Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jan 1934, p. 8

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CMbNewt ••V'-f ~~ ~ SO CENTS FOR SOCIETY f"^n>e regular meeting of the Ladies' Aid society was held at the home of Mrs. James Sayler Thursday afternoon. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be a special event fn the ' nature of an "experience jneetiTipr.™ It will be hel<f ih the Universalist church parlors and will be a social party with all fnembem Mid friends invited- There will be a program and each one present will be prepared to tell how they earned the fifty cents which they will give to the society at this meeting. Members and friends of the society v% only one more week in which to complete their part of the program and it is hoped that a general Interest will prevail m earning this, fund. You are invited to be at the Universalist church parlors next Thursday" >a£ter- FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN COLORADO Mrs. Nicholas Stoffel, nee Herbes, 74 years of age, died Tuesday, January 2, 1934, at her home at Stratton, Colo- She was the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Herbes, old residents of McHenry, and will be remembered by many in this vicinity. She was buried on January 5 at Humphrey, Neb., their former bonie. Those surviving Mrs. Setoff el are her husband, Nicholas Stoffel, and EX-McHENRYTTES IN STRICKEN AREAS (Conthratd from frontpage) "Hunter Boat Company," and imagines himself back In McHenry, for Arthur, like others of his family, is a dealer and builder of boats. Mrs. Bell Smith, mother of Mrs. C. Duker, is also in California, about 75 miles north of Sacramento and 600 miles north of the flood area,' McHenry ites In Florida From California we survey sunny Florida where many local people ppend the winter. At Miami are Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye and soil, Eugene, LOCAL CHAPTER INSTALLS OFFICERS FR CES VYCITAL ... ORTHY MATRON The Masonic hall was filled to overflowing with guests, Saturday evening, January 6, numbering more than 125, to witness the installation of officers of McHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, for 1934. Long before the appointed hour of opening, (the hall tws filled with mem1>ers and Visitors. Ferns and a beautiful touch of color. Miss Elsie Vycital, retiring worthy EIGHTY-FOUR YE^RS OLD ' *»•, Joe Justen observed- his eightyv....<-. 9iC'/.^ftiirth birthday at h's home on Green s^et Sunday and was surprised by a ^v"".-v.'.S»)ir^r of -relatives and friends who came ,tw> spend the day with him. About foity-two guests invaded, thfe heme, bringing with them two large birthday cakes and many good things •with which to prepare dinner and all ' enjoyed a pleasant day with cards and other amusements. Mr. Justen is well and*active and gives no indication of the years which have ; Jlftssed so lightly.- SODALITY CARD PARTY Mrs. Jack Walsh and Mrs. C- W. Gibbp were hostesses at a card party at the latter's home, Monday afternoon, for the benefit of the Altar and Rosary sodality, of which Mrs. Walsh has recently been elected president. I Seven tables of cards were in play, j cago. . . . . . . . . . . - , 1 T« children, -'"Elizabeth Eickholt of , basking in the warm sunshine and j palms decorations, with the Humphrey, Neb., John and Henry of enjoying the beautiful flowers, for- evening gowns of the officers adding Stratton, Colo., Lambert of Okla- j getting that there are such things as homa and Gerlrude DuBois of Denver cold winds, snow and murky skies. Colo. All through Florida there are local matron, and Henry M. Stephenson, Thri»«» attending the funeral frcm people including Mr. and Mrs. Ed assumed their stations ih the east Illinois were ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry < Cropley -at Orlando, - where the Will and welcomed the guests of the even- Stoffel and daughter of Volo; Mrs. i Ciowens expect to arrive sopn as they Michael Lenzen, Grayslake; Mrs- i are leaving this month for the south- Gerhard Wegener, Uily Lake, and, land. , . « Martin Stoffel, McHenry, who .all] At feelleview are Mr. and Mrs. F. left McHenry via automobile at lO ; E. Martin, with Mr. and Mrs. Loren p. m." Wednesday and arrived at j Martin, at Jacksonville, "where tH Humptoey, Neb,, at 11 p. m. Thursday night. The? encountered considerable sleet,, rain and show, but ar-. rived safely without accident. