M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, R. N. A. HOLDS CARD PARTY Fox River Valley Camf>. R. N. A- . held a public card party at the Ray r Howard home on Centjer/tVeet, Friday afternoon. The patty was a successful one with awards in bridge going to Mrs. E. E. Bassett ind Mrs. Earl McAndrews; in five hundred to Mrs. John R. Freund and Miss Lilah Bacon, and in bunco to Mrs. Walter •T ' Patzke and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. A " ,H * cake was given away to Mrs. James Grisham. Plans have been made for an aftrrnoon public card party to be held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Harrison at Ringwood, August 11. Bridge, five hundred and bunco will be played, prices awarded and lanch er than August 4 Thies, Barrington. Miss Elsie Vycital will be Martha at Algonquin chapter on August 3. Mrs. Ony Wheeler was marshal at Nurcda chaptcr, Crystal Lake, Tuesday evenirg on grand lecture* V night. She was accompanied by Miss ftthel Jones, Mrs. A. Eddv, tin and Frances Vycital. EASTERN STAR INVITATIONS 5 Members of McHenry chapter, 0. E. S., have befen invited to attend of- V ficial visit at Nun'da chapter, Crystal Lake, on August 5. - Friends' night at Antioch chapter has been postponed from July 31, to , August 8. Miss Elsie Vycitat will be ' Worthy Matron. , , .LoUnsbuty chapter, No, 494, 0. ES., of Barrington. haif invited members of the McHenry chapter tov the official visit of Lulu C. Grimes on Monday evening, August 7 at 8 o'clock (DST). Dinner at 6 o'clock, 50 cents per plate. Send reservations not lat- - Marion's Beauty Shoppe One House East of Riverside Dairy FINGER WAVE, Shingle Bob.25c FINGERWAVE, Long Bob........35c SHAMPOO,- Shingle Bob....;.......25c SHAMPOO, Long Bob......;.... 35c MARCEL ....,,„... ............,;>..;:.50c PLAIN FACIAfar- 50c EYEBROW ARCH............... 25c MANICURE 35c SPECIALS Long or Short Bob--Shampoo "and Fingerwave ........50e Or each 25c and 35c Scientific Hot Oil Treatment Shampoo and Fingerwave..$1.00 Phone 117-J Elm St. McHenry MARION KRAUSE, Prop. ENTERTAIN CLUB MEMBERS Mrs R. L. Altman entertained the members of the Catholic Woman's ciub of Irving Park, of which she also is a member, including the little Flower circle, at her summer home-at McCollum's lako on Thursday of last Twenty-six ladies responded to the invitation and enjoyed the day at the pleasant home of their hostess in boating, bathing and cards. A feyhound bus was chartered to transport the party to their destination and entertainment along the trip ns well as during the day was given by Miss Marie Maloney and her orchestra. This is an annual outing for the Irving Park club as they irz invited each year to spend a day with Mrs. Altman at her pleasant home at Me- Colium's lake. BUSINESS WOMEN'S PTCNIC - -.Members of the. McHenry County Business and Professional W omen'a ciub held a picnic on the" lawn at the home of Miss Mabel Hobbs, Woodstock, Friday. Reports of the state convention at Joliet were mads by the delegates, Mrs. C. W. Goodell of McHenry and Miss Maudf Donavin of Woodstock. BEACH PARTY AT WAUKEGAN Several young ladies from McHenry motored to Waukegan last Thursday where a beach party was enjoyed- At Waukegan they were joined by Mrs. Richard Stenger and Mrs. Louis Young, ' .. , C. D. OF A. CARD PARTY Plans have been made by the-Catholic Daughters of America to hold a card party at the home of Mrs. Jthn Stilling on the afternoon of August 3. HOME LOAN CORP. TO I HAVE SEVEN BRANCHES1 M. E. CHURCH You. are iifvited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Church school, 10 a. m. Morning Worship, 10:45 a. m. Sermon bjr the pastor, Rev. L. H. Brattaiii. •' CEMETERY DUES Those having lots or graves in the Woodland cemetery are requested to pay their dues as soon as possible to Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Sec'y, or to Mrs. Lillian Sayler; Treas. Flaindealers for sale at Walsh's; Another One of Those Tempting-- V SQUAB DINNERS 35^ AUTO INN Brewery Corner, McHenry SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 29 Serving Starts at 6:30 -- Free Dancing Eevery Evening Fish Fry Every Wednesday and Friday Nights The TALK of the TOWN IMPORTED SISSIGES As Served at the Hof Brau at Munich, Germany Now at LARRY HUCK'S HOUSE SATURDAY and SUNDAY -- GRATIS Don't Miss this World Famed Delicacy LARRY HUCK'S HOUSE Imported and Domestic BEER, ALE AND WINE . West end of cement bridge. Upon his return to Chicago from Springfield, William G. Donne, state manager for the Federal Home