Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1932, p. 15

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. . . v-nr- * - » ^ ,* - " -+ "" , » ~ * ** • " • .;. '-' • ~ t ' " *""' * yTYI, llinois iv-»~ - +T*,Kfr - - ?. - JTespondoci Trr^fTre jr name.', to-wit: Suprs. Karl Davis, 30 single Carthy I •.-<lo*.kw cii, Wi'i^ht, 1 iAii nt.i ", O Brieu, 11. i'-- Howell, 95 single ..... . iuo.oo i Art V rni• Vi jI. . " »36',.!4»3 ti vDVaVrv L*»rb»' r. O i. C'<-.j a'"l * " 'ClaysoB, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackmaii, H. C. Mau, 2 single ................„.100.00 ! Barbian Bros mii«n»v«Thn' *3-72 J^- £•- Try on, B. A. R. 11 MPT Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, T. M. Rafter, 20 single .„„.....100.00 j son *" No. 2 treund, and Hale and Asst. Suprs. Don- Mrs. D. Marvin, 10 single ...,..,;....i00.00 In j iu4t»n"£' iV,VrV«i "•an atidv"-Uosenthal, constituting a Frank Kotc-k, 36 single . 100*""• •*en * «-on, burial W m. quorum. \ John McCoy, 240, single The records of the last preceding Mrs. Flood, 60 single meeting were read and on motion «ap- ftifrs. Davis, 10 single proved. * i-axton, 80 single " w The Committee on Roads arid Btidsies Louis Bear 10 single presented the following report Which! . ,11? f-nn» r was oft motion of Asst. Supr. Donovan i It was thereupon regularly moved, by I "r»nw mase. ouie L*W llr»r Prr.u-n ^,,1,. -• ' ' *ril<.tS 16.63 I a. L. Tfyon, S. A. JR. 21, M A Kelley1 McHenry Flour Mills, mdse. C. Whiting, D. Johnson, Mary Mc- Carthy ,.^aooh Justen & Sons, burial of - .lOO.OOfj baby •_••• 223.40 , Ackman that the Resolutions me ad- ; opted by this ^oard and the Clerk dir- ...163.S3 | ected to forward certified copies to the _ . 1 'j M#trf Department of Public Works Aftd « « i ^ t * V - - - - - -- - i * - 2 0 t h e R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s o f t l t t % » D i s t i i c t . 60.0Q | G. L. Tryon,• -S. A. R..21, 21A . • I Motion declared carried. 1 - --•'-r» 1^<50 J The question of operating and nrttftt* »*« tsin'n^ County Farm as a Couh-ty I. *9 »:00 Institution was hroug-ht to the atten 16.60 swonded by Supr. Harrison Md Sitpr, Brown duly seconded by sup?. • Dr C P McCuHouKh SOrv ttUh S8.19 iiELJ?11* called unanimously Turner that this petition be approved | ard Mill" ^ 26 90 adopted, to-wit. VVJ,« th'li"Ro?d 'aq,i Hr,dBe -j Frankie E. Stephenson, rent Wm. Comnntree of .this Board and that the -- -- Keiley Mr. Chairman« and Gentlemen of tie Ocuntv Oerk be directed """for^ard"^ i a * p„ M»i w«* toard of Supervisors, M^Henry Coun- certified eo^ To 1 A' * C*' COal ty, Illinois: ' The undersigned •and "bridge commit would beg leave to F^n. 0I^„ lwe ,rrLalt»5s ib-eA?r1 noi"s, C<>rnmission*, far" eelfebration ' i i 'tlt ^)er: 200th Anni.vert»£Lr,y' ot the .birth ;6f ,it Viul„•«'! ®»" how.^e ^ Ht C»>i>i.:ge: Ny.ashififj'tttn was. :pie'sentt:d ,a,nu 6«W> 24.12 : W oodstock, Illinois*• -tp^ethgr' with ; ' ix^ad , tp r^e 'Boa,rd, it was* theregpoh <£'r xogulariy niovorf. Supr" Drown dulr ^ this boai a and R-. D,oods, Coun ty s?tc.o,ndod.-b\ Supr. :Ackman that the* < Clerk, and a reprea^ntat-;;- • • .. ^ ople •Construction, ,;Cot: '* / nt'T/ iliiriols^ ' v.Jiich: low bidder on . the Johtisliw v-Sv/ . yrovepient known as -J A1 !• X beetmn 2 \ / . l<>. sign, said*; cohtraet;-oT * llenty County, illinoiSj • 'jfil-- ft«d same has been \33c?! Slite ttep^rtnierit of .... ^..v. * ^ S CuivferLs;are nt¥: Board . met jiur - - Vour Committee a?ain met on thc^'Tfci* ' ' **t's'L'nt day of January 1»32 at the Court 'fWiise at Woodstock, Illinois, and audited and, . n„ . , iaims . numv 'paid bil.ls_ for labor, and materials i ma A dT theTo lowing r^uoTt to-w'l" chargeable to the McHenry County de 1 ® Iol^wmb I'atrol System of Roads as lollows: Bills of a general nature chargeable to the McHenry County . Patrol System of Rodds as a whole including insurance, repairs itnd labor on County own •Daly, Havd^m, Penninetrtn, Kt >Jl-.' "er, Toigtson, Hbcttravhte'^^ Parea;-:^••*?'•. "• Doline. Kretc-hmer, Wise Lttff^r- ; ty; and Ostrum „ H< pe' A Bander, mdse. Utesch, H^tyJorn," M. T"ar^s - 62.07 tthe best interests of the Tax payers of said County, NOW THEREFORE BEMT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supers visors of McHenry County go on record against the .passage of Bills to Abolish tin Offices of County- Veterinarian, County Superintendent of Highways, . ^ -o.,'-. -• Assistant County Supervisors and Town- . | tiori of the Board and thoroughly dis- • ^hip Treasurers for the reason that Balance on hand February ^ * * " * 9th, 1932 *3,599.# • «s Snow JFii,.u Balance on hand as last re- ^ ported - Amount appropriated December r^: 1931 >.--• 2,W)«Jf • ••••• • • (f2.810.SY Arnold l?wen, "6, A. R. *1, 21A £>ess expenditure* Feb. 0,16X1 2ll.4t s. i MFT i Herman lAJedtke. S. A, R. 21, .j .- - 57.50 cu*sed by the members. State's Attor* i they feel that these Offices are neces- Marquene Cpment Eo,, 8. A, R. | ney V. S. l^imley being present"" ad-'Jsdry to carry on the principles of good t ZjF .586.80 | dressed the Board and gave his ofiln- '> Oy\ eminent and John U LAdner S. A. R. 2i and 2iA I ion as to the procedure that Is neceR- BR IT 1TRTHER RESOLVED that •„* ° 1 MFT .......vr...;. u....lW>Jft - sary linger the Statute to Operate satd • the County. Clerk of. McJIemry. County nia m° i°iP Rn rri^s^- Shf. $,00 ; ThslitutU>n. It was thereupon regular- forward- a certi.'in d copy of this. Reso- • li « ib' *Ker\-ice and • • lv moved by Supr, Brawn auly secottd- l ltitjon to the Stsnator and Representa- •T1| Dti* -OWcera- 46-85 od bv Supr. .Ackman that the County fives" of this th(« 8th Senatorial District - -'-v' 55-6§ Home be operated and maintained by. <»f Illinois. . - ,1 , °5,n' 1 lr < lk-, dedications .. .