Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Apr 1932, p. 3

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xv , "W: •Viv .3. *;-V Ik" .f PLAUfDKALim, THURSDAY, APRIL 2S, 1932 ." • v * > HMU •f-,"" 'ST - » r ^"'"J 'v :i: sunntood Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs, Win. McCannon and Mrs. Nick Adams were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Mr. «nd Mrs. Edward Thompson of Chicago spent Wednesday until Thursday morning with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mrs. Ed Thompson and daughter^ Grace Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Ward Thompson, Jr., were Elgin visitors Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs" G. E. Shepard and family visited relatives at McHenry Friday evening. Mrs. G. E. Shepaxd entertained the Banco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. George Shepard- Luncheon was served. tin. Bd Ft* and dancfcten, Dorothy, Edna and laaQfe, were visiters at Wiukflgim, Saturday. Mr. and Ml*. Clark Huson and Mrs. E. L. Peck and children of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Thursday evening in the Ford Jackson home. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison and family, Mrs; Walter Harrison and son, Earl, and Alice and Marion Peet attended the 4^H convention at Harvard Saturday. The Ladies' Aid society will hold1 an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs; George Sheprfrd Friday, April 29. A pot-luck dinnef will be served. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bopp of Evanston, Mrs. R. Wilmore of Denver, Mr*. Lewis Schroeder entertained, Colo., Misses Sabina Hue, tt_e ,a n.d.. Julia. the Scotch Bridge club at her home Donahue of Chicago and Ed. Vincent Wednesday afternoon. Friies were1 of Woodstock spent Sunday in the awarded to Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Ben J Marjorie Whiting. Luncheon was served. Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Ray Peter# spent Friday morning in Woodstock... . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon and Esther Lawrence attended the spelling contest at Woodstock Saturday. Esther Lewrence represented Ringwood school. « There will be a milk meeting at the M. W. A. hall Friday evening, April 29- All members are urged to be present as there will be a new contract to be signed. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgern and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webpr and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family were callers at McHenry Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lund and daughter of Delavan, Wis., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Frederickson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart and family of McHenry spent Sunday evening in the George Young home- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hughes of Woodstock were callers in the William McCannon home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and family and Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock were callers in the Edgar Thomas home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and son, Mr. and Mrs- Clifton Byrd and Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Elgin were Sunday guests in the William McCannon home. Mrs. Munshaw remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Ed Thompson and children spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son and Walter Low were callers in Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Butler and family spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston and Glenn Treon of TJhjcago spent Friday night and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. George Peters of Chicago spent Sunday night in the home of his brother, Ray Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and family were Sunday dinner guests in the E. E. Carr home at Richmond- ORDINANCE CONCERNING IBEX •4 ta aay jtoe* wtwrs mftk is pTO- "doced, handled or sold; Milk and milk derivktiw which have bepn exposed to contagion or which is abspected , of having 'been so exposed, shall not be shipped into or sold in the city of McHenry, unless the consent of the Board of Health or other legally qualified authority has been secured. (d) - Certified milk is hereby defined as milk produced under special requirements and conforming to special standards known as "Standards for Certified Milk. Section 8--Pasteurisation is hereby Miss Virginia WelteiHind Mrs: Ben Justen were visitors at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W- Smith spent Sunday afternoon in the Ed. Turner home near Spring Grove . ® ' Fred Wiedrich and son, Fred, Jr., spent Monday in Chicago. Roy Wiedrich spent Sunday afternoon in Genoa City. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Thelen of McHenry spent Thursday evening at Nick Freund's. Betty Lou Bokemeier of Woodstock spent th© week-end with Shirley Hawley. Mir. