»'•« • •- - -T»'t ««»•<#«• • j# -• t - •Ml:- -; , «A. 4tf. J--?*---.*!---. .*!;i • TMC BilEUSB PHONE 291 LAST TIME TONIGHT 'Ik World and tte Flesh" .v Oeorge Bancroft -' FRIDAY -- SATURDAY August 5-6 TWO BIG FEATURES "Thunder Below and "The Gay Caballero" SUNDAY -- MONDAY August 7-8 .© iMNFAfTT W A* Eastern Star, sponsored a lawn petty at the kone of Bdward Nickels on John St., Friday afternoon. Bridge, Ave hundred and bunco were played and prises were awarded to Mrs. J. A. Craver, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. Herman Kreutzer, Mrs. Fred Ferwerda and Mrs. ^Andrew E<fdy. Refreshments were served close of a pleasant afternoon. DUBS GO FOR UPKEEP Those owning lots in Woodland cemetery are requested to assist in the upkeep of these lots by paying their dues for the year. Dues may be paid to Mrs. Ony Wheeler, secretary, or Mrs* Lillian Sayler, treasurer. "As You Desire GRETA GARBO :^WED.-THimS.p|: '~ / • August' -10-11 - -'m&J I>OU RLE FEAtin||' ;?"Clara Dean' and "Cisco Kid" M. E. CHURCH -Ifettrare invited to attend aervtcet at the M. 1&-church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Rev. W. Bonham is expected to return from his vacation this week and will be here Sunday to conduct the services. A good attendance of members and! friends is desierd. ' '• ECLIPSE OF • SUN' ; A» eclipse of the sun which occur oil August 81 will be visible in McHenry, perhaps to a greater degree, than any eclipse of recent years. The percentag^bf the total eclipse, which will be seen in Chicago and this vicinity, is 79, while in New York it will be almost total at 95. Other cities will register as follows: San Francisco, 15 per cent; Boston, 99; Los Angeles, 15; New Orleans, 5i>; Philadelphia, 92, and Washington, 89. TWO POLKA THEATRES BOMBED SAME NIGHT SOCIAL WHEEL BAT One of the % events of the season at the Yacht club will take pla$e Sua. day afternoon, Aug. 7, being the Annaal Water Carnrval. Qualifying rounds for the championship the Plstakee Yacht dob will also be played Sunday. Of all the events scheduled at the Yacht club during the season, the one AY, AUGUST 4 IMS Miss Catherine Diedrich is visiting in Chicagp. ' Miss Rita Bacon spent the weekend in Geneva.' Miss Helen Welch of Joliet Visited that stands out prominently is the here Thursday. Water Carnival for the children h«J Mr and Mrs. Walter Walsh Visited ginning at 8:30 p. m-, DST™ The at Himtley . events are open for all children-- from the youngest just starting to walk up to 16 years. There will be prizes for all the youngsters under 6 years. The events for the little onea come first. Mrs. Mary Noyes is spending a few days at Greenwood. Robert Ulrich of St. Charles visited friends here Saturday. ' -' Mrs. Caroline Schiessle was a Chicago visitor Sunday. Bob Hoff, Fleet Captain of the Sail- G,le n. R.a.de makecr o.f Chicago called or, at Pistakee Yacht club, makes the,0" f.nen£ Sunday. foUowing report on the races of July1 Ml89 Maud Gr*n*#r of 26: Michael and Andrew Mueller sailed a pretty race to push the "Lorelei" across a winner in the regular season race. Chet Olson in "ForsaiT was second, with Syd Peterson Lig'ht, shifty winds made the result doubtful all the way, although * the Lorelei led for the entire distance. "TV--- J_ n _!••_' <i . Chicago spent the week-end here. Leroy Conway of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. ... . | Miss Mildred Minnfch of Oak Park third, friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. fttul Brefeld are enjoying a trip to Denver, Colo. * 'Tornado," skipped by Bob Hoff,' B. J. F«r,iosubyy of Chicago visited his n with Harry C--h i- nb- erg as crew„, won th. e' mother, Mrs. B. Fnsby, Sunday. regular race on July 17. Chet Olson was again second, with Dewey Ericsson, third. In this race the fight for second place on the final leg and the other boats all finished feet