Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1932, p. 16

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p^- ?* 'Fw?^^y*w , V^i --• %r&>™f.,*S' THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ilowed to withdraw their! A delegation of officials representing rate, payment to be made in groceries County Roar<j\with a copy of all bank'-ca * previously1 presented and the various Cities and rnvn Villager in the j and whatever aid. was needed. The plan statements whicth it is fcniiilred-to iuri • ' 1 r» f tVlA Cto ta'a A t + nr. . r*A« intir «m»n ikn M «•? nxlrr>/4 . imwir «.1 4-1 ofn ntnxHtr tn *UI« Mil ..U A _ A ». . ... _ ... ... . » ' 11 unanimously adopted, to-wit: it've x .rv . 4\ • - .S& y /s*rK SB EIGHT <Om< .-• • -,' * -in onr town to another after Fr.lmor that thebills presented by the Illinois be allowed to j&nu^iy 1st, 1932, the obligation of the Out-ago'Industrial Home for Children be Resolution ^ . ._„ . m. ... tof In which they lived mi Jan- | allowed by this Board and that the upon the approval of the "state's Attor-- County were present at the meeting i worked out-very satisfactorily in "this ftish to the Auditor of' Public ~A'fcfcouhts'•'Mr Chairman and Optitlomon u*ry 1st. 1932, shall follow said famll/ ' county continue as heretofore in the ney of Mcljenry CoSnty present a new and were called upon by the Chairman. I Community and at different times there or to the Comptroller of Currency while linard of Sinwrvisnrnor, p. rf ..j) for a period of six months 1 payment of same, and that the Resolution for this Board's approval Mr. John A. Peterson, Mayor of Crystal [wore five or nix working- under -- ... - - y' .®. i <»• ®ara or supervisors. Mil no longer providing said person or ; County .Clerk be directed to draw orders showing that the line will not bo bullit Lake then addressed the Board and -- family lias n#t received aid for saia on the County Treasury to the Claimant within three quarters of a mile of the thanked' the members for the splendid period and that in c'ase of a change of ! for the several amounts allowed, and •city limits of. the city of Woodstock, 11- ! cooperation they showed in the' adopresldence fnpm one township to Another, ! the roll being called said motion was Ijnois and that they will start con- tioh of the above and foregoing Resoluthe Supervisor of the township l'rom : unanimously adopted to-wit: ; struction of the same within thirty tion, and further stated that there was Which said poor person shall move may | ^ ,11'32 -- , -,'•.- {.days. Said motion was duly seconded by another matter of great importance in- .00 : Supr. Wright and unanimously carried, volvlng the Cities and Villages of this 00 ! The folloiwng Resolution on Right of Community that he wou4d- like to pre- 15.00 Way Route 67 was presented and read sent at this time. He then stated that 60.00 and on motion of Supr. Ackman duly an organization of Mayors and Officials 30.00 seconded by .Supr. Wright and the roll before mentioned had prepared a petl- 15.00 - • - 15.00 . 76.00. 2 Giles girls, to Feb.'; ?. ..30:00 Your Committee on Purchasing would. either make arrangoments with the 8u- Jameg • Frozley,' to Feb.-,1, 1932 ...^15.C pervlsor 6f the township., in'to which , 2 Phillips children, to J-^eb.. 1 ..„„a 30.C said person may move, or shall be : Dariene SchulU, to Jan. 30 charged with the personalsupervision *4 Haase children, to Feb. 6 ..... 'of said poor person. 2 Dedinp. girls,- to Feb. 10 _1j ------ (.Milton Scliultz, to Feb. 10 It was thereupdpn regularly - moved,> Milton Faye, to Feb„4, by* Asst. Supr;' Donovai? and ,duiy sec- ! 5'- BJaaer. children, to Fefo, ,i0;. >.ll.> K w Citntt U .i Ivi t Vs o « flirt n Un t.-n -O.l -- vl.r\«a f a' 'T . . •* this acting as such depository, and arrangement. The idea in bringing this 1 Be It Further Resolved that if such beg k-ave to submit the following Rematter to the attention of the Board fuflds or moneys are deposited in a-tun* . port on the matters before them: ot Supervisors was to enlighten them herein designated as a depository, the That- we met at the Court House in and if they saw fit they could perhaps amounts of such deposits shall noi ex- thJ<"y of Woostockon^ Tuesday" Feb" c 5 "'lv? Per cent of the capital ruary 23, 1932, to take up any matters ended , by Supr. Hale that- the above and fort-going- Resolution be adopted by »this Board and the roll being called .'.Snjw, I','. /)'lirieh, OlMts«ji," JvueCkwork out the same plan in their TownfP„_ T fh T->n»1i'»'V. Roro ' Bt'i'ih"18U5,"^S of such bank, and .that might come l.-efore this Committee. • A Resolution from the l ublic Serv- •""^County Collector shall not be dis- The question of linoleum for the offices'* ice Company of Northern Illinois aeek- chained responsibility for any of the 'Countv Treasurer and Sheriff was ing permission to erect, operate and Mich furids or moneys deposited in any brt-wht before thl Committee but no " eXCeS8 1°I 8UCh Mm,ta»-on- ^ the transmission or electric current in | _ . , . Qn .i r t.()Unt of the Rrrat rpduction in. our Com-" ioifit of econmachines for. nenct that Total f>285.00 The. Committer lorney with power to a«t fr, Conlev, .J3roWn, ifcC'>+rntfll/,, MS>; i^C-oX. made •Fretind,-"Hale".afia' ASs't.- Surirv:. Ijpn6v;i:i ,'/>n., J.hotaon: fend Rosenth'al: voted Aye',' iS'u&rs; "lij; ;^,: AckniatiH ilai rison, ..and :-T-ufncr'f heliug,; c^i.leff ' vi'^a^'i:,HKvu4jiy "adaiitea^viSliisc •Vptt'ti: Jia'y.' ,.Jiioti<-n"' declared ciu'tibii.* ...' to'-Wii : ' ... i.-:-,v• •- " 'r .V.-^Vay" ii 2,5, ,192§, To purchase Klght---..;o< : Mai' "X.- CaVr, Assi6iaFit .StatCi. fupe.ri.nfor the improvement, of State Ai'd )-tendSnt of T'blice. .The ^petition and' J • K'tter Wjere then preff/-rit:Cd'Hq'the Clerk' th'A Ttight pr Way Com- ] and reail to. the noard. » Mr.. Pcjte'rsbn' Board of tSupervis'ofs of their)' stated • that tiny -were interested seconded by Supr." Brown thaf'the"*^' , (iute«ts/of ;thje County Treasurer, hnd Sc ':;t?ad6-in.