Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1932, p. 3

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• * ; • , ; r ; e - x~: THK M'BMXmX FLiJXBKALn, THTXESDAY, JUKE 30,1938 iuf «, . i hi UJ.pi*PM' f*UQa^ai»^miiiiTlpi|^p 1 'JU W" " K» Mklk Satvie* • iu who narras the mmic i* » toar •BtMi; )m werriea Mawdf to mmt m eM thuki him for It- D*. CV ULLEI : Optometrist and Optician My office hours in McHenry are Sunday and Monday of each week, at my Bummer home. Entrance is across from'Joe Frett's home on Eiv- ^FBide Drive.""'Make date by phone--McHenry ^211-R. •'• Ottrf * **:,fe. WaskingRMt Letter: i-S'tl&'-J ii ^•' •<--IBtTjr --• , • _ T - . Natteul Editorial Aseeeiatiea CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNET-AT-LAW Itom: 8:30 to 11 a, m.; 1 iS9 to S p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8 8tiffinf Bid*. Blrerslds Diire 9*L MeHtirj 258 MeHeary, 1GB. Kiefametui if | Br. JOHN SltfCEY •• VETERINARIAN TB and Blood Tasting •JCHMOND. IXJJCNOia T o l d -Tales tm* <* Interest TaHH *t~ tlM Filoa of the Plaladealer of Years As* : Washington, June 29--It is candidly admitted in all partisan camps that President Hoover's action on the relief measure now awaiting his attention will determine the duration of the Congressional session. If be exercises his power of veto it is obvious that the advocates of the measure cannot muster the two-thirds vot© in both Senate and House necessary to over-ride the disapproval. Then, a prolonged session will be inevitable with the. Presidential and Congressional campaigns centered in Washington instead of scattered around the country. While at this writing a veto is threatened it is argued ifcat the Chief was kicked in the Executive would probably choose the i July 4th, and quite FIFTY YEARS AGO Tbo first load of brick was sold from the new yard on Monday morning. Good judges say they are A No 1 in every particular. New steps have been put up at the South entrance of the Riverside House. It was a much needed improvement. Lew Holmes was the "boss" carpenter. A young soil of Phil Hauperisch face by a horse Sm« Cswt><.»t 1U1» Tha wtathar bantu says that nowfall that occara at the govtrpmsat observing stattona Is reduced to Its equivalent in rainfall and included with the latter In determining the amount of precipitation during the year. As a rule the ratio of unmelted to melted now Is 1 to 10--that Is, 10 Inches of snow will at tratuv Mi - Gettiag Read? Bobby bad failed to eat bis Isncb and his tpother asked the reason. When Bobby replied that he was planning on spending the afternoon at grandmother7?. Kltttag Yo«r CalJff.V * " Overfeeding is the commonest caps* of death among goldfish. Feed them only every other day, and eaty what they will eat ap clean, • ^ Indian Rite Pahos are fathered sticks which certain Indian tribes use In their religious rituals. A member of these tribe* never prays without first planting around himself, or on his altar, or before his shrine a number of pahos. As the birds that soar to the highest heavens, so may his petitions be feathered and winged to the ears of the gods. :rV:-r:-v r , Sales Talk In one of the city's department •tores the other day a man approached a perfume booth where a clerk was trying to make a sale. After some persuasive talk she said: "Would you like to see soma of the odoraT*--Indlanapolis News. FmH>| Nothing - , If yen wish to fear nothing; consider that everything lb to be feared. --Seneca. OU Saatskh Attar Sweetheart abbey Is on the way from London to QFaagow, to the west of the Nith estutary. The abbey, now In ruins, was founded by Devorguila in 12T5 and derives its name from the fact that she had the heart of her husband, John Ballot, who died to 1206. burled here in her own tomb. Cwran«§t Departs fey all act of February % office of commissioner of which was created in JMOL vat raised to the dignity of an wU>t department The Department, of Oaaa* merce and Labor was efttWaM 1908 and was separated into two partments by set of March 4, -191A ; - 7 * " F r e d J . S m i t h , P r o p . Mmsburg Owvtolet Sales. General Automotive Repair "frork » • Give ns a call when in trouble Expert Welding and Cylinder