Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1932, p. 8

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to? ryfrw ' • . ' • f • »r **> * * ^ &»?* h " £&•• •• * • tm irmnrnT fuuroRALER, thurj&ay; wov. it, am %] - * &**»%/ j. ' ; L li $> \ •. T * . { • / ' * ' '&]y* >'<-*•X• 7*£ - (!?*}%} :A< " THC RMPH?B • fl " '* I PHONE 291 LAST TIME TONIGHT BARBARA STANWYCK,. •-•*•• •••J -v';. . "SHOP WORN" -Comedy aiul Short Subj«d* SATURDAY-SUNDAY v ' / ' \ N w . » - » I J S i l "Blonde of the Follies^ MARION DAVIS an4 ROBT. MONTGOMERY, Comedy and Shorts QubN^Mi GEt!&52Z&GS3SBSKi CLUB PLAYS CARDS Mrs. A. Wilbrandt entertained the members of her card club at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week, Card^ were played and prizes were won by Mrs. E. "Whiting, Mrs. Ford Jackson and Mrs. Mat Blake. The next meeting (/will be with Mrs. Thos Kane Wednesday afternoon. HOSTESS TO CARD CLUB Mrs. Charles Mertes was hostess to the members of her card club Thursday afternoon. Bridge was played and prizes were merited by Mrs. H. C. Hughes and Mrs. John DreymilleF. Refreshments were served.- (4 WKD -THimS. :;>-g . . . v V Nov. 23-24 - A<'-. TlmjJwgiving Eye S^eclrf Abo Comedy and Shorts I MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers club .will meet with Mrs. George Kramer this Friday afternoon. Mrs, Frank Hughes will be assistant hostess, Mrs. L. J. McCrackeh mil be ill charge of the program and Mjfs, C. Doug-las of the games I*?,: FREE TURKEY SUPPER At. Nell's White House, Saturday, Nov. 19. One mile eastofjielienry, on &OUt6 20. . . -w - V v ' . •• Or, k Turnip! • Now Some evolutionists say that - man Is of vegetable origin. That Is easy for the man to understand whose wife Is always calling him a "cabbage head." Bnetl of Recreation Recreation should sometimes be given to the mind, that It may b® restored to you in better condition for thinking.--Phaedms. ( ' Grown-up Smather Child (after watching father make an unfortunate stroke with drives)-- Why dont yon get unbreakable toys for daddy, too, ma?--Boston Transcript \ M E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services att the M. E. church every/Sunday. " . Sunday! school 10 A. M. . ' : • - . Morning worship 11 A.BL^;v%'-? v iSermon Subject, '^e 'Tfciaiksgiving Spirit." Attendance at the Sunday school is increasing rapidly and adults as well as young people are invited. This will be a special Thanksgiving service with special irtusic bf the choir for the occasion. ClteapT It hAi been said, "the only thing you can get for nothing is advice.** And It's oft^n worth it f Make Bottle* Sparkle A good pinch of rice and a cupful of vinegar shaken together in your water bottles and Jugs will make them sparklingly clear. OH, LET me linger by my fireside embers Thanksgiving is no day for idle roving, ,,n Old friends, old days, old songs, my heart rememberJ * Are gathered to my side for hours of loving, , . t take lifes book^and turn its yellow pages, * > ^ Before the firelight glow I watch them brighteii. Ofd faces of old friends of outgrotvn agesf ;! T J Through windows, with me, watch the brown eartt -I whiten. ' ' • ' • . • • , J SEE old homesteads with their snowy thatch^* : : And from huge chimneys grayish smoke ascending. I hear the welcome sound of lifting latches„ / feel the warm handclasps of hands befrieTidin^^^ f Oh, faces of the past, when life Was living, ",'i: Come, gather 'round this board and lift your voices . Again, 'as yore, in one long, glad Thanksgiving, In which the htart of youth and age rejoicesl i , Bwnanl'* Kmi S«M) A naturalist has proved that Iras' have a strong sense of smell-; a. Mpictto found In his country lives chiefly upon carrion, and many experiments were made by burying por-, tlons of dead animals in the birds' haunt. In every Instance the bUMards t found the food even when It was concealed within rooms of deserted huts. Precedent ' " Th^ referendum idea" Umt*n*w. ,Noah sent out a dove" to see If the land was dry.--Akron Beacon-Journal. 