<• ,, - •• a ,, , . • , ' > ; TUKIlHJ5JJHt«UJWl)KAL«t, TKUBBDAT, MAt&, 1933 THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, ID, by Char 1m F. Ranich. Entered as second-class matter ^at Bar the act of May 8, 187ft the poatoffice at McHenry, EL, tut* One Year •U Month* ... .JLOO A. B. MOSHER, Editoi; aad Maugw Snajce PUys 'Possum I j' When loud hissings and threatening | povetneuta of its broad, ugly head fill '[to frighten its enemies, the hog-nosed '•nake feigns death by rolling over ,®n Its back after a performance of ' firrithtng slowly back and forth as ^hough In great agony. The inconsist- |Dt phase in this maneuver Is that If : turned over the snake at once return* • §© its upside down position, apparently thinking it looks more Ilk© a corpse bat way. : x"'; ft • •• .vyrf.- 5 ifr" • ' j; ' "|V»ae« Mait Import *T Although 50 per cent of' the popo- Ration of France is engaged in agriiiuitural pursuits, that country . lis : jfbliged ";to:<-imp«i^vWod<^W'Ifi®eV ;>iJtts demand*. • ' L KEEP THE CHANGE He--I have been a bachelor for years and nciw I long for a home. ' She--Well, I hope you don't «*p«et me "to furnish one. ' Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Mat. Sat. 3:00 Eve. 7:30 - 9. John Wayne in "The Big Stampede" SUNDAY MONDAY Cont. San., 3 :00 to 11:30 10c-25c to 6:00 p. m. Maurice Chevalier in "A Bedtime Story" TUBS -- WED BARGAIN NIGHT 10 - 15c Cant. Mat Tues. Decoration Day Paul Lukas in "Grand Slam" THURSDAY FRIDAY -- SATURDAY M - 25c "Bug Kong" •V *A statesman must rely-a great tin'publicity," "said the young. man who Is learning politics. . '•res,"- replied Senator Sorghum. "But It must bew carefully tnaftaged. His success may .depend largely on petting what he says into print and keeping what he thinks out." FOR SALE FOR SALE--Gladiola buiba, Pox Glove, Cantebury Bells and Perennials of many varieties, also rock plants. Plant now for Memorial Day. Priced to meet the times. Woodstock Nursery, 532 South St., H. Heinig. 52 FOR SALE--Extra fancy Rural New York seed potatoes, kept in my basement all winter. $1.00 per sack, while they last. Dave Segel,].West McHenry, Phone 92-J. i 51tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Room and garage with or without board. Mrs. <rGeo. Kuhn, Richmond Road. T 62-tf FOR RENT -- Plow land. , A. E. Noonan. " 50tf FOR RENT -- 4 buildings with 10 acres of land, also pasture land. Call 93-M. 46tf WANTED WANTED-r-Work of any kind by two high school girls, after June 2. Address "W" cafe PJaindealer. *52 WANTED--Am in the market to buy a farm from 30 to 120 acres. Would like stock and tools. Address ;X, care McHenry Ptaindealer. *51-4 Knows All "Say, Popf- * "Yes, Sonr "What do they mean by the 'Middle ages'?" "The 'middle ages,* Son, are the ones where a woman stops counting wlen -she has reached them." RELIABLE DEALER wanted to handle Heberling Products in North McHenry County. Excellent opportunity for the right man, selling direct | to farmers. Earnings $50 weekly .not unusual. Write for free catalogue. G. C. Heberling Company, Dept. 409, Bloomington, III. 51-2 Frank About It The fioof manager called his Judges together and told them that a .frank policy would be pursued about the baby show. • . "Huh V " "First prize will go to the prettiest mother."--Louisville Courier-Journal. Why She Remain* "And you have had the same serv ant for two years?" • "Yes." replied Mr. Crosslots. "She says she doesn't believe in changing after she has goae to the trouble of teaching a family her ways." : - ' - Monument to McKinley In 1907 a. national monument to President McKinley was erected at Canton, Ohio. FLOOR SANDING--We are equipped to do satisfactory work on all kinds of floors. Reasonable prices. Woodstock Surfacing Co., 407 Dean Street, Woodstock, 111. 37-tf MISCELLANEOUS WILL GIVE FIRST MORTGAGE for $600 on 7-room house in town of McHenry. For particulars address "B", care McHenry Plairtdealer, 52 UPHOLSTERING--Furniture re-upholstered, covered and repaired Full sample lirie carried. Chas. J. Rasmussen, West McHenry. Tel. 107-M 60-tf Plaindealers for sale at Wattles a>, > \ *• An Old Soldier h h By h I* K&therine Edelman • OTAK SAY WILL OPEN THE FAIR ^ An interesting story appeared in a Chicago paper Sunday relating how modern science will set an ingenious trap for a beam of light which has been traveling at the rate of 186,000 miles a second for forty years through 240 trillion miles of space to open a Cehtijry of Progress Exposition, Chicago's second World's Fair. The ray of light originated in the star Arcturus at the time Americans were enjoying the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893. The new exposftion, marking one hundred years of Chicago history, has as its theme a broader lesson to mankind, a review of all