Reboring Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 severely injured. lesser of two evils--patch-work relief Dr. Brown was called and at the time bill contrary to his own ideas of j of writing the little sufferer Is as economies rather than the menace of easy as could be expected. continued wrangling when the nation j K. C- Mead, of thic town has jiisfc 5s calling for adjournment. If a do- been allowed a pension of $8 par cision could be based em his feelings . month his hack pay amounting to |;ig as a President and not as a chosen 81724. It was obtained through the|| candidate for re-election, the prophets j agency of M. M. Ciothier, that prince SENT & COMPANt _ „ AH Kinds of isrsuRANCii FUced with the moat rellaMa t, . Companies r? Come' in and talk Yt ovet' Phone McHenry 8 ^ say Mr. Hoover would return Wagner-Garner bills post-haste, without his signature. Campaign obligations temper men's minds and actions. The Congress is fully conscious of another angle and makes the most of the knowledge. The Democrats have indicated that economic issues will be featured over the prohibition controversy. This procedure, if adopted, all the of pension agents. means that the politician^ in groups will play their gamfc around arrive until nearly noon on the people's heartstrings and purse, j The washouts were between , FORTY YEARS AGO We manage to get a shower almost every day and sometimes two or three times a day. Evidently the* drouth has not struck us as yet. On account of several washouts on the Galena Division of the Nortnwestern Road, the mail train due here at 6:51 on Thursday night did not Friday. Crystal '.®£ '-5 ! HENRY V. SOMPEIT ; General Teaming jSand, Gravel and Oo&l for Sale grading, Graveling and Road l^ork Done By Contract of Every Description or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-J McHenry, 111. J O. Address, Route 3 The legislators would like to quit now .Lake and Elgin. before the President has an opportun-| Mrs. C. T. * Eldredge was ity to veto or sign. Yet, they tealite; severely burned by a gasoline that it is impossible under present trend of public opinion to leave their bundle on the White House doof-step and scamper to their homes. There is an -incipient rebellion noted in the House and Senate against adjournment which may prevent homeward treks. Only a foolhardy Solon would leave his post of duty no matter how much his political fences require repair. The antagonism against Presidential commissions ar.d Congressional' investigating committees has been pronounced at this session. Many proposals for creation of special groups of inquiry have beer defeated as "economy measures". The House quite stove on Thursday evening last. It came near burning the house also. Fortunately it was extinguished with slight damage. The accident was caused by a slight oversight while filling the reservoir. Fred McOmber, and friend, of Chi-; cago are spending a short vacation here, hunting and fishing. ! TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO The price of butter was quoted at 23% cents on tfye Elgin board of tffede Monday. The carpenters are now at Work on the new residence being erected by James B. Perry. It now begips to look as if we ijnust has authorized a special pre be into the carry our lanterns with us for the Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Ueihansperger ^-insurance agents for all dss«p-4f property in the beat compares. 'WEST McHENRY c .ILLINOIS WM. M. CARROLL "• Lawyer OAee with West McHenry State Bank Every Friday Afternoon PImmtI x'Tr- McHenry, IlHnois Insure--In SDre-InsDraoce -- with -- Wm.G.Schrei^er Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 93-R McHenry, Illinois A. P. Fremtd Excavating Contractor Xmcttw, HydranBwtg^pe Service * - v load Building Tel 204-M McHenry, 111. Florence Ray, D. C. Chiropractor and Masseurist Sunday by AppointmeM . X-Kay Senrb* Located over Bros. Grocery Jk Market RIVERSIDE DRIVE Ed Vogel GENERAL AUCTIONEER FARM 8ALES A 8PECIAttY f . P. O. Solon Mills, IB. Reference Past Sales SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Tour Service in building Your Wants . IflPPPRiPPiPH^^ pm mar.apement of the Post Office