Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 10

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^ i • * '#4. / -%>;«•> --3'4 SL„ lit L,M WW.'W':<-^;:r-:* MCE TW& '• \. "ZA-Kr, fHfc ROAHfc OF SWPfcftVteOftS, McHEMRY COUNTY, ttAINOl# -Jhinefy And buildiritts, printing, road | From-lhe Fox River Bridge at Chica- ! Resolutions--,T. £>. Donovan, i\ B. fighs, fuel, grease, oil, gasoline and In- go Street in tho Village of Algonquin McConnell. P. Rosenthal, John Conley, JUdentals. easterly one mile more or less. Johu Harrison. :: That the Committee be authorised to I - It was thereupon regularly moved by i * • " , •• «- y fneet monthly to pay bills and transact Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded I The following named persona were justness of office. by Supr. Haeger -that the Resolution selected to serve las Grarid Jurors at That a trip of inspection of County be adopted. And the roll being called the May term of the Circuit Court and i^pds be taken by the Committee and saald m®tion was unanimously carried. 1 On motion duly made and carried the hat so far as possible the nearest ' •. . . list was approved and ordered certified : In ember of the Committee handle emer- The following Resolution on Right of to the clerk of the Circuit Court, to-wit: Xency matters. TSSfay Routes 47 and 62 was presented Riley--Geo. Anderson. "•" ~ * - -Marengo--Ray Shear, Weldon' KeHy. l>unham--A. H. Shepard. Chemung--;L. A. Keller, D. T. Phalln. Alden--W. D. Tlxwipson-.- ""f • »* r : Hartland--Willis Diabrow. -V Seneca--F. S. Burt. . Coral--G. W. Shaw. Grafton--^Otto Hart, , ' • v C porr--Geo. Reidesel, Ed Readel. Greenwood--William Wiednei*. " Hebron--Mont Houshdlder.' ' Richmond--Harry Turner. Burton--N. B. Weber. McHenry--Louis Hawley, Wm. Sayler. JN'unda--:H. G. Meyer, Qeo; Tessendorf, Algonquin--Ben Phflurp, Frank Hom- ^ ; That the County Superintendent of And read to the Hoard, to-wit: * Highways act as general overseer of the ( •. ' Resolution K irork and as Clerk of the Road, andWHEREAS, there is now available i| JJrMee Committee. for the use of McHenry County, Illinois, fiv;.. That said Committee shall keep min- out of the Motor Fuel Tax of 1931 and 9>tes of all meetings and a record of each the sum of $31,767.30 and, ' *v •' 9md every expenditure, In a substantial: WHE11EAS, It Is permissible .under -record book, said minutes to be, when ' Motor Fuel Tax Law, approved ' 'Approved by said Committee, signed Vv Maruh 25, 1929, to purchase Right -o# ^he Chairman thereof and by the clerk Way fur jhe improvement of State Aid '•< laid Committee,.- , . Reside. «nd, ' --i V •; . . '•• That said Committee be authorised) to WNBREAS, ^he ; Road and Bridge 'iecure necessary forma and books for, Ctyn'hi it-tee of the --Borard of 'Supervisor's.-. t-V ' fiandllng the motor fuel tax funds a$d; of . McHenry County, Illinois, have se- |a work out a method at- handling said <->ireil the signatures to the following €unds and administering^ the lawsin."'H(giV-way D'edicatiotis for 'the improve-, \* „#aid matter. • •, riient of State Aid Route Kb, 6-A and bla. We further recommend that the right and ' S, 'M^Ife'nry County, Illinois, ' State's months care In Sanatorium. » Mrs. Krna Stockwell, Ma^eng^o, 111.-- Ottawa Sanatorium, Ottawa, 111., " June 1, 1831 to Oct. 16, 1981 ...»374.4« The fiatlent was given five months care in sanatorium. Rock ford Municipal TB Sanatorium, Roukford, 111.--- X-ray and eliest examinations of 5 members of the Kretch- \ mer family 1 On March 9, 1832 ... "fci , v' .k' •AV- .» 1 jsiK' ,COpV„COn»:ynir 21366 I ed \° an? recommend the pay-! Asst. Supr. Donovan. <hairman of &»' - IKAAA 'OIENV 1 Jr following, and that the Committee on Finance addressed th* Ct. 9. directed to Issue ordeMi on Board and stated that as Chairman of Zefter Edinrt?' Treasurer to the Claimants cSmmltteeh. 'would like'to it Lester Edlnger, allOw^ntte Cat (for the several amounts allowed, as fol-, this time report, on the question of an 2 mos. ° appropriation for the Home Bureau, Marian Edlnger, cooking for prls. 2 mos. t L. 270.00 Irene Crabtree, sal. Court Rep. ' 2 mos - --.200.00 $60.GO j Daisy V. Moore, sal. Asti Supt. contribution of | Schs. 2 moa ;......250.00 200.00 lows, to-wlt: $500.00 was accepted from the McHenry I Philip E. Bierdeman, sal. Clerk Co. TB Assc., to pay current bills and Sheriff, 2 moa. 200.00 jfor the care of Mrs. Fruend, at Zace g. A. Rt. 2I-21A, Sec. 1. MKT iSanatoriuum, for a period not to ex- Q; L. Tryon .. . . * f^eed April 1, 1#38. A balance of S'53.62 O. L. Tryon Attorney Lumley addressed £t' Jf 'Way for roads built from gas- tax p. •. I. Bo ate 47, Worth of Woodstock the Board and stated that a Franchise it'Jaunds be secured by- the reg;uiar Right- A. " G. r>ifkersonwas granted to the Xatural Gas Pipa Way Committee, and that emer- Kotils ^ iicillivafiih •e'nr? matters that may develop In the Caroline Cole .? .dtnlnls.trati»n; of said ropd itnjirovp-. ,F.; $3, Thayer «nts be handled by ' the Road ridge Committee. ". , ^ Th<» financial - status"of the S:t»AHBIirpvf- i-r,'-.-jji, ;-.-j-nay?r...JM;## 10 nis . approval ana inai ne * oad arid Martin .Igyobson 83,00; that he would, not allow said V"' > . 1 "lslarry >Yo.odbucy. i 1^40.d'0to' teAr up aftj- main thoroughi JfcHcnri H >w,>td flavin , . . .C. j59.»0 in cases where they had to c *;?#"'C,jP«un,y Highway Tax F.unds ,i« as; M-, Tho?. Lawler, .J;"loWs: i'J1/: '.Mrs. SoT'hl-e Johnson--a"---- -V J- : ' llsfaUr ..Nel?t»i»"' * lialsnce OR hand Mar. 8„ .'Kd.J' Aylward- Received,. Oas Tax F, S. Archibald <f"laim I-i-1 83.07 Wm! Slavln ?laim B-l S53<ll;'....J . 21.24 Gieo. Burke > - • - ' :i-' laim B-l65760 ........ Claim B-15535# "• 17.40 Richard Burke" 1.14 • J. J. Palmer .. 64.40 Lines Co. of- America by the , County 1*3.Board at its March, meeting .subject 143.50 to his and that he had ruled company ough fares ami cross said l-.SOQiOO thoroughfares that it would b*1 neCes- -'•^•.