man's progress in the application of science to industry in the century ending this year So it s only fitting that a bit of scientific magic never attempted before be employed in officially opening the gf-eat exposition on Chicago's lake front. . A^cturcuC of ,'tihe constellation Bootes, one of the - three brightest stars in the northern hemisphere, a heavenly body known and identified by the ancients and one given an important role" in Greek mythology, was selected from all other stars in the visible galaxy for the business of touching off the exposition simply because the rays of light which left it. when Chicago was featuring its first World's Fair are only noy arriving on earth after 'tJiefcrf '^^./jpnrney through space. ^ ; Dr. Edwin B. Frost, former director of Yerkes observatory at Williams Bay originated the idea of capturing a beam of light from Arcturus and a group of astronomers including Otto Struve, present director of Yerkes observatory, Harlow Shapely, director of Harvard observatory at Cambridge, Mass., Robert Baker, director of the University of Illinois observatory at Urbana and Frank C. Jordan, director of the University of Pittsburgh observatory at Allegheny, Pa., were called together to work out the complete details for thg unique experiment of harnessing the energy of a star to provide light for the opening of the exposition. Engineers of two great electrical manufacturing companies installed the necessary equipment for trapping the star ray, and a telegraph company agreed to lend its wires for conveying the impulses to the Fair grounds. So on the appointed evening the giant telescopes of four observatories will be trained on the star Arcturus. Four observatories, instead of one, were selected for the experiment, since clouds might obstruct a view of the star were only one telescope used, i The light of the star, magnified many | times by the lenses of any one of the j giant telescopes, will Be focused upon a .bulb containing a photo-electric cell, A WEEKLY EXCHANGE ITEMS 0FJN1EREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES 1/^ Fred Cribb of Antioch was taken to Victory Memorial Hospital this week suffering from a severe case of lockjaw, which resulted from an injury he received from a pulverizer. Tetnanus s^rum has been injected to counteract the disease and hope is held for his recovery. R. C. ^Kent, village president of Wauconda for twenty-five years and until one month ago receiver for the Wauconda Trust and Savings bank, was reported to be critically ill at his home in that village. He has been in poor health since he gave up receivership of the Wauconda bank. A total of $32,000 was distributed by Lake County Superintendent of Schools W. C. Petty, recently, to rural and village schools. The money came from the state distributive fund, and waa all for elementary schools. The budget asked this year for county schools from the state fund is $104,- 000, Petty revealed. The Antioch village board last Wednesday adopted its beer licensing ordinance, setting fees ranging between $25 and, $200 for the sale of the 3.2 beer. The ordinance is to take effect July 1st, but in the meantime merchants and tavern keepers who have been selling brew are asked to make applications at once so the inspection by health authorities can proceed. Taking a corner out of a culvert on route 21 near Antioch early Sunday^ morning of .last week, Raymond Loth of Silver Lake, wrecked his car and sustained a badly fractured jaw. He was operated on Monday morning at Victory Memorial Hospital where he is now recovering. Loth is a young ice dealer of Silver Lake. The accident occurred when he flell asleep while driving home from visiting with friends in Chicago, Saturday. During the summer the Yerkes Observatory at Williams Bay will, as usual, be open to visitors on Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 4 o'clock. Because of the participation of the Yerkes Observatory in the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicgo, arrangements are being made to admit visitors on week day afternoons this year only from 5 to 8 p. m. The first Saturday afternoon for visitors will be on May 27, Dr. Otto Strove, director, announced. Dr. G. W. Jensen, 43 years old, Antioch veterinarian, last Wednesday night was seriously injured on Wilson road at Graham's corners on the south and Grocery p Aoove everything else should be CLEAN. The 4 iood you eat should have quality and naturallyreasonably priced, but to be appetizing it < s&rald also come from a clean store. We endeavor to provide this important condition for" our customers and invite your inspection. We' jalso aslc^etf'to compare our prices with others* quality considered * Our regular delivery service is at your command. Phone 3. V, $REEN STREET