^10.00 McHenry County as to fuel, light, .*al- ! All of which is respeotfnlly submitted. csad^k Sheet Metal Works, ma*s: ^ ! aries and any other running expenses JL IsAl.MEli. Clittir«ua% .and laUor sheriff ... : , a.60 be extended easterly to sHv interne * " ~ *• Dr. L.. L., Met calf. s«rvices prls. lt.00 artd that the surplus earnings ' i,^ff;ce Supply Cb., mdse. Sup. : . ! Farm be turned back Into the -§chs. Trtas^ury, and that the expense C6.," ;; Clothing. Modi cine,s, etc,, for' th« ' report; of CoraJV and .ther five ' (5 > c^rhers •M.i All of'which is. respectfully submit te E. C. HUGHES ' C. M. PALMER 'V. E. HROWN' . D>». WRIGHT ' , CHAS. H. ACKMAJf ;; . 'BE^JT^-RESoLVED by. th* Supervisors of McHenry County, Xllfc Sc.hs." ,wjr 1T ' •^ Ser hHft'e b•• ron Ti••m es, prt«. Sui>t^• - -«:c' v• :Vr $th day , of Februat? A portioll AIM# |Inmates of said Institution should' be '--t4« 6l?* Re^olutibns ; was' presen,ted and < csjired) near the <iast quarter sectttjtt' pro fated; back t6 the Tnvynships. Said- lead-ah4 ori 'notion, duly Wade:and car-i ccrner of Section'IT in said Town oJC? '..I 'US 'i ,;V \'-.i ** ?) 35.00 ' j Airs. Claude Pytftam.'cfcre'Mrst to- adjournment-,- ! llavdorn ... and including t'. Si. Ties, mdse., coal and Dr. Supr. Frank B. ^|9^?>nner!* of Richmond ; bill Crandall . .'66.00 Township. Lush Verniilyi^A Co., ih'dse. Mrsr , 1 The Committee on Claims County Poor , McMahf>n v v;.10.03 Harvard CsVflS. Hospital, 'serv; Mrs. Pares and Mrs. Druse E. F. Backhus, labor and mat. * 1 managing the aftairs of his office thehu , sherllT and county vlerk 72.3S ; through the lack of ^jvace. He stated That'at a meeting of said Committee T)a\:i« Rattray, labor and mat. i that the County Clerk had now employ- held January 26. 1 *32. your 'committee sheriff and treasurer's office .... 21.25 j ed some twelve or thirteen extra clerics adopted the following Resolution and Woodstock Daily Sentinel, printing in his office extending taxes and that ucommend the approval of same, to-wit : I _Co. Officers $4.00 t said Clerk could no 4-oubt use this room W HEREAS. February £2, 19S2 is the1 W. S. Battern. fees Peo. cases ....115.00 'if the same was availaV'le. He further Two Hundiedth Anniversary of the 4't» T"'" - 208.M Peter 3. Freund & Son. balance ; smea mat no aouttt tne circuit cierK ©irtii of tseorge wnsmngton Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of V, Sro®" drues °8ear Tarpley \ due on contract and extra work 927.64 ; and the Board of Review could make WHEREAS, The Congiess < Board of Supervisora: ,B- (-,>lb<*rn. care Wagner j Slavin & Merwin. mdse. shf *2.85 1 use of this space at a good advantage fd States and the Fifty-Save Vour Committee on County Poor I clyldj;en .1-64.00 1H. T. Eppel A Son, potatoes aljf. 18.75 I to the tax payers. It was thereupon Assembly'of the State of II stated that doubt the Circuit Clerk birth George Washington; Ke'st. of the Third P: M;thence easterly along the 'Southerly line's of Sections IS,." 20. 21.- 22. 2S and part of Section 21 i#» so. id Township; thence southeaster!*, through Section 25. Town of Rj 1 > y an* continuing southeasterly and easterly • through-Sections'-SO, '82.-33; and 34 ill . 5 Claims would beg leave ,to report that-iDr. J. G. Mason, serv. Haydorn, snth General Illinois have _ .. if- . 1D- B- Nichols, labor A mat. C H. .... 59.95 | regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and gone on "record favoring the Cel .-bration ed machinery supplies and labor and < they have examined all claims present- ' ,. 1™W. « Drews .. .... 200.00 C. Perry Wfight. fan for sheriff's i duly seconded by Supr Freund that the of the Birth of George Washington; and materials for' County Tool houses to i fed them, and recommend the , pay- i '/r„«• J- Sclimid, serv. Herman I kitchen 85.00 | Sheriff of this County be instructed to WHEREAS, the •Counts- authorities a to't^j of $1 153 07 I of the following, and that the "agner 23.00 L. A. Stockwell. spl com «k i 18.90 | give a friendly notice to the said Farm have been requested to eoopeiate In lgton; and the T<>wn -of £oral to State of llltnoii - less yf the Unit- j ]?ond Issue Route 5, at a point aboui Bills chargeable to the'Various sec- 'k be directed to issue orders on th« Orant E.-Royce, serv. Palmer, I D. M< Wright, spl com wk .. tions of the County Patrol System* 0f': County Treasurer to the Claimants lor I Chaple, Pennington A Chapman 100.00 1C. M. Palmer, spl com wk ..... " roads for labor and materials at rates the several amounts allowed as follows, |Pr- N* L. Seeyle, serv. O. Tarpley 1 John !T. O'Brien, spl com. wk heretofore approved, by this Board -were ' *•* --j*• and M. Pares i aa AA ! x* d ^introAn cni ««w audited and paid. Total expenditures, reg. fund $3,73'6i38 Bills for Cement and for engineering and inspection work in the mattei* of M. F. T. Sections 1 and '2 were audited and ordered paid. The financial status of the McHenry Cotinty Highway Tax Fund , is as follo- ws: .< Befular Fund Balance on hand Dec. 14, 1931 ? 1,428,83 1 Amount appropriated Dec. • I 14, 1931 4,000.00 •Received from M. L. Sloey on ape. ' - River Road Improvement'. • Sec. 17; , - 25.00 Refund on gasoline used in tractors Claim 8127293' .,^^.^ 6.73 Refund on gasoline used In " tractors Claim B130274 107.46 a. $5|568.01 Less expenditures Jan, 7, 1932 3,736.38 Balance on hand Jan. 12. 1932 '$1,831.65 The matter of Franchise of Public Service Co. of Northern -Illinois referred to this committee was investigated and discussed and we decided to recom- , mend that same be not granted. Vour Committee estimates that there will be necessary for tlve cafe of tlje McHenry County Patrol system of roads until next meeting of this board an appropriation from the Colin ty Highway Tax Fund levied in September 1930 in the sum of $3,000.00. All of which is respectfully submitted, E.. C. HUGHES . C. M. PALMER ' 1). M. WRIGHT V. "E. BROWN CHAS. H. 