Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Apr 1933, p. 8

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v r •v- ^ Jt.* .; . r *• 'i^~\*v-d TBI MUXNXY PLAIMDKALKK, THOBSDAT, APUL 13, 1993 "t? * * 1t a- f ** • V7 -<*-** V<^~ -iWCV*\ ; %* «• 2?JUm,~S!^ * *'.,,f," -: "\j<»'. 5'it/.•'*• -;.• '-" 4^C»f5,^4-T^r T- c^ w A i t i ' • -- • r- Jp < % Niaaie Went Shopping "Say, Mike, how could you fell that Minnie was on her way home from shopping, while still about three ttifee away from McHenry?"* ^ "Very easy, Mack, she brought a bundle with her containing a pair of shoes and' a chunk of bacon." •. V "How could you know that, .Mike?" * I "I could srn^U ,it as sh$ got it at Finkelstein's." "Well, doesn't she know about the WEARlU-WELL QUALITY SHOES which POPP'S SHOE STORfc is selling at fac-"" - tbry prices ? . -And right next door at Art Smith's where . she can havte the finest homesmoked bacon ?'r % "Oh I think she does, but she ' thinks it is' more fashionable ; when people can, read - in the society column like this: 'Minnie ivas a chopper last Saturday in Chicago' - or wherever she was. '.Well, '.so -'lo^,-ljM^ike, ;;>S^;,:^u ^. next week." '• -- M'HENRY CHAPTER MEETS The Regular meeting of McHeiji-y chapter, O. E. S., was held Monday night with a good attendance of members and officers present. Plans were made for obligation night which will be observed at the next regular meeting. Mrs. Thomas Kane will be chairman of the refreshment committee, assisted by Mesdarrtes Eppel, Dibble, Thompson and Rasmussen- Nunda and Libertyville chapters arc invited and local members are urged to attend. Past officers' night will be held.on May 6. " The Eastern Star has received *n invitation to attend Easter services at Ringwood church at 9:30 a. m. Sunday. Members are to meet at the church at Ringwood at 9:20 a. m. Those having no Way to get to Ringwood are asked to notify the worthy matron, Elsie Vycital, who will .-see*-', tries. AUXILIARY TO SPONSOR ANTIQUE SHOW APRIL Id The Antique show, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, will be held at* the Community high school auditorium at Woodstock, Wednesday, April 19, both afternoon and evening. Maiiy varied antiques will be shown with interesting histories on each display. Prizes will be awarded in every classification, including gowns, the oldest and prettiest; furniture, age and workmanship; dishes, crockery, glassware, jewelry, wearing apparel, shawls, fans, hats and accessories, linen, table covers, fancy towels, quilts, "coverlets, counterpanes, miscellaneous. Capable' judges from the- county have h&en secured. All entries should be made by calling Mrs. Harry Hoagland, Woodstock 45. Entries brought previous to ths opening day should be left at the home of Sheriff Lester s Edinger. On the date of the show, bring all entries to COUNTY AUXILIARY MEETS AT McHENRY •'*** meeting of the McHenry County American Legion Auxiliary was held in the K. C. hall Friday evening with the local unit entertaining a largo Crowd of Auxiliary members from all over the county. Every unit in tjie county was represented at the meeting. The business session was in charge of the county president,, Mrs. Todd, after which lunch was served by the local unit. An invitation was extended to all members to attend a joint meeting of the American Legion and the Auxiliary at St. Mary's gym, Woodstock, on May 3- Membefs of both organisations will be permitted- to bring a guest to the meeting. Plans near completion and announced following a meeting of the general committee Friday night, outline a splendid program for the everting; The invitation from the Legion ONLY EIGHT CIVIL WAR VETS LETT IN COUNTY the high school before I'd a. m. There wa® extended to the County Auxiliary will be a three-way checkup on all ^en- TH£ -f H£ATF*E^7 PHONE 291 LAST TIMES TONIGHT ERNEST TRl'EX and UNA MERKEl^in "Whistling in the Dark" A Comedy Thriller Direct From Roost^ ' : ; Theatre, Chicago SATURDAY -- SUNDAY APRIL 15 - 16 "WILLIAM HAINES, MADGE EVANS and CONRAD ,? NAGEL in it FAST LIFE" A Speedy Melodrama ALSO, WALTER WINCHELL Famous Radio Star and Others WED.