Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 May 1933, p. 4

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' 'x * £1. : •">* i * * * * ^ L J, ^T^V-¥^*fa ?*.* \% * ('!(}! * PLAINDEALXR, THURSDAY, MAY 11,1933 ' ••• * m THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Pnhliahed every Thursday at McHenry, 111, by Chariot F. Renich. T Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice^ at McHenry, 111* «»- •r the act of May 8, 1879. />" OM Year ...$2.00 r;.,. ~ ~ ^ Mother's Day v Every day of the year is important, bringing new duties and new opportunities, but there are two days in May for special observance. They are Memorial Day and Mothers' Day, which will occur next Sunday, May H. Sine® 1914 we have set aside the second Sunday in May as Mothers' Day, dedicated to the most idealized and the best loved person. ,It was President Woodrow Wilson A. H. M0SHER, Editor and Mau(« --- -- B®y $c® Don't forget to bring four pounds of wood for the 'Boat Hike' next Monday at 4:30 p. m. because we wknt a fire". That was a statement that put pep and zest into the boys. "Yoyser!" Now a trip the Scouts had .Jook?d forward to will take place next Monday evening. Many of the "town FOR SALE FOR SALE--Extra fancy certified Rural New York seed potatoes. Farmer's Mill, West McHenry. Phone 29. 60,-2 FOR SALE--Cedar Posts 7 ft, long, 3 in. top, 13 cents; 4 in- top, 17 cents; 5 in. top, 22 cents; 6 in. top, 27 cents. Reduction afid del. on orders all over 100 posts. Karry & R$pi, 1506 Lloyd Ave., Waukegan. *50 FOR SALE--New ice box, 220-R. Mrs. Lillian Cox. Phone 50 -Siscfety X who issued the first proclamation that j folks" will hear a clatter of utensils the second Sunday in May of each year would be set aside as a day cn w^ch to do honor to mothers. • Mothers' dky is observed only in the ' United States. The idea for the day and a Splash" of oars as these Scouts '"get going" on that "awful" trip. Now, don't get me wrong on "awful", because according to Webster, it means full'.©* awe, ajidtluit trip will oriirinated with, Ann. Jarvife of phila-^ 8ure be such. delphia. In some ' .statef- governors! The excitment of the anriouncettlent issue proclamatioriis to call public at-j of the oncoming "hike" gave way to tention to the day. ' Hie day is observed in various ways this vi'cinity, j'p. private: homes by special attentions . of th<?. family to ' mother and \in I parties and Wnq^et#;. v\„ » y *• -v lvi : Pl«c. of Rtrtli and Tri(tdi*i !The Tower of London, as one hiftorlan has phrased It, was "the home of Eqgland's stoutest kings, the grave of her noblest knights,, the scene of her gayest revels, the field of her darkest crimes." Behind it stretch 800 years of authenticated historic life, 1,900 years of traditions. Compared with other palaces and prisons and fortresses of Europe, the most famous historic edifices of the continent appear as things of the present day. e- , ___ 1^- . A Wopth-While AmbitiM Jnd Tunkins says he used to want . to be a circus clown and when h$ hears of the high wages drawn by comedians he thinks maybe he was right in the first place.--Washington Star. I LEE! THEATRE, Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Mat. Sat. 3:00 On the Stage Friday COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Presents * "YOU AND 1" • --V Annual Class Play On the Screen "Employees Entrance" With Warren William SUNDAY -- MONDAY Cont. 2:30 to 11 Special on the Stage Sunday THE NERRY GO ROUND Bi£ WLS Stage Show, 16 People Oil the Screen lack Okie in "SAILOR BE GOOD" • TUESDAY Bargain Night Bill Bovd in the all-seeming important game >of Baseball.' The "whizzing" ball, curving over the '"plate" made th$ Scouts swing hard and, well v<?u know what FOR RENT -- Plow Noonan, PRE-NUPTIAL SHOWER Miss Sybil Nienstedt, who became the bride of Elmer Freund last Thursday, was honored at a pre-nuptial shower at the home of Mrs. Lawrence Jensen, Woodstock. Two tables of bridge were in play during the evening and the prize was presented to Miss Nienstedt. At the close of the ganjes a two course luncheon was served with the table prettily decorated in yellow and white, with a black glass centerpiece bearing a minature bride and