i-- 0: "J;%|1f^ * TV ' T ^ >*n ^ v ^ ^ &* J ^ T^**'4 *J 'f"* ^*,r- +• *;!~r -a Ti.?^ iuf,;\ y5-"-'^ ~ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, SEPT. 7, 1933 :? p £ ' • J€8tiafe M@W<£ rAREWELL PARTY, JDHNSBl'RO The greatest event of the season took place at the home of Mr- and '. ' Jtfrs. Oddrooda at Johnsburg over the . :#eek-end as a farewell to the summers .' jjcason which closed on Labor Day. Sii'he'.asjvmbly was entertained by the .great blues singers and banjo players, Jean Fisher and Dimples R. N. A. MEETING Pox River .Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its regular meeting Tuesday night with Mrs. Johnson, state supervisor and Mrs. Bratzler, district deputy. present. Several birthdays were celebrated. It was planned to have a one-cent a card bingo party at the hall on the next meeting night to whichreveryon© is invited. HOSTESS TO CARD CLUB . . Mrs. Ben Miller was hostess to the Zblenski j members of her card club Thursday while Arthur Smith played the part nipht. Cards were enjoyed and the Of the blind fiddler, his efforts end-! night blooming cereus was watched ' tl ' % 1 L ± ... M_ • _1_A. ing in a " scream." As it was a beautiful moonlight night singing and dancing on the lawn ip&s enjoyed, the party breaking up at 4:30 k. m. all going home well pleased with'the party. Guests were: Mr. and. Mrs, •8 it blossomed at midnight. CARD OF APPRECIATION Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright of Oak Hurst wish to thank the people of , McHenry and surrounding towns, who E. Qtl- Co-operated with us In making the l^frooda, Mr. and Mrs. Joyce, Mn.Jl. WLS folks welcome. We wish to e?- erkanek, _Mr^ and Ma ] pccially. thank Mayor Doherty and his staff, county, state officials who handled the crowd so nicely. Also Mr. Ray Conway and Mr. R. W. Ritschafds who assisted Mr, Wright in this undertaking. Mr. Carey of the electric; shop, who furnished the lighting for the grounds, Mr. Cr6uch ',«nd Mrs. E. Swank, Mr. and Mrs. R. ' Schoraas,, Mr. and Mrs. A- Berndt, E. • Jystonv Michael, N. Pooch, Cecile Meyers, Dimples Zblenski, Jean Fish- »:Vi|r,'; StanJey; Laske, Mr. and. .MfSv C.. ( Jfleller and Harry Beister. ATTEND FUNERAL Lights of New York by L. L. STEVENSON The roar <>t" t h e city in my o.irs. I drove up to Keuisco dam to r*»st by watching the "thousand fountains." Catskill waters rushing down to /New York through great conduits are aerated Just below the mighty manmade barrier that keeps them 'froni inundating the valley. White Jets shoot toward the sky, the spray, resembling steam, making theiu look Mrs. Anna Frisby " lite Anna Frisby, 88 years old, one of the pioneers of this locality and a most highly respected resident, passed away at her home east of Fox river Monday night, Aug. 28, 1933, after an illness of about three months. Anna Noonan, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Noonan, was the last WHEAT ADJUSTMENT . MEETING, SEPTEMBER 11 Th® last explanation „meeting in Connection with the Wheat Adjustment work in McHenry cotlnty will be 1/eld in the assembly room at the Farm Bureau office at Woodstock on Monday evening, September 11, at 8 o'clock, standard time. >.v • ' Mrs. D. E. Lindstrom, district supervisor-,; will be present at this meeting. Already explanation and sign-up meetings have been held at Harvard, Marengo, Crystal Lake and Ringwood. The purpose of this final meeting is ArifcNU 0f McHenry Flbral company who fur- r T J ^ * « " Visitors from out ^town ^ho aV]^^;^*^ beautiful baskets and'.^y and on hot ^ys^he consmnptloi^ "tinded Mrs. .W FrisbyV funeral wreaths • of ,flowers for the wedding. I we" .