Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1932, p. 4

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-S^ "WNf *,. ?« 1 'v . • a ~ « w • » • / • * < * - v r * ^ f r •1* ^ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER y:^:;: „ %sir *****, f „ rww< * "JifiUJJU SOT&4M8 PuMtafced every Thursday at McHenry, I1L, by Charles F. Entered u second-class matur at the pwtoflM «t Mcfl»al|, DL, un- '.. '-,X. v^iff the aet <tf May S, 187». V ' '% " *'\ «x Months OS.O0 .41.00 A- H. KOSHER, Editor and Hut|W ffa For the Rock Garde* The, best rock garden shrubs are found amongst the evergreens. Junl- Pperus horizontalls and sablna are good, t h e M u g h o o r D w a r f M o u n t a i n Tpie ;»nd the Dwarf Thuyas mty fe Included. The Retinosporas are parties' 4 plarly fine for rook planting, as Is , also the Japanese Yew, taxis cuspi- \data. These of^he dwarfer type are ' ;:§M»iparticularly useful for slopes of the • \ , garden of the larger type. Uv ; mmtmm --• • "' •••••• lllllli'llll . ]y. j "••• ' "•'••'••• "Fre« GoW* All gold in the treasury belongs to , ,*• ,;:V"»the United States, That referred to "tree gold" is the, metal which has been specifically set aside at re- ' serve against currency. For example; • \ y . |'- 'for every $10 gold certificate In clrcd- 'J" .• f. *' latloii there must be $10 in actual gold ^'v ; Aa|/ aside. This "free gold" is gold not l\* ,,'j >}] yet called for this purpose, and is fre« ryij" t ' , to be used as backing for paper money. •• • ' : . . . ' . . . Kf - - ; . K* [<. ' f . Hor« is Biblical Tim«« ' f ' t I t b f o r t h e p u r p o s e s o f w a r t h a t t h e 1 " ,horse figures rather largely In the |^?5 ' Bible. Apparently the work horse had * not superseded oxen for farm labor in L'*' \ Old Testament days, nor taken the • ' *1 place of camel and ass as a burden ^ ! bearer. ILLBI THEATRE -^voorx'TOCK lUr' "5r *h iWoodstock'sBeautifulPlayHoust FRIDAY SATURDAY "Tarzao The Ape Mia" Comedy--News m: •••<! '• SUNDAY -- MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 "The Sky Bride" with Richard Arlen Jack Oakie Comedy - News - Sports ^ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY "The Cohens and Kellys ia Hollywood" with George Sidney Charles Murray Comedy and News: THURSDAY ONLY On the Stage From WLS, Chicago 'The Arkansas Woodchopper" On the Screen v , "Michael and Mary"- SURVEY BARES NEED OF MOUTH HYGIENE Showt Children With G<S»d Teeth Do Better Work. New York.--Need for mouth hygiene and the benefits to both the^indlvldual and the public derived from good teeth were graphically illustrated in a survey completed by the American Dental association. The surrey, under the direction of Dr. Alfred Walker, chairman of the association's educational publicity committee, covered more than a dozen towns and cities at widespread points oyer the nation. "prevalence of decayed teeth and the accompanying handicaps to children is today appalling," Dr. Walker stated in summing up the facts. "Estimates of the percentage of children needing dental attention range from 75 to 98 per cent But these facts are completely overshadowed by proofs found of benefits accruing to children and taxpayers from thorough dental hygiene." Survey Qovers Country. The survey included statistics from Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Ga.; Cambridge, Mass.; Athens, Ga.; Toronto, Canada; Bridgeport, Conn.; Cleveland, Ohio; Eau Claire, Wis.; White Plains, N. T.; Lake Forest, 111., and Shamokin, Pa., all places where intensive dental research has been going on for some time. Estimates of the number of children needing dental work ranged as high as 98 per cent. Authorities in Chicago stated that dental defects among school children cost the taxpayer more than $750,000 annually to educate repeaters who filled because teeth were bad. Ninety-six per cent of the children examined in Chicago had defective teeth, 92 py'cent in Cleveland, and 98 per cenr In White