Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Feb 1933, p. 4

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TBBM-BKHXT THE M'HENK Y PLAINDEALER published €rery Thursday At McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. yfentered as second-claw matt** i«r th« net of May 8, 1879. One Yea^ -r--• Six Months •< at the postoffice at McHenry, I1L, on. ...$2.00 ofl.OO WORLD GOVERNMENT CHANGES IN 1932 FOR SALE rrr A. H. »K)8HBR, Editor ud^anar* AN APPEAL ••Mh Uusic Lovers Await "The Student Prince,' BABY GRAMJ PIANO--Rather than continue paying1 storage charges will | sacrifice my beautiful Baby Grand | Piano. Write "H. B./Y 406 Prospect Street, Elgin, 111. 37-3 | LIVE CARP--Come, -get 'em, 5c ib. ' Route 173, Fox River. See Baker, ; Ilamm Fisheries. *37 FOR SALE--Quaker oil burner stove. Plan For Boy Scouts To < Attend The World's Fair Price reasonable. Blake. Phone 29. Inquire of Leoj *36-2 Agriculture, one of the "bafic industries of Illinois, has suffered more, r Hailed as an extraordinary farewell perhaps, than any other industry in engagement, and in response to pul> our State. Prices for farm products ]ic demand, Sigmund Remberg's Jehave fallen to such low levels that our Jightful operetta, "Thews' Stm farn*srs, in many instances, have o. Prince", returns to the Grand opera hard sstruggle to maintain their «co- j house) Chicago, for two-'wecks only, nomic independence. ! commcncing Sunday, Feb. 12, with . Untfi the farmers receive an afe! matinees Wednesday and Saturday. qoate rtturii from the products- yS.\- The splendid cast alone»is- sufficient their labor, there c$n be no fair meas- to recommend this newest production T&rte of prosperity for, the other toilers. 0f the prt^Wus miisical gem. first pre- ^ ... .. ,w _ and othor'JndustHes' of our State. ,. /» sented % the Messrs. Shubert in 1921. f/ REN^r^he Ha^y, Farms. Call v Probably as fiayd hit as the farmers, and it r^ttiras to Chicago,not McHenry• 93-jL. .. . ,t-- -- 35-tf | |>y the present 'economic maladjusx- gS a rgsival but as a survival of Hie FOR RENTT--Five-room flat with 'ineriVare thV wage earners, ln the; tiest ^cc^spful: Op(;rett«: ever Written, ^jjth . Modern v-;fi2*p<*-TO«itfh". Iti- :jrears -fit.#cnl.y, tore&ounA. of. uhusually ^ui^; at. Peoples State; Bank, Me- • fctnfc. thejs. ftwl-TTOffr* ^^^roA:t^vare".Cn?(>,t^,e: w^wJj/Whac- jienryt.. :: . : • .. .. J i JJ 4-1* fa vafi •* HI • • _ v --'1? ((T ..4-'^ ff All.*««,• • • " . * ' - ' V" . FOR SALE---Choice Wisconsin dairy ttle, good farm horses, Da roc Jerseybgfiud sows. Alvin R. » Yanke, Rufgefield, 111. Phone Crystal Lake il«& - • *86*2 FOR RENT Allen ytU Sfe FOR ^RE^f- -Seven . rooms, selves" hard 'prcsvd t<} pay their -arcsl®- "Luttv ^md ttaaWji. ww;tgages^: j'fi.nes:.v^y!r play th^ '•Princsu ^ ... ------ -- v- S: '• jtKjfe;Lis;!afc(i;:tnji:,<4; many '$f jthe'-•irteH'jrwftif Lsrpsr.;Jojhn ' .(JharleS f moHei^,';Vinguire; 'j&fifrffitg*' -Njee,'-,. find vomcn of the 'nrofe^iotfs iard ftflVrt \m!1 b< hr'Yrd as "I)t*ctor Fi 23-tf ;the ®killed frndes. - - . * Trie."* Other- in the ca=t 'are BeUi ' / > --1,1 •" .."Thus; <tjj'an'y,.of' oair.'Citizehf ;i^e. fyeiiinvfr:--}:t "*r x<-0-; -y.'i * to face with the pro"p*ct of k>9in? RJanila Power4-. Charles Ch'esnef,. John «4 -Lvr^wln' iv"1- *:'4 V ' Sdr UM T»ber,Cli»f!i.. BW SAM)ir{f._tto. are «n.ipp=a .