^ ifrcre: .J. E. Fnr isby, Mr. and Mrs.. ™Fo ssj ^t. McHenry Ice Cream company and all • there aFe miles and nules of artificial .7 JJr. and Mi*. Southhorn, Mr. and Mrs.. the ladks who helped vis. Oakhufst • Joseph Frisby, Jr., Mr. jand Mrs, T. j j pjay grounds for the WLS in > t. Frisby, and Mrs. Edward Fns- | their time off and mahy a good tim» ^ _Burke and son Mr. and had here", and we hope to have ' , en,' " ar;d Mrs. ??aT" I more big affairs in the future. Any iy Whitley and daughter, Mrs. Mar-|cne a photo of the wedding .garet Powers, all of Chicago; Mr. and can get them at Nilsen's studio. Mrs. Harold Jensen, Elmhurst; Air. ' and Mrs. Frank O"Flaherty, ' Mrs. Mina Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. John Alwyard, Miss Mayme Alyward all of Elgin; Mrs. Lola Heahy, California; ^ , . , . •-• .•.«•'>U rs. UD . Cn ur1l ey anda son, tT e-a , Sq-. Dn ..; .n ame,s appea,rve d ,w hi,c h caused confus- Walter Frisby anS Mrs. Fred Mc. »n, due to the ftct that there were i'Omber of Sioux Falls. S. D. Mr. »„d P*""* listed where fh^ front names , were the same. In order to straighten ; out the misunderstanding Caused thereby the following explanation has) : be,en requested by the poormaster. |. J of her family and was of the old type like huge, steady flowing geysers. The ]0f Irish ancestry, having been bonjjn to trive all irrowers whTmaV be inra. vs of the sun produce not one but Kilkenny county, Ireland, on March Interested an onportunitv to hear the many rainbows while the roar of the j 1845. At the age or nine years he;^!5^Xi^ned^d^tfiaVnefits which waters striving for freedom only to 1 parents decided to leave the old and Tv, . , . . , , . . he caught and confinedHpnain. fis rest- come to the new country, which they I to ^env® °" ,„g „U.er th.. M Ih.d heard I much abou^ Si the iSt^th^woA ^ dif> of mid-town. Tkkfng it all In alt, famiiy left the native-land and camo -Wl Airing f* " ffrand show for those who like | to America, settling near Boston. tbe yeIS l930° 19?l an^ l932 anv aod IT. absolutely tree. Evers tll0e Mass„ where they gained for a few j of fte Sole ye^ nlTy "ulluh a^ years, later coming to this vicinity, ellotment •,aad_ secure benefits. Re wnere her girlhood^was spent. Jports coming to the office indicate , .^r\S o* . been a resident of there is a considerable number of the U^'ted States for 79 years ^and ^ow^ who" are interested in the ©f McHenty for about 49 yearg, where plan, but who have not attended any she has uved in the same house for the explanation meetings or signed nearly, half a century. Forty-nine .applications. A few growers without years in one house and even in one a doubt have decided that the adjustcommunity is a record Seldom equall- ment program would not be of any ed anywhere, CARD OF THANKS In this manner we desire to express oar sincere thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for floral offerings, ^expressions of sympathy and^ acts of kindness Extended to us during our recent bereavement. *15 Frank Smith and Family, It Took TIitm CntairiM ; Silk stockings were invented In the Seventeenth century, but they were not discovered until the Twentieth cehtury. Goldsmith'* Temper Aroaieij Although Goldsmith wrote the ln|| mortal cliisslc, "The Vicar of \Vaki» field," and "The Oood-Natured ManJI, 1 so petulant was his nature that hit once felt indignant at the admiratiott ; -bestowed by a company of his a|^fe quaiotances upon the agility of monkey, and, starting up in anger a impatience, exclaimed, *.'I could do that myself." Say yoji read it in THE PLAINDEALER.. Tve been up there, a whole caravan of automobiles has been parked around the Iron fence:. '• ;.r.4 - / • • » . , . » • • • ' . . • • . , . It takes a lot of w^ter^^ to fci^ke the thirst of New York, keep it clean and keep the boilers -going. Tlie as erage consumption is S"",tXMM)00 gallons , CONFUSION OF NAMES - lai :the poormaster's report, recently published by S. H. Freund, three l^rs. H- M. Jensen and Mr. and Mrs. Forest Jensen, of Woodstock; Mrs. E. Lerche, Mrs. E. Rich, Mrs. G. Dowe, John Zens, Waukegan. lakes shaded by city-plunted forests of evergreens.' There are fish in the lakes but it takes a special permit to attempt to catch them as the water supply is protected. The word "attempt" is used advisedly. While big fish may be seen plainly in the clear, still waters, they don't seem to be much interested In bait or lures. Once In a while some lucky nngler hauls particular.yfl.iue to them,without having full ifaijrrnation on the subject. This last' and final explanation meeting should be attended by all who Slue was united in marriage to John. Ffisbyj who preceded her in death 16 years ago. Through the Maker's wisdom this couple enjoyed many years vvant further information on the subtogether, both living to celebrate their. iect. The temporary county commitgolden wedding anniversary, the oc-! "tee; which has had charge of the casion of which will be remembered wbeat campaign to date is as follows: by relatives and friends who were' E F- Kuecker, chairman, George Colpi esent. • f |ver, Frank Green, Jacob Olbrich, W. ... „ ........ . ,^rs- Frteby was the mother of 12 H. Gardner, A. B. McConnell and L. out a regular bass Goliath, but that children, eight of- whom are still liv- Lippold. - doesn't happen often. Still there are ,n^ an<^ cherish the beautiful j ; many willing to try for such a prize. !.memories of a loving mother and her r»ATROL NEEDED TO AID- • * • . 1 thoughtful care for them. THE SCHOOL CKftLI>REN New York's water rates have not J survived by the following. Why not have a Boy Scout patrol been changed in 75 years. It.costs the 'cliildrenj Michael and Walter Frisby,,'at Route 61 in West McHenry to help city about $12 to pump and send a an<i Mrs. Alice McOmber of Sioux ^>ie children safely across the street million gallons to town, some of it .Falls, S. D., Mrs. Margaret Curly, Tea on their way to school? traveling fully a hundred miles and £>• D., Mrs. Nellie Jensen, Woodstock,; ft se€ms that there are more chil- The Geo. Johnson mentioned is an 1 in return, the city receives roughly. SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY inmate of the county poor farm, as Mrs- Eliabeih Laures was honored }l.aaljso0 J^oh nn Stock,, w,h ose .nj am. e .w as' guest at a surprise party in honor of There are local residents here her birthdav at the home of he* , b^e s?m^me. , daughter, M*rs. Frank Weingart, onj. »t Sunday, Sept. 3. Those present were L,,y ^ and not at Rin^ood -as Mr. and Mrs. Math B. Laures, daughter, Mary Jane, and sons, Erwin and Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christtnsen and sons, Marvin and Eugene, ©f Spring Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren and daughter, Elaine, John F. Knox, daughter,'Lorraine, and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs- Frank Weingart, daughters, Louise and Evelyn, and son, Donald. ... "1 CARD PARTRY A SUCCESS A nice crowd attended the card party given for - the benefit of St. Mary's church on Wednesday afterneon of last week on the lawn at the Simon Stoffel home. Prizes in bridge were awarded to Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Mrs. D. Matthews; in five hundred the prizes went to Mrs. D. Williams, Mrs. Anna Meyers and Mrs. Teo. Schiessle and in bunco prizes went to Miss Evelyn Schaefer and Miss L. Parlpos. Other prizes went to Miss Rose Huemann atri Mrs. A. Purvey. some readers thought when the list was'read. HONOREtT BY VETS RIDE AT AIR RACES Mr. and Mrs. Htirry Wright, of Oakhurst attended the air races Friday and enjoyed an airplane ride with Miss Pearl Conley who has a home at