Plains, N. Y. . i Dr. Luther H. Gulick of New York city reported that of 40,000 children examined, those with two or more bad teeth averaged five months behind their proper grade. In Shamokin, Pa., more than a third of the children did not own a toothbrush, and only 155 out of 3,230 had dean teeth. Aids School Child. Outstanding example of how dental health education aids the school child to progress were also found, however, Doctor Walker reports. One of the best was in Atlanta, Ga., where a steady campaign has brought amazing results. The campaign, under the direction of Superintendent of Schools Willis A. Sutton, began in 1924. In one school where dental Instruction and care were installed 1,200 school days were saved in a year's time. At the end of five years every child in all the public schools of Atlanta was 400 per cent dentally perfect. Before the system was installed 32 per cent of the children failed to pass their grades. In a year° the percentage was down to eight Want Ad s FOR BENT FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms for ligfrthousekeepinj. Phone McHenry 143-M. 48-tf FOR SALE FOR SALE--Special low prices on new 1932 Majestic Refrigerators are in effect now. Before you choose a refrigerator be sure to, see these. Carey Electric Slj^p. Phone 261. 61-tf FOUND FOUND--Pair of lady's gloves. Owner can haVe same by proving property and paying for this ad. P. J. Cleary. *62 POTATOES--Fed Riv«r Early Ohio Seed Potatoes, No. 1. These potatoes are not cold storage, kept all winter at my home. We also have Irish Cob' bier Seed and Eating Potatoes at a reasonable price. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Phone 92-J. .• ». •. 47-tf WANTED WANTED--Girl for general housework at Bickler'e McHenry House, Call McHenry 18. 52 WANTED--Farmers to take my P.BCollie dogs. Satisfactory terms. Mrs. EL Bauman, Hebron, Hi., or Abbey Kennels, 6223 Higgins Rd^ Chicago, HI. ^ *52 - -f t 'ti. Vh'" • i lilatimcdjijmd Baumin\ for Decoration Three Big Bargain Days to help you enjoy a good holiday! week-end at National's money-saving prices. Shop early thj| week-end at your National and get ready for o great holiday. Evap. Milk Cheese Spaghetti Pet, Borden's or Carnation Mild American, Round or Brick Cream W-«. 1 can* ?:5* 15c Amer. Home 25c Prepared CARROTS--Fresh California ...25 bunches 9^ PEAS--Fresh, green California;. ...2 lbs. 17^ BANANAS lbs. 13^ Philadelphia 3 J Cream Cheese Kraft's cir. Chicken t King College Inn FREE! Sawyer's 1-lb. pkg. Mother Gooee Cookies 21c 2^; 25c 32c 1 tlsqulck to kief Fee with each pvrch«M ot 32€^ Kosto • • 4pk»..25c Chocolate, Lemon or Vanillin CandyRarsS'or 14c Crackerjack or OvM OHv-ilO * 4«*«25C loth room Soap Pearly Nectar bom. otto* Nectar with each pvrchat* of 6 botttM of i Home Beverage*. 5c depotit AMERICAN HOME--Extra Dry Palo or GoWea Ginger Alt RootBeer Pearly Nectar SodaL m*lemon S•Mt8oHnUiRir'™lr picnidce buHocoeuiat free I i. bottie of Pearly Xttetof A wiiIlui|IM| M Iroe boMo. I or Orang* 24-oz. • St bottie l^lc:::::: fo bottles 60c tPweFnM Preserves Sirowberry.Baspberry.tlackberrv, u Chippppeedd CChheerrrryy,. PPeeaacchh,. PPlluumm,. Pineapple, Apricot, looenberry. Nectar er Oran«e Marmatad* |or 15c 49TOBE OPEN SUNDAY MORNING AND MONDAY UNTIL NOON JL W. Kmg, Mgr. Green and Elm Streets NATIONAL1-" FOOD STORES WANTED--Watches and clocks for repair. Expert repair man with 30 years' experience in the testing room of Elgin Watch factory, at Nye Jewelry and Music Shop. 50-tf MISCELLANEOUS UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 52-tf WILL TRADE clear brick veneer 2- flat building in good condition on North Shore for 80 to 120-acre farm. State all particulars, milk, electricity, mortgage. Will deal with owner only. Write Box A, care McHenry Plaindealer. *51-2 LIVE STOCK HAULING AND FURNITURE MOVING to and from Chicago. Reasonable rates. Call McHenry 608-M-l, reverse charges. Martin Roesslein, R-2, McHenry. 