§f^u * ' 53J- *' v ' 'J- &UV •AGE "<• 7"- r„•,,w • • * ' - - • . ' . . ' ' • • • • ' . V ? - ' i THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS / ' 1 5 - ' t . * W'-. ft;; 8-/'- &/' §v- £#• the petition hi' granted when suffeient btnil is filed. And (hp roll being called Mid motion was unanimously adopted. An older empowering the Road and i idge Committee of this Board to enter said contract granting said franto the Birmingham Boat & Transit Co. was presented and read to the It was thereupon resKilarly moved by Itiip'r. Harrison and (July seconded by Supr. Turner that said order be approved. and upon roll call said motion" -wat unanimously adopted. The Cleik presented a Contract enter- * into for repairs to the Treasurder's ce, showing Fcter J. Freund & Son, rty "of the First Part and McHenry inty, Party, ' of the Second Part. ..te'.s A ttaj r»ej- \'. S. Lumley then adesSed the Board and Stated that this _ jntract was presented to'him r'Or his . >; "approval 'and upon reading the Contiacl he found that the architect eni- " Ti'^plt-ved by; the Public-Boilings Com'^nit- • Vteei although not .a signer to the Con- »tract;-was ;a Third, Party represented in Ciit and that he could -see no reason wh>' • •'. .this procedure was necessary: It. was '\iher«iipon r^gulaply rao.vtd Jay • Supr. - -.' 'Wright and dtily' -Seconded bySu,pr. •*-'>!"^Ackn»a"n"that th^'-mibUc'-.^inldfplra.Cdm-. '•:• - - meet With "the . State's:--Attorney Mr.,, <3eor-g.e p. Mp.rrl?! said ",Archt-v •to straighten- out thSfe matt?,?. And, roll being 'called.- said motion was im<yK 4, 'to-wit: •". rj ' Be it reseolved by the Board "of Supervisors of McHenry; County, Illinois that , State Ajd Route 11 be extended estirly through the City .of Marengi linois from its intersection with tlje *sft Corporate limits of" said City of elegraph Street to State of Illinois nd Issue Route 23; thence continuing 0« a relocation southwesterly, to State. • : 'of Illinois* Bond Issue Route 5, the cenline of which relocation portion is fliore particularly described as Xollows: Commencing at the North East Corner of Section 35 Township 43 North Range 5 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian: thence south-on the east line '•'•'at said section 35 a distance of 0,9 of a foot to a point;.thence westerly along a line which forms an angle of 89 deees 57 minutes to the right with a elongation of the last described course r a distance of 1291.1 feet to a point; ence on a regular curve to the left dius equal to 1011.51 feet and the defection angle equa\. to 59 degrees 40 minutes) for a distance of 1053.1 feet; thence south 30 degrees 20 minutes west 1423.44 feet to a point; thence on a regular curve to the right (radius equal to 1099.36 feet and the deflection angle equal to 63 degrees 02 minutes) for a distance of 1099.36 feet to the center of State Bond Issue Route 5 for a point of termination, the width of said relocation Toad to be 80 feet lying 40 feet wide on both sides of the above described center line, the total length being 4867 feet more or less. Be it further resolved that State Aid ute 12, from the west corporate limof the City of Marengo, Illinois esterly to the McHenry-Boone County e a distance of 4 1-2 miles more or s be discontinued as a State Aid Road deducted from the State Aid System Roads of McHenry County, Illinois. Be it further resolved that two r^^'tibpies of this resolution be sent by the : V County Clerk to the State of •Illinois Department of Public Works &nd Buildlugs tor their approval. It was thereupon regularly .moved by Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Wright that said Resolution be adopted ; fcy this Board. And the roll being called Supr. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Claw- Hughes, Kuecker, Ackmari, Conley, vn, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, lay, Freund, Hale and Asst. Supr. Donovan voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. The following Resolution was presented and read to-wlt: RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois that State Aid Route 11 extending .from Woodstock to Huntley in said County in its present location (except the portion thereof running East and "• W est from the center of Sec. 33 Town of Dorr to a point 80 rods West from the West line of said Section 33) be dis- . continued as a State Aid Road and be - deducted from the system of State Aid routes of said County: and that the following described relocation for a road be added to the State Aid System of Routes of McHenry County in lieu thereof. - Beginning at the north east corner of -the east half of the north east quarter of section 17 Township 44 North Range • 7 East of the 3rd Principal Meiidian; thence southerly on a relocation through said section 17 and sections 20, 29 and a portion of section 32 Township and Ranse aforesaid to the north end cf the existing north and south road in the east half of said section 32; thence continuing southerly on said existing road and on'a relocation to a point near the sou.th line of section 17 Township 43 North Range 7 East of the 3rd Principal Meridian; thence continuing southeasterly on a relocation to the north end of the existing north and south road in the north west quarter of section 28 Township and Range last .aforesaid at or near the north e&st corner ' of the . west half of the north west quarter of section 28 last aforeseaid; thence continuing southerly on said road a little farther than one half mile; thence on a relocation in a southwesterly direcion to Vine Street in the City of Hunt- -lev, Illinois; thence southerly along said Street and said Street extended to the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company's right of way, near the north line of section 33 Township 43 North Ranee 1 East of the 3rd Principal Meridan; tbence southerly on a relocation through said section 33 to the McHenry-Kane County line near the south west corner of said section 33 for a point of termination; said line above described to be the center line of a road 80 feet in width as now staked out and surveyed. Be it further resolved, that two copies county line near the South West corner the Chairmam L. A. Stockwell and the It was thereupon regularly moved by of Section 33 Township 43 North Range roll being called the following mem- Supr. Freund duly seconded by Supr. 7 East of the 3rd P. M. bers responded to their names, to-wit; Kuecker that the above and foregoing L. A. Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M. Resolution be adopted by this Board none and motion declared carried. i meeting The Clerk presented and read com- proved. munica " lie of the Ulnois Rose Illinois ™The Clerk presented and read applied which was on roll call unanimoVWly tions fbr Relief under the Bogardus act adopted, to-wit: Ariieriean ^Legion*- 'Yn^the *-Amount of j Mr, Chairman and Gentlemeil <&, Clei k and the Sher-ifT^ for ^ther_h»! ^ y^ar. ] +* -No. "icOO.OiV^ a6d the. Cary Post of the same | Board of Supervisors': " ' ' ' " ~ ^ organization for a like amount and V. E. Brown, spl com wk 48.40 Board of Supervisors of McHenry Coun- 1 in the interests of the several posts of P.^.F. Rosenthal, spl com wk ......... 5.90 j ty, Illinois, that the above amonnt rff the American Legion in McHenry coun- E. C. Hughes, spl ctyn wk - 2S.0.0 ,$1,546.30 of the Motor Fuel Tax of ID31 tj who hail levied under the Bogardus John Gonley, spl com wk ' 42.40 I be used for the purchase of said right Act. Mr. rJoslyn further stated that the -- -- ' --'ft.40 ( of way jibove mentioned and, that the Clerk 'bad informed him that the Coun- TrelisUrer ty Treasurer did not feel that he should ed to continue) to pay under the Bogardus Act land | for the reason that he felt that the rumen [Statute as now stands on Pauper Relief 10from mad'i payments under the Bogardus Act inance ja lespon-sibility of the Township. Mr. ; Josiyn then read the Statute* to the tha^ j Board and further stated that under s . j... _ , „ hereby said Statute-he believed that the pay- Th« Committee on Fees and Salaries ! G. L. Tryon, MKT No.. 1 ---v directed to certify a copy of this reso- | ments under the I'.ogardus" Act should - - - ' ~ * m • * ' 1 s i l u f f , ™ , t r . t h a • » . . i . n ~ c o n t i n u e a s h e r e t o f o r e . S t a t e ' s A t t o r - . S. > Lumley then stated to the Uiat that was also his belief. Was thereupon rekularly moved by ~"Freund'rTty seconded By >iupr. that the County, Treasurer be . _ .. - - , . -auKM. v. -- , ccx,y..ur-u --Cted try contiiiu« to pay under the ¥our_CoTnnri.ittjee on"fee.s and salaries'. Frank I). Hayjfts Co-.^stS'NO' „ that.the Resolution be adopted by Boga/dps Act as heretofore. And the to whom was referred the semi-annual S. A. lit. 21-21A MFT No. 1 •• 7,701.*-tj ^js .Bpflrd and. the roll being called, ! roll behip t"tlle<3 said motion was umnreports of ,,the _ County: Clerk, Circuit |HH eerrmmaannj l^>Luweeddttttkkee,, rrppddmaann MFT; ;2Q ^^. .^uprs,^ Wrigh^Palmer, O'Brien. -Claw- |i -mously adopted. J ' v mi* anu inci me ..df year, " No. - - - - " - ^ • sen, Mughes, Kue-ck^i:,.", Afckman. Con- !',. The Clerk presented ^ftd reafl personal __r . ending Dec. 1st; A. £>: 1931, wouldi: beg I Heriffan Luedtke, rodman Mt"! .. tey. Browri.-Harrisohj Turner^ Freund, i proper ty tax statements Of Martin* 1. Your Committee to settle*; with Trefts- .leaver to submit the following report. on»| No;' 1 .......'ahd Hae'ger and 'A«st Suprs.-©on- ; Ritt of. Crystal Lake, Illinais praperl jr «trrAH~*Tn*Vfrhe**B6<rrd that "these applii- i urer would beg leave to submit the folt 'the matters, and' things- before theirv: ", j Herman Luedtke, jrodman. MFT ^ ovan and Rosenthal voted ayg. „ N.ay ; receipted showing that Mr. Ritt had 'were not filed in his office in J lowing report on the irifttter : before-, , The semiannual'report of the .pounty" ,* Ka 1 .-ntibe 'and tnotipn .declared,carried:./. •„ ; paid .two. -.personal- property taxes for cUaritVieo 'nfso r'We Sjevpste m, ber meeting of 'this <thVe,.m«. .. , • •r , v .. v CleJk beinjf -.aosa ffro.lltlro>w*y g; Arnold ElWe'n, inspector Mt,T-• . , -- *-•' «- «----'•*«-» """" - - ' - Board." It was thereupon regularly mov--1 We hav.§ examined and checked ^the k' " couutir Clerk'i" 'A.: ! iled by Supr. Kuecker duly seconded by vbooks.Ih the oflttc^of' the Cwty .l^feas-! , " Earned '^c.Plvel Supr.. Weight that the above ami fore- , urer,, Harry F. Peteit, and find them-in . FrtrV Fees 1,6 8'S,;1?- •••'%':t28.77 poinr.levies- be, included in the amoun.t 4 balance- as ;follows:. ^ i,:-For Clerks Fees in :.'" as leyied: by. the County Board at their | Balance on hand.Dec_. 1,;1?30 V 49--08;5-87 .' Suit's in Court. 3984,00 - 15K;00 Sep-ternb'er meeting, s&id leVies to be Recei ved from all sources 'Brto oo* For Couhty Services ' 9t>1.00- • scaled to keep . within ' the maximum ••• -.during .year Ktyr Misc. Services ...1 4,'782;.6.9'! ;. 4,780.94 amount., allowed. And the roll bejngfj - --*-- -. ,• called' said motion, was . Uanimousiy: ', ' ' Jl,926,294.85 .rionted DisbXirsements for the year Supr.'Freund addressednhe Board and | ending "Nov. 30, 1931 ,....