groom with white tapers in black holders' or. either side. Crystal and black glassware completed the table appointment. Suspended above the table was a large yellow crepe parasol, with ribbon streamers bearing tiny hearts. Hidden in the parasol was a miscellaneous group of kitchen uterw sils. The bride-to-be was instructed to pull the streamers in consecutive order and found useful gifts at the end of each one. The final draw brought forth a shower of rice and a message directing her to a hidden package which disclosed a useful and 4 buildings with 1Q pretty gift, with the best wishes of Call [the members of the elub. FOR SALE!--Quantity of Early Yellow Dent Seed Corn. John Blake, R. 3, McHenry. Tel. 636-J-2. 49-3 FOR SALE--No. 1 Early Ohio, Red Rier seed potatoes, $1.25 per sack. Also have late seed potatoes. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Phone 92-J. - • :tv 46-tf TOR RENT law. A. E. . -50tf FOR RENT acres ©f land, also pasture land • v: LOST happened. After the memorable game L0gj;_^0he Pojjcg dpg, dark. j\nsWers closed, the fellows whistled up a trier Ty tune of "taps", after which a pleas ant gbock night closed the meeting.- HAROLD TAXMAN to name of "Pal". Reward. Peter W, Frett, West McHenry. '•*' WANTED GIRL SCOUT NEWS ' RAGS WANTED THIS OFFICE WILL PAY 6c A POUND FOR GOOD CLEAN WIPING RAGS -- NOT NECESSARILY WHITE. McHENRY PLAINDEALSH WANT®)--Maid, gen. housework, 0u® meeting opened with a talk on ironing ?Sx dollars a week. Pistakee Girl Scout loyalty, followed by the Bay. Pjone McHenry 662-W-2 laws and promise which were repeated aloud by all the Scouts. Two visitors, Bety Buss and Anita Althoff, were present Come again girls. Our next meeting promises to be most interesting. It will be held in the grade school gym. Please bring gym suits, as Miss Kinney will give us instructions on artificial respiration. Scouts, don't miss this meeting. With this knowledge you- may some day be able to save a life. "Be prepared". Also keep up the practice on "First Aid", as we will toe asked to pass tests soon. A hike and out door supper were planned for Wednesday after school. Twelve Scouts met at the home of Mrs. Durland, who chaparoned us. School did not let out any too soon for us that afternoon, as it was a grand and glorious day, and how we did enjoy the hike to Shalimar, with our filled lunch kits. We soon had a fire going. Evelyn Justen passed her fire lighting test. Soon the air was filled with the good smell of roast frankfurters and frying steak and hamburger, and was it good. Outdoor games were played and the day ended all too soon. Oh! for more of these hikes. You Scouts who could not make the" trip lost out on a good time. " JANICE KLONTZ, Scout Reporter. ? BRIDE-TO-BE I§ HONORE# . Mrs., Herman Nye entertained a party of friends at a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Sybil Nienstedt of Woodstock On Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Nienstedt became the bride of Mrs. Nye's brother, Elmer Freund, on Thursday of last week. • The guest of honor was asked to open several packages which contained the most useful kitchen utensils, including many electrical appliances, for which she graciously thanked her friends. Following this feature the guests enjoyed auction bridge for entertainment, with four tables in play. Miss Rosalie Skinner, Mrs. "Don Wicks and Mrs. Art Desmond of Woodstock received the awards. After several jolly games the tables were arranged for lunch in a color scheme of yellow and green. Yellow tulips in dainty FLOOR SANDING We are equipped j containers graced the center of each to do satisfactory work on all kinds j table. " ' of floors. Reasonable prices. Wood-j Th'e temptihg lunch brought to a stock Surfacing Co., 407 Dean Street, close a most delightful evening spent Woodstock, 111. • 37-tf by Miss Nienstedt and her Woodstock COUNTY HERDS ALMOST CLEAR A report released at the office of Dr. C. P. Draper Wednesday morning discloses that cattle in McHenry county are practically clean of T. B. This is shown in the figures now on record in the office of the county veterinarian. The record shows that 2323 herds are clean. These herds represent 64,- 712 head