50-4 EXCHANGE for 100 to 120-acre farm, three-story brick building, 3 6-room flats and 4 rooms and garage in rear, in Lincoln Park district. See Jac Fritz, 846 Center St., Chicago.. 60-4 RIDE HORSEBACK -- At Smith's Farm, near Ringwood. Five-gaited horses. Instructions given by appointment. Miss Bernice Smith, Instructor. Phone Richmond 933. *60-4 Bstticelli'c Grave MeitiM Botticelli's grave, In the yard of All Saints' church In Florence, Italy, was Identified after a search of many years. He died in 1510. GET PAID WEEKLY--Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery. No delivering or collecting. Healthy work with good pay in a business of your own. Stock Northern grown, with liberal guarantee. Company established over 30 years. Write McKay Nursery Company, Madison, Wisconsin. 49-4 RADIO REPAIRING--Let us look over your radio and put it in first clasB working order. Prices reasonable. Vina nt Wirfs. Phone 68-J. 48-tf ITEMS OFJNlfREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS 07 OUR EXCHANGES Jdhn Yotuig has bought from the State Bank of Woodstock, a farm of 52 acres Oh the Woodstock-McHenry road. lite 23 persons who have been residing at Heaven City, a farm near Harvard, have been ejected on account of being unable to meet obligations on the farm. They are renting a farm nearby. * The hard surface road along the south shore of the lake, at Crystal Lake, built a few years ago by voluntary assessments but which more recently haa becoma in poor condition, has been taken over by the county and made a county road. Caryle Jean Johnson, 18 month'old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson, of DesPlaines, died last Monday as the result of burns received when she was scalded by a cup of hot coffee which she overturned upon herself as she i^ached for it upon the stove. Funds received frcra the sale of the old Free Methodist church property at Crystal Lake iast year are being used to provide a new colonial style parsonage for the church at Woodstock. The house will contain seven rooms with all modern conveniences. There will also be a garage- 0 An accident occurred last Saturday morning when the iron trap door in front of the window of the Stokes Dry Goods store at Marengo, on which Evelyn Bartelt, daughter of Mrs. Carrie Bartelt, was standing, gave way and precipitated here eleven feet below the sidewalk. She was gazing in the window when the hinges on the door gave way. Arthur Kreuger, former Harvard police officer and deputy sheriff will receive $2,800 for the loss of his left eye which was destroyed when a tear gas gun exploded in his hand in the fall of 19S0. The city of Harvard carried liability insurance on its employes. It was decided that Kreuger was injured in the line of duty and entitled to compensation. Examination of motor numbers etc., by state police officer Phil Guinto, of McHenry who centers his operations from Dee Plaines revealed Harry Schroeder, 4047 Kenmore, as the innocent purchaser of a car stolen ten months ago. According to Guinto. who picked up this car, 'on suspicion,' at Rand and River, Schroeder purchased the car from a E. Lawson, unlocatedt Train No. 616, which passes Woodstock going east at 7:56 p. m. daily, killed two children at Brooklyn, south of Madison, Wis., Wednesday after^ noon of last week. The train hit a school bus, killing two children outright and three others were sent to a hospital with serious injuries. This is the same ttain, but a different crew which hit the automobile dr^en by John Boyee. at Woodstock the night before. At the . 1Mb 9vH« S Topeka, Kan.