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Harvard spent Wednesday evening with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W- Smith. Roy Wiedrich^ and Frank Krohn were callers at Woodstock Sunday, morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. 0. Allan and Mrs. Myrtle Griffin and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and Mrs. Arthur Merrell spent Wednesday at Janesville. Mary McAndresra of Chicago spent Saturday afternoon in the Lewis Schroder home. Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Fred and Frank Wiedrich spent Saturday afternoon in Richmond. Fred Wiedrich and son Frank, and Frank Wiedrich attended the funeral of their uncle George Huber at Highland Park, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hitchens attended the theatre at Woodstock, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wiesendean and children of Milwaukee spent Sunday in the Clarence Dates home. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Tottee of Chicago spent Sunday in the M. L. Welter home. Mina and Esther Laurence, Mike Sharfdelmeier and Mr. Buss visited Helen Laurence at Libertyville Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs- L. E. Hawley and family spent Sunday afternoon in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brockman and son Bobbie of Racine, Wis. spent Sun. day in the J. V. Buckland home. John Thompson of Chicago spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and lGTfs. Edward Thompson. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the (Sty of McHenry:-- Section 1 - No person or corporation shall engage in the sale, delivery or distribution of fluid milk at retail within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, without/irst securing a license so to do; such license shall not be required of any person who produces, sells or delivers fluid "milk to any person, firm, partnership or corporation licensed hereunder that prepares and sells such milk at retail in accordance with the provisions of this J Ordinance, as hereafter provided. For defined as a process by which milk is the purpose of this Ordinance, the heated to a temperature of 142 de word "person" shall mean individual. Rrees to 146 degrees Fahrenheit and firm, partnership or corporation.! beld at this temperature /or a period "Milk" shall include skimmed milk, not less than thirty (30) minutes, sour milk, buttermilk and cream. This Pasteurized milk shall be promptly Ordinance shall be construed as cooled to a temperature of fifty (50) applying severally to the different de*1*** Fahrenheit or below, and classes of persons licensed hereunder.! shall be held at or below, sixty (60) The fact that any section or part of a' degrees Fahrenheit until delivered to section of this Ordinance shall be de- the consumer. clared invalid shall not be held to in-1 There shall be attached to each validate any other portion of this ^ milk pasteurizing machine, an auto- Ordinance. jmatic recording device by which the Section 2 - Persons or corporations temperature of the milk and the desiring to engage in such business length of time heated shall be rewithin the Corporate limits of the corded upon a chart. These charts City of McHenry, shall make written shall be available for inspection by application to the Board of Health of the Health Officer. SOME REAL VALUES Santa Clara Prunes t&l pound $c 2|£b- $i.j| Campbell's Tomato Soup «, I %°s z 25c MANNING'S ,, -- Bread and Butter Pickled . . 2 35c FEEST FOODS MAYONNAISE, 1000 ISLAND DRESSING OR itelish Spread . . 2 JATsT29e " roadcast Corned Beet Hash . a v y B e a n s . . . . . . . . Blue Rose Rice . . . - .. Karo Blue Label Syrup . Sunnybeld Rolled Oats . . . Seedless Raisins . * . .s .• * Banner Brand Dill Pickles . OR WHITE; • • • Evaporated Pe&clies . . P&G White Naphtha Soap Fair Sex Toilet Soap . Lux Flakes . . , * . > L u x T o i l e t S o a p . * • * ; JSeminole Tissue • . • O. S» . . • • Salted Peanuts, lb. Pig Jumbles Cookies, lb. ; Ginger Snaps, lb. 1 Golden Bantam Corn, No. 2 can SUGAR--100 lbs. Cane . „ , . 10 lb. Cloth Bag PINT JAR 16-OZ. TIN LBS. LB. 3-LB. CAN 86-OZ. PKG. 4-LB. BAG JXRS 54. B. BAG LB. 10 28c 21c 25c 5c 29c 15c 33c 25C 14c 15c BARS 26c 3 CAKES 10C LGE 2te PKG. J CAKES 20C 3 ROLLS 19C 2 8-PAD OCW* PKGS. 1W. .15# 10# 3 for 25# ~ $4.35 44# fSUNNYFIELD FLOUR-- 24-lb. bag 44^ 49-lb. ba<r GOLD MEDAL OR PILLSBURY FLOUR-- ' 24-lb. bag 65^ 49-lb. bag $1.24 ^Quaker Maid Bean, 16 02. cans 0 for 25# ^Quaker Maid Catsup, 14 02. bottie 10^ ^Wisconsin Potatoes 98 lb. bag 98# Daily Egg Scratch Feed, 100-lb. bag'$1.2$ store now open on Sunday Mimingat THE GREAT ATLANTIC ft PACIFIC TEA CO Middle Western Division botHM or contaiaert, M tooa'M filbd and capped, fkall be plainly marked with the day of thi: week, when filled and no recapping allowed on any such bottle or container and no change of day marking after the original capping. Section 13--When