®0 sary for .them to bore under the roadrj ^ x,uke-s Orthoepedlc Clinic, 3 trips. iV Was„„^ereup 4 0t! resularly moved by jmino-s Kesearch ftospital, Chgo . 1 trip ioo'?n u">r" ^ y seconded, by Supr. I Rockford- Tuberoulosis Sanatorium, 1 188.10 Haeger that the action of the States trit) •iSI oS :X"?ru*yJ>V-pp,?I*2 b>' this Board,and '.Ottawa T. B. Sanitarium; Ottawa, 1 trif if f en * ^ ® ,ec ^ noV i Sal? Com" l'ducati°nal Health Meetings &attended any accordingly. Motion declared unan- Tuberculosis Inst, of Chicago, 1 day. ifwas returned to the TB Assc. 'I Respectfullv submitted, HYlJI'i- Wl-2S'r, M. .D,, ^MWldtllt. ~ Tuberculosis WOT* Tuberculosis Work-- 64 visits to homes. " . * 3 visits to Sanatoria, 2 Clinics. . , 41 , : -J'"y ' • Miscellaneous Visits to offices of , physicians. 10 Social Service' investigation Visits. These were for agencies' outside Of county. .' I'rilted Charltes of Chicago. _ tXntted '.Charities 'of Omaha. ' Juvenile Court of Chicago. ' Moose Charity Board. ' -s.'s.irs Social Service Bureau of Denver. . LoSvAngelea CrVunty (v;iiarlties.. * V Trips to, Hospitals and Institutions Juvenile Research, Chicago, 2- trips.. Additional appropriation ,C. M. and E. L. Howard • March tth, 1932 i........: 1,000.00 Frederick C. Schroeder .. * • Wm. C. Haclfer x 18,667.90 Sadowiskl Bros. ]>ss expenditures Apr. 8, 1932:. 1,949.88 Geo. M. Boal j . . -- Andrew Larson ce on hand Apr. 26, 1932 $1,718.02 Mrs. Lena Birk •now Fund | Elmer G. Kelley, Alfred Spooner ... ;||alan' Sal. on hand March 8, 1932 ......ft,799,09 Peter Hansen &ess expendi. April 8, 1932 ...... 822.60 Frank J. Green • •,". Henry Murphy . Sal. on hand April 26, 1932 $1,976.59 i Stanley Koster Your Committee estimates there will I Anna Slavln i necessary for the care of the Mc- John McQueen enry County Patrol System of Roads ntil the next meeting of this Board. gn appropriation from the County ftlghway Tax Fund levied in Septemfcer. 1931, in the sum of $7000.00. which is re«iw»ctfuliy submitted, E. C. HUGHES' '•-v.-'-. D. M. WRIGHT ' ' if, -C. M. PALMER vvr 'S, • -V. E. BROWN - ' 'A'v:: « CHAS. H. ACKMAN ..wU 137.90 imously carried. ..... 1,490.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by 209.90 Super. Haeger and duly seconded by 63.60 Supr. Turner that this Board adjourn ,Li». 1,762.80 subject to the call of the Chairman. 193.20 Motion carried. Thereupon the Board 284.40 adjourned. ..... -88.40 EARL HUGHES, Chairman. 473.20 Attest: R. D. WOODS. Clerk. 300.00 200.00 191.30 168.70 1,200.00 73.60 <00.00 Td Harry F. Petejt, County Treasurer, 2 per cent fee . $12,627.00 Bsoxnuuft Jtrini MEETUTO, 193& Regular June Meeting, 1932 The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, met in regular 253.54 session at the Court Houuse In the ing the year City of Woodstock on Monday, the 13th < 44 tonsils removed'. Regional White Chicago, 1 day House Conference 65.99 128.26 8. A. Rt. 21-21A Sec. 2 MPT-- G. L. Tryon «' 880.53 S. A, Rt. 21 SeC. 1, MPT-- » . G. L. Tryoi) .„.._..4.....810.66 G. L. Tryon .1*3.70 Marquette Cement Co., ...,i...4.-..,..4,896.00 Marquette Cement Co., '...".L.™ 1,648.80 8. A. Rt 21-21A Sec. l-lifft-- | Marquette Cement Co.. ...^.830;00 I S. A. Rt.. 22 Sec! 2, MFT-- ^ M g r q u e . t t e C e m e n t C o . , . 7 2 2 . 1 6 Arcol Construction Co,/; '....6,801,70 S. A.-Rt 21-21A ^e,C. 2 MPT-- . Herman Luedtke 40.00 8. A. Rt 22, See.'!' v;-;v Hjerman Luedtke 80.00 Arnold Ewta, 180.00 Harold' Ackman ! Sifl.OO Hfirold Ackman ................ .75.00 S. A. Rt. 22 Sic. Jt, antf MST-- Arnold Ewert ^95.00 City of W9odstock, lights 83.33 All of which is respectfully submitted. . L. A;. STOCKWELL *<. "".'•.V'.-. - E, BROWN' • -'. 'i- D. M. WRIGHT " ," M. PALMER • . •••' : B. F. KUECKBSft '"'-'-'i I j inciuii iwi inc iivmc ui cnuf AU of which Is respectfully submitted. *'1at was referred to said Committee at -L. A. STOCKWELL , .the last preceding meeting of thlft •. V. E. BROWN1 . ' I Board. He then stated that the Com- ^ D. M. WRIGHT „ , F A M. PALMER *!- E. P. KUECKER * - ^ Dr. C. F. Bacctii, care Thomas * Commence $25.00 Nunda-- > . Dr. G. H. Pflueger cars Addle Arts fO.OO Marengo-- * . , . Taking mother atttl BebingW Mlllaben -v granted. All of which Is respectfully submitted. JOHN "SCONLEY, Chairman JOHN" T. O'BRIEfl 1 «,nFI HORRS! n v Po Vnrs« The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees , c- M- PALMER snmmn» nt Wnrk n* fianMtr Wnrsa and Supplies made the following report Summary^ of ^g3i f June^ .which was on motion of Supr. Hale, / Th« Committee on Fees a^ SSfeffts School Work-- 2250 school children Were examined. 138 mlttee felt that they could not malt® any recommendation on this matter anjd would at this time refer the same back to the full Board for their consideration. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. O'Brien and duly seconded by Supr. Haeger-that the appropriation tot Home Bureau be discontinued at this time. And the roll being called I buprs. Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Claw- ... son, Kueucker, Conley, McConnell, Hale, 6J!0 Haeger atid Asst. Suprs. Donovan aM tiiiKtattttfMi' Rosenthal voted aye. Supra. StockwoL • " Ackman, Brown, and Turner voted n«*. Suprs. Harrison, and Freund not votlnir. motion declared carr'ed. The following petition presented by offlceirs of several Cfvlc organisatlrma ^ . *„ ... of the City of Crystal Lake was pr»- ,T»e Committee on Danfce Halls, pror sen ted and read to the Board and on senfed the following report which Was motion dulv made find carried was reon motion, of Supr. Kuecker ahd duly ferred to the Road ar.d Bridge CotA^ seconded by Supr. Wright, unuanlmouB-j mlttee for "ret>ort, to-wit- 1 . ly adopted, to-wlti , . I : Crystal Lake, HI., March 28, iS9$ Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of th® To the Honorable Membera of the PoaM Board of Supervisors; - , of Supervisors ct McHenry County!