Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1932, p. 2

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Trnlr'*1! >'tv^ !&* x*. r ' S . - ; • -.- * "'lifiSi ' ate P'^tlrs SSsSfJI J-? ?V i 5«;i ' f Bf * •V»U V »^.r . %. tfr,Zt"; /.- -' J i^¥5i?S '*.; >'• . ^ ' - - .< m§m TfKAIKDBALXB, THTJMDAT, HOT. S, 1931 iM'P' ;- -. . & - » -n5* JOHHSBUKG Buff and Clarence MFAKLI motored to Woodstock Saturday if- . :ernoon. ' MT. and Mrs. William May and J._ " amily visited with his parents, Mr. . nd Mrs, Peter May, at Spring Grove > ; • - Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay and Jbhn Lay of Spring Grovt visited with Mrs. Stephen Schmitt Sunday. Miss Viola Staines of McHenry and Miss Evelyn Meyers motored to ^ ; Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. 'William May and " Mrs. Joe Huff were McHenry callers Saturday evening.' Visitors in the home of John H. Freund, Sunday were Miss Emma Freund, Miss- Jeanette Bishop of Mc- * , , Henry and Mr. and Mri. John Kauen . of Spring Grove. ; . i i.! Arnold Freund of Spring Grove and \ William Thompson of Ring-wood were ' i \ callers here Sunday afternoon. ^ V, The Lady Foresters held their meet- . ng Thursday evening instead of Tijes- " > day evening on account of forty h&ur son % devotion. There were thirty-six sis- K f - ' / l t e r s p r e s e n t . B u n c o p r i z e s w e r e 'h i. awarded M!ss Evelyn Meyers, Mrs. Joe MjJle?, second, and Stilling, consolation. Prizes hundred were awarded to Mrs. first; Miss Agnes Schmitt, 2Sr. second, and. Miss Mafie Miller, con- ' % J s o l a t i o n . - ^ v : ! @ ' J o h n S c h r e i n e r o f M c H e n r y v i s i t f e d • " * with Mr. and Mrs. John Degen Sunday. Miss Evelyn- Meyers, sister, Afina- • belle, brothers, William and Leroy, and Eugene King motored to Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen .H. Schmitt, Mrs. William Tonyan and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith spent Sunday with " Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund at McHenry. Miss Alvera Freund of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. William May, son, Richard, and daughter, Catherine, Joseph Schmitt and Math N with Mr. and Mir*. John King at McHenry. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Althoff, Miss Mary Althoff, brother, Bernard, and Mrs. Elisabeth Tonyan attended the funeral of Mrs. Michael Obenauf at Fremont Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Pester of Solon Mills visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams one day this week. Mrs. Anna Bugner, Mr- and Mrs. Joseph Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen left Monday on a trip to Ohio and returned home Sunday. John E. Freund of McHenry was a caller here Monday morning. Mrs. Joe P. Michels, son, Arnold, daughter, Helen, Mrs. Albert Huff, daughter, Shirley, Mrs. Frank Michels and Mrs- John Degen motored to Woodstock last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling and family were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Peter Freund and daughter. Isabelle, visited with Bfrs. Joe Miller at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Joe King, daughter, Eleanor, Leo, and Clemens Freund motored to Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Steve King and Miss Florence Smith were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Xing at McHenry Satutday. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem arid family of Woodstock were visitors in the home of their parents, Mir. and Mrs. William Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and soil, Kenneth, of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welke of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Miss Latira Meyers of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin SAith of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels Sunday evening. William J. Meyers, Adam Bildner, Schmitt UNOWOOD motored to Woodstock Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Boltz of Dundee spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. William May and Joe King were Dundee callers one day this week- Miss Vendelma Diedrich, Miss Viola Staines of McHenry and Miss Evelyn Meyers were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Staines near Spring Grove Friday evening. Mr. and Mirs. Joe >Miller and son were McHenry filers Saturday afternoon. Miss Evelyn Meyers spent Thursday were Spring Grove visitors Sunday evening. A large crowd attended the wedding dance her© Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein left day on a trip to Niagara Falls. Mrs. Verdeen Krabbenhoff and children of Crystal Lake visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels recently. Arnold Michels and Paul Bygoski attended the funeral of Carl Buehlgr in Chicago Friday. Mr- and Mrs. Frank Michels are the parents of a 9-pound girl, bom Tuesday, Oct. 25. She answers to the name of Doris Jean Marie. Dr. Leo Gerlach DENTIST " WILL OPRTAN OFFICE IN JOHNSBtJTO On Monday, Nov. 7--Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. on days, Wednesdays and Fridays. Sunday by appointment. POLITICAL ADVERTISING COMMENDS V. S. II1MLEY To the Editor of The McHenry Plaindealeiy McHenry, Illinois. • What about Mr. Luinlev, our present State's Attorney, and candidate for re-election on the Republican ticket! That Mr. Lumley has not pleased everyone as •State's Attorney is of course no more than say human, but his