apart, "Helendoro" again liked the light winds of Sunday ar.d WJth Art Frfestedt using his usual good Judgment, walked across the line a winner. Pirate II and Tarzan finished in the order named- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of River Forest spent the week-end here. Miss Varena Justpn of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. Ben Stilling and daughter, Eva, Were Woodstock visitors Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank Heckman and sons of Chicago visited in the W. F.' Burke home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jphn Brefpld and chfl. fv" • >• Florae* 8Mm ta •>--Hig Mr. aad Mrs. Hamta Ifftllm of M iMFfeVt ttl WfhMtto* - • Ubwtiv^ Jnka * BdWfti-tt Dwjr«r of HodU^ U ridfc- er, Mrs. K. Molidor, aad KU« Emma ing in the Walter Walsh home. Vogt of Volo spent Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. R. O. King of Long in the John Schaid home. Lake called on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff Mr. Mr*. Walter Walsh and Edward and Mrs. Louis Althoff, daughter, Dwyer were Chicago visitors Monday. Dorothy, and Rose Elverman were Mrs. Joanne Rulien and Dorothy Chicago visitors Sunday. Hinnrn Dor- Worm ley were Woodstock visitors othy Althoff and Rose Elverman re- Monday. mained for a two weeks' visit. £.rne Miller of Morton Grove visit ed'his aunt, Mrs. Minnie Miller, Monday evening. Mrs. Mary Pekovsky of Chicago if speiuUtig several day* with relatives iij this vicinity. Raymond Newman of Chicago la visiting his grandparents, Mjr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mrs. Charles Leppert of Kirkland spent a day last week with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Miller. Mrs. Harry McKinley and children of Oak Park are spending the week with Mrs. A. K. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen spent .Friday evening m the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Weingart. Miss Miriam Sayler is spending a few-days this week aa the guest of Ann Ella Walkup at Ridgefield. Misses Mary Jane Laures and Evelyn Weingart spent Monday in the home of Mrs. Howard Christensen. Misses Elvera Smith, Louise Weingart, Olga Brefeld, Evelyn and Leona Freund'spent Thursday at McCollum'S Lake. • .•* Mr. and Mrs. Wfli Colby, son, Frank, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Colby of Waukegan visited relatives here Wednesday evening.' Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and children, Marguerite and Frank, Fortune gat*. Brie!? T*U turns la at tha ailing Mrs. Pater ML Weber the members of the Linger dob at her home at Lily Lake day afternoon. Prizes in bunco wwx«- , awarded to Mrs. Ray Howard,/ Mra.. Frank Meyer, Mrs. Peter J. Sehaeferrand Mrs- Fred C. Schoewer. BUYS NEW FORD Kenneth Boley is now driving ft new:#,: Ford V-8, purchased from the Buss- Page Motor Sales, with delivery being made last Friday. It is of the Tudor type and maroon in color. Sale! wis Gold Seal Egg Mash " "Tarzan," sailed bv the TTn»>v«r dren of Wauke8ra« »P«nt Sunday with spent the week-end with relatives at w .v / _ rauy rotoHtrM Voro 1T r»lr«. Tir«..u««„ t*t;_ uros., won the race July 17. i Universalist church parlors. The ! meeting was a pleasant one, taking Ufes Flaines experienced a touch of place in the newly decorated parlovs terrorism early Sunday morning, July wh»ch bright and cheerful with 24 when a bomb was exploded at the beautifully decorated walls enhanced Des Plaines theatre. Simultaneously by new curtains and shades at the another bomb was exploded at the windows. The committee in charge of Pickwick theatre in Park Ridge Both the curtains consisted of Mrs. E. Gr theatres are part of a chain operated Peterson and Mrs. J. W- Smith, by the Polka Brothers. | Four tables of bridge were in play Neighbors, in no way Interested in during the afternoon and prizes were alleged labor disputes