Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1933, p. 20

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h ^pyj*^\*^8, ^?v • " • * * ^ ' ir>« • >7®! ,.. ".r*r ?.' / *"•>$ %** V: *;^7--;:;y;^-<-,^: ^.:. ** :t .-• *»*•' yv -.V; t.;T. *S£ n\ •Jfi. .« . THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS,' McHENRY ^KCTT, ILLINOIS IrAGE EIGfiV j ib * ' - - JVIareng-o State Bank Gaulko Uros rlrst state Bnak of Fcyc River Grove. M. Thorbus, , meat, shf. knives shf. .. 98 09 Buff & Huff level and rod .. I t;;. I'ord A. A. Truck 1 i*31 fiSj lome State Bank ot Crystal &*k«. ?>*?, Algonquin State Bank. ' :, ; , Cary State Bank. ' , • fctate Bank of Unloli. ' ftate Bank of Huntley.. " ' West McHenrjv State Bank. . Peoples State Bank of Melfenry, • " fttnte Bank of Richmond. ^ >?• -.'•ffebron State Bank. i ' v -fifire hereby designated depositories In ' |*rhic|i the funds and moneys ,received if- nv Harry F. reteit, County. Collector bf I, >• ,, « I1 If ' ' t l - - , Be It Ktirther Resolved that no bank |M . _• terein designated as a depository shall fJ.r-g " f l>e qualified to receive such funds or 4,1 " , ' -Jjioneys until it has furnished the Coun- * '1 ty Board with Copies of the last two '^V r ,, ,8worn statements of resources and lia- "Unities "which sucji bank is required to * 1 ,iurnish to the Auditor of Public . Ac- • '1 ' v founts, or to the Comptroller -of Cur-' ' »- fency; and -- .* • f.v* ,* ** Be ^Further Resolved that.«eaeh "4. " > " Jb&riik- designated as ,;a depo'SitQry f<>r j- i'.auch funds or mor»(l|^shaiT furnish the; - "Qounty Board with a oop'y of all bank >v'4ta'temeht$ which is .required to. furnish .--ito the Auditor of Public Accounts, or ,.'1tO the Comptroller of .Currency, while ^.-^^^^^'v^ctingvas'such depi>eitory; and /».•:» ',-.'1 9a, It'Further,.Resolved that if "fsucjh ' . * ' » " - f u n d s o r m o n e y s ' a r e d e p o s i t e d ^ i n r s i »f<|VV.-* * $ra.nk herein designated as a'depository,- " ' "the amounts of such deposits Shail n<*t •. •! ,, '"'exited seventy-five per, cent of t'be. .'."••••.ikpftiaJ-Stp^k Hnd'surpJus of such banks, t'iltnd suoh County Collector sha.ll not,-bedischarged from responsibility for any.. \ . Much funds' or moneys deposited in. any tank in excess of such limitation, i It was thereupon regularly moved by t. Hupr. DonovSMi 6 and duly seconded : ; jiy ; Supr. Turner that the above and V)fi8regoingr requests of County Treasi% ter and Ex Officio County Collector be jiranted, and the Resolution adopted ty this Board. And the roll being called nid motion was unanimously adopted. , The following Resolution requesting tiaX the Delinquent Period on Special Lsessments be continued to July 1st, Fas presented by the Officials of the fity ,of Crystal l^ake jand upon motion ily made and carried said Resolution unanimously adopted, to-wit: . Resolution WHEREAS, Section 178 of Chapter ISO, Smith-Hurd Revised Statutes of Illinois, and b#ing an Act entitled "An Aft for the Assessment of Property «,nd for the Levy and Collection of ^faxes'" as amended, provides as follows: *\Vhen any "special assessment made t»y any city, town or village, pursuant to its charter, or by any corporate Authorities, commissioners or persons ^pursuant to law, remain unpaid in whole Of In part, return thereof shall be made t|> the County Collector on or before the tenth day of March next after the same • Shall have become payable, in like forms as returns are made for delinquent • land tax» . . . and in cities, villages and Incorporated towns in all otljer counties such return may be made on or before the first day of July if the County board of such county adopts a INpsolution to 'that effect, for all such Special assessments which remain unpftid in whole or in parf'j AND WHEREAS, it appears that certain Cities and Villages in McHenry 0 County, have pursuant to their respe'e- • tlve charters levied certain Special As- ' sessments for local improvements and that certain installments of said Special Assessments are now due and payfcble; AND WHEREAS, under tt^e existing financial conditions now .-prevailing throughout said McHenry County, it is deemed for the best interests ' of all concerned that the time in which payment of said Special Assessments may be made to the proper collecting Agents of said Cities or Villages be extended; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.V- »D by the Board of Supervisors of the \ County of McHenry, Illinois, that re-^ turn of aiiy Special Assessment made Jjy any city or village, in said County remaining unpaid in whole or in part inay be made, to the County Collector * Of said county on or before the first day •pf July, A. D .1953." (SEAL.) , ' • This resolution passed, -by the City / .t Council of the City of Crystal L,ake the fist day of February, 1933. Approved *j|he 22nd dav of February, 1933. : Signed, J. A. PETERSON, Mayor. -- / Attest: E. H. WOODBURY, City Clerk. Wood. Dairy, rriilk & cream shf 19.61 , Kurd A. A. Truck 1^31 West. Un. Gas & El. Co., gas. shf. 19.65 Good roads 6 ft. gradA* Sanitary Plumbing $ Heating Co, repairs C. H. and Jail .: Woodstock Tent &' Awning Co., recover mattress, shf .•». Aurora Spec. Co.,., mdse. shf. ..„i, Harvard Transfer Co., trucking • (Ben Silve^ case) LilliaKs Food Shoppe, meals for jurors : Buckley Tea Room, meals for Jurors , Davidson-Pearsall Co., mdse. Shf. 1J.51 Specific gravity test appr. Davidson-Pearsall Co., mdse. | Fairbanks scales Cir. Clk : B-67 : Cravel testing sieves .-. ...., 1 75.00 500.011 .6 OU. 00 2S.00 15.00 3.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hurse 80.00 H. A. Stone & Son, shoes Woodstock Sentinel Co., qtmts. 2H.40 Rilln for October 5.75 Bills for November 80.00 Bills for December 19.30 Bills for January . .85 i Bills' for February Total Divided as follows: Permanent Improvements C.501 1,1 13/44 1,#70.85 . 1,235.20 ^ 1,372.38 920,438.64 ..