-THURS. APRIL 19 - 20 TALLULAH BANK HEAD in "FAITHLESS" An Intriguing Romance ALSO, COMEDY 1 that conveyances are furnished for all ;who wish to go. Those who attended patftofficers* night and candle lighting service at Libertyville chapter Thursday night were Mrr-. Ony Wheeler, Anna Anderson, Mrs. James Beayis and Elsie. a^d Frances Vycital. *; :. " ~.T Auxiliary members, as well as two deputies,' \till be .stationed about to protect all displays during entire floor show. v A very* fine program has been Friday night by County Commander Ed. Kjellstrom. Heading the pVogram on May 3 will be an address by C. Weyland Brooks, considered one of the finest orators in the state. Brooks is ho stranger in McHenry county and the announceplanned. A parade of older- gowns, ment "that he is to be the main speakvery. effectively modeletj. -Soparate ; ^ w'th £fcn-. judges will award prizes in this'dis-leFa' approval. play. • j . :v. ' V; Junior Auxiliary will present a oneact play. An East Chicago; Ind., so HOME FROM ST. MARY'S v" Miss May Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Justen, McHenry, is , ]cist will entertain with two numbers, home for the Easter holidays, April: while costumed in an old-fashionod 11-19, from St. Mary's college, Notre | g0wn. Woodstock's own Legion Aux- Dame, Ind. Miss Justen, a Senior at Another feature of the session 'will be the appearance of the Waukegan Legion post degree team. A class of fifteen candidates will be initiated at the meeting with the Waukegan team having charge of the work. This de- St. Mary's, will receive a B. S. degree in Home Economics in June. Miss Justen, who is specializing in Foods, ! recently completed her practical work | in th^ Central Senior high school of South Bend, where she taught nutrition. She has always maintained excellent scholastic rating at the college. In her Junior year she headed the freshment' committee fore? the Junior promerade, the largest social affair given by the various classes. iliary Sextette will render two, beau- j fr ej work will be open to all who attiful numbers. Tea will be served, ftend as there ,s n<> secret connected following the program. . Admission price, 25 cents for 10 cents for children. It will be woi-th your while to attend this show,* which promises to surpass any of its kind. RUTH NICKELS CONFIRMED Miss Ruth Nickels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nickels of Woodstock, was a member of the confirms- . tion class at St. John's Lutheran ENTERTAINS ORCHESTRA church Woodstock SIIT.dav .<JHA wn/rT"*^" "*V »«U uie ureat Miss Elsie Vycital entertained the ?• rch'• Wood-t°ck, Sunday, bhe wa. Lakes Naval band has been assured. _ J ^ i I ^onorpd at a d.nner on Surday g 1V,n Following the program; dancing wil Several friends and be enjoyed. ' present and enjoyed with the Legion initiation. The Waukegan post quartet, one of the best in the state, will assist the degree team in its work. Numerous prominent Legionnaires and Auxiliary members are expected to be present, among them being the department4 president and district chairman of the Auxiliary, p^,st commander of the Legion, Charles W. Schick, and others. The Woodstock unit sextette will appear on the program- and the Great <S«orge W. Herbert, 87 years old, one of four surviving Civil War veterans in Woodstock, died last Wednesday afternoon at his home in