$1,838,210.93 stated that a Mr-. Downing of his town- j Bal. on hand Nov. 80, 1931 88,083.9- ship was present at this meeting and . would like to be heard by the full _ , »i ,9^6.294.85 Wrard The Chairman L. A. Stockwell The County Treasurer's Itemized, re- & then called upon Mr. Downing. Mr. pert hereto attached which with the Downing addressed the Board and stated that he was the owner of a small piece of property in McHenry Township and that he was suffering from cancer of the mouth, and that he has been under the constant care of a physician btM that latelv due to present working conditions he found it impossible to secure employment or earn enough money to take care of his family and also pay for,, Doctor's treatments and that he would Total ' Earnings of,J ..V7- half year . ,.$7,81<L81. Received of earnings | previously reported: I Probate ... Court Costs .Miscellaneous ......... Total Receipts ;....^:.-:r i.....^. •Expenditures--- Clerk Hire ...i vv.f Miscellaneous' 14W: 590.fin 651.85 3.40 year ; 19-30, one, to; McHenry County, . ^d ind're^d'.t<^ the Board, t'OtWif.* > -t IHitiots, and the other to Jaekson Coun- """" " ty,' Missouri. It Was theretip'ori regularly moved by Asst.. Supr, .Rosenthal >-•0 . J Arnold Eweh,.,.inspector WFT •' No. 1 .J.S,;50.OO'! BeBolntlOn Harold:,Aekrftan, Inspector, MFJ1. -t Harold Arnold Harold Arthur Felicdtte, prop. Engineer~235.80 Way for improvement of State ....100.00 Roads, and, motion was ujianimously adopted., Supr. Harrison addressed the Boar l like to have some action fcy this Board either in helping him to find a buyer for his ptoperty or find some way whereby it will be possible for him to continue to cure his ailment under the car$ of said physician. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. AVright that the matter of belief for Mr. Downing be referred to Supr. Freund with full power to act and upon roll call said motion was unanimously adopted. There being no further business on the Clerk'« table Chairman L. A. Stockwell stated to the Board that at the Special October meeting the roll call on the motion to take action on the report nf the Special Committee appointed to investigate ways and means of curtailing the running expenses of McHenry County, was continued until this meeting an-d that he would now present the question for discussion. Official^ of the Home Bureau heing present at the meeting were called upon. Mrs. Walkup, President of the Home Bureau then addressed the Board and stated that she would like to have Mr. Theo. Hamer speak , in their behalf. Mr. Hamer wjis then called upon and stated that he did not believe that the discontinuing of the yearly appropriation to th£ Home Bureau would in any way relieve the Tax situation in the County for the reason that the amount appropriated was so very small, amounting to not more than two and one-half or three cents per capita. Mr. Hamer further stated that he could assure the Board that the work accomplished in the rural communities by this organization was a far greater benefit to the taxpayers than anyone realized, and that he did not believe that action bv the Board in this regard woHild bf favored at this time. Miss Greaves, Home Advisor, was then called upon and explained to the Board how the organization functioned also explaining the 4-H club work in this county. , . Supr. John T. O'Brien of Chemung addressed the Board and stated that he was very much in favor -of this report and urged the Board to adopt the same. Supr. Palmer also addressed the Board and stated that he was a member of two committees that had already lowered their expense and would heartily endorse the adoption of the report in question. The' Chairman L. A. Stockwell asked for further discussion on this matter. There being no further discussion he then presented the question and stated to the Board that the roll call "would be an aye vote to approve the report and a nay to reject the report and ordered the Clerk to call the roll. And the Toll being called Suprs. Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, and Harrison voted aye. And Suprs. -Wright, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, County Treasurer's Report showing.of- RecelDtS * •; $6,910.62 ficial collections and disbursements Total Receipts -..... made during the year, we submit as part of this report. All of which is respectfully fubmtt- ., . . "V" "th '")r Decem,>er' A- D'j SnVhilf 1.S5M0 8,848(17 :'-'?EDNWovS?NNBfcI;'CB";,^>»"« W cnunfy V ^ Vi rdkom The Semi-annual renort of the Clr- J? M. CONLEY ' , cuit Clerk being as follows, to-wit: * J Circuit Clerk Receipts-- Earned--rReeelved" For Recording ... ......$3,236.65. $3,236.65 For clerk's Fees in Suits in Court 2,705.55 2,269.80 Por Misc. Services...-..,.; 252/00 239.00 I For amount allowed for . .. I services in Court. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the 1 153 davs ® $10.0(T~1,530.300 . Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- | _ , - - •' i*., ty, Illinois: The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the" following report which was on motion of Supr. Haieger duly seconded by Supr. Hale, and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: The undersigned members of the Road ,Tot®' °f v ,"-9K in ana ,Bridge committee _for County. R ™e,;h e* e^-ni'nga" ' 104.00 previously reported': Court costs ... Total Receipts ....;$5,849.95 Expendittfreswould beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met on the 17th day of November, 1931, at the court house at Woodstock, Illinois, to receive bids, for a new V type snow plow for the Coun- . ty's 30 crawler type tractor. The bid Clerk Hire, including of the Baker Mfg Co. of Springfield, extra ..........