„f«A.tnrn»T I, f.ri ? I Horick maTerial & labor Shf 4t *6 ! for Consolidated Indetnrity ana IB- 8!ir' 5V«» surance Compar- came into the meetpies sheriff Wilcox ft Koblent*. mdse. sherift Woodstock Dairy, milk sherift 5;'I 111. Bell Tel. C«- tolls sheriff 111. Bell Tel. Co.. tolls 2, 520 A . service Co. Off 1.ester Edinger, Costs Peo. cases.... 45.10 Lester "Edinger, expenses of oiRce" IS.60 ("onway's -Clo.^Ptore, shoes Frank Holt* A. H. Hale, spl com wk . Chas. Ackman. spl com Wk duly "seconded" by I L. A. Stock well, spl com ** ...... 1e report of the S H. Freund, spl com wk ...: and Bridges be 'Chas M Palmer, spl com wk nd the roll be- H. M. Turner, spl com wk right, Palmer, John Conley. spl com wk Kuecker, | Volney E. Brown, spl cortl W* .. Ing and stated that it was agreeable to bis comtmnv to continue the '><nd Strtte Aid Routes 11 and 21 A, M. F„ T; section 1. improvement. f'upervisor Brown introduced • . rs<^i- |nn as follows ftnd moved Its tlotj: Be It resolved that fh tie ;brd«"w*»it • 8® :and discretion of tbe Road end Bridje 6< 70 Committee for McHenry County tn« ll-.'so I"""t <r»ere«ts of sairt rotmty will be • 20 i •er^-ed. by i)rooeed)ni» w<th tbe imhroTe- 53j60 ! "'f-nt kwwti as M T. Section 1 wlttl exp^fss understanding that t^» 4.00 12.50 60.56 $100:00 ft water 141.01 work iBec. 251.0* work Sar 300.65 stimmte N"o. cases ..j £ ..i...,i40.00 j >«4iose •' recei\ing over fi-eo W Lemmers, IflS. boilers' .-j- LBjirth, reduced 15 per cent. C. H. - ,..l£4.7l [ Tfhose J. P. Crofoot Co., paper fasteners receiving under' $l<M>-00 per JYfohth, reduced 10 per cent. 10.70 i And we would further recommend 20.00 i that all County officers be cautioned and I admonished to cut to the (iuick a.ll and 5.00 - every item of expense of opeiating their ^respective offices so as to eliminate 5.00 evei y expense that may not, be abs Treas. and Co. Clk Wm. R. Cairns, bailiff Cir, Ct. Dr. H. W. fandeen, com. insariitv Win. Kelley Dr. C. F. Baccus, com; insanity Wm. Kelley . - . . _ City of Woodstock, electric lights 63.2i lutely necessary. The irbove and fore- W. J. Kittle, sal Prob. off. cir. ct. 75.00 , going elimination of certain items, an;J G." L. Trvom survey'R. 21, 21-A - -- ri( commendations hereinbefore nTade, are Pec. 1, M. F. T ...300.Oil [ made by. reason- of the facts that the1 G L. Trvon, survey R. 22 ;8ec 2, County ran behind our - appropriation M. F. T. -....10.0.00 land taxes collected last year, and we »!.M Philip Bierdeman, sial, clei-k shf: j cannot levyi a tax this year io ,m»et the < ters ih^ this regard. seconded bv Fupr. Freund and unani- ! the Committee was at a loS8^^ m.usly carried that-the Boad and Biidg- what to do to secure . Committee of McHenry County meet right-of-way and they lia<I a&reed witn with the Bond and Bridge Committee Mr. Olson to_ present of Boone Countv when it is convenient Beard for their to both committees to take up any mat- smallest - amount Maftjuette Cement Mfg. Co. cement for Sec. 21-21A MFf 1 .fl,2«400 Hoard or rtunerviso. f. - _ Herman i.uedtke, Rodman 8ec. *1 Your^ Committee on County i Sent. - .....1...,-.w..-..