- • • Your Committee on Danoe Halls to We, the undersigned, represents® Whom was referred the application of the citizens of the City of Crvstal Lak« Rudolph Cepek and Otto Welcome fot and the surrounding community, petlllcense to operate dance hall, would beg- tion your honorable body to cause a lea ve to submit the .fQ)low!tig report : mcnt highway to be constructed on on the matters before them; j public road running northerly along J. That they recommend that license be j west side of Section four (4)' from the ' .!,*f »"s ,V*' • 'l' ? 1 ? / , " - * * • ' j At»' JfM'.-Vf which is respectfully ; . ^ JOHN T, O'BRIENf 8. H. FREUND J. E. HARRISON V . CHAS. H. ACKMAN S •> > 1 J -J1- south line of Section four (4) to the north line of said Section, for a distance of one mile, all in Algonquin Township, McHenlry County, Illinois.* » This highway to connect the mftljt business section of Crystal Lake wrm State Highway No. 19. duly seconded by Supr. Haeger and the made the following report which was on D H„EjN RY C. MEIEJR?,' ' Chairman, Goto* roll being called unanimously adopted, motion of Supr. Palmer duly seconded Committee, Crystal Lake City medical aI»? dental MrWChairman and Gentlemen of the'ed, to-w'lt: by Supr. Stockwell unanimously, adoptexaminations. 1525 of these had one or mere physical defects. : ' * . $84 had defective teeth. 4165-had enlarged tonsils. 8 defective hearing. #7 had marked defects of Vlsloa. 15 per cent were underweight. 68 other defects were found including deformities, skin infections, etc. Corrections of physical defects dur- Council. I PERCY T'3'i'S>Wtlon presented by Ervin--J*/via*. Oresj. a Police Magistrate, and Luna E. c F Mevers Mentch. a Justice of the Peace of Al- ^ -yy <?ohul't •onquin Township requeWing- that John charlis "oirlieb Howard Freeman be appointed a- Con- Charles Hooker Estate •table to f. i the unexpired term of MrB rarrv -- George Lazangky resigned, was pre-! Pre^ Weltzien *nted and read to the Board. It was i Am Weltiien hereupon regularly moved by Supr. , H j Lagerschulte"rr;Z:S"-" -5 Y 8eco„n^d b3:)»!uprK Freun ( d Mrs. Anna Marsh *1|iat the prayer of the petition be grant- Tohn Donahue «B and on roll call said motion was Mrs Geo schroed^-^T^U t^iHfiimously carried. , cook jMrs. John Walkup. County President Mrs. Bertha'H^bbF^^^L «f the Home Bureau appeared before i *arhujt. ? V Mie Board and was called upon by the C C Foster Chairman. Mrs. Walkup then address- «_».•- Fw«rt ed the Board and stated that in order Inhn r. _£ W» effectively continue the work of the Mauri RinnrHrfM"""* f:ome Bureau in McHenry County. lt'Maua PJanclMlM 'as necessary that they be assisted nancially as in the past and asked that 'To Harrv PAteit * Countv appropriation be made to the Treas^ 2 oer oJSt tl4 «rer of their organization. It was there- Measurer, Z Pef cent fee ttpon regularly moved by Supr. Brown Knd duly seconded bv Supr. McConnell the question of an appropriation jbr the Home Bureau be referred to the XInance Committee for report. Motion 4|eelared carried. The question of salaries and per diem $12.8i 9.64 aay 0f June, A. D. 1932 at ten o'clock Tfcrovffh Mwatliy to Xaae County lin* A. M. Henry Koppen ...$ i>.O0 The meeting was called to order by Chas. Garlieb :.. 245.00 the' Chairman, E. C. Hughes and 'the SriII Sisters per Edwin- MI*-SrHK'l,400.00 roll being called the following members Ed. Keating : 1,828.90 responded to their names, to-wit: L. A. 'Mrs. Ed. Keating 250.00 Stockwell, D. M. Wright, C. M. Palmer, 175.00 John T. O'Brien, N. 13. Clawson, B. C. 200.00 Hughes, E. F. Kuecker, Chas. Ackman, 55.00 John Conley, V. E. Brown, John Harri- 60.00 soni H. M. Turner, Frank B. McConnell, 76.00 S. 'H. Freund, A. H. Hale and R. E. 60.00 Haeger and Assistant Suprs. J. D. Don- 60.00 ovan and Paul Rosenthal constituting 150.00 a quorum.. 60.00 The serqi-annual Report of the Coun- 2,750.00 ty Clerk, Circuit Clerk and Sheriff were 500.00 presented and read and on motion were 200.00 referred to the "Committee on Fees and 100.00 Salaries for report. 60.00 Several, communications from tho 170 had complete dental oorrectlone. 45 follow-up home visits were made. Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor Pees 41 ' to Supplies Claims would beg leave to re- reports of the County Clerk, Circuit port that they have examined all claims Clerk and Sheriff for the half year endpresented to them, and recommend the lng June 1st. 1932, would beg leave to payment of the following, and that the report that they have audited the books Clerk be directed to issue orders on the of said officers together with said re- County Treasurer to the Claimants for j por.ts, and submit the following report the several amounts allowed, as follows, on the matters and things before them: to-wit: * | County Clerk R. PORMAN, Chairmita, Your Committee on Fees and Salaries L1??fvvT1^b'NT(30D<A S0It1' - whom was referred the Semi-annual _ N RATH, Chairman, GdiMt Roads Committee, American LegioA. P. F. ROSENTHAL, Chairmah, Go»« Roads Committee, Businessmen's Asfeft. P. E. BERTRAM, Chairman, Go0A Roads Committee, Crystal Lake Community Club. lunuw-up iiunitt vioua o uiauc. American Prtff* Pn nrtir 4 visits to hospitals and clinica with ni'ir PrtB- Cir Frank Thornber & Cor, sup. Co. I The Semi-annual report of the County 1RDUtejS<i Wa«^ Present®d and rei« . officers 13(6.72 'Clerk being as follows: to th" nn*r* ,ft-- The Woodstock News, prtg. Co. I Receipts-- Earned Received Clerk 28.00 ,Por Probate Fees ... $1,660.67--f--<93.68 school children. 1 sanatorium. TL i For Clerk's Fees in -.,...iuZS2.00 I suits in court For County Services 45-6.00 691.00 2 juvenile research, Chicago. 2 to St. Lukes orthopedic cllnft! it(r crippled children. Pre-School Work-- J™,?