Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Mar 1933, p. 10

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S , s . „ ?. •»,'y. «*J. r 5, , Mi THI H'tfEMST PUURDCALSR, THURSDAY, MARCH 9,19SS -i- * i> V < r? 4* w- ¥ V**« £ f ' ' * ' 1 "S. ^ **" * < ^ , -*7* ^.x*' 1 •iT;': f MAYOR CERMAK LIES «( AT MIAMI HOSPITAL X"' fnm! services for Anton J. Cer- / mak, mayor of Chicago, will be held at the Chicago Stadium on Friday The funeral train bearing the body of Chicago's mayor, arrived in that city from Miami, Fla., at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, where it was met by an escort composed of members of the city council, hea^.of public bureaus and members of the^, Democratic county central committee. The escort accompanied the body to the mayor's home 'at 2348 S. Millard avenue, where the body remained J week-end at Pe<jatonlca. until it is taken today, Thursday, to Dr. Neil Doherty of Chicago spent the catafalque in the first floor lobby Sunday at his home-here. of the city hall. There the body will j Mi*, and Mrs. Albert Rossman spent be viewed by the public until the pro- the week-end in Chicago. cession to the "Chicago Stadium at Miss Irene Conway of Effcin spent , noon Friday. ! Sunday with home folks. '•••* •••••" Five hundred police officers, white-j Lowell Nye of DeKalb spent the gloved, will be stationed in the city, week-end at his home here. hall, forming a file which the public Mr. and Mrs. George Miller were will pass through in rrarching to the Woodstock visitors Saturday. bier. . Mrs. Letah Dltvis visited Ja Chicago Sunday. ^ Thomas A. Bolger went to Springfield Monday. . V M. A. Conway spent the first of the week in Elgin. Mrs. Margaret Gillls of Woodstock spent Saturday here. • ^ : Mat Freund of, DeKalb spwitthe week-end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger spent the Mr. and Mrs. Beckeobaum and family hav® moved from Hebron into the B. J. Brefeld house on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stenger of Waukegan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. *and Mrs. William Spencer. " Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loom is of Woodstock spent the week-end in the home of their daughter, Mj*s. Jame* Perkins and family. 0 Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen and son, George, Jr., of Kenosha, visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Mat Glosson, Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Bob Peterson motored to Fort Atkinson, Wis., last Thursday, where the latter sang at a meeting of the Iftusic club. ' Mrs. Geo. Young ond son, Alford, and Mrs. Waldo Frederickson and son of Ringwood spent Tuesday with the former's mother, Mrs. J. R. Smith. Miss Helen Welch returned Moilday to her work at Highland Park, after a five weeks' vacation spent with relatives and friends, in this vi- Misses Nellie and Lillian Doiherty1 cinity. In the process^ to the Stadium nn were Chicago visitors Saturday. j Mr. and Mrs. William Dreyer and Friday will'be all city and county of- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay and son son of Forest Park visited her mother, fleers, the pallbearers, four high" of Blgin visited his parents, Saturday, j Mrs. Minnie Block, Sunday. Mrs. school bands and six high school! Mrs. Mary Noyes of Barrington is Block returned with them for a few R, 0. T. C. comparies of 100 each, 700 visiting her sister, Mrs. Ellen Ensign. • days' visit. school employes, 2,009 troops of the Miss Lizzie Ames of Terra Cotta j Mrs':.' Williams' ami'. Mi*. Drury of RIVERVIEW CAMP MOVES Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold its meeting in the K. C. hall in the future, having moved there from the Legion hall. The next meeting will be held in K. C. hall on Tuesday, March 14. This will be a birthday party in honor of the twenty-second anniversary of the camp. Pot luck lunch will be served and every member is to bring their own sandwiches and a dish to pass. All. dues must be paid to the recorder, Mrs. Florence Cobb, not later than Monday, March 13, Do JU>t neglect this duty. ,; . c , ••:. 1932 COUNTY TAXES TOTAL_iJ.600.098 OVER 33,000 STATEMENTS % TO BE MAILED ' National guard and soldiers from Fort* visited Mrs.Louis McDonald, Thurs- Sheridar., the...±s aval Reserve and sev- xfoyr v , , '• eral hundred sailors from Great Lakes Rita Bacon ajod Norma Whiting of Naval Training station. - /v^'Grayslake^sptnt,' '"Tuesday 0;.