-... -» 'V i syif #• 4 •+„ tJESfr t-;,n i^ l$• l\-" fit" \?<v •. tBnc* Piw Prohibited in Dayi of the Pnritea* tHE mince.pie bu bad soaaj aoemies. \ I The PurtttlnsNwoid have none ol tt, and even In the Eighteenth ceo twy tt was a forbidden delicacy to • large nuijiber ol clergymen. During the Commonwealth the holding of Christmas festivals was forbidden. In 1644 parliament passed an act ordering ail citizens to observe Christ Ms day as a solemn fast, to be spent lit silent atonement for previous fes tlvals that had passed In riotous Hv tog and merry -making. This ordei remained in force for 12 years. The authorities in several towns tried to reduce Christmas daj to the level of other days, 'in Canterbury, by order ol the mayor, It was proclaimed that "Christmas day and all other aaperstltious festivals should be pnt down." . People who attended service in the cathedral were mobbed. The inhab itants formed themselves into-two parties, and feeling in the matter frequently resulted in. tha exchange of Wows. •' -• In 16S2 'H was proclalmid that '"no observation slial) be had of „the five and twentieth'day of December, com monij called Ohrlstmas day, nor any solemnity used or exercised Jn Churches." " •' .'•• ifhit ordej Was enforced by soldier*-* ' Ovens and larders, were searched, and where seasonable dainti'es oi decora, tiohs wer* foune they were carried Off and destroyed. *A changed attitude towards the Ptriian dislike ol Christ. ma» festivities efune with the restore tion of King' Charles. Ghostly Christmas Bells to Greet Merry Yuletide SMONGST the bells which will ring out to greet the coming Yuletide wtll be many ghostly peals,, beard on no other night in the year; for tradition says that the bells of all buried churches Join the chorus every Christmas eve. There are the bells of flalelgh, once • prosperous village In Nottingham Shire, now only a country valley. All aigB of habitation was swallowed up many years a^o by an earthquake. It Is said that every Christmas eve the bells of the old church heard to ling again. A legend of this kind is told of a country church near Preston, the very name of which nobody knows. lb Holland the story of the city of Been if told every Christmas. This wonderful place was famous , for Its magnificanee and beauty, and also for Its wickedness and snamelessness. One day the whole city, was swallowed up by the sea. • • The submerged bells of Dunwich. now covered by the sea, are said to join thi ghostly chorus. • '. J JFirst Christmas Trees Originated in Germany ON THE wild, siindy heathland of the North German plain the darkleafed fir trees have flourished for many centuries. It is not strange, therefore, that the "Christmas Tree" should have its origin there. It dates back prior to the days o 1 Christianity. ; The early Egyptians used to employ decorated trees In their festive season celebrations. It Is a fact well known by all botanists that the palm tree- puts f»rtl\ a shoot each month, and at the time of the winter solstice, a spray of palm, bearing twelve shoots, was employed la the temple of Osiris to "mark the completion of the year. Curiously enough, England did not adopt Christmas trees until the middle of the last century. The prince consort, shortly after his mar rlage to Queen Victoria, introduced AJtem into Great Britain. LIKE COLORFUL TREE IF THERE are young children In the home, you should have a real Christmas tree, as nothing; else can take its place. Older people may like stunning effects that appeal to the imagination, or ' symbols In a fairy manner that will do this, but children want it loaded to overflowing with baubles of colored glass, lopped around with tinseled strands that gleam and glitter. Rut Awilwf Ml tUp The Srst IMM Mlt la turici was the Virginia, a little «a«H*> pinnae*, launched by thi Popkaai colony la 1907, at the month of EWMIMC river, In Main* Froaa CUu A 3rug which has been used' fbr bronchial troubles In China for 4,000 years is part of a new prescription In Europe for the treatment of asthma. Aaciwrit B*tt|* Cry The word "Hot" waa the foraal aarclamatloa astsd In the Iflddle agea by a cmomuder In battle or by aa umpire la a tournament to ardor a cessation of hostilities. FtCM A crowd Is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk bat a tinkling cymbal, where there Is no love. • • • A Dmty Jud Tbnkins saya even a aaUMf paraon ought to try to make others bapiklar, so that those around him Wont gat ao blue that they're' poor company.^Washlngton star. W ' - - •; | ^ ' J & " " i ' W. Hut Sleep It Is said that heavy sleepers are weak intellectually. And light sleepers eventually get the Jitters. Take your choice.