™'1® rurl" th0 »'»• °< rii»hW«,'~iSSS' i'i'-i count>' 1 Sec. 9. Clk. and Treas. Callaghan & Co., 111. Ap&. Rep VOl. 262.263 6.00 ' For Misc." Serv. 3,948.3# Lawyers Co. Op. Pub. Co., | . Amer. Law Reports Vol. 77 7.60 Total Earnings for 326.00 8,943.69 The physlclanis and dentists of the I Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. CliC"1 -• J half year 7. .'.(MMiM I Judge, Shf. Sup. H-ys. ._.._.....»4*i»vi|lD.i6 .'Received of earnings i previously reported: .201.00 Probate Court Costs 84.64 Miscellaneous these conferkenlrcte, s mwhAenrelo hne*l d inO Atihltel. HrlMa IVr7 <L T (dI HM e^1r(a1l1d(1 , ObaaTr QdoOclKkeetiSs Community high schools of the county. 113 children were examined. Cir. Clk. Zion Office Supply, prtg. Treas, and shf. Total Receipt* X Expenditures-- .......224.00 clerk Hire exPamlainnsa taiorne tbheiisn gs ummamdee r.t oM roerpe esact hothoilss Dr r *F• ^Bc^ccuues"«, ninoqtiueeesrt*, oOTtutulii6amn ^ 6.00 State of Illinois, Department of Public i will be included. Three schools, two ^ J 100.00 Works and Buildings, Division of rural and one two-room school have 50.00 Highways were presented by the Clirk completed their examination includin* TH R«HTP1 75.00 and on motion were referred to the . all of the school children ' - - 1• ' " service and tolls Committee on Right of Way. Krause H. W. Sandeen, inquest, Ottilian Krause 6.15 6.00 6.00 Miscellaneous Clerk's Salary for one-half year .... 18.11 1,250.00 Balance due Cotirity $1,664.38 Circuit Clerk The Semi-annual report of the Cir- $8,417.90 The Seml-Annual Report of Harry F. 168.36 Peteit, County Treasurer, was presented and read by the Clerk and upon motion $8.5S6.2tS of Supr. Haeger and seconded by Supr. Bonte 68, Alffonqnla Bast. j Wright said report was ordered placed John J Ellison f>Kftnnn on _ file, the report being in the words Mrs. Henry F. Dierks, for . - . Henry F. Dierks Est. 2,000.00 •as brought to the attention of the'Vincent Colek, per Mr. Blaha .... 300.00 Board Wm. Gardner 150.00 ?' oard and discussed by its members. It thereupon regularly moved by spt. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded Supr. Brown that the salaries and jnmittee work of the members of-the i, County Board be reduced 20 , per cent. Motion declared unanimously carried. *Supr. O'Brien addressed the Board and h Stated, that he thought this was a good ' . flme for other employees to fall in line fnd moved that the County employees And Officials play the game of "Follow f,* ihe Leader." Supr. O'Brien's motion >v - J"48 seconded by Supr. Harrison and g . p e c l a r e d n o t c a r r i e d . ' ' Supr. Stockwell addressed the Board stated that it was his opinion that j;x-r-*njr matters affecting salaries should t'-ir~'.hr«,ferrp<' to the proper committee gjnd moved that the question of salaries f#f County Officers and their Clerk hire ,.|>e referred to the Committee on Fees nd Salaries for report. Supr. ' Stockell's motion was duly seconded by ^upr. Kuuecker and unanimously car- The following Resolution on right f way Route 47 -was presented and e*d to the Board, to-wit: t2 soo no . U • uriun n Emil Vodnanskv 5',150.00 and •fl®ure8 as fn,,ows' to-wlt: County Treasurer's Bemt-Annual Beport Ending Kay 31, 1933 Balance November 30. 1931 ....$88,083.92 Received month of- To Harry F, Peteit, County Treasurer, 2 per cent fee fj 0,100.00 202.00 110,302.00 December, 1931 Januaury, 1932 February, 1932 March, 19»8 .... April, 1938 ...... May, 1932 :...4l 7,828.66 62,348.26 12.218.81 ..®L" 43,491.34 15,768.30 ^ 16,759.26 , Total $31,767.30 $169,404.63 THEREFORE, be it resolved bv said • 1 ~-- Board of Supervisors of McHenry Amount received for 6 mes. $257,488.46 County, Illinois, that the above amount Paid out month 6f--~ of $31,767.30 »of the Motor Fuel Tax December, 1931 of 1931 and 1932 bo used for the pur- January, 1932 chase of said right of way above men- Eebruary, 1932 tloned, and, that the County Clerk and: March, 1932 the County Treasurer of said County Aprll, 19t> "are hereby ordered to make payment to , May, 193'2" the above listed land owners the amount -.-' •'•**£ opposite said names upon receipt of | $197,210.22 said money from - the State of Illinois March ., ,-,.. 88.60 .cult Clerk being as follows: Dr. West then outlined the Work of 111 Xd B«11 JeLa C v°" 8ervice and t0lls^^77 « tsfVAf Jl<iCe,vea •HA pommiffao fr»r th'a niQt vunr inrt April & May 77.95 j For recording ............f3,513.05 l^o ?he workeof the County Nurse and Le 6 8t^0®dinSer.: .S!r.Vl.Ce.8 ...1009.5oJF^H^erin"coFu^ W 3 10165 Hk)a"(1 ^for *the?rSsp 1 end 1 d&cooperaUon "it Le8ter Edlnger," fees'Peo. "cage's 256176 For Misc. Serv. '234.'gS wnt r<fm?ariv mnwrt hv Smir Lester Edinger, express and haul- ;For 144 days in Count s"„i,s"nd;fr1»™nd"ra l,S! s. s'5' ","'00 wr a"r - Wright that the report of. the McHenry „'h a' meat AprU aI1(1 294 7G , ^r„tnlra „f ^ ! T*. oBn°amde. b«n°Vdeed & Bending;;fruits and veg;...;„ |T^lf' clared carried. Apr. and May shf. [West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas April and May shf .....298.20 , Received of earnings 86.36 ^I*lvh,^nd^Vm8uo? HaeEfr'and'the Hoesley;s'^^ Batery,^ bre^i' ' Cle'rk Hire (includlhf rrn ii B called fuinnaanniimmoo^ufsfliyv aaddo opotetidd, ' pies' pt0 shf * ........186.04 extra) one-hMf yr. $2,057*0%- - ^ (giavjn & Merwln, ambulance Refund docket fee 35.00 1 Walter Timm ..: --.. |5.00 qierk's salary - Belcher Bros.r mdse. shf. ff.00 one-half year 1,000.00 previously repyted „;|3fi.«C»S .-.9 38.5S4.75 ,i.. i' 1,613.89 .."48,789.32 ^ 17,275.60 ST 81,278.07 Department of Finance for said pur- Balance on hand May 81, 1682 pose, and .in all funds ..:;...