MARKET & GROCERY In Remembrance -- FOR -- MEMORIAL GRAVE PLANTING BOX AND BEDDING PLANTS CUT FLOWERS v McHenry Floral Shop Main St.. West McHenry Greenhouse on U. S. Route 12--South of McHenry HE WAS an old man, with the weight of many years upon his shoulders. Yet, as he walked along the busy, crowded street, he held his head high and walked as straight and erect as a younger man. There was a quiet pride in his bearing that made itself felt by all who saw him, a sort of inward satisfaction and content that reflected itself in his face. Mingled with it, a look of half-wistful sadness was there, too, but it took a keen observer to see it. The little pin that he wore in his coat lapel told his story. He was a soldier of his country. But this was not all that he had given--his own doing and fighting was as nothing compared to what he had given when his son went to the far-off battlefield never e eas^ banks of Long Lake when he colhighly sensitive to the presence of a car driven by5 J. M. Mceven the weakest ray of light. The photo-electric cell will register the light from Arcturus, which will be very faint, indeed. Immediately electrical amplifying instruments will receive the impulse from the electric cell, stepping it up until it is powerful enough to be sent along a wire to the exposition grounds in Chicago where a powerful incandescent searchlight on the tower of the Hall of Science will be lighted. The beam 0f ,chaJ?es °f disorderly conduct. Acthis searchlight will then sweep the <;ord^g to CharI^s ^lthoff, receiver exposition grounds, being directed on!?r *h® farm McCarthy and his fan. tthh&e mmaaiinn hbnuiillHdiirnugras of ttvh*ep. FPnaSirr .,i , ^ been permitted to live in thi Photo-electric cells at eacn of the! ous^onProPerty after foreclosbuildings will pick up the searchlight rays and in turi} light the buildings. K -i' r '**1 iliS-k'"' m:. " : : 1*-" : THE FOX //J A®' 'ilj| Looked Aloft to Where ' Glory Fluttered. Old McHENHY, ILL. Presents 'S Singing Orchestra SATURDAY, SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, May 27--28--29--30 ^ FREE ADMISSION--9 to 9:30 » Carthy, formerly advertising manager for Montgomery-Ward & company. McCarthy, who was uninjured, lives at Wooster lake. Dr. Jensen was hurt about the head, on both hands, an l I suffered a fracture •. of the pelvic girdle and five ribs. I Efforts of Frank McCarthy, Hart-j l a n d f a r m e r , to r e t a i n p o s s e s s i o n o f ' his fajrm after foreciosiire, landed i him in a county jail cell Friday on j ^ St. Boniface St Boniface, the "apostle" of Germany," was an Englishman named Winfrid, a native of Devon. He was trained In Benedictine monasteries, and was ordained a priest Pope Gregory 11 sent him as a missionary to the heathen people of Germany, %nd among them he labored for 30 years. Pope Gregory Til made Boniface arch bishop and primate of all Germany. He was eventually slain In a massatr<»- of Christians at an open air conflrma tion service in Frlesland. r . t-: ".-C. COMING: Saturday, June 10th FIFI D'ORSAY Accompanied by ROLAND BECKER and his 14-PIECH HOLLYWOOD ORCHESTRA. No advance in prices for this attraction. to return. But although it had been hard beyond telling, he had been glad when he watched him go, had been proud that another of his race was willing to give his all .for his country Now, he was nearlng the end himself-- soon h'e would meet with those who had gone before. And he was happier than most men in the sunset of life, for he felt that he had done his duty; and more, that he had done it through love. As he looked aloft to where old Glory fluttered in the breeze, the look of pride upon hts face deepened and he' whispered softly to himself: "May the little 1 and mine have done help others to keep you all through the years as bright and shining as you are today--as true an emblem of the cause of liberty and freedom as you-are now." C 1931, W*»ten> Newipaper TJnlo*. Thou lands of Known Fl»h The number of named species of fish In the world is between 14,000 and 15,- 000. There are undoubtedly many more which have not as yet been described. This statement applies only to the true vetebrMe fish and does not Include all marine fauna.» "f _Yellow Water Lily Food The Klamath Indians used to ntlllM the seeds of the common yellow water lily for food. The squaws would go out to the lily patches in canoes to gather the seed pods. One method they used to extract the seeds from the pods was to bury the pods in holes in the ground and let them stay there until they fermented into a mucilaginous mass from which the seeds could be freed by washing. The seeds were then used as meal or parched whole. ure. Trouble developed however, when the land was rented to a neighbor, John Paulson, he said. McCarthy is charged