Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1933, p. 4

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f- ty?} , ,7*^ mmrnmmmmmM r •; jG;j f?t^ - j:fz< v- v - THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry, DL, oak ier the act of May 8, 1879. • One Year .. fix Months ...12.00 ....$1.00 A. B. MOSHKR, Editor tad Manaf«r t4/ : ,pp. : RINGWOOD e Ifome Bureau held a "patter '**t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Harrison Friday evening. Prizes in *500 were awarded to Mr. « C. C. Harrisop, Miss Clara Greaves, Mrs. Ralph Simpson and William Tompson. Prizes in Cootie were awarded Mr. Sweeny, Miss Alice Pe'fet, W. B. .Harrison and Winifred Bepwell. lltrs. Ellen Whiting entertained the 'Blasy Aces at her home Tuesday &ft«r^ Vawm. -'Mrs. Ray Peters entertained ;the Scotch Bridge dub Wedp^sday afters Prizes were awSyded Mrs,: E.' Jg.. Whiting and Mrs. B. T. Butler. " . " v Mr, arid Mrs. E<1. Howard; of W^jd- Stack ami son Clarence of Elgin feA- * «» 'Friday in the Leon Do&ge homefA Mr. arfd Mrs. J[. F. Stephensonspent ^Wcdnesdiy .'till l?ridiy evening- '.•fn^Chicago.-'-.'. •'• /., ,v v; Mr. and Mrs. ' W. A. * Dodge are ^ ylsiting in the homfc of thtir daughter . Lora at Antioch. . > Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Wednesday With her father at Woodstock. "Clay Rager of Chicago spent the sy OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the condition of ' ' Peoples State Bank* of McHenry 1 Located at McIIemy, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1932, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES 1. Cash, Other Cash Re--;-..-"/•:i;•. />" sources and Due from Banks -J 9;920.80 2. U. •• S. Government. V* •: . Vestments- 1347.61 3. Othejr:'Bonds ana.;S«^":v-: o curit^-J;„„.;.v.;.:....„L-v «*v! 4. Loans on Collateral S.e* CUrity -5, Other Loans' ...„,;.....,i...>; 28»246.93j 6. Loa^is on Ri?al E^te v: 3^290.00 .7. Overdrafts. 8. Other Real Estate .......i x- FOR SALE FOR SALE--Corn, oats and clover hay. M. P. Meyer, 1% mile north of Johnsburg, on river road. *33 STALIN'S WIFE GAVE UfE TO SAVE MATE Officials Believe Poison Wat Intended for Dictator. < MORTGAGE SALE IS BALKE& BY FARMERS FOR SALE--Thirty head of young horses, mares and matched team?, farm chunks. Sold with guarantee. One mile north of Route 21 on Rollins Road and 1H miles north of Round Lake. John Hook Farm. " 33 FOR RENT FOR RENT---Modern 4-room "flat on Main street. Rent reasonable. Inquire' of Jolm E. Freund. Phone 128-M. 32-tf HOUSE FOR RENT--Seven rooms, modern. . Inquire of Dr. N. J. Nye. 25-tf, . . . ~ WANTED WANTED r- TEA AN1> COFFEE ROUTE MEN'--Big reliable national company. needs 3 more men immediately. .Previous experience unnecessary but must be physically able and willing to service 200 steady con- 'None ' Su,mers OT1 Tegular route and work 8 "! hours a day for about ^37.50 weekly- Write Albert Mills, Route Mgr., 2222 •33 week-end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. ( Ray Peters spent) Stfrday and Monday at Belvidere and Resources ....... Hunter. , . ' %j Adrian Thomas of Chicago spent] Wednesday and Thursday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thom^s.^/ Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family spent Sunday with the latter's' parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich.j Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and famliy spent Saturday afternoon at; Woodstock. ? I Mr. and Mrs- Bruce Nickols of McHenry were „ callers in the Leon Dodge home Friday afternoon. , . j 9. Banking House, Furnfc '-;^ turt and Fixtures t$550©€ •TLT1X» .^nis> *°uu 10. Customers' Liability . ' V; - : Monmouth, Cincinnati, 0. under Letters of Credit.. . None WANTED--Farms from 86 to 150 11. Customers Liability ° acres to rent. Either cash or share account. of Acceptances.. None rent. Kent & Co.. Phone 8. 22-tf 12. Other Resources 701.0<>:. ! .. , 8^,390.33: ^ MISCELLANEOUS LIABILITIES IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAIR 0£ 1. Capital Stock ....$ 26,OQO.OO GLASSES have, your ^eyes tested by 2. Surplus 1,000.00 Dr. Keller. At my summer home 3. Undivided Profits (Net) 421.41 Sundays and Mondays. Entrance . 4. Reserve Accounts, 5. Demand Deposits,.. 6. Time Deposits 7. Due to Banks 8- Bills Payable .......... 