$3,710.92 [S- \ Total $1,840.18 Peder Benson, bull calf "... Bills for April <Aadlt«d X»7 5th, 193a A. S. Wright, drugs Russell 6 ft. gfader A. W. Wagner, sundries & rep $24.30 The Woodstock Implt. Co., repairs 59.06 | Grease gun ,--........s A. & P. Tea Co., groceries 25.17 Karl G. Fritz Battery & Elec. • I Cement road tester ........J.00.00 E. F. Meyer, fertilizer 153.98 Co.. repairs ...; 5.17 H.35 ] 4 steel beam boxes lOO.OOjH. W. Sandeen, M. D., med. S att. 74.00 The Fair, clothin» ............ 44.79 7.50'Ryan 12 ft. power opsr. grader 1400.00 ! 111. Bell Tel. Co., phcine 12.42 E. F. Voss, butter 22.25 FYR Fiter equipment 50 00 E. F. Voss, butter 17,78 Hartland Garage, repairs 27.91 Running Expenses 11312.95 7.00 Thread cutter arid taps set 65.00 R. o. Andrew Co., ice, grinding iJohn Sexton & Co., groceries 114.27 Clothing, Boots and Sh6es'.^.u. u * 840 52 1-1-2 yd. Sauprman bucket 50.00 j feed, etc 76.50 R. H. Waterfall, tobacco 33.91 ; Tobacco 508 79 4.55 | Champion ISA snow plow .w.--.JOO.OO A. S. Wright, drugs -J. 25.26 | R. Q. Andrew Co., ice, grind, etc. 87.10 ' Medicines : 490.81i 50.00 The Bohn Hardware Co., supplies 'Ludwig Wilson Co., soap & pawner 73.41 \ Medical Attendance592.00 ......... 10.00 . and improvements 19.49 H. Kohnstamm & Co., inc., blueing 5.93' .i»..^87.50 Hartland Garage, repairs 23.46 J. F, Hallisy, gravel & hauling .... 40.00 21.00 Elmer E.- Carlson, tobacco ............. 6.62 The Shurtleff Co., mat., sup. ' 25.00 H. A. Stone & Son, shoes1 24.20 etc - : 101.05 6-50 I 20 bush hooks 1-4 horse Austin grader ... Dr. H. W. Sandeen, serv. Co: pris. 14.00 1 6 Toledo torches C. L: Try on, salary and exp. .. ...282,77 j 1 R. R. Crossing 'slffn .; Chfcago Ind. Home' for Chil., - . _ . • ; , . j ...- care Couiitv patient-s ^304,80 j _ Total : .r..t.^y....$22,510.58 Births and -deaths. .-Vw-ur cohimittee met on the »th day I'Standard. Tar Products Co.t spray 10.00 Public Service Co., light :...;...„«.I.... 32.66 McHenry Co. Wholesale Co., tob... 22.96 ........... 1.50 j Aurora Specialty Co., disint, etc. 29.10 Albert Tessendorf, 3rd pmt. on Westman Evergreen Nursery, .! wash.- equip. 377.50 strawberry plants ,3.60 [ Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals ...v 2.J4 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 111, Bell Telz-Cd-.,.••'petY. : ' a/'1 :]'of rM^rch 1933 at Woodstock, "iiiinois 1 ^nd wood preserve .... 20.«6 Gardner X! Knapp, Tiired man ..,..,.;-62,00 audited, bills chargeable to the .Mc-' ;"Wten*s Department Stdre, dresses Gardnen 4. Knann, help in house #5.00 ""•' J ' Henry .County Patrol system of roads ^_ liose, etc. , ^ 22.03 Gardner A., Knapp, nurse 80.00 $1,789.00 toll Judge 111. Bell Tel. Co.. toll. shf. ..>. Sidney-Corspn,..baflifff &.«l]P!t^.' sht 40,0».-|as a whole including Insurance, si pi ; Montgomery Ward' '4» C'o.i paper LeHoy Cl-ark,•'bailirt'.ftu-d dj),ty-. ishSj 77,00 ( pHes, repairs for machinery nd- -la b- or andj shoes Total 1# ,t * i V " - Stujw. fund j--Wayne' Cooney, 'meats att<f jfa. ^^40 public Service'-•C6.' light" &;^6wer"63.43 J. I^uie, Pro, -Qit.,Cir, /Section lL.,.....f:.!i.:,.i...-.,..«85.fr6 • . ; '•8Te&? Eak,ety Pakerf »ft44 McHenry Co. Wholesalers, tob, 8Q.«1 Buckbee, garden seed & ^ • ,, Wayiie Cooney, -groceries - • 3.20 ! r, ,7 -AV.- i; -i" tS'U "T- Bell Tel. Co., phone .....1 11.85 F. R. (?oodal) Oil Co. .gas & grease 61T9 -Dinfie Bros., idlo filling & tjrresh.: 69.22 Emmftt Service, hauling groceries 4,34 -irofluofs 'Coal' Co., COEI1-."......:"..,.'..:...-...226.28 Spragiift Warner & Co., groceries ..123.78 Hartland Garage, repairs 32,66 ,_ __ , - ... 11 -•» -- - -- -- • -1-- »«•-« j Tlm Hsnlcyr bur,}cy 53,40 pppv'q Rakprv VifphH ' 95 11 H.. M: Turner, spl com work 20,80 section 9^,.::..^..,....., 10,20 " •13.29 Gardner , A. Knapp. incidentals .... 5.20 GefTge Moncur, shrubsV'TiTbi"'::" 2150 " , 29-42 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 W. Sandeen, M. D., med. & att. 79.50 32.74 Gardner A. Knapp, hired map ........ 64.00 A. W. Wagner, supplies _.r. 30.90 ?HI ®ar?ner A. Knapp, help In house 13-0.00 H. A, stone & Son, shoes 33.95 J i w ? C * a r d n e r A. K n a p p , n u r s e 8 0 . 0 0 o. Andrew Co., ice, grind, etc. 14.70 7«os rr. » 1 Sanitary Plbg. & Htg. Co., repairs 3.00 79.95 Total $1,560.20 Lush Vermilya & Co., groceries 65.07 . .„ Bills for May Audited Jnas 3rd, 1932 Interstate" Refining Co., rustene .... 28.50 *865.43 Wayne Cooney, groceries $ 2.93 The Fair, clothing 43.79 N. B- Clawson, spl com work .... ,5.00 I Section V2 C- M. Palmer, spl com work 4"4,60 ' Volney E. Brown,, spl com work.... 39.30 S. H. Freund, spl com work John Conley, spl com work-. E. F. Kuecker, spl com work L. A. Stockwell, spl com work .. D. M. Wright, spl com work P. F. Rosenthal, spl com work -- Chas. H. Ackman, spl com work Chas. H. Ackman, telephone ...... Frank B. McConnell, spi com work 11.90 John T. O'Brien, spl com work ,10.40 P,2<» 5.40 13.90 21.20 39.20 6.50 33.20 2.65 . : S7.805.40 All of which is respectfully submitted. ' >%.. A.1 STOCKWELL E. F. Kl'ECKER D. M. WRIGHT ••;••• C. M. PALMER » V. K. BROWN m:- . .. A similar Resolution on continuing • the Delinquent Period on Special Assessments in the City of Woodstock, • .Illinois was presented and read and •pon motion duly made and carried was • Approved and ordered placed on- file. The Clerk presented and read a formal The- committee on Claims, . County, Poor made the following reports which was on motion of Supr. Ackmsm duly seconded by Supr. Kuecker, anii\ the roll being called unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: 1 > Tour Committee on County t'oor Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presentto to them, and recommend the 'payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for the several amounts -allowed, as follows, to-w4t: Greenwood-- J. E. Harrison, rndse. A. Soma ....