Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1932, p. 4

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?*<*•* „ v?V * * \ « &.',*• *' ; isJcV' ""• V, r.v * V 'uf1^ *f" - ' ' J «,'-W: * rjpY-w, \<" lx:•• '* * i \ . % .-«* ->«*, •*.*- ;*4,^r ^-JyUiK M HENRY PLAINDEAL3R, TH^I K8PAY HOV; % IMS rHE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ;.«**• •'$/ ;=-V:-"^ v \ VC^™ V" v, - % w «-;v v , . " i ' ' ^ * •"* Published every Thursday tit McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the pos toffies at McHenry, HL, uivdar the act of May 8, 1879. Quia Year ........... Six Months .--., .2.. 42.00 4i-oo A. H. IIOSHSB, Editor and Manager Ptm*4 m. Mrs. Robert Thompson visited her ^ sister at Hebron Monday. _ Mr. and Mrs. James CoStello of «•»- • gin visited here Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs- E. Beverly of Elgm ,. , , *,=vrerp Sunday guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fleming of *A» - ^ Kenosha visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickels, cf L Woodstock visited relatives Sunday. , *4 . .> Vincent Shei and friend of Chicago iv. , repent Sunday evening here. "•• ., i M.-' Edward Callahan and his parentsof v ',". Chicago visited here Sundayv t. ; ,A At# Mr. and Mrs. R- F. Coti#*ywfere . * ** Elgin visitors Monday. •-. ./•£ ^1; ,v*vjK"; M?. and Mrs. John Aylward .'Of El- "i s t .• i-» (Tj|^ visited here Saturday evening. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kamholz of Gary visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Katie Weber visited at Zenda a few days this week- • " Mrs. Wm. Cowen of Harvard called i on Mrs. W. A. Sayler Thursday, h. Dr. R- G. Chamberln was a Chicago ' v visitor Thursday- \ Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited relatives ^ ; at Richmond Tuesday. >! Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan rpent Sunday at her home here, i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin »' visited here Saturday. ,»/; MT. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of ' 'Ringwood visited friends here Monday evening. - ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and ; Miss Maud Granger visited ^at Laf Grange and Riverside Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frett ar.d ton, Francis, of Aurora visited rela- : lives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hopper of "Crystal Lake visited friends here Sun- <lay evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson and W. Mrs. J, E. Wheeler spent Wednes day in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Miss Mary Brefeld is spending a few days this week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs- Lloyd Ben well visited his father at Round Lake Sunday, Mrs. E. Cropley of Solon Mills called in the W. A. Sayler home Saturday.. Leslie Seeley of Detroit is spending the week as a guest in the B. J. Brefeld home. . Mr. and Mrs. Tony Homacek have moved from the Peter Doherty house to Chicago. of Woodstock was Sister, Mrs. W. A:; h H. R. Bennett the guest of his Sayler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and children of Waukegan visited his parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago visited in the <3. W. Gobdell home Sunday. Misses Marjory Fhalin and Antonette Huetch of Chicago spent Sunday at the former's home. • Harry and Walter Hunt of Chicago were Friday guests of Mr- and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Miss Theresa Brefeld and Herbert Hageman of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. !». Hunt of Oak Park were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Denman of Milburn were Wednesday guesta of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doh&rty were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zoia at Woodstock, Sunday. Mrs. Mary Noyes is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Gust Klabunde, and family at Richmond, this week. Mrs. Henry Lange and daughter of Waukegan spent the last of the week in the William Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld, Miss J. Welch of Woodstock visited rela-1 Mary Brefeld and Leslie Seeley were Waukegan visitors Saturday evening- Mrs- Catherine Nimsgern and son, Louis, visited Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nimsgern at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gibbs have moved from the Tinnes house, east of the river, to the Julius Keg house on Want Ads FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE--Feeder pigs, about fifty from 80 to 120 lbs., at 4%c. Also few good Holstein'cows. M. J. Fitzgerald, 306 E. Wilson St., Madison, Wis. *22-2 FOR SAUER--Potatoes, Rural Naw Yorkers, home grown; per bu., 60c. delivered. Call G. R. Draper, McHenry 622-J-2. *20-3 Fred B. Bennett, Attorney State of Illinois, „ ' • County of McHenry. 88. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, September Term, A D. 1932. A. W. Smith, Trustee, et al., Complainants, , ' vs.. •? Rose Mueller, ** aL, Defendants. •-.- Bill to Foreclose--General Number 25774. Term Number 432. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, In the above entitled cause, on the 24th day of October, A. D. 1932, I, Don A. Wicks, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court, of McHenry County, IIlinois, will on Saturday, the 26th day FOR RENT--Modern 8-room house, of November, A. D. 1932, at the hour newly decorated; new furnace. Richof ten o^clock, Central Standard Time, |mond near St. Mary's church? also garage. Mrs. John R. Knox-. FOR SALE--Choice big type Poland China boars and gilts, all eligible to register. Priced very reasonable. James Hunter, R-2, McHenry. Phone 617-J-2. 20-tf FOR RENT m the forenoon of said day, at the east front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstck, McHenry CounT ty, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following described real estate or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said defcrfee, to-wit: < Lots one (1) and two (2) in Block three (3) of Edgewater Subrr division, it being a re-subdivision of Lots twenty-six (26), forty-three (43) and part x>f forty-four (44) of Sunnyside, said Sunnyside being 3 Subdivision of all that part of the Northeast quarter of the North east quarter of thirty-five (35) and the west onehalf of the Northeast quarter of Section Number thirty-six (36) lying on the Northeasterly side of the Fox River and also a piece of land in the Southeast- quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section Number thirty- 19-tf WANTED WANTED--Sewing machme for » needy family, who can make good use of one making clothes for the children. Anyone having such a machine and willing to donate same, leave name with the Flaindealer or officers of Joyce Kilmer Court, Catholic Daughters of America, McHenry. ' •23-tf WANTED--Washing and ironing done S^tTon,CNumwir f easo f nably T} horre on Waukegan street, opposite Buick garage. Mrs John P. Miller. *22-2 WANTED--Farms from 80 to 160 acres to rent. Either cash or share rent. Kent & Co. Phone 8. 22-tf tivts Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum" of River ; forest spent the week-end with rela- ; tives. Mr. and Mrs. William, Smith of : Chicago visited in the Clarence Mar- I 'vin home the last of the week. t Mr. and Mrs. James Hughe3 have 4 eturned from their wedding trip and Elgin road. ! :>.re living at Oakhurst. | Mr. and Mrs. William Pries and Miss Miller of Zenda, Wis., visited j Mr- and Mrs. Max Pilz of Waukegan ier aunts, Gertie and Katie Weber,'spent Saturday evening with friends .•Viday. ILLEI TH-vEoooA-rroTc* RE Woodstock's Beautiful Play House 1 |H;v- V .* ' •' " . FRIDAY - SATURDAY TOM MIX in "My Pal the Ring" SUNDAY -- MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 10-25c to 6 p. m. Constance Bennett in 'Two Against the World' Tuesday--10c to All DIME NITE "Man From Mexico" 1-- t".: ' : •; fv-:- : WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Ann Dvorak in "Strange Love of Molly Louvain" here. Mrs. Elizabeth Moran and daughters, Agnes, Helen and Mrs. May Dodd, with her daughter, Helen Virginia, of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the Simon Stoffel home. Mr- and Mrs. Daniel Gilfoy and daughter, Mrs. Frank Bhrendt of Chicago and Mrs. Emma McGinnis of Elgin were. Sunday guests of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Woodstock spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and family visited in the William Elverman home at Wilmot, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. Catherine Nimsgern entertained the following guests from Kenosha at her home Sunday: Mr. and Mra. Mike Degen, two sons and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Norman and son, Mr. and l^rs. Joe Nimsgern and Bon and Miss Myrtle