-eVenin? There will also be a band of.'200 here. " , ; ' musicians from the Musiciahs^'unior, Misses 'Margaret an<| Aines Mcr a number of American Legion posts Cabe were week-end visitors at South and marching delegations from the Bend. ' police and fire departments. | Mrs. Lester Jenks and daughter, The ceremony as planned at the Ruth, of Elgin visited relatives here Stadium will consist of addresses by Sunday. Governor Homer, the Rev. Dr. Johnj Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and Thmpson of Chicago Temple, Rabbi daughter, Rena, visited at Wauconda Louis L. Mann and the Rev. Daniel Sunday. Frawley, pastor of St Vincent De i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis of Jollet Paul Catholic church. | visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. Stoffel, From the Stadium the procession Saturday. will wend its way to Bohemian Nft-! Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuier of Chicago visited relatives here last week Wednesday. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickels and relatives tional cemetery, where services will be read. f' Mayor Cermak died at 5:57 a. m., Monday at Jackson Memorial hospi- sons 0f Woodstock visited ':tal, Miami. Fla.. after days of suffer- here Sunday. • ing from complications. For nineteen Mr. and Mrs. Haroid Evans of days he had been kept alive by stim- Woodstock spent Sunday evening, with ulants and the useW oxygen since the relatives here. . i t *day he had been shtft by a bullet fired Mrs. Steve King and so"h of Johnsby Guiseppe ZangarV who intended burg spent the last of the week with to assassinate Franklin, D. Roosevelt,' relatives here. ' then president-elect. j Miss Rosalind Nye of Chicago spent Mayor Cermak leaves three daugh- Sunday with her parents, Mr. and ters, who mourn his death and ex- ^frs> a. e. Nye. press their love and sorrow in words Mr. aid Mrs. Paul Marrie of Wausuch as these: "He was all that a kegan visited in the John Schaid father could be. The world may talk home Saturday. about his greatness as a public offi- j Mrs. Thomas Kane returned home feial but we know him as tender and the last of the week from a few days' loving, generous a_n_ dt tk_?i_n_ dj .f't ! . Waukegan and Mrs. Art Whiting >f Liber-tyville visited in the home of the latter's brother, Louis McDonald, Monday afternoon. Margaret Miller and brother, Arthur, of Zenda, Wis;, visited their aunts, Misses Gertie and Katie Weber, Tuesday. Miss Katie Weber returned home with them for a few days' visit. Pender Walsh and sister, Louise, of Grayslake visited in the home of their uncle, Jack Walsh, Tuesday evening. Their parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Walsh,, are in Florida for the former's health. _ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Antonsen and William Steen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Taski and Dr. and Mxs. C. W. Collins of Kenosha. 1 ! Mi^, and Mrsr. F. C. f'eltz, Mrs. Fi W. Voeltz, Mrs. A. J. Kamholz, Mrs. | Robert Patzke, Mrs. Charles Harmsen and Mrs. Minnie Block and son, Louis, attended the .Will <Blo?k funeral at Dundee, Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer, Mr- and Mrs. George B. Frisby and sons James and George Jr., and Mrs. George Kuntsman attended the funeral of Mrs. Frisby's nephew, Edward Portman in Chicago, Saturday. Mr. Portman dropped deiui from heart disease Wednesday evening jfist as he left the street Car on. Ms from work. * : SOCIAL WTIEEL .The Social Wheel met at the' home of Mrs. H. L. Ritter Thursday afternoon. Four tables of Abridge were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. B. Miller, Mrs; James Bouril and Mrs. George Kuhn. • The next meeting of the. sptfiety will be with Mrs. James Bouril next Thursday afternoon.^ ; 6ftIDG E CLUB MEETS § i The Good Will bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller Friday afternoon with: Mrs. James Perkins as assistant hostess. Four tables of bridge were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs, E. E. Bassett and, Mrs. George Johnson SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY On Sunday evening, Feb. 26, a party of friends and neighbors surprised CH. Duker in honor of his birthday anniversary. About -twenty guests enjoyed an evening of mtfsic, cards and bun<<o and the genial host was presented .with a floor lamp as a birthday gift. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Hurrah for Shawl •Pnfellc\speaki"ng ought to be made a criminal offense."---George Bernard. 