that city. He. celebrated' his 87th birthday anniversary on March 21. The deceased served as a member of Company F Of the 134th Illinois infantry during the Civil war. He moved to the Richmond community following the close of the war. Some thirty years ago he moved to Woodstock, where he has resided ever since. For a nufhber of years he was employed at the Oliver typewriter factory. V* Surviving are five children, Mrs. Emily Beatty of Ringwood; Mrs. Laura Peet and Mrs- Luella Schneider of Woodstock; Alva Herbert of Elgin and Ervin Herbert of Richmond. Sixteen grand children and twenty great-grand-children also survive. The ranks of the G. A. R. in the aounty are fast thiriing out. Only eight members of that grand old army remain. Three live in Woodstock, Henry Fish, David Shales and A. SWright. Two live in Marengo, Sam uel Wise? and the Rev. Grover 0. Clark. Crystal Lake has Albert DiPy and Alden, John Baldock. Rev. Grover Clark is a-retired Methodist minister. Only a few years ago the G. A. R., j with a large membership roll, was one ! of the strongest organizations in th1 county. Today its ranks have dwiridl- j ed to eight members. The American! Legion has taken up where the G. A. R. left off and is carrying on, car- j ing for the disabled war veteran, serv-! ing as esco'.^s at funerals and; sponsoring M' norial Day programs! throughout the county. j Rabbit Tabes D»iy«r»t« Cbaacec "A hunter," said Uncle Eben, "hates » pore Uttle rabbit dat's trying to git •way. De rabbit don't mean no harm, but Is compelled to act like he thought he was smarter dan a shotgun and a dQ£ .M*l a man, all three.**" How Mantes Protect* Eggs The mantes (predatory insects) employ the same principle as that which makes the thermos bottle effective, when they protect their eggs from changes In temperature by surrounding them with masses of air bubbles. Taxi Telephone Number Big , Taxi users in Budapest, Hungarft' have gotten what they desired--a ce%y tral taxi station for all machines. But . the number given it by the telephom company, they say, Is Just too much. It Is 44444. Imagine, declare thost who enjoy Saturday nights, feeling that you need a taxi, and then hav* ' to tell pentral you want •four-double* iqur-double-four." : V M •' ' J Adversity iflll not nutke OS I|»S8 we can 11<-k adversity. 0 At BOLGER'S ATTEND FIRST MASS OF THEIR RELATIVE ; members of the orchestra which play.- ] parent ed for the Eastern Star play and j relatives were dance at her home Saturday evdfflng., delicious dinner and supper and I A pleasant evening was spent in | Kenial hospitality. Guests from Mc- | games, with prizes being won oy Henry weJ.e pred Voeltz and goni and I George, Johnson, Stanley Vycital and Henry Antholz and daughters, Alvera Marguerite Johnsofi. Refreshments. and Florence Miss Marie Block o£ were sewed at a, table carrying out i)undee was also present the Easter decorations. Those pres- Sanftarium and Sanatorium A sanitarium is a health resort %here people in a run-down condition $o to recuperate; a sanatorium Is a place where the sick go to get well. Sanitarium is derived from the Latin '^anitas," health, while sanatorium comes from "sanatorlus," curing or -health-giving. ent enjoyed a delightful evening. QUILTING PARTY THURSDAY Following the regular meeting cf the Legion Auxiliary on Thursday evening, April 20, there will be a quilting party and cards will be played. There will be a prize awarded for every table. JUST EIGHT CLUB Mrs. F. J. Aicher was hostess to the Just Eight club members at her home on Waukegan street on Wednesday evening of last week. Two tables of bridge were in play and prizes were awarded to Miss Clara Stoffel, Mrs. G. W. Hess and Miss Lena StofTel Using Copyright Soaf Permission to use even a