9. Re-Discounts 10. Dividends Unpaid .» 11. Letters of Credit \... 12. Bank Acceptances .. None across, from Joe Frett's house on Riv- 36,163.32 erside Drive, McHenry. Phone 211-R. 26,805.57 Dr. C ' Keller, Optometrist and Op- None|tician- • 33't'f None CUT SAWS gummed, filed, None iSet' 8X685 knives» shears sharpened, enemies. ' o f h1 N Pnfrt*»n/\»4'« CVIAM on t London.--Throughout the length and breadth of Russia agents of the dreaded G. P. U., the Soviet secret service, have their ears to the ground In the hopes of getting some clew to the per; sons who are believed„to have fatally poisoned the wife of Joseph Stalin while seeking the life pf the dictator himself. * ° This Is the report which has trickled out of Russia past the rigid censorship which Moscow exercises over all news. It bears out previous reports that Mme. Stalin--although she never abandoned her maiden namehad succumbtMi to a deadly drug In pursuance of her habit tasting food intended for her husband SOme hpurs before it was ser%ed to him. % .V?-.0 Explains Pu»le< '>;r "/ •'explaidS'. the 'pftzjde,-pi why •'Comrade Nadeja Sergervhii Alliluieva," as she was, officially ^nowri, was given the most impressive 'funeral, marked by pomp and ceremony, accorded any individual uhuer the Soviet regime although in life she was retiring, self-effacing and insignificant In the general Soviet scheme.; . Couiment . oiitside qf Russia was aroused when the official announcenjent of Mme. Stalin's death failed to .then tion the cause. It was a terse state ment, signed by the seven officials highest in the Soviet government and their wives. It referred to her by her inaiden name and only as the "friend and devoted aid of our Comrade Stalin" and as "our comrade and friend and the finest person." It served to recall that when Stalin suddenly leaped Into the dictatorship qfter a ruthless and stormy career of violence under his predecessors It was said that his wife had made hertself his "official taster" to test all his food as part of the precautions to protect him j against the constant plotting of his jqdge and Sheriff in Iowa Are Threatened. Nons i at E. G. Peterson's Shop. 32-4 Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Friday-iii. Liabilities Chicago. Mrs- A. "L. Laurence, and son Will- Total Liabilities iam and Amy Laurence spent Friday•' •» Floyd M. Foss, Cashier of the afternoon in Woodstock, ; Peoples. State Bank of McHenry, do Mrs. Dirie and son Robert, Lou' so^emnly swear that the above state- Laurence daughter Irene of West IDen^ 18 true to the best of my know- Pullman Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner Ied^e and belief- and that the item9 and daughter Marion of McHenry and amounts shown above correspond spent Sunday in the A. L. Laurence with the items and' amounts shown In ^ the report made to the Auditor of ilr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family ^klic Accounts, State of Illinois, pur- ©f McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick suant to_|a^' „ „ , . Young home. I FLOYD M. FOSS, Cashjer. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and State of Illinois, . family, Mrs. Foss and son Wayne^.-.County of McHenry. ss. :^ ^ : •were Wilmot callers • ,1 i Subscp^d and sworn VMn«l Fred Wiedrich ^ Bon Boy 8pei.t^ 6th^ , tM1, Monday afternoon at McHenry. ] RO^ALJE STIL..ING, Mr. antf Mrs, Harold Wiedrich and, . .• ; ^otary PuW'C* family called on relatives in Crystal | •„ ^ r' Lake Monday afternoon. Mr- and Mrs. W. O. Fisher and family, Mr- and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family, Ethel, Laura and Roy None BEFORE YOU BUY--see our Bar- None | gain Shoe Counter. Expert shoe And . . sewing machine repairing. Popp's, , , ,A. , „ . 