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herbes of Grayslake started out a few hours later; but were compelled to return home on .account of the sleet. mercury registers 80 degrees "above- Mts. Walter Cagey is at Tukcon, Ariz., high and dry, where •the; sun shines hot in the day time but the riights are always cool. " The worthy matron appointed ftobert Thompson, George Johnson and Charles W. Goodell as escorts for the installing, officers, who retired and escorted them into the chapter room. The installing officers, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, grand. lecturer and past worthy matron of Mcll< nry chapter as installing officer, Mrs. Emma Buell grand lecturer of Woodstock chapter and member of the examining com- John w. Hermann John W. Hermann, 8-3 years old, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs.; family are at Portland, George F. Kramer, Wednesday morn- In nearly every state in the union, mjttee of the grand chapter, as in from coast to coast and north to south stalling chaplain, and Mr®. Jennie there may be found .former residents Eddy, past worthy matron of Mcof McHenry. w- , ^ |Henry chapter, as installing marshal, Mrs. Ella Smith, daughter* Clara, were escorted into the room, introducandl Mr. and Mrs. Sayler Smith and i ^ an(j escorted to their chairs in the Ore., Miss east. Mrs. Mabel Johnson, past ma- Alice Sutton [s at Los Angeles and tron of McHSenry chapter, was ining, January 3, 1934, after a short Mr- and J. C. Holly are at Homeland, stalling organist. Music was furnishillness. He was born Sept. 29, |Ga. ed throughout thl evening by singers 1850, at I Arthur Cox is at Overton, Texas, |and musicians from Fox River Gfove, Insel Ruegen, Province Pommern, where they had nineteen days of rain friends of Miss Elsie Vycital. The Stralsund, Germany. He came to when he was home for the holidays trio of singers was composed of Mrs. America in 1870 and settled in Chi- and at Brownsville, Texas, are Mr.,Emma Black a member of .Golden _ , a™* Mrs. Earl Meade. Rod chapter, Chicago and' Mrs. Lillian with prizes" in bridge being awarded j In the yearJ873 he was married to! In the ^east we find Miss^Verena [ Stefany and Mrs. Edith Hegner, to Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. Ray! Adolphine Voellipg. They made their Justen, who is at Pittsburg, Pa., em- members of Bohemia chapter, Chicago McGee. While those In five hundred went to Miss Etta Powers and Mrs. Sd Thompson. : » PINOCHLE CLUB • Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton entertained members of the Pinochle club Sunday evening. Three tables of cards were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. C. W. Klofitz, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and Albert Krause. The party was also in honor of the eighteenth wedding anniversary of home in Chicago until seventeen years ployed with the Marsh McLennan i They were accompanied by Mrs. Hazel ago, when they came to McHenry and , Insurancecompany. She reports Cherney of Golden Rod chapter, on bought the John Catlin home at conditions in the east aS gradually j the piano and Mr. Ruzha, violinist. Woodlawn Park. j improving and much mow; encourag- Two soloists were Miss Mildred Last May they celebrated their sir- lng as the n€W year opens. | Ruzha and Miss Melba Cherney, • the tieth wedding anniversary at their I In Now York city there are many ]attesr being a student of dramatics at home here. j°'d friends, including Mr. and Mrs.-the Goodwin theatre of Dramatic art. He was the father of August, Otto Henry Foss, Mrs. Foss, sister of Mrs. She is also the director of the Prosand Henry of Chicago, Fred of May- Minnie Miller, Leonard Phillip© and i cenium Players of Fox River Grove, the W. F. Galaher family. In Phila- who won first place in the county delphia is Miss Emma Fay, retired I drama and music tournament with school teacher. --1 | their sketch "Ambition." In Denye^, Colo., Mr. and! Mfs. | Other numbers on the program givfrom officers and friend*, as did other officers of the evening. At the close of the evening delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Kane and her committee bringing to a close one of the most enjoyable events of the year for members of the Eastern Star. Visitors were present from nfany neighboring chapters. NEW MANAGER FOR MILLER THEATRE George D. O'Brien, lormerly of the Hub Theatre, Rochelle, the Fargo theatre, DeK>lb and the State theatre, Sandwich, is the new manager of the Miller theatre, Woodstoo*;, succeeding Gordon Anderson, who has been transferred to the Sandwich theatre. - The change was made starting this week. Mr. O'Brien is a graduate -of Notre Dame University and has had years of experience ih theatre management. He's a big 250-pound bundle of fun and is well known in American Legion circles, having served as district commander of the 13tli district at one time; His home is in Rochelle, where his wife and family now. y^si^e. TO SPONSOR MOVIE The Ladies' Auxiliary of the local Legion post will sponsor a movie at the Empire Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 24 and 25, the film to be "Love, Honor and Oh.Baby" wfith Zazu Pitts playing" the lead. Tickets will be on sale soon. ATTEND MKITING Peter M. Justen was an Elgin visitor Monday when he attended a lecture on various codes in the unde|£aking business. The state is being divided into districts, each one to have its own organization and codes will be work ed out along pla^s approved by the goverfenent. ELECTS OFFICERS Officers and members of the Iff. Sunday school held their annual mee(|'-;V. ^ ing -Sunday afternoon with officeriT " % elected for the coming year aa * lows: Superintendent--Bob Peterson. Pianist--Charlotte Ericksson. -• *.