Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1933, p. 8

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MSWWf mmm J: mi gMPj gFo "n* •»! PHONE 291 LAST TIME TONIGHT All Seats 10c ZaiW Givy's Smashing Kanm- Story J - • Randolph Scott aiw Sally Blaine in ' WJd Horse Mesa" isi* A Dancty Picture full of Thrills and Action SATURDAY -- SUNDAY MARCH 18-19 Richard Dix and . Ann Harding in , "The Conquerors^, A Great Story of the Comeback &f Thre« Previous Depressions SENIOR GIRLS ATTEND northw^tern BANQUET On .Saturday about seventy-five :S9H ,'%ia nior high school girls from nearby towns attended a banquet given by the . V? Alumni association of Northwestern i, - V University at Willard hall, Evahston. : Members of the Waa-Mu Shaw entertained after the luncheon. The entertainment was followed,by a tour of the Northwestern campus and afternoon tea. At the tea thegirls had the pleasure of meeting Florence S. Robnelt, Dean of Women. McHenry was represented by Evelyn Freund, Olga Brefeld, Margaret Larkin, Evelyn Anderson, Mary Al- • thoff, Marguerite Johnson, Marie Miller, Rita Martin and Lillian Segel. EASTERN STAR NOTES The regular meeting of McHenry Chapter, O. E. S., was held Monday evening with a good attendance of officers and members present, i Rehearsals are in progress foe the Eastern Star home-talent play, "The Fountain of Youth," which will be given on March 31, and plans are being made to accommodate a-, large crowd at this time. I The .Good Will Star club will meet at the home of Mrs. C. W; Klontz this Friday night with Mrs. J. J. Marshall as assistant hostess. Past officers' night will be held in Mchenry chapter on April 8. Fast matrons and patrons of the chapter will fill the olffices for the etening Mrs. H. M. Stephenson will be chair man of the lunch committee, On March 4, the associate matron* Miss Fraftces Vycital, attended the meeting of associate matrons of Fox River Valley at Plainfield, where they, entertained the associate patrons at a dinner and reception. The associate grand matron Hind patron were guests of-honor. . M'HEN&Y PLADfDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1833 ANNOUNCEMENTS -<**. -,4-r - v> WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Clihton Martin enter* tained a party of relatives and friends at their home Saturday evening in honor of their* eleventh wedding anniversary which occurred the following day. Cards furnished entertainment during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett, son, Lisle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and Mr. and Mrs. T. Howe of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin of Woodstock. s^R^NGS : •issu##o^ Warningsi are being issued against • prairie and grass fire)3. This season of the year, and continuing through the summer, considerable damage results' from grass fires. The state law says that between the last of November and the first of March is the only permissible time for burning grass. Fines for starting fires alter that time are from $5 to $100. CARD OF THANKS In this ma,nner we desire +o express our.thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for spiritual and floral bouquets, /expressions of sympathy and assistance and to donors of cars at the death of our mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. THE CHILDREN MOVING TO MICHIGAN Word comes from Crystal Lake that Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kittle and their son, James, intend to leave soon to live in Michigan. Mr. Kittle is well known here, having owned several farms south of . McHenry. MOTHERS CLUB ? , 'The Mothers club met witli Wfs. Charles Fich Friday afternoon with Mrs. E. H. Merrick as assistant hostess. Several visitors were present and an enjoyable meeting was held. Mrs. E. C. Coe, county superintendent of schools, was the speaker fbr the afternoon and gave a very interesting talk on "Modern Parents," reviewing a book on that subject. ' Mrs- A. E. Nye rendered Some pleasing vocal selections, accompanying herself on the guitar and games were played. Lunch was served at the ok>se of the afternoon. . " LADIES' AID SOCIETt - The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. C. H Duker Thursday afternoon with everyone present busily employed in sewing patch work and rags for rugs. The next meeting' of the society will be with Mrs. Minnie Miller next Thursday afternoon. Members and friends are invt MID-WEEK CLUB The Mid-Week club met with Mrs Ben Dietz ota* Wednesday afternoon of last week. Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs,<B. Dietz and Mrs- C. W, Goodell. "he next meeting will be with Mrs. Gjeorge H. Johnson. The Jig I. Up Seventeenth century Englishmen called a trick or maneuver a "Jigamaree," and when a trick was exposed they said "the jiganiaree is up." W0 shortened the word to "jig." LINGER LONGER The Linger Longer club met with Mrs. Lewis McDonald Friday evening. Bunco was placed and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Howard, Audrey McDonald and Mrs. Charles Mertes. This was the last meeting of the club until after Easter- . C. D. OF A. MEET The Catholic Daughters of America held their regular business meeting at K. C. hall Monday evening. FOX RIVER VALLEY CAMP Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A.,: will celebrate their twenty-seventh birthday at their meeting- next Tuesday night. Following the meeting there will be entertainment and lunch for the members for which a small "charge of ten cents will be made. BABY IS PRIZE WINNER Little Tommy McDermott, 16 months old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McDermott, is the proud possessor of a ten dollar prize awarded by an eastern paper for the most interesting baby. His picture was submitted by a relative in the eastern city. FOR ASSESSOR I desirp in this manner to aaoounoe to the voters that I will be a candidate for the office of assessor of McHenry township, subject to the will Fred G. Schomrer spent a few days of the voters at the election on April this week in Indiana. 4, 1933. Your support at the polls Mr. and Mrs. T. Howe and daughwill be greatly appreciated. ,ter were Elgin visitors Sunday. 40-5 ^ RAYMOND HALI*. 4 Frank Sayler of Woodstock was a -- - • McHenry caller Tuesday morning. FOR TOWNSHIP CLERK * Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin and I wish to announce that I will be a children visited in Chicago Sunday, candidate for Township Clerk, April Mrs. Elizabeth Krause of Wood- 4t'h. Having served in this position stock visited relatives here Sunday, for the past year I believe my ex- Lisle Bassett and Roy Matthews perience should qualify me.' Re- were Hebron visitors Friday evening. stftatfaUy soliciting your vote., i Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and P. Ml JUSTElS. ^ family were Chicago visitors Sunday. " ^ - > i Mrs. Leo Kappler and, baby son re- FOR ASSESSOR' turned home from Woodstock hospital The undersigned announces that he Sunday. will be a candidate lor the office t>f Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jofies of Chiassessor for McHenry township, at cago spent Sunday in the C. W. Goodthe election to be held on Tuesday, ell home. I April 4. Your vote at that time wiH Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heimei- of be appreciated. JOE N. SCHMITT. Chicago visited his mother Sunday * 'afternoon. FOR TOWNSHIP CLERK ' Mrs. F. E Boger and daughters, r desire to announce that I will fee Elizabeth and Harriett, spent Satur^ a candidate for the office of township day at Elgin. clerk, McHenry township, at the Mrs. Ray Page and little daughter election to be held Tuesday, April 4. returned home from Woodstock hos- Your vote will be greatly appre-. pital Saturday. ciated. . RAY McGEE. ' Mrs. George JpTinsori., daughter, •Vi------ '^Marguerite, and Rita Martin "'were WILL" QUILT • ^vanston visitors Saturday. The regular meeting of the Amer- F. E. Covalt, James" Sayler and IBS. MARY F&EUND Mrs. Mary Freund died at the home of her son, Jacob, at 6:15 o'clock Wednesday morning, March 8, 1933, after a long illness. , She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller and was born at Johnsburg, always making her hoYns in this vicinity. In 1882 she was married to Stephen J. Freund and to this union" three children were born, all of whom survive hgr. The children are Mrs. Jos. M. Sch^fer, Jacob Freund and John