of cattle. Out of 65 infected herds there are only 143 reactors. This leaves the county herds with less than two-tenths of one per cent infection. A remarkable record. The total number of herds tested on the last test amounts to 2388 with a total of 67,003 cattle. Out of the 67,003 cattle in the county on the last test less than two-tenths of one per cent are reactors. McHenry township heads the list with 153 herds representing 4938 cows with no infection. This is the largest number of cows in any township in t5ke county and the only township Without any infected herds. Three townships have one infected herd each, the same being Chemung. Burton and Richmond. . Chemung township has 4772 cows with, only one infected herd. Marengo has the most infected herds with 12. Seneca has 11 and Coral 10. Five townships, Hebron, Greenwood, Algonquin, Nunda and Riley, have two infected herds each Dorf township with 145 herds representing 3425 cows has four infected herds. The four herds represent 95 cows with only 14 reactors. Veterinarians who are testing the cattle in the county are confident that within a short period of time the herds will all be practically clean. Remarkable progress has been made in the eradication of T. B. in cattle in McHenry county during the past few years. SALES TAX REFUND! " '\ :, :• • v 4; * rrhe Illi&oia Sales Tax lias twett detf&red unconstitlltioilal hy the Supreme Court. Our cus- ... tomers are now a&ked to bring in their tickets J for refund. ° - * v MISCELLANEOUS 44 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Sylyi Sidney George Raft in "PICK UP" Portrait* in Prcfile The history of portraits in profile would comprise large volumes, for it goes Jbaek many centuries and is traced to many countries, it existed in medieval Persia in the Sixteenth century; profile portraits have been found early in the Far East; in the Nile valley excavations; In old Italian burial grounds, and so on. In a notable collection, there is a fine silhouette of Goethe, the poet. NOTICE--Hawaiian or Spanish Guitar, Uke or Banjo lessons at a special price. Given at your home. Inquire at Jos. W. Freund Clothing Store, West McHenry. Instructor, Ray Mc Kamey. and McHenry friends and Mrs. W. A. Gibson of Chicago. . SURPRISED ON ANNIVERSARY Members of an afternoon card club and their husbands surprised Mr. and I Mrs. Robert Thompson Sunday even- 50 ing in honor, of their twelfth wedding anniversary. A pleasant evening was UPHOLSTERING---Furniture re-up- j spent in playing five hundred with holstered, covered and repaired. Full [ awards for high honors going to Mrs. sample line carried. Chas- J. Ras-^E. J. Nickels and Alfred Richardson, mussen, West McHenry. Tel. 107-M while the consolations went to Mrs. ^ JjQrtf John Dreymiller and E. J. Nickels. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were presented with a gift in honpr' of the occasion. Refreshments were brought NOTICE There will be a public auction of all household furnishings of the diseased . the ^ and served at the dose Mary Freund at her home, north of,nf tilA Wr_ nnA Mra WnT^ Johnsburg, on Sat., May 13, beginning at 2 p. m. Standard time: , It will include rugs, oil heater, - table and chairs, etc. Terms cash. Wm. G. Schreiner, auctioneer. *49-2 of the games. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were guests of the evening. D. OF A. MEETING The Catholic Daughters of America (REDUCED PRICES -- Effective at held their regular business meeting at once. On Heavy Breeds only: $5.75 !K- c- 11811 Monday evening with a ' per hundred; $5.50 per 100 in 300 lots.! Kock1 attendance of members present. CARD PARTY POSTPONE) The card party to be given by Pox River Valley Camp," R. N. A., ha3 been postponed from next Tuesday n i g h t t o W e d n e s d a y n i g h t . • ' • SOCIAL WHEEL POSTPONED The Social Wheel is postponed until May 25, when it will meet with Mrs. George Kuhn. New House to Save Old One To prevent it from collapsing during the clearing away of surrounding buildings, a four-story house In Marseilles, France, was covered with sheeting l:nd props from ground, to eaves. . - DRY GOODS VALUES Golden Stair Percales, yd. 15c Dish Cloths, 6 for 25c Permanent