$63,278.23 BiE* IyTwt FUi RT--H ER RE,S OLV.E D., th.a t 'i 1 T11 0h1a v« l,sed $T6 5,000.00 of the $1*7 r 4.. to-wit: Mr. Chairman -and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee on Labor F Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend „„„ David son-Pear sal I Co., mdse. shf. 11,64 Miscellaneous exp 60.11 RI"* Universal Laboratories, mdse. The following Resolution on Rlght *>f Way Route 60 was i to the Board, to-wlt: Bight of Way BesolutlOB Be It Resolved by the Board of pervisors of McHenry County," at meeting this 13th day of June, 19|Z, that there is hereby appropriated tfeji sum of $20,000.00 dollars, or so mucin thereof as may be> necessary, from th% said county's motor fuel tax allotmepi. of 1931, for the purchase of Right <3: Way, together with all court costs, an® / * fxri ni iUI"y awards In necessary condemnation 771.07 ; proceedings, required for State A|f -- .246.20 : Route 4-A, (also known as State Bond .75 j Issue Route 60.) When detailed costs for each tract, or condemnation are known, the Countj' | Superintendent of Highways is hereoy authorized to send a statement of such cost to Geo. N. Lamb, District Engl- . neer. Elgin, Illinois, with request ^8" .a,-516.01 ( payment from aforesaid motor fuel tali allotment. Be I t - F u r t h e r ' R e s o l v e d , t h a t t h i i resolution be submitted to the Department of Public Works and Buildingft, State of Illinois, to guarantee "payment of all costs for right of way needed $3,513.05 on said State Aid Route 4-A, also knotlrn as State Bond Issue Route 60, the de- 2,836.20 tailed location being described as fol- 224.85 lows: It was thereupon regularly moved J>y Supr. McConnell, duly seconded b]r Supr. Hale that the above and foregoing Resolution be adopted by this Boarfti And the roll being called said motUm. was unanimously carried. The following Resolutuion creating: A' State Aid Road of Route 60 was piW. sented and read to the Board, to-wit: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board Ot Supervisors of McHenry County, IlllnelH That State Aid Route 4-A from State of Illinois Bond Issue Route 61, easttf* ly to the McHenry and Lake County line, be discontinued as a State Aid 250.00 UI.M shf. 267.50 Rochester Germicide Co. mdse. shf. 62.75 Montgomery W.ird & Co., mdse. shf / 1.98 3,142.11 Route and be deducted from the State Aid Road mileages of said County anil Balance due County ..$3,808.84 , Be it further resolved that the fOl- Sherlff > lowing described road be made a State the mvment of the following „ "iV' s ru - ' The semi-annual report of the SherifT Aid Route; and that the Clerk be directed 'to issue \,e?' mdse. Shf. ....... w, ..,4.60 being as follows. .. .to-wit: Beginning at State of Illinois Botltt orders on the Countv Treasurer to the g0denschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf, .... *1.34 Receipts-- Earned Received Issue Route 61, near center Of Section Claimants fpr the several amounts .al! ?ohn Hrd. Co., mdse. shf. ............,..-15.25 For fees i: " ~ ~ lowed, an follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co., supplies ' Co. Officers $266.72 The Woodstock News, prtg. Co. Clerk 28.00 American Prtg. Co., pftg. Cir Clk. and Treas. Sherman's Sport Shop, mdse. a|lf. Dacy Lbr. Co., mdse. shf. in suits in court: 3.00 Process Docket ... Executions , For Misc. Services 3-00 (Lake Co. Nelson) 21, Township 46 North Range 8 East Dr. L. L. Metcalf, serv. Emit Lichner, prisoner Dr. H. W. Sandeen, serv. Co. prig. 31.00 For Misc. Services Buckley Tea Room, meals jurors 7.80 (except above) . rn L. V. Klltz, mdse. shf. & treas 11.10 isz.uv Howard Freeman, bailiff Co. Ct. .... 16.00 T^tnl earningsi of ~ • ""00 half year 60.00 i;oof«in; , _ Btght of Way Beiolntton ' ' _ Be I t R e s o l v e d by t h e B o a r d of Supervisors of McHenry Countv. at its fneeting this 26th day of April, 1932 , {hat there Is hereby appropriated the £utn of Twenty-One Thousand ($21,000) | flollars, or So much thereof as may be . rfjecessary, from the said county's motor L„ . , ..fuel tax allotment of 1931 and 1932, for §K:> purchase of Right of Way, together court costs, and jury awards In necessary condemnation proceedings. ... required for State Aid Routes 5-A and !#*>,'• *7. (also known as State Bond Issue jRoute 47). pi* • " When detailed costs for each tract, 10.,-'•/•; #>r condemnation are knowh, the Coun- */, • "ty Superintendent of Highways is here- Iby authorized to send a statement of »uch coat to Geo. N. Lamb, Dstrict Eni igineer, Elgin, with request for pavment from aforesaid motor fuel tax <" < allotment. Be It Further Resolved, that this %• .resolution be submiMed to the Departf * ment of Public Works and Buildings, IE;.*-,- ' State of Illinois, to guarantee payment *•-, of all cost:* for right of way needed on said State Aid Route 5-A and 7, also known as state Bond Issue Route 47, t k the detailed location being described as .-'.-'follows: PI; . North from the City of Woodstock through Greenwood and Hebron Townf£ * Khips and Village of Hebron to the Illinols- Wisconsin State line as now surveved and staked out. - . It was thereupon regularly moved by ,Supr. Turner and seconded by Supr. ?- Ackman that the resolution be adopted, iAnd the roll being called said motion 1 was unanimously Carried. ii- r i.T KIHKK KKSOU ED, that' * i"*v« uaeu »oo,uuu.uu oi tne »i ~ 1--Ttl Howara freeman, oauin; (jo. *ji. it>. R. D. Woods, County Clerk, is hereby,'471-21 County Tax money up to May Ci'Va,eh„a" «^o., HI. App, Rep. w R Cairns, bailiff 'Cir. Ct 40. directed to certify a copy • ' this reso- S1« . . . . ... K i™r ®OT,^C!