89,390.33! Shoe Store. West McHenry. Phone1 ,ocksmith in -Georgia, and Stalin 162- :-";..46tf PERSONALS (OFFTCIAL PUBLICATION) ; Report of the Condition of . The Ringwood State Bank Wiedrich attended a party at Howard Located at Ringwood, State of Illi- Fisher's home at Huntley Saturday nois, at the close of business on the | the week-end with friends here, evening. Mrs. Frank Freund was a visitor at Aurora, Monday. Mrs. Petef M. Justen was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. : Simon Stoffel was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Peter M. Juston was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday., Charles ,G. Frett of Aurora called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause were Woodstock visitors Monday. / Mrs. A1 Wagner is snending a few dn.ys with Chicago friends. Dr. Neil Dehorty of Chioago spent Sunday with home folks here. Thomas A. Bolger was a business caller in Woodstock Monday. James Mahoney of Chicago spent • 31st day of December, 1932, as made1 ar,d Mrs. H. J. Sch.affer visited Mrs. W. A. to the Auditor of Public Accounts of j re'a^yes near Wauconda Sunday, were callers here the State of Illinois, pursuant to law.) Misses Elizabeth and Adeline Vogt i \ RESOURCES | of Geneva visited friends here Sunday L Cash, Other Cash Re- I Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Parker of Dessources and. Due from | Moines, Iowa, called on relatives here Banks ... .$ 9 121.03 Friday. 2. U. S. Government In- ' I ^r" nnd. Mrs. L. A. Erickson and vestments None'visited relati»T-; at Caledonia Lester Nelson and podge of Antioch Monday. Mrs. Louie Schroeder entertained the Evening Bridge club at her home Toesday evening. The M. E. Choir and their families Were entertained in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Dibble at Greenwood Tuesday evening. Roland McCannon was a caller in McHenry Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and •on David were callers in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Ed. Thompson spent Tuesdiy 10. Customers' Liability un •Iternoon in McHenry. j der Letters of Credit -Mrs. E. E- Whiting, Mrs. Emma 11. Customers' Liability ac^ Merchant spent Friday in Chicago, j count of Acceptances Ralph Clay daughter Maxine and 12. Other Resources Dorothy Peet are spending a few days ! ' . With his mother at Apple River. V 3. Other Bonds and Secur- ; ities 8,200.00 4. Loans on Collateral Security ».... ....... 5. Other Loans ............ 6. Loans o/r Real Estate:... 7. Overdrafts 8. Other Real Estate .........V 9. Banking Hou^e, Furniture and Fixtures Sunday. Mrs. Edith Hayes and Miss Elola Boyle were Elgin visitors Friday af- 8,019.00 ternoon. 20,609.06' ?rybil and son, Dick, 9,735.60 of DesPlainies called on relatives here None i Sunday. " ] 2,657.15 Mrs- FJora Rossi and Mrs. Itev Wagner of Chicago visited frfeAds 9,500.00 here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and Ifamily -Chicago visited relatives j here Sunday. None j Mr- and Mrs. H. C- Hughes and Mr. 4 300.00 !Rnd Mrs* Stephenson were Chicago - . . visitors Sunday. Total Resources „...A$68,142.44.1 &*• and Mrs. Albert Purvey called LIABILITIES | on relatiws at Woodstock and Crys- 1- Capital Stock .$25,00d.0° j talJf^ • 5U^ay' w-,r 2. Surplus None! ar! Mrs. William Toppan of Taking such a duty upon herself would have been in keeping with the romance which began when she was merely a school girl, daughter of a part Georgian, part Mongolian, fell In loVe with her. parted from Ms first wife and waited until the girl reached adolescence to marry her at seventeen. Rarely Seen in Public. Public appearances of Mme. Stallii were .very rare despite the high position of her husband. They and their two children, a boy of eleven and a girl of six, and a twenty-three-year-old son of Stalin's first marriage lived In Spartan seclusion. So little known, in fact, was Mme. Stalin that for a year she attended an industrial acadeiby to take a course in artificial silk making without her Identity becoming public until she was posted for "cutting" classes, a demerit which she made up in time to graduate last June. That some weighty reason lay behind the pomp of Mme. Stalin's funeral is indicated by the fact that Stalin permitted it, for the dictator is a man of simple tastes, of almost Puritanical ideas where his home and family are concerned and inclined to frown upon any display of rank. Yet he permitted his wife's body to He in state in a red coffin, amid white chrysanthemums--Russia's mourning flower--and threw open the doors that 100,000 persons might'file past the bier i|i.silent tribute to her. He could have forbidden, but did not, the ryiles long funeral procession in which infantry and cavalry marched past a million civilians banked along the route, but he and his fellow officials followed the red hearse on foot. It was a marvelous display, but why should the Soviet bestow it upon a woman whose only claim to fame was that she was Stalin's wife? Was there some secret, known only to a few, why it should wish to bury her in splendor among those of royal blood? Did Mme. Stalin die a martyr to her devotion to her world-famous husband? Did she sacrifice her life that the dictator might live? W oodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY - SATURDAY Mat./ Sat. 2:00 Eve 7-9 , 10-2.