^1569^^^.^:^7.56 . 11 /i^ / I«• 1% a ^tL n J»* . -• * m--- ' y v * * $65.43 J <j5) .$112.50 •l«s8s^l0-;'t - . 10 per cent .. .1:,:;i..::'|,Jl.l3 , Tadie-in f Jrl00307i 10:00 : motion ut Asst. ;Supr. Kosnitiial And'on jo sponded Quprum. A dflep . . . Grove •&«fl'-\<nfe;s'nrrat3ijk^ifrsr-. (--toiwivvinntty. wel-e present and * thV Chairn-.a-ti A. StOckwt ll calfed oh / ill'., f'otiter . Ill charge, of the deletriit ion ao address tho. Board. Mr. Foster then "addressed the Board and. stated -thai, fchey Were pres- iJiis rfteeting in' the interest's of. tinlBg a relocation of. Route 60. Me -taftrc Hra&gs.;* yffdsc; t; • . Pheffvr, Wolfe i.. .'r.,.:. 'St. "ioseph's Hospital,"cafe AYV ". •' •' -: B; .BakSP,-.^..;".0.598 Ffschi-r 85.50 ! Joseph Devttte ...i .0.301 Al'gonijuiffi--Gust Peterson .'..t....' 25.03 -H» nry Secor ...0.536 The above and foregoing bills were" Henry Kunde, Un. 0.581 .contracted'.rb>- .the' 'Supervisors-, .of Ma- Wm. Sehauer ......- 0..625 rtngo and Algonquin Townships prior to A me'rtca(p'. legion Were read-by the Cnii'k enry . County/' Illinois, haye^seciired • in; fi"iKH--ivg out Whether or jtot it Hyouid sfgnaturtes to thfc loll-owing. -High- ,he poswiiile/for the B'-ard Of Sufieryisrt.r.S lJed-ioations for., \id Route "Is* Illinois and ;• tiif; Hoard, to-.wjit: 81V13 of . Owner Right' of Dufi'ker '.Lli Hagr-efe : Wii'teV PftlhoW , ,:.u:0.106- • ;21.'46. '+32*00 r the' ^greater ChiVago ari-a. red 'Jbftrisoh* ;..<.-. -0.313' 40,dO s 72.00 <]j(j not feel that one Sh fiuMiit' fetated that at two or three dif- I Jan. '1, li'32, and laid oyer toy ..'the Comftnttt' times withih the last six months | mittee at the Special January meeting Resolutions had been adopted by this ! foi- invest feat ion and report. Board requestisg the State. Department to ,l*lt«_Pome aotion in this matter, bind that thev now had prepa'pred a ResoltitloiiVtis further this cause, {ind would appreciate it very much if the.' Hoard would Rdopt the. same. ' The Resolutionwae-. lhea 4irpesented to .the Clerk who. &t "turn read the 'same to 't-lie :'-Hoard. William l.'olnbw ..-0.057 Albert Bloedorn ...0.975 F. F. Bielke, Union, 0.689 .M. Sl^ftl), 2153 <t- West Adams St. 0.367 Ida Wolcott ...0.246 I Julius Wittlief 0.132 J C. H. I'olrfow ........0.454 jHt-rma'n Zickuhr-- .0.156 . .. -i Albert, DoroW Un, 0.471 The Committee on Claims,:T-abor Fees )-T^ee Behnke. ...i........0.360 and Supplies made, the following report ;. Frank Guhrke ..,~~. 0.066 AU of which is respectfully submitted, l-'RA-N K B. BcCONKWSIiL'." ('HAS. H. ACKMAN U. M. WRIGHT ' S. Jl. FRKl'NL) . : 79.-00 39.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 15.50 89.00 79.00 72.00 39.00 40.00 72.00. 45.00' 69.00 40.00 39.00 but ' that ,1}«• Sheriff an.d one tipeh liiig-k at- the prices >'-cdrtlairteSC -in5 shci) ; -/con-trac't-s, and, ' •' i A.'.-H-. HALE £>;; M.' ^RI^HT : . . . i.;..Jl46.56 'County-* and that the •ted to draw an-' Treasury in pay-? ' pproval pf ,thi»: tfuiiy submitted,^ Chairman. V • ^ „ *fs. \ WHKUKAS, it fs the desire the ' * r--•--"--3" C'ounty Hi>ard of McHeniy '.County, ; "riie following ' comm.unlcftd&iV" Illinois, that cement for sections "of coived. from the Department of Public road to be constructed under 1 he pro- Woi^s and rBuildings were presented visions , of either the Motor Fuel Tax And ' read to the Board, to-wit: .Mws, the State Aid Latts, Section 31 -. '•* Supr. McConnell of Richmrind TownshiiV 1 which "on^ motion :t>£. Supr. Hawj.soh sec-, i I. E. Kugler ...^.......0.629 107,00 170.00 adjourned to 1:30 P. M. for Committee * " * " " " ' ' " 1 ' • ; " . . . . ' ~ - - • • • " . . . 0 . 1 4 3 " 3 9 . 0 0 5 4 . 0 0| w o r k . 221.00 i 1:30 O'CLOCK P. K. 83.00^ Board met pursuant to adjouj-nrrtent 82.00 Present same members -constituting a full Board. 140.00 i Deputy Sheriff coirid i,n any-Svay com- State of Hlihois, County of ilcHenry,-ss. 70.00 i bat this condition.' It was thereupon To the Board of Supervisor!? of, McHen- 94.00 j'regularly moved by Supr. Harrison and -'ry County, Illinois: 99.00 duly seconded by Supr. Turner that a! , The undersigned, Harry F. Peteit, 103.00 committee of three RKpr's. be 'appointed ] County Treasurer of IlcHenry County, 22.00 ' bv the Chairman of this Hoard to meet-1 ..Illinois, respectfully represents unto 187.00 ; with the Sheriff and State's Attorney to [your honorable body that under an Act 0f the General Powers of the County 147.90-work out some solution to the question j adopted by the General Assembly of ijoard or'the-State Isighway Act, where Department of Pabllc Wor>s 8c Buildings *•'. • at hand. • Said motion was unanitnously i the State of Illinois and now in full such-cement is to be furnished by the - o . . • . February IP, 1932. 109.00 j adopted. The Chairman then appointed force and effect,, the County Boards (Cotinty; be purchased as outlined above, Hon. It. D. Woods, County Clerk, 63.60 ! Asst. Supr. Rosenthal and Syprs. Brown i shall, upon request of the County Treas- TllKK.tfORE, -BE IT UNSOLVED,. Woodstock, 111. 53.20 j ante Hale to"*aci as such Committee.* . f urer, designate the bank or banks, or that the department of -Public "Works i1'-"1" Mr. Woods: 118,00 | The Clerk presented lists of Claims i other depository in which the funds and and'Buildings of the State of Illinois is This will acknowledge receipt of »Otir 61.00 ; against the C6unty (and on motion of. other public moneys ino his custody ' requested to issue authorization upon re- communications, enclosing a copy f 11-7.00 Supr. Ackman seconded by Supr. Ilaegel- , County Treasurer may be deposited. , quest of the countv superintendent of ."solution adopted by the Board of Su- 7*6.00 ji.nd duly carried the same were referred : The undersigned therefore request thev highways to McHenry County for the"*rlitrvisors of Mi-Henry County relative 46.00 to the proper Committee, arid the "B\.ooaarrjdl i County; Board of McHenry County, 1111- purchase of cement for the above men- to. the location of 'State' Bond Issue adffrt?sfsed the Board and stated that onded* by Stipr: Turner, arid the ".roll bee j G. A. Guhrke his Townspeople were - --Very much nfe called '-^as unanimously adopted, j Woodstock--r' pieased -with' the road in its. present to-wit: -(Richard I... Bauman 1.011 location with one or two minor except , --^--, • j" ,. -I Herbert *Kilt* ........6.261 tions and that he felt", due to ibeAJUsa- , Mr. chairman and Gentlemen of the' Hairy Allen ,,....