« --tfcefe IJarvey sW BoWrt OVohnof: In,«.t "°"k.?!" eferr-ing' caaacHy. Unless soijie re- ditibn to the famous male student medial action is taken, immediately, chorus, there are the alluring girls in many of these worttiy citizens will ba- rjc}j strikirie costumes to compete come public charges and add to tlie with.'the delightful sinking and datr- WANTED--Farms from 80 to 150 already heavy burdens of caring for jng that marks "The Studert Prince." the unemployed and unforturate. An eniire new issue of scenery and Neither the Governor r^or the General costumes makes up the current in- Assembly of Illinois has the power to vestiture, which is said to fairly eximpair or invalidate contracts. tinguish all previous -'Student Pri^^c" I therefore appeal, in this emerg- productions in magnitude of outlay. ency, to all-holders of mortgages on Furthur welcome news to playgoers^? Ulinois real estate and personal prop- ^je fact that the piece will be offered erty, whether residents of Illinois or jn Chicago on its retain engagement at popular prices. all kinds of floors. Reasorable prices- Woodstock Surfacing Co., 407 Dean Street, Woodstock, III. 1 37-tf Iraq Most Important Nations Affected. Washington.--Removal of mandate restrictions fi*om Iraq and its erection Into an independent state, was one of the outstanding, changes affecting the world's family of Rations during* the past year, according to ri bulletin from the National Geographic society's head quarters In Washington. Among the other important changes listed in the summary are the creation of Manchoukuo, the setting up of Catalonia as an autonomous unit within the Spanish republic, and the granting.of a consifitufion by the king of Siam. "Iraq Is the first "of the group of mandated territories established following the World war to graduate Into the group of -Independent nations." says fhe bulletin. "Great Britain gave up all of Its special privileges as hold er of the mandate .and- the new state became a full fledged memher of thf L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s . , - • \ : ' ' v • ; ; „rtFollowing Jat^tniese; occupatijffiO of Ma n<'huriri. that. terrrtoi'y;";. tf%'eth^r [•exhibitipps .with "the Province of .lehol to the west, was made into the state of HfMb (^hoiikuo with Pu Yl. one;tiirt^ heir to ' if^ie riiinese etiipire. ern poweps ha v«« not'^officiSfMy rex?t>fr nif-cfl the* new.state.' • Catatenra: Olveo.:'Atit<>noi^y.:.-. ^ . -- - *The gmnting of autonomy to €*** V®"A°,Cto^r,15»• *****^ be acres* to rentr Either cash or share rent. Kert & Co. .Phone 8. 22-tf MTSOELLANEOUS elsewhere, whether corporations or individuals, to use the utmost forcb.earance in foreclosing on mortgages upon farms, homes and chatties?-,-'when the farm or home owner is in sueHi desperate financial circumstances that he is musicals; while the story of " "0'd; Heidelberg"' is rpowntiq enough, fov anyone's holiday. actually urable to pay. This is proposed as temporary relief only, and until conditions change for the bettor. I iree that this E„g.I/avi!)!r Dprv. T0 Ve Fion of foveclo-iires should be vnstituf- 66 • IF YOU WANT A GOOD PAIR OF GLASSES have your eyes tested by Dr. Keller. At my summer homo Sundays and - Mondays. Entrance [across from Joe Frett's house on Riv- The rousing score of Sigmund fc-' trs^e Dri^e, Mcgenry. Phone 211-R. bert's^-be?t-loved operetta i5 still full ^r; C- Keller, Optometrist and Opand vital to the brim nrBviding enough ,^IC'an' melody to stock half a dozen brdi-ary Brai)RE YOU BUY-see our bL 'gain Shoe Counter. Expert shoe and -jewing machine repairing. Popp's Shoe McHenry. Phone 1 <\2. Store. West 46tf P: Feature at World's Fair Chevrolet Has Large Production In January v ed immediately by. the large companies holding mortgages on Illinois properjty, when such action in each case is An egg-laying derby in which hens found to be warranted after a th<»r- from all parts of the.Urited Staties ough investigation. Urdoubtly, the and from foreign lands will