«rk,bailift & dpty: ^ 25. lutlon to the Departmen . .f Public 1^80 taxes I borrowed |45t-. i^w^cera Co. Op. Pub. Co., Amer. | Earl Smith, night "watch jail Works and Buildings, Diviy fii of High- °00.00 on anticipation Warrant* and wwaavyns,. Springfield, ITl1l1iinnonii«si, Tor its aa*p\_- iInntt^erreeHstt oonn ssaarmrtef wwaans 1679.66. proval for voucher. I On 1931 taxes I borrowed $20,005.00 It was thereupon regularly moved by on anticipation warrants and interest Supr. Turner, duly seconded by Asst. wa8 *196-70. The 1931 tax warrants Supr. Donovan that the Resolution be were Paid March 24, 1832. adppted by this Board and the roll be- H' F- PETEIT, County Treati. ing called said motion was unanimously June 11, 1932 carried. I " '/Law Reports Vol. 77 f.80 Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Cir. Judge, Shf., Sup. Hya 90.25 H. C. Miller Co.,> Records and Mar. Licenses, Co. Clk :...201.00 Dlv. of Highways," Patrol 16-1 Assistant Supr. Donovan seconded by • Supr. Kuecker moved that the. Treasurer of McHenry County be requested to make a financial report to this Board ofl the finances of said County monthly. Motion declared unanimously carried. „ ------ . I A delegation of lax payers and citi- ®upr7 Palmer addressed the Board sehs from Richmond and Burton Townand stated that in the report of the ships in McHenrv County were present Road and Bridge Committee in asking at the meeting and presented to the clerk for an appropriation that there would a petition signed by three hundred and perhaps be no May meeting and that sixteen property owners from said he would move at this time that an ad- Townships, said Petition being read to ditlonal amounut of 14000.00 making a the Board by the Clerk. Supr. McContotal of $11,000.00 he aopropriated from nell of Richmond Twp. then addressed the County Highway T&x fund levied the Board and stated that the delegain September, 1931, until the next tion present was requesting that the meeting of this Board. Supr. Palmer's remaining pieces of Right of Way on motion was seconded by Supr. Wright Route 60 be secured as soon as potjf and the roll being called was unanl- sible and also that said "delegation m^sly carrie,i- would like io 'be heard by the Board. The Chairman presented a list of The Chairman then called upon several Committees as appointed by him to con- i members of the delegation who in turn Sec. G. (2 mos.) Sidney Corson, deputy shf. Ethel C. Coe, exp. of office World Book Co., mdse. Supt. Schs. 71.13 lLaidlaw Bros., mdse. sup. schs. .... 54.94 I 111. Of. Supply Co., mdse. sup. schs. 1.57 „ .... |S,906.61 00 Received of earnings I previously reported: 220.00 Process Docket .......... 20.00 Executions 21.71 Miscellaneous ^ Si BA *»«• *-'*• HIVIOC. oup. , -." J.4 , W. M. Welch Mfg Co., mdse. C. L. Tryon, sal. 4 exp. Sup. Hys. 564.65 j Sup Sch9 ~ ja.SO Miscellaneous . 5 1 c r h v ? r ° i 1 C i ^ ' | ^ ' 8 : B a t t e r n , f e e s P , e o . c a s e s . . . . . . . l S f l . O O S h e r i f f ' s s a l a r y " t o T " Total Receijltei Expenditures" Deputy Salary 9 810.00 Miscellaneous 18.00 $2,216.65 $1,524.00 of the Third P. M., thence easterly to 620.86 , 470.02 Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Pacing Railroad right-of-way; thence a re». ; 60.00 location along the southerly side of' said railroad and through Solon Mill* to the east and west road through tM' (centers of Sections 25 and 26, in said . Township; thif'ft'ce easterly along said road and said road extended and on. a Ire-location as now surveyed and staked • 'out for State Bond Issue Roufe 60, soujlh 64fi!3S of the aforesaid railroad to the IkM- 196.19 Henry and Lake County line, near 1,202.50 northeast corner of Section 5. Townstttj) 45 North Range 9 east of the Thltd 6.15 Harvard Herald, bar dockets, Cir. Clk. Zion Office Supply, prtg. Treas. and Shf. : Dr. C. F. Baccus, inquest Ottilia Krause ....^ Dr. H. W. Sandeen, Inquest Ottilia Krause 111. Bell Tel. Co., services and tolls March 38.60 111. Bell Tel. Co., services ana tolls Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co., . one-half year* 850.00 1,678.00 printing election, : -1..*,,. JfcO.Se f i--BTTT---=a------ Johnson Elec. Co., mdse. shf. .,„ 8.60 Balance due county $f,321.06 thereon. Of P. M. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ttUlt two copies of this resolution be trarffi* mitted by the County Clerk to the SUtt* of Illinois Department of Public Work* and Buildings through Geo. N. Larnfc. District Engineer, for their actlOli ...316.10 B.00 S. H. Freund, mdse. jail Claude Butler, caulking court house and Jail ...140.00 . Af. Win. Wise.. painting in shf. res. 102.60 B,"w Chi. Ind. Home, care Co. children 670.00 A. H. Hale, spl com work 76.20 D. M. Wright, spl com work 131.45 Chas. H. Ackman, spl com work ...116.70 Total balance due county ......|jf,794.B8 All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE 4 R. E. HAEGER , CHAS. H, ACKMABJ- . ' ' V. E. BROWN ' ' . P. F. ROSENTHAL . ,-E. F. KUECKER ' D. M. WRIGHT It was thereupon reg-L,r J I a7 £?a.y shf- , Conl.ey, w . „ _ uluarly moved by Supr. Wright and sec- Wo®dstock Dairy, rpilk « cream Frank B. McConnell, spl com work 5/90 employees and other expenses onded by Asst. Supr. Donovan that the wrfjli J? r> "u * Z"""X v"'« . John T. O'Brien, spl com work .... 89.6fi Your Committee has met and given Ing- garbage . Evans Market, meat April and stitute the standing committees of this addressed the"Board on" said" subject! < Board for the Ensuing year, whi?h was A general discussion was tl.en had for I * Binding, fruits aild on motion duly made and carried, *P- and against the present location of ' „-ve5' ,. prll an^ £?.ay "hf' proved, to-wit: | Route 60 through Richmond and Bur-' ^ est ljn' Gas & K1- Co " sraR • • j ton Townships. E- C. Hughes, Chairman R. D. Woods, Clerk Personal Property--N. B. Clawson, J. , petition" be referred to"*the""commitYee T. O Brien, R. E. ,Haeger, Frank May, on Right of Way of this Board. Motion John Conley. [declared carried. Roads and Bridges-- Chas. Palmer, | The Clerk presented lists of claims Volney Brown, D. M. Wright, A. H. against the Hale, H. M. Turner. Education--H. M. Turner son, L. A. Stockwell, Chas. B. McConnell. Fees and Salaries--A Haeger, E. F. Kuecker, Volney Brown, C'nas. Ackman, D. M. Wright, Paul I 1:30 O'C&OCX V. X. Rosenthal ' Board met pursuant to adjournment. Land and Lots'--Volney Brown, Frank 1 Present same mambers. May, Chas. Palmer, M. D. Donovan, I Dr. Hyde West, l'resident of the Mc- ! HarriS0«- « Henry County Sanatorium Board, being Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies--L. 1 present at the meeting was called upon April and May 77;9B M. Palmer, spl com work ........ 