-vi00l00 I expenses of the comtngr year unK-»^ Marian Edinier, cooking for fcrls. some reduction is made a* above set .X ItKr.OO j forth, and there is no way to meet such Lester Editiger allowance for j expenses, if rot reduced, unless by a auto cept . ...100.00 . bond issue 1-v the County, and we do Vestie MuldOon," sal. janitor Sept. 1^0.00 | not want,,-to recommend a bond _Jssue Daisy V. Moore, salary Ast. Sup. - I under ihe circumstance^, that confronts tichs Sept. -. 125-00 i us at the present ti«ie« '• depression tn Irene Crabtrie, salary Co. Court {everything, Is all that is necessary to BeDort Sept 100.00 say - on that point. • : 111 Bell Tele. Co., Sefv. Go. 6ff. | Our County not having at-tWs time and tolls 38.40 any bond issue to meet, and the tax Til Bell Teli phoiiW'^ff ^' toll-S Tshf: :-34.751t payers o^^ovjr County shaving ,,all tM l etter Edinee- exp shf. 60.80 : bui dens at the present time to bear, so iVrov Clark serv. dptv. shf^- - "70.00 . far as taxes are concerned, that thev Svlvester Muldoon. serv. dnty. shf. 6,00 possibly can !f.t.ard up ur-det-. It would Bovd Electric A p. Shop, electriet; -.not be right or • just to load them up Tin bulbs - . ..i...:' 7..60 with a further tax to pay a bond Issue. T ester Edinger, exp. of office 7161 Therefore, your committee would move John J Sullivan, briiliff Co. and i the adoption of this repoit and the bud- Or Ct " ' - l-.UiWK.OA '.get for the -ensuing year herewith sub- LeRo'v- Ciark. baiiiff Co:jwitted. . ,'f. 2 " ! Y o ° r " " r ; C. L. Tryon. sal & exp.'SUpt. flys Eff ort I v e' in'FrKER D. M. Wright, spl com jvk | r ChJs 'aTckma^ splTom»*%<* {'^ States Attorney Lumiey beli>KR p 0 r_e*," P F Rosenthal spv com wjT5-90 en-t at the me; ting'addressed the Board L \ • Stockwell^ e.tm ^At« 25.90 and ^taU-d and th*it he did not thrnk E F Kuecker. iot com wkt...: 113 41 that" cutting "off th.ee or four ,hund«d H M. Turner, spl com wk 6.20 . dollars a year on the sfilaiies of Frank B. McConnell. spl ccm:wk-- t*.8« ; cletks in the seve-al •.. .:ffi< e^ in ih. S. H. Freund. N com wk .r^lle^a boni N. B. Clnwson. spl com wk ... ...... 53.50 Issue, as stated in the Teooit just read Yolney E. Brown, spl com wk ..... 4t 30 to the Bonrd. He also str.tea thy M John T. O'Brien, apt com wk pJ.SO ifflt that ho could as the advis,or oi .tne Mr Chairman and Gentlemen .to.f the Board of Supervisors: it to the full Your* cuuni, jlA MFT 1 consideration; The Claims would beg leavfc to rejiort that , Hf.rnian iiUedtke, Rodman Sec 21- of compensation that they have exam ned all 21A MFT 1 •--- •! %«°'S3 of'Th. .?«• <5» IA71 A"'""^tor s^..*1:.... ,.r- by th» full 1«««» " Hl.h-W. w"rol M-l Staters Attornev Lumiey stated to Brai d that the County Court had over- , some action by ,h„r,M...on reeutfled-- certain objections of the C'hicrij.'o 'to thi« mat er. Jt was ther."1!'0" Xfj-thwestern P^tiiway -Company to their , larly m-rfved .-by Supr Ackniaw and dul t i x o f t h e - v e a r 1 9 3 0 c o l l e c t a b l e i n 1 9 3 1 s e c o n d e d by S u p r . W r i g h t t h a t t n « . t o w i t . . amounting'to 1.716.62 and that the at- payment -of U'n Vbute 7 b.' D M WrigM, ri-nt Fefftr. Wolf, torneys for the Bai.road Company , to, secure^ nght-orway^ on %tuth, gas Ward . . - '»««•«» unanimously \V. H. Piel, mdse Mrs. Geo. Feffer L8J the* several amounts Allowed as follows, jc SLC't^on""»a'i" **«*p"8upt. HyW. 2ii.tl Bd. " audited and ordftrfd paid *i ftt- '• w«; TTrpr,* r> V»v 1 trltTiM Xr0«rrtio'»« M«"tlfaelt»rlri* P->. 