part of a copyright song must be obtained in Writing from the copyright owners. ' All-Thorn Plant ' Hie all-thorn plant of Texas and Mexico is • veritable thicket of green thorns. Many Confocianistf ; Tl» Confucinnists of the world an :Vitiumbered at :t50.flnn.'000. HOUSEWARMING PARTY Members of the D. H. G. club surprised Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin in their new home on Main street Tuesday evening. Four tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas McCabe and Mrs. L. A. Erickson, C. W. Goodell and George Johnson. STAR CLUB MEETS The Good Will Star club met Birthe home of Mrs. Phil Guinto Friday afternoon with Mrs. Maywald serving as a hostess, also. Four tables of cards were in play and prizes were awarded. D. OF A. MEETING Tlw Daughters of America held their regular business meeting at K. C« hall Monday evening. A good attendance of officers and members was present. LADIES' AID SOCIETY About thirty members and friends were present at the meeting of the Ladies' Aid society Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alby Krug with Mrs. James Perkins as assistant hostess. This occasion was friend's day and each one attending was requested to bring a friend. A delightful afternoon was spent in games an& aLtprogram was enjoyed after which, lupch was served. Plans were discussed for a rtftther and daughter banquet in Maiy. ; The society will meet with Mrs. „L. A. Erickson next Thursday afternoon. Members and friends are invited, It is expected that more than 800 people will attend this meeting*, which promises to be one of the largest ever held by the Ijegion in the county. ATTEND MID-WEST TRA0B SHOW Cousins from this vicinity attended the first Solemn High Mass of Rev. Eugene H. Berendaen, O. Praem, at Saint Willibrord's church, Green Bay, Wis-, Sunday morning, April 9. Rev. Berendsen was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by the Right Rev. Paul P. Rhode, D. D., at St. Joseph's church, West De Pere, Wis., on April 7. The High Mass, \thich was solemnized at 11:15 a. m., Sunday morning and the accompanying ceremonies were most beautiful' and impressive with Mary Thelen, the little six-yearold cousin of the newly ordained priest, acting as the little bride an- J propriately dressed in white with a I white veil and escorted by two little flower girls carrying baskets of flow-., ers- ' • j Following the services a banquet was served at Columbus Community NEW POLICY AT EL TOVAR The week beginning Easter Sunday inaugurates a new policy at the El- Tovar theatre, Crystal Lake. Bargain nights on Tuesday and Friday with reduced admission prices to 10 and 15 cents will be the rule at the El Tovar hereafter- This means that five changes of program per week will be the policy at this theatre. In this manner all the leading pictures from all the leading studios will be presented. • .VW M'HENRY POST MEETS The American Legion held its regular meeting Monday evening with Commander Arthur Patzke in charge of the meeting. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Another example of over-production: the hundreds of bills already introduced at the state legislature. No. 8 Bolger's Week-End Sale Watch this space On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week Miss Lillian Freund, one of the proprietors of the Clairo , „ Beauty shop, attended the Mid-West « i>t0 relatives and friends Trade show given by the Chicago and Illinois Hair Dressers' Association at tlje Hotel Sherman in Chicago. The show was most interesting, with feature lectures on beauty culture and the latest styles in hair cuts and beauty treatments. Many new ideas were introduced for the coming season with the most modern hair dress being composed of curls. A feature of the three day event was the Miss World's Fair Coiffure Contest which took place at the Bal Tabarin on Tuesday. About 700 girls were entered in the contest with one girl being selected for her most modern and most convenient original style of coiffure. " 85c Jad Salts 25c Kotex .. .. 