^.,0.329 Bon that the State Department has -re- . .Board of Supervisors: .j Kd.-. Ptigh .0.809 fus^d several times t-p., 'take any. actioft r . y0ur committee un Labor Fefts and'| Ed. Schwartz •.i..-„1...2.175 In the relocation of said- Route that Claims would be-' leave'to re- < Wm. Schneiderwind .662 all boncerned would be better off to : P^Vhat they ^h^e examined bairns ! ^ m. Mavis ..,..,...,.0.568 take the Road as now planned- and ,...rented-'to them, and recommend the , Mrs. Mary Dittman 2. < 44 thereby stop any delay in the construe- I payment of tfttf followihgi 'and that the ! Wm. Rectenwald 0.528 tion of the-same, Byron Orvis,. Assessor i clC-rk be directed to i»sue orders . on .! A. J, Au,tes ..., ;..0.572 -of Burton Township addressed , the. ; tlle CoUnty Treasurei* to the "Claimant* i Paul Gauit ...,.....,-.1.147 Board and stated several reasons why tne several amounts allowed, as tol- < Edwin liruckschein for , \V, Green Est. 0.144 120 00 30.oa 49.00 49.00 170.00 40,00 38.00 130.00 388.00 106.20 95.00 he thought a relocation of the Road was necessary for the bc-tter interests of the Community. It was tliereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Doriowm -and duly seconded by Supr. Turner t-ha.f the "following ResMution presen-ted fop approval by the delegation from Spring Grove be adopted by this Board. Motion carried by acclamation, to-wit: WHEREAS, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS 1ms heretofore designated a certain Route ftff, the location of State Bond Issue'Route Jso. 60 from <thc line i'Ctwf-ni .M- H'-iiry and Lake Counties, and extending to an intersection with the State ,-Bond- Issue Route No. 61, and which proposed Route is south of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway' Company 'extending across McHenry County; AND WHEREAS said proposed" Route does- not serve the needs of the* People of McHenry County residing in the vicinity of said Highway; AND WHEREAS the location of said Route as above set forth wilf necessitate the expenditure of a large sum of money by McHenry County in the purchase of unnecessary right of way, and •will also place upon said County of McHenry the burden of maintaining the present gravel road from Lake County line Northerly on the County line to the Village of Spring Grove; AND WHEREAS it is apparent that said "Department in laying out said proposed Route has n°t taken into, consideration the valuable -improvements now existing in the Subdivisions North of said suggested Route, and. the great amount of traffic that would be accommodated in-its travel to and l'rom said Subdivisions; AND WHEREAS the people residing in the vicinity of said Highway and which the same should serve, have many times, expressed their disapproval of safd suggested location, and have petitioned. .xhje.-Jioard of Supervisors of McHenry County, .Illinois, for. their assistance in procuring a relocation, of said road; ^ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of the County, of McHenry, in regular meeting thtB dav of- February, A. P: 1932. that the DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDINGS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS be immediately advised that it is the sense of this body tnkt tho locntifjfi 6f paid R*ute No. Go, in accordance with the Plats of the survey now in the hands of the right of way Committee of this Board, d°es not afford to the gh-at majority of the people residing in the vicinity of said Highway a practical and reasonable Highway accommodation: that it is the further sense of this body the said DE 149.0«SW24.00 79.00 <1-32.00 40.00 St?.20 100.50 215.00 38.50 63.00 to designate the bank or banks, or , tinned construction-during the brestent B^'te 60 iri said County. -1 „,ur„u Hw! .,^,1 , . , . _ 0 T>..# iU nois, other depository in which the furtds and •Other publicmoneys ill his custody us bounty .Treasurer of Mctlenry County, Illinois, may be deposited as. provided by law.- H. F. PETEIT, County - The Committee on Claims, Labor F«cs| Treasurer of McHenry Pounty, Illinois, and Supplies made the following Report, . ..State of Illinois, Cownty,of McHenry ss. Whereat Harry F. -Peteit, County Treasuren in for said County, has purwhicli was on motion of Supr. Wright .duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: $4,108.80 82.17 lows,. to-wit: l-'rank Tluunber &X'o., supplies Co. Officers ...,$62.92 <, McHenrv Co. Abst. Co., search Harry F. Peteit, County Treasi. records fof Right Way ...,.,1^45.00 j COtamission 2 per cent ............ Harv:ard Herald, ,'Cil1. Ct. dockets 215.00 I- • • . . 1 Div. of 'Highways, patr ol 16-1, . | ' '.. , ' . "4,190.»7 Sec. G Y . 76.35. THEREFORE, be it resolv-ed by said C L. Trvori, sal. & exp. STTMr-Mys. 284.60*-i Boardijof Supervisors of McHenry Coun- The 11. B.. Cook t'o/, twp. ribbons ; j ty. Illinois, that the above amount-of Co. Clk, . 10.00 ! $4,190.07 of the Motor Fuel Tax of 3 931 The Office Supply Co,, , tax j he used for the purchase of said rigrht receipts Tr.eas . \120.00 way above mentioned^ and, that the Zion < mice Sup'piv/Oo.\*Tii«sfc ' ! County Clerk and the County Treasurer Trea's; ' "• 9.01.4 of said county .are hereby ordered £5ustave Andt?rst)n; mdse^-Trea-Sr to -SrtW-4-make payment, to the above listed land Lester Edingef, fee^l'eo case4 .