'ACKMAN County Clerk R. D. Woods presented "the following report on Mother's Pensions for the period from Oct. 13, 1931, to January 12.'1932', which was on motion approved'and ordered' placed on file, to-wit; * "January 12, 1932. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, ss. I, R. D. Woods, County Clerk in and for the County and State aforesaid, beg leave to report that Mothers' Pensions have been granted to the following named persons by the County Court of saJd McHenry County, since October 18, 1931: Dorr ' Township, Ina May Melswinkel, $25.00 per omnth. Grafton Township, Ida Mackaben, $1.0.00 per month. Grafton Township; Mildred Richardson, $25.00 per month. Algonquin Township, Martha . Kelahan, $25.00 per month. Algonquin Township, Elsie Rogman, $45.00 per month. : Chemung Township, Jessie Dixon, $30.00 per month. All of which }£ respectfully submitted, R. D. WOODS, County Clerk. The Committee on purchasing made the 'following report which was on roll call unanimously, adopted, to-wlt: VIr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Purchaning would beg leave to submit the following, report on the matters before tliem: At the regular monthly merting of said committee held on the 22nd day of December, 1931, thfe County Clerk asked the Committee for Instructions as to the publicatiort of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors for the year ending April 1. 1932, and upon investigation your committee find that by a previous arrangement and contract entered into by the County Board of this County with the Woodstock Daily Sentinel, that this work was to be done at a cost of $425.00. Due to the increased to-wit: ciii. md. Home for Children, care Phillips and Fofzley -.$324.34 Chi." Ind. Home for Children, care' Giles, Biazers, Fay, Haase^ Dedina, M. Srhultz, D. Schults 319.15 Woodstock Hospital., serv. Paul Coffey .- ,..:.."T :i94^0.0 Dr. W. H. Newton, serv. Paul Newton ...' ...h:...200;00 lit. C. W. Hailey, serv. Pau4 Coffey 5.00 Mrs. Win. Mackey, serv, Paul Coffey 50.09 Nai:da-- A. H. Hale, rent Jackman. Ddetchr •• • man, Miller, care Smith, Acct, - Boyd, Stoddard,> Sorenson, Moore and Mc-Cue .....145.00 C, A. Mason, rent "Brooke & Hen- ' ning 60.00 Ed SwenSron, board Mrs. Chas. Cole 36.00 Rosenthal Lbr. & Fuel 'Co., coal Mi-.ld, Walsh, Kruse, Itakow .... 35.78 H. C. Meier, mdse. Sehroeder.-Jielley Tyrock & Walsh, 48.56 F.' W. Kruger, mdse.. Palm, rent Stoddard .^.:..118.96 Chas. Johnson, care Mrs. Fred Goelstrom T. 56.31 Alexander Lbr. Co., coal Rosell, •Kell. y. ParneH 37.0 H. W. Giuseke, mdse. Coss, Rosellr Moore .. -. 90.11 J. K. Mugge, rent Mrs. Grunow .... 66.0.0 J John J. White, "mdse.'-Reimer '. 1 2-4.00 i McH.-'-Co. Farm: Cdf Op. Asn., coal- | Jackman & Gu^fenberg . 9.50 1 Chi. Ind. Home for Children car® . ' ! Frozley boys .1237.20, . Dorr-- Win, Banibard,-milk Haydorn, Wise, Ijtushboldt 53.61 cF. C. Smith, milk Geo. Ostrum .... 13.65 W. D. Hall, coalr-Sargent, Ruah-X; *• boldt, Ostrum, Hochrach,. Mc- Mahon, Paris, Straley A •'--- ' Chatman O. L". Putnam, milk McMahon, Waj- . ner .18.61 Luke.&.Harris", coal I^afferty, Wise, Rushboldt, Daly, Reese, Markle, ... Ostrum ¥\ W. Barlow, coal Markle, Kretch- . mer, Heydorn, Ostrum, Deline,;- Pares, Wagner, Rushbwldt, Red ... C. hospital ...\. ...120.00' F. C .Peters, mdse. Jennette Wise 4.00 Keller A Krekel, tnds. Wise ....... Earl Stafford, shoes Wagner children Joe Nolan, meal tickets Albert Gradell ....1, R. J. Kelley, mdse. Doege family City of Harvard, water tax Wise, Ostrum : 100.00 N. B. clawson, spl cofn wk E. C. Hughes, spl com wk E. F, Kuecker, spl com wk C. H. Aekman. spl com wk Volney E. Brown, spl curt wk H. M. Turner, spl com wk ...: S. H. Freund, spl com wk A. H-.Hale, spl com wk P. FrTflosenthal, spl com wk Frank B. McConnell, spl com wk 89 60 | Bureau to vacate. And the roll being this, the Bi-Centennial Anniversary of . 11.60 I called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, the birth pf him who was 'first" ia war, ."12.40 j Clawson. Conley, Brown, Harrison, first in peace and first in the hearts of 6.00 freund, and Hale and Asst.'Supr. Rosen- his country-men' the exemplar-of Amer- 11.00 thai voted aye. And Suprs. Hu^lM, lean citizenship, 19 .80 j Kuecker and Ackmah voted nay. Mo- 24.70 I tion declared carried. Sheriff Lester Kdinger appeared be fore the Board and requested that the 4«.9t> 6.-20 18.00 It. 10 5.90 20.43 2.9C S.40 40.00 18.80 4.75 $6,682.41 All Of which 1s respectfully submitted, FRANK B. MeCONNKLL : IV M. WRIGHT • JOHN T. O'HRIKN - - - ' CHAS. H. ACKMAJT S. H. FREUND It Wto? thereupon regularly. moV«dJ|»y Supr. Hale duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the report of the Committee. on County Poor be adopted by this Board and the Clerk directed to draworders <m the County Treasurer to the - " $6,306.54 (Payments on State Aid Roads" made out of Gas Tax Refunds.) AU of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE V. "K BROWN C. M. PALMER IL'-'/F. KUECKER The following Report presented by the County Farm Committee showing the Annual Inventory of the County Farm was presented and read and upon motion of Supr. Ackman duly seconded by Supr. Clawson was unanimously adopted, to-wlt: Bsport The County Farm Committee met at the County Farm on December 4th, 1931, an<l toofc the Annual Inventory which we wish to submit, to-wit:- Horses-- One Chestnut geldlns -- --- 1150.00 One Grey gelding .,..,...