Crepe 6owns^...59c Bath Towels, 22x44........12Vic Girls' Pajamas, age 7-14......50c JHJR lOW PRICES • > , :,;,on groceries and yieats remaiti wMme:"Tnere - were no charges made on account of the tax, ) ' hence no change is necessary now. „ * When you trade here you are assured ot iiigh - quality, courteous service and fair prices; Market'& GROCERY GREEN STREET jMeHENR?, ILL. "'CH • % - ' " v li-S Priced reasonable for only the Best Quality. * J lOSEBUSHES -- HYDRANGEAS -- FUCHSIAS PELARGONIUMS -- GERANIUMS Also Combinations 25c up CUT FLOWERS \ Roses, Carnations, Sna^dra^ons, Sweet Peaa, Daisies, Stocks, Candytuft, Larkspur, Peonies, Iris, Calendullas, Gladioli > SPECIAL MIXED BOUQUETS' McHenry Floral Company M. W. CROUCH, Prop. FLOWERS for MOTHER'S DAY ; • r' Kides 63,648 Miles for Mat! More than 00,000 miles have been ridden on horseback by a settler in a renrote part of New Zealand in getting his mail in the last 34 years. Twice weekly he has ridden from his bush farm in the Whangamomona district to the nearest post office, nine t es away. This makes 36,wUes a week, 1,872 miles a year, and 63,648 miles In 34 years. • Largest Aluminum Welding Job The dome of the Marine hospital at New Orleans lias recently been completed with the welding of more than 2,000 joints. It is said to be one of the • largest aluminum welding Jobs ever attempted. ; Mixed Heavies:, $5.25 per 100 in 300 lots. Corn Belt Hatcheries. Wood-, stock, Illinois* . 48-3 Process of Decalcomania The process t>f decalcomania consists of transferring pictures to marble, porcelain, glass, wocrd, and the like, by gumming a film bearing a colored print to the object and then removing the paper backing of the film by aid of wTarm water, the colored image remaining fixed. The practice, or process, was known in Holland in 1700, and the revival in America seems to be placed somewhere between the years 1922 and 1926. , • ' * V Mother's Day SPECIAL SALE Effective May 12 800 Geraniums in Pull Bloom or Btuffsy strong branching, all popular colors . 10 to 20<^ each Irving ton Beauty,, leader of all at 35<^ each Also* SiK'cial Sale on Surplus Vegetable, and Mower Plants. No junk Or trash, but well hardened acclimated plants. * * • Why just Tomatoes? Insist on America's finest new Pritchard, also*Oxtiea^t. Extra early, most productive and attractive individual plants, bear 70 to 80 fruits feach. Average weight, 1 lb. or over for each fruit. - All this stock is stjrictly private-grown by an Expert Gardener whose twenty year's world-wide practical training teach him to plant only "Worlds' Be8t.', ;• tis any day and you be the-4udge. All Stock at Depression Prices. See CHIEF GARDENER Buehler's Estate, Pistakee Bay t T T T T T ft T T t T f T TJ f t I Plans were made for the annual Mothers party to be held, next Monday night and also for a public card party to be held later, probably on May 22. Mrs. Clarence Martin, president of Joyce Kilmer Court, presided at the meeting. After the meeting cards were enjoyed with the prize in bridge being won by Mrs. Marie Schiessle and in five hundred by Miss Mary Goodfellow. 90c J29c ......50c Women's Pajamas Broadcloth Slips Muslin Gowns. Li-Hi Organdies-- plain colors 40m. .. Rayon Panties, reg. sizes 25c Rayon Taffeta Slip* T9c Rayon Panties--.. double extra size.. ......49c 18c RELIABLE MAN With car, between twenty-five and forty-five who is not afraid to get out and hustle, can secure permanent and profitable employment without investment if qualifiesi Call or phone 83-R JAMES B. GRISHAM For information. West McHenry, 111. SPELLING CHAMPIONS Joseph Lawrence of Lily Lake school and Chester Kirkpatrick of Solon Mills school are spelling champions of McHenry rural school areas, as announced by County Superintendent Mrs. E. C. Coe. As winners of district elimination contests they are eligible, to compete with five other champions for county title at the finals to be held in Woodtock this month. The date for the county contest t-) be held at Woodstock has yet been set by Mrs. Coe. 1C 10 1C 1C 1C 1C JLB. PEPPER ONE CENT I 4 T T T T For a limited time oidy I will give you a half-pound can of Watkins Pepper with your regular purchase of an 11-oz. bottle of Watkins bake-proofed Vanilla, You know that Watkins Spice* are always full flavored. 