Department, especially relating to the letting of contracts for buildings, iir and ocean mail, and other places where favoritism; plays an important part- One legislator denounced this new investigation a? a "smelling committee". It is note-worthy that relatively few fishing expeditions into public affairs have t>een authorized. In each instance the Congress has curbed the expenses which prevent junkets during the summer and fall. Fairness requires the admission that at least three probes are expected to justify the expenditure. The Senato inquiry of stock market frauds is in response -to public clamor, mostly from millions of victims of stock manipulation. The sub-committee of the House Committee on Ways and Means has balance of the summer. The new-*cement walk in front of the Schneider, Wirfs and Gilbert! buildings on the west side has been completed and is a great improvement to that end of town- The sid« walk gang is now at work on similar walk on the west skkt o£ Greett street. TWENTY YEARS AGO J. B. Buss resumed his duties station agent for the Chicago, at»| Northwestern railroad company her# last week after a three months? vacation. His daughter, "Margaret, also again employed in the ticket office. Little Angela Petesch met with a painful accident last Saturday after* noon, when while playing with a lawrf an important assignment J mower, she cut her thumb and middlein bringing tax studies up to date for j finger quite badly on the blades. A the December session. Chairman j doctor attended her and at this writ Visson has explained to this writer that his committee wants complete data on the effects of double taxation in this country and abroad. They will endeavor to have a comprehensive report ready showing the increasing burdens of Federal, state and local taxes. The Congressional leaders recognize that the new tax measure is an emergency proposition must be corrected at an early date. The House committee probing government competition with prtV'ate industry is scheduled to (submit concrete proposals for a complete change in been mown governmental policies. The new fiscal year begins Friday with all government agencies in a turmoil. The reduction in salaries and changes in personnel were authorized a few days ago with removals ordered over-night. Political pressure to retain Federal posts has been of little avail under the stress of saving in departmental expenditures. The activities of the joint committees of leading industrialists and bankers in each of the twelve Federal Reserve districts is expected to stimulate business immediately. These groups are attempting to break down the uncertainty in financial circles about loans for industry and agriculture, supplementing the activities of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in relief work. „ ing the wounds are dealing nicely. The swamp grass at Fox Lake ia rapidly being cleared away and the despised carp is being thanked for the work. It is said that now the lake H cleaner than ever before, and the shore line, which was once filled with grass is now clean. It ia thought thai private, ^redging has helped tti* matter some. TEN YEARS AGO The grass in the public park as welt as along the .streets in thf .village haf A very noticeable im« provement. Miss Elizabetii K. Miller has been missing from her customary place a$ the McHenry postoffice during th$ past two weeks thru illness. Her many friends hope for a speedy re covery. The Atlantic & Pacific Tea com pany, which has rented the formet quarters of the Everett music stcr® on Green street, is getting in its stocli preparatory to the opening, which it is hoped will be next Saturday. The band stand at Borden's park has been completed with the ex< ception of painting. Park seats hav<» also been erected, the grass mown and creek cleaned out, thus making th&- spot the most attractive it haa bean seen in years. m fRtt tube rfrestonc OLDFIELD TYPE The Tire That Taugft# Thrift T* Millions Meadiag C«U«UUT * - .Ether has a wonderful effect la kafeplng broken parts of culluloid to* gather. Tie the several pieces carefully in place and run some ether along the crack. The celluloid wUl then soften, and naturally work Itself