~>c EDWAIJ1) ROHIN'SnN in "TIGER SHARK" SUNDAY ~ MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:80 to 11 10;25c to 6:00 Eve 10-35c Miin. Eve i (i-2T>c "IF I HAD A MILLION" with Gary Cooper, G«o. Raft, Wynne Gibson, Jack Oakie, Francis Dee arjd Charles Ruggles. 1" TUESDAY BARGAIN MTE-I0.ISC RICHARD I)IX in HIGHWAY" WED.-THURS* ~pkf- Advance in l>rice*-^tfr-2.'>e 1 STAGE SHOW Four Peters Brothers Famous German Concertina and Bandxmia Plarycrs in Person, playing classical and old .time . iiwlc.:. \^) " ONTHE SCREEN CLATT \ BOW in • CALL Hi R SAVAGE" 3. Undivided Profits (Net).. 4. Reserve Accounts ..... .... 5. Demand Deposits 6. Time Deposits ................ 7. Due to Banks ^ 8. Bills Payable 9. Re-Discounts .................... 10. Dividends Unpaid 11. Letters of Credit .......... 12. Bank Acceptances 13. Other Liabilities - Mr. and Mrs I Richmond- were Sunday visitors"in t\e Nono! Her'ry Vo-el home. " 26 021 i 2 ( ^r.s' Weber and daughter, 16 69o!ll IBernice' visited .Mrs. Fred Justen at ' None! Charles hospital, Aurora, Monday. None' • P?liI Gu'nto spent three days in None^pr'n<r^^'d week, where None! attend<?d the inauguration of Gov. None' **orner- None! Litt,e Mary Kathryn and Joan Ash- None1 ^on Roc^ord fire spending several days in the home of their aunt, Mrs?. Tctal Liabilities $68,142.11 j J J^ Bo'*er I, A. J. Richardson, Cashier of the Mrs. Edward Thompson, son, Geo., Ringwood State Bank, do solemnly jand darter, Grace Mary, of Ringswear that the above statement is! ^°0 ' r^"s e, m e William Freund true to the best of my knowledge ahdi"°™e "rs£ay" ^ belief, and that the items and amounts! T , r ^n rs. George McClellan of shown above correspond with the e _ en^Ya> Wis., were^ Sunday visitems and amounts shown in the re- Lfrs in ^ ^°me of Mr. and Mrs. port made to the Auditoir of Public Thomas Kane. Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. X. J. RICHARDSON, , Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of January, 1933, ; MARJORY WHITING, (SEAL) Notary Public- . . • : • The Home Circle was entertained in t'he M- W. A. hall Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, Mrs. E. C. Hawley, Mrs. L. E. HIf^fwc-lleeyy and Mrs. E. E. spending a few days with relative hostess Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mathews and little daughter,' Jean, of LaCrosse, Wis,, arfe guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mathews. Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger spent a few days the past week at Springfield, where she saw her husband sworn in as representative for the rew >rm. -- Miss Lillian Doherty, in company with Misses Lusy and Theresa Howden, of Richmond, visited a friend, Sister Mary Rose, at Madison, Wis., Sunday. John Bolger spept-the week-end at Peca^pnica. He was accompanied home by his wife, who had been WTiiting81 were hostesses to a 1 o'clock luncheon which was served. Mr. and Mis. Roland McCannon spent Monday evening in the Joe McCannon home at Keystone. Mr. and Mrs- Lynn. Hanford, Mr3. Colford of Chicago spent Sunday -m the S. W. Smith home. Pete Peterson and son, Kesneth, of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon hi the S. W. Smith home. Wattles Drug Store--sell Pla indealers i'Mt there. Junior, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett, left for Florida last week, in company* with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan, of Harvard, where they expect to spend the winter. -Parses "Burial*" . In the towers of silence, Bombay, the -dead are laid to .be devoured by vultures, the. Parsers claiming it to be the roost sanitary burial. Cook to Italian King Tells Dessert Recipe Rome.