Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1933, p. 4

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1 ,-T- -- » V ^ --4-»< -» j-» ">.«< *df ~ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THimSDAY, AUG. 3,1931 i\\K o. ' *• 4 * ? ' "' " •' , ' - * l -v:i THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER .*V Published every Thursday at McHenry, Dl^ by Charles P. Renich. * ' m ,. 1 • : -; v Entered as second-class matter at the postoffics at McHenry, HL, un- : the act of May 8, 1879. •= „ „ Om Yea# (B* Months «... $2.oe $L00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manapf V-V* •' tow TO APPLY FOR A -__-^t;oiw an<l s«ch „ A^praisers will be HOME OWNERS' LOAN Chicago, July 31,Special--So fhany ^sunderstandings of the Federal Some Loan Act, and the proper method* to apply for Federal assistance, have been disclosed by# the flood of 'letters received by William G. Donne, I visits the property, he will make an Illinois manage^ of the Home Own- j attempt to interview the owner perers' Loan corporation, that he has is-j sonally. The owner should not visit sued a statement detailing fully the the branch office until such time as he manner in which home owners should is called in after the property has sent- to property after the application has been received at the branch elf ice and approved by the branch manager for immediate attention. For the first 30 days, only distress eases in the order of their filing in the various offices. When the appraiser ."Apply for aid and correcting many of the false rumors which have circtilatiid regarding the character of loans the corporation, will make. ~ been appraised It is the plan of the Illinois division of the Home Owners' Loah corpora^ tion to give first attention to those "'V 'Applications should be requested by'whose home aye in the process of fore i- • ; mail fof the first 30 days from the j cios-ure, and to those Whose mortgage '• fcranch office which services the coun- ha<; matured and are]threatened with • *•••;•: • ty in which the liom.e owne'r wishiiig , foreclosure. It is the primary purpose N; assistant lives.. Upon receipt of Wje-. of this government sponsored corpor- > lietter in the branch office, two^ af>-1 ation to .assist those who are in dire plications will be mailed to Mni. Thfese and ^MrV Donne assures Illinois ; ; *pplicationa must be; filled in in duplicate and", returned promptly to the > branch office. A photograph or snap shot of the propetry must accompany the application. Both applications must bear the signature of the home / owner or home owners in person. Proneed, home owners that such cases will be given immediate attention and adequate consideration before any other apr plications are entertained. At an interview today, Mr. Donnj?: mentioned th% various counties which will be administrated from each Vision is made^n the application for cffice Chicago, the central office A map or diagram of the community f wjjj service .the following: McHenry^. in which the property is located. This must be indicated when the applications are returned and such information given as the proximity to schools churches, transportation, business secwr • j V.v.-\ •I Magnifyingf Mirror 0 Yali#1]?} fo Purchasers symPHoni€ Htn'i t (pl«ndld ||ft for fM, If fM "U1 B»k« thl» iurpriiiii| tat: Apply yawr present f*o« powder to om of rour it*. I hen to attar aid* . *»p>7 srwphonle -- Arm*nd'» wot> mrful new kind of ftM powdw. Sm bow the lovely NTUTF GG4TI^ too* of Synphonle blends with tbt Mtar»l orertotic of ytior akin u4 flVM you » pcrfact coiorlac wbick M «Utr tmct p«wd*r e*a (It*. 01 the Symphonic «M« fln« Bmi mm4 mum pore* do not ihow. Sm how rouff roar *kfa wlD took >kN BMfnUUd. (i*t a MMifytac Mirror ntC^ ®tt» T**r punch*** W I |l N feu at Irmphotti*. Oa. O. Im. THOMAS P. BOLGER Lake, Kane, DuPage, Cook, and Will counties- , Peoria will administer to: LaSalle, Kendall, Grundy, Putnam, Stark, Marshall, Peoria, Woodford, Livingston, Tazewell and McLean counties. Rockford will administer to Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago Boone, Carroll, Ogle, Lee and DeKalb counties. East St. Louis will administer to: Greene, Macoupin, Montgomery, Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, Bend, Fayette, Effingham, St. Clair, Clinton, Marion, Clay, Monroe, Washington, Randolph and Perry counties. Springfield will administer to: Hancock, McDonough, Fulton, Adams, Schuyler, Mason, Brown, Cass, Menard, Logan, Pike Scott, Morgan, Sangamon