--Kirk lfeeham, secretary of the Kansas State Historical society, Is in « dilemma. He wants to build a sod house and doesn't know how. The history books s«y that the Kansas prairies were 'dotted with sod houses and that thousands of early-day Kansans lived in them. Mschem, whose job calls for much familiarity with the history books, decided to build a sod house in the state museum. But now he can't find anyone who knows what the buildings were like. f Other states have log houses, stone houses, and other types of pioneer structures in their state museums, but Kansas wants one of the typical "soddles." But how to build one Is the question. How thick were the walls and of what were the roofs made? What kinds of windows and doors did the soddies have, and were the rooms plastered inside? What kind of grass makes the best sod and what tlme ef year should the sod be cut? Mix Plftltonalities in C«Ne«e WW« Wh» Quiz Kslamasoo, Mich.--Students of Kalamazoo college apparently are intensely interested in their scholastic activities and devote little attention to news of the day, a questionnaire reveals. Among replies given a "Who's who" questionnaire were: Jimmy Walker Is governor of New Tort- Franklin D. Roosevelt Is governor of the Philippine islands. Andrew Mellon is secretary ot the interior. Charles O. Dawes was described as being the present "foreign minister" of France and also the present Vice President of the United States. • New Weapon Combines Arrows and Bullets Oakland, Calif.--A weapon combining die features or arrows and bullets was Invented recently by Dean Morrison, Oakland artist and archer. His arrows, on which he has sought a patent, are equipped with explosive tips which, he says, will kill whatever game they strike. The arrows may be refitted with tips after once used. Boston Man Keeps Faiths With City's Directory Boston.--The Boston city directory of 1931, through a typographical error, listed Superior Judge Charles Henry Donahue as a Supreme court justice. The directory seems to have been prophetic, for Judge Donahue was elevated to the Supreme court bench. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE F r«rienced in planting and caring for ! awns, shmbs and flowers, Rock Ga, .en work and gardening. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Call Floyd E. Wilmington. Woodstock 396-R. Reverse charges- *47-6 BEFORE YOU BUY--see our Bargain Shoe Counter. Expert shoe and sewing machine repairing. Popp's Shoe Store. West McHenry. Phone 162. 46tf Famous English Bridge Is Auctioned Each Year Boroughbridge, England. -- The rights of the last remaining toll bridge in Somerset have been sold by auction, at a record pTice, while sand was running through an hour glass. This quaint auction occurs every year and the highest bidder holds the right, for one year, of levying tolls on all vehicles crossing the bridge spanning the River Parrett, at Boroughbridge, on cthe main road between Taunton and Glastonbury. The bridge was built in 1821 and is close to the spot where King Alfred is said to have burned the cakes in the shepherd's hut. The auction is conducted under special act of parliament passed when the bridge was built. The rights include the use of a pretty Ivy-colored cottage for the tollkeeper. When the auction begins, a sand glass is set working and the highest bidder, when the sand has run through the glass three times, becomes the owner of the bridge, the toll gate and the cottage for one year. The annual increase in the number of motor vehicles using the bridge has served to boost the bidding at the last few auctions, and the successful bidder at the recent sale, Charles Miller, a farmer, paid the record price for the rights. This was $1,100 more than the price last year. Aa Wo Should Dmir* Let us remember those that want necessaries as we ourselves should have desired to be remembered had it been our sad lot to subsist on ether lu&'s charity.