$2,019.75 Illinois, "was the lowest bid received, Pefund docket fees 102.50 - / * said bid being in the amount of $^00.00 Mist1:, expense 37.70 delivered and installed complete, and Cleilc's Salary fof your "committee signed an agreement-! one-half year 1,000.00 $3,159.95 to that effect. ' Bills for cement and engineering costs Balance due county for in the matter of the Union Road im- I one-half year ending 11-30-31 $2,690.00 provement known as"'M. "F. T. Sec. 1| The semi-annual report of ther sheriff were audited and ordered paid. Your being as follows, to-wit: , committee then made a tour of in- | Sberlff spection over County roads in the north 1 Receipt's-- Earned Received east part of the County to view work For sheriff's Fees < • done and check up on the efficiency 01 1 )n guits in Court: road patrolmen. 1 Process Docket $1,770.40 .$1,347.45 Your Committee again met at the | Executions .1...... 403.94 341.54 court house at Woodstock, Illinois on All of which is respectfully'submitted, the 27th day of November and audited For Misc. services .... 1,202.50 and ordered paid bills for cement ana engineering costs in the matter of the Total Earnings of Union Road improvement known as M. | nnp.half year .$3,376.84 ' , F. T. Sec. 1, and also allowed an esti- Rgfceived of earnings * I mate of $75.00 to Chas. Ensign out of nreviously reported: . the regular Road and Bridge fund for putting in storm sewers on the River- Road Improvement on Patrol section 17. It was also decided to advertise the Johnsburg Road Improvement known as M F. T. Sec. 2, for bids to be taken Dec. 10, 1931. Your committee then peputv Salary made a tour of inspection over roads in Miscellaneous the north and northwest parts of the , sheriff's salary for County and viewed work performed. one-half year -v 850.00 Your Committee again met on the 1 . 5th day of December A.' D. 1931 at the Balance duP conrty ... . ...,..,'.....:.$1,819.84 court house at Woodstock, Illinois, ana ^ HALE Process Docket Executions Miscellaneous ..... Total Receipts ....... Expenditures--7 471.15 150.20 1,185.50 Lester Edinger, oper. carJBCov. Mtaveragei l4^e37)°<NovnS * f P . 1 2 5 . OO 'T'ommittee of the Board of Supervisors Philip Bierdeman, clerk shf. Nov.100.00 of McHenry .County, Illinois have se- Vestie Muldoon, janitor Nov. 120.00 cured ^he signatures to th6^ foliowift„ Irene Crabtree, Co. Ct. Reporter Highway Dedications, for fh_1t nis time i-nat me v. nairman u. a. stocKN" ov 100.00 State Aid Route Number well appoint a Committee of,three Su- DaisV V. Moore, Ast. Sup. Schs. . j.-McHenry <• ^ 0 I perv'isors. to meet with thq Sheriff of and truant off. Nov 125.00 , State Aid Rpute 22, M. E» T. fcec. 2, j ^[(.jjonry county tp investigate any- W. J. Kittle, sal. Prob. officer «-'i McHenry County, Illinois. - - , . ; thing that they may find in this regard Nov, 76.00. j N»me . .arid report back to: this Board. Said WH EREAS, ^h.e^^Road^ ! and stated that there has been quite bit of discussion in regard to the Boar iing of Federal Prisoners in the McHenry County Jail and that he would move at this that the Chairman L. A. Stock- ; Rupert Hopp ..830.00 Jchn Smith Russell Allen, sal. Ast. Sts. Atty. Sept., Oct., Nov. ....... City of Woodstock, lights 2 rtiO. 171.35 Peter Smith Citj^ of Woodstock, sp. Ass't v • ' Michel Schaefer Original Town - Fair-Grounds. ....531.90 Joe King --m.. t> -- Math Jungen ^•;-.;.«™.*.'.'i-$o'0.0'0- 30.on $17,615.42 E. M, Downs (Payments on' State Aid Roads made H. V. Sompel .;....:...250,0'. motion was duly seconded by Su;u' , ' 14k 00 i Freund and unanimously carried. The caao Chairman then appointed John Harrison, S. H. Freund arid D. M. Wright to act as such Committee. .State's Attorney Lurtiley being present at the meeting was cabled upon to 60.00 7.00 W 12.00, !l 6.00 . „ , on n 'i . explain the new Statute on Pauper Reout of Gas Tax Refunds.) i° , Mr. Lumley then add'ressed the Road $11,153.36 ; Frank Miller Est. All of which is respectfully submitted, 1 Frank Miller Est- A. H- HALE „ " '••- ; R. E. HAEOER . ; E. F. KUECKER -•*" C. M. PALMER ; V. E. BROWN The Clerk presented and read two re- Chas. Karls John Degen :. John H. Freund * C. M. Adams ....... Anton Pacek Mrs. Ben Toyan Jos. Mickels 20.00 .. 35.00 25.00 pom%^mKsrat"sTuo;ney;vrlfnLnunmarv- , Jonn nuiti .. ley covering a period from January 1 23rd, 1929 to Dec. 1, 1931, to-wit Btats's Attorney's Beport of Expenditures ,To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: , I, herewith, respectfully submit a report of the expenditures made by me from the 1st day of Jan. A. D. 1929, to the present-time, Apr. 28, A. D. 1931. State of Illinois, County of McHenry ss. I, Vincent S. Lumley, State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, being first il'no 1 Board and stated that he was still -f I the opinion that the County should take „ j care' of all Paupers until such time - n„ the Townships were in "position .so m " in nn ! do Mr. Lumley further stated that he 1-elieved that it was necessary for t ie County to maintain the County Poor - mn nil ! Earm. Supr. Ackman then ' addressed j'the Board arid stated that the Octob-r -•'„VUn i claims on. County Poor that were audited and allowed by this Board at the November meeting and ordered p«i 1 were' not as yet paid and stated that he would like to have an opinion from the State's Attorney as to the payment of these claims. State's Attorney Lumley then stated that,-he did not believe that any County Officer would be liaM- 350.00 ...'--....100.00 10.00 ..........:;.4 50.00 i John M. Pitzen ....... -- Joe Thelen Anton M.