and Christian counties. Molitie will administer to: Whiteside, Rock- Island, Mercer, Henry, Bureau, Henderson, Warren and Knox counties,, •Champaign will adfhinister to: Kankakee, Ford, Iroquois, DeWitt, Macon, Shelby, Piatt, Moultrie, Champaign, Douglas, Coles, Cumberland, Vermillion, Edgar and Clark counties. Harrisburg will administer to: Jasper, Crawford, Lawrence, Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, Wabash, Franklin, Hamilton, White, Jackson, Williamson, Saline, Gallatin, Union, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Alexander Pulaski qnd Massac counties. I The central office in Chicago will he located at 134 N.'LaSalle street, where all activities for the state will be directed. Victor L. Schlaeger, 3004 East 88th street, Chicago, has been appointed assistant Illinois manager and will center his efforts in the Chicago office. The seven district offices throughout the state will not be in operation until August 10. Thd Chicago office began to function on ^August 1. 1 CHEESE MISS WISCONSIN EARLY JUNE PEAS AOEO AMERICAN NEW PACK SIFTED 2-!Z5c Green Dot Early jane Peas 2 Del Monte Solid Pack Tomatoes Broadcast Corned Beei Ha&li . Kraft Mayonnaise. . . • o . Quaker Maid C hill Sauce . • , Rajah Vinegar 14c Spanish Salted Peanuts • • • Smoked IJver Sausaqev BRAURNOSBCEH,Wrr*Et CiCJI Uneeda Bakers Brownie Thins . Imported Sardines Bokar Coffee . . May fair Black Tea • *T£? 17c JPi-Kt-GB. . ***9**a* •LOATRTGI Ef *OvAVm 35c CANS . ^ 17c . ^15c 2 25c • BiOt-TOTZLE. f ^iii • 2 uas. 15c • LB. 16C : . IOC 13c 25c TIN 1C-LABN . n 33c pk.ob'20C (PLUS B0TTLEBDtPO3|T) 3 CAKES 17© Nectar Black Tea Canada Dry Ginger Ale Palmolive Soap . . P & G White Naptha Soap, 10 regular size bars . ... 27c Ivory Soap, „^3 mecL size c^Ekes 14c Chipso, Flakes or Granules ...2 lge. pkgs. 29c Camay Toilet Soap 3 cakes 14c Candy Gum Drops lb. 10c Cider Vinegar, bulk , / gal 25c White Vinegar, bulk . \gal. 19c Dill Pickles. Banner Brandjar^2 for 25c White House Milk tall cans 17c Sunny fie Id Corn Flake* 13 oz. pkg.lOc Rajah S*0a4 Dressing .quart jar 25c pint jar 15c, y2 pint jar 9c PRODUCE SPECIAL , Oranges, 200 and 216 size 2 d<w 49c Oranges, 150 and 176 size, doz. 32c This store is operating under the President's agreement and the NRA regulations. THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA.W Middle Weite.n Lights of New York by L. L. STEVENSON It seeuis as if It wcre oulj- jesterday when a group of officials, engineers, prominent citizens, newspaper men and'tfthers, gathered at 195 llroadway, to wyness the beginning of voice communication over the Atlantic. Nevertheless, transatlantic telephone conversations are now merely a part of basiness and social routine. For many, picking up a. telephone and calling London is no more than picking up a receiver and calling Newark. The cost is much greater, true. But there are some to whom even that makes no difference. For instance, there was th«^ moving picture queen who had a beau In Tendon. She called him up from Holly Wood frequently and not only talked with him at length but held her pef dog to the transmitter so that her friend in London could hear the aniipal bark. And a dog barking at $10 a minute is something. % * . Th#o there was that boy. lri' Txtndon who revived a mail ordferctffalogiie'. from a Chicago house." In it was listed a rifle that cost $3.75, which interested hirn very much---sO much Indeed that tP& picked up the telephone arid talked with the mailorder house ahimt the $3.75 ri'|te-1n a $??» call. Naturally, the telephone Company endeiiyored to colleot. The boy's parents, In -nnxler ate .circumstances, set up thfe claim that a minor had made the-call,with, out authority; therefore, there was no responsibility. In, the end, the company accepted the few shillings the lad had In the hank as a settlement In full. * *; • It costs $30 to telephone to London from New York. But It is considerably cheaper to telephone from Lj>n don to New York. The reason is that when the contract was made between the American Telegraph and Telephone and the British post office, which operates -the English wires, the value of the pound was fixed at $5. Thus, the rate for a threeminute conversation was--and still is --six pounds. But at the present rate of exchange, six pounds amount to around $24. So wise Americans save $5 or feo by cabling to London and having the call originate from there. But transatlantic telephone charges can't toe reversed, the British refusing