|36.99 McHenry-- Zace Tuberculosis Sanatariuih ' v , care Josephine Freund ..,...i80i.'64 Chernung-- Zace "tuberculosis Sanatarlum' care Ada Parrish and Lewis • Parent 355.06 . . $595.69 All of Whlch^Js respectfully submitted. JOHN T. O'BRIBSN J. E. HARRISON , I). M. WRIGHT CHAS. H. ACKMAN S. H. FREUND The Clerk presented and read a communication from, the Dept. of Public "Works and Buildings in regard to the payment of right of way Route 60, on the Mrs. Margaret Bowers^ Mike Miller and John Miller Properties. Supr. Ackman, Chairman of the Right of Way Committee thert addressed the Board on this matter. "f.cceptanc'e by the Dept. of Public Works d Buildings, Division of Highways, tate of Illinois, of the work completed nd designated as section 1-M. F. ,T. -- tate Aid Routes 21 and 21-A, McHenry (.contracts between the County of Mcounty, Illinois. It was thereupon kHenry and County road workers • for The Committee on Roads and "Bridges presented' the following report together with an obligation retirement resolution, to-wit: ( Mr. Chairman and ; Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee,, for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met On the 16th day of February, 1933, at Woodstock, Illinois, to consider the matter of next ..seasons plans and contracts with road patrolmen. We decided not to recommend 10.60 Section 13..:........;;.,.,.,.... 7.80 : Section ll ;.. 15.20 Section 15'.. :..*...v;,:..103.38 * Sections 16, 18 5.60 Section 17 „u;......:..,......a68.02 Dieting ....... operation 1,922.65 .; .i 60.00" Total ........$20,438.64. Less amount received - fd£: Milk Sold Cattle SOld . Cattle • Sold Hogs Sold ... Poultry' Sold .........fl, 030.97 104.30 24.00 246.60 25.00 Telephone Refund 14.25 Refund on Re^ira „v.,.,.;...L.:.C... : • 5.55 Batteries' Sold . 120.00 Less :Total'--:'i..^£..^^,ksv;.:^,..|l.B70.67 ^lafice-:'i..'^.:t.^;u.c„d..:.l..$li,86r7.97 Supplies oh'h'and M&f. 1, 4932 4,602.50 '• Tofflt> " V. '; ". "§.2? 47A 47 ikm 4',275^50 -.; Balance. f^:'^.„4.-^>^.\-..:^$M,194-.«7 Lfess permaTient ^mproVeifTentft' 9,710.92 tiOtalirunnlng exp. for the yr. ^15,48T:05 Number','-of Inmates •88 Number of weeks of. Inmates I.'. 2,910 Cost per week per year 5.32 ' Summary Ho. a Total expenses for the year $20,438.64 Less the Following Items: Permanentv Improvements 3)710.92 Clothing, Boots and Shoes 840.52 Tobacco 508.79 Medicines 490.81 Medical Attendance ....... 592.00 Farm Produce Sold ....: .1,(130.97 399.90 14.25 5.55 120.00 60.00 Totals ,.^.Vjy.;$l,l45.06 Owing td th4 government Closing of R. A. Pratt, groceries 23.70 John Sexton & Co., groceries ...159.25 all banks it was decided- not to date Brey's Bakery, bread, rolls, etc 33.16 The Shurtleff Co., feed, bldg. t h e o r d e r s o r s e n d t h e m o u t , b u t t o P u b l i c S e r v i c e C o . , l i g h t & p o w e r . . 3 1 . 4 0 m a t . , e t c 4 0 . 9 4 place them in the hands of the County E. F. Voss, butter 23.10 United Chemical Co., supplies 13.50 Treasurer until further orders by the Hartland Garatfe, repairs 32.96 Tim Hanley, pasturing stock™....,.117.76 Rodd and Bridge Committee, A. W. Wagner, screen, et<& 20.72 Albert Tessendorf, boiler fitting, Your committee met oh the 10th day Pin gel & Koch, groceries 47.82 last pmt 517.86 of March, 1933, and went to Barrington, H- A; Stone & Son, shoes 20.25 E. F. Backhus, hdwe. 9.4£ Illinois, to see a demonstration of two H. W. Sandeen, M. D., med. at- Gardner A. Knapp, advances for Euchlid 1 1-2 cu. yd. self loading scrap- - tendance and operation 111.00 frt 4.60 gpg. The machines were represented to L L. Metcalf, D. D? S., attend. |... 16.00 Gardner A. ICnapp, incidentals. 8.00 j Sup. on hand jlf&rcU 1^2.S,..... 4,602. have been bought in 1929 for $1500.00 A. S. Wright, dni£S ...4........ 17.05 Gardner A. Knapp and wife» sal. ..175/00 ' I - and habe had but little use. The demon- 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone 8.25 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 63.00 . Total ..r..:....$17.267.43 stration was very satisfactory and they Sprague Warner & Co., gro, 113.18 Gardner A. Knapp, help in house 125.00 | Lesa ,sup. on hand Mar. 1, 1933 4,275.50 can be, bought for 5600.00, but no action 1 ludwig Wilson /Co., brushes,', .Gardner A, Knapp, nurse 80.00 , Net cost of dieting for the yr. $12,991.93 Number of Inmates 85 28,698 Will Study Farming by Ma Farm Stock Sold Telephone Refund Refund on Repairs Batteries gold Operations . ............ Less Total ......... Balance .....--.l.... '"7,773.71 ..$12,664.93 50 has been taken on the matter. Your committee met at Woodstock, soap, etc. 30.99 Sanitary Plbg. „& Htg. Co., repairs 14.74 Total *•07 j Bills for Nov. Audited Deo. 3rd, 1932 „ > H . W. S a n d e e n , M. D . , m e d . & a t t . $ 5 0 . 7 5 6.40 1 a. W. Wagner, supplies 41.20 ' J. E. Harrison & Son, clotlwngr ...i 14.65 2.00 Wayne Cooney, groceries--. 2.75 2-93 The Fair, clothing 8.41 $2,507.26 Number of Weeks of Inmates .... 2,910 Net cost of dieting .per week $ 4.46 All of which is respectfully submitted. « FRANK B. M cCO NNELL . P. F. ROSENTHAL .JOHN CONLEY N. B. CLAWSON J. E. HARRISON - Illinois,-on the 16th day of March, 1933, The Woodstock Implt. Co., sup..... to receive bids on the Union road exten- 1 HI- Agricultural; Mutual Ins.'Co., ?ion concrete road known as Section 3- I insurance ..... 5D. The bic^of Geo. Welch of Dundee, Wm- R. Burna Storage Battery Illinois in the sum of $23,865.54 was the I Co., radio speaker lowest bid received. Mr. Geo. Welch Emmitt Service, hauling gro. ...... , o was interviewed and agreed to sign-an Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco 49.81 Hartland Garage, gas & repairs 21.02 agreement to employ 85 per cent of the Belcher Bros., linoleum i.t.109.74 Sanitary Plbg. & Htg. Co., repairs 2.80 required laborers--from residents of this. Buell & Olmstead, insect powder 3.00 r q. Andrew Co., ice, grind -- 9.90 County. Thereupon the committee ad- Rockford Paint Mfg. Co., paint -.. 18.90 a. B. McConnell, one boar 15.00 journed subject to the call of the chair- 20th Century Mf&- Co., cleaner .... 