^..-...1..,: 109.00 Two Grey geldings -- 228.00 One Bay gelding 35.00 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of the County of McHenry in special session this 9th day f February, A. D. 19S2. that they here- Cat tie- Total .9510.00 dahl, eston, Rosenthal, Kane, I Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, ' I Brown, Harrison, Turner; McConnell, Ddc> Lbr. Co., coal Carlson. Sim»- ---J Freund and Hale and Asst. Supr. Rosen- I connor | that voted aye. Nay none and motion Bred Holsteln Bull ....$100.00 cows 1,860.00 holsteln heifers ... 100.00 holsteln heifer 80-00 heifer calves *0.00 son, Schutt, Demminfi Trainer Draheim Groc., DunnJ|lg .... 2.SI j ' ^,jle nimittee on Claims I^bor Fees Total H.710.00 .••Hogs-- One Jersey Red BOMr • 26.00 Ten Brood sows 210.00 Nine Feeding hogs,.....»,.,..»..r 100.00 Board lake some action in allowing him by request^ the co-oi>eiation of ,all the to properly guard the prisoners in his Civic, Municipal. County, Fraternal, charge. Mr. Edinger stateij that there Patriotic and Religious oiganizatons in wtre some Fifty-six or seven prisoneis said County in making this celebration now lodged in the County Jail and three a success. or four very dangerous criminals and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that that he felt that a Night Guard should the County Clerk cause this Resolution be placed Inside the jail. It was there- to be published in all of the County upon regularly moved by Supr. Harri- newspapers. " son duly seconded by Supr. Ackman All Cf which Is respectfully submitted, that the matter of Guard over the prls- : C. M. PALMER, ChJttrtfti£«i oners be left entirely, in the hands of; " P. F. ROSENTHAL '. the Sheriff with full ^wer to act. Mo- J ' .J. D. "DONOVAN tlon declared carried. - « 1 S. H. FRICI'ND The folllowlng Resolution was pre- ' • -- -- sented and read to the Board which was Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the on motion of Supr. Kuecker duly sec- Board of Supervisors: ». onded by Supr. Freund unanimously Yoor committee on purchasing would adopted, to-wit: . beg leave to submit the following report • v .-- on the matters before tliem: , RE IT RESOLVED by the Bo*rd of _ That we have examined the bid prf- Stipervlsors of McHenry County, Hll- Rented by the Art Metal--Construction nois, this 12th day of January A. D. Company for a Filing Cabinet to be 1982, that the State Aid Road along the used in the office of the County Treassouth line of Section 30 and a porttan urer, in the amount of $71.80; and of Section 29, Township 44 North, Range recommend the purchase of same. 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Your committee would further recorrtwi, lh State of Illinois Bond Issue Route mend that theie be purchased for the tance of three quarters of a -.mile .<-3-4 i office of it he County Treasurer 47, as how laid out and surveyed a dis- 1 gj Woollstock Typewriter (§ more or less. | $112.50 less 10-10 discount BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that ' $91.13 less trade-In Wood two copies of this resolution be sent by stock $20.00' $71.13 the County Clerk to the State of IIP-' For the office of the Circuit Clerk nois." Department of Public Works *«d 1 gj \Vo«Mlstock Typewriter © Buildings for their approval. The following Right of Way Resolution- was presented an®. to tt»e Board to-wit: $112 60 l«ss 10-10 discount $91.13, less trade-in Woo4- stock $20.00 .. .:... ....871.11- For the office of the County_Clerk ,t 8J Woodstock Typewriters Q I $1.12.50 less 10-10 discount j *182.26, less 2 trade-in $176.00 mdse' 'and Supplies made the following reports 01depe^le%' Home,'^ard Mrsf I tS a^X MWrs°a Jlkoehrn M.' Peterson, m-d se. Mr.s,. . 40.00 !i a add«>opptetd^,^ too«wfUtt. ^1^- unanlmu^sl^' Il(, bu seed corn Dr. F. L. Alford, serv. James f -•'•.. , • ; . '200 bu. barley Smiley 29.48 1 \ January 5th,1932. 200 bu. oats Giafton-- Expenses incurred in the case of ; 600 bu. ear corn Enos Conley. coal ' Mrs. J^ambracht ' 13,40 . State of Illinois vs Oscar Nelson. m»o tons mixed hays .. Dr. O. I. Statler, care Carus Brek 12<5') Thurows Food Shoppe, 3 meals 110 tons sllaffe ....:ks--j. Dunham-- r | for Jury and Bailiffs $19.95 25 tons straw Sf.elye Clinic, care Harry ColUW 25.00 I Bucklev T Roont, 8 meals for Jury j " " and Bailiffs 72.20 Total Mike Cartuian, 3 meals for Jury I Provisions-- and Bailiffs 22.50 ,240 bu. potatoes--.: McNamata Restaurant, 7 meals tor ' , Provisions on hand .. Jury and Bailiffs j 1200 qts. canned fruit mtffht-of-Way *«»olutlOn Be It Resolv.-d by the Board of Su-.* Olivers $6 26 (l_. pervisors of McHenry County, at its And for all County Offlces_ meeting this 12th day of January. 1982 1 «L Woodatock Typewriter• » -- j that there is hereby approprlaUd the $1150.00 less 10-10 th*t t'h Tottl ----- •-* fttS.OO Rum of Ten Thousand dollars, or so. W e i therefore recommctyd «*at tht Chickens-^ " : much thereof as may be necessary, from County c:U*rk draw °:ider^s^»n the C<lun 300 hens . $225.00 j the said county's motor fuel tax allot- ty Treasurer for Jbe^amount^b.ove^se- • Grains and Feed»--v 2.80 Keller & Krekel, mdse. Anna Peterson Hebron--;- Emil SteinUe, mds^. H. Versleys 2.18 Hebron Lbr. Co., coal Delia Colby 17.5G Algonquin--- R. E. Ilaeger, cash Eldredge 10.00 Sherman Hospital, care. John Callahan , ; 68.60 Sherman Hospital care Mrs. Wllma Haiick 50.00 F. W. Kruger, mdse. M. Maiberger 45.'JO j Sidney Cowon, to taking Ju F.W, Kruger, mdse. M. Maiberger 45.00' their homes, to get necess Public Serv., lights Elsie Rogman 6.18 H. F. Picrcks, coal Elsie Rogman 22.73 Mrs. .Aug. Michaelis, rent Elsie Rogman 66.00 Werneke & Wahlen. mdse. E, Rog- . _ man, Kelahan, I'etrie ...................1.13.75 West. Un. Gas A El. Co., gas E. Hotel Woodstock, lodging for Jury and 1 Bailiff, 7 nights @ $3.50 per man ^..