Owners' Loan Corporation, announced the election of .seven strategic locations in various sections of the state for branch offices of the new corporation The names of the local district managers for six of these offices were also announced. The central office will, of course, be in Chicago under the direct managehent of Mr. Donne. The other cities will be Rock ford, which will make loans in eight counties, under the head of A. H. Seise, local mortgage n.an; Moline where eight counties will be serviced, uncier the direction cf Robert W. Rankin, also a lt>cal mortgage man; Peoria, headquarters for eleven counties, under the management of Emerson Gilmore, Bloomington. construction man; Champaign, fifteen counties (no manager yet selected) ; Springfield, the central office for fifteen counties, under the direction of Mrs. Eva Baterton, the foremost realtor in that city; E&§t St. Louis, the center for seventeen counties, w:*l be under the managemnt of M. L. Haris, prominent in Ihte real estate business there for mare than thirty years; Harrisburg, central office for", twenty-two counties, which .will be headed by Fr3d C. Daubs. These branch offices were selected at conference in Springfield at which all Illinois senators and congressmen were present. Consideration wps given to centers of population and e$se of reaching each selected city from the surrounding sections. Mr- Donne stated that, in his opinion, the managers selected for each office are the best obtainable in that section, both from point of experience and ability in this specialized work. All r opointments have the approval of party leaders. It is anticipated that all offices will be in operation on or about August 1, and that applications for loans will be taken at that time. Mr. Donne, when interviewed made the following statement: "Preference will not be given to those who file applications first. Regardless of when the application is filed, it will be considered only with regard to urgency and the degree of distress of the applicant. Those in danger of losing their homes will be given first consideration. Others will be taken up in the order of their urgency as determined by .tha branch manager. "It is not necessary to visit the branch office in any section in order to file an application. Applications should be requested by mail and returned to the branch office by mail after being filled in. Appraisers will then be sent to the property by the branch manager to check and determine its value. The applicant will probably be interviewed personally at that time. Later he will be "requested to visit the branch office nearest him after the branch manager has passed on the application and the appraiser's report." Mr. Donne added the following which is of tremendous importance to those desiring to make loans, "Under Paragraph^E, Section 8, of ithe Home Loan Act, it is illegal for any firm corporation or individual to charge a fee in connection with the filing, ••wuriseling or filling in of a home loan application. All such service? must' be rendered free of all cost. Viola tion of this is punishable by a fine of $10,000 or five year's imprisonment, or both. A few such violations have already come to the attention of this office, but I assure you they shall be promptly and effectively dealt with," Perron^ To Make People Laugh An oldtlme Greek forced hUf way Into a banquet, saying he thought It was more of a jest to come uninvited than invited. The Jester sat down and tried to earn his dinner by cracking Jokes, but they were so badly received that In the end the joker threw his garments over his head nnd wept. Then the company, hitherto serious, did laugh. Another of BOLGER'S Drug Sales 75c Anacin Tablets $1.00 Miles Nervine 69tf Pint Milk of Magn$s%.„ 39c $1.25 Bisodol 89£ 35c Freezone 65c Mistol 49^ $1.00 Gillette or Probak Blacles 85^ 60c Mentholatum ... $1.00 Clinical Thermometer 25c Kleenex •. $1.00 Listerine 25c Kotex 3 for 75c Pint Squibb's Mineral Oil.... 49^ 100 McKesson Aspirin . •' • 49<^ $1.20' Bromo Seltzer J._ 89<^ 25c Shuihilk „i_ $1.20 Danderine Hair Tonic.. . . 89^ 69d 16e 73^ $1.00 Wildroot Wave 35c Palmolive Shaving Cream, 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste v ; $1.00 Coty's Face Powder 25c Dr. West's Tooth Paste. 2 for 50c Packer's Tar Shampoo. $1.00 Trejur Bath Powder 60c Non Spi . 40c Squibb's Dental Cream. 85c Kruschen Salts $1.00 Horlick's Malted Milk .... . 50c Zip Depilatory Cream 10c Palmolive Soap 4 for 45c Pluto Water ........ 10c Life Buoy Soap, .2 for $1.50 Quart Lee's Germozone;... 