compete individual holders of mortgages then for honors will be orre- of the Ifpatures Wuld fellow their lead. - of Chicago's 1933 Wood's Fair--A It"is to hoped that it wiU not 1*6 Century of Progress .Exposition: necessary for such suspensions of ; Champion "Bens from forecln, ures to extend for a period of states of the Urion, the • many months, inasmuch as member's Canada, and four nations abroad,, haw of the Congress of the United States already been entered. This contest, "and of the General Assembly cif I11I-- the firft ever to be .held in -conneCtio-.*"•' •^ ,Cr- , • • t . , , SlB ^ nois now are' considering measures,with a world's fair, is sponsored bv ' if mbi;.8" tL which may be helpful In the present the National Poultrv Council. ^ «nd ^ 4®'05° m December .emergency. . The egg-laying contest wilH^or ^uct,OT1 he d at.a stead^ The residents qf Jilinois, who have six mcnths. The^ birr?%; will be housed 2.500 cars a iday for most f ' befen forced by^^ necessity t>j" negotiate ih the exhibit,the first week in April. m0T1^' w;th f half of ^ company s^as- .loans upon their real estate or The actual egg counting will be^in SGm T; P 1^'T1- U S Chevrolet built 64,^94 new cars and trucks in January for tne (largest single month's production since July of 1931, W. S. Krudson? president and x_ x • . % grnoral manager of-the Company, ihr om twenty-eight nn,inc(.(I rocently. - e -ominion r The figure exceeds by 2,500 units a preliminary estimate made ten days •go- .The January total .compares loniAv made ifp of the toii'r. provinces., of northeastern Spain, fulfilled the aspirations which the Catnlonians have held for centuries. The newly empowered state has a unique status anjpng the major divisions of the Spanish republic. It has its own president. parliament, cabinet, and courts, and will collect Its own taxes. Foreign affairs, however, will remain under control of the central government at Madrid. "After an almost bloodless revolu- Scout Executives in the immediate vicinity^of Chicago met at, the Hamilton Club in Chicago on Thursday, J r.nuary 26, for the purpose of making plans for the scouts' attendance at the World's Fair. Mr. Wen dall, a business man of Chicago, j^s chairman of the ^committee, with Mr: Ebe and Mr. Kiplinger assisting. The scouts participation in the World's Fair is goings to be threefold. First, scouts will assist in the entertainment and in other ways on the Enchanted Island which has been turned over to the children. Enchanted Island will have a large playground and a theater, along with other plans fpr entertaining the children. Scout bands will furnish music and picked groups of scotits will furnish entertainment. A booth twenty-five feet square will be part of the Enchanted Island and here scout handicraft will be carried on for the .benefit of the children. The Second, feature which the scouts will take part in ; will consist M;a scout section irj the main part of the Fair 100 X 100 ft. Here continuous will be carried oh by picked groups of scouti from various parts of 'the country. These exhibits will consist of first aid, friction fire, lighting,/ signaling^ handicraft and Various) other things that scouts do- ,that are'o^interest to the public, The ' |air will open oh June 1 and will; close Lofty Character He claimed never to have low thing in h'3 Ufe. He wai ola ne pilot; ' Puid $2$ Peter Minult paid the equivalent of about $25 for Manhattan Islanrt Central Garage Frod J. Smith, Prop. Johnsbttrg Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work * ' Give us a call when in trouble- * \ ' Expert We Da^ Phone 200-J ^ C^nd^: Reboring -f tlon during the past Summer, Kins i scouts 120 