„..-....^„.136.50 Sidney Corson, Bailiff Salary,: f days, from Dec. 21, 1981 to Jan. 4. 1932 Furniture and Fixtures Farm Implements ....... $175.00 . 750.00 ;...... 480.00 3.000.0!! 2,800.00 I me saia couniy s luonn iuii «*!•«>- >.• ---- - «v,ia rD„nri I ment of 1981, for the purchase of forth, upon the adoption of this report .» 80.00 j Right of Way, together with all court by the Board of Supervisors . 100.00 1 costs, and jury awards in necessary All of which £**>****• ..... 70.00 {condemnation proceedings, required for j V L- Chairman 225.00 state Aid Route kown as State Bona! A. ft _HALh. . 000.00 Issue Route 67.- f V. *. W RIGHT . 880.00 When detailed costs for each tract, j 50.00 ] or condemnation are known ty Sui>ei'intendent of High bv authorized to send _ -- . such cost to Geo.- - -N . Lam>bxa,. t.e. e' purrhas.i .n gi k.b .e npprovedP UbfyL ' thhiAs ...$1,750.00 Fuel-- Jurors to sary clothihu as per instructions of court. Dec 21, 1931, 60 miles_ travelled & 5c per mile . R. Cairns, Bailiff salary, ll days, from Dec. 12, 1931 to ;. ' 46.00 J 20i tons soft ,coal .. 8.00 Stove wood Oil and gas I Horses 'CatUe Jan. 4|. 1932 60.00 Hoga I Jvereby certify that the above is a Chickens . ... ..........w....:... Rogman - 12.50 | true and correct statement of costs in Grains and Feeds Alfied Bergquist, rent Geo. Legal 12.50 j the case of People of the State of II- . i>rovl«lotis ror earn traci, ^ - ••. ••• nown, the Coun- It was thereupon regularly jnowl ighways is here- Supr. Kuecker duly seconded by Supr. a statement of Aekman that the Report of the Coinmlt- Lamh, District tee on purrhasing be npproved by this Engineer. Elgin, Illinois, with request jj,^rd and that the County Clerk be for payment from aforesaid motor fuel directed to draw orders on the County tax allotment. 1 Treasury for the several amounts as Be It Further Resolved, that this ' contained in said report. And the roll resolution be submitted to the Depart- , being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, ment of Public Works and Buildings. .O'Brien, Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, ......$6,705.00 state of Illinois, to guarantee payment ' Ackman,' Conley. Brown. Harrison, I fo all costs for right of way needed On Turner, McConnell, May. l-'reund; Ilale, 9110.00 | mm state Aid Route, known as State an(j Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosen- ........ . .160.00 : B0h(j issue Route 67, the detailed lo<S*- > thai voted aye. Nay none and motion 85.00 1 tion being described bs follows: I declared carried. -- '"-b ; I Beginning at State of Illinois Bond' The Bond of Harry F. Peteit. County Total $395.00 j issue Route 28 at or near the South- Collector, in the sum of $360;000.00 was JteoapltwlatiiMk .• ] west corner of Section 26. Township presented and read and on motion of 9610.00 N<:rth RaUfe) r. east of the 3rd P. M.; gupr. Freund duly seconded by Supr. ...1,710.00 I thence east along the section line a : McConnell and 'the roll being called was ' 9T6.00 I distance of 8 3-4 miles more or less to ttttanimously approved and ordered Total Kerns & Dianis, mdse. C. Covitt and J. Wylie "...- 19.79 C Franke & Co., coal G. Petrle .... ,9.34 Gust Peterson, rent Geo." Legal. .... 85.00 White Bros,, mdse. Geo. Legal and F. J^hite 20.08 Elizaeth Rosencrahs, rent Wm. Jurs ' 80;00 H, M. Rosenthal & Sons, coal Fors and A. Swanstrom 84.28 H. C. Meier,, mdse. A. Simons .... 30.00 Burton-- • , • John Lay, mdafe. Mrs. Louis Nulk 2-0o amount of work of this Board the pu.b- 4 Tibbit ts came'on Lbr. Co., coal linois vs <~>scar Nelson,,McHenry Coiinty : yuei General Number 25314: I LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff of Mc- i Henrv. County, Illinois. . Subscribed and sworn "to before ntfc 1 this 12th day of January A. t). 1982. J R. D. WOODS, CotJnty Clerk. Approved as corrected: A. H. HALE - • • - E. F. KI'ECKER V. E BROWN Grand Total 8. H. FREUND FRANK B. McCONNKLL E. F. KUECKER , A. H. HALE N. B. CLAWTSON Coitttoittee 125.00 ! ptate of itlinois Bond Issue Route 47 ,;|,U-^»i..l.706.00 ;nt or near the southwest corner of .the 0,705.00 j pa,t half of S. E. 1-4 of Section . 29 395.00 Township 41 North,. Range 7. East of the 8i>d P. M. i". 911,925.00 . , The Committee on McHenry Cc^inty •-• J Home and Farm presented the following llcatlon has been enlarged nearly 50 per cent and we do not believe thdt the amount allowed is sufficient to covfer the cost of the publication. We 'therefore recommend that' the Clerk of this Board continue under the same agreement for the publication of said proceedings at an additional., .cost of $50.00 per year on the contract price for making up one hundred books and an additional cost of $100.00 for the publication of said -proceedings in the press of the Coufity. Jt is fully understood that the Woodstock Daily Sentinel is to stand all cost out of this amount allowed for the publications in the other newspapers in the County. 'AW ©f which is respectfully, submitted. "VVOLNEY E. BROWN, chairman ' A. H. HALE D. M. WRIGHT 7.40 The following petition presented byproperty owners on Bond Issue Rout^ No. 47 was presented and read to the Board, to-wlt: "Mrs. Louis Nulk Greenwood-- J. E. Harrison, mdse. P. Smith, J. S'-iith. A. "i>ril 1 and A. Estd^ 92.94 J. fe Harrison, hospital for Mrs. Roy Norton Hall & Eckert, coal Mrs. Drill , and Krezen #4.21 Di W. Hepburn, serv. Mrs. Roy Norton • - • - .,..--114.00 Dr. Thomas Brand, servi Mrs; ,• Roy Norton 58-00 Coral-- ' * . Chas. H. Ackman, Roth, Tent ' Schmidt •...