- Schmltt ...... $4,525,00 THEREFORE, be It resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, Illinois, that the above amount j anv "Way in paying these claims. It of $4,525.00 of the Motor Fuel f j1* was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Freund duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that all County Pauper Claims contracted by the Suprs. or overseers 1931 be used for the purchase of said right of way'above mentioned, and,, that the County Clerk and the County Treas- oiiiittL^u ^ ^ urer of said county are hereby ordered | of the Poor 0t iicHenry County up «». - 1 to make payment to the above listen | January 1, 1932 be audited .and allowed duly sworn on my oath, depose and say I ]an^ owners the amount opposite said tj,jg Boai;d and paid out of any that the several items mentioned below j narne3 upon receipt "of said sum of ?i,- !.monevg jn the County Treasurer th it are just and true expenditures made by 505.00 from the State of Illinois Dept. are 0therwise appropriated. And me in connection with the adininistra- of Finance for said purpose, . $8,496.84 tion of my office, out of the moneys set over to me by this Board of S«p«ryiaors for such purposes., ' < 1929-- Balance on hand as shown in last report --*6.36 June 4--Appropriated by Board • of Supervisors -- 600.00 June 4--Appropriated by . ft , Hendricks 2,000.00 Kecapltnlatlon ^ Total amount given me for my ^ use - r ,....--..$2,586.36 acio.oo. 16.00 1,676.00 audited and paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Reads as follows: Bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole including repairs and labor on County machinery, supplies and labor and materials and painting buildings at Fair Ground^ to ~ total of N. B. CLAWSON E. F. KUECKER R. E. HAEGER - CHAS. H. ACKMAN" JOHN CONLEY S. H. FREUND _ The Committee on Claims Labor Fees "$1 056 37 and Supplies made the following report Bilir changeable -Vo -the " various sec- was on motion of Supr. Turner tlons of the County Patrol system of duly seconded by Asst. Pupr. Rosenthal roads for labor and materials at rates and the roll being called was unani- ( heretofore approved by this Board were mously adopted, to-wlt. ^cKman, ^on^y, Brown, . aucUted an p< Dec. 6, Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Turner McConnell, May ^re"n n d a v H^'e' regular fund ...... ...........$5,592.19 Board of Supervisors: voted nav. Mo- gjjls for cement and for engineering Tour Committee on Labor Fees and and inspection work in the matter of Supplies Claims would beg leave to rethe Union Road Improvement known as port that they have examined all claims M. F. T. Sec. 1 were audited aijd ordered presented to them, and recommend the paid.' ' payment of the following, and that the Your committee^ again met at1 the Clerk be directed to issue orders on court-house at Woodstock, Illinois, at the County Treasurer to the Claimants 10:30 o'clock December 10th, 1931, to for the several amounts allowed, as folreceive' bids for the Johnsburg Road lews, to-wit: improvement known as M. K. T. Sec. 2 Fr^nk Thornber & Co.,-supplies McHenrv County. Illinois. The bids Co. Officers $116.95 received were as follows: J • Burdette J. Smith, statute V, Arcoie Con. Co., Niles Center, P. Lumley ,15.00 HI $38,095.01 John T. O'Brien, ins. Add S. J Groses & Sons, Liberty- to Treas. office ville, 111 39,131.33 III. Printing Co., blanks Treas. I' Clerk to the State of Illinois, Department of Tublic Works and Buildinga for their approval. It was hereupon regulasly moved by Su.pr. Freund duly seconded by Supr. feed by this Board. And the roll being called, Suprs. Wright, Palmer; O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker. Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale and Asst. Supr. Donovan voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried: The following resolution was presented and read to-wit: B'ght-of-Way Besolntlon Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, at" its meeting this 10th day of November, 1931, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Forty^seven Thousand Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the said county's'motor fuel tax, allotment of 1927, and 1931, for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court cbsts, and jury awards in necessary condemnation proceedlne-s, required for State Aid Rou'e 11, falao known as State Bond Issue Route 47.) ,, When detailed costs fof each .t'act, or condemnation are known, the County and Asst. Supr. Donovan voted nay. Mo tion declared not carried ty a vote of four aye and twelve nay and the report of the Sj>ecial Committee on investigation rejected. Supr, Hale addressed the Board and stated that Asst. Supr. Rosenthal of Algonquin was very sorry that he could not be present at this,meeting but wanted the Board to know that if were here his vote would have been against the adoption of the report. County Treasurer Harry F. Peteit addressed the Board and stated that he did not feel that he could legally under the Statute countersign or approve the pavment of poor claims by the County, That he would like to have some assurance from the Board in this regard. It was thereupon regularly moved bv \sst Supr. Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman that the County Board of Supervisors of McHenry County accept any and all responsibility of the County Treasurer's countersigning poor claims allowed by said Board, for any and all claims that have been paid or that will be paid in the future, and stand back of the Treasurer in this regard against any and all suits- that might appear. And the roll being called said motion was unanimously adopted .. 32.63 . 3.65 Edw. M. Rocho, Freeport, 111. 39,333.49 The Office Supply Co. env. Treas, 278.75 E. M. Melahan Const. Co., Algonquin, 111. ........ Darrow & Barron, Wiaukegan, 111. Hydraulic Stone & Const. Co., Elgin, 111 Powers-Thompson Const. Co., Joliet. Ill L. V. Kiltz, repairs add. mach. ..-40,032.15 Treasurer 9,80 Woodstock Tmp. Co., glass Add ....40931.86 Treas. office - 16;23 McHenry Co. T. B. San. Board. .. 39,024.88 sal. nurse and care potienta ....316.38 Callaghan & Co., law books :. 42,166.91 Cir. Clk. $.00 All bids exclusive of cement, which Ethel C- Coe,.'exp. of office ......13,12 of this res<> 1 ution be sent ly the Cou^.. Jhe Allowing Resolution was pre- J ^sented and read to-wit: - BE IT RESOLVED by the Boafd of Supervisors o-f McHenrv County, Illinois, that if the Right of Way Committee of this Board cannot agree with A. Flanagan Co., duplicator Sup. Schs. is to be furnished by the County. It developed that two pieces of right of w&y have not heen secured, and your Woodstock News, pub. notice •• * "*• • Pup. Schs McHenrv Plaindealer, pub. notlcf. Sup. Schs BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that R D Woods, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Department of I^blic Wcrks and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois, for its apfhe roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Hugh, s Kuecker. Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison. Turner, Freund, Hale and Haefvr and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and motion declared carried. ^ U w« th^upon regular^ -ved & ! stf&- Supr! H=th^lU kaTr£dab^ and Farm was .t,ll ?a County foregoing Resolution h« adopted by this ^" county and that he did not be- Board and Jhe roll bein^called j Sup^s. | ^^ that it was Proper Jn^abHshlng the amount that each Township should Amount due State's Attorney's • ' office this 28th day of April 1 A. D. 1931 $ 123.23 V. S. LUMLEY, Sts. Attorney Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28th day of April A. D. 1931. (Seal) Beatrice Bopp. 1 nuf_iicc, ~., T_r„i^ 1 nav- for their individuals ai ine n 7sUstneSunrs. Donovan |. Farm to ' figure in_anything but State's Attorney's Benort «f Expenditures To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: and Haeger and Asst. Suprs. and Rosenthal voted aye. N&y none and Board, clothings tobacco and medicine. County Treasurer Harry F. Petiet bemotion declared carried. w > -| J^V nresent at the meeting stated that Ttys committee on Right of Way pre not know how he couid legally sented the follbwlng report,, to-wlt. • I pauper claims as approved bv this " " » *-u 'Board State's Attorney then advised Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of^ tne , the treasurer in this regard and the Board "of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: ^ The undersigned members of tne Right of Wav committee for said Coun- »nileinen , ty would beg leave to submit the fol- I,-herewith, respectfully submit a re- , lowing .report on matters before them. auu uii „ -- - , - pert of the expenditures made by me Tnat at Haeger s Corner on ^tate and t h e, c l e r k directed to. tcertify ^ the from the 28th dav of April A. D. 1931 Fond Issue Route 62 east of Algonq . j same t0 the Clerk of the Cireuit Court, to the present time, December 1st, 1931. Illinois the concrete roadponies to an to wH; State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss «vnd and a dangerous turn must__be Treasurer then stated that he woulfl pav said claims. The following named persons were selected to serve as Grand Jurors for the January Term of the Circuit Court and on motion the list was approved I, Vincent S. Lumley, State's Attorney of McHenry County, Illinois, be.ing first duly sworn on oath, depose and say that the several items mentioned below are Just and true expenditures made by me in connection with the administration of my office out of moneys set over to me J>y this Board,ftf Supervisors for such., purposes. . ' \ .' • • 1931-- April-- • 28--Appropriatlinn by Bo«fa of Supervisors $300.00 28--Balance due State's Attorney as shown in report „of April 28th, 1931 *: 123.23 ... travel" on' to Aigomuin. The State j Marengo--VVm^Gerling. and Frank Highway Dept. has requested the Coun- j Eeard tv to secure right of way to eliminate punham--Fred Gay. _ . _ this jog in the road, the State to do tne | Chemung--J. C. Binder and J. C. Cunwork. • . . 0 | nlneham. This right of way. was signed by a. Alden--A. E. Weter. former Rniitgrhhtt ooff WWaayv CCoommmm ittee and - - - -- the papers left in escrow with D. K. Josiyn Sr., he to turn them over to the County on receipt of $300.00 for right of way damages to land of Fxed-Richards estate. tv,o We therefore recommend that tne County Clerk draw an ^"der on the Treasurer in .favor of D. R. Josljn, . i -, for Fred Richards estate In payment Hartland---Rudy WalgeriKack. •• Seneca--W. F. Miller. y Coral--H. J. Miller. . Grafton--FraTik Ferris. X>orr--O. H. Corr and Lester Grlfflng. Greenwood--Oscar Anderson. Hebron--Raymond Scbols. ; '• , Richmond--Howard Thomas; .; Burton--John Lay. , w _ McHenry--George Bohr and Theodore 28--Credit balance Apr. 28. l.TTmTfj^l^Sa-Nels Pearson and Arthur WiloTo^ srn -- from Texas on tne f said rfVlto,-l1} i Algonquin--Herman Gieseke and Joe ;..108.99 Kane county and that some of the dirt ,Lyons> 1 L 1 cures a cros^ me 1 ; chemunK i-urroad at Huntley, they wish toJ"y^.fe' 'ther stated that he did not believe that Total amt. given me Amount paid out . Recapitulation $435.76 agreement for the rtg'ht of Ya,anjCr^as I Krause of Harvard was not paid y or ' r-,or,ir Moiiman tract of land has _resented fo thp p0ard for payment by !tbe late Mr. Ward, then Supervisor or right to cross the ra.l- , rhemun|r Township. Mr. O'Brien fur- , ,,705.27 Amount due State's Attorney this 1st day of December, 1931 $269.61 1 y V. S. LUMLEY, Sts. Attorney Subscribed and sworn tr. 3>efore me 1st dav of December A. 1>. lwoi. tPeal) BEATRICE C. BOPP. N. P, It was thereupon regularly moved toy said Frank Hollman tract been made for $160.00. In case State secures committee decided to award the con tract to the lowest bidder, the Arcoie Construction Co., of Niles Center, 1111- . . . nois, subject to the securing of the right Crvstal Lake Vieiald, pub. notlcf of way and also to satisfactory' agree- Sup. Schs :... himt concerning use of local laNir. Richmond Gazette, pub. notice • " y The financial status of the McHenry Sup. Schs .90 Cr.unty Highway -tax funds are as fol- Woodstock Eve. Journal, pub. not. • lows: ' Sup. Schs „...