days "of- exhibits. The third feature will he; held oh August 24, which has been set aside as Scout Day. A large parade conisiKting of floats qf-various scout exhibits will lead. off. Soldiers /Field will be reserved for the scouts and an immense demonstration will be held with picked groups of scouts from various * councils giving exhibitions. "Considerable orderly - fluty will be necessary, but this section of the work has been Preserved for the Chicago Night Phone 640-J-2 ores CANS Prajadhipok of jffam promised a constitution. This new charter for the Siamese was made publicion. November 10. "In Arabta no major changes tn bonrtdnrieS or^Sovereignties took place during the year, but the principal a week, Mr. Krudsen stated. Of the January total, 58,400 units 'went .to domestic'dealers, and the remainder into the Canadian and overseas markets, Mr. Knudsen said.. Despite the high rate of operations sonal property,. arQ willing and anv- May 1, or .one month before the fb':- ious to clear themselves of, thsse mal opening ©f thq exposition. It •witl debts and V;ill do so as soon as their end October 29, two days prior to the earning power permits. . closirg of the Fair, I am encouraged to urge this tern- One hundred pointed arch houses porary and emergency measure be- each divided into two pens will ac- * _ .. , .. , . cattse in other states like "suggestions; commodate the 200 entries. In addt- e domes ic mai e , no over-a have met with a rcaly response by tion, thirtv houses an^ pen., rear the La,Ee. com- contest WlldimB will house specimen '» the heavy .len,an,J for • several noc,ks otf u nusual, v ari.e.ti.e s o.f dro m estic ,n.e w 193„3 models »f or, immediate de-> • livery. By the end of JTa nuary dje a!-V« ers had delivered at retail about 53,- 000 of the new 1933 cars which were first announced December 17. Operations will ease somewhat in February, a normal seasonal trend holders of mortgage®. panies holding mortgages other States are co-operating with the and wild, land and water fowl chief executives of those States,/and It is plarned to hatch out baby l am hoping that these companies, and "thicks from the eggs laid each week others, will extend the same co-opera- as "long as they are salable. Theretion to Illinois in this emergency. In after the daily collection of fresh laid those States many of the large holders eggs will be purchased bv Chicago hb- -xi. xt. i. i. i JS* mortgages have stated that it will tels and housewives. The sa^ of . ^ the company, but the total prompt be their ' practice to foreclose for chicks and eirgs vill help defttty .the' :,=PS easV° T v ^ non-payment of principal, .except . ^ expense* of the contest. • • ,'i Prefe"t schedule setups Mr. Knudsen cases where an investigation discloses, - . tdpcla^- ^ year s F^ruary total the individual borrower is not entitled W' u Wa°, 2^)00 units. • to such consideration. Thev also have . - Rhinocero.e. v!. The increased plant operations are announced a There .are a few one-horned rtri- i,n '?ne with the exparded program They also have willingness to renew inortgagos upon terms consistent %ith fair play to all concerned. Those farmers and home owners.: • Who have the ability to meet their oli ligatiors, an'i who have any appreciation of their duties to their fellow clti-j iens, will not be encouraged to default or withhold payments by the operation of this plan. : Nothing could lie . more destructive to the intert of mjT Proposal than this,' That would be taking an unfair advantage of mortgage holders and discourage aid - to necessitous debtors. . .Good; reitiprTi- Bhip will prompt ary borrower who >n fact is able to pay his mortgage to