Stanley. • ' Anci»nt Lcg*m<ia The Epic of Creation Is the Babylonian story of the creation, written about 2000 B. C„ but probably based on much earlier legends. Apsu, god of the waters, m^tes with Tiamat, female goddess of chaos, and from their tmion spring gods who bring order to the earth. Acre* Under Glut Tomatoes and grapes are grown In England in glass houses covering 3,000 acres. Half of these are in the Lea valley, a large proportion of the other half being situated round Worthing, on the south coast &; You are cordially invited to visit our Beautiful New Beauty Salon at 4 So. Grove Ave., over LUfflret's Drug Store, Elgin, 111. PERMANENT WAVES NOVEMBER FOR ONE MONTH ONLf • if: 1c SPECIALS . NEW PADS (not second hand) L'Am our French Oil Push-Up Wave. |3 00 value 2 Persons for ...t... $3.01 :MP*om Queen" Vita-Tonic. $5.00 ' value. 2 Persons for $5.01 Nestle Heaterlesg Croquignole Push ; Up Wave, $10 value, 2 persons for : ....-...$7.01 ptompanato's Reconditioning Oil I Process, $10.00 value, 2 Persons for $10.01 Complete with Shampoo and Fin- •; ger Wave (Haircut Extra, No 'i 6er ' Shmpoo (Shingle Beb) Neck Line Trim Cleanup Facial Eyebrow Arch Henna Rinse Nestle Color Rinse Finder or Push-Up W|f| (Shingle Bob) 25c I RINGLET ENDS or LONG HAIR Shampoo, Finger or Push-UpWave each 35C Choice Beauty Aide 3 tor $1.00 ^•r"0-Oil Treatment, Shampoo and Wave ......$1.00 Awioil Steam Treatment $1.00 Marcels that last 5QC Expert Manicure ,, .goe Henna pack . 50c Children's Special Continued Full Line of Nationally Advertised Permanent Waves, $3, $5, $6.50, $8 $10... Clean Soft Water UB«4 ( : W:J£num6 supplies and wind the entire head reeardleaa of 'I .. YOUR SERVICE 3 BARBERS. 5 BEAUTY A RTT.QTQ w • rvice) ptompanato's Special Method Haircut, Thinning Split Ends Treatj. pent, $1.00 value for 50c if 1 BARBERS, 5 BEAUTY ARTISTS 1 STOMPANATO'S j European-American Me thod Beauty Culture Ow SaldM Operate Under the State Laws of 111. Dept. of Reg St B4 WOODSTOCK, II,L. Vltra Modern Exclusive- Barber and Beauty Salon, 226 ifain St. ELGIN 4 So. Grove Ave, I Over Liggets Drug Store G^peo 8 a. m, to 9 p. m---4 Booths v Telephone 1604 Open until 9 p. m. - Telephone 641 WANTED--Watches, clocks and jewelry for repairing. 24-hour service six (36); all in Township Number j on spectacle repairs and lens replaceforty- five, North, Range Number j merits at lowest prices. Expert re- Eight (8), East of the Third Prin-1 pairman from Elgin factory. Nye cipal Meridian. The Plat of said 'Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop, West Edgewater Subdivision being filed McHenry, I1L 22-tf for record in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, situated in the Township of McHenry in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on the day of sale at which time a Certificate of Sale will be issued in accordance with the said decree- and the Statutei. Dated this 2nd day of November, A. D. 1932. DON A. WICKS, Special Master in Chancery of the Cfrcuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 23-3 MISCELLANEOUS V. S. Lumley, Solicitor State of Illinois, ' \ McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. September Term, A. D. 1932. Lois E. Robbins and Charles E. Robbins, Administrators de bonis non with will annexed of the Estate of Eli T. Chase, Deceased, vs. Fred Bachmann and Franoes, Bachmann, his wife, Vincent S. Lumley, Administrator of the Estate of Os- BRING YOUR RADIO TROUBLES to us for adjustment. Work guaranteed. Tubes replaced at lowest prices Midget Radios at $14.95. Nye Music & Radio ShOp, Weet McHenry I1L 22-tf BEFORE YOU BUY--see our B«- gain Shoe Counter. Expert shoe and sewing machine repairing. Popp's Shoe Store. West McHenry. Phone fO2' ^ ^ ^ ^ 46tf STRATTON DESERVES SUPPORT OF VOTERS When a public official performs his duties faithfully and efficiently and goes the limit in protecting the interests of tha people he has earned the right of reelection. Lest the voters forget, special attention is called to the outstanding administration of William J. Stratton as secretary of state. If any man has richly earned the gratitude of the people and has demonstrated that he deserves car Tabor, Deceased, and R. D. ] ?v^whe i lmin^>, reelection that man Woods, County Clerk and Trustee. In Chancery--Gen. No. 25579. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause, on the 17th day of August, A. D. 1932, I, Fred B. Bennett, is Secretary Stratton. It is common talk at Springfield that the office of secretary of state under Mr. Stratton is being conducted along unusually high-class lines. Aside from the well known fact that Secretary Stratton requires 100 per cent service and 100 per cent Master in Chancery of the Circuit j eff*ciency from every man and woman Court of McHenry County, Illinois, |on Pay roll, the surprising will on Saturday, the 19th day of No- 1 achievement of Secretary Stratton's vember, A. D. 1932, at the hour of j ^ministration is the large amount of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said j he has been able to collect on day, at the east front door* of the Pu^Hc funds entrusted to his care, court house in the city of Woodstock, I Punng this period of abnormally low McHenry County, Illinois, offer f0r,interest rates allowed by banks for sale and sell at public vendue to the' funds on deposit, Secretary Stratton highest and best bidder, the following j I188 Pa*^ ^ into the State treasury a described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said decree iri full, to-wit: Part of the southwest quarter of Section ten, township forty-five north of range eight, east of the third principal meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Starting at the point where the east line of said southwest quarter intersects the center of the State Highway Route No. 61, said point being 1096.9 feet north from the southeast corner thereof; thence northwesterly upon and along a line which forms an angle of sixtysix degrees and forty-four minutes to the left measured from said last described line, being upon and along the center of said highway for a distance of 326.65 feet, thence north upon and along a line drawn parallel with and 300 feet west from the east line of said southeast quarter for a distance of 43.6 feet to a point on the northwesterly line of said highway for a place of beginning, thence north upon and along said last described line produced for a distance of 293.1 feet, thence northwesterly Upon and along a line which forms an angle of sixtyeight degrees fifty-six minutes to the left from said last described line for a distance of '834.9 feet to a point on the northeasterly line of said highway, thence southerly upon and along the northeasterly line of said highway, being upon and along a curved line to the left, having a radius of 2122.2 feet, for a distance of 989.09 feet to the place of beginning, and containing three and one third acres of land, more or less, situated in the County of McHenry awL State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash in hand on day of sale at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued in accordance with said decree and the Statute. Dated this 19th day of October, A. D. 1932. FRED B. BENNETT, Master itt Chancery of the Circuit Cbtirt of McHenry County, Illinois. 21-4 total of £41,666.17 in interest earned, notwithstanding the fact that leading NO HUNTING ALLOWED "No hunting" signs can bo obtained at the Plaindealer office. Any number desired. Carried in stock. jSifee 11x17 inches. Chicago b' nks have cut interest rates on daily - aposits to the lowest Jevel ever kno\ n, about one-half of 1 per | cent Public funds remain in Secretary of State Stratton's hands for1 comparatively brief periods as he makes frequent transfers to the State treasurer of automobile license feep i and other fees paid into his office. ! Down in Springfield they-say if any' bank has ever gained the odd cent in interest on "(Bill" Stratton that bank is entitled to the distinguished service medal. .Th^y say that Secretary! Stratton, whose firm belief is that a | public office is a public trust, has in- j sisted that every bank pay every I penny, even the odd cent. It is related that one bank, which had a secretary! of state deposit of $5,000 for the brief period of 12 days, omitted to! credit any interest, probably feeling the amount was so small as to be hardly worth while. Secretary Stratton dictated the following reminder to the bank: Gentlemen: In checking your monthly statement of the Auto Fees account, I find that you have not allowed interest on deposit of $5,000 for 12 days. This amounts to $1.64. Please send memo of deposit for that tHKRmt Very truly yours, WILLIAM J. STRATTON, Secretary of State. Accuracy, good busmess methods, and scrupulous honesty and care