„.7.91 65.1 owners (lie amount opposite said names Lester Edinger, taking pnis.- to • | upon receipt of said sum of $4,190.97 Vandalia, Joliet and Dwight , -.j fiom the State of Illinois Department and nidse exp. . ' • ........;,..147.55. of Finance for purpose, and,. F. F. Meyer, water softener shf. --- S.VO ' BE IT FUKTHEIt RLSOL\ ED, that Uodenschatz & yahs, md-se. shf. .... 62.44 1 H. 1). Woods, Cfounty Clerk, is hereby 10. J. Field Hid. Co., mdse. shf. .... 14.25 directed to certify a copy of tliis reso- Schmidt &' Peeking, meat shf. .....>1.152.39 Wilc'ox & Koblentz, mdse. shf. .... 22:68 Aurora Spec. Co., mdse. shf.- i.v -19.26 Eckert & 'Bending,- mdse." shf,. i.......248.04 i'-oyd El.' Appliance Co., mdse. jshf. 10.10 Hall & Eckert, coal Shf. ..:.186.28 Hoesley's Bakery", bread, -calces, espies, shf ....1 : ..:.-.'~111.48 The Woodstock l>airy^-milk and cream shf, 32.84 Montgomery Ward A Co., mflse. Hi tion to the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division pf Highways,, Springfield, Illinois, -for its approval for voucher. A communication from Peter Umathjim Post of the American Legoin of Woodstock, Illinois, was presented and rtad requesting that the balance of Eighty Dollars due said Post on their Levy under the Rogardus Act be allow- 18.48 - ed to them at thi»< time. It was there- 10.00 I upon regularly moved by Supr. Brown 3,00 1 duly seconded by Supr. Freund that lOlOO 1 the request of s^id Post be grapted and (that the Clerk'be directed to draw an " 7.00 order on the County Treasury for the 3.20 I same and the roll being called sa.ld mo- 16^63 ! t*®n was unanimously adopted. I The Clerk presented, and read several 44.70 ' communications from the State Dcpart- Lelloy Clark, bailiff &• denuty shf, 60.00 ' ment of - Public Works and Buildings, WV R. Cairns., bailiff 80.00 : IMvislon of Highways^which were order- Sidney Corson, bailiff Z~\Z:"ZZi."Z 25.00 ed'_ placed on file. Shf. Kirknian Ice Co., ice, shf. Dacy Lbr. Co., mdse. shf. Chas. Kuppe, dray age, shf. .. Buckley Tea Room, meals for - jurors Pfeiffer's. Pharmacy, mdse. shf.- .. 111. Bell Tel. Co., -tolls shf; Illinois Bell Tel. Co., tolls service Co. Officers Loren Edinger, deputy-sheriff 5100 Earl Smitli, night watch at jail .... 75.00 West. l.'n. Gas & EI. Co., gas shf. 16.43 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., plumbing Add. to C. House 246.SS McHenry County T. B. San. Bd.,-j . sal. nurse & jexp. patients ..1.....292.38 1'aid out of fund $212.38, $80- due, American Printing'Co., blanks Co. Treas • 95.00 Americsin Surety Co., premium rob. 66.50 Geo. E. Morris, architects services' Court House 1............I,.,.136.84 Elgin Mfg; Co., steel bars for--Jail 339.50 City of-Woodstock, light & water. 1,83.60 1-". I). Russie, hauling coal ...*......1., 33.67 VV.' J. Kittle, sal. l'ro. Officer Cir. Court .. ...1.1.....,' : 75.00 C. L. -Tryon, sal. & exp. Sup.- Hys. 488.75 Arcole Const. Co., No. I S. A. RT. 22 MFT No 2 .,..:.......:.2,085.69 100.00 It was thereupon refjularly moved Uy Supr. Ackman duly seconded l/y Supr. Hale that this Board adjourn. Motion carried. Thereupon the Hoard adjuurmd. -j • ... L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman. Attest: R.- 1). WOODS, Clerk. Lestejr~jrt|'n-*j:,- allow, car Jan. 100. ""Miii/an cooking for pris. Vfanuarrw- :.-..l 40. Special March Meeting, 1932 I.UI uifi . - f i i f c ui IUI.- I1IU). ill- - vi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - PARTMENT OF PUBLIC-WORKS- AND • ' ll1'll> Bi«, clerk-shf.,Jan.. 100.00 * ' . . . . . . . . . , A' , , 1 „ „nl Tn n 1 <IA AA BU1LDINGS should relocate said Highway along the present improved roadrway over which the: great majority of pedple living in ti;at vicinity, are reouired to travel; BE IT FURTHER- RESOLVED that this Board withhold further action upon the matter of procuring right of way for said Route No. 6ft -Until such time as a full and complete -investiga{iojL.-i>f the feasibility of the suggested Route can be made by said Department- to tho end that residents and taxpayers of McHenry County may be fully heard, nni^ t^at the spirit, and purpose of the State Wide system of improved roads may be maintained. 1. BE IT FURTHER' RESOLVED that these Resolutions be spread at large 'i<p«n the records of this meeting and that a copy thereof be.forwarded by the CHerk of this Hoard to the llONORABLE H. H. CLEAVELAND. Director of the Department of Public Works and Building, Springfield. Illinois, and to the' .HONORABLE FRANK T. - - SIIEICTS, Chief Highway Engineer, Springfield, I l l i n o i s . ; .V • ,~ ' State's Attorney V.- S.: Luniley ' addressed the Board * and- utated that it was not his intention to prepare a Resolution on the resident County Poor to be adopted by this 'Board that was not satisfactory' t.Q .«all. Townships and that he would be willing to make any changes necessary to bring - about a mutual agreement on ttiis question. It was thereupon regularly .'hioved by Supr. Ackman that the .Resolution adopted at tho morning session -of this,, meeting-b<- ameneil to -'read, a» follows: V And that whenev-er a poor person- or family shall hatse changed their residence fronv cine Town to another after Jan. 1, 1932 the obligation of ' the Township in which they lived on lan, 1, 1932 shall i'611ow said family' for a pi riod of six months and no longer .providing said person or family has not received aid for said . period." The amendment to the Resolution was duly seconded by Supr. -JCn-eeker and unanimously carried. . fiuperintendet Maxwell of the Chicago Industrial Home for Children being present at the meeting tr-as called upon by the Chairman. Superintendent Max-, •well addressed the Board and. stated that there were several children, com- - mitted to his Institution by the County Court and that he was at a loss under the new pauper act as to how he should w-esent his claim for their'-support."and •would like some advice on this, matter. State's Attornev Lumley adderssed the Board and stated that it was his opinion that anv children committed to the Chicago Industrial Home-for Children by the County Court were a charge ujjon this County and that he felt that the County was liable for their support. It larss- " Vtstie Muldoon, sal. janitor Jan, 120.00 Irene Ci'abtree, sal. Co. Court • reported Jan. ......1........100.00 J. Ij., Donovan, spl com wk 3 0 20 John K. Harrison, spl com wk- ...... 