Oakhurst. Miss Conley entered in the altitude and enudrance test and also flies for parachute jumpers. This necessitates perfect timing and it is said that. Miss Conley is among th# best women fliers in this respect. ENTERTAIN CLUB • Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson entertained members of the D. H. G. club at the A. K. Burns cottage at Hickory Grange, Friday evening,, where they spent several days last week while Mr. and Mrs. Burns were at Ludington, Mich. A chicken dinner was served at seven o'clock and the evening was spent in cards and visiting. ,c: -C- * William. 11. ' Armstrong, of Kuciue, Wi£, was elected commander in chief of the: United Spanish War Veterans r at their convetitlotkJn Los Angeles. Thomas and Joe Chicago, and Robert dj-en comnig from West McHenry and of McHenry; also forty-eight grand- across the railroad tracks this year, children and eighteen great-grand-,some 0f them quite small, and they children survive her. [ are really in danger as they endeavor She was preced'ed in death by her to cross the busy highway on their husband, fou> children and two sisters way to" school. Mrs. Frisby had a wonderful mem-; A patroi Df Boy Scouts would be a,, cry and always remeriibered the faces igre&t benefit in helping the .little of old friends whom s«e was always fo)ks across the street and avert the g3ad to meet. She enjoyed a wide danger from' accidents. acquaintance throughout this vicinity j A patrol of this kind has been at "Hnd had many visitors who came to. work at St. Mary's school for the past brighten the long hours of the pass- year and has added much to the safe- Got a.chuckle out of a story about ing day's. During her illness she was- ty 0f the children. Parents would, r.o Hugh Herpdon, Jr., the aviator now given the best of loving care by her doubt, appreciate an act of this kind employed by City Service. On a flight ; daughters, who came from South Da- as mafly Df them are worried about ifrom Jacksonville, he had as passen- > kolfe. to be with her and everything children crossing the street. » gersi, W. Alton Jones, chairman of.(was done for her cmofort, but lovi'ng the board, Mrs. Jones and Rex Cole, hands could not keep her and she was When a landing was made, /Mrs. called to her eternal reward in Heaven Funeral services were held at St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock Thurs- ?i:«. Seemingly, that Is a fat profit, IJnt each year the city goes in the red about $3,000.(XX> on its water supply. There Is an investment of $332,- 006.000 and the interest charges are heavy. Business pays for water at mefered rates, but the household supply Is furnished on flat rates based on frontage, outlets, etc. Attempts to install meters universally have been frustrated by organised opposition. LINGER LONGER ^The Linger Longer club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Meyer Thursday evening. Bunco was played and the prizes were wron by Mrs. Charles Mertes, Mrs. Ray Howard and Mrs. Lewi3 McD<- nald^ The next meeting will be at the horrue of Mrs. Charles Mertes on Friday of next week; Not A11 SiyFeoten Only one out of 200 America* men attains, a lielghtxof $1* feet orl more. Children Grow in Fall The United States public healtli service, after studying the growth rait of 2,500 children at HagerstoWn, Md announces that children of school aK< do practically all of their growing i.; September and October. Growth -fr only moderate in the summer and win ter, while it nearly stops In the spring No reason for this phenomenal ha; as yet been discovered. ' From Wolf to Do* . Although the domestic dog is not far removed from its wild ancestors In many ways, yet domesticity has changed its breeding habits. The wolf and other near relatives give birth to