13 Word. - ' - Proper and apt words for good matters, and plain and sensible utterances for the best and deepest reasons -- Roger Ascham. Old Surgical Requirement ' When the surgeons of Edinburgh were;-in 1505, incorporated under the denomination of surgeons and barbers, It was required of them to be able "to read and write." ^ "Tailor" Fiah " ••••. ^ • TLe name "tailor" is applied to the blufish. Cheilodipterus caltatrlz. This Is a very active and voracious fish, distributed in many seas, and is an important food fls'^nn the Atlantic coast of the Uniteu States. It fef commonly from three to five pounds in weight, though sometimes much larger, and is very destructive to other fishes, especially the menhaden. The young are called snappers. Flag Salute Optional The saluting of the flag each day la the public schools depends entirely on the regulations of the individual schools. ' Rusted Steel , - •. ten steei becomes rusty rub with a piece of fine emery paper that has been dipped in turpentine. Polish with « fresh' piece Of emery papeTind year tust^^is gone ! Stained Key* Stalns on piano keys can be removei with oxalic add. The keys can then he kept white by rubbing them occasionally with a soft piece of cloth Wet alcohol. . Briefly ToM Happiness is not like a large and beautiful gem--but it consists of a series of smaller and commoner gems, grouped and set together, forming a pleasing and graceful whole. . Easy m the Ijrek > . •; . •>,• When one's eyeeight Is/not «f tk*^ best, threading the sewing machine needle Is a task. 'Try slipping a piece f ' *?f*: $ of white paper or cloth behind thej fteedle and see how much easier tt lfc.1 't. it Famous Dividing Line I - The Grampian hills, extending across | : , Scotland from the southwest to the northeast, are generally regarded as • the dividing line between the Low-P' j lands and the Highlands. On premises formerly occupied by Pistaqua Heights Country Club, three miles northwest of Volo, on Saturday, December 3 a&: 12:30 p. |i : ' Articles to be sold RESTAURANT FIXTURES CLUB HOUSE FURNITURE and EQUIPMENT and GOLF COURSE EQUIPMENT, • jv -::-A mvft • Phone 311 is Having Another Sale SHAMROCK FOUNTAIN SYRINGE OR HOT WATER BOTTLE 49c SI 25 KOW KARE . AND 60c BAG BALM BOTH $1.33 ALL PAINTS AND DUCO 50 PER CENT OFF Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 17-18-19 TO THE PEOPLE OF McHENRY, JDHNSBURG, SPRING GROVE, RINGWOOD, SOLON MILLS, RICHMOND, VOLO, ROUND LAKE, INGLESIDE, FOX LAKE, GRAYSLAKE, GRISW0LD LAKE, WAUC0NDA, TERRA COTTA, OSTEND, GREENWOOD, HOLCOMVILLE, BARREVILLE, IRISH PRAIRIE, AUGUSTBURG, "CANADA," CHERRY VALLEY, BURTON'S BRIDGE, ENGLISH PRAIRIE AND ALL POINTS EAST AND WEST, BOLGER'S DRUG STORE IS HAVING ANOTHER SALE. Hundreds oS Other Items Also on Sale on the Above Dates $1.00 LISTERINE 84^ $1.00 ST. REGIS. WATPHES. - 15c QUINK 9^ 85c KRUCHEN SALTS , 63# 1-lb. PSYLLIUM SEED 49# $1.00 FOUNTAIN Pi^S ..^^. 49# $1.00 FLASHLIGHTS : r: 39# '$1.25 CHAS. DENBY CIGARS 88# $1.25 BANKERS CIGARS 88# 50c GEM BLADES, double edge.........36# 60c CHOCOLATE CARMELS, lb 60c BROMO SELTZER $1.50 PETROLAGAR 40c SQUIBB S TOOTH PASTE ... 50c AUTO STROP BLADES $1.00 SUPER D C L O $1.10 COTY'S FACE POWDER ... 5 lbs. EPSOM SALTS ; $1.25 SSS TONIC 35c VICKS' VAPO RUB 39# 43# 98# -28# 38# 69# 89# 33# 91# 23# $1.50 PINKHAMS VEG. COM. 85c JAD SALTS ,.v_ ^9^ 50c NATURE'S RiMEDY^^^-33^ $1.00 OVALTINE 75^ $1.20 SAL HEPATICA ; 89# 50c PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 36# 60c ZONITE ANTISEPTIC " 46# 35c ODORONO 50c Hind Honey and: A&uiiijil Cream 33# 2 5 c F E E N A M I N T G U M . . . . . . . 7 ^ 25c COLGATE'S DENTAL ^DREAM ,1.. For clean, white teeth and a wholesome mouth. Special at 2 ^r 40# One Free - FULL PINT ^IOLK OF MAGNESIA 31^ %•* • PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 10c BARS J O# .25c J PALMOLIVE ° AFTER SHAVE TALCTJM 13# 25o :|CLEENEX let PON'D'S CREAMS Nationally known. Cold or Vanishing. Priced at only 491 :,'d_ ONDS <•0 £ MINERAL OIL OaJlon $2.00 Quart Pint ^ -19<* /"v Finest Quality Oil 40e FLETCHER'S OASTORIA 29# O^ni 6c SCHOOL TABLETS r--. g for 5# 35c PALMOLIVE SHAVING CREAM In the Drink $1.50 LEE'S GERMOZONi 98# $4.50 ST. REGIS HEATING PAD $2.49 itunui PINT HUBBING ALCOHOL 39e renXm EATON'S GLENAVON STATIONERY 60c value " .29# ,50c TETE A TETE BRIDGE 6ARDS 19# 35c XOTE2| v • P-. ^ . Bolger - The Store That's Always Busy & £ 2 ^33 DR. WEST'S TOOTH PASTE 2 FOR 33# AtlAL SOAP 3 «5c Bars WOODBURY'S SOAP 1 25c TUBE COLD CREAM 69# LADIES. ATTENTION THE AMERICAN HOME COOK BOOS vr V. 49^ The Best Cook Book Out rIf- • T-, , fc.: • y&.,- 'A, • , , ,r it ^ The Rumors are Right Uf s a New Plymouth ivith Float' ing Power on Display in Our •; : Showroom Today ;i Step into our showroom today, and $et an eyeful! A completely new Plymouth. . lots of "looks" . . . Full Sixe! And what an engine! Six cylinders with Floating- Power! 70 horse power! The ride of a lifetime's awaiting you. Try out Plymouth's smooth, sure Hydraulic brakes. Examine its Safety-Steel body. v Enjoy the vibrationless power of this Plymouth Floating Power Six. You'll find the price as thrilling as the car. THE RUMORS ARE RIGHT ABOUT NEW LOW PRICES, TOO NOONAN GARAGE A. E. Noonan--F. J. Immekus On Route 20 and U. S. 12 McHenry *T.. / <£• i,:.' 8 . *

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