• - - The Shurtleff Co.,.coal Roth W. C Nulle, mdse. Roth O. TI. Schuette, rent ,Roth. W'-n. Miller, milk Roth '.'Marengo--":- D; M. Wright, rent & mdse. Feffer, Behnata. B, Ward, Ge^ke. ana Albert Anderson . ..........66.72 L W A r-kman. rent C- Radke, J. I>eYarmorrd --. 60,-00 . C . M . P A L M E R ^ ] r e p o r t a n d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w h i c h w a s Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen °* *** ! cn m0tj0n of Supr. Turner duly seconded Board of Supervisors: ^ supr. Treund unanimouslyy adopted. Your Committee on Labor Fees and , "* * Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- iio-*»n. „ ^ port that they have examined all claims j J „ presented to them, and recommend the The Committee on M^cHenry County rlnvmint of the following, and that the Home made the following recommenda- ..... 66.50 clerk be directed to issue orders on ! tions: ! the County Treasurer to the Claimants , Your Committee would report and for the several amounts allowed, as fol- 'recommend that the County employ Dr. lows to wit- iSandeen as County Physician to the first Frank Thornber A Co supplies , day of March. 1933. to attend the )>a- Co cheers ^-.-.9781 22| t ients at the County Home,^come Perfection Legal Blanks, supplies Sts. Atty. S. W. Henderson, tax rates ........- • 'f-J4 ! M. B. Cook, tj-pewrlter ribbonf .... ...... I?.58 : The Law Co-Op. Pub. Co., A. '*1.09 j j,. n. vol. 75 '.....: ..... 6O.O0 | Alice A. Weld, taking testimony '<•6* Gd." Jury , Harvard Herald, let. h.ds, Cir. Clk.- Dr. W. H. Newtoh, com: Ins. Christian Jensen ....... Dr. Hyde West, com. Ins. Christ tian Jensen 5.00 Woodstock Elec. Co., mdse. -sheriff 75.00 Wilcox & Koblentz, mdse. shf 27.86 .only at the call or the Superintendent 10 63 Tour Committee would recommend 5'AO < that Gardner A. Knapp be reappointed 10 00 as Superintendent of the Counity Home land Farm and that his salary be fixed placed on file. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry Coun- It was thereupon regularly moved by tv. Illinois: ^ _ >. Supr. Ackman dulv seconded "by 8upr The undersigned members of the Road Kuecker that the Resolution he adopted an(j Rridge Committee for said C ojinty, by the Board nnd the roll l^ing called : W( Uid bee leave to submit the follow- Said motion was unanimously adopted. tn(5 repoR on the matters before them. It was thereupon regularly moved by -- --*1'" Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Pt:pr. Turner that the P»oard adjourn. Thereupon the Board adjourned. L, A. STOCKWELL, Chairman. Attest---R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Special February Meeting, 1932 The Honorable Board of Supervisors met in Special Session at the Court House in the CUy of Woodstock, pur- tl" \jjacontinved and „ suant to a call signed by more than ; »* a ed easterly from said southwast one-third of ts members on Tuesday j ~^ner of Section 19, Riley Township the »th day of February, A. D. 1882 at fixate Bond Issue Route 5 at Hur-' ten o clock. A. M. | menv also to add the one half (H) rwaf XI I mile" if road north, and south through That we met Jointly With the Road and Bridge Committee of Boone County, Illinois, at Marengo, Illinois, on the? 16th day of January. 1932, in the matter of a proposed change in the route of a State Aid Road In the Town of Riley, Which matter had been referred to this Committee. Boone County requeBtee tnat we designate a State Aid road to meet their State Aid Route at „tbe County line n.eathe southwest corner of Section 19, Riley Township. Maps were examined and parts of the road -iewed and it was decided to recommend that part of former State Aid Routes No. 20 and 21 new route be t the-sum of Fi.f t.e en Hundred Doi llar*B »th^1e1 Cv.nhianinr- mriaAnll /.LJ . 4 lAi a. FSrttlo Ucnkrwlne alt l MaAntdn hathPSe | ».u c ROUthwea st q-m uar ter of Sfec,t_ion The Shurtleff Co.. coal Pfeffer, „ i W"'fe. Rose;, Hammer,-*: Gluth 42-75 j Lakeside Railway Signal Co., mdse. ! Patrick' Bros., mdse. C. Hy Coda, - sheriff 8.60 To the Committee on Right-of-Way - hlwerson. Wolfe & Pfeffer 19.32 i Wjen's Dept. Store, mdse. shf. .... 6.96 ' of the Board of Supervisors of-McHenry ; Central Groc., coal Bessie Ward; " • jDnvidson Pearsall Co.. mdse.' shf. 11.54 County and to the State Highway De- j Mrs Gluth M-JJ ; West.- Un. Gas A El. Co., gas shf. 15.85 1 pai tment. 1 J H- Tatterson, coal .. A...,......---.-r 44.^3 i^ckert & Bending, fruits,' veg. VVe, the undersigned, owners of • j ->-> TMimpr/>of. rent Gluth ...'-- ---.- 87.00 property fronting on proposed bond is- c. M. Sears, rent Pfeffer 39 00 sue. Boute 47. known as Dean 'street Triangle Groc.. mdse. Albert Wolfe 12.61 - Road, hereby petition you tc build said Hyt'e Cash Coal Co.. coal Bessie . read on a location which is shown by ; Ward ,B.7.» the annexed map or plat and agree to j -y,-_ s. Swonguer, Jt-urial Albert , . accept the amount opposite our names Anderson Ov.uo ns damages for Right-of-way required. ' Bflvidere .Lbr. A Fuel Co., eoal_ _ Name Rods owned Am't per acre ' Mrs. Ueffer x „ Ji«hn T. Kelley. 160 double $100.OS pjyjj,, Groc., mdse. Feffer 7.7* Louis Anderson. 320 single ............ 100.00 Alden-- Knute Olson. 160 single charge E- K. Gast. mdse. Chas. Westerman 12.S8 Of*« Cast, receiver, 80 d&uble .Mrs Ida Grter. rent Chas. Wester- 80 single -- 100.00 man A.... - 24.00 William Henael. 80 single no charge ^ yan ner Veen, coal J. Man- Marron E"t . Jas. Marron, 80 sing. 100.00 , orin)r and Kru«»r ' 12S.9(> Chas. Steinke. 