19.90 A. H. Hale, spl com wk ..1....1.... 18.30 Clias. H. Ackman, spl com wk ........ 95.15 E. C::'Hughes, spl coro wk ... 21.60 The Honorable Board of Supervisors met in Special Session at the Court House in the City of Woodstoc-K on Tuesday the 8th day of March, A. D. 1932 at ten o'clock A. M. pursuant to a call signed by more than one-third of its 'members. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman L, A- Stoekwell and the roll beirig ..called the following members ...responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. XX I stoekwell, I >. M. Wright, C. M. l'almer, John T. O'Brien, N. B. Clawsdn, 10. C. Hughes, E- 1-'." Kuecker, Chas, 11. Ackman, John C'onley, V. E. -lirown, John Harrison, H. M. Turner, Frank B. McConnell, Frank May, S. II, Freund, IA. H. Hale, R. E- Haeger_and Asst. Suprs. J. 1>. Donovan and Paul M llosenthal constituting, a full Poard. The records of the last preceding calendar year. Before deciding on the location for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this State, highway, Mr. Frank T the County, Clerk and the County Treas-' Sheets, Chief Highway- Engineer, and urer of: McHenry County, Illinois, are- '-the writer, personally visited that porh'ereby directed to make payments for tion of the- State and made a very cement so purchased promptly upoH careful and • thorough investigation of the approval of the invoice- by tho the several routes which had been sug- County Superintendent of Highways. gested for this road. The decision i-each- ' ed is, in,the judgment "Of this Departi uing Oeneral Assembly of the State of 111to-wit The following Resolution discontiri- ™AU **.8t leZY ing certain roads as Stat-e Aid Routes which -will us^ this State It is, of coUrsei iijipossible to meet Mr. Chairman and Gentlefnen of the' nois adopted and now in full force lind trr-n. i; .*» - * * tlie views-o--f a--ll c-onflicting interests Board of Supervisors.: , i effect, requested this County Board to BE IT RLSOL\ LD by the hoara_,or when it comes to /locating, our State ' Your Committee on Labor Fees* and | designate the bank or banks,-.' or other Supervisors of McHenry County,, illi- Vr.nd issue roads,- and while the route Supplies Claims 'would beg leave to re- i depository tn, .w.hich tho funds and other I noi8» . . • " . , . which the • department has indicated is port that they have examined all claims j public moneys in ins custody as County That State Aid Route 1 • irot)i . State ;preferred for Route 80 is not saitsfacpresented to them, and recommend the j Treasurer may be deposited, ' J pf ; ^ tcry to some of the people in that secpayment of the following,-and that the Clerk be directed to -issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants or the several amounts allowed, as fol lows, to-wit: . . - iWoodstock National Blink Frank Thornber & Co., «i'dse. Co. - i ^tate Bank of Woodstock Officers'. - . 11.1, :.?624,25 J Eirst State'Bank of Harvard Law Co. Op. Pub. Co", Aniv Liaw . ; I Harvard State Bank . - . L 'Books Vol. 7(> 7.50 . First National l^ank of Marengo Woodstock Sentinelr prtg. Co, OfL: - 8..00 '..^Jarcngo^State ^Iiank . . Arrierioari Prtgr. -m1 Wa^i- first tttate iianK ot Hx Rive Gpaifc Coir- t-. ..... -60.00 | Home State Bank 'Crystal Lake Ll V^Kiitz, typewriters Co. Off. 439.76 I Algonquin State Bahk . ' McHenry Co. Abst. Co., Rights .j.Cary State Bank ©f Way search 10.00 I State. Bank of bnion . , R. D. Woods, Co. Clk., ext. taxes ( State Bank of Huntlfcy and making Assrs. books . .1...3,687.24 j W est McHeni y State Bank Art Metal Const. Co., mdse. Treas. 71.80 Chas. Cj. Smith, mdse. Treas. L50 Burroughs Add. Mach., mdse. Treas. 1.00 The M. B. Cook Co., mdsel Treas. 8.00 Lester Edinger, exp. sheriff 8.70 Woodstock Dairy, milk & cream sheriff 32,2!) Gaulke Bros., meat shf. ^.1.1,.,'......i..l38.49 Eckert & Bending, fruits, vegetables &c shf. ....'. 149.01^ West. I'n. Gas & El. Co., gas's-hf. 17.16 Bohn Hrd. Co., mdse. shf. 10.89 Hoesley's Bakery, bread, cakes, , cookies, shf 1;........ 84.88 H. T. Eppel & Son, potatoes shf. ,...-18.75 Woodstock Tent & Awning Co., - mattresses covered shf. 16.09 San. Plumb. & Heating Co., labor & mdse. shf 47.70 Dr H. W. Sandeen, serv. Co. pris. 60.00 Buckley Tea Room, meals jurors 21.55 McNamfira's, meals jurors 23.40 Earl Smith, night watch jail ...110.00 Sidney Corson, dpty. shf. & bailiff 30.00 LeRoy Clark, dptv. shf. & bailiff ... 50.00 W. R. Cairns,,bailiff .1. 50.00 111. Bell Tel. Co., service and tolls: Co. Officers 86.90 111. Bell Tel. Co., tolls sheriff ........ 27.65 C. I,. Tryon, salary & „exp. Sup-. Hys. 246.27 Arcole Const. Co., Est. No. 2 R. 22 Sec. 2 MFT .......2,0.86,74 Frank D. Hayes Co., Est. NO. 4 R. 21-21A MFT ,1,640.93 G. L. Tryon, St. Aid R: 22 Sec. 2, M. F. T. - ....;.....;.:318,87 Ethel C. Coe, Supt. Schs., exp.. Of Office ; ^^rrr..:,.v...l6.19 Hammond & Stephens Co., mdse.- Supt. of Schs. ............ ,1........;..,..., '67.50 -Herald Pub. Co., prtg. Treas 17,50 Chicago Ind. Home for Children. •care of County Children .,.'........285.00 City of Woodstock/ lights ,,...;..106.69 Daisy V. MoOre, sal. Ast. Sup,, Schs. Feb. .....1...1..125.00 Irene Crabtree, sal. Co. Court- • Reporter Feb. ...... 1...... . .......i,..,100.00 Philip Bierdcmari, sal. Clerk • . Sheriff Feb ,..c...TOO.OO Vestic Muldoon, sal. Jahitor^Fe'l?,. 