it appears that this Ordinance has been violated the Board of Health or other legally qualified authority shall cause notice of -such fact to be given to the party or parties concerned, the party or parties so notified shall be given an opportunity to be heard; notice shall specify the date, hour and place of the hearing; the hearing shall be private. If after such hearing, the Board of Health or other legally qualified nuthority shall believe this Ordinance has been violated, the Board of Health or other authority shall cause the party or parties concerned to be prosecuted. Section 14--For the purpoee of providing for the enforcement of this Or. dinance and providing for inspection of dairies and pasteurizing plants as provided in said Ordinance, the Inspector or Health officer of the City of McHenry, shall not be required to inspect any dairy or pasteurizing plant or other milk plant which is located more than twenty-five (25) miles from the city of McHenry, and the chairman of the Board of Health Utitki AwudatliM To braild men with infamy and let them free Is an absurdity that peoples our |oreg& wlUi assassins.--Dldeafe, - • ^•>7 ~ •..>«< i • ... . • : -Ai JA Tr«T*l*iv ,/ Y • Children ^re travelers newiy arrived In a strange country; we should therefore make conscience not to them.--Locket Uaflattorh| An edncator eetimatf* ttet ene pent ton la five Hi tbe Ualte* glatea ta ftp below the arerage la lntellifwjc®. •••"fa- Caaal V The Babylonian king Hammaran* has been called the "father of canals* because be ballt so many la Us klag^ dom. ' ^ the City of McHenry, requesting that j All pasteurized niilk shall be plain a license issue to them. The Board of ly marked on &ach bottle or other con. or the Inspector commissioned by the Health of the City of McHenry shall tainer, with the word "pasteurized", j Cit7 of McHenry, shall have the right have the power to issue such license in connection with the word "milk", upon satisfactory proof that the ap-. "cream", "buttermilk", or "skimmed plicant is entitled to same. The an- milk", as the case may be, plainly nual fee for the various licenses for stamped or written on the cap or conengaging in the business of the sale, tainer. delivery and distribution of milk, shall i Section 9--No milk shall be sold in be as follows: ~ 'the City of McHenry, which has not (*)---All persons or corporations been pasteurized according to section engaged in the Wholesale sale and eight (8) distribution of milk, within the cor- SUch milk be certified milk, conform- •porate limits of the city of Mc- ;ng to special standards known as Henry, shall pay an annual license "Standards for certified milk." of Forty ($40.00) Dollars, payable on the first day of May of each year, and (b)--In addition thereto,- each person operating a milk wagon or truck milk, shall pay a license of Five to refuse to permit the sale of any milk or milk products within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, which has not been subjected to his inspection. Whoever shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punished; by is fine of not less than of this Ordinance, unless F- ive Doll.a, rs ($5.00;) . for -the first of- fense or the revocation of his license for not less than thirty (30) days, and for second offense, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) or the revocation of his license. Section 15--All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall Pasteurized milk shall have a bacterial count of not more than 1,000,000 bacteria before pasteurizat i o n a n d n o t m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 b a c t e r - _ _ _ _ _ _ used in the" distribution1 of 1* fu1" CUb,° cent,me j ter w'^en delivered j be and the same are hereby repealed. to the consumer, and shall remain in a j Section 16--This Ordinance shall be aav * ». sweet condition for forty-eight (48) » temperature It Mty (60) degrees Fahrenheit. No milk shall be sold that has more other vehicle used in the distribution and sale of milk, said license to be payable on the first day of May of each year. (c)--All persons or corporations engaged in the retail sale and distribution of milk within the corporate limits of the City of McHenry, shall pay an annual license of Five Dollars ($5.00) payable on the first until ®fter the bottles have been sub than a perceptible amount of sediment or stain other than that «f natural butter fat when one pint is run through a cotton disc one inch in diameter. No milk shall be placed in bottles day of May of each year. jected to boiling water or live steam Section 3 - The Board of Health is or ot^er approved methods sufficient hereby invested with the power to make rules and regulations regarding the application for licenses, the issuto destroy pathogenic bacteria. Section 10--Any person or corporation licensed under this Ordinance ances and revocation thereof, where* who receives from any other person, ever these rules