56<^ -- . . . f a r 5 9 ^ Pound Blonde Psylla Seed ... .. .... 33^ 70c Hamlin's Wi?^dqpl; 53^ H.26 SSS Tonic 89^ 70c Sloan's Liniment 53^ 11.00 Squibb'3 Cod Liver Oil ... 09^ Pint Rubbing Alcohol 23^ *1.00 Lysol 69<i Pint Milk of Magnesia 29^ .J1.00 Listerine . •' 79^ Pint Mineral Oil ' • : • • ' • • • . 39^ 25c Venetian Shoe Cream 16^ |(Qc Feenamint Gum 33^ 11.00 Nature's Remedy Tablets 69^ Large Tube Analgesic Balm ..... 49^ $0c Pepsodent Tooth Paste ..... 33^ 60c Mentholatum . 12 10c Colgate's Soap 60c Forhan's Tooth Paste 35c Italian Balm _._v. 85c Vaseline Hair Tonic . 50c Zip Depilatory .... 60c Bag Balm 8 Ounces Castor Oil \ 75c Mead's Dextri Maltose 85c Kruschen Salts • . 50c Wildroot Shampoo 49^ 59^ 39^ 23^ 51^ 33^ 43^ 23<^ 56^ 56^ 33^ $100 Max Factor's Face Powder .09 Blue Rose Bath Salts .. 5 Pounds Epsom Salts 25c Mercurochrome $1.50 Petrolagar .-...-33^ 33^ 16^ 98^ 60c Dr. Ki^g-'-s New Discovery... 39^ THOMAS P. BOLGER PHONE 40 first of All a Good Drug Store MdHEN&Y, ILL. BIRTHDAY SURPRISE A birthday surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Miller of Richmond, April 5, being Mr. Miller's forty-second birthday anniversary. A birthday cake was received from Tony Williams. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Miller and daughter Mary Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stillman of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. M511er of Volo, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer, Math Miller of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stilling, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Birsmen of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. John HaVens. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Ben Walkington, Mr. Bokemier of Ringwood, Miss Myrtle Huffman of Woodstock, Eva and Louise Williams, Lillian, Miller, Opal and Mayble Havons, Helen Miller, Violet Miller, Ed Roy, Alford and Victor Miller, Clarence Stilling, Tony Williams and Ralph Justen. Many presents were received and.ftU had a merry time. 1 Katkerine Gklmn. \ HOW joyful the mwie of Eaiter it USiiig, WhM promix awl hope lie m ntxj gUd J •train, In garden and woodland the tongbirdi are calling, Spring with its tunihine has cone back again. If All o( the gloom and the darknm ei winter, li All of it* doubting, it* chill, and its feat, V Has vanished, and now over meadow and mountain _ Vistas of wooder and beauty appeal. Great trees are bunting with buds awl with blossoms, '.•" Exquisite bluenes* ft linlmg stie^" All of the joy and the woader of thjfaf *, Brushes the wings of each creature that flies. All things unite to make Castes more lovely. To tell us that winter and sadness are Red; AD things unite to pay hoaatge and gioqr To One who m triumph has come from die dead. How joyful the music of Eastet is falling. All things of nature in unison ting, ' i-'? Death has been conquered, the long night is eaded,. Over die meadows the glad tidings ring. And just as the darkness of winter is conquered,! So, too, the One that death held in thrall, ' Has broken the fetters and come forth in glory, Bringing new promise and hope to us aB. | Passat Krm Bannad Officials of Tulsa county," Okla.. must take oath not to use free trans portatton piwi dortac thair mm of Rev. Berendsen. The relatives from this vicinity left Saturday noon to make the motor trip to Green Bay, returning home Monday night. Those who enjoyed the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freund, Mrs. Anna