said to have won by Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mrs. H. M. been the cause of the bombing, were Stephenson and Mrs. E. G. Petersonthe main sufferers in the Explosion Refreshments were served. here. Damage was comparatively' There will be no meetings of the soslight, broken windows being the ma- ciety during August, the next meetjor casualty. No persons were hurt * *n£ ^a^e pl®ce on Sept. 22. _ xr « „ • " --* ~ • • Both, Mrs. T. J. Walsh and Mrs: George , 33" "34" wer® disqualified,1 Kuhn were hostesses a« the last meet- r™ . ^ , e .v1*?11. for ing of the Social Wheel held-in the L.J, that its never over TT_: i:.«. -v.--V 1 Tv.Jun^J ,the finish line is crossed--and sometimes not even then. The explosion was heard throughout the town. The show had been ALTAR AND ROSARY PARTY Lucille O'Connor in "Tornado" walked away with the second junior race of the season last Saturday when she led a field of seven the entire distance. Jean Marie Ericsson made it an all-girl finish relatives here. , Lake Waubesa, Wis. N- H. Petesch and daughter, An-* Mrs. Ed. Whiting . gela, of Oak Park played golf here _ Wednesday. Misses Millie and Sue Frett of McHenry visited with Mrs. John J. Smith Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and children left Monday on a camping trip to Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and famall- g,rl finish by placing second £ily to f pC3hic iaTg oi , spPe nt Sunday in the in the good ship "Klenup II " Younj* -»?" ®re^e^ home. Wallie Ericsson, sailing his first race /n?F' ^ o Lawrenc® of was third. Bobby O'Connor, Burtley Ch,^° S"nday Wltb her moth" Felz* Bobby Mueller and Bob Steee,6^ MolI,'e Glvensmade up the field. Both of these girls are to be congratulated for the races they skipped. Incidentally, it two m a row for Babe O'Connor,' was Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Irwin and friends of Chicago visited in the Geo. Frisby home Saturday, evening when the bomb' The Altar and Rosary sodality ofj Woodstock knrf Stoffel The rear door, of the StPMrick'j church sponsored a card | Stoffel lf H •»««»'«rss last week. closed for the was thrown. __ theatre at which point the bomb ex- Party °n the lawn at the Jack Walsh ploded, were damaged. jhome, Thursday afternoon. The par- The explosion at Park Ridge was al- ^ was mo.st succesful with twentymost within the minute of the explo- tables in play and the day was an eion in Des Plaines, leading j>olice to ^eal one for the outdoor affair, believe that two gangs, working to-' Honors in bridge went to , Mrs. gether, tossed the bombs. Timing the George Hamilton, Miss Marie Lilly, AMONG THE SICK Betty Jane Stoffel lit+u I Mr-and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago of Mr. and Mrs. Geor™ Stoffel of« sPent Sunday with ber father, John Mr. Woodstock hospital on Wednesday of Pint, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Conway and sons, Pat and John, of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wagner and Mrs. • n She is getting along as Ed Wagner of Chicago spent the well as can be expected. . . . T i r> x: 83 Dorothy Powers, daughter of We T ek"eI? ^ ^ Dfa"Ce- w Mr. and Mrs DnviH ®nier 01, Leo J. Smith and Miss Florence ueorge namuton, miss Mane Lilly, went an operation fl^ J ^der" ^ith took an excursion through the bombs, to explode them almost at the ^ Nard'! *n five hundred to|St Theresa's hosnJ^ w?S at lotus beds Sunday afternoon. identical minute, was near perfect. i*Mrs. Thomas Bolger, Mrs. Edward Monday. Mis« ^.a^e5a"' .0n Mrs. F. C. Schoewer and Mrs. Ed. At Park Ridge the"damage^ was Thompson and Miss Etta Powers and | ^ ^ in trainin« slight. Reports -h ave -it t-h a-t Ridg. in bunco to Mrs. M. Beerheide and, a j „ „esa ® hosPitaIt police officer, Willis F. Jones, dis- M.iss Helen Wegener. The next party covering the bomb before it exploded, ^ held at the