8haw. THC ,nc , r t i PHONE 291 THURSDAY, MARCH 8 LAST TIME TONIGHT MITZI GREEN in "Little Orphan Aooie" Childhood Charm and Grown-up Wisdom • SATURDAY - SUNDAY March 11-12 1 THOSE QUEENS OF COMEDY MARIE DRESSLER and POLLY MORAN in "PROSPHUTY" A riot of fun and other pictures COMING ATTRACTIONS •THE CONQUERORS" "GRAND HOTEL" visit in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Ringjwood visited her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. f\ Brandt and children of Chicago visited in the Ray Page home Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard of j Ringwood were Sunday visitors in the jj. F. Claxton home. I Mrs. Minnie Miller and son, Theo- | dore, visited Dr. and Mrs. C. Leppert | at Kirkland Sunday. | Mi', and Mrs. William Spencer re- ; turned the last of the week from a | trip through the south. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson visited in the Walter Hoff home at Spring Grove, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruns and daughter, Nona Jean, of Forest Park visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Alby Krug were called to Ashton on Monflay, where they attended the funeral of her uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Walsh and family of Evanston spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Lillian Taber and Mr. and Mrs. James R. Shannon of Villa Park visited Mr. and Mrs. John Fay Sunday. Will Martin of Chicago spent several days this week at his; home here. LETTER FROM GOVERNOR Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones attended a business meeting of the Business Women's club at Woodstock Monday evening. A letter addressed to Miss Celia Howard, state president, from Governor Horner was re&d in which he congratulated the association for their progress in aims and objectives of the Illinois Business and Professional Women's club. CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 18, A. D. 1933, an election will be held in the City of McHenry, McHenry County,-Illinois, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and one Alderman in each Ward. The date for certificates of nomination or nomination papers expires March 14. . , ( Polling places will be located as follows: v. XT?!."- First Ward--City JHalL ' Second Ward---Stoffel Baiidiisg. Third Ward--Engeln Building; *fThe polls will be opened at 6 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of. the same day. The following propositions will be voted on at this election: "Shall the City of McHenry operate on Central Daylight Saving Time from the last Sunday in April at 2 o'clock a. m. until the last Sunday in September at 2 o'clock a. m. each year?" "Shall the power to levy a tax for the purpose of providing a fund for the maintenance or employment of a municipal band for musical purposes be cancelled?" Given under my hand at McHenry, Illinois, this 7th day of March, A. D. 1933. PETER A. NEISS, <1 City Cleric. Have you a house to rent--^try the classified ads. f The Sale Last Week W3jg. to have been the last of Bolgers Weekly Sales. HoW> ever the response has been sa favorable that we have de" cided to continue them. Watch this space. $1.00 Rem Cough Syrup . .............69£ 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream-- • - - , -- 33c Pint McKesson Witch Hazel 39^ 60c Rubber Bath Sponge ...^ 394 39c McKesson Shaving Cream; 2 for 85c Jad Salts ; 56<^ Pound Psylla Seed ; 33c $1.00 Squibb's Cod liver Oil 69^ 75c Dextri Maltose -v..4&..56* 40c Castoria 29^ $1.20 Bromo Seltzer - 25c Cashmere Boquet Toilet Soap 16^ 25c Sani Flush 25c Johnson's Baby Powder 1100 Nujol J $1.00 gallon Poultry Cod Liver Oil 69^ $1.25 ounce Ephedrine Inhalent 89^' 7 rolls high grade Toilet Paper 25^ 25c Venetian Shoe Cream ^ 16* 100 Squibb's Aspirin /,v. 39* Gallon Mineral J$'2.00 60c Bag Balm 49* $1.00 Citrocarbooa&e - , 79* $1.50 Petrolager >*..98* $1.50 quart Lees' Germozone 98* 90c Chevron Water Bottle ' :::j 49* 2A Brownie Box Camera 89* 60c box Eaton's Glenavon Paper. 29* $1.00 Super D. Cod Liver Oil 69* 30c Bromo Quinine 21* 10c Colgate's Charmis Soap 12 for 59^ $1.00 Miles' Nervine - ' 69*' 60c Syrup of Figs • • ^ 43^ Pint No. 59 McKesson Mouth Wash % INFANT DIES Lois Wohlert, 6-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wohlert, died Friday evening, March 3, after about a week's illness. She is survived by her parents and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kloeckner, with whom she and her parents lived. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's church at 3 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, with burial in St. Mary's cemetery. ATTEND AUXILIARY MEETING The McHenry county meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at Marengo on Friday evening, March 3. Auxiliary members from McHenry who attended the meeting were Mrs. F. C. Schoewer, Mrs. Theo- Schiessle, Mrs. Ambrose Schaefer, Mrs. J. J. Marshall, Mrs. James Beavis, Mrs. Emily Lawson and Mrs. Howard Culver. The McHenry Auxiliary will entertain the next county meeting, which will take place on the first Friday in April. j ^ • • PAST ORAACLES MEET The meeting of the Past Oracles club of the county wag held at Woodman hall Tuesday afternoon. Eleven rast oracles of the Royal Neighbors were present and Mrs. Benton of Chicago. district deputy _ and honorary member, was also present. The business meetisg was held and a social hour enjoyed after which lunch was served. The next meeting^WUI be at Algonquin on April 11. MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers club will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Charles Pich at her shop on Riverside Drive. Assistant hostess will be Mrs. E. H. Merrick. Mrs. E. A. Coe, county superintendent of schools, will apeak on "Parents." ENTERTAINS CRADLE ROLL Mrs. Alby Krug entertained the tiny tots of the Cradle Roll department of the M. E. Sunday school and their mothers at her home Friday afternoon. A few hours were spent in visiting by the adults while the children enjoyed a good time together. SUMMER RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Anton Johnson died at her home in Chicago last Thursday afternoon. She had been a regular summer resident in this vicinity having a summer home at Clements Lodge subdivision. THOMAS P. BOLGER PHONE 40 A Registered Pharmacist Always in chargt Y, 1LL.S CARD CLUB MEETS Mrs. H. C. Hughes was hostess to the members of her card club Thursday afternoon. Bridge was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Edward Nickcis and Mrs. R. V. Poww*. M. E. CHURCH " You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, il a. m. Sermon by the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattain. The sacred drama, "The Challenge of the Cross," given at the church Sunday evening, was lovely, indeed, and brought a message equal to any sermon to the large attendance of people present. More than 33,000 tax statements will be placed in the mails thiq week, according to an announcement marie by Treasurer Harry F. Peteit. Work on completing the tax statements has been going on for several weeks in the office of Treasurer Peteit. The statements will represent $1,- 609,098^9, a decrease of $77,622.27 from lakt year. Included in the sum is some $174,000 in tack taxes. Assessed value of property in the county on which the 1932 taxes, collectible this year, are levied is $40,- 625,615. The $1,686,721.16 total taxes last year were based on a $45,870,078 valuation- The railroads will pay the largest bill in the county, the amount being $149,550.19. Taxes of corporations, including telephone, electric power, telegraph, totals $49,624.17. The largest amount any one township will pay is $250,850.36, being Algonquin township, which include^ part of Crystal Lake, Cary and Fox River Grove.: /...\ Collecting taxes these days is a big job. Treasurer Peteit said he received numerous letters every day from citizens who say they can't possibly raise the money, due to the fact they have had no employment in the household for months. Others even can't raise enough money to pay their personal property tax. Treasurer Peteit does not make the tax laws. He ts just an officer of the county whose duty it is to collect the taxes. Statements to be sent out by him his week are in accordance with the law. Tax Information Important information for"taxpayers is inclosed in each envelope sent out by Treasurer Peteit The inforrfltrtion which is valuable is as follows: 1. Personal property taxes are due upon receipt of bill subject to penalty after May 1. 2. Real estate taxes may be paid in two installments. The,.first installment being due February 1 and the second installment due August 1. First installment draw3 interest after May 1 and second installment draws Interest after August 1, and will be Advertised for non-payment. If you wish to pay both 1932 installments on real estate, send both bills with your remittance to County Collector. 3. When writing for bills or for information, you must give the full legal description: Subdivision, Section, Town, Range, Acres, Sub^Lot, Lot, Block. 4. Be sure to give your ttame and proper postoffice address. 