Meyer and son Leo, Mrs. Jacob F. Justen and daughter Alma of McHenry; Mrs. Jos. P. Miller, Mrs. Ben H. Stilling and little son Daniel of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and daughter Isabelle, Mr. and Mrs. George May, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Freund and Mrs. Jos. Schmitt of Spring Grove and, Mrs. Jacob R. Justen of Waukegan!: . I PERSONALS Harold Vycital of the University :>f Illinois arrived home this Thursday for Easter vacation. Mrs. W. T. Drennan was a Chicago visitor Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. Bob Peterson spent Tuesday and Wednesday of ljist week with his grandfather, Frank Peterson, in Chicago. El Tovar Theatre, Crystal Lake FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A P R I L 1 4 - 1 5 Admission 10c and 30c Spencer Tracy and Bette Davia in "20,000 YEARS IN SING SING" SUNDAY AND MONDAY APRIL 16 - 17 (Cont. Sunday from 2:30 p. m.) Admission 10c - 25c before 6:00 p. m; 10c-35c thereafter Will Rogers, Janet Gaynor, Lew Ayers, Sally Eilers and Four Othir Big Stars in "STATE FAIR" TUESDAY ONLY ' (BARGAIN NITE) Admission 10c and 15e Richard Cromwell and Dorothy Jordan in "THAT'S MY BOY" WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY A P R I L 1 9 - 2 0 . - Admission 10c - 30o Francis Dee, Buster Crabbe and An All Star Cast in "THE KING OF THE JUNGLE" FRIDAY ONLY, APRIL 21 (BARGAIN NITE) Admission 10c - 15c Evelyn Knapp, James Muitly and Thelitis Todd m "THE AIR HOSTESS ' SATURDAY ONLY, APRIL 22 Admission 10c and 30c Buster Keaton and Jimavy Durante in "WHAT, NO BEER" 60 Easter Ice Cream Special ,7. Macaroon-Rasplberry kf^, Peach Glace "J : ^ The one #ay we can extend Easter Greetings to our patrons is by offering something unusual and outstanding-- and that's what we have done in this week's special bri'ek. The wonderful flavor of rich, smooth macaroon and peach glace" ice creams are made even more delightful by the delicious, refreshing raspberry ice. You certainly will want this Luiok special for Piaster dinner. 61 Ladies Attention fcOTY'S SPECIAL BARGAIN BOX OF COTY'S FACE POWDER ; LARGE BOTTLE OF COTY'S PER#&ME,'both 98^ ^2 Bolger's, the Magazine Store ALWAYS FIRST WITH THE LATEST MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS AND NEWSPAPERS 63 It's Time to Paint PAINTS VARNISHES DTJCO ENAMEL Vl STEEL WOOL BRUSHES SAND PAPEE WHITE LEAD V ALSO, WE MEET MAIL ORDER HOUSE PRICES! PUTTY OIL STAINS TURPENTINE LINSEED OIL VARNISH REMOVER LINOLEUM LAQUER SHELLAC 64 It's Easter Time AT BOLGER'S EASTER CARDS EASTER NOVELTIES EASTER CANDY EASTER BASKETS EASTER EGG DYES EASTER GIFTS - ^^IND DON'T FORGET--EASTER BASKETS TOR THE KIDDIES! 65 Colgate's Specials NO. 1--50c Colgate's Tooth Brush, two 25o tubes Colgate's Tooth Paste, $1.00 value for 49* NO. 2--25c Colgate's Shaving Talcum, 35c Colgate's Shaving Cream, 10c Colgates Styptic Pencil, 70c value for ... 39* HO. 3--25c Palmolive Shaving Talcum, 35c Palm- -rolive Styptic Pencil, 70c value for 39* 66 Farmers Attention NOW IS THE TIME FOR SEED TREATMENT AND TREE SPRAYING f FORMALDEHYDS CERESAN SEMESAN DRY LIME SULPHUR SCALICIDE • ARSENATE OF LEAD SULPHOCIDE BORDEAU MIXTURE LONDON PURPLE ALL ROUND SPRAY WE WILL SAVE Ytftf HONEY ON ANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS 67 Clean up Your Auto SIMONIZE SIMONIZE CLEANER SPONGES AUTO SOAP DUCO TOP DRESSING DUCO NO. 7 POLISH AUTO DUSTING CLOTHS CHAMOIS JOHNSON'S AUTO WAX Johnson's Auto CLEANER WHEEL VARNISH DUCO TOUCH UP BLACK Duco Super Lustre CREAM For THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO A BIG JOLLY BOY KITE FREE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT BOLGER'S V - H

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