5 lbs. Epsom Salts 53c 23^ 69iT 37<^ 33#; 73#: 33e 25c 29<? isi 98* 33* THOMAS P. BOLGER Phone 40 ' Illinois Finest Drug Store McHenry, 111. William Heffran of Rockford was a Friday business caller here. /~ Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Hess were Chi-ft cago visitors one day last week. , Miss Betty Conway spent last week with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Welter and their, -daughters attended the Fair Monday. Ben Freun$ was a Chicago visitor Monday- Miss Maxine Bacon is visiting with relatives in Elgin this week. Leroy Conway of Chicago , spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Viola Staines spent Sunday at her home north of Ringwood. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday at her homie here. Mrs. Louis McDonald visited at Terra Cotta Monday afternoon. Miss Lou Granger of Janesville is a guest in the Geo. Johnson home this week. » * . . , Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freund and children visited relatives at Woodstock, Sunday, Lowell Nye, who is employed at Sheboygnft, Wis., is spending l»is vacation at his hfrme here. Miss Gertrude May returned home Sunday from a two weeks' visit with relatives at Zenda, Wis. MTS., Augusta Keese and Miss Florence Monroe of Woodstock spent Friday evening with Mrs. L. F. Newman. Marie Stark of Zenda, Wis., is visiting this week with her aunt, Mrs. Joseph May. Charles Stoffel of Milwaukee visited in the Louis Stoffel home Saturday night. Miss Marcella Jerak , of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Evelyn Weingart. Mrs. .Richard Fleming and s«n spent several days last week with Her mother at Algonquin- Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger were Milwaukee visitors Saturday, where they attended the wedding of a friend. Mrs. John Phalin with her son, Howard, of Chicago, spent the last of the week at Minneapolis Miss Verena Justen of Pittsburg, Pa., spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen- Miss Gretchen Fegers of Keokuk, Iowa, visited in the Dr. N. J. Nye home last week. * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rossing ar.d sons of Libertyville visi/ted in the home of her mother, Sunday. Mrs. Anna Buchner of Johnsburg spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. John King. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith of Crystal Lake visited in the John R. Smith home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mead and baby cf Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs- W. A. Sayler. Mrs*. Walter Cary, daughter, Nancy, and Eugene Nye were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen of Kenosha were week-end visitors', in the Mat Glosson home. Miss Bertilla Freund of Wilmette is spending a two week's vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. X»eo Cleary of Pittsburg, Pa., spent a few days last week vith relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grano and sons of Elgin called on friends* here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chicago* spent a few days last week in the home of his parents. William Lee and Frank Kiefer of Chicago were week-end visitors in Mc Henry. - Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Martin of Belleview, Fla., have arrived for a visit here.' Mrs- John Thennes and sister, Miss Margaret Blake, are spending today, Thursday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Thenno^, daughter, Lorraine, and Miss Margarei Blake returned home Thursday night from a few days' trip to Lonoke, Ark. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Green and mother and three children from Sylvan! Lake, Mich., are spending the V7«k with the E. G. Peterson family. Miss Eleanor May and friend, Syl via Goldhofer, of Wilmette spent Sunday in the home of the former's moth er, Mrs. Joseph May. - Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and son Guy and daughter, Marjorie, reached home Friday after a visit with Mrs. Duker's mother in California: Mx. and Mrs. J. Paul apd son of Temple, Texas, were guests in the rome of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlieh, Tuesday. * Misses Aneen Warner and Virginia Cmno of Elgin were week-end guests of the former's aunt, Miss Anna Fris by. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block and daughter, Mildred, and Mr., nnd Mrs. J Schaefer of Chicago visited rela tives Sunday. . y Mrs. Oliver Cody and son, Paul, ard Mrs. Ella Kenney of Chicago were guests in the- W. F. Buyke and M. J. Walsh homes. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fleming and little son were Harvard visitors Wed nesday where the little boy had his tonsils removed. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. M- J. Lonergan of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Miss; Audrey McDonald returned to Chi-1 cago with them for a visit j Mr. and Mrs. C- A. Frazer ana daughters left Monday for their hoiv.e , "t Osceola, Neb., after a several cay? | visit in the home of her parents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. John R. Smith. Mrs. J. J. Vycital, son, Charles', and riaughter, Elsie, with the former's brother, R. Simanek and, children of Racine, visited in the home of Mrs. Vycital's sister at Keystone, la., last veek. Miss Elsie Vycital remained this week for a longer visit. Mrs. Dan Curley, daughter, Anna, Mis?s Eileen McOmber, Mrs. Joseph Becker and daughter left for Sioux Falls, S. D., Saturday morning after a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. William Dryer, son, William, of Forest Park and their guests, Mrs. Bertha Dryer and daughter, Leone, Fort Wayne, Ind., called here Thursday enroute to Elkhorn. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kamholz and son Bobby, retucoed tha week from a visit with Chicago relatives where they attended the Fair. Mr. and Mrs*. Charles Block,-of ,Standee are spending a two week's vacation at Harmony Court oii Fox river south of this city. • *; Jiihn Hunter and sons of Terra Haute, Ind., and Charles Heimer of Chicago visited" relatives and friends here Saturday. Mr. Hunter is a farmer resident of McHenry and always enjoys a visit to his old home town. Mrs. Simon Stoffel, daughters', Lena affd Clara, Mrs. Henry Miller and Misses Clara and Elizabeth Miller attended a luncheon and party at Wauke gan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Nicholson and daughter of Anaconda, Mont., who are visiting here, have rented the Lilly cottage in the Stengrer- Owen subdivision for a few weeks. r-' CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The HUnStedl Statjes Civil Service Commission will accept applications until August 8, 1933, for the positions of assistant and junior messengers in the Departmental Service, in Washington, D. CThe entrand salary for assistant messenger is. $1,080 a year, and for junior messenger $600 a year, less a deduction of not to exceed 15 per cent as a measure of economy and a rethment deduction of 3% per cent. As the States of Maryland, Virginia Iowa, New~~Hampshire, Vermont, and the District of Columbia have already appointments in excess of their quotar under the apportionment, residents of these States and the District of Columbia will not be admitted to this examination unless they iubmit documentary proof that they are entitled to military preference. Full information may be obtained from the Secretary of the United States Civil Service Board of Examiners at the post office in any city which has a post office of the first or the second class, or from the IT. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington D, C. v CHILDREN PLAYING WITH FIRE, BEWARE With numerous fires breaking out in nearly every locality it has been reques ted that ar warn ing be i ssued to parents to see thSTcTrHdrn do not play with matches or fire in any form. State and county officials are working with city officers in an attempt to ascertain th^Vause of all fires and to punish carelessness in thb rerrect. Parents and' citizens of McHenry are asked to co-operate in this fight against the destruction of property by fire and if children playing with fire are discovered they will be reported to the fire inspector and punished for their offense. NOTICE Boy Scouts of McHenry "an go to camp at Beloit from Aug. 5 to 11. For particulars call Mrs. G. W. Hess or Tony Wirtz. c V Duck Supper -- Sat., July 29 With Dressing and Trimmings 35c per Plate One mile east of McHenry Serving starts at 6 p. m.--Fish Fry every Friday Night 10^ per Plate . Free Dancing with Orchestra every Saturdav Nitfht-- ( , ,c.: beginning at 9 o'clock ^ When Uncle Sam drives an individual out of business by selling below cost of production, who pays the taxes of the "evicted" man? Ask us an easy one. The consumer is the "last man." He pays It. Sulphide of Iron The widespread sulphide of iron, or iron pyrite, which frequently occurs with gold, found by prospectors. Is a shining mineral of golden hue and of nearly the same weight as gold. For this reason it remains in the pan nearly as long as the gold particles, and is so often confused with the precious metal as to earn the name of "fool's gold." Once & man has seen the real article, however, he is never again mistake!). Ancient Cathedral Siakfaif The ancient Gothic cathedral of Koenlgaberg, containing the tomb of Germany's famous philosopher, Inmaauel Kant, Is slaking: It is aettllsf full weight Into Its boggy site, author!