240 deuhl-a 100 03) Plr-hm^nd-- .1 and bailiff \i are a ret J. Mann. 80 single 100 00 Bs*-tccr I.iMnber Co., ^oal HaWX mitted-during the said year. Turner, Frank B. McConnell. Frank , We further recommend that the Bo*rd May, S. H. Freund, A. H. Hale ann j your Committee ftffain met at ^ 11°? of Supervisors hire all the help required Ass stant Suprs. J. D Donovan and ^ i„lnoi9, on the 6th day of Febto properlv run the said Home and , Paul Rosenthal constituting a auorum I""1"; 1932 and edited and paid bills Farm, the" hired help to work at all The records of the last preceding j ^ b| to the McHenry County times under the -instruction' and direc- j meeting were read and on moHon ap- j 8yf<tcm of Roads as' follows: tfor. of the Superintendent and his wife- ; proved and ordered placed on file. i1 Rms *of a general nature chargeable It Is further recommended, that the <*The following report of the Commit-!: . McHenry County Patrol System Superintendent or some responsible em- tee on Resolutions w^s presented and j '-a whole inciuding repairs etc sheriff " ~ 199 57 I ployee of his'or of the County shall at | read to the Board Supr Wbright duly I » Ub county machinery supplies If...«»« u, lp ~;Xporl?'o?,,K, IS.46 j _ II ..fur.l,«r recoranj-nayJ .h.t .hj l.Oon.:' ^ BWrJ Bchrt Hrd. Co., mdse. shf. , 8.42 , Superintendent be employed for Bovd Elec. APP. Shop. mdse. shf. 10.40 ! time as his services shall Pr°ve satis- Ilceslev's Bakery, bread, pies, : factory to the Board of Supervlsoisand cakes sheriff _.._....;.lf2.14 the County Farm Committee, not longer A. S. Wright, mdse. shf 21.20 I than the first day_of A-.D; llester Edinger, taking G. A M. the roll being called said, motion was unanimously adopted to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board pf Supervisors: It is further understood and agreed Your Committee o_ n Resolutions w..o.u.l d Schneider to Vandalia and paid ) that the entering upon the duties of beg leave to submit the following Reso Bates irarbatre 80 5S i Superintendent of the said County Home i lution and recommend thai the same Henry Nulle. serv. deputy shf." ....* fi-00 I and Farm shall constitute an acceptance be adopted. LeRoy Clark, serv. dpty. shf. T Jof all the foregoing P/ovislons_ and-^j BesoliitU* and bailiff »••- 40.00 Sidney Corson, serv.-dpt. shf. 20.00 : pt-rvisors tof all the foregoing provisions and. I in part a contract between the Super- ^ WHEREAS, It has come to the at- Intendent and the County Board x>t bu- (tcntion of the County Board of Supertw- rvisor* • yjsors of McHenry County, Illinois, f Wm R- Calrn.% serY. balli ff3SO .00 ......; char?? 'vtemlly -- 90.02 t Hf ha Hrd. Co.. mdse. shf. No*. .... 55.63 100.00 x E. Harrison.'mdse. Win. Norsk* <-02 t Fh-ans* Market, meat shf. Nor. _.f.:l25.5»> Frank Stimer. 2 single Hatrv Al'»n, 160 single _ Mr and Mrs. F Pugh. 200 single 100.0*. \v. I,. 'Speaker, mdse. ,Nork Edwin Purh. 1 CO single too 00 Fr--k"B McConnell. rent Woods 'i.T-Hn c. Schuett, 60 double .100.00' ajo.Oo cash to tramp $2.00 William Gehrke. 80 double -100.J>0 Hartland--- Hem- "Pue-h. ^rank Pugh, 80 sing 100 00 Willts Disbrow, mdse. Mike A. L." Beam. 160 sing!" 10«.0<),_ JPcMller Marrnn Est., James Marron McHenry-- 120 sinele Louis A. Erickson. mdse. Rdjr-'-_ Marcaret Lindst Dvgert; 80 Biftgflc ,100^00-- yrmth ---- 'Sigfrlf W Johnson.-160 single O. 8. Eddy, 200 sipffle •• Ray Still, 80 siiiglfc 39.14 Conways. mdse. prisoner -- 1.50 v 'Tester Edinger, oper. car Dec. ....100.00 12.00 I Marian Edinger, cooking for prls- I oners Uec .140:00 , PbUip Bierdeman, clerk shf. 7.25 I Dec - - 100.00 " V«-*tle Muldoon, Janitor Dec. 120.00 Ll'- i Daisy V. pore, ast. sup, sch. 1 I and truant officer Dec. ^ i « it, v» o. . |, . j| | V 4S Ul B U1 uli.( ^cil I j . v "Ulllj i IUIU'mci, Al! of which is respectfully submitted, j tj,aj there are certain Bills now in the , S. H. FREl'ND FRANK B McCOSTOBfcL K. F. KUECKER N. B. CLAWSON * A- H. HALB Illinois Legislature known as Bills to j abolish the Offices of County Vetert inarlans, County Superintendent -4*0 j Highways, Assistant County Super^ labor and materials ........$730.49 $211.48 Sections 1, 14, 20 ]«•»« Sfctlon 2 Section 3 ^ J® :? Section * "rrf--^"T- .tl'fi Section 5. 0 "-«• 12.00 Section 7 22.40 Section 9 ---JT4I Section r -- Section 10 -----68*.5® Section 11 -- Section 13 -.-- Section 12, ------ Section 15 -- :--- ^ Section 19, 19 Section 17 ----....... 284.89 "ft. Total expenditure# Feb. 6th: 1982 .,..$1,817.98 $211.48 The financial status of the McHenry I visors and Township Treasurers thatiCounty Highways funds are as follows. ' ---- ^ {will be acted upon soon, and Becnlar Resolutions' presented by the Al*on- J WHEREAS. It is the Opinion of this quia Chamber of Commerce, the Village . Board of Supervisors in meeting asr f Alironauln and the Al^-onq-uin Pure I sembled that a drastic reduction In Tax- . Milk Association in roigard to Route 62 lations 4s necessary at this time for the . , ....325.53'fwere presented and read to the board, better interests of the "Tax payers but '100.00 McHenry Lbr. Co., coal Roy Smith '8.07' Irfne Crabtree. <io Court reporter 100.00 •--.--7 that they do not believe that the abol- ..100.00 - - - - -- " - -e - - -- -- --' -~ i.100.00 half t tfl mile n°rth from the Mc* Henr'v-Kane bounty • liae, BE IT Fl'RTHER RESOLVED that?- the half O-l mile of road extending north and south through the southeast • quarter of Section 33. Township 4f*** North Range 6 East of the Third P. be made a State Aid Route, BE IT ri'RTHRK RESOLVED tha* two^opies of this resolution be sent by the Countv Clerk to the State of Illl» nois Department of Public Works and Buildings for thetr approval. • It was thereupon regularly "Inoved by Supr. Ackman- duly seconded by Supr. Brown that the Report of the Committee on Roads and Bridges, be adopted by tills Board, and the Clerk directed t# certify two copies of the attached Reso«i . lution made a part of said Report t* the Department of Public Works an* Buildings. State of Illinois. And th® roll being called Suprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Rrlen. Clawson, Hughes, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley. Brown, Harrisons Turner, McConnell, May. Freund, HalJ; and Ast. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay none and said motioA was declared unanimously carried. The following Right of Way Resolutions were presented and to the BoarA •uict on motion of Supr. Wright duly seconded by Supr. Hale and the roll being- called were unanimously adopted to-wit: Besolntlon • - WHEREAS, -there is now availably for the use of McHenry County, Ilittioi^; out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1931, "thj|:;; sum of $76.50 and. . WHEREAS, it is permissible under said Motor Fuel Tax Law, approve# March 25, 1929, to pay for recording f Right of Way plats in the Improve* nent of State Aid Roads, and, WHEREAS the Cotinty Recorder ok McHenrv County. Illinois, has presented a bill for recording the fo lowing^ Highway Dedications for the it provoj ment of State Aid Ro^te Number 2» M. F. T. No. 2, McHenry County, UUr To Will T. Conn. County RecordiSfJ' for recording 16 dedications Mi sections 4, 5, 8, 9 and 1 1, Town McHenrV in said County of McHenry (list of'land owners ott file in State of Illinois Dept Of - Finance)© Five ($5.00) X)ollaf# t,t4^ each - ••••If To Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treas. commission 9 per c e n t -- 1 -- ' - i t . - ' • $76.9* THEREFORE, be It resolved by said Board of Supervisors of McHenry tou^ tv. Illinois, that the above amount of $76.50 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1.9* be used for the recording of said right of wiv plats above mentioned, and BE IT FI RTH ER RESOLVED, tha* Ii D Woods, County Clerk, is hereby directed to certify a copy of this res®, lution to the Department of IubU« ^01 ks and Buildings, Division ofHigft- Sprlngfleld. Illinois, for Its af proval for voucher. mesolntlon t . WHEREAS, there is now; available t<* the use of McHenry County, niinoijr. out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1931, tft* 31:m of $1-17.80 and, WHEREAS, it is permissible undaj said Motor Fuel" Tax Law. -approva* March 25, 1929, to pay for recording of Right'of Way plats in the matter a* improvements of State Aid Roads an*. WHEREAS, the County Recorder o* McHenry County. Illinois, has presen^. ed a bill for recording the follow In* • Highway Dedications ,<0m the ment of State Aid Route Number -1 an#. ,21A M F, ;T, No. 1. McHenry County, Tc'w'ili T. Conn, County Recorder; for recording 23 dedications in sections 13 and 14 Town of Coral in said County of McHenry UttWof land owners on file in State OK Illinois Dept, of Finance) « Five ($5 00) Dollars each $115.0» To Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer, Treas. com. 2 per cent 2 30 Balance on hand Jan. .12, 1932 $1,831.69 Amount appropriated January 11th, 1088 8.000 00 • & ' J4.gSl.S6 Leas expenditure* Fttk 9. 1922 2,317.83 .100.00 Aleiandier Lbr. Co.. coaLPowns,7 W "j. kutle.Pro.OffCrr. Ctb«W.H?5.00 frt was thereuponregularly moved by ishment of the above mentioned Offices ... - ,,t,i et Mrs. Harmsen^ftnd Anna Mc- : ;-ili D. Jtussle, hauling coal 88.81 Supr. Wright duly seconded by Supr. in McHenry County are in any way for BalameO <* hand reik i, 1W -Total $llT THEREFORE, be it r^. K^ l-y ^'l Beard of Supervisors «fi?if#enr> « tv. Illinois, that the ^bo^ auiount o* $117.30 of^the Motor Fuel tax of 1-31 be used for the recording Of sal^ righ9 of wav plats above mentl^nea. ana. BE IT Fl.'RTHER RESOLVE 1^ thai R D. Woods. County Clerk, is directed to certify a copy of th.^^ resolution to the Department of lubll« Works and Bulldings.rM vision OfH ways. Springfield, Illinois,, for its a?" proval for voucher. mate's Attornev.: V. S~ Lumley. presented the following Resolution. to-wlM •» Woodstock. IH - Feb. 9th, A. D. 193t. To the Honorable Board of Super\ in the County of McHenry and btat* V. S. I.umlej5. State's Attorney of McHenry County, who. by direction of tht« . Honorable Board at a insr. does hereby present for >our cen s id era tion a re.^h.tion *n resard *h« . manner in- which the vanous : of the County, regardless of the technical legal liability of such town. shaU be governed In regard to the care of - the poor. • ' • j mesolntlon . WHEREAS, bv virtue of the changj in the law relative to the payment os ,,oor bills heretofore made by the County making it mandatory for eacn township to enre for its own poor, and - WHEREAS, there are n- >w located ia various townships poor people who. perhaps. technically under the taw. did be-, long to some township other than th* one ill which they are now located ofr were located gn January 1st- 1"-' an-1, WHEREAS, it is the desire of tn«| r- Board of Supervisors to get a workingf , agreement ^hereby the question ot residence w'll be fixed and determined anJt a date from which to reckon when .th^ -- liability of one township* shall *ttae«* or cease to transient poor moving front town to town in said County. , THERKWRK, BE IT RftlsOLVKl"> by •• the Board or Supervisors in their reguv / l xr session of the February term tha#- all poor families or poor persons re- S siding In the various townships of Mo-- i Henry County on January 1st. 1933,,- shall be considered as a charge upon; the various townships in which they, are so located until they have estab^ lished a residence- or been absent: said towuafcip for a period of six - ' xnoaths. and that whenever » pou* son or family, shall change their re»fr« '. S;r if A i :;,§Q

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