into one piece again when dry*- becoming perfectly hard. JtpuMt R»ck©*»^0f • The Ttst of things that the J&panCB» do "backwards" would be long, but among the most peculiar Is the way In., which they reckon the ages of children. In this country a child born on the 31st of December Is one day old the next morning. In Japan he would be two years old! For they reckon that a child is one year old on the day be Is born, and two years old on the following New Tear's day. Oace a Tropical World Tho Story that the ancient coal daposits tells Is that of a great change In climatic conditions that has been brotight about through the ages. Scientists believe that at one period In the world's history tropical conditions Mtiat hagft hfljwi nroaftttt tha ffftrlil flw (H. Material* for Leather The Netherland East Indies send %ktni of pythons, water snakes and Java ringed llsards to the United States to be made Into leather. ; Stadhm Meaat DUtaace Btaihim, as applied to huge oatdsbr theaters and to athletic fields having great seating capacities, has no direct ! relationship to the original meaning of the word, yet Its derivation Is easily seen. The word originally was a measure of length as used by the Greeks. In the footpace course at Oiympla It designated an eighth of a mil«t or about W0 E&fiisli fHt Cities With Clean Air A research conducted by the American Society of Beating and Ventilating Engineers revealed that Boston, San^JFraneisco and New Orleans have the cleanest atmospheres or the least dust particles among the dtles of the nation. ii Today's Sermea Wa only begin to realise the value 'of our possessions when we commence to do good to others with them. No earthly Investment pays so large an y - -» •' r • intersat OLDFIELD TYPE TIRE AND TUBE FOR THE PRICE »TI RE ALONE • -Yi TAX FREE PRICES While Stock Lasts! OLDFIELb TYPE Tbo Sim* 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-21 4.75-19 4.75-20 5.00-19 5.00-20 5.00-21 5.25-18 5.25-21 5.50-18 5.50-19 6.00-18 H.O. 6.00-19 H.D. 6.00-20 H.D. 6.00-21 H.D. 6.00-22 H.D. 6.50-20 H.D. 7.0H0-.D2.0 Tin and Tab* f«r Prloaf Tin Also* Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/er Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube for Tire and Tube for Tire and Tube for Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube for Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and.T ube/or Tire and Tube for Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Tire and Tube/or Our Each $4-79 5.35 5.43 ••33 •.43 •.•5 •.75 •.9* 7.53 8.15 •.35 8.48 M.85 10.85 10.95 11.10 11.00 18.05 14-05 Oor Me* I'M PaUr 89.30 10.38 10.54 18.38 18.48 18.90 13.10 13.54 14.00 15.82 10.80 10.40 20.00 21.04 2X.24 21.54 88.50 84.54 28.48 OR LIMITED TIME ONLY! Think of it. ^ _ brand new, Firestone 0!dfteld type, heavy service, over^ "siee, heat-resisting red tube FREE, with every Firestone Oldfield type tire. Nowhere else can you bay such quality. REMEMBER--at these Tax Free Prices you get the Extra Firestone Values of Gum-Dipping and Two Extra Gum- Dipped Cord Plies Under the Tread. Don't delay --Buy nowwhile present stock lasts--Time is limited. Save the Tax and Save the Tube--Come in today. Ttraafow* SENTINEL TYPE TWm Mm CmJOi Pur i«a XmAI CMMaihtl 4.40-21 83.59 2 for 00.98 4.50-21. 3.95 2 for 7.00 4.75-lf 4.03 8 for 9.00 5.00-19 4*8f 8 for 9.44 5^5-21 5.90 8 for 11.04 Ottntr Mom riroperfloMetaJy &m» 1 Ttr**to«e c°ypee" I TIM 8b* C--OIi PwH m tMk Cm* MM htl 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.75-19 soxsi a._ 03.10 S.55 3.90 8.89 8 for 85.98 8 for 0.98 8 for 7«05 8 tor 5.75 '-"•jI* Fire*tone do not manufacture tires under special brand name* far mail order hou«ee and others to distribute. Special Brand Tire* are made without the manufacturer's name. They are name and the quality excels that of special brand mail order tires sold at the same prieee. Listen to the "Voice of Firestone" Every Monday Night Over Station WMAQ at 6:30 P. M. I BUT NOW FOR YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES Sales Sift Service PBONE *• Noonan Garage Phone Jll McHenry, 111 ;V ...-J'.. ... ••• w- \r - ^ •, . i _i l i a ,,.,:....

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