and regulations of this any fresh milk in cans, bottles, or Ordinance may be violated, and to other containers, shall cause the same make suitable regulations governing to be emptied before the said milk consanitary conditions tinder which the tained therein shall become sCur, and milk is produced, transported, stored shall cause the said cam, bottles or in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication, according to law. JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor. Attest: PETER A- NEISS, City' Oiic Passed: April 4th. 1932. Approved: April 4th, 193& Published: April 28th, 1932. ' Italian Delicacy Chipolata Is an Italian creation, hatf sauce and half stew, made of carrots, turnips, chestnuts, onion, sausage, mushrooms, artichokes, celery and strong veal gravy. U Th« Ancient Ik well," said Hi Ho, tlie mge of Chinatown, "to restrain our admiration of 'what Is ancient. In an old quarrel there Is neither dignity nor and handled. The Health Officer or other containers to be immediately! ac^antaSe- --Washington Star. Health Commissioner or other repre- washed and thoroughly cleansed and sentative of the Board of Health, aired. shall have authority to enter at all When a communicable disease apreasortable hours and inspect all pears on premises where milk is proplaces where milk is kept, transported duced, handled, or sold, the sale, exor produced. | chaijge, removal or distribution in any Section 4 - Milk is the whole, fresh, manner whatsoever, of milk, cream or clean lacteal secretion obtained by the milk products , found, produced or complete milking of one or more handled on such premises is strictly healthy cows, properly fed and kept, prohibited until quarantine has been excluding that obtained within /ifteen terminated and the premises and con- (15) days before and five (5) days tents thereof, including all milk utenafter calving or such longer period as sils have been disenfected under the may be necessary to render the milk supervision of the local health authorpractically colostrum free, and shall ity> provided that in the event of a conform to the State. Dairy Law in re- communicable disease occuring on a gard to milk fats and solids, not fat. dairy farm the local health authority All skimmed milk, buttermilk and or the Illinois Department of Public cream shall conform to the standards Health may grant permission for the fixed in the State Dafry Law. j removal of the dairy cattle to other It phall be unlawful under, this Or- premises. When milch cows are so dinance, for anyone to sell, offer for removed they may be milked and the sale or have in his possession, with in- products may be sold, provided, that tent to sell, any milk not conforming neither persons nor utensils from the to such standards. i quarantined premises are employed Section 5 - No milk, except skimmed in the milking or in the handling of milk, buttermilk or sour milk, shall be the milk. 1 | peddled or sold at retail in quantise* ' Milk may bet delivered at quarani less than one gallon, except in coti- .tined premises, provided that there is jtainers bearing the true name of the no contact of any kind between ini article, the name and address of the mates and contents of the quarantined J producer, or dealec or distributor and premises, and the delivery agent. I the net volume of the contents, in Where premises arfe quarantined, the , accordance with the Illinois Dairy and householder shall place a thoroughly | Food Law. : clean container (a freshly scalded botj No person or corporaton shall sell tie or pail) to receive the milk at | milk in any bottle or container other some convenient place outside the than those bearing the seller's name house out of reach of dogs and cats. or to which he has acquired title as The milkman shall then place the milk Illinois. Dairy and therein without handling the receiving container. No milk bottles, bask- POE & BENNETT Dwbe and Ptymoolh :.;y - DEAL II Free Wheeling---Floating Powisr s Automatic Clutch ;• ; fit ' ' 'i? % McHenry and Woodstock Phoac3ii n«« 588 McHenry--Noonan's Garage--Oil U; S. 12 and III. Routes 20 and 61, near McHenry Ball Park, Allan Noonan, Mechanic,- • Woodstock~'Goodrow,s Garage for Dodge and Plymouth Servic^ Karl Bradley, Mechanic. . :v. •. . V | DR. C. KELLER Optometrist and Optician If your old father or mother or an invalid, who needs a good pair of glasses and is unable to come to my office, I will examine them in your own home. My office hours in McHenry are Sunday and Monday of each week, at my summer home. Entrance is across from Joe Frett's home on Riverside Drive. Make date by Phone--McHenry 211-R. GET THIS RIGHT, CASEY -103,500 MILES W: ; required by the Food Law. Section 6 „ It shall be unlawful to et or other article whatsoever, shall sell any milk containing any artificial be taken out of or away from any ; color preservative or to which water premises under quarantine- Before | or any foreign substance