„...v........;£asJ_f|.ft r-uui. ricunu uuu ocujuucu ^i Megnlsr Tund --r McWenry Cor~A"bstTnCo., search . ' Kuecker thfct said Resolution^be adopt-4-the owners of the land as to the amount paiaj#(.e on hand Nov. 10, 1981 $1,877.88 rec. Rupt. ,Hys. ...: ...15.00 -- - . . .. ,-- of damages in the matter of securing ^mo^nt appropriated Nov. S. M. Henderson, tax boards, necessary right of way for the construction of State Bond Ifsue roads laid out in McHenry County, Illinois, said Committee may aid the State of Illinois to- condemn land or tracts of land for said road purposes and shall Incur in thfe name of County of McHenry necessary 'legal expenses in relation thereto, and shall order payment from county fund the amount of damages contained in the verdict of the jury, in case said land or tracts of land is or are condemned for road purposes. 10, 1931 Received from-»- Refund on gasoline used in tractors Claims B-126338 Refund on gasoline used iri' tractors Claim B-l 26679 From m. l. sioey on ape. River, Rd. improvements Patrol Sec. 17 5,000.00 184.-4 8,40 It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker duly seconded by Hupr. Turner that said resolution he adopted And the roll being called Suprs. Wright Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Rslance on hand December Kuecker. Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund Co. Clk - 2/KDO Woodstock News, blanks Co. Clk._ 9.50 Harvard Herald, stp. envrCo. Clk. and notice Sup. Sch. 49 T.ester Fd'nger, exp. of office 55.65 I.ester Ed'nger. ^'s. serv, shf. t';20S.Fn Ttn. o&R.ft Elec, Co., gas' Shf. 13.37 ; E F. Meyer, water softener shf...,. *7.50 .... - 25.00 AVI en's De'>t. Store, towels shf. .... 10.28 uoy-iliiw- Fckert & Bending, mdse. shf 268.?1 „ v, _> $7,096.02 \\'oodstock Dairy, milk shf. 18.70 Less expendltufes Noycmbijf Ho^sley's Pakery, bread, cakes, 27, 1931 :...,...r 75.00 ^' pies, shf ,106.86 ' " -- -- P o d e n s c h a t 7 : & S a h s , m d s e . a h f . . . 2 9 . 6 9 ,021.02 Wilcox & Koblentr. mdse. snf. .... 20.40 Less e*penditures December - • Bohn ITrd. Co., mdse. shf 21,63 5, 1931 fe5S5-fc5M.1» Woodstock Laundry, laundry shf. 4.43 Gilbert Sell, taking murdered ... . . woman to Wood 8.°^ II. 1931 ..,.$i;4,2 8.83 h. W. Sa- ndeen., serv. Co. prls. 61.50 -- • - - • , . The regular Poad Patrol, season closed McNamara's Bes. meals jurors .... 7.80 Hale and Asst. Supr. Donovan votea - pec#>mber 1, 1931, and your committee LpT^ov 01 dr ty. shf. $60.00 ve. Nay none and motion declared dPCjded to apportion $100 per patrolman Bailiff $20.00 . « 80.00 I for* winter gravel hauling In case^_the • yi'm. cairns. btiillft'_1CjT1_A Co. Ct«. 60.00 30:00 caLr.,ed- vi ] ii 1.01 e i »* > v» '• * ' • ' * »• •'. i • » »* ,M>- « • • y UI LUIlUtJIlUlilllUU.. tu« Kiiuwu, ine V.UU1..J | There bein« no further business to : we^ther" permits the work to be. done, .g|«n,.y Cor«on. bailiff $25.00 Superintendent of Highways is" hereby come before »hts meeting it was there- travel hauling to be pala by the dnty. shf. $f>.°0 authorized to send a statement of such rupon regularly moved by Supr. Turner v(^ jn at the prices heretofore . jj, Woods, Co Clk. fees Peo. cost to Geo. N. Lamb, District Engineer, <•*-* <*"-1y s' " '"d by Supr. Ackman to Rp„fove<j by this board, 65c for Istt Elgin, Illinois, with request for payment adjourn. Mojion carried. Thereupon • --««» finn¥ aforesaid motor fuel tax allotrpent. tne Board adjourned, , . Be It Further Resolved, that this reso- | . L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman lution be submitted to the Department Attest: R. I). Woods, Clerk. of Public Works and Buildings, State of ! -- Illinois, to guarantee payment of all ~ „ . an annronrinnoi costs for right of way reeded on. said Special DeCCmber Meeting, way Tax Fund .. State Aid Route 11 also known as State , ^ • 1ft01 / ' in the sum of $4000 and also from Pend Issue Route 47, the detailed loca^ 1 1"«SL . Vtbe snow fupd levied in September, 1930 tion being described as. follows: |.' - : Ithe hnlince of such levy $2000 T7'- M,e =outh City Limits of Wood- J. ' " ; stock, Illinois, south along a line ap- : ThP Honorable Board of Supervisors cases 2H.00 mile and 20c additional per extra mile. -£j»» Tnd. Ho'«e f"r Child.. Giles, Your committee estimates that there Blazer, Faye, Haase, Dedina, will be necessary for the care of the Schult?: D Schultz -- „245.40 J" RHcklcv Tea 'meals • 20 40 roau at ^ f n,.n,it,-.- iner staieu vieett i.e mu -- at once with the work south of Hunti authority to .tuthorize payment of We therefore recommend ^ that tne sa)-d pension an(j that lie would like to sum of $160.00 for right of wajS ^cr?;? 