120.00 Lester Edinger, allowance for : > auto Feb, ,,.......,100.00 Marian Edinger, cooking -for pris- " . oners Feb :.....l ...135.00 W. J. Kittle, salary Prob. Off. unced by this Department is final, and we trust that the right of way may ba. secured promptly in order-that construction work may be started on the road jrst as soon as funds are available foi* Aid Route 1 northerly to a point a little north of the Howard's Grove Bridge in Section 8 Township and Range afore.- said and also State Aid Route OA from the Village of Hebron noith -to the 1.1- linois-Wisconsin* State line, be discon- the" purpose. tinued as State Aid Routes inJMcHejMy i:._ ,Youi-s very tmlv ---- County, llinois and . ^ H. H. CLEAVELAND, . BE IT l-'CRTHER RESOLVED that HHC SD H. H. Cleaveland, Director the following described ro&ds be made f State Aid Routes: (1) The road that extends northerly from the City of Woodstock, Illinois along the quarter section line through Sections 32.*' 29 and part of Section 20, Township 45 North Range 7 East of the Third' P. M., thence northerly on a relocation a distance of about two (2) miles to an intersection with State Aid Department ,of Pabllc Work* & Bml dings j, February 20, 1932 Subjepfi Dfc«1gn-^Route 60, ItichmMid to lngleside. Mr- R. D. Woods. County Clerk Woodstock, Illinois. D>ar Sir:- 1 acknowledge receipt of the resolution Peoples State Bank of McHehry . State Bank of Richmond •* 1^1 - Hebron State Hank Ringwood State Bank are hereby designated depositories In which the . funds and other uublic moneys in the custody of Harry F. 'Peteit, as County Treasurer, of -McHenry, County, Illinois, may be deposited; and Be It Further Resolved that- ho bank herein designated as a depository shall *'• _ .. \e qualified to receive such funds or | (<i) btartmg moneys until it has furnished the Coun- j the southeast eorne copies of the last two ship 46 North Range sworn statements of resources and lia- i Third P. M., thence n ^ R - bilities which such bank is required to northerly on a lelocation thr • k 'location which we have selected is pre1 furnish to the Auditor of Public Ac- ; tions 8 and 5 In said T-'"U t t |)(lrod f,v t |1P federal government as all counts, or to the Comptroller of Cur- i ]llinois-\\ iscons1n ,.-tatt_ 1 n^e 4 , n grade crossings are eliminated. rency; and ' ^ | Lji V Ll from-^ the' northeast 1 Wo,ll(:1 suggestr that every effort be Be It Further Resolved that each half (.^nuk west fr< n th no I ^de by the County to secure the balbank designated as a depository for BtJ,Oa n t^ [eyJttf ' of right of way required in order to injure the construction of this section, during 1932. ; v Very truly yours, H. E. Sl'RMAN, H. E. Surman, Engineer of .Dedign*'- [)7 1 feet north frOm March 9th. The plans for this section er nf Section 8 Tow™ llilve ^'en Pi'^ared on a location which anc-p 7 ' Fist ot th» will serve the general public to the best Board iWlth copies of the last two ; J«»p «o ix" i" 1 V advantage. Route 60 is also a part of n t I the* Federal System of Roads -and the Be It Further Resolved that if sucli sue Route <7, Ifunds or moneys are deposited in a j bank herein designated as a depositary, i the, amount of such deposits shall not '• exee'.ed seventy-tive per cent of- the capital stock and surplus of such bank, and the County. Treasurer shall not be->discharged from responsibility - for any It was thereupon, regularly moved by Asst.-Supr. Donovan and seconded that It was thereupon rt^uiariy ritoyed by Uh0 communications be placed on file Supr. isrow.n and duly seconded Dy Supr. ,anfl ordered spread on the records of Hale that the Resolution be adopted, by l.tjiifi' meeting. Motion declared carried, this Board and the roll being called said j Supr. McConnell' addressed the Board motion was unanimously carried. land stated that the action take.n by the . , . The Committee, on Roads and Bridges Urpartmcnt in regard to the Resuch funds or moneys deposited in any rna(lo the following Report' which i iccatton of Route No. 60 was precisely bank in excess of such limitation. , on roll call unanimously adopted, to- ; as he inf,,ttned the Board it would be ----; . . [wit: ] at the February meeting of this Board The following request of Harry P. " * " and that lie woyld'at this time movo Peteit, County Collector, for designa^Mr - chalrmilh. and Gentlemen' of the that, the County-Board of Supervisors tion of depository'together witli_a Re,so- Irescind their action taken on the Resolution was presented and read to tlve Board, to-wit: ' State of Illinois, County of McHenry ss. To the Board of Supervisors of •,McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned, Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer- of McHenry_ Coynty tv Illinois: li-.tion presented at the February meetfollowing report on the matters before j ^t"'0nTO."r Motion'"to adopt was made by That we met at Woodstock, Illinois | Sutjr •Harder and on roll call Suprs. on the 5th day of" March 1932 and audit- ^UTan.' Conlev, Turner,"mci * i. - ft1 * -in** inoiua UL iiit: laev • uftt'uniB Ir," A, '. Stoekwell, sp,l tcoomm ww k- v fl'n? m'PfTtng were read and on motion np- I). 'M. -Wright, spl com wk S. H. Freund, spl com wk 1'. F. Rosenthal, spl com wk ........ 11.80 V E. Brown, spl com wk . 43.50 J i > h n C o n l e v , s p l com wk . . . . . . 3 3 . 6 0 John T. O'Hrhvn.-spl com wk ...1:-- 59.10 Frank Bl McConnell, spl com'Vk; . 6.90 N. ii», ClaU son, spl com wk .C. M.' Palmer, spl com wk ......... 3' 00 ! ar|d placed on file 2 5! 