--Atlanta Constitution. So An author *»yp that wfl^aon In China do pretty much aa fhay please. Thus another of our so-called western Inventions traces back to the mysteriotis Bast.--Detroit News. last a Saaaaa Hay fever cures are consistent, Anyway. It Isn't a fever and isn't caused fey hay and they don't cure It.--San Francisco Chronicle. i wmm >Mfc y>a»--lit* A coattW or smaH bags of gum camphor Bttyba hoa* inside the piano war tha Wt, but, of course, not touching tho resounding keys, thus! defeating : the enemy motfw araa tf Jha piano hi aeldom used. -c: Old Swedish Cwraacy The first Swedish gold coins ~w*ra' minted in Stockholm In 1568, la tho Erik XIV. lasir Clililsm Ihab taking Mont Vernon as a typical home, Ohrlstmas Breakfast was between eight and' nine o'clock, the guests went Banting. It was served by candle light nulslinap dllnner was served atr 8:80 p. m. 1 Cans** *i Gray Hair Worry frequently causes hair #»« turn gray, but most grayness In lu# Is caused by disease. f 'v.; *•> nnouiices m AA r- ' ' * ^ -r 45 / ^ ^ ^ y .t„ : v ' - "*:V- *' "*• ^' '*"• ^'7^^ :•> y\„-i . .\t?j a . • 8 t- -'A V'rV -J i ^ v' " -v 1 ~ ' V-'. • 'jtt V' * " - *f 'r1 W. & SKELLY, PRES^ SKELLY OIL CO. SKELLY REFINERY ENGINEERS HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMBINED SKELLY CASOLMV ORDINARY GASOLINt SO* VAPORIZED *5% VAPORIZED IOO? VAPORIZED 009 VAPORIZED Recipe for Merry Chrijtmas Are you seeking a formula which will insure you a Merry Christmas? It's really too easy: Just have a child or two around the place and human nature will do the rest.--Collier's Weekly. The ChrUtma* Mine* Pi* The inevitability of hot mince p!e Ob the Christmas board explains why it Is well for the national digestion that there is only one Christmas dinner a year. . OB* Sad Thiag About Cbriitiui The saddest thing about Christmas Is that the good fellowship the day in spires too often withers with the Yule Iras aad is tossed out of doors. Same Bump* A writer says that few people know -what It is like to go over Niagara falls in a barrel. Maybe not, but folks < who have ridden over a detour in seat have a rough Idea of It. Ua*zpIor*d Laid* The largest unexplored lands, exclu isive of the polar regions, are in the Amazon section of South America, parts of central (tropical) Africa, the -Sahara desert and regions of Siberia. .-•t: TWost gasolines are neither high test nor high anti-knock. A few gasolines are either high test or high anti-knock. New Skelly Gasoline is both high test iind high anti-knock. *Jlist one of these two qualities, Iiigli test or high anti-knock, makes a gasoline a good buy--makes it stand above most competition. "But we were not satisfied to give you high test or high anti-knock. We were determined to jump out ahead of the field by giving you both at no extra cost. It took over six months of development work, more than $250,000 worth of refinery changes, months and months of road testing and experimentation by refinery engineers, to give you both in one gasoline* , "Remember these three facts when you buy gasoline: "Most gasolines are neither high test nor high antiknock. "A few gasolines are either high test or high anti-knock. "New Skelly gasoline is both high test and Midi anti-knock." HIGH TEST • to Vaporize When you want to start instantly with s . cold motor, your gasoline must vaporize of its Own accord. High Test Skelly Aromax Gaso* line is built to vaporize without the help of J^otor heat--to get into full action instantly-- to turn over the motor right now* AXTI-KNOCK for Smoother Power on Hills "Pop-off" gasolines give # shotgun-like "kick" with each explosion. That is why "popoff" gasolines knock on slow hill climbs. They give the effect of a series of jerks. :r% • / No "raw" gasoline goes into your motor* on the starter and a fpray of vaporized^ fiigh Test Skelly Gasoline goes into your cy|# • Inder head--a vapor so fine that your sparM "takes hold" instantly, and your motor is veady to pull you away without "warm-up.? ^ The pans shown above demonstrate the difference between Aromax Gasoline and ordinary gasoline. Skelly Aromax Gasoline vapoi> tzes more quickly because it is high test. Winter Gravity as high as 72 degrees? varying with geography and temperatures. High Anti-Knock, gives in every explosion a smooth, strong, silent push. Coming one after another, these send your car along smoothly, off." No jerking. No knocking. Just confpare smooth, silent Skelly Aromax .Gasoline with others on a hill. Your car glidi* on up without seeming effort* The high anti-knOck (high octane) rating alone of New Skelly Aromax Gasoline would put this new fuel out in the lead. Combining high test and high anti-knock, at no extra cost to you, Skelly Gasoline gives you the most for your money. Try it today. Refined by the makers OF TAGOLENE MOTOR OIL A; McHenry, IilinoU