1 have some action by the Board in resaid Frank Hollman t r?rt. fl™Coun- ^rd to this matter. On account of for nayment to him and that the C ••••this claim being of so long standing ty Clerk shaU .dnw an nrcer^.rjavw , and not knowing what g/p^n S^g"rd thereupon regu- - . ded to lay the . . • Countv • Clerk ordering payment ; ^ame on' the tal le. Motion was unani- .-sss-ss the duly made and_carried approved and (h^^ nf h^ C rf>in^tfully submitted ordered placed on file, to-wit: | All of whien kuecKER JOHN CONT.F,V_ JOHN T. O'BRIEN N. B. CLAWSON CHAS. H. ACKMAN Board that due to great -number of prisoners now housed -rn the jail tnat the Sheriff's wife was .greatly handicapped in keeping a fire under the ovens in the range in her kitchen and that he believed upon recommendation of tne local Gas Inspector that a small blower would do awny with this difficulty. It BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County. Illinois. this 14th day of December A. D. 1931. that the existing road which extends east from the East City Limits of Piot of the 3rd Principal Meridian one this Foard. And the roll beinpr rail , to ^ . t Said mile more or less to State of Illinois motion was unanimously ndnped. , thla P,onrd„with nsl^Id^ted "ond^ue Route. 61. ba added, to the A Resolution presented by .the T , mr^ n was iinanimously adopted state Aid Svstem of RoaSs of McHenry ,,r service Company of Northern 111! , The. regard to County, and shall be known as Route ^ wm .^ented^and joa ^ ^^iktiof of punters in the Trea.- BE IT ECRTHER RESOLVED, that carried was referred to^ the Road and , urer'^offtre a>^ ^^t^Va *»s again the County Clerk transmit two copies Bj^dee Committee.^ for re^P'>rt^ ^ t ber meeting^ or ^ Ilrnwri sfatpd ^ this intv Plprk Rrldee rommittee. Tor rtri»"i *• ( oer c,,_p iimwri QtAted Resolution to the State rf 1111- , Tbe^lerk P^-nt^fand read se;eral r ..ted and -d^^Supr., nois'DepkHm^nt "of Public Works and communications from the .State^ De|mrt- ;iliat at t)l Puddings through Geo. N. Lamb, District Engineer, Elgin, Illlnol*.---- - The following Resolution wa? presented and read to-wit: public Works and Buildings | rAcommendat1on w-as not acted upon menrof J UD11C > ,-Vhich were ; f _ thp r.a,0ti that the Treasurer stated j j" roTced fctf file 1 nt that time that the repairs to his ofor^ red addressed the Board j f!ce was not far enough alomc.to inar. d Stated that over ninety per cent Bt8ll counters. ^It was thereupon the work was completed by the con- rPfru,arly moved by Supr. Kuecker and tr»c^or PeteT J. Freund & Sons, and ; ,,, seconded by Supr. Haeger that this Eeiolntioil tractor, r-ei**r ^ m th* can- ^ntter be re.fr rred to the Purchasini? \n now mvailable that pprordine- t --, J" ^^w'^lfnj.roved roUaVs flowed" by th^ Board at this'• and'sVr-ond'ed' by" Supr. Aekm'an said Motor FuelTax Law. ani.rmea Pollars a no we ^ _ that thls^ meeting adjourn. Thereupon WHEREAS, it March 25. 1929, to Pur^a^ <«it^AVd" «d« thereupon regularly moved by | t^e Board adjourned. Way for the_ improvement of State A „ w Kreund and duly seconded by i L A. STOCKWELL. Ch*irman Roads, and. . of Wsv Com- supr.' Turner that Two Thousand^ l>ol- Attest: R. D. WOODS Clerk. . McHenry County patrol system of roads Bvckley Tea Room, meals for ,,, . , n„, . r t T^reimd son , until the next meeting of this board an' appropriation from the (^ourity Hi>rh - -- - levied in September . ::::::'i jurors Buell 4c Olmstead, salt shf. Amer. Prtg. Co., tax receipts . Treas. , i , 37S;on Chas. A. Kuppe, labor shfJ" 3.^0 Pfe'ffer's Pharmacy mdse. Co. Of. 8.90 All of which 1s respectfully submitted, c. T>. Tryon, sal & exp. Supt. • . ' " Hwys 320.05 111 Bell Tel. Co., serv. Co. .Offices and tolls No. 2,. 620 and 1'40-R .... J'l. Bell Tel. Cd- tolls, shf. ... 26.45 ! Mrs. Geo WoTfi"*"He .1 onrrsl • pub. bIds comb 1 ^0 i E. C. HtTfiHKS C. M. PAI.WKH V. E. BROWN CHAS. H. AC 1). M. WRIGHT _ ^ mam 4 ** o• o n n. t n q Spccial January Meeting, N i..o<.»inately one-quarter of a mjle West of McHenry County, m^t in Special Res- 1 from the East line»of sections 17,-20, 2'.' sion pursuant to a call signed by more and 32, Township 44 North Range of than one-third of its members and after I East 3rd P. M. and sections 5, H and 17 due^notice had fieen published for s*iid o< Tovnshir, 43 Nortlv Passe 7 Knst of nreetinu- ati tlie C"iirl Houae in "the City ' the 3rd P. M. tbence South Easterly and of Wnodstrtsk on Monday th" Fourteenth 1 ,, .... . ... ... .... Southerly to Vine Street in the City of dfiy of pfecrniber, A. D. 1331 at ten lution of the County Board of McHenry chas. H7 Ackman. spl com wk 76.40 | Huntley. Illinois, thence Southerly and o'clock AJ M. - ' • . County wM presentiM. and read to thft' H. M. Turner, spl com wk .......-- »••*<? Southwesterly to the McHenry-Kane . The meeting wa» called to order bv Beard. " ' .. -• - ' •- r -J. P. .Donovan, »pl com Mrs. James Mayer .... , TS« Hworable Board 6X Supervtaora Hale and Haeger arid Asst/1 nf McTten^v County jnet In Special. J. E. .Harrison, spl com wk A supplemental Resolution to a Reso- a. H. Hale, spl com wk «-- Lillian M;Neely 0 ^,;!)""a'r i^,0van 8nd Rosenthal voted Session at the Court House in the City F. H. McKenrle ~. on a ve NaT none and motion declared;^' W-d^t^V Illinois on Tuesday the r*firt Bryant n|) • ••• . • nth dav of January. A, D. 1932 Pur- 7.S0.00" David R Josiyn. Jr., "iJiidpe Aclvpcate suimt to call more thatt 75-.00 nf the American Legion being present ' one-third of its members. ^ _ L 2t the meeting was called, upon by the ' The meeting Was called to order by* . 5.70 1 Mrs. Frank. Palmer ... 24.40 Mrs. James Mayer .. ^ , „ • SI 646 30 rVarrman5*11'1^ "josiyn addressed the tb" Chairman I,. A. Stockwell and the t» it r«aolved W «*id^Bo*rd and : tbAtVi-*/* W&pnt roU IwUig the tollowlny jmrobw \ . /