--Here is a recipe given by Commendatoro 1'etini, first cook to King Victor Emmanuel of Italy. It makes a dainty dish to set before a king and yet it Is quite simple. Peel and stone ripe apricots putting In the place left by the stone a lump of almond paste. Roll them in finely powdered biscuits, "dip them In the beaten yolk of an egg and then In fine bread crumbs. Melt butter In an earthenware, fireproof shallow dish, put in your apricots and dry them fast. Drain In the usual way and serve with fine sugar flavored with vaiiilla U. S. Names Are AddetJ to British Who's Who London. -- Several new American names were listed in the 1033 edition of the British Who's Who, published recently. Among those Included were Clarence Darrow, attorney;* DuBose Heyward. novelist; Rockweil Kent, artist; Anne Parrish, novelist; Carl Laeinmte, mo thin picture producer and Phyllis Bot toaie, novelist. . Le Majrs, Iowa.--Eight hundred Plymouth county farmers, infuriated at unpayable tax ' and mortgage debts, broke into ipen revolt and forcibly prevented the sale of a foreclosed farm by Sheriff R. E Rippey. The bidder, Attorney Hprb^rt S. Martin, representing the mortgage holder, was threatened with lynching. The sheriff and Judge C. W. Pitts of ,the District court were overpowered by the mob and prevented from summoning help. Hnving won their immediate objective and being assured that debtors would be given more considerate treatment, the farmers, dispersed after a few minor disorders. Judge Pitts Sent to Gov.-EleCt C. L. Herring a message urging that the legislature enayt, jaws to remove foreclosure ^uits from Iowa court jurisdiction until measures for relief can be taken. " This, he said, woujd operate jtS a moratorium on farmers' mortgage rfebts. ' "Such a move," the judge asserted, "Is necessary io prevent farther riot ing by dispossessed property holders." Carrying ii rope, the . farmer mob surged up on the courthotise steps as the sheriff was'accepting bids for the lands, of John A.' Johnson, on which the New York Life Insurance company held a mortgage of $33,000. The company, through Attorney Martin, ;was» the only bidder. The anger of the throng, was first addressed at him. The insurance company bid was $30,000, less by $3,000 than the face of the mortgage. There were insistent calls that the offer be raised to cover the debt and free other possessions of Johnson from foreclosure. When the lawyer stated that he was authorized to go only so high the mob seized him. Brandishing the rope before him, the leaders announced they would hang him to the highest tree in Le Mars. '"Tar and feather him!*Ride him on a rail!" others in the crowd cried. Martin's life was saved when hp agreed to telegraph • the insurance company asking permission to increase the bid to the full amount , of Johnson's debt. His wire ended: "ltush answer! "My-neck at risk!" A short- time later the insurance company notified Martin to raise the bid. It was announced by the oflicials the sale at the higher figure would be consummated and that there would be no further sales (on foreclosure in the /ounty for at least a month. WASHINGTON. BRIEFS Speaker„ Garner announced his resignatfon as representative from Texas in the next congress to which he was elected at the same time he was elected Vice President. Brig, Gen. Paul A. Wolf, Indian fighter In the 'nineties and Illinois brigade commander in the World war, has retired, thus ending a brilliant career. Relief loans amounting to $4,237,- 253 were, granted by the Reconstruction Finance corporation as follows: Kentucky, $1,691,0f>8; Oklahoma,*. $1,- 300.340; Kansas, $656,153; Montana, $529,700, % Suspending operations after three and one-half years of activity, the White House conference for child health and protection has turned over to the states and local communities the task of improving the lot of America's children. Its funds were exhausted. . A proposal that the cost of construction and maintenance of highways be borne by highway users features recommendations for co-ordination of competing forms of transportation in a special committee -report of the Chamber of . Commerce of the United States: Panama Business Houses Ordered Shut After 6 p. m. Panama City.