has been milk bottles are removed from' the added or which has been handled or premises after quarantine is raised, I transported in unclean or unsanitary they must be sterilized by boiling unj vessels or containers. , der the direction of the local health Section 7 - AH fluid milk sold, authority. offered for sale, exposed for sale or1 Section 11--All buildings, rooms, kept for sale, or distribution to the basements, enclosures, or premises consumer in the City of McHenry occupied, used or maintained as a shall be derived from bovine animals, dairy or milk depot, or any place proven healthy by veterinarian exam- where milk is bottled, handled or sold ination and free from tuberculosis, shall be properly and adequately and that have been subjected to, and lighted, drained, plumbed and ventipassed a negative tuberculn test, lated, and shall be conducted with within the preceeding six (6) months,: strict regard to the influence of such and all such animals shall be and condition upon the health of the opershall remain under federal and state atives, employees, clerks or other persupervision. Such milk shall not con-j 8003 therein employed, and the purity tain more than 100,000 bacteria per f1*1 wholesomeness of the milk therecubic centimeter, nor any pathogenic.'0 produced, prepared, manufactured, bacteria, and shall be produced under packed, stored, or distributed. No the following conditions: - I such place shall employ any operative, (a)--All persons living on farms clerk or other employee who has a where such milk is produced or em- {communicable disease or who is a ployeTl thereon, and all persons, "carrier" of such disease. Persons handling or in contact with the milk who bave previously had typhoid or in dairies or other places, shall paratyphoid fever, must show to the be free from contagious or infectious , satisfaction of the health authorities diseases, and shall not have been ex- i that they are not carriers of typhoid posed to any person having a con-,°r paratyphoid bacilli. tqgious disease. • Section 12--Any person or corpar- (b) - No person who Is a typhoid, (ation who shall engage in the wholeparatyphoid, diphtheria or *' septic or retail milk business shall have sore throat carrier shall be employ- J each and every vehicle from which ed in the producton of or handling milk is vended, conspicuously marked of such milk. I with the name ami address of the (c) - It shall be the duty of every vendor on both sides of the vehicle, person, firm or corporation with the an<l shall have attached to the vehicle, knowledge of the facts to notify the the license tag issued for that pur- Board of Health or other legally pose, 4>y the Board of Health. ' qualified authorities at once by All vehicles in which milk is traastelephone or otherwise, of occurrence of any sickness in bejlone in An Interview by ROBERT J.CASW Chicago Daily News Reporter, Carrol Edfiren, insumuce man of 230 Earl Si., St. Paul--tell* Camy how to drive 103,500 mil** with * mumor repair bill*. CARROL EDCREN, Insurance A man, stood beside his Ponparked in front of his St* Ipaul home, to add 40,500 and v 63,000 and note that they V totaled 103,500. ; "That's not the censos of the Twin Cities," he said as he displayed the result to the inquit* Ing reporter. "It's my mileage on Iso-Vis Motor Oil.... And I'll bet the cars in last year** -1- foad testa never came anyw where near that figure." "It's all Iso-Vis mileage?" demanded the reporter, s - Mr. Edgren nodded. _ ~ "All of it," he stated wltli gome emphasis. "The 40,500 , luiles is on the speedometer of /i%.|he Ponliac right here. Th|| . othwr the total oi my other Pontine when I tamed it in. I figure I've covered the entire 103,500 miles in a little more than four years.** "And what was the performance of the can in all that driving?** Td tell you in a minute if it wasn*t A-l. Bat my upkeep bills have been so low that I'm almost ashamed to sell insurance to a mechanic. "I started to use Iso-Vis the first day it was put on the market in St. Paul. My friend at die filling station gave me a •ales talk ou it and I took it for what it was worth. Then my repair bills began to gtae mm: a sales talk and I*ve stuck to it ever since. You eaa quote me on that if you want to. And get the total Hght-- 103^00 miles.* • * • * Mr. Edgren a 103,500 troublla> free miles prove again what Iso-Vis has demonstrated w laboratory tests and in A..-LA. tests on die Indianapolis Speedway-- Positive Lubrication Protection. tst>J'is(a$Uindard (HI product) trill not thin osti from dilution. See the Ba& and Bottle Test at Standard Oil stations and dealers* •v^j * 'im the ported must be kept in a cle an and* any sanitary condition and no bottling .V C0olarln* tin Ja tmSnmd MV procMt--it mn *fficMa<7 which >a txc--dmd only by Th* prio* i* 3So m quart. ST A N D A R D O I L O M f W F'.-: V •V.ty'-Y'k- 'ft- N Y ISO-VIS cMoforXth

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