17.50 Harvey's Feeds & Supplies, feed.... 27.00 man thereof. Dinsie Bros., husking corn 30.00 The Woodstock Implt, Co , repairs .50 Your committee met this morning, 1 Woodstock Hospital, patients McHenry Co. Farm Bureau; mem-, March 21, 1933, and decided to recom- ! prior to Jan. 1, 1932 165.50 bership mend that the contract for Union con- Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 Town'send Chevrolet Sales, repairs 3.00 Supr. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, crete road extension known as Section Gardner A. Knapp hired man 63.75 John "Sexton & Co., groceries 123.20 O'Brien, 'Clawson, . Kuecker, Ackman, 3-15D on State Aid Routes 21A-14A Gardner A -Knapp, incidental s.... 2.89 McHenry Co. Wholesalers, tob 18.88 , Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, Mcfrom the* Village of Union to State of Gardner A. Knapp, help in, hous& 125.00 -p. r Goodall Oil Co., gas & oil 42.88 ! Connell, May, Freund, Hale and Dodd It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Palmer and duly seconded by Supr. Brown that the report of the ; Committee on McHenry County Home .... 15.00 be adopted by this Board: On roll call Free Correspondence Coural Draws Students From . Various Occupations, r Prepared by Ohio State University. •' '* WNV Service. ' To study farming by mail, 28,G§8 persons have enrolled in the cor* respondence courses conducted by th6 college of agriculture since their life* ceptton In 19l5. Enrollments in tttfc 24 courses offered to residents of stalk Include business men, farmers, nM* ' chanics, policemen, bankers, inmatW of state penal institutions, teacherf^ . -and scores of representatives frop other occupations. All correspondenc® courses are offered free with the ei* £eption of the, course in poultry farni- ^ irig for which' a is charged to cover mailing and pfher costs. + •' ; The most popular course Is that ^ vegetable gardening, next in popu larity is poultry farming, which Is followed by small fruits, and soil f9ftility, in the total dumber of enroll* inents. t The courses contain from three f| : fourteen lessons.' Each lesson consist of a number of mimeographed sheeti» and a set of examination questions. The courses have been prepared add revised by members of the faculty of the college of agriculture. Eaftt course deals with one particular ss^ ject in as brief a manner as is cdjl* sistent with clearness and has, in m<; cases, a special application to conditions. Many of the courses ftta illustrated. At present, 13 courses are offered by the college. They are In the fallowing subjects: pork production, b0» keeping, corn culture, farm account!, farm lighting systems, farm water simply and sanitation, orchard fruits, tato growing, poultry farming, sma}! fruits, soil fertility, vegetable gardq®» Jng, and writlng for the ^ommun^ neswpaper. Illinois Bond issue Route 67, be awarded to Geo. Welch, of Da-ndee, Illinois, In accordance with his old "for the s of $23,865.54 and in conformity with a special agreement to hire 85 per cent of the laborers for the work from among residents of this Coutity, and we further recommend that the Chairman of this Gardner A. Knapp, nurse Total $1,405.74 Bills for June Audited July 6, 1932 Wood, Daily Sentinel, pub. notices $3.80 F. R, Goodall Oil Co., oil and , greasing 90.01 George Moncur, plants :.... 16.65 Board and the County Clerk of this H. W. Sandeen, M. D., med. & att. 42.75 County be hereby authorized to sign said Wayne Cooney, groceries 2.00 contract and said special labor agree-, R. O. Andrew Co., ice, feed, etc. 10&60 ment on behalf of McHenry County, II-| Fisher's Nursery, lime 3.75 linois, as provided by Statute. Pfeiffer Pharmacy, dru_ We also recommend that an obliga- ] H. A. Stone & Son, shoes 24.70 tion retirement resolution for the Hartland Garage, repairs 32.41 amount of the contract 123,865.54 on the Pingel & Koch, greceries 26.39 above mentioned Union road Improve- Emmitt Service, hauling 3.16 ment known as Section 3-15D, be passed Alfred Ackerson, feed .' 29.50 80.00 The Bohn Hdw. Co., supplies 5.Y0 and Asst. Su,prs. Donovan and Rosen- ' Brey's Bakery, bread -- 32.03 i thai voted aye. Nay--none „Und motiOh Rockford Paint Mfg. Co., glycerine 12.50 111. Ag. Mutual Ins. Co., ins 6.40 E. F. Voss, butter .... 31.27 Lush Vermilya & Co., groceries 52.89 The Shurtleff Co., gas, feed, bldg. mat 90.64 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone 8.40 Montgomery Ward Co., chairs .... 28.46 Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals ;... 6.21 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 declared unanimously carried. Rev. C. E. Maxwell, Superintendent of the Chicago Industrial Home for Children and the Old Peoples Rest Home located at Woodstock, Illinois presented the following Resolution to the Board, to-wit: WHEREAS, it has come to the atten- J-.y m, Bery, nme . XX tion of the Board of Supervisors of Mc- Pharmacy. drugs>'13.0V \ Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 62.00 ; Henrv (!ountv. Illinois/ that the Wood! Gardner A. Knapp, help in house 125.00 ,7ohn Hallisey, hauling Brey's Bakery, groceries li- • I" f¥ •f* T™ » . 5^ "'C • ife (•egularly moved by Supr. Palmer and jluly seconded by Supr. Ackman , that fhe formal approved and prdered placed on file. Motion declared irried. The Clerk presented. several Resolutions which were on motion duly made and carried referred to the Committees on Resolutions for report. ' Several communications from the X>ept. of Public Works and Buildings •of the State of Illinois were presented and read and ordered placed on-file. A communication was presented and read from the Public Service Company --of .Northern, Illinois together with a bill in the amount of |81.00 covering the cost of relocating a fence on Terra Coti'a Aye. in the City of Crystal Lake. It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and duly seconded that ' the communication &nd bill be placed on file. Supr. Brown offered the following .amendment to the motion: "That th^ same be referred to the Right of Way committee for Investigation." The am^ndm^nt to the motion was duly seconded by Supr. Turner. The amend- . ment to the motion and the motion were declared unanimously carried. The Clerk presented and read a statement showing Motor Fuel Tax and fifteen D-Refunds due Counties dated March 9, 1933 which were OFdered placed on file. The Clerk presented lists of Claims against the County and upon motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supr. Freund the same were referred to • the proper committees and the Board adjournd to 1:30 r. M. for Committee work. 1:30 O'CLOCK P.*. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present same members and including ; Supr. John T. O'Brien of Chemung Township, constituting a full Board. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies tirade the following report. • which was on motion <vf Supr. Hale duly seconded by Supr. Turner and the roll being called was unanimously adopted, to-wit: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the •Board of Superyisors: Your Committee on Labor, Fees and Supplies Claims would beg leave to report that they have examined all claims presented to them, and recommend the ( payment of the following, and that the Clerk be directed to issue orders on the County Treasurer to the Claimants for - the amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: Frank Thornber & Co., supplies Co. Officers ..$244.75 "Woodstock Sentinel, prtg. Co. Off., 124.15 Law Co. Op. Pub. Co., law books 25'.00 Callaghan & Co., law books 3.00 111. Prtg. Co., mdse! Co. Treas 36.87 , Pfeiffer Pharmacy, mdse. Co. Clk. 2.00 . Ethel C. Coe, exp. of of, 19.30 311. O^ Sup. Co., mdse. Sup. of Sehs. .:. 71:34 , F. D. Wynkoop, ins. County #6.50 . R. D. Woods, Co. Clk.", ext. taxes and making Assrs.bks. ..3,659.75 G. L. Tryon, making cemetery plats .....220.40 -p The .American'Prtg. Co., prtg. • Cir. Clk. and Treas. 168.0 W. .8. Battern, fees Peo. cases ....10? - Dr. John R. Porter, exam, of liquor Lester Edinger, fees Peo. cases ,...378.70 Lester Edinger, exp. of office 158.60 Bodenschatz & Sahs, mdse. shf. .... 17,76 Hoesley'.s Bakery, bread, rolls Yhis year and instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to not'fy t,le roadpatrolmen to that effect, to continue work along the lines of last, seasons contracts until further notice, and that the pay would be $5.00 per day of 10 hours for man and team for actual time worked. Lost time due to bad weather to be stood by the road workers, other rates of pay to remain the- same as last season until further notice. And that there would probably be layoffs and part time notices. s" Your committee met on the 24th day of February at Woodstock, Illinois and took'an invoice of t-he County road machinery and tools and tool houses and made what we believe to be a conservative estimate of the present value which invoice is as follows: Articles value 2 horse wheel" scraper 6.00 Sauerman 1-2 yd. bucket 75.00 Sand blast outfit ;..'«00.00 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor 200.00 Model T. Ford truck, 1927 75.00 12 Klauer road drags 96.00 Model A Ford truck, *19$8 200.00 Model A Ford truck 192.8 . ..•..,.."..... .100.00 Highway Trailer Scraper '....;.......1000.00 15 slip scrapers ; 15.00 Gravel icruslier ...,...^.,..'........;.".3<)0.00 22in. belt conveyor . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 0.00 6 rolls building paper .. 6.00 1 extension -ladder 6.00 Concrete mixer ..v....... .12.00 148 ft. of 12 in. corr'. pip© ..148.00 42 ft. of . 12 in used -pipe-10.5,0 20 ft. of 18 ip. used pipe :.,.u.L.J.:..;.. 6.50 by this Board. All of which is respectfully submitted. , C. M. PALM MR J ' . , H. M. TURNER . , ,! A. H. HALE D. M. WRIGHT V. E. BROWN" Obligation Retirement, Be solution of County Board of McHenry County requesting approval of thei use of jnoney allotted to the county under the provisions of the Motor Fuel Tax Law. RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, that public interest demands the retirement of obligations incurred for the purpose of constructing State Aid roads, such con- ' Spraguef Warner & CO., gro. structlon having been in accordance Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals with Section 15-d of the State Aid Law; and be it further RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the - sum of Twenty-three' thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Five Dollars fifty-four cents ($23,865.54) from the county's allotment of 1927 and 1929 Gardner A^ Knapp, nurse Total c: Bills for Bsc. Audited Ji 80.00 i The Shurtleff Co., feed, coal, etc. 294.76 Thorne & Son, clothing .... 15.00 J. A. Paulson, feeding hogs .... 33.96 Wayne Cooney, groceries 5.25 • E. F. Backus, repairs ... 5.25 Knox Motor Service, hauling1 . .. 18.65 'A. S. Wright, drugs ... 23.00 " %Vilcox &Koblentz, clothing 42.69 J H. A. Stone & Son, shoes Goff & Baker, labor Clay Street Tire Shop, tire rep. .K. F. Voss, butter Elgin National Soap Co., soap Public Service Co., light and power 32.24 111. Bll Tel. Co., phone 7.65 A. W. Wagner, supplies 16.85 The Woodstock Implt. Co., lmpl. and suplies .137.45 A. & P. Tea Co., groceries 33.76 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ......i....... 55.00 A. S. Wright, med „ . i . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.10 R. A. Pratt, meats 22.45 $1,113.44 8th, 1933 163.00 31.65 50.65 Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the payment . jo. F. Voss, butter Of such obligations; and be it further RESOLVED, that the following described obligations be paid, (describe in detail, giving such information as name of issue, interest rate, date issued, date due, series and serial numbers, amounts required for principal payment, amount required for Interest payment and total amount). , Amount of Contract $23,865.54 1927 M. F. T balance available $23,443.85 1929 M. F. T. Funds McHenry Co. Wholesalers, tob. .... 34.62 8L44 1F. R. Goodall Oil Co., oil, grease . 