1 ^1S. teHient car Kr, in'i'Sff* S4t.lt S.227.21 i O. • t. "*n«»1ne^rlns Work Co., c*ment I -- 1 264.08 j M J* "e(**fre. 17 « 4 bri. as ^ ; ! bv c-'norvl*"'" Wi-< ~»>t t*»*t Jh* : coi*t*»>itte'> pdlmirn s"b1»et to <»>» «*}l| r-f th» cbai-"->^n. s*eori<1e(« vf gi.»>cp.t<sor P^'iyer. MnHn* on'rt"!!. Th'-re" non •••e f"»ettnsr •<<'loiirned leet to the call C> t>«e " * C. HUGHES, Ch«k r?. L. TRTOV, Cl^rk. •i 87.50 56.0# 45.00 would willingly pay this amount now.| r« jected by this f-oard, an^,H^?0^g|y due. b'ut they felt that they should not i call said motion was unanimous y , 0t,,v. „ i -e penalised in this regard and that he 1 adcptedV , 4 .t)»ihi,viw frnm the I j H Patterson. co*i. Fefffcr 'Tt'thtTl™aHowed*toPtpa,v the%a^oSm | rny \ f Varenro was .'..pre^nt-ed^jihd , |>. M. Wr^ht. truck for MrA, , M< Henry County T. B Sanl. ' sal nurse & exp. patients .. .. S4S.»3 ! Me Hem y Co. Farm Bureau, compt. County Clk. 40 00 el, Mrs. T effer 7 M B Cof,k ro carbon jwiper Treas. 21.00 I tbe rC*. be'n _e'-^ 7 50 I Hichmond Garette, tax sale .notice JL^P | prBrie" Tt wf* tb^retipon rer-'1arly n>o*'««d ?iinc. K"eck«r and- <*nljr """C^nd^d M Si'tiir. ^rennd *h«t th" <~><»>",es of S*fa>._ rnpi»»>ittpe an** tt»e of 1 r r n ' r » ^ e r » d / , r t - - d b v t b " a h a Mei* W"1 ^nl.t above stated without a penalty. It was | r ead toJhe_ hereupon regularly movd and se-^opdeil .Stipr. •'Kuecker ana nuiy and unanimously carr'ed that the re- j supr quest of the Chi'*ago Voi thwestern Bail- ; wa wav Company be granted. . j to-wit: There beinir no further business t^> ther' Thereupon the Board pdjourned. .j.Xtimber 1'4 and, L. A. STOCK WELL, Chairman Attest: R. T). WOOLS, Cleik. Special November Meeting. 1931 ...... S7.20 County Boa-d Sssnre the*n that they ...u 1 •.*<) : were In n<« danger > f a boWd issue to 20.53 nav the running expanses of the County" That this County was one of tie 47-S6 few Counties in the State i that h«^i never hsd a bond _ ipsue a*id j - * "§.70 that y Co. T. B. Sanftoriyn, | rrion C. M'-. Palmer, spl com wk E C. Hufhes. spl com wk Ethel C. roe, exn. sup. schs. .... W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., mdse. sup. schs. -•« III. Office Supply Co., mdse. sup. schs. • McHenry arirmfttv pnd unanimously carried | J^onda.- adopted and ordered placed on ftle. j A.^Hal^ rent MJ# • 'H. C Meier, mdse. F. J Schfoeder •••olnt:®* ^ L.-V^Henning UU j 25.00 62.^5 12.72 21.75 26.59 S^ne ^ly '^ers. McHeno- Co^711.n^« (Ed^^nson. bWcO.1.^ :"jomn * "'Motion V'ared TU^rle^ ! ^t" *» feet Vide State Aid ' Route j F. W K^uger. rent *^ mdse. , .•^oddard^ Whereas the laws of this State pro-, Alexander Lumber Co coal M»"tvnt a County may- extend... such Schroeder and Darneftl ^p%ve?uent wHhin a City or Village j Woodstock Hospital, care lone improv. -- Farley r ;f )pos than 7.5"° inhabitant TTHt,R|,KKKl.FKOmHrE, BnrE. I.»T RESfiLVEI), H. w. GleVeke mdse. Coss A Rosell 41.81 tb'Jt th^Citv^Council of Marengo. 