Freund. She is also survived by one brother, Math Miller. . Funeral services were held at St. John's church, Johnsburg, at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, with burial in St. John's cemetery. Card of Thanks . In this manner we desire to express our appreciation and thanks to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, expressions of sympathy and acts »>f kindness at the death of oUr beloved mother, Mrs. Mary Freund. , < THE CHILDREN. ican Legion Auxiliary will be held Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Following the meeting there Will be a quilting party, to which the public is invited. * i Glen Wattles attended the Eckert funeral at Woodstock Saturday. Misses Frances Hughes and Rosan Garen from StV Theresa's hospital spent the week-en<i at DeKalb. t :l>one Freund and Dorothy Wormey of St. Theresa's hospital spent the week-end in their homes here. Mr. and Mrs- Eugene Zoia and chil- CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our thanks for the assistance rendered by neighbors and friends and the .McHenry dren of Woodstock were Sunday even- Fire Department at the time of the ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dofire Sunday afternoon. herty. MARTIN BROS. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Diedrich and baby T. R. HOWE AND FAMILVi'";'"i'|bughter °f Spring Grove visited Mr. atld Mrs. John Schaid Sunday afterTowns and Cities noon. When a town changes to the dignity of a city depends upon locality. Once the presence of. a cathedral made a city. In America every town with mayor and corporation Is one. lfl_ Canada, population determines it. In England, any town may be raised to the dignity by royal authority.-- Tit-lilts. -* . ' Uncle Eben ••A smile is a mighty good "influence," sftid Uncle Eben, "but its serious 11stenin' trhiit de world needs when folks is in real trouble."--^Washington Star. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and family and Mrs. Cecile Moore and son, Jack, of Chicago were visitors in the Fred Kamholz home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T.. J. Walsh, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman of Woodstock, motored to Evan- .ston Sunday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Walsh and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson, son and daughter, Genevieve, visited at Kenesha, Sunday. Genevieve remained for a longer visit in the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rauen. , TOWN AUDITORS' MEETING The semi-annual meeting of township auditors of McHenry township will be held at the office of the town clerk in West McHenry at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Tuesday, March 28. Any and all bills against the township should be sent to the supervisor, S. H. Freund or to the undersigned, before •that;date..""T":;;>v-:"v^ • :f^?M. JUSTEN, 42-2 «= ' . r Township CHerk, V"ikcli a Difference! , A writer recently recalled the mark of a Cambridge painter to William James, the great psychologist. "There isn't much difference between men, I've noticed," said the painter, "but what there is makes a sight of difference." - ' . r' '• '" . ^ J M. & CHURCH (-" • You are invited to attend senrieet>-#' . at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. .Sermonft^s,: subject: "ThevLoyalty of Jesus," by ' the pa^tbr, Rev. L. H. Brattain. 1 ' The Sunday school continues to grow and improve with 102 in attendance last Sunday. New teachers are being interested and additional classes! are being formed for the better ao* ! ^ commodation of those in attenddance. Plans are already being made for-" the Palm Sunday and Easter services, whic^ will be outstanding in their programs and special music rendered. On Palm Sunday Uhe membera.x>f the Masonic lodge and Eastern Star, " will be invited guests. On Easter Sunday there will be Several baptisma and other^ who will unite with the church. Special selections are rendered every Sunday by the choir1; whose music is much enjoyed and adds greatly to the morning service. ;' t'vi On Thursday and Friday evenings^ • > s before Easter there Will be special' ! evening services, particulars to announced later. " ' X'* The pot-luck supper for the group*/-"' l e a d e r s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s w i l l b e t » t f , the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz Saturday night- The Ladies' Aid society will meetj^'.