5. Remittances by mail must be in the form of a money order or draft. Receipts are held ten days, during rush period a little longer, to permit verification by the auditors. 6. Sale of both installments of 1932 real estate taxes begins about the first Monday in October. 7. Make remittances payable to Harry F. Peteit, County Collector, and enclose tax bills. All remittance are at the risk of the sender. 8. Examine bills carefully before paying them. See that all legal descriptions are correct; that they cover ALL property on which you wish to pay and no other. The County Collector is not responsible for payments made on wrong property. 9. For information about tax sales, write to the County Clerk. The office of the County Collector has only the tax books for the current year. NOTICE I desire to announce to the people of McHenry and vicinity that I have disposed of my ice business and hereafter same will be conducted by my ions. At the same time I desire to express my thanks to those who have keen my patrons during the last nineteen years, for their splendid patronage and co-operation. All accounts on my books are payable to me and all bills contracted from this date in connection with the business are not my responsibility. 41 MATH J. BAUR. MERRYMAKERS The Merrymakers met with Mrs. Albert Vales on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Prizes in cards were won by Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer, Mrs. Stephen Schmitt and Mrs. Joe Blake. This was the last meeting of the club until after Easter. CARD OF THANKS M^s. E. M- Downs and granddaughters, Margaret and Gertrude, wish to express their deepest appreciation and thatnks to their friends, neighbors, the Odd Fellows and the lady who sang at the funeral of their husband and grandfather. They l»Ve been so- kind and good and everything i» deeply appreciated. 31st Annual Masquerade Dance GRAYSLAKE FIRE DEPT. At Grayslake School Auditorium Route 20 and Lake St. FRIDAY, MARCH 17 by Frdiikie Gans and his Skylarks Admission SOc a person Plaindealera at Bcftg«r*s. 88 YEARS OLD Mrs. Ann Frisby observed her eighty-eighth birthday on March 1 and was pleasantly remembered by several of her friends. She received gifts of flowers and a birthday cake and these with other remembrances of her friends were much enjoyed and appreciated by her. v * . G'wtMt Future " • The tuition tliut luis tlie Kclinol* • *> future. Illsmrtrclti Si(B*4 Marylaa#*' Clutrlir Three hundred years ago MaryW land's provincial charter was / by King Charles I of England, giving . Sir George Calvert the right to set agr" •*"\ a " p a l a t i n a t e . " ' • * < . » v Pint SuCCM*f|>l Pow«r uii* .-V The ancient Egyptians wove with IL primitive loom. The first successful; power loom whs Invepted Jn 1785 by Gdmond Partwright „ At BOLGER'S 45 Week-End Special Burnt Almond This tremendously popular brick, we believe surpasses any Burnt Almond ice cream we have ever produced. The delicious burnt almonds are crushed fine in ice cream that is as smooth and delicious as ice cream can be made. By all ,«W. tw®*the family with^his Luick spedat? --'J*, ".%• 46 ^ Bolger's a ^ 4 'THE GREETING CARD STORE" We'have the most complete line of Greeting Oarcte •in McHenry County BlRttftDAY Grandmother Friend - Sweetheart' Beau Child's Boy Girl Baby General Father Mother Bister Brother Aunt Uncle .Grandfather INVITATION Pftity Baby Shower Bridal Shower Birthday Party ; Wedding Reception Birth Announcement Golden Wedding Silver Wedding Wooden Wedding CongratulatiflMt-; x Friendship - ? Thanks Appreciation < Sympathy Convalescent 'Gift Cards Graduation Also, We Carry a Very Complete Line of Seasonable Greeting Cards 47 Made in McHenry CROWN CIGARS . - g POR 25& MONOGRAM CIGARS . % FOR 254 By the Box at Bolger's Special--Kotex 3 regular 25c boxes Phantom Kotex fOR 594 49 Weekly Candy Special Pound Anderson's Full Cream Carmela ; v 39^ Pound Julia King's Chocolates and Bon 394 SO Now is the Time . • TO START THINKING ABOUT PAINTING AND DECORATING Bolger's carry a most complete Me of Paints, Varnishes, Brushes and Painter's Accessories. 51 For Those That Like Coty's Powder A LARGE BOTTLE OF COTY'S PERFUME AND A REGULAR SIZED BOX COTY'S FACE POWDER-- BOTH FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 98c ti This is a brand new deal--Come and see it THE RECEIPTS OF THE McHENRY POST OFFICES ARE SUFFICIENT TO WARRANT CARRIER SERVICE. For The Boys THIS COUPON ENTITXJRS YOU TO A BIG BAG OF MARBLES--FREE--FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT BOLGER'S. ;tv4,

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