- ttae report from observations Blade mr the last 80 years. Beer Horsea far Coronation Brewery truck horses figured in King George's coronation, according to a revelation made by Viscount Ullswater In his book, "A Speaker's Commentaries," published in London. He was Speaker Lowther at the time of the coronation. Inspecting the speaker's coach before the ceremony, Mr. Lowther surmised that It would be difficult to find horses stalwart enough to draw the heavy and cumbersome equipage. Always resourceful, he requisitioned dray horses from a local brewery. ILLE1 THEATRE , "wooaytocK. ILL Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Now Under New Management FRID A Y-S ATU RD A Y July 28-29 Admission 10-30c Robert Montgomery-Sally Eilers MADE ON BROADWAY SUNDAY-MONDAY July 30-31 Continuous Sunday from 2:30 >d*»msion 10-25c till 6 ® m. 10-30c thereafter Janet Gayrior in "ADORABLE" TUESDAY, August 1 , Adm. 10-15c--Bargain Night Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., ill - "LIFE OF JIMMY DOLAN" . WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY August 2-3 Admission 10-30c SUn Summerville and Zazu Pitta in "OUT ALL NIGHT" I'Mii'ii- ir WT TIN PAIL PARTY Added Feature--DUTCH LUNCH--All for $1.00 WEDNESDAY, AUG. »- ^ From 9 to 1 a. m. '•Come to Nell's and enjoy a real old Tin Pail Party with no glasses used. We furnish individual pails to each customer. All the beer you want to drink for only $1.00. NELL'S WHITE HOUSE One Route 20. 1 Mile East of McHenry Once Again For Men Only This Coupon and 5c Entitles yon to ft Large Tube of McKesson's Shaving Cream FRIDAY and SATURDAY at BOLGER# Week-End Special FRESH RASPBERRY Delicious, fragrant Wisconsin red raspberries and Luick ice cream make a wonderful combination for this week end special. Because of the unusually fine quality of this year's berries, this spectial is undoubtedly the finest fresh raspberry ice cream we have ever sold. It!s simply outstanding---so be sure to serve it- War! War! War! THERE IS A WAR GOING ON AT THE PRESENT MOMENT! Several of the big clock companies are having a price war on high grade alarm clocks. We have taken advantage of this situation and can now offer a clock that is probably better than any you have ever owned. The price we are offering these clocks for is ridiculously low, only 70c Two color schemes--copper and brown arid salver"and black. . . v. This item has the unconditional guarantee .of Bolger's Drug Store Farmers, Attention A Real Fly Spray --Cheap-- Guaranteed Effective FINGER'S CATTLE SPRAY Finger's cattle spray is absolutely guaranteed to possess the following characteristics, it does not stain, irritate, mat the hair or blister and will not taint the milk if sprayed at milking time. And last but not least it will absolutely kill flies and mosquitoes and repel them for hours. . . ; ' . ;: Finger's Fly Spray at Bolger's--Only 79^ a gallon. (Bring your own container) Boys and Girls WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR ANNOUNCEMENT OF DR. WEST'S CONTEST--BICYCLES AND SCOOTERS TO BE GIVEN AWAY FREE Another Supply of Johnson's Glo-Coat Applier Deals We have been fortunate to secure another quantity of the Johnson Glo-Coat deals. Get yours immediately as the supply is limited. Pint of Johnson's CHo-Co^ZT C Johnson's Glo-Coat. Applier 75c BOTH AT BOLGER'S FOR 98<* Pay a visit to our store and examine Our Rental Library We have books of every description, available for your use at a very moderate rental rate. Books by your favorite authors, stories of the north, east, south and west., stories of every imaginable description. Our library is checked and restocked every two weeks in order that you can always find a new book to while away your spare time. BEST BOOKS AT BOLGER'S RENTAL LIBRARY Paint at Bolger's Dupont Paint and Varnish, Duco, Duco No. 7, Ambcrlite A most complete line of paints and* varnishes at all times and our prices meet those of mail order houses! And now is the time to buy paint and painters' accessories as the prices will raise at least 25 per cent within the next few weeks. B0LGER8' THE PAINT STORE