^ with Mrs. Minnie Miller next • Thnrs-^^'» day afternoon. There is no moratorium at the M E. church ,no closing holidays,: services are as usual. ^Everyone U invited to •'•Cj attend. ' " - S CARD Of THANKS ; We wish in this way to thank neighbors and friends for the many spiritual bouquets, beautiful floral offerings and expressions of kindness and sympathy extended to us in our recent bereavement and those who donated the use of cars. . Mrs. Jack Walsh and Children. ST. PATRICK'S DANCE, PROGRAM, CARD PARTY SPONSORED BY THE ALTAR AND ROSARY SODALITY AT StoffePs Hall, West McHenry Friday Evening, March 17 PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR EACH TABLE Admission 35c Everybody Invited jqqEII BOLGER DRUG STORE Ho. 2A Cartridge Hawkeye Camera--made by Eastman • 891 t PQOMOt The Perfect CMcken Delonser Regular $2.25 lb. $1.50 Regular $3.10, 2 lbs. $2.25 Regular $5.85, 5 lbs. $3.*90 ?0?ltiV9ly the best bargain in the conntry Full Pint RUBBING ALCOHOL (70%) ONLY 19^ L1 ette Bl. ADe HI NEW G1U.ETTE BLADE $1.00 pkg. NEW' GILLETTE BLADES 69* Here are a Sew of the many real bargains we have Cor you $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic...... 25c Exlax 85c Kruschen Salts $1.00 Ovaltine Pint Cod Liver Oil 50c Ipana Tooth Paste 100 McKesson's Aspirin Tablets. 40c Castoria .. - 79^ 19e 59 69^ 69^ 25c Woodbury's Facial Soap 100 Hinkle Pills Rubber Gloves ;. , $1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine $1.25 .SB'8 Tonic 39c -27^ 19^ 29^ 29^ 79^ 89^ Pint Milk of Magnesia 39<^ 35c Vicks' Vapo Rub ^ -23^ High Grade Toilet Paper„w 7 for 25<^ 2 Tubes McKesson's Shaving Cream 39^ 60c Syrup of Figs 49 c4 50c Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream 33<* 35c Italian Balm v . 29(^ 60c Bromo Seltzer • : .49^ 5 pounds Epsom Salts v 29^ $1.00 Shaving Brush -v.U / . 49^ 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste r.'.. 33^ 60c pint Witch Hazel v.,'.: 39^ 8-oz. Tasteless Castor Oil 29^ 33c - 49^ 10c Palmolive Beads $1.00 Miles Anti Pain Pills . 50c Wildroot Shampoo ......... Large tube Analgesic Balm . 75c Montag's Stationery .. ... $1.25 Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 98C Gallon Milk of Magnesia ~$1.98 85c Jad Salts 56^ 75c Popular Novels ' ' 49^ $1.50 Pertussin Cough Syrup 98(^ 50c Phenola Wafers 30C 70c Sloan's Liniment 49<^ $1.00 Super D Cod Liver Oil 69^ SQUIBB'S TOOTH FASTI 40c Squibb's Tooth Paste $1.25 St. Regis ALARM CLOCKS 89d In popular colors 50c ^ ARMAND POWDER 49tf A 50c Lip and. Cheek Rouge Free with each box of powder rv 42 SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL 75c Squibb's Mineral Oil 49^ LEES' GERMOZON1 $1.50 size KLEENEX 25c box ; 16^ All colors 65o POND'S COLD CREAJig 49^ ONDS 35c Palmolire Sh)Ting Cream 25e Palmolive Af4#r Shaving Powder 14a Styptic Pencil ,70c value for 39c TETE A TETE BRIDGE PLAYING CARDS I 19^ a Deck 35c CUTEX LIQUID NAIL POUSH 23^ All colors 60o &Eta COUGH 8YRUP 42^ THE VERY BEST MINERAL OIL • F i n t . . ^ * Quart.....« 79<^ Gallon. $2.00 BOLGER'S GUARANTIES IT V > « VV I - Dr.Wests TOOTH PASTE Mo DR. WEST'S TOOTH fASTl ._ 2 FOR 374 10c Palmolive SOAP 0^ a bar 5 bars 27^ ZONITt ZONITE ANTISEPTIC 49^ CHEVRON HOT WATER BAG ££ Fountain Syring 49^ We guarantee them For the Little Girls THIS^ COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO A SET OF JACKS AND A BALL-FREE--AT BOLGER'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Friday and Saturday, Mar; 17-18 Thomas P. Bolger 4# MThr8torc That's Always Busy" McHenry ' ' v*"' * '• Regular 25c Bo|c of PHANTOM KOTEX 3 FOR 59^ 2 25c-Tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste--- 50c Colgate's Tooth BruShr-- ALL FOR 49^ EATON'S GLENAVON STATIONERY 60 sheets .-V 60 envelopii Regular 60c value for. 29<^ FARMERS ATTENTION 60c Bag Balm $1.25 Kow Kare $1.85 value for Sl'.jjjS McHenry was once offered carrier service. A few people objected. Why? . •

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