home of Mr. and seized it and hurled it into a vacant Mrs. C- W. Gibbs in two weeks. --_ lot. It exploded almost Immediately ! : after striking the ground. . j ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Police were without clues, as to the! Urban Comes was host at a very operation for^pMiSkitiT'^W0^ "" Mx- amI Mrs- Kdward Smith of in Geneva. appendlclt,s at her home Crystal Lake visited his parents, Mr. N. Young and daughter were Elgin visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of J?" R\p\Chamberlin sustained and Mrs. J. R. Smith, Sunday. •foil An iL , ' mMir*. oaniidu Mmrrss.. Jjooee Guuuttihi aannda Qdaauug^hn"- st nf +k 6 S^airs a*. ter, Edna, of Woodstock were Sunday broken rib in his home the first nf *1,. _ * . . . . - - V e r n o n A F r e n n H g u e s t s i n t h e E d m u n d K n o x h o m e . bombers. It is stated by them, how- delightful party at his home at Lake Mrs John ' s°n of Mr. and Loretta and Lena Diedrich, Betty ever t.hnt hnrnKc nrnVioWn Defiance evenmcr St Theresa's hospita^^r k6" t0 C°Pe' Thomas Diedrich and Joe Watzo _ and daughter, Vivian, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh of Grayslake, spent last week with her sister at Waupaca, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slafter of Zion and Mrs. Minerva Bradley of Racine visited friends and relatives here Sunday evening. Mrs. Paul Malrre, son, Raymonl, and Josephine Marre of Waukegan vere Tuesday visitors tn the John Scl^aid home. Mrs. Jack Walsh, daughters, Panrdei" and Kathrine, Mrs. C. W. Gibbs and Richard Walsh were Woodstock visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. ML J. Lonergan of Chicago were Sunday visitors In the L. F. Newman home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and children, M. A. ConWay, daughter, Florence, and Theodore Miller spent Monday with Sister Marie Gratia at St. Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and Mrs. Henry Miller, Buddy and Maureen, spent Wednesday afternoon at Lake Como, Wis., where the day was enjoyed with their mister, Miss Ella Ibish.. Mr. and Mrs. George Justen are at Almena, Wis., for a two weeks vacation. They made the 380 miles in ten hours (?), and are focated in Joe Millers cottage on Big Turtle Lake, where accdrding to Joe the fishing is fine, and us friends and neighbors are patiently waiting for that first carload of northern pike, bass, and'what have you. Ssrr.s'v j/,'*- \ •v?' V-. ever, that the bombs were probably JJeIiance on Wednesday evening of the result of labor troubles. The Polka ^ast wee|c' the spacious rooms- gave brothers have been personally operat- °PP°rtunity for dancing and music ing their movie machines in defiance was eni°ye(i» with refreshements serof the union, it is thought. * ve<* hy the host's mother 4-H GIRLS WIN The McHenray County 4-H chib N. A., was held at pirls held their annual contest day at Tuesday evening. Woodstock Thursday. Several girls CITY COUNCIL IN JL N. A. LAWN PARTY AUG. 17 The regular meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R Woodman hall x ucsuoj eveiunu. j • e>"•^ verv ,w Plans were made for a lawn party to 'rom the Ringwood club com^peted council v"jme.e, ,n? the city Monday nie-ht nf tiTio"*' "®l|Ke^an. were Williams Bay visitors Sunday, dition being due to . T ' hlS ?on" ; Mirs. Kathrine McCabe, daughters, to his knee sustained in^flfil Lucy and Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. Playing with boy friends n^T fcis ?Ti left Sunday °n a trip t0 home on Main street two weeks a£°*1 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh visited at ; Beloit, Wis., Sunday, in company QHnDT with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of SHORT MEETING Woodstock. be held on the E. E. Bassett lawn anc^ those to receive honors were: was held Mdnday Harry Herman and Mr. and Mis. __ , 0 .xl , , Aug. 1, the onlv