their young in spring while the dog w^eips over every month of the year, depending on the time It Ig. bred. Short Air Route The shortest air route between Britain and North America is over the Icecap of southern Greenland. Jones, who had been very much impressed with the Wight over> Jackson bay, asked Herndon what was the longest stretch of water over which he had flown. "Four thousand, four hundred miles," replied the aviator who, with Clyde rangborn,. flew from Japan to the state of Washington two years ago. •• v • •' A waterfront derelict, ragged, shoeless and with his feet bleeding, wandered into a Front street coffee brokerage house. One of the brokers, pitying him, took him out and. bought, him a new pair of sneakers. A few j hours later, on West street, the broker j encountered the one he had assisted. Not recognizing his patron, the dere > Uct made an appeal for aid. during ' "which the broker kept looking at the new shoes. "They don't mean nothin'," i explained the derelict. "Some old sen daptaln bought 'em for me. lie must of thought I owned a yacht" ';• • • ' ' ' . ... 'V • • Restaurant owners in the bright light sector are complaining that beer has not Increased their receipts to the point anticipated. They are selling much beer but they are also selling less coffee, tea and other beverages'. Also, customers linger at the tables much longer than .they did before 3.2 was legal. Only the return of cocktails, the restaurant men aver, Will bring back prosperity to their business. ©. 1»JJ. Bell Syndicate.--WXU Service. Indiana Minister Builds 6-Room House for $1,000 Elkhart, Ind.--A record for economical house building is claimed here by Rev. H. J. Stahl, who erected a sixroom house at a total cost of less than |1,000. The labor cost was only $18. Rev. Stahl obtained his lumber from a wrecked house. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services i at the M. E. church every Sunday. J Church school, 10 a. m. | day morning, Aug. 31, with Father' Worship service, 11 a. m. Sermon; William A. O'Rourke officiating. Old subject: "Looking Ahead," by the1 neighbors served as pallbearers in- pastor Rev. L. H. Brattain eluding Will Quinn, M. A. C5tr^ay> Henry Quinn, Alva Peterson, Jacob Bickler and Thomas McLaughlin and CARD OF THANKS In this manner we extend our sincarried her to her last resting place cere thanks and appreciation to our in. the family lot at St. Patrick's neighbors and friends for floral of-' cemetery beside her husband. iferings, expressions of sympathy and At twilight in life's long and dreary acts of kindness extended during the day, When thirgs of earth to her were growing dim, God sent His angel down to take . away, Her humble soul, and bring it back to Him. 'V Iler life well spent Was centered in Thy heart, ' Faith was her watchword, hope and love her plea; She is not dead but only1 gone before, She waits for us in Heaven ,sa£e with Thee. Oh, may that blessed soul of hers soon be Among the saints with God in Paradise, To live r and love for all eternity Beloved by Him with love that never '• dies. illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Anna Frisky. ; - 15 THE CHILDREN PAY DUES NOW The season is drawing to a close and the payment of dues for the upkeep of lots in Woodland Cemetery will be appreciated. Pay dues to Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Sec. or Mrs. Lillian Saylfer, Treas. Mobile Telescope Ready for Use- Dog Hitch-Hiked , Back to His Master Boise, Idaho.