virtues, his character, his ability and fearlessness as a public prosecutor so far outweigh any faults he may have that the latter ought not to be noticed. That he is kind-hearted has been demonstrated many times by his leniency with firsts • offenders---boys and girls of tender years who ° had temporarily and carelessly stepped outside the narrow path and committed some deviltry; That his judgement was sound in these cases has invariably been demonstrated by the fad; that these young people have become goo& citizens in their respective communities insteaij : of confirmed criminals, as they might have be- ' come had they been sent to prison. Mr. Lumley's character during all the years that he has been a resident of McHenry Count^ ^ either as a lawyer, a public official or a private citizen has been above reproach. In all the years of his career i» State's Attorney his record is that of an able, vigorous and fearless official. The vicious criminal* never received any favors at his hands. Having been born and reared upon the farm, his heart and sympathy has always been wit|r the farmer and he has fought their battles wit# out any other reward than their friendship. Mr. Lumley when before a jury has been for many years conceded to be the. best trial lawyip^ ' in Northern Illinois. ' V The taxpayers of McHenry County must pay the same price for the services of their next State's Attorney, whether the office is filled by a man of splendid ability and good judgment or none. ; lit-.--; I am commending Vincent S. linmley to n#* friends, both Democratic and Republican, for'.' • ' reelection as State's Attorney of McHenry * • iVfcry truly, •• - J.G.MAXON. Ifir. and Mrs. Fntnk Block of KMosha announce the arrival of a son born Tuesday Oct. 2oth. Mrs. Block was formerly MSss Marion Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Antcliff of Waukegan spent Thursday with the former's sister, Mrs. Clay Rager, and family. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. McCannon and Mr. and Mrs. G«orgt- juo ong attended the funeral of Frank ifiB^son in Elgin Thursday. Mesdames H. M. Stephenson, F. A. Hitchins, L. E- Hawley and Lillian Stevens attended Social Wheel at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Neil Harrison entertained the pupils and teacher of his school room at a Hallowe'en party at his" home Friday evening. Hallowe'en games were played, fortunes told and a jolly time was enjoyed. There were witches, goblins and all kinds of mysterious beings present. A nice lunch was served by his mother. The pupils of Roland McCannons room enjoyed a Hallowe'en party in their school room Friday afternoon. Hallowe'en games were p;ayed and candy, ^popcorn and apples were served.' • The Ladies Aid Society held an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Rilla Foss Friday- There were 12 ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard wen callers in Woodstock, Friday. Mrs. W. A. Dodge returned to he# home here Friday evening from a three weeks' visit with her daughter* at Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. D. Mahaffey of Grayslake spent Friday in the E. P. Flan-, ders home. Walter Fritz of Solon Mills was tt. caller in the Clajrton Bruce home. Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Nick. Young spent Thursday in the home of their daughter at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and; daughter Phyllis were visitors at Woodstock Saturday evening. i • Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter Mary of Evanston spent the week-end! with Mrs. Lillian Stevens. ; Mr. and Mrs., J. r\ Claxton of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family were callers in the Eld.; Turner home near Spring Grove, Sun-, day afternoon. The pupils of Mrs. Pearson's roomheld a Hallowe'en party at their school^ room Monday afternoon. Popcoroballs, candy, candy apples and cookies were served. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and family of Woodstock were callers in the; Clayton Bruce home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and: Mercedes visited Mrs. Hughes at Hebron Snnds" afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison attended Frank Lawsons funeral in Elgin, Thursday.' Mr. and Mrs. George Young visited friends at Kenosha, Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and Mrs. Nick* Adams spent Saturday at Kenosha. Nick Adams attended an initiation of the K. C- at Rockford, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Nick. Adams attended ?» Hallowe'en party at Grass Lake," Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Fredricksort and son spent Sunday at Delavan. Wis. Mrs. Lonnie - Smith, Mrs. Roy Harrison and H. M. Stephenson were: among those to attend Frank Law sons funeral at Elgin, Thursday. Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Tuesday with relatives at Woodstock, Florence Olsen and Phurlou York spent Sunday in the William York home at Zenda. Mr. and Jfrs. Charles Frey anil family of Deerfield spent Sunday iri the S. H. Beatty home. Mrs. Woodford of Elkhorn, Miss Ivat Woodford and Hazel ford of Chicago: spent Saturday with Mrs. Wm. McCannon. 'I Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and sons and Mr. and Mm Wm. McCannon were Sunday dinner guests in thef Roland McCannon home. Mrs. Earl Whiston and daughter Iva and Mrs. George Whiston spent Sunday afternoon in the E. P. Flanders home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean and Gus Vogel of Woodstock spent Sunday in the J. F. Stephenson home. 1 Mrs. W. A. Dodge is visiting in thai home of her daughter at Antioch. & Mrs. Woodford and Mrs. McCannon called on Mrs. Roberts at the Chariest Carr home, Saturdays afternoon. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Friday^ in the home of his daughter Mrs. C.J J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and son David were visitors at Woodstock * Saturday. Mrs. Ed. Peet and daughter Edna Mrs. C. J- Jepson and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended an all day meeting of the Home Bureau at Mirs. Robert Stuarts at Hebron, Thursday. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter1 Bernice visited Mrs. Lyle Hopper and baby in Chicago, Saturday. Mr- and Mrs. Clayton Bruce are: moving into the Mrs. Lillian Stevens homie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dix ar0 moving into the Nobles house vacated by the Bruce family and Mr. and Mrs* Irving Smith are moving into the Hepburn house vacated by the Dix family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hanford, Mrs, Colford and Joan Wilkesses of Chicago were guests at a 6 o'clock dinned, in the S. W. Smith home Sunday. Roy and Fred. Wiedrich were Chi cago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs- J. F. Stephenson ware Harvard visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the week-end in the Charles Carr home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stephenson were visitors at Woodstock Saturday alter*? noon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family and MT. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family spent Sunday in the Fred. Wiedrich home. The Ladies Aid Society will hold their annual bazaar and chicken din> nar at the M. W. A- Hall Nov. 16th. There will be a parcel post booth with 6 and 10 cent pareela. Any one having any parcels for the booth may leave them with Mrs. Stevens. The Home Circle will meet 'with Mrs. B. T. Butler Nov. 9th. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mr and Mrs F. A- . Hitchens visited friends in Forest Park and Oak Park Sunday The Young People's Republican club of Ringwood and Greenwood held a meeting at the Greenwood church Thursday evening, Oct. 27, having a very good turnout they feel it's going to be a big success. It brings the young voters together and gives them a chance to give their opinion of how they should vote. They will hold a mass meeting at the Greenwood church next Friday evening at 8 p. m. They will be entertained by the Ringwood orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith caught a big possum ip a trap in their chicken house Saturday evening. It had been taking their chickens. It's hind feet were as large as baby's fee|r ^ <e ogqfm - LwJChM Reform* Evidently the chap who nxgas that babies be banned from all public meetings is not a practical politician.-- Lowell Evening Leader. mi POLITICAL ADVERTISING New 1933 PHILCO BALANCED UNIT RADIO Jefferson u Pioae«r Thomas Jefferson was "up" on his lights. It is reported that the first Argand burner imported into this country was used ait Monti cello. - 'Jutic Office Circuit Clerk and f '3 Recorder oj k , y. Is lirery office and requires experience M&teWillT.ContiNfo.& t9 32 W. pouncAi ?5Sljj ADVERTISING EMPTy SAVE ERCHPSz Tim# to •" '•*- SHOOT Is November 8 I DEFAULTED BONDS, UNPAID SALARIES, UNPAID BILLS AND UNREDEEMED TAX WARRANTS is the record of Cermak & Cook County. Over one- * third of a billion dollar* •» owed by CookCounty public / bodies * The Democratic State Candidates were Hand-picked by Cermak. Through them he would control every tax rate and the fiflSneeitnIllinois. Do notpermit theTAX-EATING TIGER to crush our state* - Vote** Republican Ticket Straight ^ jp j- N electric refrigerator saves food every day. And food saved is money saved. Meats and vegetables that are left over from meals can be safely stored away to your electric refrigerator /. » and served later in the week as delicious as ever. When you have extra milk and cream on hand, there's no danger of its souring over ABOUT THE PUBUC SERVO COMPANY Smral outstanding facts about Ait Company probably are mt at wtU understood at I think tbty should be. (1) It is purtly an operating company and is mt owned Of controlled by any other company. (2) The majority•• of its stockholders live right here--it is "bomt owned". (3) All of its offutrs and employes live here. (4) Itt * futon is irrevocably dependent upm the growth ami prosperity of northern Illinois. „ , £ Pimmjc Ssrvick Company you save _s,,: MONEY 'i t" '**' - When markets feature low prices/ you can buy foods in large <{Uantities • • • keep them fresh for a Jong tjme. And so It goes. In countless ways an electric refrigerator saves and saves and saves. Nickels, dimes or quarters every day. These livings more than offset the cost of operation i . t they actually help you pay for the mode! you select. And all the time you are enjoying the priceless convenience of perfect, automatic refrigeration. Vou will £iad interesting displays of electfic refrigerators at your Public Service Store and other neighborhood refrigerator dealers. There are models for large and small families. Stop in and learn how conveniently you can purchase a money- •aving electric refrigerator on a monthly fipymeat plan. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

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