ti•> to. Any. non-i)avnient, where payn. f' i^n be .made, will injure those pon who are entitled to the relief I h v • Suggested, ard will-\make4.,more, d i f i ' i - cult the cbtainirig in the future,' of loans on property. ..Many perspns of small means have invested th'V . modest s^virgs in mortgages and now are almost, if not entirely, depen'ii ?T: ttpen repayment as a means of. Iiv< 11- .."heod, Justice to them of'course, must notybe denied. . . lat has been done in the oth -r jtes toward relieving the distress . f .viK-r-s has- set an pxco- operation for companies arm individuals holding ,/teortgages' on Illinois ; property. r4 The time has come when everv •person must make sohie sacrifice fmthe common weal. Otherwise, out State and' Nation cannot bring abon- . «ie isorely needed readjustment-of :;;feonomic conditions. ; ^ 1: ; HENRY HORNER, Governor. Crop Land lo Worker. In England the avt-i-a^rwnnlK'ft of Acres of crop land to ciwh' wArker lg fine, but "in the tJntteit: St«t« the i average number- is 21 a<-ks." •fn ^i'ith Carolina the numlxr is 10, In Jowa California -K*or«k m nocerosej, left In fheworld--about three i w^,c^ Chevrolet has embarked on for In Malay and, perhaps, a dozen in i 1933 over last year. The company Jitva. Tlii;y are rare as to "Tffffe protected; THEATRE-: fVoodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY r SATURDAY Mat.,; Sat., 2:00 Admission 10c-25c RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "Cabin in the Cotton" 'expects to sell from 450.000 to 500,006 cars this year as compared with 37S,- 000 in 1932, Mr. Knudsen said. He added that he expects the industry pj|eralls; to do better this year ^han t Eactory payrolls are row; about 34,- 000 men, with an additional 23.000 working for the Fisher Body corporation exclusively on Cheyrolet-Fislier bodies. . '< Graves'Disease Graves^ disease refers to tojtlC tot. In whicii there are sm'fi 3ymT)totns. as erilartieineni of the thyroid gland. Increase in the rate of the heartbeat,, nervousness, inrreased sweating and loss of weight. It is due to 'increased secretion from the thyroid j;laml or to the fact that the secretion hecooM* poisonous. to Label A wooden .match Is much better than pen for addressing parcels. It eaves jthe peu and makes the' writlM folder *nd clearer.--Kxchaaige. SUNDAY -- MONDAY Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 10-25c to 6 p. m. EDWARD G. ROBINSON : . - m l--: with BEBE DANIEliS: ;TUESDAY T A RG A IN N rriv-10-15c "Blessed Event" T News and Cartoon WED-THURS. Evening, 10 - 25c Special on the Stage Legion Minstrel Show ;v'!; :.-riJetween Showi <)n the Screen. RICHARD DIX in Conquerors" W'-th ANN HARDING £* fOR SENATE: Every scout will want to attend the WorldTs Fair and in order to facilitate this, plans are being made to have a Scout camp ground located close enough to Chicago so that a very reasonable transportation can be secured. Autos and trucks will not be state of^the peninsula received a new \ allowed on the fair ground and parkname. .The country embracing all of ing privileges nearby will be at a central Arabia and extending from 1 premium. It is therefore the plan to the Red sea to the Persian gulf, for- jhave scouts travel by truck and auto merl.v known ns the Kingdoms of the - and leave their cars and camp equip- Jle.laz and Nejd. was. early In Octo-i ment at the scout camp. These camps her. given the Utle, .'Kingdom of Saudi ! will be properly supervised for health Arabia.' • and safety and all scout groups "Ararat, oner of the most famous jattendirg thcrfair will be taken care mountains In the World, changed hands of. It is planned that this camp will during 10,12. The mountain was traded last five days for each group, which to Turkey by Persia in exchange for is the time that will be necessary to a strip-of territoty along the-Turkish-| adequately see the fair. No tenff?r- Persian border to-the south. ifoot scouts will be takeh on this trip ,?'