6.65 I etc 40.28 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 Hartland Garage, repairs, gas 29.75 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 62.25 H. W. Sandeen, M. D., med. & att. 54.50 Gardner A. Knapp, help in house 130.00 Brey's Bakery, bread 83.00 Gardner A. Knapp, nurse 80.00 The Fair, Clothing *2.45 Willis Disbrow, supplies - 2.99 John J. Stafford & Son, beds and spring 18.78 Sprague Warner & Co., groceries 146.77 T. C- Schroeder, clothing 24.00 Lush Vermilya & Co., groceries .... 36.65 The Shurtleff Co., coal & sup; .... 70.39 Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 6.68 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man ..„ 69.00 Gardner A. Knapp, help in feotrSST'125.00 Gardner A. Knapp, nurse 75.00 Public Service Co., light & power 99.12 R. O. Andrew Co., ice, grind, feed 21.80 Albert Tessendorf, Shellane 12.00 International Chemical Co., sprays, etc 65.39 111. Bell Tel. Co:, phone 8.35 Iroquois Coal Co., coal": ......241.57 ___ Dinse Bros., hufeking corn 30.00 jtjon of the great good which said Homes R.\ F. Voss, butter '..... 28.65 have accomplished in caring for a great Henry County, Illinois, that the Wood' stock Homes are in financial distress during these most stringent times, and, WHEREAS, 'said Homes have been operating in this County for a period of many years and have ministered to the care and afflictions of the Infants, youths and the aged' and have filled a distinct need in human affairs, and, WHEREAS, this Board is desirous of co-operating with said Homes by extending their recommendation and moral support 1o them; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors endorseand they do hereby endorse and recommend the work of said Homes, and IT IS FURTHER HEREBY RESOLVED that this Board in apprecia- Total $1,696.12 Bills for Jnly Audited Aognst 5th, 1933 Mack truck trailer 6.00 Psed bridgd bean^S; 10-00 Wood gravel bin ...i.-..,..; ,76.00 Paint spray trailer. .;...; ......ill,. '30.00 2 red flex signs 6.00 27--3x10x16 oak planks 62.87 8--3x10x16 creosoted - plank ............ ,17.71 11 black oil barrels 66.0() Old iron Junk in oil-bldg.-U.i;~.....;..., 10.00 7 8-in. sewer pipe 6.00 58 pes. 2x6 creosoted lumber ~26.00 3 Stockland 6 ft. graderp .1.,...30.0,00 Trailer shack - ..l..a. 50.00 7 Gallon 6 ft. graders .. .. 106.00 45 15-in. sewer pipe Sauerman 9 cu. ft. bucjset ,.^........ 10.00 Wooden truck body 5.00 Pile old lumber and irojii 50.00 60 Cat. tractor ..............i;^:.i-,„.:....2600.00 Sargent 60 snow plow ...1000.00 Pile driver, block and frame ...... 25.00 East Bldg. 100x34 .2500.00 Wst Bldg. 60x50 and shed 1800.00 Oil Bldg. 18x26 300,00 60 Ct. Tractor Shed- 18x26 ^.500.00 Warsaw truck plow 200.00 Fordson Dragline outfit Nor 1 500.00 Kordson Dragline outfit No. 2 ....600.00 100 ft. belt, tool box and contents 25.00 Bates 30 tractor ...„ ...1200.00 Baker V snow plow, 30 tractor ... 800.00 Rope tackle blocks 1.50 Extension ladder 4.00 65 gal. gear grease 90.00 1 bbl. mo^EsOil :,. y, .. ::.46.00 Birks p/int tfutflt - .^.uJIOO.OO 4 forks/3 sc.bopsV wrenches and small tools .21)0.00 grinder and 3 H. P. ,.200.00 F<a»ge, chain hoi/t and anvil ........ 25.00 stern patroX6' ft. grader ...... 75.00 grader 10 ft. 100.00 $19.37 The Shurtleff Co., feed, flour, cmt., etc 201.97 Emmitt Service, hauling 3.25 Sprague Warner & Coi( groceries 1J0.44 I'in'gel & Koch, groceries 29.90 F. R. Goodall Oil Co., sundries .... 61.21 Allied Mills Inc.," feed ....26.00 The Bohn Hardware Co., stove .... 8.60 Chicago & North Western Ry. Co., freight 149.2-1 A. B. Schildt, p. j|., envelopes .... 16.12 1 ~ 7.30 snow plow Total 1927 and 1929 Funds beihR requested to retire obligation $23,865.54 such obligations having Been used to construct the following improvemehts: State Aid Route 14A, Sec, 3-15D Type P CC, Contr. Amount $23,865.54 and be it further RESOI,VED, that the County Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certilied copies of this resolution to- the Department of Public Works and Buildings, Division of Highways, Springfield, Illinois: . It was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Harrison that the report of the Road and Bridge Committee be adopted by this Board, and the contract be !i warded to George Welch of Dundee, Illinois, as set forth in said Report. And nn. roll call Suprs. Stockwell, Wright, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, " Kuecker,- Ackman, Conley, Brown, Harrison, Turner, McConnell, May, Freund, Hale and Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. Nay--none and motion declared carried. The Committee on McHenry County Home made the following report, to-wit: Report Committee on County Xonu and' Turn Your Committee on County Home and Farm beg leave to submit the following report: The Committee met at the County Home and audited bills as follows: Bills for March Audited April 7th, 1932 Burroughs Add. Mach. Co., add. mach. ; j....... ,$63.70 Will Ross, sanisorb ........ 24.11 Wayne Cooney, mdse. 1.1.08 R. A. Pratt, meat and lee" ;...... 25.29 Brey's Bakery, bread ' 31.64 The Bohn Hdw. Co. hdwe, & repl... 39.85 The Shurtleff Co., lbr., feed, gas 109.16 H. A. Stone & Son, boots & shoes.. 30.00 A. W. Wagner, hdwe.'..- . 23,85 Sprague Warner & Co., groceries 74.01 Townsend Chevfolet Sales, repairs 8.35 Karl G. Fritz Battery & Elec. Co., repairs 1x40 T. R. Goodall Oil'Co., kero. & gas 92.67 Wilcox & Koblents, clothing & . notions 47.37 A. S. Wright, medicines 17.05 It. O., Andrew Co., feed and ice .... 40.90 Emmitt Service, hauling 2.25 Hartland Garage, lepairs and labor 25.93 111. Bell Tel: Co., phone 5.25 Public Service Co., service 34.76 H. W. Sandeen, M. D. med. A att. 75.25 Claude Butler, caulking at farm'150.00 Iroquis Coal Co., coal :. .1,230.37 Pincel & Koch, groceries ............I... 21.52 Hadley Thompson, 210 bu. oats ublic Service. Co., light ft" power 32.26 ! . & P. Tea Co., groceries 27.13 |R /j Waterfall nines >^3.75 by t 64,60 McHenry Co. Wholesalers; tob: ... 