~k Assistant Pianist--Ethel Granger. * !" T Secretary--Glen Peterson. "4 , Treasurer--Hazel Howard. ' / ,, , Teachers will be appointed. T MOTHERS CLUB : ' * The Mothers club will meet FridalT " afternoon afc the home of Mrs. Jaco| Brefeld, with Mrs. James Perkins sistant hostess. PIDS WANTEDThe County Home CommittedJ of the Board, of Supervisors of ^McHenry . County, Illinois, hereby advertises ' for sealed bids for County Physician for the ensuing year. Specifications to be*-furnished by R.° D. Woods, County Clerk, at his office in Woodstock, Illinois, upon request. Bids must be in not later than January 25, .1934, at ten o'clock A. M. iSaid bids to be received by E. F. Kuecker, Marengo, Illinois, Chairman of said committee, or the undersigned. R. D. WOODS, County Clerk, and Ex-officdo Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 33 v-'/ wood and Mrs. Louise Kramer, of McHenry, and brother of Gustav of Chicago. Funeral services were {held from Mr. and' Mrs. Nick Freund, who were the funeral home at Maywood, on Satfresented with a gift as a surprise urday at 2 P- m-> ^v. Kluender feature of the party. ^ C. D. OF A. MEETING The Catholic Daughters of America feid their business meeting Monday lirenhig, Jail. 8, with a good attend"- of members present. The next meeting will take place January 22 and will be the last •ocial meeting before Lent- The regi filar business meetings will be oonriued once a month during Lent, 1 fcowever, and4will convene on the sec- \ond Monday of each month. ' w » • • OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY ,, St- Clara's Court, W. C. O. F^ will observe its twenty-eighth anniversary Wednesday evening, Jan. 17. Supper will be served $t 6:30 p. m. at St. Jlaryj^hall, after which the meeting will convener All members are reijuested to be present. of St. Paul church, Maywood, conduct- usually nice weather and encouraging Harry Cook write to their friends, en at the close of the installation Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Justen, of un-1 ceremonies were whistling selections ing the services. Interment was in business conditions with more money Concordia cemetery. I in circulation. Card of Thanks I William Stoffel, son of Mr. and Mrs. We wish in this way to express our! Martin Stoffel of this city, is at Sfcratthanks to friends and neighbors for ^on, Col., and Maptj^i Stoffel is at the kindnesses and sympathy extend-1 Omaha, Neb. ed during our recent bereavement^ I ^ Humphrey, Neb., are many rela- We also wish to thank the neighbors itives of local P®°Ple, inclining cousins and Mothers club for flowers. of Mtr- and Mrs- Stephen N. Schmitt, Mrs. John W. Hermann !John Foch> Mr and Children South Dakota, rendered by Elmer Esping, accompanied by Mrs. Brown, members of Mayflower chapter, Wauconda. Preceding the ceremonies several musical selections were rendered by the Vycital orchestra which never fails to please its listeners. Such musical talent as was displayed during the evening is seldom heard in this vicinity and was a treat much enjoyed by all who heard Tom Werner and in J them. Dan Sullivan. Here, At the nvitation of the worthy maconditions are not so encouraging as j tron, Richard Vycital presented the the market is low and crops are poor, j flag and as he stood at the altar Stan- At Johnsburg, Minn., Mrs. M. J. ley Vycital gave an ode to the flag. J . Announcing the ( Candidacy of Frances Vycital,. T*ew Matron The worthy matron, elect, Miss Frances Vycital, and her corps of officers were invited to enter the chap- HENRY NULLE of'Marengo, for SHERIFF OF McHENRY COUNTY "M.' tfce Republican Primaries on April 10th, 1934 Twelve years as Chief of Police of Marengo and ten years as Deputy Sheriff of McHenry County * "An Honest, Efficient, Fearless Officer" r camp. He is working in the national SZ _ « tt i.. 1 forests. ---- Mrs. J. C. Hallisy---{ C^arles PeltfiWn. who Is near Anna Mrs. J. C. Hallisy, 74 years old, died | Illinois, is improving parks and roads, at her home at Woodstock Saturday | While playing basketball at Wolf morning. Many years ago she lived j Lake one evening the building was on a farm in the vicinity of McHenry | shaken and all the windows broken and is remembered by old friends here j by the explosion of a power mill some Surviving her are her husband, four , distance away. Donald Hayes, Bill sons and 1 three daughters. Funeral Brittain and Fred Mueller • are in northern Wisconsin, where snow and cold weather prevail. There are doubtless many others whom we have not mentioned and if services wWe held Monday at 10 EASTERN STAR NOTES Miss Frances Vycital presided at the first meeting of the year as ! so, would be glad to have you telL us worthy matron of McHenry chapter, j about them. - O. E. S., Monday evening, when plans ASK BOARD FOR BAY / ROAD IMPROVEMENT K; . 