\ext to the.fighting in Manchuria, land only scouts second class and over the; longest-continued military conflict who have uniforms will be -eligible^ during 1032 over boundaries or sov- The Century of Progress ^s going to ereignties has been that in the. Oran be a wonderful educational experience Chaco of South Amsrica between for everyone who attends and it is Bolivia and Paraguay. 'Each contest- suggested that the scouts start to save ant demands that its title to this .their pennies now so as to have $15 large region south of the center of "which we are sure will pay all exthe continent shall he recognized. In penses, including transportation, food late -weeks spirited fighting hniOeoA- adQiu»»»Q -t<>: the fair*ftd ilieid<»ii|a«.'-' tinned along tlie string of forts which extends through the center of "the i Cha-co, •: ^ f:;- \ Merry-Qo-Round in 'Chile. "SPnce June 1, Chile has had five changes in presidents, and for a time j Was ruled by a socialistic regime. The j changes have all been effected other j than by elections, but little fighting j has occurred. • "The latest armed contest over territory In South America began" In August on the Putumayo River, o«e of the headwater streams of the Amazon system. The dispute was initiated when Peruvian citizens seized the town of Leticia from Colombia. The community is still in the hands of Peruvians. "In the Near East a dispute betweeti Syria jind Iraq over their common boundary line between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers was advanced toward solution by a report of the Syro-Iniqi frontier commission to the League of Nations.. rO'oommendlng a line whi^li lay between those claimefl by the two contestants. ~ ' . "A frontier-contest which Involved the operation of customs between France and Switzerland was settled amicably by a decision of the Court of International Justice at The Ha:rue (*s Oravenhnce) during June. The docision was in favor of Switzfirland and operated to permit aTree ci^toms zone near Geneva, but In French torritury. France formally accepted the deel-ion in September and ordered the* with drawal of her customs officials from the zone. .; , i 4,Worlc toward solution of the •bound ary dispute between Guatemala and Honduras in Central America, .-was carried toward a decision by an arbitration commission headed by Chief Justice ITughes. The United States War department played an Important part In this work by assigning army air corps flyirs last summer to pre pare afl aerial map of the disputed U^e. ^ . - * The controversy between Norway and Denmark over portions of the east coast of Greenland-Is still under consideration hy the Court of International Justice at The Hagiie." , Aliens' Not Conscripted^ ; During the World war alien resi dents were reijuired lo register for the draft, hut were not conscripted. Aliens who were citizens of Allied countries were accepted for enlistment.. Maid Perk: and Beans White g'ouse Evaporated Milk Sannytield Sliced Bacon . . • • • Excel Sliced Bacon . . 0 < i •. . . Sunny field Rice . , . . , . . , "Uneeda Bakers" Premli»fi« <5^^8 Eight & clock Coffee . . . . . , R e d C i r c l e C o f f e e • • • • • . , Bokar Coffee ...... . . . Grandmother's White Bread Fancy Evaporated Apricots • - . American Cheese ' orCage.on •' • • California Poaches * • • • Lux Toilet SoapV . •' . . • Chjoso • m • •. ' •.' .