with having chased Paulson from the farm repeatedly when the latter attempted to work the land. I Roy Kirk, Chicago, a farmer Wau-| conda young man, was critically in- j jured Wednesday, May 10, when a, truck he was cranking suddenly lunged forward, striking him and breaking the, right leg belowf the knee and badly crushing the left ankle. The accident occurred in Chicago when Kirk was attempting to start a truck owned by the firm by which he is employed. Mr. Kirk in all probability saved his life when he leaped upon a nearby platform just as the truck started forward. Had he not made this quick move his body would have been crushed. Harvey Kyle, of Huntley, is defendant in a $10,000 suit filed last week in C i r c u i t c o u r t on b e h a l f o f ! William E. Bailey, Marengo, whose four-year-old son, Lindy Bailey, was! fatally injured April 11 when the child was struck down by a.car driven by Kyle as he crossea route 23 at the northern\ city limits of Marengo. The bill charges the Huntley man with wanton recklessness on grounds that he allegedly was proceeding at an excessive rate of speed and failed to give the youngster proper warning as his car approached. The bill further ,T n , , , •-» ,• j __ | recites that the child was dragged Unbleached Muslin, yd. ,5c severai feet after he was struck and suffered injuries which . resulted in Where "Beautiful" Is Hea*ie«t The heaviest snowfalls in the United States occur in the central portions of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. Hummingbird* Help Hummingbirds are Important agents In the cross-fertilization of certain large flowers. BuyTow"anTsAVE PRICES ARE GOING UP Men's Fancy Dress Socks,...10c Printed Dress Voiles, yartL .,12^c and 16c Marquisette, printed, yd. 19c Druid Sheeting, 81 iiL wide, yd. Girls' Print Pajamas: Men's Sweat Shirts Boys' Shirts - Shorts, each 15c Boys' Knickers, 6 to 14. J>0c Boys' Band Overalls "101" style . Boys' Bib Overall! Men's Knit Union Suits, short sleeves, ankle length, fine quality combed yarn, size 36 J to 46 ^....-..75c All Linen Bleached Towel- , ing, yd. 16c Men's White Handkerchiefs 5o John Stoffel his death a short time later. 19c ..50c ..50c ...49c „49c Umbrella Joke Ancient When a London editor lost a now umbrella recently he Investigated and found that "borrowing" of rain shields and Jokes about it dated hack more than 200 years. In the Female Tatler in 1709 appeared the following advertisement: " The young gentleman belonging to the customs house who, in fear of rain, borrowed the umbrella at Will's cofl'ee house in ('ornhill is hereby advertised'. that, to be dry from head to Toot on the like occasion, he shall be welcaiue v u> jthe maid's terns." .. Women Cannot Practice Law The women of the Province of Quebec are the only women in Canada to whom is denied the privilege of entering the legal profession. . Richest Mineral Area ®he Gf'd Coast of Africa is probably the richest mineral area known, In proportion to Its size. - y '• Michigan's Reforestation Pro|ru» Michigan's 1932,...reforestation program brought the state's total re for ested acreage to 110,000. George Lay's Place JohMbarg Saturday Night May 27th be dispensed for 5c on this occasion^ Music by Qus Ueber's Orchestra GOLD MEDAL FLOUR 5-lb. Bag .... _..49^ 40-lb. QUAKER MAID PORK and BEANS . 4 ^ 15c •Mem 4 Bydr ICR ALB, HOOT »«* AWb OTNOI 28c fDfrOASKC~OA jSu-Frr0 O6 DRINK UC ADO milk * • """• •HEAD AMD BUTTMt PICKLES Best Foods . . .2^-25c Del Monte Spinach 29c 2 lu-OZ. CANb, IS© Encore Queen Olives Jfc 25c Encore Stuffed Olives1 '/&25c Hormel's v"5KW?Li 2a&8J 25c Campbell's Soup S "diS1 29c ASPARAGUS CHICKEN. CELERY. PEA. VEGETA8L* AND OTHERS ^ «7n Jell-O rufvons • • Pretzelettes bakms . 2 lbs. 2r= Candy Bars or Gum 5 roe 14c Roberts vibg,bake°d h*""1™ Roberts VaV?' «-25c Northern Tissue . 3 rolls 17c Cat Rite Wax Pa per 2 rolls 17c Am. Family Flakes . Rfo. 15c Lifebuoy Soap . . 3 «kes 17c CHICK OR HEN SIZE Oyster Shells -. . i#m? 89c White House Evaporated Milk.. 3o ^ cans 17^* Pet, Carnation and Borden Milk, 3 to11 CSLI1S 18<£ Popular Brands of Beer, on ice, bottles 25c , Plus Bottle Charge - Lucky Strike, Camel, Chesterfield and Old Gold Cigarettes, Cart, of 200 $1.15, pkg. of 20, 2 for 23c Ripe Olives, large tin of 45 Olives Extra large size PRODUCE Fresh Green Peas .... Illinois Asparagus ..... New Green Cabbage Grape Fruit, medium sise„.„_.... Special low retail on Strawberries *nd Bananas for Friday and Saturday. Watch for our Special Prices on Butter, Sugar and 8 o'clock Coffee, Friday and Saturday only. ' ^ BOKAR COFFEE . 2 -45c for 25c . 4 lbs. 25c 2 bunches 9c 3 lbs. 10c 6 for 25c pLQ PAG OR CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP HE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CQ. Middle Western^Di