--Atterbury. , ,* At Valladolid, Spain, is a national monument to Christopher Col which is considered one of tbe works of art In that country. regular meeting of the Richmond Community Club Tuesday evening, of last week Charl4 Kruse stated that the Gold Medal«!Products Company of North Chicago had about completed negotiations with E. G. Shinner of the Shinner Packing Company for the lease of the Shinner building here for the manufacture of their products which includes makimy wood finislfng waxes for floors, autos, etc., and polishes, making putty pack filler. A large real estate deal, which .may forecast the return of normal times in that field, was closed last week whereby George Maier, Chicago meat packer, became the owner of the Ardelou Estate Farms near Wauconda. Mr. Maier purchased the property from Harry Binks'for a cash consideration which was not given out. Mr. Maier, who expects to make this his permanent estate, has changed the name of the property to the Golden Oa^c farm. M. L. TwOmley of La Grange has bought the Frank M. Gaulke farm of 238 acres, 70 high grade dairy cows with a 20,000 lb. base, 30 brood sows, 8 work horses, full equipment of farm machinery, 100 tons of hay, 1500 bushels of barley, 1200 bushels of oats, full and complete set of farm buildings, near Wonder Lake. Robt. J. Sample, one of Chicago's well known electrical contractors has bought 112 acres, cattle, base, etc., 2% miles southeast of Woodstock, from F. J. Green. Leo Carvis of Druce Lake was crashed to death last Thursday in Chicago, by a falling wall of a building as he was walkirg by. A woman was attempting to commit suicide in the house and had turned on the gas, which was ignited by the pilot burner, causing an explosion which wrecked the building and Mr Carvis was caught beneath the falling wall as he was walking by. Mrs. Anna Hokemeyer of Diamond Lake, narrowly escaped a horrible death last week Wednesday, when combs she had put in her hair caught fire. Mrs. Hokemeyer had washed her hair and put in combs to hold it in place, and in trying to hasten the process of drying, was holding her head near the lighted oven of her gas stove when the combs became ignited. All the hair was burned from her scalp, and her hands ,arms and chest are also seriously scorched. Two Chicago women sustained painT ful scalp and hand wounds at 7:30 o'clock last Friday when their car was forced from the road and crashed headlong into a tree on the Rand road west of Lake Zurich. A physician treated injuries of the two women at his office where they were rushed following the accident. He stated that while the scalp wounds were quite serious, there was little danger of any developments that might endanger the life of either accident victim. The other car which caused the accident, continu% oi the driver was unknown. Three boys, Charles PhaJen of near Sycamore, Charles Campbell, 20, of Sycamore, and Clifford Campbell, 19, Route 20, near Sycamore, were apprehended at Marengo last Thursday morning at 3:80 o'clock* by Chief of Police Henry Nulle and after questioning confessed to the robbing of the Sycamore Grain Elevator company on Wednesday night. The loot, two typewriters, one automobile battery and several cans of varnish were in the ramble seat of the Ford coupe. ^Tefc Pr#*ictie» plants or hushfn eight days, there being from 90 to «t pluckfngs in a season. ^ PERMANENT WAVING Extra Values at Low Prices $4.00 £5.00 ; $6.50 $7.50 All waves inetede one Shampoo and Fingerwave. Genuine supplies used and entire head Wound, regardless of prilfca^ COMING SOON ^ Machine less Permanent , Wave 4, ^ • ; 1 . . Ko Machine i jfo Electricity - Make Appointment Now •, r t t i o B E A t m r -* " Mrs. With Justen v RINGWOOD, / Phone Richmond 931. , BOtlRJOIS offers FREE! ' Perfume »aL ISI " MACE POWDER? r \ #•>?* Both to? fhe price of the powder Thomas F. Bolget^ "The McHenry Dragcfat** K m iGf n%gl"ilhf? h?s tffl °* yy*eoorwf ,£5T* \C9 '•?<? -Zm VV T Once a year we remember those who remembered us and pur happiness in the greatest way man can act--by giving Hp his life for liberty of country and its people. Memorial 0ay recalls these heroes to us in all the poignancy of their •acriflce and we hope that they know the depth of out THIS BANK WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY ^ ^ < > • „ " Irs P - . • 5-i; : ,"V

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