33.43 mou 421.69 ni. Ben Tol. Co phone . Public A. H Wm. R. Burns Storage Battery Co., sundries 2.00 Willis Disbrow, sundries 8.47 II. A. Stone & Son, shoes 19.55 McConnell Imp], Co., repairs 2.00 Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco • ....J.; 48.18 A. S. Wright, durgs 37;15 Hartland Garage, repairs ................ 21.34 Wayne Cooney, groceries, 2.80 Herald Pub. Co., supplies 12.75 "Iroquois Coal Co., coal K. A- -Pratt, meats Ralph Walkup, white washing Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals Gardner A. Knapp and wifb, sal. Total .$1,870.85 Bills for January Audited Teh. 6, 1933 John Harrison, clothing..., $ 5.00 111. Bell Tel. Co.,~ phone 7.85 many children of this County recommend and they do hereby recommend the cause of said Homes to the careful consideration of the citizens of McHenry County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be filed with the Clerk of this Board and a copy hereof delivered to the Superintendent of the Woodstock Homes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto subscribed by our duly authorized officials our sanction to this Resolution this 21st day of MarcR, A. D. 1933. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. By E. C. HUGHES* Chairman of the Board. Attest; R. D. WOODS, Clerk. Small Streams Furnish* Power for Farmers'* Harnessing the small streams on fftra to produce electrical power tot the farm is becoming more commpfc in North Carolina and furnishes t)lfi means of lightening many farm Jot}*. "The slopes .western North Caith. Una furnish excellent /conditions fpt the establishing of snmk power plant? for home use," says Dirvid S. Weavf0\ agricultural engineer at State colleft. "North Carolina has a large arA where streams flow rapidly and wh^M th« water may be *harnessed by watfct wheels. Some farmers are overshot wheels, undershot wheeii, turbines and Impulse wheels, but folf average conditions the overBhot whetl Is the tnost desirable. In some ifr" stances, the results have been unsatisfactory because of variation in tile stream flow and a poor estimate Of obtaining heads." * Before going to the expense of establishing a plant of this kind, Mfc* Weaver suggests that the site be studied in careful detail and the possible horse power available be estimated. For large Installation^, an enginee? should be secured, but for smaller stream^, the preliminary, estimate* may be made by the landowner self. .111.93 .. 69.89 .. 7.50 .. 7.39 -175.00 63.00 Sanitary Plbg. & Htg. Co., repairs 6.10 B. Heller & Co., insect powder .... . 6.7'.^ Hartland Garage, repairs 40.30 Will Ross Inc., med. 12.24 Townsend Chevrolet Sales, repairs' .90 W. I). Allen Mfg. Co., supplies,.... 1.18 Rockford Paint Mfg. Co., boiled oil. etc ....: --;r.v 18.75 Th^ Bohn Hdw. Co., supplies ........ 24.09 Keirhei' Bros., supplies 34.35 Lush Vermilya & Co., groceries 30.82 r. It. Goodall Oil Co., alcohol ; and oil Oakside Dairy, butter Albert Tessendorf, Shellane gM.:-.. R. O. Andrew Co., ice, grind. It was thereupon regul? ly moved by Supr. Brown and duly sec- ided by Supr. ^reund that the Resolut 'n be adopted his Board. Motion <'aclared unanlsly carried. Rev. Maxwell then addressed the Board and thanked the members for their splendid" cooperation manifested by the adoption of the Resolution as presented. State's Attorney Lumley addressed the Board and stated that some time ago Miss Clara Greaves of the McHenry County HomV Bureau requested him to ask the Board of Suprs. to allow an appropriation of Five Hundred Dollars to help them in their 4-H Club 1 work in the County and that he would recommend at this time that the appro- 12^00 ipriation be made. ' 9.50 Mr. Lumley further stated that due 2.45 to the passage of certain-4aws that the 38.5H sale of beer would be legal within 84.47 25.80 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man . Gardner A. Knapp, help in house *jjU'nS I Wayne Coonev, groceries Gardner A. Knanp^nurse 80.00 A ^ Wright drugs John Sexton & Co., groceries -...".1.217.11 short time and that he felt that some - -.-$1,556.2 i Marshaii Hardware Co., supplies .. 9.63 action should be taken by the Board ~ " -- H, Wj Sandeen, M. D., med. & att. 45.25 ; In regard to the control - and licensing Public Serv. Co., light & power .... 41.16 [the same in McHenry County outside vr A stnne & Son. shoes ... 28.25 1 of the corporate limits of any City or 1.00 I Village. A general discussion was then Total Bill* for August Audited Sept. 7th, 1932 Albert Tessendorf, Aug. and Sept. Pmt. on Wash. Equip. ........* $75tT.OO Pfeiffer Pharmacy, drugs 5*15 Sanitary Plumbing & Heating Co., supplies and repairs • 17.00 The Shurtleff Co., bldg., mat., feed, fuel, etc 146.34 Rockford Paint Mfg. Co., paint .... 10.05 Gardner A. Knapp, help in house 125.00 tf. A. Stone & Son, shoes ... J. M. Peterson, repairs i.v<. i P~... •• = „ The Shurtleff Co., coal, gas, Sun. 75,61 [had by the members of the Board on Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals .... 7.63 | this subject It was ^ereupon regular- (Jardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. ..175.00 Ily- "i^ed b>' ,hP rha r Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 68.00 (seconded by Supr. Dodd thiU the Chatr^ Wayne Cooney, groceries 2.30 i Gardner A- Knapp, nurse Hartland Garage, gas, oil, supplies 33.34 Public Service Co,,, light & power 37.06 | Total ....v --- 5.<)0 E. F. Voss, butter L. A. Westlund, repaid truck - Johnson Electric-,-repairs A. W. Wagner, repairs & sup. Brey's Bakery, bread ..'J... Elmer E. Carlson, tobacco ..$1,235.20 Bills for February Audited liar. 7,1933 Oaklte Products Inc., laundry com. 29.97 28.26 11*4 4 !h- w- ^ari'dcen, M. I>., med. & att. $40.25 Ifi'j.i ! Brey's I^akery, ljread 73 01 : Hartland Garage, repairs .. 12*85 i The Shurtleff Co., suppljes ¥5.-1 ti 23.70' 73.99 W. Kohnstamm & Co., Inc., sup. Dixie Motor Express inc., hauling 1.81 I Lush Vermllyk & Co., groceries .... 