82.50 Lester Kdmger, mis. serv. 6 mos. 1009.50 K F Kuecker, spl com work 87.75 Lester Kdinger, fees Peo. cases 255.75 jj. M. Turner, spl com work 18.60 The Committee on Fees and 8a)arles Lester Kdingfir, express ahd haul-* Volney E. Brown, spt com work ..... 7.8.00 prevented the\following*- report, to-Wlt: •••» L. A. Stockwell, spl com work ...... 96.40 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of tho It was thereupon regularly moved bfr Supr. Ackman and duly seconded fcy Supr. Kuecker that the Resolution M adopted. Said motion was unanimously adopted. , The following Resolution on Right Way Routes 80-67 and 178 was presenfK ed and read to the Board, to-wit: > Benolntlos WHEREAS, th*fre is jHfow afallaMja for the use of McHenry County, 11 nois, out of the Motor lfuel Tax of 19tfT the sum of $1.1,524.88 atid * WHEREAS, it is pelmis^ible Und«f ... .. S. & Freund, spl com work 92.20 , Board of Supervisors; P- F. Rosenthal, spl com work .... 81.80 | jn your April meeting y^ur Com- .. R- E. Haeger, spl com work 16.80 mittee on J*ees atid salaries' was in- said Motor Fuel Tax ALaw, app»^>vi ...4» N B clawson, spl com work : 14,60 structed to investigate and make rec- J March 25, 1929, to' purchase Riftjt < «« «c 'J E' Harrison, spl com work ....u.. 14.10 ommendations at your next meeting, Way for the improvement of State A jm.sD John Conley, spl com work ,... 10.80 relative to cutting salaries of County, j Ronds, and,' . Hoesley's Bakery, bread cakes, pies, etc., shf .... Slavln & Merwln, ambulance Walter. Tim ... .. Dacy Lbr. Co., coal County 918.69 the matter before it their careful con- 199.04 w. J. Kittle, sal. Pro. Off. Cir. Ct., sideration. «e «A ' ® mos. -.150.00 We therefore beg to submit the fol- Vestie Muldoon, sal. jan. 2 moo. 240.00 lowing report and recommend its adop- Lester Edinger, all. car 2 mos 200.00 tion: all salaries or wage under per month be cut 5 per cent; Ruben Turner salaries or wage from $106.00 Adam Jacksdfk WHEREAS, the Right of Way Coni* mittee of the Board of Supervisors ef &..' following Resolution on Right of Way Route 62 was presented and refcd to the Board, to-wit t Bight of Way Resolution Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry Countv. at its meeting this 26th day of April, 1932.* that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Ten Thousand Three Hundred ' Two ($10,302) dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, from the said county's motor fuel tax allotment of 1931, and 1932, for the purchase of Right of Way, together with all court costs, and jury awards in necessary condemnation proceedings, required for State A4d Route 8, (also known State Bond Issue Route 62.) " When detailed costs for each tract, . or condemnation are known, the County j • saperintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to send a statement of such i«0»t to Geo. N. Lamb, District Engineer, ISIgint Illinois, with request for payment from aforesaid motor "fu/l tax allotment. Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution be submitted to the Deoartment of Piibllc Works and Buildings, State of Illinois, to guarantee payment of all costs for right of Way r\eeded on said State Aid Route 8, also known as State Bond Issue Route 62, the detatted loeation being described as fol- Dr. L Lichner Dr. H. W. Sandeen, secy. Co. pris. 81.00 G "L "Trvnn' s' A** Rt . Stockwell, E. F. Kuecker,' Volney b^the ^alrman'3anrmlS; Vh^'olK ^on, m^als ju?ors 7 80 . Sec. 2 M. T. " " - -- rfij>or( U' * mdse. shf. Jl treas. .... 11.10 G. L. "" ~ 00 per month (both amounts C. G. Hardy * , , , . , • • , , . .. . i m "wv.vw iiinu3ive) he cut 10 per cent; that all ;8. Huft HodenschatE & Saha, mdse. shf 21.34 Philip E. Bierdeman, sal. • Oltfflt salaries or wage over |125.00 per month I Wm. Freund ........ Bohn Hdw. Co., mdse. shf. - 85.25 | 8hf. 2 mos .>„.^ii.-..u..Ji».00 - be cut 12% per cent. IJ. Oxtoby ........... Sherman s Sport Shop, mdse. shf. 8.00 G. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. t The above subject to the following p. J. Huffmi* .„.., Dacy Lbr. Co., mdse. shf. 9.SS I 21-21A Sec. 1 M. F. 85.98 exceptions: the Chief Deputy Sheriff to A, Hergott ..... L. Metcalf, serv. Emll ... G. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. receive $i25.00 per month; the Sheriff's Joe Kattner prisoner 8.00 21-21A Sec. 1 M. F. ...... t§8.29 'Clerk to receive $100.00 per month and j Jospph Rauen McHenry County. Illinois, have secured, the signatures to the following RiCTWay Dedications for the improveme Of State Aid Routes Numbers 4-A,_ and 14. McHenry County. Illinois: State Bond Issue Bonte SO $400*19 45.00 Brown, Chas. Palmer, D. M. Wright. Finance--J. D.. Donovan. H. M. Turner, S. H. Freund, John Conley, R. E. Haeger. Public Buildings-- 8. H. Freund, P, Rosenthal.^John Harrison, H. M. Turner, J. T. O'Brien. Railroads--John Harrison, John Conley, L. A. Stockwell, A. H. Hale, Frank May, Claims County Poor--J. T. O'Brien, John Harrison, Chas. Ackman, S. H. 1'Y' Und, D. M. Wright. ' To Settle Wittr Treasurer--J. D. Donovan. P. Rosenthal, John Harrison, John Conley, Chas. Palmer. McHenry County Home--F B. Mc- Connell P. Rosenthal, John Harrison, N. B. Clawson, John* Conley. Rules---J. I). Donovan, E. F. Kuecker, J. T. o Brien. ; Elections-- D. M. Wright, j. T Brien, Frank May, John Conley, N. B. Clawson. Purchasing--'Volney Brown, L. A Stockwell, D. M. Wright. Relief of Blind--H. M. Turner, R. E. Haeger. D. M. Wright, Frank May. N. B. Clawson **port of McHenry County ganatorlmn Board, June 1, 1931 to 7une 1, 1933 Mable Holibs, County NurSe-- Salary--June 1, 1981 to Mar. 1, 1932 91.540.00 Storage of car. June 1. 