-• - • Scot-Tissue . . • . , . # Waldorf Tissue . . « • . • TCAALNL -wc . 2kg. 8c . ^kLoB 7C . pkg: 5C pkg: 23c . Ui. 19c . tfe. 21c lb 25c 16-OZ. e_ • LOAF 2 lbs 25c . LB. 15c 3 NO. 1 OlS* CANS 3 CAKES 17e 4 3 ROLLS 20c # 6 Rolls 25c Fancy Dried Peaches 21bs. 25c Macaroni or Spaghetti A lb, box 25c tianvas Gl»vet . 1 .,,r" : 2 pair 19c Brooms, each " 19c Royal Jumble Cookies 2 lbs. 27c Daily Egg Scratch Feed 100 lbs. $1.05 Daily Egg Mash Feed :.„;..r.. ..100 lbs. $1.49 -t-- Stock Salt;. %SNATION, PET OR, SD0 lbs. 85c EVAP. MILK en s SUNICAL SLICED OR HALVED TALL NO. 2 y2 CANS IONA BRAND FULL STANDARD Tbi i'LK^ * QUALITY 4 NO. 2 CANS« c Friday and Saturday Specials' Del Monte Coffee . . . • . • » gam' PRODUCE SPECIALS Extra Fancy Delicious Applei Nancy Hall Sweet Potatoes Florida Celery, medium stalks Texas Grape Fruit medium size 5 lbs. 23c 5 lbs. 9c .2 for 13c .4 for 19c WALSH BLDG., GREEN ST., M'HENRY Ferdinand I'ecora of New York, who was appointed, comisel to the United Stnies senate.subcommittee on bankins and currency, to conduct the slock -market inquiry. The Investigation will touch.the Issue and distribution of securities and Will Include a--survey of the cesponsibility t<0. tht public of corporation directors. . < Insect* Transmit Dimui . There are more than twenty diseases transmitted to mara by Insects. She's Mother of 26 t'Miisen, flermany.--MrC Katie Ttaeiiel is the tyjte of wortis»n esteemed by governments that .shudder at the specter of declining birthrates, "Sire has had 26 children, all living today. What's more her eldest daughter, aged twenty nine, has had u) b. Mt»R, and her second daughter has hud seven. Gave All to Charity Johanna Slunk, Czechoslovakia's old* est woman, who died recently in Prague at the age of one hundred and six, earned a good salary all her working years by making wigs, but gave freely to charities and p&SSed away penniless In a poor house. Honesty . Plain honesty 4s the very best kind of politeness. But Try and Get It Mental workers of all kinds actually need far less food, measured In. any way. than physical workers. -'•tf Wo have just rocently purchased the stock of The Wheat on Variety Store and are going to give our customers in Mcllenvy an opportunity lo benefit by it. Due to the raanv small items, it is only possible to list a small portion of j;hem? Make, your pennies go the farthest on this sale. Come in and shop in our store and you will find •many-items-at great savings. """ c' Men's 8-oz. Canvas Work (lloves • • • p a i r 2 5 & Men's Work Sox, per pair ...8<? 2 pair for 15^ Men's Dress Suspenders, reg. 5Qc, per pair Boys' Part Wool Sweaters, sizes 28 to 34, each 39 New Lot Men'a Ti^,:latest pattern, each 19 c- Me'n's All Wool Sleeveless Swontors, each -- $1.00 Men's Blue Chambra^ Work Shirt s, each -- 49<> Boys' Bliie Chambray Work Shirts, each -39^ Men's Heavy Work Bmbbers^ pair- Ladies' f'nH Fashioned Non-r#r : Ilose, ?eg. 79c, siiecial, pair^^.59^ Ladies' Rayon Bloomers, special, 1 pair 19c Children's Ribbed Hosiery, sizes ;' 5 to 9!4, pair ^ ....... Shelf Oilcloth, 12 in. wide, special, yard. ..................... Rag Rugs, size 18x36, .special, 5^ 2 f°r a^itoseney 25e size, eaeih .. .17 e iTalltosene, 10<; size 2 f°r 15^ Milk of Magnesia ^ootJi Paste, Sc, j 1 2 for 15d Dr. West's iooth Paste; 10c size, _rl 2 for 15C 't)iv"West's -Tooth P«^te, 25c size, .each • 15^ Viek's Vapo Rub, eaeh. ._„...„...^25<^ Child's Rubber Pants, pair 7C .•Child's Bayon Rubber Pants, pair, 19C Candv S]>ecial, Pure Milk Chocolate, pound .. l. 119 C BK SURE TO SEE OtTR LINE OF " - 1 VALENTINES Sale Starts Friday, Feb. lO, atid lasts 8 days

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