wnri'T*1' evening, John Haske and children of Chicago Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 17. Cards Ellen Smith and Helen Harrison, first ] in_ . ° b®in& the read- 1 were Sunday guests and bunco will be played, prizes m demonstration; Darlene Merchantithp , . of the minutes of Weber home aAwmanwrd/leAdJ andJ 1l unc-- hT- ser--v e. d> . Mem1b ers aOntt(d4^ ^'fTeaaonn TWX7 hiting, fAi r--stI --in judJ g--i1 n-- g-- , |I StfltCfl UlCGtin^j tllG tr6&SUT ! - er-s „ , WIC lI»™r-1 Mrs. Edward Dowling of Dallas: are urged to attend and to invite Kathleen Justen of the Junior 4-H thp m^th"s re^Lr vu® reP<>rt'and Texas' is visitinK her mother, Mrs Dallas friends. (first in the style show. •All dues must be paid the recorder not later than Aug. 10. . j ENTERTAINS FRIENDS Miss Marie Freund was hostess to party of friends at her home Mon- Dancing and game ft regular bills.. hin^.r18 $3,446"55 at the begin- »ing of the meeting. The city collec- BUYS BARBER SHOP ja Howard Culver has purchased the day evening. Parr barber shop on Green street and were enjoyed and lunch served. Those invites the patronage of local resi- present were: Bill Berndt, Gladys dents. Mr. Culver, who has been pro-' Warrington, Urban Comes, Chester pnetor of the Lake barber shop at Emmerling, Elizabeth Hitchcox, Jo- Crystal Lake for several years, took seph White, Louise Regner, Esther over the Parr shop this week and is Olsen, Elmer Meyers, Richard Aronnow open for business. Mr. and Mrs. son and Harriet Boger Culver are living in the building, also. Hamilton Parr has gone to Volo, where he has opened a shop. Try our classified bring results. LADIES' AID SOCIETY The Ladies' Aid Society will meet | with Mrs. Gus Satem next Thursday *<!•--they rare afternoon. Good attendance is desired at this ^meeting- PERMANENT WAVES C SPECIALS L'Amour French Oil Push-'U rpV Wave. $3-00 value ! 2 Persons for -..'..„$3.01 *Prdm Queen" Vita-Tonic. $5.00 value. 2 Persons for $5.01 fitompanato's Reconditioning Oil Process, $10.00 value, 2 Persons for $10.01 Complete with Shampoo and Fini Ker Wave (Haircut Extra, No Service) Stompanato's Special Method Haircut, Thinning. Split Ends Treatmeat, $1.00 value for„;^,.-.^Qc Shampoo (Short Hair) Neck Line Trim Cleanup Facial Eyebrow Arch Henna Rinse Nestle Color Rinse Finger Wave - Marcels that last...--... Expert Manicure AUGUST! ONE %I0NTB ONLY EVERYDAY STANDARD PRICES Full Line Nationally-Advertised Permanent Waves _ $3, $5, $6.50, $8, $10 Gorgeous Natural Waves Wiih Fascinating Ringlet Ends. All Waves From $5.00 and Up Include One Special Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave. Service until Grown Out. Shampoo and Set 50c ZOTOS j..'Machine-Less Permanent "|25.00 Value for $10.00 Free! Two Mar- O-Oil Treatment S h a m p o o s and F i n g e r W a v e s . (Standard Price Value $4.) With Every $8 and $10 Permanent Wave, Except Zotos. Among the bills, Mat' Schmitt ro. jjjvad $138.n-for city employes lability insurance. The band received $574.96 of their year s allotment. The total bills of Ella Gans. Mrs. Dowling made the trip by auto alone. S1RAAC - - i Maurice and Ruth Lavelle returned tiJtl i."16 to their home at Streatr^ the last of visit with relatives here. Frances Hughes and Mildred Thompson returned home Sunday from a visit in the home of the latter's brother at Terre Haute, Ind. Mrs. Anna Mollohan and grand tor had taken in *xW.uo w vehicle tegs.