1111- Chi. Ind. Home for Children. Verro? s he^ehv -Wque^s such extension of. . non ». Norma Philips (Blng- - imnrft-Werit within paid City, and wood ... ty and gr»nt-|;cM. Ind. Home for Chijldren. 61^5. 270.79 hla2er. Fay Hases, pedtna, -M. Frhultz ft D. Schult* ...-1W-W Session pursuant to a • ' the Officials ... ... - - .. , . ' them neeessa'v jurisdictit>n for .tne The Honorable -Board of Supervisors i'col7,Pi,>tioti "f said improvement, as nn | Pchult* ft >f MTlIerrv Oitinty, miet in Special: c,f pa'.J State Aid Poute MeH»nry-- , ... mith A Co., coal - A. T>. 1 S31 at t<n o'clock A. M. I""' "^IjpneTl:' EPX-EST C. ROBB,' Mayor] H, Kelley ' The meeting was called to order by j the Chairman. L. A. Stockwell, and the i l^beine eaibri tbe following member^ sat. hur->e ft erp. natient.-? ......57S.20 bond ... The Woodstock News, prtg. Co. * ! stated that as far as he wis personally (-^115 - ---i 17.00 concerned he was not bothered in the Lester Edinger. People's cases >..321.75 • least by this ri pm t but tl.it he. felt- a \Voodst<H k Daily Sentinel, prtg. _ . _ ' ,gr» at . ir P.rstic® wo»M be don and f»nv. S'*o Hvs. & Shf. --...... .... Bohn Hardware Co., sup. shf. 10.13 -a reductiojn in salaries at this-, time . " Supr. Wiight then addressed- th'.* 'Boar# 15.332.S4 and stated tb-pt »-oi». than one-third of its, merhbers, at j|arfenKO to State Bond' issue Route flys Alice -fl'.tn tKe't'Jc'urt Honie in. Woodstock. Illinois, : pear "the west Citv Limits of said City) ard Mill o!n»Tuesday the 10th day of November, j ()jr Mar<.nKO, minois. A W. Sm- -- ' " -I Figned • EPNEST BOBB. * Mayor H. Kelle> r'l 4tt°st AKL1E E. SHEARER, City Clerk, Arthur Smith, mds#. Mrfe. M*ry •® ! Va^n ' - jr7;,* Simons - s? j - 1 .... lAifxander Lbr. CO., coal Mntr M •at hafl 'had bond, isftue ®*1'1 '^.pnndeKl to their namas,- to-wit: L; -A. j netjtton from residents and legral ' Marv Simons • D* J0hn801* -- iat rtiost Counties were now laising n M. Wright. C. M Palmer, , vot^rll ot Rjd^efleld " and vicinity re- 1 rbe"~ung-- -->= K>ney ly bonding to pay interest on , ^ O Plifri x. -B. C'awson, E. C. | o u e s t jnK t j n 'at the Coun'v take seme ac^ j john X- O'Brien. r^nt Wise. H* nnds previously roted. l.fc.' f!J.^ e' F K iecker. Cbas. Ackman. Itt(>n' jn cauxin'j a r*avcd road to be con^ r dorn Pennington. __ J* „ -- T T-- ^ ' tructed from Boute 1!> at I,o<kwoo44 Keeler, Torgesoti. Hochracih. r"<iW»orv H»t«hes *?nef»«ir, . j TitenA' Vov. 10 25 A «-<;t r»«*if>'-rtn voted sve. Nat#, l65.00 '„r^„ «r-ii deeiarM csrrtsd 12.19. n*'rrhs*!t'^ ">itte* madi? ^v ! to"nwi«'r .r»wt tK-w"- T" **>» Hfinorable Board of BapfTt tvv th* nf tbe Purcbs^'ti# 5-®® W° **^ve t n Tf^* 6^00 , t<"nt'-'4 n'in< s»>d <ir 6 09 . th# Art Mets! C'-i«triirtlm 10.00„i t*>^ I vr]i«v« t>"« b« >>e«+ sdant , *»,p rnr,1« fr #•„„ '!»•"" hereto 2 BFT Sec. 1 8,390.J< | co<-» bl'»* *»rl»*t« eoo<rt""cti<W Universal Laioratories. soup pur- •" b« *T»« «•» t« »• ^ cha»ed bv Cyrus Sanford, form- ft,.. "*** r--ipty Trrasnrei- from earn in®# ef Sbf . If Esrle ctr-mical Co., soap pttr- j v r> chased bv^Cyrua Sanford. form- • j ->. tt,• .. er shf. Jr^- TtJ. ,M. -WfUnHT E. 3. Field Hrd. Co., mdse. shf. .... 10.70 Woodstork Daily Sentinel, prtg. A stp. enr shf. & Co Clk. A mer. Prtg Co , prtg. Treas. Brdenschate ft Sahs, mdse. shf. .. 