--It> a wise doy that knows enough to hitch-hike, and C. H. Chrlstejisen owns such a dog, A group of picnickers parked their cars alongside a road in a canyon near Boise. When they were ready t6 leave, the driver noticed a,dog on the running board. Orders to "scram" were answered only by a wag of a tall an'd a pointed nose to the west. So the autoists drove on. About fourteen miles along the road, the picnickers passed a camp, where they heard commands to stop. - "What are you doing with my <log?" asked . Christensen of the tourists. "Giving him a ride." came the answer, "lie asked for - it several lilies down the road." . The dog jumped from the car, wagged its tail, and the picnickers continued on their way. . -t Mrs. "William Zenk Mrs. William Zenk, 55 years old, and a resident of this vicinity for the past thirty-three years, died in St." Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Wednesday night, Aug. 24, following a brief illness. She was born in Evansville, Ind., in April, 1878, later going to Terre Haute, Ind., where in 1900 she was married to William Zenk and has since' resided on a farm south <ff McHenry. f _ Her very kind disposition was maintained even unto the last when she so peacefully passed to the Great Beyond, her death coming as a great shock to her loved ones. Surviving her are "her husband, one daughter, Myrtle and four sons, William, Paul, Glen - of West McHenry end Raymond of Burlington, Wis. Funeral services were held at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, Aug. 26, from St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake withJHigh Mass by Rev. Kilderry and the eulogy by Rev. McC^rmick. Burial was in Crystal Lake cemetery. Pallbearers were Charles Conley^ John kroll, Elbert Zenk, Lewis Seyller, Fred Schutt and Ed Carrol. , REFRESHING NOTES One's instincts are.'dfteara|::p*r with his judgment. No man's life is "an open book." Some of the pages he has glued together himself. C ^ Wouldn't you like to come back in 19S0 and see how "the yoanger generation" made out? * DOINGS ABROAD Glasgow's death rate Is nearly doable that of a year ago. Germany has placed a hlghertaxoB Strong beer than on . light beter. The only street car line now operating Jn the. Philippines Is In Manila, Canada's Immigrant population, a<K cording to the last census, exceeds 2,000,000. . •' •„ 'mi*,:: , Nearly one thousand acres in Braxll have been planted to bananas by an American company. China will raise money to promote aviation and bullcl highways by means of four stale lotteries. Inaoct* Are Classified Practically all of the Insects known to man are classified by scientists either as injurious or beneficial to man. The numbers of those failing under classification are. about equal. Mounted on an automobile so that It can be run?up to many accessible BiDuntain tops and other areas of favorable atmospheric conditions for study of the heavens, this unusual portable telescope has been completed after two years' work by S. M. Stoody of Whittler, Calif. The deJ&ning, lens, grinding, cmistrucUon and assembly work: were done at a cost of approximately $7,000. Adda to Light Artillery Infantry arms may be classed In with light artillery by an explosive Invented by a German engineer which increases the speed and consequently the power of a rifle bullet- Mrs. Adolf Fischer Mrs. Adolf Fischer, of 403 Douglas avenue, Elgin, died at 3:40 o'clock on Saturday morning at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, following an illness of about eight weeks. She was born in Johnsburg on Sept. 4, 1886, and had been a resident of Elgin for the last thirty-four years. She was an active member of St- Josephine's court, No. 106, W. O. £• F., and at the time of'her death was president of the St- Anne's society of St. Joseph's Catholic church. , Surviving her are her husband and a son, Ben, and two daughters, Mrs. Josephine Gmur of Elgin and Mrs. Dorothy Giese of Ft. Thomas, Ky. Funeral services were held from the late home Monday morning at 9 o'clock and from