--The government published- a law ordering all business houses closed daily after 6 p. m., unless granted special permission to remain open. An extra tax must be paid for the permit and .a new staff of workers, including none of ^:he day employees/. • must be provided by storts remaining open for evening trade. Cuban Delegate Brands Disarm Parley a Failure Hava na, Cuba.--.The disarmament Conference is a complete failure, for tire present at least. Dr. Carlos Armenteros, Cuba's delegate to the i.eague of Nations, said In his report. Secretary of State Orestes Ferrara announced. * Steali to Tre*t Girl» Vlnekrnd, N. J.--Because his mother couldn't give him money "to take girls to movies," Paul Matthews, schoolboy, became a thief, he confessed. Biblical Wei! Jneob'sfvell In"the Holy IfttMl Is dascribed as having "a narrow opening just wide enough to allow the body of a taan to pass through with arms uplifted, and the narrow neck, which Is about 4 feet long, opens into the well Itself, which Is c.vllndrlcs<lly shaped and about 7 feet 6 Inches in diameter. The depth was doubtless much greater In ancient, times, but much rubbish has fallen^and oow lt is no more than 73 feet deep. ,Seven Perish in Flames Shelby," Ohio.--Seven persons. Including five children, were burned to death when their home was destroyed by Are., The victims were Mr. and Mrs.' James Miller and their children. Mrs. < Motkowitz Is Dead .. New York.--Mrs. Henry Moskovrttz, who during .former Gov. Alfred E. Smith's ascendency in the Democratic party wielded more political power than any other woman'in the United States, died of heart disease. f Oil for Wart* Warts come and go. They can he fnrewelled away by applications of castor oil. They hate It; do a dis appearing act . -i. • •' , Autoiuggestioi Whst th* world needs is more Start ers and less (franks.--Florida Times- Union. • Try our classified bring results. ads--thay sure **• f '"i1" v- Attention H Your choice-^--any three--for $1.00 •• Shampoo, Finder Wave, Manicure, Eye Brow Arch, Merce1, NecMine Trim, Eye Brow Dye, Cleansing Facial. \ PERMANENT WAV?g • Gabrieleen Reconditioning Oil Process-^. regular $10.00 value Our Famous Nestle Cerculine--now Raymond Reconditioning Wavo-- Our Own Process-- Personality Pushup Wav*~~ .SsfSA 8.00 $7.00 $6.00 $4.95 $3.00 HI Claire Beauty Shoppe For Appointment Phone 145-E JttcHetfry, ill. Wt§ PRODUCE SPECIALS * CALIF. NAVAL ORANGES, 150 and 176 size 27^ 200 and 216 size, 2 doz 288 size 2 doz STAYMAN WINESAP APPLES-- 4 lbs. 23<^ MICHIGAN CELERY--large bunch, 2 for J.3<^ MICHIGAN CELERY--medium bunch, 2 for 9c TEXAS CABBAGE-- . ...3 lbs. for lOo IDAHO POTATOES--lb cloth bag 25(^ HEAD LETTUCE-- * - 2 for 13^ WISCONSIN' POTATOES-- per peclt Xill- EIGHT O'CLOCK MILD AND MELLOW LB. RED CIRCLE COFFEE, LB. 21c BOKAR COFFEE; LB. 2|f ; WHITE HOUSE' AAJIL- EVAPOIVIILK RATED TALL e- CAN 3C 6 BABV 8IZE CANS ISC PET, CARNATION OR BORDEN'S aa*ll EVAPO- « TALL Milk RATED • O CANS 1/C SULTANA RAJAH SALAD Dressing • JAR 24C SPARKLE GELATIN Dessert FLAVORS WT0,5c ALL FLAVORS Jell-O . 3 PKGS. 20C lARO liiif l'/i lib. can,. Sy rUp LABEL 9c Del Monte Coffee, lb ...m...2'IC Camel, Lucky Strike, OW Gold and Chesterfield Cigarettes, carton of 200 $1.23 2 packages of 20 25e Hickory Nuts, 6 Ibe 25c Fancy Apricots or Peachco 3 No. 1, cans 25c Red Salmon CA* 17C EXCEL Pork Sausage LB- 10c SAWYER'S FIG BARS AND Ginger Snaps LB- 10c R o 11 e d O a t s 22^AGb* 47c DAILY EGG SCRATCH Grain . 1BAG" $1.15 DAILY EGG LAYING Mash . "SAG8' *1.75 DAILY EGG,OY8TER .Shells . . 89c CANVAS Gloves . 2pa,Rs19C Climalene LPKG.e 23c SMALL PKG. »C BIRD'S-EYE Matches . 5 BOXES 19c THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO. Middle Western Div ... 1 A.' -'It Central Garage Fred J. Smith, Prop. Johnsburg Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble Expert Welding and Cylinder Reboring Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 You'll Never Buy Tires Any Cheaper! Nor Any Better Than the THE BEST LOW-PRICED TIRE Quality - Safety--Mileage 29 x 4.40 29 x 4.50 30 x 4.90 28x4.75 - 29 x 5.00 - - 21 „ •*20 -r i 9 ^ 19 _ Each in Pairs $3.93 \ $4.39 •:. .$447 $5.12 : $5.40 ALL OTHER SIZES EQUALLY LOW WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Vulcanizing--Battery Charging, Repairing Car Washing, Simonizing Greasing, Draining, Etc. First plass Job Guaranteed Phone 294 WEST M'HENRY ri-; J

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