40 72.20 32.80 : 1 ^ ' - $8,188.34 (Payments on state,Aid Roads made «?ut .of "Gas Ta* "ER-funds.) All of which is rerfnetftfu-lly subthltted, A . H . H A L E E. F; Kl'ECKER C. M. PALMER . V. E. BROWN The following Resolution presente4 by {he 1 larvard Chamt-er of Commerce vas^jwwntfil anrt read and on motion of 'Supr.. Wright duly seconded by Supr. Brown', and "the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-Wit: Resolution Reqgiesling McHenry County Board of S lifter visors'. Approval 'WHEREAS, The state legislature has appointed a committee of legislators to as<-ertaln the need of additional highway improvements from the future gas, tax, be it RESOLVED, That the Good Roads Committee of the Harvard Chamber-of Cc.mmer're request the McHenry County Board of Supervisors to go on record art favoring the following route:. • Starting at the Wisconsin state line south of. Sharcn and -proceeding in a .'southerly direction fo.ur miles in ISoone Tli«. following Resolution continuing the delinquent period on Special Assessments to July 1st,. 1932 was presented, to-wit: Resolution • WHEREAS, Section 178 of Chapter 120, Smith-Hurd Revised Statutes ,.of Illilho'is, and be'ing an Act entitled "AN ACT l-'OR THE ASSESSMENT OF PItOPERTV AND FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES" as amended, pr<ivides* as follows: "When ahy rspecial assessment made - by any city, town or village, pursuant ,to its. charter, or by any corporate.authoritles, commissioners or persons, pursuant to law. remain unpaid in' whole or ih part, return - thereof•-.'shal-i he" m^de J.o the County Collector on or before the tenth day of March nex t after, the .same shall have 'become iiayable, in like forms a# returns are made, for delinquent land tax . . . and iaretties villages' and >n? corporated towns in' all other counties sucli return may be made on or iiefore the first day of July if the county board, of such county adopts a reso* lut'ion to that effect for all such sjiecial assessments which remain unpaid in whole or in part": AND, WHEREAS, it appears that Certain Cities and Villages in- McHenry County, have pursuant "to their respective charters levied certain Special Assesments for local Improvements and that certain-51 installments of said Special Assessments are now due and payproposed |able; AN'P, WHEREAS, tinder the existing financial conditions now prevailing throughout said McHenry County, it is deemed for the best Interests of all concerned that the time in which pav- Regul: request of the County Collector, desi General Volney K. Brown, spl com wk 1,.^ ,30.40 < o()i/ntv'i^ard'of McHehry County, llli- - $!£}}*•} 7' 6 Frnnk B. McConnell, spl com ylt ,. 6.90 1-noi8j 'to designate the bank or banks, ^ecuon < .1. E. Harrison, spl com wk ...;llv;,?..110.0<i j r 0'tj,er depository in which the-'funds , m ' '" L", A. Stoekwell, spl com wk13-4.45 • and moneys received by him in the- col- •/V-.-.-rf^.w : Cha«. H. Ackman. spl com wk:'4'.,. 82-40 J ir,( tion of taxes may be deposited as •- <• y'" i ,/ ' r- C, M. Palmer, spl com wk ....;.Vv...l 6.30 ppri-vided by law. ....' • r " John Conley, spl com wk -54.00 | F. PETEIT. County Treasurer of 1 ^ ""Vs"'"* D. M. Wright, spl com wk 1,,... 32.10 - McHenry County, Illinois, and ex oiliclo ' ^ Vjons .is .- 44.00 ... ^1,.n• . ctCV^ion Ji. CfvOO J. T. -O'Brien,' spl -com wk N; B. Otawson. sol com wk 10. C. Hughes; spl com wk .... 5.50 112,076.62 (Payments on State Aid Roads made ottt of Gas Tax Refunds.) All Of which is respectfully submitted, TL-HALE E. F. KCHOKER ' - - R. E, HAEGER C. M. PALMER V.E.BROWN County Collector. State of Illinois, County of McHenry fs. Whereas, .Harry F. l^teit. County Treasurer and t-x-officio .County Collector in and for said County, has, pursuant to the terms ^f an Act of the ••General Assembly of the state of Illinois adopted' and now in full force and rffect. requested .-this County Hoard todesignate a bank or banks, or other depository in which funds and moneys received by him in the - collection of taxes may be deposited. . Now, Therefore, Be; It Resolved by1, the-County Board of McHenry County_, Illinois, that . American National -Banlt'-fllf WiWflatd. Woodstock National Bank of Woodstock . .. Rank of Harvard , . $109.10 1800,00 $324.4*:-" U9-20 j 3 (.30 48.80 53.90 . 44.40 ••• ,91.83 201.70 85.70 S '•-' 81.97 2 VSO 193.44 niunications from the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Peoria -^Vndit Bureau and County Clerk of Champaign County, Illinois which were loj-dered placed on file. " Supr. Earl Hughes. .Chairman of th.> Road and Bridge' Committee presented A Petition and Resolution made,- and Presented l-v the Natural Gas Pipe Line Company of America.formerly t'on-- tinental Construction Corporation a C( rp. ration and stated that the Road and Bridge Committee would recommend that the Petition be granted and the-Resolution adopted as modified subject to the a-pproval of the State's Attorney. County, then one mile east intersecting tiie County line, again proceeding in . ment of said Special Assessments may a - southerly direction on the McHenry- - bo made to tlie proper collecting Agents Boone County line to a point one mile east of Garden PrSirie on Route 5. Signed: Good Roads Committee. Harvard Chamber of Commerce. • . A. C. CONDE, Secretary. . Sapr: Brown addressed the Board and stated that a previous meeting- of this Poard a Resolution presented by the Public- Service Company of Northern Illinois asking for a Franchise to extend their line in Dorr Township was tabled and that said Company were now Willing to meet all the requirements necessary for the construction of said of said Cities or Villages be extended; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RKSOLV-. El> by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry, Illinois, that return of any Special Assessment madeby any City or Village, Jn said County remaining unpaid in whole or in part may be made to the County Collector of said County on Or before the first day of July, A. D. 1932. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Turner that the. Resolution 1>e • ^ . ,. _ . .. .adopted by this Board and the roll "bet- iwffiajtya• f/jr.' Bupr. pubUc Service Company of Northern 'carried. Mr. David R. Joslyn Jr. attorney for the Natural Gas Pipe Line Co. of America formerly Continental construction. Corporation, a Corporation, addressed the Board and stated that • the above mentioned 'Company were desirous of ! State Bank securing permission from this Honot- 1 First State able Board tt» use, cross and occupy Harvard • State Bank. certain roads and highways for the pur- i First National Bank of Marengo ... t., pose of building, constructing and Marengo State 1'a.nk ~ v . operating a gas pipe line for the trans-'; First State Bank of .Fox River Gfpye. „ nor tat ion of natural gas In McHenry State- Rank of Crj'stal lialt©..; • County as set forth in a petition di- Algonquin State Bank -' rected to the Roard. Mr. Joslyn then j Cary State Rank presented and read the petition together••+ State Bank of I'nioh " with a I^ssolution granting the Com- ( state Bank of Huntley . pahy's request for the adoption by the West McHenry State -BShk Board of Supervisors, It was thereupon IJ'eople's State Bank of McHenry regularly.moved and seconded and tinan- j State liank of Richmond _jl . • Imously carried that this matter be re- Hebron State Bank ferred to-the Road and-Bridge Commlt*-iJtingwood State Bank tee and the State's Attorney for report, are hereby designated depositories in A Committee from the County Coun- | which the funds and moneys received by cil of the American Legion was present 1 Harry F. Peteit, County Collector o-t nt the meetfbg and called upon, by the 1 McHenry County, Illinois, 4n the «>l- Chairman. Mr. David R. Joslyn Jr. Ije- I lection of taxes may be deposited, ing Chairman of said • Committee again ) "Be It Further Resolved that no j addressed the Board and stated that I herein designated as a depository-^snau. se me time ago the Relief Committee j-be qualified to receivei, such ltinaa, or of the Woodstock Post of the Ameri- moneys until it lii's furnished the t oun- Tctal Expenditure*-March '. . • . .. ' 5-th, 193.2 .1 $1765.68 f800.00 - The. financial status of- ^lie McHenrj - , wac! thereupon regularlv moved by County Highways 1-unds are- as follows s„pr Kuecker and duly seconded by • iEetralar rand . Supr. Turner that the petition be ap- Balartce re ported tmh'aild.-v. •' -Wftvod- and.-;. th£. Kfisolmtt'on .adopted by T. b r ii a 1 y' 719,3 2 . . . . . . . : . . i:..lJ,|St513.^3 , s p0i\rd subject to the approval as Received t'roiiiM. L. Sl'Qejr,". " outlined in the Report-of the Chairman ^•"VH-of the Road And Bridge Committe/e. On roll call said motion was unanimously • River Road Inipr. ; 'f2;538.83- Less corrvt't error Anril 6th, 1931 expenditui-e^ deduct --- ®8-10 $2,510.7 carried. . . - • Supr. Kuecker Chairman of the Right • of Wav Comniittee of'this Board stated that by \irtue of a Resolution adontert at* the" Special December meeting 1930 . „„„ „„ fit 1,1" December 1st., that one and one- 1931 and 8 taken l'or a 6 deduct 290.00 j , mne 0f roAd through the Village ' T-rrrf; I of i-nloh was designated for the. bulld- $2,310. t* jnR. 0j a State Road and th <t he would' move at this time that the County Surveyor be Instructed to make surveys on said Route and get out Dedications for the construction of this Road at once as outlined in said Resolution. The motion was duly seconded by Supr. Harrison and 'on roll calll unanimously car- :-ii\ Less e*pen4iiwtcs Alar. 5, 1932 1,765.68 Balance on band ,$'• 545.05 Snow rviA Balance on hand Feb. 9, Less expenditure Mar-, 5, 1932 5.00.00 i*an Legion consulted their Supervisor. Mr. Brown, In regard to the granting of aid to those in need. He further stated that the plan was that any one seeking « » Board with copies of the last two sworn statements of resources ana liabilitifes which such bank Is required to furnish to the Auditor of Public Acaid and able to work were to l.-e paid i counts, or to the Comptroller of Cur- _ at the rate of 35c an hour and turned ' rency; and " .: motion duly made Mid carried, approved | f>. 1932. over to the Commissioner of Highways i Be It Further Resolved that each and ordered placed on tile.. -•- - and fw each day thftt they worked they bank-designated '.on1 .rurchaslWr-»»«W" •' Wrruld be allowed the full amount at that such funds or moneys shall furnish the th« following report, which was on roll Attest: R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Balance on hand- Mar. 8, 1932 $2,799.09 j ricd. Your Committee estimates that-there State's Attorney Lumley addressed will be necessarv for the care of thf the Board and stated that due to the McHenry County '* PatrOl System of j increase of work in his office a small Roads until the April meeting of this ; appropriation was needed at this time. Poard, the balance of tin Highway Tax i 11 was thereupon regularly moved by Fund,'levied in September 1930 in the j Supr. Hale and duly seconded by Supr. sum of $1000.00 and an appropriation j Freund that an appropriation of Two frvin the County Jlighway Tax Fund , Hundred Dollars ($200.00) be made and levied in September 1931 In . the sum 1 t).at the County Clerk be directed to t>f •••3i0.00.00: .. jV i_j}raw; a.n order on the County Treas- " " u i e r . t o t h e S t a t e ' s A t t o r n e y o u t of any funds that are not otherwise appropriated- And the roll being called said motion was unanimously adopted. It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr.-Donovan and duly seconded bv Slior. Kue(--ki r and unanimoUsl> carried that .this Board adjourn and that the nevt mefting of the Board be held on Tuesday the 26th day of April. A. Thereupon the Board ad- All of which Is losp, etfully submitted, * E. 11. HUGH ES" - CilAS. H. ACIvMAN" •'-'•••-. • •' D. M. WRIGHT 1 '- v'- C^ M. PALMER :'>1V V.-- E. BROWN ' ^ -The Prisoner's Report"* for the ye«r ending Dec. 31st., -1931' was presented and read to tlie Roard which -Was on

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