85.56 A. S. Wright, drugs 27.60 Perry Wright, elac. ^lre & fixt. supplies ....156.61 H. W. Sandeen, M. D., med. & att. 44.25 John Sexton & Co., groceries .."....159.30 The Fair^ supplies 93.42 ^^^^ry: butter 21.00 '•••" -i- T,1 TD„11 I A. S. Wright, drugs Sprague Warner & Co., groceries R. O. Andrew Co., grind, ice. ...\ Public Servicp Co., light & power Thorne & Son, clothing Lush Vermilya & Co., groceciea 16.8:: 88.18; 33.56 82.3" 5.70 48.00 28.55 31.23 „ 6.80 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone Wavne Cooney, clothing ft gfO. Oaksid%. Dairy, butter . 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone ... 6-90 F.< R. Goodall Oil C6„ gas * oil ..* 18.21 j^^oJds Vobacco^Co.; 3L08 Heaven City, honey i Hall & Fckert lumber 13.19 Knox Motor Service, paint". .50 Hatcheries. chl* 30.00 H. A. Stpne & Son, shoes 26.60 I A. W. Wagner, repairs Albert Tessendorf, labor, supplies- j Iroquois Coal Co., coal, . repairs SSS.aS , i,..,1,.; whni««t& Gardner A. Knapp, incidentals ..... 9.56 man appoint a committee of five to be. known as the 'License Committee and submit a report at the next meeting of this Board. And the roll bein*' called Suprs. Stockwell, Palmer, O'Brien, Clawson, Kuecker, Ackman, Conley, Brown, May, Freund, Hale and Dodd and Asst. Suprs. Donovan and Rosenthal voted aye. And Supr. Wright, Harbison, Turner and McConnell voted rray. .^Motion declared carried. The Chairman then appointed to act aft- said Committee, Suprs. Brown, Dodd, Freund and Kuecker and Asst. Supr. Rosenthal. There being no further business to come before this meeting it was thereupon regularly moved by Asst. Supr. Donovan and duly seconded by Supr. Ackman and unanimously carried that this Board adjourn. Thereupon the Board adjourned. E. C. HUGHES, Chairpjan. Attests It t>. WOODS, Clerk. 21.65 ...;:^;.j4 7.4 5 McHenry Co. Wholesalers, tob. .... 24.82 1 r - . <1 t* A A GuOoOoQdaall l1 'O-Mill Cv o., !gSartsB . .J... 25.42 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal. .175.00 d A_ Knapp, incidentals .... 7.6« Gardner A. Knapp, hired man $2.15 u • . --*»- --« ™ Gardner A. Knapp, help in house 1.25.00 Gardner \ Knapp, nurse 80.00 ordson 25,00 E. F. Voss, 105 lbs. butter Fordson Weht motor grader 200.00 j Elmer E. Carlson,', tobacco Fordson Wehi\motor grader 200.00 I Frank B. McConnell, clerking .. Caterpillar 20 iWctor .1000.00*! Gardner A. Knapp, .incidentals Adams 61 maintamer ,..^.....400.00 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal 63.78 Adams 61 maintainer 190.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man Total $2,642.03 Bills ror Sept. Audited Oct. 7th, 1938 111. Bell Tel. Co., phone $ 9 80 67.30 Lush Vermilya & Co., groceries .... 81.69 26.35 Columbia Hog & Cattle Powder 52.07 50.00 8.80 176.00 Gardner A. Knapp and wife, sal.' ..175.00 Gardner A. Knapp, hired man 58.00 Gardner A. Knapp, help In ^house 125.00 Gardner A. Knapp, nurse 75.00 ?ot»l <^0., stock Prds 35.63 Bills for Ap'ril H. W .Sandeen, M. D., med. A att. 66.00 Bills for May 872.35 Bnmmary Jlo. 1 * Bills for March ...: .$1,840.18 ........ 1,660.20 .U..... 1,405.74 Sanitary Plbg. & Htg. Co., repairs 8.91 Bills for June 1,696.12 nuGbivy.» uicau, vt JuaiuuLmei xvnapp hiiu who, iKii. . i/ Wvva^yynnee cCoooonneeyy,, gKrroocceernieeas $t..p5v0 Bills for July .......... _ cakes shf. 63.75 00 05.00 Brey's Bakery, bread 88.W Hill® for August Pcfcert to Benilc^i in4»e. .......103.69 <Warsaw V snow .plow .........>.v..i4i$&Q.*0 Gardner A, Knapp, help In house 130 00 Public Service Co., light & power 41.26 Hills for September 1,739. Brown Trout Larger Than Otherfc Brown trout were introduced to the United States from Kurope in 1SS3. Brown trout reach maturity nt approximately 34 months, and attain a much larger size than brook trout. Brown trout eggs hatch in exactly the same period of time as do brook trout eggs under the same conditions, and their fry subsist on the umbilical sac for the same period as do brook trout fry., , ,, { Hog Saved by Treatment A striking Illustration of the effec* tiveness of vaccination In treating hogs for cholera is reported by L. E. McMillan, Mankato, Blue Eartli (Minn.) county agricultural agent. Mr» McMillanjwas called to Inspect a herd of sick flogs on the farm of John Vasfcrow, Vernon Center township. T<sfl ; brood sows that had been double treat* ed for cholera were not affected, but all of the spring pigs were sick. Only one showed any signs of activity. Mr» McMillan had some serum with htI8 and suggested giving this one pig • dose to see what would happen. TtMl pig's temperature was found to be 106 degrees. Forty cubic centimeters of clear, concentrated serum were inject* ed, with the result that this pig hai not missed a single feed since and It fine and dandy, while all the rest that were not vaccinated died or had to be killed. - 1 Colorado Farm Youth Active Fifteen thousand, nine hundred twelve Colorado farm boys and girls and young men, and women wer« trained in agriculture and home economics as members of 4-H clubs dttt ing the past two years, according til C. \V. Ferguson, state club agent for the Colorado Agricultural col!ejg& This Is an increase of 3.276 over th« 4-H club membership during 1929 and- 1930--an Increase .of more than on«» fourth. These young men and womed were engaged in growing and feeding live stock, dairy cattle and poultry, the production of field crops, fruit® and vegetables and the study of different phases of foods, nutrition, seW" ing, clothing and house furnishing. ^ To Aid Farm Owners Gov. George White of Ohio has appointed a • Hancock Farm and Home Protective committee, the first of a aeries of 88, one for each county in the state. The duties of the committee# are to render assistance to hard^ pressed mortgagees, both home owneri and farmers. All who wish may bring before each county committee the de* tails of mortgage foreclosure actioi^ or anticipated actions. The committKlJi then will investigate each case and re<£ a course of procedure.

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