4 - *r •" •- ,;.v Joseph Biggers * "D1 rro •. -"l jonnsourR, xuinn., is a TrS' yepS 01 ' f^ Mullenbach, sister of Mrs. M. J. i Mm ^°me R,^wood ,at, FVeund and the Smith brothers. ago he fell and broke his lee. °W6ekS ! t ^ iI " Reforestation ^A rmy* He is survived by five^^children ] * ™n >1" <*e.reforesta: + rinrU Mwrtu a• j Itlon army are scattered m several Iter room. Ethel' ' St ie an . states. Robert Frisby, who has been J After Miss Frances Vycital had Fnn«rftl sanruxMt | at Cougar, Wash., was forced to move i taken her obligation, which was givnesdav mornine at 11*30 a m froni' otliers his company to the j en by her sister, Miss Elsie Vycital, the Ringwood church, with burial at I b!,rrfcks-at Van«)uver. Wash, because j she remained kneeling at the altar Rockford j the floods which threatened their while the trio sang to her, after which TT~ ' ~~ ' ' ' " " " she was escorted to the east by an escort of Knights Templar from "telvary Commamitery of Woodstock, commanded by Grov^r Chittenden, where she was greeted by the retiring matron, introduced by the installing officer and given the grand honors « Lisle Bassett, worthy patron-elect, was next presented Tor installation and was also given a song by the trio and escorted by the Sir Knights to his station in the east. The remaining officers were obligated and installed with dignity and precision. The marshal, after giving a lecture to each star point and presenting the officer with flowers appropriate to her station, turned to the east and presented the worthy matron with a bouquet composed of flowers of the colprs of the five points of the star. Officers For Year The officers for the year are: Worthy Matron--Frances Vycital. Worthy Patron--Lisle Bassett. Associate Matron--Lulu Klontz. , Associate Patron--Clayton Klontz. • Secretary--Mrs. Emma Fay. Treasurer--Mrs. Alice Lindsay. Conductress--Mrs. Minnie Martin. Associate Conductress--Mrs. Floribel Vogel. Chaplain--Mrs. Calla Perkins. Marshal--Miss Elsie Vycital. Organist--Mrs. Gretta Goodell. Adah--Miss Anna Anderson. Ruthi--Mrs. Varina Marshall. Esther--Mrs. Arline Pearson. Martha--Mrs. Alice Beavia Electa--Mrs. Eva Bacon. Warden--Mrs. Emma Smith. Sentinel--Mrs. Jennie Ed/dy. All of the officers were installed with the exception of Mrs. Varina Marshall as Ruth, who will be installed later. Mrs. Ony Wheeler will serve the chapter as instructress this year. After the officers were installed in their respective stations the ceremonies were concluded with talks by the worthy matrons, worthy patrons and installing officers. The past matron's jewel as a ring was presented to Miss Elsie Vycital by her sister with appropriate words and Lisle Bassett was presented with a gift from the chapter. Miss Elsie VycitaT also received a gift of money from her officers which was presented in an effective ceremony by three members, Mrs. Lillian Cox, Mrs. Floribel Vogel and Mrs. Bassett announced by the associate matron, Mrs. Lulu Klontz. The officers of 1933 each received a gift from their worthy matron and .bouquets of beautiful flowers were in profusion, with Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital receiving a lovely basket of pink roses from their parents. They also received many gifts and committees were announced for the year. Plans were made for a mask ball, the date and place to be announced later. Plans were also made for a valentine party on February 14 at which time grandmother's album will also be shown. . Following the meeting Monday night Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital, Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. James Perkins and Mrs. J. R. Smith attended the installation of officers at Richmond chapter. PAST ORACLES MEET Mrs. Agnes Wentworth, Mrs. P. M. Justen, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs. Henry Vogel and Mrs. Charles Ensign attended the Past Oracles meeting at Richmond on Tuesday afternoon. They remained for the installation of officers in the evening and Mrs. Wentworth served as installing officer. Mrs. E^ E Bassett as Mrs. George Johnson as musician A petition of 700 residents in the Plstakee restrict was presented at the board (of supervisors' meeting on Tuesday, requesting the board to use funds from the motor fuel tax to either pave or tar a two-mile .stretch, known as state aid Routes, Nos, 22 and 23. . The road has recently been improved under the CWA program and is in good condition, according to Supervisor