to conntenance such a practice. And some one gave as the reason that London is so close to Scotlund. • • .0 Just a line or so! before leaving the sntoject of transatlantic telephone The best patron is said to be James J, Walker, former mayor of New York, who is sojourning in Europe but who likes to keep in touch with the city wher* be. was once looked on as a hero. ;"f-1 Of course that tire would go flat in a part of the city where there wasn't a garage within blocks and the rain was falling bard. But finally a small place was discovered and the mechanic in charge said he'd grab his tools and go up and fix the fiat A burly man with a Jutting Jaw and ft hard face, he didn't seem like one to be chosen for a stroll up a dark alley. When he had gathered his tools, he stopped. "Sweetheart will be awful lonesome If I leave her here alone," he said. "Mind Jber.^long?" There wasnt any remonstrance at all, so he whistled and a little yellow dog of very uncertain ancestry leaped into his arms. • • • O'i th« way to the car he kept the dog dry with his coat, and before starting Jo work, placed Sweetheart Inside. "I think a lot of that pup," he explained. "Once I had fifty grand. Lost it In four mipntes 1» the market crash. Now I'm pretty well down-- dont average ten hours' sleep a week because I have to work all the time to get by. A lot of my friends've passed me up. But Sweetheart ain't, so I've got one pal left, anyway." ©, 1S31, Bell Sjrndlc&t*.--WNU 8«rvlc«. . Tree With Date May Be Clue to Stolen Money Grant's Pass, Ore.--A huge manzan- Ita tree In the hills near here may be the clue to btiried loot obtained in a stage coach robbery years ago. The date, 1890, the year of the robbery, is rarved on its trunk, with the initials MLP and^BP, followed by the words "Go to Hell." The tree is located near where the robbery occurred and where the loot is supposed to be buried. All the robbers were slain by possemen. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Hydroplane-Century Pee Wee, ideal for small ;notor. Good condition. Address George J. Westfall, Sunnyside Beach. Phone Johnsburg 637-W-2. ~ j *10 1 Chawing- lutcll The chewing insects comprise' the varloys caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, leaf rollers and tyers. Caterpillars are the larva of beautiful butterflies and mothtC, Harvest Sale FOR SALE OR RENT--Public garage, on Pearl street, near Bickler's "Hotel- Call at John Stilling's Tire Shop or phone 157. 7-tf FOR SALE--Pickles> $1.25 bushel. Leave orders at Barbi&n Bros Groors. *10 LOST LOST--Gentlemen's wrist watch, with leather strap. Lost in or near Mc- Htnry. Keepsake. Reward. John Lilly, Walsh's Drug Store. Fhqne 287, 10 £ WANTED WANTED--to rent house in or about McHenry. Must be modern year around house. Give full particulars. Address Y Plaindealer. *10 --^ August 3-4-y Calo Coffee, 1 lb. red hag.. ;. I7c Savoy Pork and Beans, li oz, can 5c Navy Beans, 6 lbs .» 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 4 cans 25c Palmolive Soap, 3 bars 17c Airy Fairy Quick Biskit Flow 7c Old Home Coffee^ 1 .23c Japan Tea, pound, 40c Macaroni or Spaghetti, Red ' p Cross* 2 pkgs......................v,--..1^15c Sweet Pickles, quart Blue Rose Rice, 6 lbs. ...^..'.^.:;..,.w.wJ5c WANTED--girl to help at cottage on Sundays during August Apply by letter, X Plaindealer. *10 MISCELLANEOUS CRIPPLED AND DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE removed on notice if notified -at once. Phone Woodstock 1645-W-2. Reverse charges. *8-4 A RARE BARGAIN--Mathews Gas Machine, for cookyig and lighting. Used l>ut two years in Pistakee Bay home. Cost $650. Will Sell to first comer for $100. Anyone who does not have regular gas or electricity will welcome this offer. Chance of a.lifetime to equip your home with this modern convenience. Can be examined at Huemann Motor Sales, Johnsburg. *6-tf RIDE GAITED HORSES, this Summer at Smith's Farm. Cast of Ringwood off Route 12. Instructions given by appointment. BERNICE SMITH. Phone Richmond 933. *4-6 SHERIFFS SALE BY VIRTUE OF • Special Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against C. Otis Parker in favor of Theresa Culver out of th« lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said C. Otis Parker •„ I have levied on the following property, to-wit: All the right, title and interest of C. Oti* Parker in the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 2, Block 2r in the Village of West McHenry, McHeWry County, State of Illinois. THEREFORE, according to said ccmmand, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all "the fight, title an4 interest of the above named C. Oti» Parker in and to the above described property, on Friday the 4th day of August, 1933, at 10:00 (standard) o'clock A- M., at the front door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock McHenry County, Illin»is. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 19th day of July 1968. LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff of McHfenry County, Illinois 8-1 ' f&rvari 'lCtft Taller ' Harvard men of today are taller and heavier, says a writer in the Detroit News, than their fathers and grandfathers, and they are getting bigger aqd bigger. They are one of the tallest groups on earth, and the only men In the world that are any taller are the Sara, a tribe In Central Africa. Miaiatwr* Railroad for Study A 200-foot miniature railroad system, Including automatic block signals and other devices, Is used at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at Cambridge, for practical demonstration of new railroad safety and signaling apparatus. Give* 300 Pint* of Blood Philadelphia. -- Edward (Spike) Howard, professional strong man, celebrated his fifty-sixth birthday by do nuting his three hundredth pint of blood in the Jewish hospital;- Jonah Had Nothing on These Chickens Goldsboro. N. C.--'Tom McOillin of the Mineral Springs .section >f Granthanj. township was plowing recently, when he heard his wife scream, He rushed to the house and found a snake had i based a hen off her nest and eaton the eggs. The snake's locbinomotion was slowed sonitwhat by i he hearty meal, and McCullin • -aught It. killed it, extracted the i ggs and put them back in the nest before they turned cold. The hen hatched a tine brood af chicks from i he eggs the snake stole. M.u»hroom Intoxicating Japan has a mushroom which will make the person who eats It exhibit all the symptoms of Intoxication. Official Language of Switzerland The three languages of Switzerland --Herman, French and Italian--are all official in the parliament German is FP"ken by a majority of the Inhabitants In nineteen of the twentyfflvs cantons; French la Qve and Italian to;'*!*:-- , IcanOlftoCoat largo 16 ox. *1so Glo-Coat Appllor Oroon onamol handlo, yarn hoad 98* Thomas P. Bolder J0g2 EID-C52 OFFER! John Stoffel Fish Fry every Friday and Saturday iNighlff 10c PER PLATE Free Dancing Tower Tavern, Lily Lake Toddy Eogeln, Prop. JERRY'S ORCHESTRA 5c and 10c Beer FREE FRIDAY r At Larry Huck's House Southern Creole Shrimpy Cooked in Burgoo Levers, of Sea Food will appreciate this ^ BREATH OF THE SOUTH | ? LARRY HUCK'S HOUSE Imported and Domestic Beer, Ale and Win* . West End of Cqncfete Bridge, McHenry * FREE FREE A NEW FORD V-8 SEDAN • WILL BE GIVEN AWAY . EACH FRIDAY NIGHT SEE US FOR DETAILS •J--' V :. OR LISTEN Tl^-r - "j: LUM & ABNER TOED DEALERS OF THK AMU-STATION WKN» Moo., Tots., Wed., Thnrs., 10:18-10:30 p. m. Friday 9:30-10:00 AST. Don!t miss this opportunity to get a new Ford Y-8 SedAn Fre*. "BE UP TO DATE-DRIVE A 70KD V-8" . » Buss • Page Motor Sales Phone 30 , , 'MEMBER n R A--We Do Our Part' McHenry HERE'S MORE OF EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN TIRES! PRICES you may never . see again! Everything's going up In price. Herearetheattractively low prices at which you can still buyGoodyear Tires today. GOODYEAR MORE SAFETY In thm tread • The safest tread is the one that can atop your car the quickest. Good years stop quicker than any other tire. 10% quicker than the second best. Up to 77% quicker than others. Teats on wet pavements prove it. Why not buy the safest tire? MORE SAFETY -in the plies PATHF1N0ER ALL-WEATHER 4.40-21 1.40-21 $5-55 $7.20 4.50-20 4.50-21 $&oo $7.?0 4.30-21 4.75-lt $6-30 $gio 1.75-19 5.00-19 ($6-70 $9*90 5.00-19, 5.2a-tS $7.20 $10.oo 5.00-20 3.5019 $7.45 $11.50 • Goodyears give you safety tn every ply--because every ply is built with patented Supertwist cord--and every ply runs from bead to bead. Ask to see a Supertwist demonstration and see for yourself why it means more safety in every ply. MORE MILEAGE • Bus fleets know mileage. And bus fleets using Goodyear Tires report 97% more mileage than they got five years ago* Goodyears for your car have the same improvements that made this extra mileage possible. % WALTER FREUND Ttre sad Tabs Vulcanizing, Battery Charring, Repairiac, Phone 294, West McHenry, Illinois r

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