^^H^ses^e^50 fr°m th® WCek after a three-weeks ^$1.75 valw SATXJBDAY ONLY $1.45 Seal Growing Mash $1.75 value SATURDAY ONLY $1.45 Big Egg Scratch Grains 51.50 value - SATURDAY 0NI.Y $1.15 Big Egg Medium Chick $1.65 value SATURDAY ONLY $1.25 ^ Swift's Meat Scraps^ $1.75 value SATURDAY ONLY $1.45 Our Gold SeaiTMashes are manufactured here in our mill and contain only the best ingredients obtainable. Order a quantity of thiB Mash today and Watch your poultry profits grow. / ' : McHenry Co. Farmers Co-Operative Assn, PHONE 29 !S8 me evening were SI Rin 04 • 1 """» ™ulluni"i mo granabalance at the close of the * dau?bter, Ann Ella Walkup, returned $1,636.22. ' 116 me€tlnfir of home to Ridgefield Saturday after a : - jfew days' visit with friends here. DETOUUS ON US-** ' Frank Sull5van of Chicago spent Pay By in effect on urs recent^) have been placed child™ two ' - cniraren Sullivan the week-end here. Mrs. Sullivan and children returned home with him afhighways west of Cb, ^s~contlne"tal ter spending a week with relatives. Mr- »"<> "«• E. jr. Busa and chil- Motor club. * Chicago visited in the home of his sis- Them i« > - . . ter at Streator over the week-end. miles of rough grav^ Semites ^ remaine<^0r S few Weeks Phalin, daugh- TJS-^n -i + , ter, Marjory, son, Harold, Antonette between Rochelle an^Ashton ^The ^etch' C_°.nway and. Kathleen former is ejected to remaih in efSt from three to six weeks; the latter,' Z , v tr, alotn gelera. st that long and pprrooboaaboilyy d.4 auMg*hLte r*, "B1 erMnircee-, A/onlnina HEalsvseerlmmaann,, Manv other • Roy Smith and Rose Elverman of Wiliisstt oonn hhiigehhwwaavyss ooff 1lemss,«e r im° po^rta n6*ce mSaottu rvdi8a>yte edv einni nthg.e Louis Althoff home Miss Elsie Vycital, Mrs. Violet in the Chicago area. .......50c ......50c -Children's Haircut (under 13 _ iyi We use genuine supplies and wind the entire head regardless of th» Ann VATTD Gwxrtn-E* a r> A ^ sa^uitjas oi Uie price. «..25c Saturdays and before holidays" 50c AT YOUR SERVICE 8 BARBERS, 5 BEAUTY ARTISTS STOMPANATO'S IHltra, Modern Exclusive Barber and Beauty Salon. (itme <541 Open until 9 P. M. 226 Main Street Prices subject to change. Woodstock, Illinois Clean soft n A xrr* Woodward and brothers, Richard and CERTS WEST MTIENRY | Stanley, have returned from a visit at The McHenry band will give an other concert in the park this Thursday evening. This will be the last concert to be given In the park this season. Commencing on Friday even- Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Fowler and children returned with them for a visit. Frank Mullen, director of the National Farm Hour on the N. B. C. radio network, was a Sunday guest at ing of next week a concert will be; the Joseph Engelhart home on Fox given m West McHenry every week River. during August. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenske and lhe many friends mio have enjoyed j daughter, Carolyn, with Herbert Wlth the band during the (Fenske and Pamela Rietesel of Chicago spent Sunday In the Charles t The Busmess-Like Way f - . . . . . X Let your checks be a permanent record of • I - « X bill payments and other transactions that in- • | volve outgoing cash. Each month your bank £ statement gives yoifa; complete record of expenditures made by check. It is both convenient X and practical. X If you do not already have a checking account, X come in today and open one with this bank. past month are invited to attend these concerts, also. Rietesel home. Mr. and Mrs. George Jifeten and little son and Mrs. Jus ten's nephew from Crystal Lake left Monday on a two-weeks vacation which will be tives, neighbors and friends for the spent in the Joe N. Miller cottage at helpful assistance, the floral pieces Almena, Wis. 1 3% Paid on Savings Accounts Mr. John Molidor wishes in this manner to sincerely- tfianic the rela- ^ ,and spiritual bouquets and for the use of cars extended to him during his recent bereavement. ' BIRTHS . Mr. and Mrs. George Miller Miss Frances Hughes and Bill Sheehan motored to Terre Haute, Ind., Thursday, where they spent the week-end with Mikrred Thompson, who had been visiting relatives there are' for the past two weeks. West McHenry THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT1* Hon ^«^H^yryr^jFr>^h '^^returo&d to her Wme here •~H. •'•if „**•*-,-'•&•• •. f':h