S. H. Freund, who presented the petition. The matter was referred to the road and bridge committee with a suggestion that residents in that vicinity be solicited for donations toward the project. TO INSTALL OFFICERS Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold a public installation of officers at x„i». i JLu" hal1, Saturday night, Jan. 13. ceremonial marshal and member may invite one guest. SELLS GARAGE BUILDING Mrs. John R. Knox completed the sale of her garage building, formerly occupied by Buss-Page Motor Sales, to the Everett Hunter Boat company on Monday of this week. Say you read it In THE PLAINDEALER.. Fish Fry-Blue Gills and Pickerel JUST CAUGHT THROUGH THE ICE Will be served at tfc# >' AUTO INN BREWERY CORNER, McHENRY Friday Night, Jan. 12 PERSONALS ^ Those from McHenry who attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Bertha Miller of Richmond, were Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Miller and family," Mr and Mrs. John H. Stilling and son Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen and sons, Ralph and George, Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Stilling and children. Mrs. Emma Buell, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lawrie, Mr. and Mrs. A. w! Mathison and daughters, Mr. and Mrs G. A. Parker, Mrs. George Graves, Mr. and Mrs. G. Chittenden, Mrs. Glen Wrighrand Mrs. H. W. Sandeen of Woodstock attended the,. Eastern Star here Saturday night. Mrs. John M- Phalin speafe the first of the week in Chicago. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the co-partnei*ship heretofore existing between Clara Noonan and Lillian Freund, under the firm name of Claire Beauty Shoppe and doing business in the City of McHDenry, Illinois, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Lillian Freund has retired from said firm, but the said Clara Noonan will coritinue the business, individually, at the same place and under the same name as heretofore. ^Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 3Qih day of December, A. D. 1933. , CLARA NpONAN LILLIAN FREUND We Thank You To the thousand and more poodle who were oiir guests Tiies^ay" evening, when we pregeated ^'^HESE ffllRTt YEARS" the Empire Theatre, we are very thankful for your pre^i^ej •••$jid hope you enjoyed the evening ' with us; - < - c To the many hundred whom We were unable to seat due to the overwhelming crowd, we tfre sorry, but the large crowd exceeded even our fondest expectations, just as a ride in the New 1934 FordV-8 will exceed in thrills and satisfaction anything you may expect, qr have ever experienced, regardless of the ear you now drive. \ ' CALL NO. I FOR A DEMONSTRATION AND DRIVE THE CAR YOURSELF AND YOU WILL KNOW WJHY THE FORD V-8 IS LEADING IN SALES.' Be Up to Date--Drive a Ford V~8" TOE CAR WITHOUT A PRICE CLASS" Buss-Page Motor Sales Main St. » Phone I West McHenry Depbsi#ik$hii: Bank^insured t|i« FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION in the manner and to the extent provided under of the Banking Act of 1933 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of West McHenry State Bank Located at McHenry (P. 0. West McHenry), State of Illinois, at the close of business op the-30th day of December, 1033, as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. RESOURCES U. S. Government Investments Other Bonds and Securities ........... Loans on Collateral Security Other Loans Loans on Real Estate ^ 7. Overdrafts 8. Other Real Estate 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 9. Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures ^ 30. Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit--« 11. Customers' Liability account of Acceptances ,12< Other Resources ................ Total Reg^urces Capital Stock Surplus LIABILITIES 1. 2. 3. Undivided Profits 4. Reserve Accounts 5. Demand Deposits 6. Time Deposits ... ......... 7. Due to Banks...^....;.^ 8. Bills Payable 9. Re-Discounts j. ....... 10. Dividends Unpaid *. 11. Letters of Credit 12. Bank Acceptance® _ 13. Other Liabilities Total Liabilities 62,308.48 63,895.17 55,276.84 • 150,584.71 ...... 40,659.00 66.58 _ 25,730.52 ..... 18,518.11 ; NONE NONE NONE ^$515,598.70 j$50,000.00 140,000.00 7,802.26 86,167.90 189,696.29 141,918.19 NONE NONE - NONE NONE NONE NONE 14.06 ... . ..#515,598.70 The bank lias outstanding $94,818.06 face amount of Deferred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned, (future net profits are operating profits ||lus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the'bank and subordinated to all deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stockholders as such. • - I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. 88. Subscribed and sworn to before nle this 6th day of January, 1934. (SEAL) HAROLD J. BACON, Notary Public.

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