111. Offiee Supply Co., mdse. Fupt. Schs --a. W. F. Lang. gravi?l at C. House..., 10.2o Sylvester Muldoon. deputy shf. 5.00 i George"C,rant, deputy shf. .1 ohn W >lsh. deputy shf. - ... T ewis Tjiaver, dspxity shf. ...: John Sullivan Jr.. bailiff Cir. Ct. . Mf-ooptte Cement Co., cem?nt MFT Sec. 1 ...^ 2.810.00 Frank n Hayes Co , estimate No 825.816.40 (Payrnent-a on ftite Aid Roads mad^ j * rVnfUt dnl* seennded bv out dt Gm Ta* Refunds.) , 1 ; "n(e)r»ii that tbe r»nort placed »• ill of w.hb-h is re -nectfutly mibinitted. t m«>,. Motion rfecisi^ed c»rr|<"i - A. H. HAT.E " - j V S. T,""«lev Alt- •-y.;.-.,...',. (-" M PALMER "" "I •»»«> end etifed tbst 11* V, E. BROWN j t it brt e to v, E. F. Kl'ECKERy | nvni|t t%n e«B*-«nder •Edition to. •Ka - eel's { ft was thereupon regularly mttved by f for tbe »•«, i"™"* ' {s^rf.' Ackmnn duly seconded bv Pupr. i-Wk «**ited tK«t »h"r» Toiin Conlev Volnev E. Brown, John E. {K*r,if»*ed ^ M"rri«ort H' M. Turner, Frank B. Mc- i r,;rnf,r, tb»'nce East- through tbe Vil-| pres. lights Ostrum The | CcrtntTll. S. H. rretm'd'^A^. and ,;lag(lnf Ri,jg. A-Id^tJience^S^Uh^^sterl^ wheels of service of McHenry County by J •> The^ricordT'of the ^p^clal October | preTOnte'd and*"read'"to the 'Board. It a l. Putnam, milk McMahMr tine of the B">ard as presented and wa<? thereuoon regu'a'-ly moved by Sunr. Bfprvard Hospital, care Henfry •Route 19 ,N"'nda Township was ' - Wagner . ifu'W-'l»--rert^tftUJlr.'.tublnUt€«.-'-. Poard met with . - » .k . A. If- IIAI.E • tboToughlv disc«m«ed.t>». matter that ' i tiTrie and .would now move question of accepting tbe report brought to a vdte.'tTi' settle tire matter. ' ' Paid motion was duly' seconded by Asst. fh® IfolldwWi* Resoltuttsni *itft re^wrd supirr t>on<»Tan. supr. OBriW .«ieii ad- KCFCKER r," E. BROWN !. M. PALMER lAVricht that the report of said Com- ;,«1nce n'-i'tablo pnw in the C^"nty .'%II mittee be adopted bv this Board. And ) for such a norm**. Tt *m tbereuocn ....lff.?3 .the roll being called Stipr Wrieht, Pal- vr Hs--'«on Schmid, care Hermart mer, O'Brien Clawson. Hughes, Kuecker, [ spoonded by Sttnr. Turner fb«t tn» 29 55 Ackman, Conlev. Brown, Harrison, I rnp*-*»r- b» r«*e->rred t« *he r»i>-'i»t"e «• 9.64 Turner, McConnell. Mav, Freund. Halo PnMd'n-ti with fwU .» ' a n d Asst. Supr. Donovan voted aye. i Brt with »»» **>• *•"!*? *!g 114.00 xav none and motion declared carried. *i\d th» r«*li ^eif"* cs^»« sai« Bauder, mdse. Haydorn i The following minutes of a meeting j-motion was oiwelswuslv *dop*«<i ' 42.83 of ,he Boad and Bridge Committee of j « « * *>-- eport be aeik, to-wit. ^ e,"xhenCommi; tee on Boads and Bridges gtiain Bns., Didse.^Wise, Mr- sgned by all parties to the contract for •hen ada-essed the Board d . clerk were approved and p Q n : dll] v ,cPrcjided .-by Supr. Harrl-.... l.embky • some tt:ne a-g^-Mie fuH ^ l on f,,e ! Tnn that petition be app-oved by.....tfils H0!re & Bi The ..fiJL»iMglag^B£ggM^ nr.e" Board and ^m£j^.r£f^redtot!^oa'l. and G^nUeme^^% the mSTrS^ OeoJ Osirui iKi 21A ' ^6^" »;^"that' th^prayr .. w.-. V, ,n.. „.irv^n 'he construction of ». Cement Highway. |>*nt tSitpr .4. Bnw UarrtMM that til* P"rM H