'They farther because you ii|e less. - , FREE SOAP Why spend your good money for toilet soap when you can get 2 or ^ bars of Watkins Green Palm soap free with your purcnase of staple necessities. every article. " JAMES B. GRISHAM The Watkins i>eaier a liwne 83-R West. McHenry, 111, Wait For Watkins -- It Pays ic 10 1C 1C 10 1C CARD CLUB MEETS Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained the members of her card club at the final meeting of the season recently with prizes at cards being awarded to Mrs. R. V. Powers and Mrs. Charles Mertes. , ^ MOTHERS CLUB The Mothers club will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. G. W. Hess with Mrs. Jacob Stoffel as assistant hostess. Miss Hobbs, county nurse, will speak at this meeting. MOTHERS-DAUGHTERS BANQUET Plans are completed and all is in readiness- for the Mother and Daughter banquet at the high school this Thursday evening at 6:30 o'clock, D. S T. All mothers and daughters of McHenry are welcome. Say It With Beauty This Mother's Day STOMPAN ATO'S REVITALIZING PROCESS PERMANENT WAVES Satisfaction Guaranteed We use now pads only 2 persons for the Price of One $3.01, $5.01 $6.51, $8.01 ^10.01 Singly for »1.85 up Complete With Shampoo and Fingor Wave Note--Combination Spiral and Croquignole Wiad, each $1.00 extra Shampoo and Finger Wave (all'styles, short or long hair) Or each 25c and 35c 50c LADIES' AID SOCIETY •lb* 'Ladies" Aid society met at home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb Thursday afternoon with a good attendance present. * The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. A. Craver next Thursday afternoon. Members and friends are invited. FORESTERS TO MEET St. Mary's Court, No. 594, C. O- F. will jneet Tuesday evening. May 16. Lunch will ?be served and special observance will be made of the Forester Golden Jubilee year. DUES ARE DUE Mm F. E. Cobb, recorder of Riverview Camp, R. N. A. will be at home Friday and Saturday to receive th& payment of dues. Members are rc- Quested to pay dues at this GRADUATION SPECIALS For School Girls of All Ages) PERMANENT WAVE $5.00 VALUE FOR $1.50 Croquignole or Spiral Wind, Complete with Individualized Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave-- Combination $1.00 extra COFFEE WEEK AT A*P STORES TO. «~K .. A JP .« £» saving pric** EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE O lb TIN N AND WIELLOW O LBS. 45c Shampoos, Finger Waves, Marcels each 25c Dr. Vern S. Hall, Chiropodist In Woodstock Every Wednesday We use only products of high standards and service faithfully rendered. STOMPANATO'S Harbers 8 Beauty Artists 226 Main St. Telephone 641 Woodstock, 111. 4 South Grove Ave. Telephone 1601 -- Elgin, Illinois Our Salons operate under the State Laws of Illinois Dept. of Reg. and Ed. Clean Soft Water Used . Open Daily from 8 a. m. to 9 p, in. Wednesday and Saturday until 10 p. m., D. S. T. M»- 27 c ^ 27 c 27c (HQQBD MILD MELLOW RED CIRCLE coffa* • BOKAR eoffe# • • rt VACUUM CONDOR coffee PACKU* . DEL MONTE coffee . • MAXWELL HOUSE coffee THOMAS J- WEBB coffee LIbby's Tomato Juice 4 26c Campbell's Pork & Beans 3 20c Aged American Cheese . ^ 17c Polk's Grapefruit . . 3 25c Encore Macaroni or Spaghetti . Red Cross Macaroni or Spaghetti Del Monte Peaches 8ViAtvEDR • • • Uneeda Bakers pr FLAKEm Crackers . Palmollve Soap • . . . • • Ivory Flakes ..... . ; . • Ctilpso Flakes or Granules • . . "DAIIY GROWTH" Growing Mash ^ $1.59 • • « Ann Page Preserves, 2 lb: Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jar. Pretzels, lb. Borden's, Pet and Carnation Milk tall cans, 3 for ----.17c White House Milk, tall cans, 3 for 16c Xona Lima Beans, Sultana Kidney Beans ©r Sultana Red Beans, your choice 5 cans 25c PRODUCE . Washington Rhubarb. 2 lbs.. Green Beans, 2 qts. Texas New Potatoes, 6 lbfk.. ± Head Lettuce, Ige. head, 2 for Bananas, lb. 8*-°z. 13c PKG8. 2 P8K-OGZS. . -|FC 2 NCOA N2S4 5J,*0N«' • >P-KlbG!. 22C CAKE 5c • 1P6K-OGZ.. % LPAKRGGSe 27C 45c <r~~ 13c I3c 19c 13c . 5c THE GREV ATLANTIC A PACIFIC,TEA CO. Middle WwMrn Division --

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