St. Joseph's church I where she had been a member for , many years, at 9:30 o'clock. Burial I was in Mt. Hope cemetery, Elgin. Mrs- Fischer was a sister of Mrs. I Charles Pich of MjcHenry. Fiji's first air service, which was Inaugurated recently, receives a subsidy from the Fijian government. Trout caught at Loch Leven, Scot iifkjnd, this season number twlce'the av erage for the last 30 yeara^ *14 being hooked in one day. Nearly 500.000,000 pounds of cocoa were grown In the gold coa§t territory of Africa last year; in I8J*1 the total output was only 80 pounds. A sea-going motorcycle has been built by two sailors of Portugal. It consists of a motorcycle, around which they^bave built a water-tight vessel. Venezuela Is making a move to tame the arrow-shooting Motllone Indians, who are held responsible for the deaths of many prospectors and oil men near the Colombia border. The department of Industries ofKflo-' lombia states there are 900 flour mills, 30 cocoa mills and 16 textile mills in Colombia--the last named being situated chiefly in the citlM of Bogota and Medellln. ' ' Now 5c Stein Beer Buck and Chicken Sapper Saturday Night--50 cents . - Start Serving at 6 o'clock „ Fish Frjr Friday night, 10 cents per plate 5c BEER Free dancing every night. NELL'S WHITE HOUSE Route 20 1 Mile East of^McHenfy V A SERIOUS ACCIDENT-- »• May be avoided by. keeping your car. or truck in ^ood hinnifig condition, A little repair made now may save a big expensive job later on. Play safe by bringing yow <?ar in for inspection. : Full line of fan belts in stock - All Work Guaranteed SMITH'S GARAGE Phone 320 Joe Smith, Prop. Elm St. and Riverside Drive :3: '-"5T* The TALK of the TOWN AGAIN--IMPORTED SISSIGES As Served at the Hof Brau at Munich, Germany Now at LARRY HUCK'S HOUSE SATURDAY aid: SUNDAY -- GRATIS Don't Miss this World Famed Delicacy LARRY HUCK'S HOUSE Imported and Domestic BEER, ALE AND WINS West end of cement bridge. f Free---FISH FRY---Free FRIDAY NiGHT at THE PIT Free Dancinsr Saturday Nights Frankie Gans and his orchestra :0n Route 20 H mile cast of the bridge . at NATIONAL and Saturday YX J)^posrixicUU&> Moneu-Scunmq Housewives Praise Itl We're proud to offer to fine a flour at I a price thct means a reel saving for you. Take advantage of this special price-- and you'll know why the dependable, I uniform quality of Hate! Flour is GUARANTEED to give the best baking results. HAZEL All-Purpose FLOUR Milled and blended from the country'* finest wheat. Swans Down Karo Syrup Calumet 1%-* BAKING POWDI Do. bU Action Vcmlllo 9° ^ 25® Nat'l Extracts & .14® BUTTER 11 i i- ilTS in<i VEGF.. Special Sale of POTATOES Fancy While Cobblers or Fancy Red Taiimpivj - so . flavorful and del icioui when c'ooked, fiied or baked. PET, BORDEN'S OK CARNATION Milk 3^19c Tcenle Weenie Peas 2 7L.1 23< Elt'O Sllt.d Early Juo* t""' Toasted Cheese Thins Ec4 •- 'o-M- - Se:w •*.»* iOucH«M Sunshine Cookies 1 K C.!o.e Sondw.ct. KOStO f • ' quick dtHMl • 15-lb. Che- Rolled Oats . Ft, Dearborn --Owick Cootllog. • Make Your own Chop Suey with FUJI Bean Sprouts . . ^.t»» FUJI -- Rfodv IO »>• Chow Mein Noodles n*. ' ri'Jl -- Vmc onj c-u-ch* Chop Suey Sauce H< PUJl --Tiw* Or»*Atoi FUavof -HOUSEHOLD NEEDSpl. 9 13c new»kg 1 Ac 3 23c tmwl Mia Milk Bread 7e Nor -Nourishing White Bread6C Amencon Hom«---WKol« Ot Shc*d Rye Bread '"VJb 7e Not'I Ptatn, Otd-Styt* or Corowoy 5KS Bread 2,"o0 ,v« 15c Not Is Hon«y flovo'td -- WK_ o» Si Cinnamon Rolls pkg 10c NOI'OPO! SC---.V 3",J Ofl-f'O.-l '• •" 1 AMERICAN HOME " SNOW QUEEN LAYER CAKE WS- 21c P»G Soap 10 .28c Quick Arrow2-- 27c ; Tt* Wh.i. Nat ""a Swrf. * Co i Soap Flake. ~ >= Wonder bottf* 17c Hazel Bluing Ab lttniM CMh iK Jltr Keceipt with Ev»ry Purctuat AVI NG*F6 O D DISTRIBUTION N A T I O N A L • TEA OO. FOOD STORES