1881 to Mar. 1. 1982 18.00 Gas, oil and p^rvice on car--June 1. 1931 to Marcli 1, 1992 188.88 Office help .*. 11.20 500.09 100.9® 850.09 85.00 Sfffl.OO 280,99 1,900.09 889.99 250.00 400.00 228.00 359.09 750.00 1,000.00 $1,706.08 E. C. Kretchmer, Harvard, Til.-- Auir. 1, 1931 to Feb. 1, 1932 .$180.00 This family has been allowed $30.00 per month. Mr. Kretchmer had previously had 10 mos. care in Ottawa Sanatorium. " Miss Dorothy Clark, Richmond, lit.--»• i?i n iu i cv^ci * v ^ x \< \j • \r j»v i iitun vii w<iu u ""j K" wc*.ucti ... the County Superintendent of Highways Catherine Mmsgreeii ...........990.53 to receive $2,250.00 per year. I JJimes Jackson „ _ , . - , Tryon, S. A. Rt. . v ' r ' Your Committee further would beg'Mrs. Mary Mav ........I. Howard Freeman, bailiff Co. Ct 15.00 t 22, Sec. 2 M. F..T. . •-...•*<>•-- t0 submit the following and recom- Frederick Meyers "W. R. Cairns, bailiff Cir. Ct. 40.00 ' o. L. Tryon, S. A. Rt. - - ! i mend its adoption: I Amelia Thomas l.eroy Clark, bailiff A depty. shf. 25.00 8'|, Sec. 2, M. F. T. 109.70 That Bailiff s pay be reduced from , Mrs. Nellie Johns®* Earl Smith, night watch jail Marquette Cement Co., 8. "A. "At. $5.00 per day to $4.00 per day: that the ! Martin H. Freund 288 <2 mos.) 220.00 1 22, Sec. 2. M. F. T. ...4,886.00 members of the Board of Reviews pay Mrs. Grace Wilson Bird 1 200 M Sidney Corson, deputy shf. .. 20-00 Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt. be cut from $7.00 per day to $6.00 per , Chas. Foley ." . - .*7- ' so oft C. Coe, exp. of office ......... 21.71 , 22. Sec. 2. M. F .f. , 1 <94 8.99 day for actual time served: that Sher- ; E. C. Cropley -- ^ ^ ^ • World Book Co., mdse. siip. Schs. 7.1,13 Marquette Cement Co., S. A. Rt. iff's allowance, for automobile be cut j John Pester ... .. Laldlaw Bros.. md«e. sup. schs. .. 54.94 1 21-21A Sec. 1. M. F. T 890.00 to $75.00 per month for service and Grace Jackson" 7 "T.7"T ." 1 600 M 111. Of. Sup. Co., mdse. sup. schs. 1.57 Marquette Cement Co., 8. A. Rt. use inside McHenry County; that the'Joseph Freund * * *460*19 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., Mdse. | 22, Sec. 2, M. F. T. 4. ........792.16 job of night-watchman for the Jail be Chicago, Milwaukee 4k"'PacMIe sup. schs 29.50 j Arcole Construction _Co.,' 8. A. _ disjiensed with. } r, r; ..................... . . 189 9V W. S. Battern. fees Peo. cases Crystal Lake Herald Pub. Co. printing election Johnson Elec. Co., mdse. Shf. S. H. Freund, mdse. Jail Vlaude Butler, caulking court house and jail 140.00 Wm. Wise, painting In shf. res. 1C2.R0 180.00 I Rt. 22, Sec. 2, M. F. T. I Herman Luedtke, S. A. Rt. 10.88! 21-21 A, Sec 2, M. F. T. 3.60 886.10 I' This patient had about 16 months care in the Sanatorium. A, H. Hale, F\ B. McConnell, Chaa.| i m SaMnatoriu m. ci'"" Ackman. I Alexander Baumler. Coral, 111. ^eund E.F.ayi^ckaer, J T." O^' .Sa.'.'/i,.orlu1" <>ttswa. 111.- V° /tiUgUsi MO.OOichi. Ind. Home, care county chil. 570.00 »IFn# a"°wed $40.00 | A. H. Hnle, spl com work 76.20 per month for care at home D. M. Wright, spl com wot* 131.45 zZ R.ITH n„e i,rMU2,'^M^enry' fil- H Ackman, spl com work 116.70 . T,1n» r 1Q,,U^' » tnf,elf A'L k- M. Palmer, spl com work 92 50 2 . «'» $998.68 IF,. F. Kuecker, spl com work 87.75 Herman Luedtke, S. 22. Sec. 2, M. F. T. Ardnold Ewen, S. A. Rt. M Sec. 2, M. F. T ... Harold Ackman. S. A. fM. 22. 0ec. 2, M. F. T. ...... Hnrold Ackman, 8. A. ®t. . , 22. Sec. 2, M. F. T |5.00 Arnold Eweni S. A. Rt. 31 I Sec. L and W. F. T 85.00 Treasurer's Fee 9,901 .70 t The various items In this report J ; would mean a saving for the County I 90.00 of $5,225.00 per year. This does not,To Harry F. A. Rt. ,, 'take into consideration the saving on -..afeif90.00 Bailiffs. ' All of which is respectfully submitted. A. H. HALE, chairman . P| F. ROSENTHAL ' CHAS. H ACKMAN R. E. HAEGER D. M. WRIGHT E. F. KUECKER . V. E. BROWN" It was thereupon regularly moved by 90.00 .^#0.00 5 City of Woodstock, lights 98.88 H. M. Turner, spl com work 78.60 The Committee on Claima. Opuntv , SuiW. Ackman and dulv seconded by Volney E. Brown, spl com work 78.00 Poor made the following renort which I «*upr. Wright that the "report of the L, A. Stockwell. spl com work ... 56.40 was on motion of 8upr. Ackman duly Committee on Fees and Salaries be S. H. Freund, spl com work P. F. Rosenthal, spl com work R. E. ITaetrer, spl cowr Work .. N1. B. Hawsnn, spl com work .. ,T. E. Harrison, spl com work .. John Conley, spl com work 82.80 seconded by Supr. Kuecker and the roll adopted by. this Board, and the roil be- 81.8" being called unanimously adopted, to- ing called Suprs Stockwell, Wright, /sl j . ^ _ _ Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, ?;•!? I Board of Supervisors: Turner, McConnell. Freund. Hale, and COWHtt 910,796.90 ... 218.09 $11,014.19 Bonte rn, wumm MM J. D. Pringle Est. 14*0 Ida Drake 40.09 JOe A. Ritfhardson ^ 45.99 To Harry F. Peteit, County Treasurer's Fee $ 100.49 9.4i 9 109. State Bond Issue Bonte 1T» Chicago and Northwestern Ry. Co--The railroad crossing in the Village of Richmond, 111 $ , 1 June 1 wi to ,jpnn '-on'ey. spl com work 10.16 1 Your Committee on County Poor Haeger and°Am?1'8uprtUnnonovan and T<Tr^ure?s C#""^ Mtfent IM^^miO IbCnwil, spi com work fcW CMm woald beg leave te repdrt t|»t Roee*th^ mm* HiM ^ a2«* Treasurer s Fee ....... TM patient WM g-iven 7 1«i John T. O'Brien, spl com worlt -- 99.66 they hav,e examined all claims nr«unt. •••# examined all claims present- iftoUon declared carries. I 409 4,fy\ .• • i?. i*jt' -.(rtrfk £..* •

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