in both little and big matters are used by Secretary Stratton in carrying out his plan of collecting interest from the banks on all State money which he handles, under the system which he inaugurated shortly after taking office in 1929. Secretary Stratton is a resident of 6Ur neighboring county of Lake, a part of the Eighth senatorial district. He has many persohal friends in McHenry county and for that matter is popular all over the State. He had made good as secretary of state and should receive a Bplendid vote of endorsement- McHenry county voters of all parties will be rewarding a faithful public servant by voting for "Bill" Strfetton, our neighbor and always the friend of McHenry county, county Booen Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney EXECUTORY NOTICE Estate of Michael Worts, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executrices of the last will and testament of Michael L. Worts, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby give notice that they will appear before the County Court of McHenry Cobnty, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the January Term, on the first Monday in January next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purposes of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 29th day of October, AD. 1932. JOSEPHINE OHLRICH, ROSE WORTS, Executrices. Million* Under Arms A t«*l of about 60,000,000 men were mobilized for the World war between 1014 and 1918. Most ^owcrfn) Urtif Words are, of course, tlte most erful drug used', mftnkJad.-^- yard Kipling. , i Mr* POLITICAL ADVERTISING E. H. COOK Republican Candidate for Re-election CORONER McHENRY COUNTY Your Vote and Support is Respectfully Solicited Election: TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 1932 Witch this Space Every Week for Specii] Prices Friday and Saturday Specials -n* oast, lb 14c 11c Lean Pork Roast, ib^ v Tender Round Steak, 11^ \ # ; ; 19c T-Bone or Sirloin Steak, lb,", 23c Lean Pork Chops, lb. . . i$c Fresh Ground Hamburg Steafe, Tb. '*•. lOc Home-made Pure Pork Sausage, lb. . 10c Fresh Fish on Fridays Fresh Oysters Pailjl These items are Che finest quality and strictly fresh. Gt&vf a full line of quality Qroceries at thfc low- •V ^ -. ;.:"f REGNER'S S Phone 3 Green Street a POLITICAL ADVERTISING Ray Paddock Candidate for Re-Election as * • From the 8th District V - v " / ; v '• • • > r • If re-elected I will continue to give the same - dose attention to legislative matters as t have in the past Your Support Will Be Appreciated USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS POLITICAL ADVERTISING - Elect - Sanies A. HOWELL TO CONGRESS llth Dist«f Democrat!* Lawyer, Elgin, Illinois. Mb, Member of Bar, Illinois and District of Colum- Member Chicago Bar Association. Present time, Professor of Law ^t Leading Law School. (Endorsed by Will Co. Ex-Servicemens Civiff League.) ^ WORTHY AND WELL QUALIFIED We Submit for Comparison REPUBLICAN •FRANK R. REID Aurora DEMOCRATIC Jx]JAMES A. HOWELL Elgin O T . * 0 R H 0 W E L L Economy Prohibiten Foreign Debts m Entagl«» »«nte Farm Relief Veterans & National THiiam Govern* •tent ii| - busines* - Unempkgr. meat reiUf Voting Record 72nd Sessftlt AGAINST ECONOMY Voted against Economy Bills, May 3, 1932. (see additional record} BONE DRY Voted against 2.19 percent Beer Bill, « May 23, 19S2. Vieira Unknown HOOVER MORATORIUM FOR FOREIGN DEBTS. DM Mt rote, paired fo#. VOTED FOR DISASTROUS FARM BOARD, April 25, 1929. Not voting on Amendment to Fan* Lafta Bill, Dec. 19, 1931. SOLDIER BONUS. Did not rote, paired fof. FAVORS ECONOMY Opposed to high taxes Advocate* 25% redaction. FAVORS REPEAL OF 18th AMENDMENT AND MODIFICATION OF VOLSTEAD ACT. (Opposed to saloon.) 4 FAVORS REVISION OF BANKING LAW TO PRflfc'" TECT DEPOSITORS. > " OPPOSED TO CANCELLATION OF FOREIGN DEBTS AND AMERICAN ENTRY INTO LEAGUE of NATIONS. FAVORS ROOSEVELT FARM RELIEF PROGRAM. Vtaws DnloMipi vnkiMNm So fa* of 86 chances, h#a voted only 27 times on Vital Matters. . . . - REtTFT 1 * 1 1 0 - ft RAMS of AMERICAN' IJEGION, VETERANS of -'FOREIGN WARSs and their fragrant for NATIONAL y DEFENSE. . A Opposed to (iiwin--t in boflm--• Nwtwary pafctti improve* Inents etmuld ba Wtnirjij immediately. pledges to STAY ON THlB- #OB and vote will of 'majority. H 0 w E L V W 1 L 'ft: o T E * S V O V Assn. Voters for Good Government

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